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 We carried out two experiments to determine the effect of leaf damage on plant attractiveness to pollinators using wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae), a self-incompatible annual herb. Pairs of plants from 36 full-sib families were grown in pots in the greenhouse. One member of each pair was damaged by Pieris rapae larvae that were allowed to remove half of the leaf area of each of the first four rosette leaves. The plants were subsequently taken out for pollinator observations once a week from the beginning of flowering in late June until the end of August. We conducted two experiments to examine how foliar damage affected visitation by pollinators. In the first experiment, numbers of pollinators visiting plants were compared between damaged and control sibling plants. In the second experiment, the number of open flowers during observations was controlled to be the same for both damaged and undamaged sibs. Damage significantly decreased the number and size of flowers during the first observations in late June. Damaged plants received fewer visits by native bees during the first week of observations. Since damage did not affect native bee visits when the number of open flowers was equalized between treatments, flower number was probably the main cue attracting native bees to plants. In the experiment without flower number control, syrphid flies, the other abundant pollinator taxon, spent more time per flower on the undamaged than on the damaged plants. When flower number was controlled, flies probed significantly more flowers during each visit on the undamaged than on the damaged plants and had higher visitation rates to undamaged plants early in the season. Since syrphid flies preferred undamaged plants both with and without flower number control, they apparently used cues apart from flower number for visitation. The difference between undamaged and damaged plants in floral characteristics and pollinator visitation vanished within a few weeks after the start of flowering. This result suggests that early damage may not have a strong fitness effect through reduction in mating success. However, poor weather conditions can cause early mortality of plants in the field, and nutrient depletion and competition decrease fruit set of later flowers. Therefore, conditions exist under which visitation to early flowers may affect plant fitness. Received: 30 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 February 1997  相似文献   

Plant traits that increase pollinator visitation should be under strong selection. However, few studies have demonstrated a causal link between natural variation in attractive traits and natural variation in visitation to whole plants. Here we examine the effects of flower number and size on visitation to wild radish by two taxa of pollinators over 3 years, using a combination of multiple regression and experimental reductions in both traits. We found strong, consistent evidence that increases in both flower number and size cause increased visitation by syrphid flies. The results for small bees were harder to interpret, because the multiple regression and experimental manipulation results did not agree. It is likely that increased flower size causes a weak increase in small-bee visitation, but strong relationships between flower number and small-bee visitation seen in 2 years of observational studies were not corroborated by experimental manipulation of this trait. Small bees may actually have responded to an unmeasured trait correlated with flower number, or lower small-bee abundances when the flower number manipulation was conducted may have reduced our ability to detect a causal relationship. We conclude that studies using only 1 year, one method, or measuring only one trait may not provide an adequate understanding of the effects of plant traits on pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Pollination is a requisite for sexual reproduction in plants and its success may determine the reproductive output of individuals. Pollinator preference for some floral designs or displays that are lacking or poorly developed in focal plants may constrain the pollination process. Foliar herbivory may affect the expression of floral traits, thus reducing pollinator attraction. Natural populations of the Andean species Alstroemeria exerens (Alstromeriaceae) in central Chile show high levels of foliar herbivory, and floral traits show phenotypic variation. In the present field study, we addressed the attractive role of floral traits in A. exerens and the effect of foliar damage on them. Particularly, we posed the following questions: (1) Is there an association between floral display and design traits and the number and duration of pollinator visits? and (2) Does foliar damage affect the floral traits associated with pollinator visitation? To assess the attractiveness of floral traits for pollinators, we recorded the number and duration of visits in 101 focal plants. To evaluate the effects of foliar damage on floral traits, 100 plants of similar size were randomly assigned to control or damage groups during early bud development. Damaged plants were clipped using scissors (50% of leaf area) and control plants were manually excluded from natural herbivores (<5% of leaf area eaten). During the peak of flowering, we recorded the number of open flowers, and estimated corolla and nectar guide areas. The number and duration of pollinator visits was statistically associated with floral design and display traits. Plants with larger displays, corollas and nectar guide areas received more visits. Visits lasted longer as display increases. In addition, foliar damage affected attractive traits. Damaged plants had fewer open flowers and smaller nectar guide areas. We conclude that foliar damage affects plant attractiveness for pollinators and hence may indirectly affect plant fitness.  相似文献   

