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There is considerable interest in the properties of the unfolded states of proteins, particularly unfolded states which can be populated in the absence of high concentrations of denaturants. Interest in the unfolded state ensemble reflects the fact that it is the starting point for protein folding as well as the reference state for protein stability studies and can be the starting state for pathological aggregation. The unfolded state of the C-terminal domain (residues 58-149) of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) can be populated in the absence of denaturant at low pH. CTL9 is a 92-residue globular alpha, beta protein. The low-pH unfolded state contains more secondary structure than the low-pH urea unfolded state, but it is not a molten globule. Backbone ( (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N) NMR assignments as well as side chain (13)C beta and (1)H beta assignments and (15)N R 2 values were obtained for the pH 2.0 unfolded form of CTL9 and for the urea unfolded state at pH 2.5. Analysis of the deviations of the chemical shifts from random coil values indicates that residues that comprise the two helices in the native state show a clear preference for adopting helical phi and psi angles in the pH 2.0 unfolded state. There is a less pronounced but nevertheless clear tendency for residues 107-124 to preferentially populate helical phi and psi values in the unfolded state. The urea unfolded state has no detectable tendency to populate any type of secondary structure even though it is as compact as the pH 2.0 unfolded state. Comparison of the two unfolded forms of CTL9 provides direct experimental evidence that states which differ significantly in their secondary structure can have identical hydrodynamic properties. This in turn demonstrates that global parameters such as R h or R g are very poor indicators of "random coil" behavior.  相似文献   

The stability of the isolated C-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) is strongly dependent upon pH. Below pH 4.2, the folded and unfolded states are both populated significantly. Their interconversion is slow on the NMR chemical shift time-scale and separate, well-resolved resonances from each state are observed. This allows the hydrodynamic properties of both states to be studied under identical conditions by using pulse field gradient NMR experiments. Hydrodynamic radii of the folded, unfolded and urea denatured protein molecules at pD 3.8 have been derived. The acid-denatured protein has a significantly smaller hydrodynamic radius, 28.2A, compared to that of the urea-denatured protein, which is 33.6A at pD 3.8. Far-UV CD spectra show that there is more residual secondary structure retained in the acid-denatured ensemble than in the urea-denatured one. ANS binding experiments and analysis of the CD data show that this acid-denatured species is not a molten globule state. Diffusion measurements of CTL9 were conducted over the pD range from 2.1 to 7.0. The hydrodynamic radii of both the folded and the acid-unfolded protein start to increase below pD 4, with the radius of hydration of the acid-unfolded state increasing from 25.1A at pD 4.2 to 33.5A at pD 2.1. The hydrodynamic radius of the urea-denatured protein is much less sensitive to pH. The unfolded protein at pD 2.1, no urea, has almost the same hydrodynamic radius as the urea-denatured protein at pD 3.8. The CD spectra, however, show significant differences in residual secondary structure, and the acid-denatured state contains more structure.  相似文献   

Li Y  Gupta R  Cho JH  Raleigh DP 《Biochemistry》2007,46(4):1013-1021
The C-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) is a 92-residue alpha-beta protein which contains an unusual three-stranded mixed parallel and antiparallel beta-sheet. The protein folds in a two-state fashion, and the folding rate is slow. It is thought that the slow folding may be caused by the necessity of forming this unusual beta-sheet architecture in the transition state for folding. This hypothesis makes CTL9 an interesting target for folding studies. The transition state for the folding of CTL9 was characterized by phi-value analysis. The folding of a set of hydrophobic core mutants was analyzed together with a set of truncation mutants. The results revealed a few positions with high phi-values (> or = 0.5), notably, V131, L133, H134, V137, and L141. All of these residues were found in the beta-hairpin region, indicating that the formation of this structure is likely to be the rate-limiting step in the folding of CTL9. One face of the beta-hairpin docks against the N-terminal helix. Analysis of truncation mutants of this helix confirmed its importance in folding. Mutations at other sites in the protein gave small phi-values, despite the fact that some of them had major effects on stability. The analysis indicates that formation of the antiparallel hairpin is critical and its interactions with the first helix are also important. Thus, the slow folding is not a consequence of the need to fully form the unusual three-stranded beta-sheet in the transition state. Analysis of the urea dependence of the folding rates indicates that mutations modulate the unfolded state. The folding of CTL9 is broadly consistent with the nucleation-condensation model of protein folding.  相似文献   

