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Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a hydrolase that releases phosphate, a crucial nutrient supporting formation of many macromolecules. The oligotrophic sediments of Central Indian Basin (CIB) were examined for the extent of ALP activity in 20 cores up to 20 cm depth along with other biogeochemical parameters. Northern and southern stations distinctly clustered based on pore water phosphorus (P) concentrations. ALP appeared more active in south due to more P and organic carbon (C) limitation. Central transition profiles revealed interesting mixed diagenetic and geothermal influence. Inter- and intrazonal differences suggest that broadly established paradigms applicable to water columns may deviate in space and time in sedimentary systems. Gross differences in redox status could govern differential response in ALP activity under similar hydrostatic pressure. Hydrothermal scavenging reactions striping soluble P from pore water might be widespread in CIB albeit at extreme low intensities. ALP might redissolve the precipitated P and make it reavailable to microbes.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the presence and ecological significance of bacteria and archaea in the deep-sea environments has been well recognized, but the eukaryotic microorganisms, such as fungi, have rarely been reported. The present study investigated the composition and abundance of fungal community in the deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean. In this study, a total of 1,947 internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of fungal rRNA gene clones were recovered from five sediment samples at the Pacific Ocean (water depths ranging from 5,017 to 6,986 m) using three different PCR primer sets. There were 16, 17, and 15 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs) identified from fungal-universal, Ascomycota-, and Basidiomycota-specific clone libraries, respectively. Majority of the recovered sequences belonged to diverse phylotypes of Ascomycota (25 phylotypes) and Basidiomycota (18 phylotypes). The multiple primer approach totally recovered 27 phylotypes which showed low similarities (≤97 %) with available fungal sequences in the GenBank, suggesting possible new fungal taxa occurring in the deep-sea environments or belonging to taxa not represented in the GenBank. Our results also recovered high fungal LSU rRNA gene copy numbers (3.52?×?106 to 5.23?×?107copies/g wet sediment) from the Pacific Ocean sediment samples, suggesting that the fungi might be involved in important ecological functions in the deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

Wang P  Li T  Hu A  Wei Y  Guo W  Jiao N  Zhang C 《Microbial ecology》2010,60(4):796-806
Using the archaeal 16S rRNA gene, we determined the community structures of archaea of subseafloor sediments (~9-11 m below seafloor) from two geographically distant cores (MD05-2896, south, water depth 1,657 m; MD05-2902, north, water depth 3,697 m) in the South China Sea. Euryarchaeota accounted for 61.4% of total archaeal clone libraries at MD05-2896 and 56.2% at MD05-2902. At both locations, the Euryarchaeota-related sequences were dominated by Marine Benthic Group D, Terrestrial Miscellaneous Eryarchaeotal Group, and South African GoldMine Euryarchaeotal Group; the Crenarchaeota-related sequences were dominated by Marine Benthic Group B, Marine Group I, pSL12, and C3. The community structure showed no significant difference with depth at each location, suggesting the lack of stratification of archaeal populations in the deep-sea marine sediments in the South China Sea. On the other hand, the community structure is significantly different between the two sites, which may be related to geographical difference in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments can reveal much about the last 200 million years of Earth history, including the history of ocean life and climate. Microbial diversity in Afanasy Nikitin seamount located at Equatorial East Indian Ocean (EEIO) was investigated. Deep sea sediment collected at 150 cm depth (~67 ky BP) exhibited a dominance of clones clustering in the phylum Firmicutes (63%), followed by γ-Proteobacteria (37%). The bacterial diversity within sediment at 200 cm depth (~84 ky BP) was dominated by γ-Proteobacteria (66%) followed by β- Proteobacteria (34%), whereas no Firmicutes clones were retrieved. Notably, 29% clones from 150 cm and 18% of clones from 200 cm sediment showed high identity to sequences previously reported from mining sites, while 21% of clones from 150 cm depth and 10% from 200 cm sediments showed identity to sequences previously reported from volcanic areas. Further, many of the sequences were from uncultured clones. Overall, these data may help elucidate the nature of microorganisms inhabiting these sites and unravel the molecular diversity of the deep sea from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Sugarcane bagasse is an important lignocellulosic by-product with potential for conversion to biofuels and chemicals in biorefinery. As a step towards an understanding of microbial diversity and the processes existing in bagasse collection sites, the microbial community in industrial bagasse feedstock piles was investigated. Molecular biodiversity analysis of 16S rDNA sequences revealed the presence of a complex bacterial community. A diverse group of mainly aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria was identified reflecting the aerobic and high temperature microenvironmental conditions under the pile surface. The major bacterial taxa present were identified as Firmicutes, Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria. Analysis of the eukaryotic microbial assemblage based on an internal transcribed spacer revealed the predominance of diverse cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic ascomycota. A microbial interaction model is proposed, focusing on lignocellulose degradation and methane metabolism. The insights into the microbial community in this study provide a basis for efficient utilization of bagasse in lignocellulosic biomass-based industries.  相似文献   