I used a discontinuous population ofScleranthus annuus (Caryophyllaceae) to study the effect of crossing distances on flower morphology of the progeny. Four types of progeny were produced by artificial selfing, crossing with pollen-donors from the same patch in the population, crossing with pollen from donors from other patches in the population and inter-population crosses. The size of gynoecium parts and 12 sepal characters in this petal-lacking species were significantly influenced by the type of cross and the patch in the population from where the seed-parents originated. All comparisons of progeny types except selfed vs progeny produced by within-patch crosses were significantly separated from each other, while all four seed-parent patches used were significantly separated in a multidimensional space.  相似文献   

Psilochilus modestus Barb. Rodr. is a basal epidendroid orchid occurring in both the semi-deciduous and Atlantic rain forests of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. This species presents a perfect flowering synchrony within populations, since all the mature buds of each plant open simultaneously in the morning hours of the same day. These flowers are available only for 1 day and are pollinated by several species of small solitary and social native bees. These bees exploit both pollen and nectar as a reward. The bees collecting pollen promote a higher fruit set and perform mainly self-pollination while those collecting nectar, which are less numerous, are responsible for an increase in cross-pollinations. P. modestus is self-compatible but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set (open pollination) is low when compared with the numbers obtained under manual self- and cross-pollination. Low fruit set in natural conditions is related to deficient pollen transfer, and pollinator inefficiency seems to be the main factor. Some factors, such as the small amount of nectar produced, the low number of flowers per inflorescence and their availability for 1 day only added to the perfect flowering synchrony seem to be responsible for the increase of cross-pollinations. The offering of both pollen and nectar as a reward can represent a transitional condition in basal Epidendroideae. Based on floral morphology, reward production and pollinator behavior, the relationship of P. modestus with the basal and most derived groups within Orchidaceae is discussed.  相似文献   

The morphologically diverse flowers in the genusSatyrium reflect adaptations to a wide range of pollinators. Several recently discovered pollination systems inSatyrium are described and illustrated here; these include pollination by solitary bees, carrion flies, butterflies and moths. Two basic types of floral mechanism are recognised inSatyrium: (1) Species pollinated by lepidoptera and birds have long floral spurs and plate-like viscidia seated in lateral rostellum notches; these viscidia become attached to the proboscis or bill of the pollinator. (2) Species pollinated by flies and bees have relatively short floral spurs and globose viscidia seated in terminal rostellum notches; these viscidia become attached to the face, thorax or eyes of the pollinator.  相似文献   

Summary Acclimation of wild radish plants to a simultaneous combination of SO2 fumigation and decreasing nitrate availability was investigated. Plants were grown for 24 d under continuous daytime (10h) exposure to 0 or 0.4 ppm SO2 and were grown in a nutrient solution with stable nitrate concentrations of 100 M for the first 15 d, 50 M from day 15 to day 19, and 25 M from day 19 to day 24. Analysis of relative growth rates (RGR) showed that radish plants responded rapidly to changes in nitrate availability and that SO2 treatment affected those responses. Shoot RGR of plants from both treatments and root RGR of control plants showed rapid declines and subsequent recoveries in response to decreasing nitrate availability. Root RGR of SO2-treated plants declined rapidly in response to decreased nitrate availability, but did not recover as quickly or completely as root RGR of control plants. Analysis of specific leaf weights and tissue nitrogen concentrations showed that control plants had significantly higher amounts of nitrogen in tissues after nitrate availability was lowered, and had higher rates of nitrate uptake in comparison to SO2-treated plants; especially when nitrate availability was highest. Furthermore, control plants had temporarily higher rates of root respiration in comparison to SO2-treated plants, suggesting that control plants temporarily allocated more resources to physiological processes occurring in roots, such as nutrient uptake. Although SO2-induced changes in growth and resource allocation of plants were relatively small, it was probable that SO2 treatment of radish plants affected plant nitrogen balance, and subsequently affected the ability of plants to respond to decreased nitrate availibility, by affecting resource partitioning to nitrate uptake and root growth.  相似文献   