Sato S  Luisi DL  Raleigh DP 《Biochemistry》2000,39(16):4955-4962
The folding kinetics of the multidomain ribosomal protein L9 were studied using pH jump stopped-flow fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) in conjunction with guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) jump stopped-flow CD experiments. Equilibrium CD and 1D (1)H NMR measurements demonstrated that the C-terminal domain unfolds below pH 4 while the N-terminal domain remains fully folded. Thus, the N-terminal domain remains folded during the pH jump experiments. The folding rate constant of the C-terminal domain was determined to be 3.5 s(-1) by pH jump experiments conducted in the absence of denaturant using stopped-flow CD and fluorescence. CD-detected GdnHCl jump measurements showed that the N- and C-terminal domains fold independently each by an apparent two-state mechanism. The folding rate constant for the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain in the absence of denaturant were calculated to be 760 and 4. 7 s(-1), respectively. The good agreement between the pH jump and the denaturant concentration jump experiments shows that the folding rate of the C-terminal domain is the same whether or not the N-terminal domain is folded. This result suggests that the slow folding of the C-terminal domain is not a consequence of unfavorable interactions with the rest of the protein chain during refolding. This is an interesting result since contact order analysis predicts that the folding rate of the C-terminal domain should be noticeably faster. The folding rate of the isolated N-terminal domain was also measured by stopped-flow CD and was found to be the same as the rate for the domain in the intact protein.  相似文献   

The folding kinetics and thermodynamics of the isolated C-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9) have been studied as a function of pH. CTL9 is an alpha-beta protein that contains a single beta-sheet with an unusual mixed parallel, anti-parallel topology. The folding is fully reversible and two-state over the entire pH range. Stopped-flow fluorescence and CD experiments yield the same folding rate, and the chevron plots have the characteristic V-shape expected for two-state folding. The values of DeltaG*(H2O) and the m value calculated from the kinetic experiments are in excellent agreement with the equilibrium measurements. The extrapolated initial amplitudes of both the stopped-flow fluorescence and CD measurements show that there is no detectable burst phase intermediate. The domain contains three histidine residues, two of which are largely buried in the native state. They do not participate in salt-bridges or take part in a hydrogen bonded network. NMR measurements reveal that the buried histidine residues have significantly perturbed pK(a) values in the native state. The equilibrium stability and the folding rate are found to be strongly dependent upon their ionization state. There is a linear relationship between the log of the folding rate and DeltaG* (H2O) . The protein is much more stable and folds noticeably faster at pH values above the native state pK(a) values. DeltaG*(H2O) of unfolding increases from 2.90 kcal mol(-1) at pH 5.0 to 6.40 kcal mol(-1) at pH 8.0 while the folding rate increases from 0.60 to 18.7 s(-1). Tanford linkage analysis revealed that the interactions involving the two histidine residues are largely developed in the transition state. The results are compared to other studies of the pH-dependence of folding.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the structure of the denatured state and in the role local interactions play in protein stability and protein folding. Studies of peptide fragments provide one method to assess local conformational preferences which may be present in the denatured state under native-like conditions. A set of peptides corresponding to the individual elements of secondary structure derived from the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 have been synthesized. This small 56 residue protein adopts a mixed alpha-beta topology and has been shown to fold rapidly in an apparent two-state fashion. The conformational preferences of each peptide have been analyzed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Peptides corresponding to each of the three beta-stands and to the first alpha-helix are unstructured as judged by CD and NMR. In contrast, a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal helix is remarkably structured. This 17 residue peptide is 53 % helical at pH 5.4, 4 degrees C. Two-dimensional NMR studies demonstrate that the helical structure is distributed approximately uniformly throughout the peptide, although there is some evidence for fraying at the C terminus. Detailed analysis of the NMR spectra indicate that the helix is stabilized, in part, by a native N-capping interaction involving Thr40. A mutant peptide which lacks Thr40 is only 32 % helical. pH and ionic strength-dependent studies suggested that charge charge interactions make only a modest net contribution to the stability of the peptide. The protein contains a trans proline peptide bond located at the first position of the C-terminal helix. NMR analysis of the helical peptide and of a smaller peptide containing the proline residue indicates that only a small amount of cis proline isomer (8 %) is likely to be populated in the unfolded state.  相似文献   

