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介绍了高等植物体脱落酸生物合成缺陷型突变体,生物合成途径,以及对脱落酸反应超敏感和不敏感的反应型突变体的研究进展。  相似文献   

Arabidopsis mutants with increased sensitivity to aluminum.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Al-sensitive (als) mutants of Arabidopsis were isolated and characterized with the aim of defining mechanisms of Al toxicity and resistance. Most als mutants selected on the basis of root growth sensitivity to Al were recessive, and together the mutants constituted eight complementation groups. Also, in most als mutants, Al sensitivity appeared to be specific for Al relative to La (another trivalent cation), except als2, which was more sensitive to La than wild type. The tendency of roots on mutant seedlings to accumulate Al was examined by staining with morin and hematoxylin, dyes used to indicate the presence of Al. A significant increase in morin staining was observed in als5, consistent with its increased sensitivity to Al. Unexpectedly, als7 and als4 showed less morin staining, suggesting that the roots on these mutants accumulate less Al than wild type seedlings after exposure to Al-containing solutions. Roots of wild-type seedlings produce callose in response to AlCl3 concentrations that inhibit root growth. Only als5 accumulated more callose than wild type in response to low levels (25 mu M) of AICI3 However, als4 and als7 did not accumulate callose at this AlCl3 concentration even though root growth was significantly inhibited. The lack of callose accumulation in als4 and als7 suggests that there is not an obligatory relationship between callose deposition and Al-induced inhibition of root growth.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants defective in the chloroplast ATP synthase are highly sensitive to light. The ac46 mutant is affected in the MDH1 gene, required for production or stability of the monocistronic atpH mRNA encoding CF(O)-III. In this and other ATP synthase mutants, we show that short-term exposure to moderate light intensities-a few minutes-induces an inhibition of electron transfer after the primary quinone acceptor of photosystem II (PSII), whereas longer exposure-several hours-leads to a progressive loss of PSII cores. An extensive swelling of thylakoids accompanies the initial inhibition of electron flow. Thylakoids deflate as PSII cores are lost. The slow process of PSII degradation involves the participation of ClpP, a chloroplast-encoded peptidase that is part of a major stromal protease Clp. In the light of the above findings, we discuss the photosensitivity of ATP synthase mutants with respect to the regular photoinhibition process that affects photosynthetic competent strains at much higher light intensities.  相似文献   

Spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus thuringiensis were more sensitive to UV light than were spores or cells of plasmid-cured B. thuringiensis strains or of the closely related Bacillus cereus. Introduction of B. thuringiensis plasmids into B. cereus by cell mating increased the UV sensitivity of the cells and spores. Protoxins encoded by one or more B. thuringiensis plasmids were not involved in spore sensitivity, since a B. thuringiensis strain conditional for protoxin accumulation was equally sensitive at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. In addition, introduction of either a cloned protoxin gene, the cloning vector, or another plasmid not containing a protoxin gene into a plasmid-cured strain of B. thuringiensis all increased the UV sensitivity of the spores. Although the variety of small, acid-soluble proteins was the same in the spores of all strains examined, the quantity of dipicolinic acid was about twice as high in the plasmid-containing strains, and this may account for the differences in UV sensitivity of the spores. The cells of some strains harboring only B. thuringiensis plasmids were much more sensitive than cells of any of the other strains, and the differences were much greater than observed with spores.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants with an altered sensitivity to cecropin D.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cecropins are a family of small, basic antibacterial polypeptides which can be isolated from pupae of immunized Lepidoptera. They are active against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. We studied a mutant of Escherichia coli, strain SB1004, which is more sensitive to cecropin D than is the parental strain. The mutant was selected as resistant to a host range mutant of a Serratia marcescens phage. When the protein composition of the outer membrane was examined, strain SB1004 and some other phage-resistant mutants were found to be deficient in the OmpC protein. It was concluded that the OmpC protein is the receptor of the phage. Strain SB1004 was found to differ from other ompC mutants in being especially sensitive to hydrophobic antibiotics and to cecropin D. Furthermore, strain SB1004 has a tendency for spontaneous autolysis. A genetic analysis showed the mutations in strain SB1004 and a suppressor mutant to map in the ompC region. The activity of cecropin D against different strains of E. coli was specifically enhanced when divalent cations were absent. No such effect was found with cecropins A and B, which are less hydrophobic than the D form.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin (Ub) system of intracellular protein degradation regulates the abundance of numerous proteins that control plant growth and development. Recent advances have begun to illustrate how environmental and endogenous signals affect plant responses through Ub-related proteolysis, the importance of combinatorial control in regulated protein destruction and how multiprotein complexes confer sensitivity and selectivity to ubiquitination. Further insight into the cell biology of Ub-chain assembly and proteasomal degradation, as well as into the relationship between proteolysis and other regulatory modifications, will be essential for understanding the mechanistic basis of the integration of diverse plant signals.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli lon mutants are sensitive to UV light and other DNA-damaging agents. This sensitivity is due to the loss of the lon-encoded ATP-dependent proteolytic activity which results in increased stability of the cell division inhibitor SulA. Introduction of the multicopy plasmid pZAQ containing the ftsZ gene, which is known to increase the level of FtsZ, suppressed the sensitivity of lon mutants to the DNA-damaging agents UV and nitrofurantoin. Alterations of pZAQ which reduced the expression of ftsZ reduced the ability of this plasmid to suppress the UV sensitivity. Examination of the kinetics of cell division revealed that pZAQ did not suppress the transient filamentation seen after exposure to UV, but did suppress the long-term inhibition that is normally observed. lon strains carrying pZAQ could stably maintain a multicopy plasmid carrying sulA (pBS2), which cannot otherwise be introduced into lon mutants. In addition, the increased temperature sensitivity of lexA(Ts) strains containing pBS2 was suppressed by pZAQ. These results suggest that SulA inhibits cell division by inhibiting FtsZ and that this interaction is stoichiometric.  相似文献   