Most microorganisms in nature are uncultured with unknown functionality. Sequence-based metagenomics alone answers ‘who/what are there?’ but not ‘what are they doing and who is doing it and how?’. Function-based metagenomics reveals gene function but is usually limited by the specificity and sensitivity of screening strategies, especially the identification of clones whose functional gene expression has no distinguishable activity or phenotypes. A ‘biosensor-based genetic transducer’ (BGT) technique, which employs a whole-cell biosensor to quantitatively detect expression of inserted genes encoding designated functions, is able to screen for functionality of unknown genes from uncultured microorganisms. In this study, BGT was integrated with Stable isotope probing (SIP)-enabled Metagenomics to form a culture-independent SMB toolbox. The utility of this approach was demonstrated in the discovery of a novel functional gene cluster in naphthalene contaminated groundwater. Specifically, metagenomic sequencing of the 13C-DNA fraction obtained by SIP indicated that an uncultured Acidovorax sp. was the dominant key naphthalene degrader in-situ, although three culturable Pseudomonas sp. degraders were also present in the same groundwater. BGT verified the functionality of a new nag2 operon which co-existed with two other nag and two nah operons for naphthalene biodegradation in the same microbial community. Pyrosequencing analysis showed that the nag2 operon was the key functional operon in naphthalene degradation in-situ, and shared homology with both nag operons in Ralstonia sp. U2 and Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2. The SMB toolbox will be useful in providing deep insights into uncultured microorganisms and unravelling their ecological roles in natural environments.  相似文献   

Fungi are an important and diverse component of soil communities, but these communities have proven difficult to study in conventional biotic surveys. We evaluated soil fungal diversity at two sites in a temperate forest using direct isolation of small-subunit and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA genes by PCR and high-throughput sequencing of cloned fragments. We identified 412 sequence types from 863 fungal ITS sequences, as well as 112 ITS sequences from other eukaryotic microorganisms. Equal proportions of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota sequences were present in both the ITS and small-subunit libraries, while members of other fungal phyla were recovered at much lower frequencies. Many sequences closely matched sequences from mycorrhizal, plant-pathogenic, and saprophytic fungi. Compositional differences were observed among samples from different soil depths, with mycorrhizal species predominating deeper in the soil profile and saprophytic species predominating in the litter layer. Richness was consistently lowest in the deepest soil horizon samples. Comparable levels of fungal richness have been observed following traditional specimen-based collecting and culturing surveys, but only after much more extensive sampling. The high rate at which new sequence types were recovered even after sampling 863 fungal ITS sequences and the dominance of fungi in our libraries relative to other eukaryotes suggest that the abundance and diversity of fungi in forest soils may be much higher than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that in the deep-sea, under psychrophilic, barophilic and oligotrophic conditions, microbial community of Central Indian Basin (CIB) sediments could be chemosynthetic. In the dark, at near ambient temperature, 4 ± 2°C, 500 atm pressure, pelagic red clay could fix carbon at rates ranging from 100 to 500 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These clays accumulate in the deepest and the most remote areas of the ocean and contain <30% biogenic material. These clays with volcanic signatures fixed 230–9,401 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1 while siliceous radiolarian oozes of the basin fixed only 5–45 nmol C g−1 dry wt day−1. These rates are comparable to those of white smoker waters and are 1–4 orders of magnitude less than those of bacterial mats and active vents recorded at other localities worldwide. The experimental ratios of carbon fixation to metal oxidation in the sediments were 0–1 order of magnitude higher than the corresponding average theoretical ratio of 0.0215 (0.0218, 0.0222, 0.0207 and 0.0211 for Fe, Mn, Co and Ni, respectively) in the siliceous ooze. In case of pelagic red clay it was 0–2 orders higher than theoretical ratio. Thus, chemosynthetic activity could be more widespread, albeit at low rates, than previously considered for abyssal basins. These environments may be dependent partially or even wholly on in situ microbial primary production for their carbon requirements rather than on photosynthetically derived detritus from surface waters.  相似文献   

