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On April, 26th 2009 after 25 years, a female melanistic springbok was born at Hanover Zoo. Melanism is seldom seen at the Bovidae, including springboks. A frequent occurrence was observed around Seekoei-River, Murraysburg, South Africa for this species.In the 70th of last century 10 black springboks had been raised at Hanover Zoo after an import of melanistic animals from Dvur Kralove, Czech Republik.In February 2011 a second melanistic female springbok was born. She is growing up at Hanover Zoo. Both animals have been integrated to the mixed group (springbok, giraffe, zebra and blesbok) without problems.  相似文献   

Since 1956 were Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) kept in Berlin Zoo, counted in the period after 1945. The first offspring was born in 1964. Up to now 9 Gorillas were born in Berlin Zoo, of which 8 were raised, some of them artificial. The oldest Gorilla is “Fatou”, she is now in an age of 53.  相似文献   

The first Black rhino was kept in Berlin Zoo in 1870. After second world war the keeping of Diceros bicornis started in 1954. Between 1981 and 2006 16 births occurred in Berlin Zoo, of which 14 calfs were raised.  相似文献   

Predators in nature include an array of prey types in their diet, and often select certain types over others. We examined (i) prey selection by sea stars (Asterias vulgaris) and rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) when offered two prey types, juvenile sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), and (ii) the effect of prey density on predation, prey selection, and component behaviours. We quantified predation rates, behavioural components (proportion of time spent searching for prey, encounter probabilities) and various prey characteristics (shell strength, energy content per prey, handling time per prey) to identify mechanisms underlying predation patterns and to assess the contribution of active and passive prey selection to observed selection of prey. Sea stars strongly selected mussels over scallops, resulting from both active and passive selection. Active selection was associated with the probability of attack upon encounter; it was higher on mussels than on scallops. The probability of capture upon attack, associated with passive selection, was higher for mussels than for scallops, since mussels can not swim to escape predators. Sea stars consumed few scallops when mussels were present, and so did not have a functional response on scallops (the target prey). Rock crabs exhibited prey switching: they selected mussels when scallop density was very low, did not select a certain prey type when scallop density was intermediate, and selected scallops when scallop density was high relative to mussel density. The interplay between encounter rate (associated with passive selection) and probability of consumption upon capture (associated with both active and passive selection) explained observed selection by crabs. Scallops were encountered by crabs relatively more often and/or mussels less often than expected from random movements of animals at all scallop densities. However, the probability of consumption varied with scallop density: it was lower for scallops than mussels at low and intermediate scallop densities, but tended to be higher for scallops than mussels at high scallop densities. When mussels were absent, crabs did not have a functional response on scallops, but rather were at the plateau of the response. When mussels were present with scallops at relatively low density, crabs exhibited a type II functional response on scallops. Our results have implications for the provision of protective refuges for species of interest (i.e., scallops) released onto the sea bed, such as in population enhancement operations and bottom aquaculture.  相似文献   

Coral throughout the world are under threat. To save coral via cryopreservation methods, the Symbiodinium algae that live within many coral cells must also be considered. Coral juvenile must often take up these important cells from their surrounding water and when adult coral bleach, they lose their endosymbiotic algae and will die if they are not regained. The focus of this paper was to understand some of the cryo-physiology of the endosymbiotic algae, Symbiodinium, living within three species of Hawaiian coral, Fungia scutaria, Porites compressa and Pocillopora damicornis in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Although cryopreservation of algae is common, the successful cryopreservation of these important coral endosymbionts is not common, and these species are often maintained in live serial cultures within stock centers worldwide. Freshly-extracted Symbiodinium were exposed to cryobiologically appropriate physiological stresses and their viability assessed with a Pulse Amplitude Fluorometer. Stresses included sensitivity to chilling temperatures, osmotic stress, and toxic effects of various concentrations and types of cryoprotectants (i.e., dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, glycerol and methanol). To determine the water and cryoprotectant permeabilities of Symbiodinium, uptake of radio-labeled glycerol and heavy water (D2O) were measured. The three different Symbiodinium subtypes studied demonstrated remarkable similarities in their morphology, sensitivity to cryoprotectants and permeability characteristics; however, they differed greatly in their sensitivity to hypo- and hyposmotic challenges and sensitivity to chilling, suggesting that standard slow freezing cryopreservation may not work well for all Symbiodinium. An appendix describes our H2O:D2O water exchange experiments and compares the diffusionally determined permeability with the two parameter model osmotic permeability.  相似文献   