The floral biology ofTricyrtis latifolia was investigated at four sites: Nigorigo, Kurumijima and Hikagedaira-san, Gifu Prefecture, and Jöge, Miyagi Prefecture. The flowers open fully by 3 a.m., and anthesis begins at about 8 a.m. Most pollen is taken away by bumblebees by 10 a.m. The distal parts of the trifid style-branches (each branch is further bifid) and the immature stigmata are above the anthers in the first day flowers. The distal parts of the style-branches with their extension curve downward and are positioned under the anthers on the morning of the second day and the stigmata are fully matured. The flowers wilt by the third day. The primary pollinators ofT. latifolia wereBombus diversus andB. honshuensis in three sites; only the former was a primary pollinator at the Jōge site. Bees forage the first and second day flowers, and their backs contact the anthers and stigmata of the second day flowers while the bees are sucking nectar. Breeding experiments showed thatT. latifolia was fairly self-compatible. The avoidance of autogamy and the possibility of geitonogamy are discussed.  相似文献   

Floral morphology ofBrasenia schreberi Gmel. andCabomba caroliniana A. Gray was observed chiefly from an anatomical point of view. The receptacle ofB. schreberi is rather flat and a vascular plexus is observable in the mature flower. The vasculature in this plexus is so complex taht it is not easy to trace its structure in detail. by observation on small buds, it can be seen that the receptacular vasculature consists of a girdling bundle in the basal area and usually nine receptacular strands from which traces to the petals and stamens branch off. The vasculature in the receptacle is reconstructed and diagramatically shown as though split longitudinally and spread out in one plane. Floral vasculature inCabomba caroliniana is simpler, and is probably related to the smaller number of stamens and carpels. It also has a girdling bundle at the bottom of receptacle and this vasculature is suggested to be derived by simplification from aBrasenia-type vasculature. Evidence from floral anatomy suggests that these two genera are closely related. InNymphaea, a vascular plexus in the receptacle is also observed (Moseley, 1961; Ito 1983). The plexus ofBrasenia andNymphaea are not the same in their construction. Nevertheless, their fundamental floral vasculature is comparable and it is preferable to place them in the same family or same order.  相似文献   

Summary To estimate the numbers of sporophytic S-alleles in two adjacent populations of wild radish, we performed 701 reciprocal crosses among 50 individuals. Each cross was replicated five times in each direction. Sixteen plants were fully intercompatible, indicating the presence of at least 32 S-alleles in the two populations. A minimum of 22 S-alleles occur in a single population. The frequency of incompatibility was significantly higher for within-population crosses (14.5%) than for between-population crosses (7.8%). This suggests that the two populations differ in the composition and frequency of alleles at the S-locus.  相似文献   

Thelymitra epipactoides has a highly variable visual display achieved through polychromatic flowers and variable inflorescence size, bearing between 7 and 31 flowers, which attract foraging polylectic bees. Only bees of the genusNomia were observed carrying pollinia and successfully pollinating the orchid. The genusNomia contains polylectic, pollen gathering species that store pollen in both the crop and scopa on the hind legs. The absence of a reward for the bees indicates the orchid is relying on deception to attract visitors. The relationship of deception to mimicry is discussed. Once on the flower, tactile, visual and possibly olfactory stimuli direct bees to the false anther formed by the voluminous column wings, where morphological adaptations of the flower ensure that the pollinarium is deposited on the gaster of the bee to effect pollination. — The lack of seed set observed on the Victorian coast appears to be due to the absence of pollinators from the heath and grassland communities in which the orchid grows. This may well be a consequence of the reduced number of plants flowering in the community (a result of the elimination of fire at these sites), thus not maintaining a floral community attractive to potential pollinators.  相似文献   