The fungal diversity in deep-sea environments has recently gained an increasing amount attention. Our knowledge and understanding of the true fungal diversity and the role it plays in deep-sea environments, however, is still limited. We investigated the fungal community structure in five sediments from a depth of ∼4000 m in the East India Ocean using a combination of targeted environmental sequencing and traditional cultivation. This approach resulted in the recovery of a total of 45 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 20 culturable fungal phylotypes. This finding indicates that there is a great amount of fungal diversity in the deep-sea sediments collected in the East Indian Ocean. Three fungal OTUs and one culturable phylotype demonstrated high divergence (89%–97%) from the existing sequences in the GenBank. Moreover, 44.4% fungal OTUs and 30% culturable fungal phylotypes are new reports for deep-sea sediments. These results suggest that the deep-sea sediments from the East India Ocean can serve as habitats for new fungal communities compared with other deep-sea environments. In addition, different fungal community could be detected when using targeted environmental sequencing compared with traditional cultivation in this study, which suggests that a combination of targeted environmental sequencing and traditional cultivation will generate a more diverse fungal community in deep-sea environments than using either targeted environmental sequencing or traditional cultivation alone. This study is the first to report new insights into the fungal communities in deep-sea sediments from the East Indian Ocean, which increases our knowledge and understanding of the fungal diversity in deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

The diversity of fungi in the marine environment has been extensively studied, but their denitrification activity has rarely been reported to date. In the present study, we used six different media to isolate fungi from 10 sediment samples collected at five different locations of the East Pacific Ocean with water depths ranging from 4545 to 7068?m. Fungal identification and phylogenetic diversity analysis were conducted based on morphological characteristics and internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA (ITS-rRNA) sequencing. A total of 106 fungal isolates, belonging to 12 genera, including Aspergillus (five strains), Aureobasidium (three strains), Candida (two strains), Cladosporium (56 strains), Cystobasidium (one strain), Devriesia (nine strains), Knufia (one strain), Nigrospora (three strains), Penicillium (18 strains), Rhodotorula (four strains), Sarocladium (three strains), and unclassified Xylariales (one strain) were obtained. The most dominant culturable genus was Cladosporium. One possible novel fungal strains showed less than 97% similarity to their closest matches of unclassified Xylariales in the Genbank. In addition, we used nirK gene as the molecular marker to detect denitrifying fungi among the cultivable fungal isolates. The nirK gene was detected in Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum. Our research indicated that diverse fungi from the deep sea sediments of the East Pacific Ocean and highlighted the involvement of these fungi in denitrification process.  相似文献   