Latin America has been registering a fast decrease in fertility rates since the mid-twentieth century. This change can be linked to the modernization process these populations have been undergoing. However, research with Latin American indigenous populations, which are undergoing relatively similar lifestyle changes, shows very different trends in fertility. The aim of this study was to analyze fertility patterns in the indigenous Toba community of Cacique Sombrero Negro, which is experiencing a rapid process of economic and social Westernization. Fertility patterns were analyzed between 1981 and 1999, the period for which the most accurate records were found. Results showed an overall increase in fertility rates and changes in the age of peak fertility across time periods. It is hypothesized that the lifestyle transition this population is experiencing leads to better access to resources that, in the absence of contraception, allow for a higher number of offspring. Nevertheless, this higher resource availability would be differential, affecting mostly the fertility of younger mothers.  相似文献   

In addition to the four chlorophylls (Chls) involved in primary charge separation, the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center polypeptides, D1 and D2, coordinate a pair of symmetry-related, peripheral accessory Chls. These Chls are axially coordinated by the D1-H118 and D2-H117 residues and are in close association with the proximal Chl antennae proteins, CP43 and CP47. To gain insight into the function(s) of each of the peripheral Chls, we generated site-specific mutations of the amino acid residues that coordinate these Chls and characterized their energy and electron transfer properties. Our results demonstrate that D1-H118 and D2-H117 mutants differ with respect to: (a) their relative numbers of functional PSII complexes, (b) their relative ability to stabilize charge-separated states, (c) light-harvesting efficiency, and (d) their sensitivity to photo-inhibition. The D2-H117N and D2-H117Q mutants had reduced levels of functional PSII complexes and oxygen evolution capacity as well as reduced light-harvesting efficiencies relative to wild-type cells. In contrast, the D1-H118Q mutant was capable of near wild-type rates of oxygen evolution at saturating light intensities. The D1-H118Q mutant also was substantially more resistant to photo-inhibition than wild type. This reduced sensitivity to photo-inhibition is presumably associated with a reduced light-harvesting efficiency in this mutant. Finally, it is noted that the PSII peripheral accessory Chls have similarities to a to a pair of Chls also present in the PSI reaction center complex.  相似文献   

We examined structural properties of poly d(C4A2).d(T2G4), the telomeric DNA sequence of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena. Under conditions of high negative supercoiling, poly d(C4A2).d(T2G4) inserted in a circular plasmid vector was preferentially sensitive to digestion with S1 nuclease. Only the C4A2 strand was sensitive to first-strand S1 cutting, with a markedly skewed pattern of hypersensitive sites in tracts of either 46 or 7 tandem repeats. Linear poly d(C4A2).(T2G4) showed no preferential S1 sensitivity, no circular dichroism spectra indicative of a Z-DNA conformation, no unusual Tm, and no unusual migration in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The S1 nuclease sensitivity properties are consistent with a model proposed previously for supercoiled poly d(CT).d(AG) (Pulleyblank et al., Cell 42:271-280, 1985), consisting of a double-stranded, protonated, right-handed underwound helix. We propose that this structure is shared by related telomeric sequences and may play a role in their biological recognition.  相似文献   