Kudo G  Ishii HS  Hirabayashi Y  Ida TY 《Oecologia》2007,154(1):119-128
Floral color change has been recognized as a pollination strategy, but its relative effectiveness has been evaluated insufficiently with respect to other floral traits. In this study, effects of floral color change on the visitation pattern of bumblebees were empirically assessed using artificial flowers. Four inflorescence types were postulated as strategies of flowering behavior: type 1 has no retention of old flowers, resulting in a small display size; type 2 retains old flowers without nectar production; type 3 retains old flowers with nectar; and type 4 retains color-changed old flowers without nectar. Effects of these treatments varied depending on both the total display size (single versus multiple inflorescences) and the pattern of flower-opening. In the single inflorescence experiment, a large floral display due to the retention of old flowers (types 2–4) enhanced pollinator attraction, and the number of flower visits per stay decreased with color change (type 4), suggesting a decrease in geitonogamous pollination. Type-4 plants also reduced the foraging time of bees in comparison with type-2 plants. In the multiple inflorescence experiment, the retention of old flowers did not contribute to pollinator attraction. When flowering occurred sequentially within inflorescences, type-4 plants successfully decreased the number of visits and the foraging time in comparison with type-2 plants. In contrast, floral color change did not influence the number of visits, and it extended the foraging time when flowering occurred simultaneously within inflorescences but the opening of inflorescences progressed sequentially within a plant. Therefore, the effectiveness of floral color change is highly susceptible to the display size and flowering pattern within plants, and this may limit the versatility of the color change strategy in nature.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

Field observations on pollination in New World species of the genusSarcostemma R. Br. sensuHolm are reported. Morphological and anatomical comparisons of pollinated flowers ofSarcostemma subg.Ceramanthus Kuntze (New World) andSarcostemma subg.Sarcostemma (Old World) are presented.  相似文献   

The effects of larval morphology and substrate quality on the searching efficiency of third stage larvae of Epistrophe eligans (Harris) and Metasyrphus luniger (Meigen) were examined. E. eligans has a smooth, flat undersurface and was able to grasp smooth, flat substrates where it achieved high casting rates and capture efficiencies. It is probably best suited to exploiting leaf-feeding, rather than stem-feeding aphids. However, M. luniger did best on stems and petiles where it used a special U-shaped grasping organ and lateral movements to hold on and move. On these substrates, as opposed to smooth, flat surfaces, it achieved high casting rates and capture efficiencies.
Résumé L'examen a proté sur les effets de la morphologie larvaire et de la nature du substrat sur les succès de la prospection des larves de troisième stade de E. elegans et de M. luniger. La surface ventrale de E. elegans est plate et molle, sans proéminences locomotrices. Sur les feuilles plutôt que sur les pétioles, il a mieux adhéré au substrat et a réalisé plus de captures avec une meilleure efficacité. E. elegans est probablement mieux adapté à l'exploitation des pucerons sur des surfaces molles et plates, comme les feuilles. M. luniger présente une disposition complexe de proéminences locomotrices, comprenant un organe de préhension en forme de U à l'extrémité du corps. Sur les tiges, les pétioles et les feuilles avec des nervures saillantes, il est capable de se fixer efficacement et de se déplacer sur des structures cylindriques en utilisant son organe de préhension, ses pièces buccales et des mouvements latéraux. Il a réalisé plus de captures avec une plus grande efficacité sur tiges et pétioles par comparaison avec des surfaces molles; il peut être mieux adapté à exploiter les pucerons associés aux surfaces cylindriques de ce type.

The complex floral structure in the southern African genusConophytum (Mesembryanthemaceae; 77 spp.) is described in detail and assigned to three basic floral types, two of which can be divided into two subtypes. Correlations between structural features and phenological patterns are demonstrated and discussed in the family context as well as in relation to the systematic subdivision of the genus.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of non-flying mammals as pollinators of Banksia integrifolia and B. spinulosa was analysed by examining the effect of pollinator exclusions on fruit-set. Visitation by potential pollinators was also measured by observation and by indirect methods. Nonflying mammals were frequent visitors to inflorescences of both Banksia species. The aluminium sleeves used to exclude non-flying mammals from B. integrifolia trees were associated with a reduction in both the number of infructescences produced and the number of fruit per infructescence, indicating that non-flying mammals were important pollinators. Bird-nets over trees also significantly reduced the number of fruit per infructescence, but had no significant effect on the number of infructescences produced. The results of exclusion experiments using single inflorescences were inconclusive due to low fruitset. No conclusions could be drawn from these experiments with B. spinulosa. However, results for B. integrifolia support the conclusions of whole-tree experiments. Analysis of the genotype frequencies in seed from B. integrifolia provided no support for the hypothesis that the relatively limited mobility of non-flying mammal pollinators would cause inbreeding.  相似文献   