Dispersal ability plays a key role in the maintenance of species in spatially and temporally discrete niches of deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments. On the basis of population genetic analyses in the eastern Pacific vent fields, dispersal of animals in the mid-oceanic ridge systems generally appears to be constrained by geographical barriers such as trenches, transform faults, and microplates. Four hydrothermal vent fields (the Kairei and Edmond fields near the Rodriguez Triple Junction, and the Dodo and Solitaire fields in the Central Indian Ridge) have been discovered in the mid-oceanic ridge system of the Indian Ocean. In the present study, we monitored the dispersal of four representative animals, Austinograea rodriguezensis, Rimicaris kairei, Alviniconcha and the scaly-foot gastropods, among these vent fields by using indirect methods, i.e., phylogenetic and population genetic analyses. For all four investigated species, we estimated potentially high connectivity, i.e., no genetic difference among the populations present in vent fields located several thousands of kilometers apart; however, the direction of migration appeared to differ among the species, probably because of different dispersal strategies. Comparison of the intermediate-spreading Central Indian Ridge with the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise and slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge revealed the presence of relatively high connectivity in the intermediate- and slow-spreading ridge systems. We propose that geological background, such as spreading rate which determines distance among vent fields, is related to the larval dispersal and population establishment of vent-endemic animal species, and may play an important role in controlling connectivity among populations within a biogeographical province.  相似文献   

Viruses are now recognized as a key component in pelagic systems, but their role in marine sediment has yet to be assessed. In this study bacterial and viral densities were determined at nine deep-sea stations selected from three main sites (i.e., the Sporades Basin, the Cretan Sea, and the Ierapetra Trench at depths of 1,232, 1,840, and 4,235 m, respectively) of the Eastern Mediterranean. The three areas were characterized by different phytopigment and biopolymeric carbon concentrations and by changes in the protein and carbohydrate pools. A gradient of increasing trophic conditions was observed from the Sporades Basin (North Aegean) to the Ierapetra Trench (South Aegean). Viral densities (ranging from 1 × 109 to 2 × 109 viruses ml of sediment−1) were significantly correlated to bacterial densities (n = 9, r2 = 0.647) and reached values up to 3 orders of magnitude higher than those generally reported for the water column. However, the virus-to-bacterium density ratio in deep-sea sediments was about 1 order of magnitude lower (range of 2 to 5, with a modal value of 2.6) than in pelagic environments. Virus density decreased vertically with depth in sediment cores at all stations and was below detection limits at the 10-cm depth of the abyssal sediments of the Ierapetra Trench. Virus density in the sediment apparently reflected a gradient of particle fluxes and trophic conditions, displaying the highest values in the Sporades Basin. The low virus-to-bacterium ratios and their inverse relationship with station depth suggest that the role played by viruses in controlling deep-sea benthic bacterial assemblages and biogeochemical cycles is less relevant than in pelagic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogenetic diversity of the bacterial community associated with leaves of the marine plant Halophila stipulacea in the northern Gulf of Elat was examined by 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequence analyses of a clone library. For 59 clones corresponding to 51 ARDRA (amplified rDNA restriction analysis) groups, the sequence of ∼1 kb was determined, and the fraction of the corresponding ARDRA groups of the leaf library was calculated. The class Proteobacteria was represented by 62.6% of the clone sequences. Most sequences originated from members of the γ-subclass (27.3%), affiliated with members of the genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Marinomonas, Oceanospirillum, and other marine groups. Affiliation to the α-subclass was determined for 24.2% of the sequences. They were related to the genera Hyphomonas, Roseobacter, Ruegeria, and Rhizobiaceae. Several α-proteobacterial sequences were distantly related to known sequences. Only 4% of the clone sequences were related to β-Proteobacteria. Additionally, 7.1% of the sequences possibly belonged to the class Proteobacteria, but branched deeply from known subclasses. Several sequences were affiliated to members of the orders Verrucomicrobiales and Planctomycetales, the Holophaga/Acidobacterium phylum, and chloroplasts of marine diatoms. Received: 20 March 1999; Accepted: 13 August 1999; Online Publication: 2 March 2000  相似文献   