The phenylalanine-activating and/or-racemizing enzyme, i.e., the light enzyme, of gramicidin S synthetase was purified to a homogenous state by D-phenylalanine-Sepharose 4B chromatography from a wild and some gramicidin S-lacking mutant strains of Bacillus brevis. The light enzyme obtained from a mutant strain E-1 could activate phenylalanine but not racemize it, and had no phenylalanine-dependent ATP-[14C]AMP exchange activity, whereas the same enzyme obtained from other mutants and the wild strain had all three activities. Furthermore, the light enzyme of the mutant E-1 could form only acid-labile enzyme-bound phenylalanine, while the same fraction of the wild strain carried half of the enzyme-bound phenylalanine as acid-labile adenylate and half as a acid-stable thioester. These results suggest that the thiol site of the light enzyme of mutant E-1 might be damaged.  相似文献   

The major function of the ribosome is its ability to catalyze formation of peptide bonds, and it is carried out by the ribosomal peptidyltransferase. Recent evidence suggests that the catalyst of peptide bond formation is the 23S rRNA of the large ribosomal subunit. We have developed an in vitro system for the determination of peptidyltransferase activity in yeast ribosomes. Using this system, a kinetic analysis of a model reaction for peptidyltransferase is described with Ac-Phe-tRNA as the peptidyl donor and puromycin as the acceptor. The Ac-Phe-tRNA-poly(U)-80S ribosome complex (complex C) was isolated and then reacted with excess puromycin to give Ac-Phe-puromycin. This reaction (puromycin reaction) followed first-order kinetics. At saturating concentrations of puromycin, the first-order rate constant (k(3)) is identical to the catalytic rate constant (k(cat)) of peptidyltransferase. This k(cat) from wild-type yeast strains was equal to 2.18 min(-1) at 30 degrees C. We now present for the first time kinetic evidence that yeast ribosomes lacking a particular protein of the 60S subunit may possess significantly altered peptide bond-forming ability. The k(cat) of peptidyltransferase from mutants lacking ribosomal protein L24 was decreased 3-fold to 0.69 min(-1), whereas the k(cat) from mutants lacking L39 was slightly increased to 3.05 min(-1) and that from mutants lacking both proteins was 1.07 min(-1). These results suggest that the presence of ribosomal proteins L24 and, to a lesser extent, L39 is required for exhibition of the normal catalytic activity of the ribosome. Finally, the L24 or L39 mutants did not affect the rate or the extent of the translocation phase of protein synthesis. However, the absence of L24 caused increased resistance to cycloheximide, a translocation inhibitor. Translocation of Ac-Phe-tRNA from the A- to P-site was inhibited by 50% at 1.4 microM cycloheximide for the L24 mutant compared to 0.7 microM for the wild type.  相似文献   