‘Resilience’, the capacity of the coral symbiosis with dinoflagellate algal symbionts (‘zooxanthellae’) to recover after bleaching, is a little-studied but crucial aspect of coral responses to bleaching stressors. This study investigated the response of the zooxanthella population in the coral Porites cylindrica after bleaching either naturally on a shallow subtidal reef or experimentally in response to elevated temperature and darkness. Coral resilience was influenced by the nature and duration of the stressor. Corals strongly bleached by natural stressors were less resilient than those that had been partially bleached; and a similar recovery profile was obtained for corals experimentally bleached by exposure to elevated temperature, in which recovery was slower for corals thermally-stressed 96 h than for 72 h. The opposite trend was evident for corals exposed to darkness, indicating that the bleaching trigger had a strong impact on coral resilience. When P. cylindrica recently recovered from bleaching was subjected to a repetition of bleaching stressors, it did not display acclimation, i.e. experience-mediated acquisition of resistance to bleaching stressors. The zooxanthella populations in all corals tested throughout the experiments were typed by PCR-RFLP as clade C, indicating that coral responses were not accompanied by any substantial change in zooxanthella composition at the cladal level.  相似文献   

1986~2010年冬季采用路线调查方法,对吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区阔叶红松林和针叶林中的黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)及棕熊(U.arctos)的相对种群数量和幼年个体比例进行了长期调查。调查面积分别为4万和3万hm2。调查期间累计遇到黑熊65头次(2.6头/年)、棕熊46头次(1.8头/年)。各年度黑熊和棕熊的数量变动很大,总体呈下降趋势。黑熊的数量较20世纪80年代下降了93.4%,幼体所占比率从17.2%下降为0%;棕熊种群数量下降了38.8%,幼体所占比率仅为7.1%。黑熊和棕熊的种群幼体所占比例极低,说明长白山自然保护区黑熊和棕熊自然繁殖力很低,2种熊种群均处于极度濒危状态。栖息地减少和盗猎可能是导致熊类数量急剧下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

Mechanisms governing the behavior of coral planulae are not well understood, particularly those manifesting themselves between the time when the larvae are released and when they settle. Larvae from the hermatypic coral Porites astreoides Lamarck were exposed to different levels of hydrostatic pressure—103.4, 206.9, 310.3, 413.8, and 517.1 kPa (including ambient pressure). Data were collected at stops of the above pressures for 15 min each, respectively. This was done in both an increasing sequence and a decreasing one. When exposed to increases in pressure from 103.4 kPa, larvae swam upward (negative barotaxis) in a spiraling motion. Upon exposure to decreasing pressure from 517.1 kPa, larvae moved downward (positive barotaxis), but the magnitude of the vertical movement was much less than in the case of increasing pressure. This suggests that these larvae are more sensitive to increased pressure than decreasing pressure. High variance was also observed in the responses of these larvae at both the intra- and inter-colony levels. Thus, this behavioral trait is variable within the population. The trait may be genetically based, and thus may be susceptible to alteration by natural selection, although this remains to be demonstrated. This study is the first to document these behavioral mechanisms in coral larvae.  相似文献   

The effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation (280-400 nm: UVR) on the fecundity of Acropora cervicornis were measured in field-transplanted colonies from 20 m to 1 m depth and vice versa at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Fecundity was estimated from histological sections made from tissue samples obtained at different time intervals during the experimental period (March - August 2003). All colonies transplanted from 20 m to 1 m showed a 100% reduction in gonads per mesentery per polyp one month after transplantation, while those transplanted from 1 m to 20 m did not show any significant reduction in fecundity throughout the experimental period. The latter colonies did show however, a delay in the spawning times by releasing their gamete bundles approximately two-three weeks after the controls at 1 m and two months after the controls at 20 m suggesting an induced response as a consequence of changes in their daily light cycle due to less radiation (PAR and UVR) available at 20 m compared to 1 m. Control colonies at 20 m spawned after the full moon of June 2003, while the controls at 1 m spawned 5-6 days after the full moon of July 2003. While a possible reabsorption of the gametes occurred in A. cervicornis colonies transplanted from 20 m to 1 m, the expulsion of these gametes due to the sudden stress caused by the transplantation is not discarded. The results suggest that sudden increases in UVR can completely stop sexual reproduction in ramose broadcasting coral species, which in turn can affect the dominance of the species and the composition and structure of shallow reef environments.  相似文献   