The distribution of Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm among Japanese wild radish populations and Asian cultivated radishes was studied by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-aided assays using mitochondrial atp6 and orf138 loci as molecular markers. Three separate PCR experiments were performed to amplify the target sequences in normal-type atp6, Ogura-type atp6, and Ogura-specific orf138, and the cytoplasm of each plant was classified as either normal or Ogura. Among 217 wild radish plants, 93 had both Ogura-type atp6 and orf138 (or its modified form), whereas 124 had normal-type atp6. Of the 93 plants with Ogura-type cytoplasm, only a single plant showed male sterility. A complete linkage between Ogura-type atp6 and orf138 loci was found in Japanese wild radishes, confirming our findings that Ogura-type cytoplasm is distributed widely among Japanese wild radish populations. A modified form of orf138 (orf138-S) was identified in a few wild radish populations in a limited area of Japan, and the nucleotide sequence of the orf138-S revealed a 39-bp deletion shared in common with Kosena male-sterile cytoplasm. Among the 44 Asian cultivars analyzed, 40 were determined to have normal cytoplasm since all 4 plants tested in each cultivar showed the same PCR amplification profiles as that of Uchiki-Gensuke, a reference cultivar with normal cytoplasm. The plants with Ogura-type cytoplasm (or its modified form) were found in 1, 1, and 2 cultivars from Tibet, Japan, and Taiwan, respectively. Except for 1 cultivar from Taiwan, those with Ogura-type cytoplasm included a few plants having male sterility. The multiple and independent introduction of Ogura-type cytoplasm from the wild radish in Asia into these cultivars is suggested.  相似文献   

Effect of floral orifice width and shape on hummingbird-flower interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nectar guides are common among insect-pollinated plants, yet are thought to be rare or absent among hummingbird-pollinated plants. We hypothesize that the lower lips and trumpet-shaped orifices of many hummingbird flowers act as nectar guides to direct hummingbirds to the flowers' nectar and orient the birds for pollination. To test this hypothesis we conducted laboratory experiments using flowers of Monarda didyma (bee balm) and M. fistulosa (wild bergamot), which have orifice widths of about 4 mm and 2 mm, respectively, and latex flowers with orifice widths of 4 mm and 2 mm and three orifice shapes (trumpet, lipped, and lipless). Rubythroated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) made fewer errors during bill insertion and spent a smaller proportion of their feeding visit in error at M. didyma flowers than at M. fistulosa flowers, and at unaltered flowers of both species than at flowers with lower lips removed. Handling times were longer at both lipped and lipless flowers of M. didyma than at those of M. fistulosa, and at lipped than at lipless flowers of M. didyma. The average duration of contact between a hummingbird and a flower's anthers and stigma was longer at M. didyma than at M. fistulosa for both lipped and lipless flowers, and at lipped than at lipless M. didyma flowers. Hummingbirds missed the openings of latex flowers with their bills more frequently and spent a greater percentage of their total feeding visit in error at (i) 2-mm than at 4-mm flowers of all three shapes, (ii) lipless flowers than at trumpet or lipped flowers, and (iii) lipped flowers than at trumpet flowers of both widths. The duration of hummingbird/anther contact was longer at (i) 2-mm than at 4-mm flowers of all shapes, (ii) lipped than at trumpet or lipless flowers, and (iii) lipless than at trumpet flowers for both widths. No significant differences in handling times of hummingbirds were observed among any of the latex flower shapes or widths. Our results demonstrate that orifice shapes can act as guides by reducing the frequency of feeding errors by visiting hummingbirds, and that effects of orifice shape on pollination must be considered in conjunction with flower widths and locations of anthers and stigmas.  相似文献   

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