In the Hupc mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum SR, regulation of expression of hydrogenase is altered; the mutants synthesize hydrogenase constitutively in the presence of atmospheric levels of oxygen. The DNA gyrase inhibitors nalidixic acid, novobiocin, and coumermycin were used to inhibit growth of wild-type and mutant cells. For each inhibitor tested, growth of mutant and wild-type strains was equally sensitive. However, in contrast to the wild type, the Hupc mutants synthesized hydrogenase in the presence of high levels of any inhibitor. Cells were incubated with the drugs and simultaneously labeled with 14C-labeled amino acids, and hydrogenase was immunoprecipitated with antibody to the large subunit of the enzyme. Fluorograms of antibody blots then were scanned to determine the relative amount of hydrogenase (large subunit) synthesized in the presence or absence of the gyrase inhibitors. The amount of hydrogenase synthesized by the Hupc mutants in the presence of 300 micrograms of nalidixic acid per ml was near the level of enzyme synthesized in the absence of the inhibitor. No hydrogenase was detected in antibody blots of wild-type cultures which were derepressed for hydrogenase in the presence of 100 micrograms of coumermycin or novobiocin per ml. In contrast, hydrogenase was synthesized by the Hupc mutants in the presence of 100 micrograms of either drug per ml. The amount synthesized ranged from 5 to 32% and 20 to 49%, respectively, of that in the absence of those inhibitors, but nevertheless, hydrogenase synthesis was detected in all of the mutants examined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Genetically tractable model plants offer the possibility of defining the plant O3 response at the molecular level. To this end, we have isolated a collection of ozone (O3)-sensitive mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana . Mutant phenotypes and genetics were characterized. Additionally, parameters associated with O3 sensitivity were analysed, including stomatal conductance, sensitivity to and accumulation of reactive oxygen species, antioxidants, stress gene-expression and the accumulation of stress hormones. Each mutant has a unique phenotypic profile, with O3 sensitivity caused by a unique set of alterations in these systems. O3 sensitivity in these mutants is not caused by gross deficiencies in the antioxidant pathways tested here. The rcd3 mutant exhibits misregulated stomata. All mutants exhibited changes in stress hormones consistent with the known hormonal roles in defence and cell death regulation. One mutant, dubbed re-8 , is an allele of the classic leaf development mutant reticulata and exhibits phenotypes dependent on light conditions. This study shows that O3 sensitivity can be determined by deficiencies in multiple interacting plant systems and provides genetic evidence linking these systems.  相似文献   

Investigations of the effects of elevated ozone (O(3)) on the virus-plant system were conducted to inform virus pathogen management strategies better. One susceptible cultivar of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Yongding) and a resistant cultivar (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Vam) to Potato virus Y petiole necrosis strain (PVY(N)) infection were grown in open-top chambers under ambient and elevated O(3) concentrations. Above-ground biomass, foliage chlorophyll, nitrogen and total non-structural carbohydrate (TNCs), soluble protein, total amino acid (TAA) and nicotine content, and peroxidase (POD) activity were measured to estimate the effects of elevated O(3) on the impact of PVY(N) in the two cultivars. Results showed that under ambient O(3), the resistant cultivar possessed greater biomass and a lower C/N ratio after infection than the susceptible cultivar; however, under elevated O(3), the resistant cultivar lost its biomass advantage but maintained a lower C/N ratio. Variation of foliar POD activity could be explained as a resistance cost which was significantly correlated with biomass and C/N ratio of the tobacco cultivar. Chlorophyll content remained steady in the resistant cultivar but decreased significantly in the susceptible cultivar when stressors were applied. Foliar soluble protein and free amino acid content, which were related to resistance cost changes, are also discussed. This study indicated that a virus-resistant tobacco cultivar showed increased sensitivity to elevated O(3) compared to a virus-sensitive cultivar.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to examine the seasonal difference in the magnitude of the suppression of melatonin secretion induced by exposure to light in the late evening. The study was carried out in Akita (39 degrees North, 140 degrees East), in the northern part of Japan, where the duration of sunshine in winter is the shortest. Ten healthy male university students (mean age: 21.9+/-1.2 yrs) volunteered to participate twice in the study in winter (from January to February) and summer (from June to July) 2004. According to Japanese meteorological data, the duration of sunshine in Akita in the winter (50.5 h/month) is approximately one-third of that in summer (159.7 h/month). Beginning one week prior to the start of the experiment, the level of daily ambient light to which each subject was exposed was recorded every minute using a small light sensor that was attached to the subject's wrist. In the first experiment, saliva samples were collected every hour over a period of 24 h in a dark experimental room (<15 lux) to determine peak salivary melatonin concentration. The second experiment was conducted after the first experiment to determine the percentage of melatonin suppression induced by exposure to light. The starting time of exposure to light was set 2 h before the time of peak salivary melatonin concentration detected in the first experiment. The subjects were exposed to light (1000 lux) for 2 h using white fluorescent lamps (4200 K). The percentage of suppression of melatonin by light was calculated on the basis of the melatonin concentration determined before the start of exposure to light. The percentage of suppression of melatonin 2 h after the start of exposure to light was significantly greater in winter (66.6+/-18.4%) than summer (37.2+/-33.2%), p<0.01). The integrated level of daily ambient light from rising time to bedtime in summer was approximately twice that in winter. The results suggest that the increase in suppression of melatonin by light in winter is caused by less exposure to daily ambient light.  相似文献   

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