褐菖鲉肝CYP 1A作为生物标志物监测厦门海域石油污染状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玉生  郑榕辉  陈清福 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5851-5859
以褐菖鲉为实验鱼类,以鱼肝微粒体CYP1A 生物标志物(EROD活性和CYP1A蛋白表达量)为指标,在厦门海域开展了两次野外监测实验,研究EROD活性和CYP1A蛋白表达量的变化,以及它们与海水和沉积物中石油类和重金属含量之间的相关性。结果表明,在现场属于一类海水的石油类浓度(0.0121-0.0242 mg/L)条件下,石油类就能够显著诱导褐菖鲉肝EROD活性和CYP1A蛋白表达量,鱼肝EROD活性和CYP1A蛋白表达量与海水中石油类含量均呈现极显著正相关,CYP1A蛋白表达量比EROD活性较为敏感和稳定。此外,在监测实验中,尚未发现这两种生物标志物受所监测海区的海水和沉积物重金属含量的影响。因此,利用褐菖鲉肝微粒体EROD活性和CYP1A蛋白表达量作为生物标志物监测海洋石油类及其PAHs污染是可行的,在海洋环境石油类污染监测及其生化效应评价中具有重要的应用价值。而且,把这两种生物标志物结合起来加以研究并推广应用将更有意义。  相似文献   

斑尾榛鸡(Tetrastes sewerzowi)为我国特有松鸡科鸟类,仅分布于我国中西部地区的高山针叶林中,为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物。斑尾榛鸡雄鸟在春季繁殖季节占据并保卫领域。2012年4~5月,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区,利用录音回放和放置标本模型模仿入侵者的方法,研究斑尾榛鸡的领域行为,重点关注斑尾榛鸡雄鸟领域行为的个体差异,以及与配对时间和领域质量的关系。研究发现,斑尾榛鸡的领域行为依据对入侵者驱赶程度不同分为观察确认、警告、追逐、对峙、跳起打斗5个阶段。斑尾榛鸡领域行为中会发出警告鸣叫,分析表明可分为4种类型。通过对6只无线电遥测斑尾榛鸡个体的实验研究,发现其个体间领域行为的强弱存在显著差异;配对前后领域行为的强弱也存在显著差异;而这种竞争力与雄鸟领域内柳树盖度显著相关。  相似文献   

Lavandula angustifolia is a well known herbal medicine with a variety of useful properties, including its acaricidal effect. This experiment was carried out to study the bioacaricidal activity of L. angustifolia essential oil (EO) against engorged Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (Acari; Ixodidae) females. For this purpose six serial concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0% w/v) of L. angustifolia EO were used. There was considerable mortality in concentrations more than 4.0% although there were no differences between 6.0 and 8.0% in all measured criteria. The mortality rate 24 h after inoculation was 73.26 and 100% in groups treated with 4.0 and 8.0% EO, respectively. Lavender EO also reduced tick egg weight in a concentration-dependent manner. The amount of eggs produced varied from 0.12 g (at 0.5% EO) to 0.00 g (at 8.0% EO) but did not differ statistically from the control. L. angustifolia EO caused 100% failure in egg laying at 6.0 and 8.0% whereas this value in the control group was zero. A positive correlation between L. angustifolia EO concentration and tick control, assessed by relative mortality rate and egg-laying weight, was observed by the EO LC/EC50, which, when calculated using the Probit test, was 2.76-fold higher than the control. Lavender is a promising acaricidal against R. (B.) annulatusin vitro.  相似文献   