Inulin is a well-known fructose-based prebiotic which has been shown to stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria, a bacterial group generally considered beneficial for intestinal health. In the present study, we analyzed inulin-associated shifts in the total bacterial community of wild-type mice and mice carrying a genetically inactivated adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor gene by using DNA-based approaches independent of bacterial culturability. Mice were fed a high-fat, nonfiber diet with or without inulin inclusion at a 10% (wt/wt) concentration. Cecal contents were analyzed after 0, 3, and 9 weeks on the experimental diets. Inulin inclusion significantly affected the total bacterial community structure of the cecum as determined by both a nonselective percent-guanine-plus-cytosine-based profiling analysis and a more specific 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. The shifts included stimulation of bifidobacteria and suppression of clostridia, but sequence comparison revealed that the major shifts were within previously unknown bacterial taxa. Concomitantly, significantly higher bacterial densities, determined by flow cytometry, were observed with the inulin-amended diet, and the metabolism of the cecal bacterial community was altered, as indicated by higher levels of residual short-chain fatty acids, particularly lactic acid. With regard to all of the microbiological parameters measured, the wild-type mice and mice carrying a genetically inactivated adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor gene were essentially identical. Studies of the implications of pre- and probiotics may need to be expanded to include careful analysis of their effects on the entire microbial community, rather than just a few well-known species. Further studies are needed to increase our understanding of the possible roles of currently unknown gastrointestinal bacteria in health and disease.  相似文献   

海水养殖场沉积物中硝酸盐还原菌种群分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对福建省沿海海水养殖场沉积物中参与氮循环的各生理群细菌数量分析 ,发现氨化和硝酸盐还原细菌是优势生理菌群 ,同时 ,表层泥样中的硝酸盐还原菌数量明显高于深层泥样。从该环境中分离获得 106株细菌 ,其中 58株具有硝酸盐还原能力 ,初步鉴定表明它们主要为芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus)、盐芽孢杆菌属 (Halobacillus)、短芽孢杆菌属 (Brevibacil lus)、动性球菌属 (Planococcus)和动性杆菌属 (Plano  相似文献   

In order to obtain functional and safe probiotic products for human consumption, fast and reliable quality control of these products is crucial. Currently, analysis of most probiotics is still based on culture-dependent methods involving the use of specific isolation media and identification of a limited number of isolates, which makes this approach relatively insensitive, laborious, and time-consuming. In this study, a collection of 10 probiotic products, including four dairy products, one fruit drink, and five freeze-dried products, were subjected to microbial analysis by using a culture-independent approach, and the results were compared with the results of a conventional culture-dependent analysis. The culture-independent approach involved extraction of total bacterial DNA directly from the product, PCR amplification of the V3 region of the 16S ribosomal DNA, and separation of the amplicons on a denaturing gradient gel. Digital capturing and processing of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) band patterns allowed direct identification of the amplicons at the species level. This whole culture-independent approach can be performed in less than 30 h. Compared with culture-dependent analysis, the DGGE approach was found to have a much higher sensitivity for detection of microbial strains in probiotic products in a fast, reliable, and reproducible manner. Unfortunately, as reported in previous studies in which the culture-dependent approach was used, a rather high percentage of probiotic products suffered from incorrect labeling and yielded low bacterial counts, which may decrease their probiotic potential.  相似文献   

The enumeration of Archaea in deep-sea sediment samples is still limited, although different methodological procedures have been applied. Among these, catalysed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridisation (CARD-FISH) technique is a promising tool for estimation of archaeal abundance in deep-sea sediment samples. Comparing different permeabilisation treatments, the best results obtained both on archaeal pure cultures and on natural assemblages were with hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) and proteinase K (0.004 U/ml) treatments. The application of CARD-FISH on deep-sea sediments revealed that Archaea reach up to 41% of total prokaryotic cells. Specific probes for planktonic Archaea showed that marine Crenarchaea dominated archaeal seafloor communities. No clear bathymetric trends were observed for archaeal abundances and the morphology of continental margin (slope vs. canyon) seems not to have a direct influence on archaeal relative abundances. The site-specific sediment habitat—both abiotic environmental setting and sedimentary organic matter quality—explain up to 65% of variance of archaeal, crenarchaeal and euryarchaeal relative abundance, suggesting a wide ecophysiological adaptation to deep-sea benthic ecosystems. The findings demonstrate that Archaea are an important component of benthic microbial assemblages so far neglected, and hence they lay the groundwork for more focused research on their ecological importance in the functioning of deep-sea benthic ecosystems.  相似文献   

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