以麻疯树(Jatropha curcas L.)总RNA为模板,根据已报道的鲨烯合酶基因序列设计简并引物,用RACE方法克隆得到麻疯树鲨烯合酶基因全长cDNA,命名为JcSQSJcSQS全长1609 bp,包含1个1242 bp的开放阅读框,预测麻疯树鲨烯合酶基因编码的蛋白含有413个氨基酸。JcSQS具有鲨烯合酶类的保守结构域,JcSQS 蛋白与蓖麻、柿、木榄等植物中SQS基因编码的氨基酸序列具有高度同源性。这为研究麻疯树萜烯类物质的生物合成和调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the tolerance of Pocillopora damicornis apexes to treatments with solutions containing penetrating and non-penetrating cryoprotective agents (CPAs). CPAs were employed individually or in binary, tertiary or quaternary solutions. In some experiments apexes were treated successively with two CPA solutions with increasing total concentration. P. damicornis apexes withstood exposure for up to 30 min to solutions containing 0.6–0.8 M sucrose (Suc) or trehalose (Tre). When apexes were treated with binary cryoprotectant solutions containing Suc and ethylene glycol (EG), methanol (Meth), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or glycerol (Gly), the CPAs employed in combination with Suc could be ranked in the following order of decreasing tolerance: EG > Meth > Me2SO > Gly. P. damicornis apexes tolerated exposure to complex CPA solutions containing Suc, Me2SO, EG and/or Meth with a total molarity of 2.45 M. In experiments where two successive CPA solutions were employed, apexes withstood treatment with the second, more concentrated solution at 0 °C for up to 10 min. These preliminary results pave the way to the development of a cryopreservation protocol for P. damicornis apexes.  相似文献   

Clove oil solution (10% clove oil, 90% ethanol) is an anaesthetic that is widely used to catch demersal fish on coral reefs. This study assessed the effects of clove oil solution on colonies of Pocillopora damicornis, a cosmopolitan reef coral. In the laboratory, low concentrations (0.5 ppt) of clove oil solution had no effect on coral colour or photosynthetic efficiency, irrespective of exposure time (1-60 min). Corals treated with high concentrations (50 ppt) of clove oil solution died immediately, including those that were exposed briefly (1 min). Intermediate concentrations (5 ppt) of clove oil solution produced variable results: a 1 min exposure had no effect, a 10 min exposure caused bleaching and reduced photosynthetic efficiency, and a 60 min exposure caused total mortality. To validate these observations, clove oil solution was applied to corals in situ. Sixty-three days after application, corals treated with 10 ml of clove oil solution appeared to be unaffected. It was concluded that (1) limited amounts of clove oil solution are unlikely to harm this coral, and (2) clove oil solution may represent an ‘eco-friendly’ alternative to cyanide for use in the live reef-fish trade.  相似文献   

甘肃鼢鼠与SD大鼠骨骼肌低氧适应的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用组织学和紫外分光光度法,对常氧、低氧2周和4周的甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalax cansus)及SD大鼠(Rattus norvegicus)骨骼肌形态结构、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活力及肌红蛋白(Mb)浓度进行测定。结果显示,甘肃鼢鼠骨骼肌形态结构在常氧、低氧2周及4周后变化不明显;SD大鼠随低氧时间延长发生显著变化,低氧2周后,肌纤维明显萎缩,间隙增大,结构较紊乱;低氧4周后,肌纤维破裂,呈细丝状,不规则,大小不一致,肌节紊乱。甘肃鼢鼠LDH活性随低氧时间增长逐渐降低,但无显著性差异(P0.05);在不同时间低氧处理后,甘肃鼢鼠前后肢的LDH活性均极显著低于SD大鼠(P0.01);常氧条件下,甘肃鼢鼠前后肢SDH活性低于SD大鼠,但无显著差异(P0.05),低氧2周及4周后,与SD大鼠呈极显著差异(P0.01);常氧条件下,甘肃鼢鼠前后肢Mb浓度均显著高于SD大鼠(P0.05),低氧2周及4周后,极显著高于SD大鼠(P0.01)。结果表明,甘肃鼢鼠骨骼肌较SD大鼠有着更强的低氧耐受力。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区越冬期长耳鸮的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2011年间,利用食团分析法对乌鲁木齐市越冬长耳鸮(Asio otus)的食性进行分析。3年累计收集长耳鸮食团683份,辨认出1 132只猎物。分析结果表明,长耳鸮在冬季共捕食小型哺乳类6种,鸟类2种。小家鼠(Mus musculus)是最常见的食物,占总捕食量的53.45%。小型哺乳类是长耳鸮的主要食物,它在食物组成中出现的总频率为88.16%,以生物量计,小型哺乳类占食物构成的95.13%。长耳鸮的食物组成年度间差异显著,与当地猎物资源多样性和可获得性密切相关,表明长耳鸮可能采用机会主义者的捕食策略。  相似文献   

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