The primary structure of rat ribosomal protein L9   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K Suzuki  J Olvera  I G Wool 《Gene》1990,93(2):297-300
The amino acid (aa) sequence of rat ribosomal (r) protein L9 was deduced from the nucleotide (nt) sequence in a recombinant cDNA and confirmed from the N-terminal aa sequence of the protein. L9 contains 192 aa and has an Mr of 21879. Hybridization of the cDNA to digests of nuclear DNA suggests that there are 20-23 copies of the L9 gene. The mRNA for the protein is about 800 nt in length. Rat L9 is related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae YL11, Methanococcus vannielii L6, Escherichia coli L6 and other members of the prokaryotic L6 family. The protein contains a possible internal duplication of 11 aa.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 is a primary 23S rRNA binding protein in the large ribosomal subunit. We examined the contribution of the N- and C-terminal regions of Bacillus stearothermophilus L2 (BstL2) to the 23S rRNA binding activity. The mutant desN, in which the N-terminal 59 residues of BstL2 were deleted, bound to the 23S rRNA fragment to the same extent as wild type BstL2, but the mutation desC, in which the C-terminal 74 amino acid residues were deleted, abolished the binding activity. These observations indicated that the C-terminal region is involved in 23S rRNA binding. Subsequent deletion analysis of the C-terminal region found that the C-terminal 70 amino acids are required for efficient 23S rRNA binding by BstL2. Furthermore, the surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that successive truncations of the C-terminal residues increased the dissociation rate constants, while they had little influence on association rate constants. The result indicated that reduced affinities of the C-terminal deletion mutants were due only to higher dissociation rate constants, suggesting that the C-terminal region primarily functions by stabilizing the protein L2-23S rRNA complex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of protein L9 from the Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosome has been determined at 2.8 A resolution using X-ray diffraction methods. This primary RNA-binding protein has a highly elongated and unusual structure consisting of two separated domains joined by a long exposed alpha-helix. Conserved, positively charged and aromatic amino acids on the surfaces of both domains probably represent the sites of specific interactions with 23S rRNA. Comparisons with other prokaryotic L9 sequences show that while the length of the connecting alpha-helix is invariant, the sequence within the exposed central region is not conserved. This suggests that the alpha-helix has an architectural role and serves to fix the relative separation and orientation of the N- and C-terminal domains within the ribosome. The N-terminal domain has structural homology to the smaller ribosomal proteins L7/L12 and L30, and the eukaryotic RNA recognition motif (RRM).  相似文献   

The structure of a C-terminal fragment of the ribosomal protein L7/L12 from Escherichia coli has been refined using crystallographic data to 1.7 A resolution. The R-value is 17.4%. Six residues at the N terminus are too disordered in the structure to be localized. These residues are probably part of a hinge in the complete L7/L12 molecule. The possibility that a 2-fold crystallographic axis is a molecular 2-fold axis is discussed. A patch of invariant residues on the surface of the dimer is probably involved in functional interactions with elongation factors.  相似文献   

Amide H/D exchange rates have been measured for the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9, residues 1-56. The rates were measured at pD 3.91, 5.03, and 5.37. At pD 5.37, 18 amides exchange slowly enough to give reliable rate measurements. At pD 3.91, seven additional residues could be followed. The exchange is shown to occur by the EX2 mechanism for all conditions studied. The rates for the N-terminal domain are very similar to those previously measured for the corresponding region in the full-length protein (Lillemoen J et al., 1997, J Mol Biol 268:482-493). In particular, the rates for the residues that we have shown to exchange via global unfolding in the N-terminal domain agree within the experimental error with the rates measured by Hoffman and coworkers, suggesting that the structure of the domain is preserved in isolation and that the stability of the isolated domain is comparable to the stability of this domain in intact L9.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(18):4107-4114
Although electrostatics have long been recognized to play an important role in hydrogen exchange (HX) with solvent, the quantitative assessment of its magnitude in the unfolded state has hitherto been lacking. This limits the utility of HX as a quantitative method to study protein stability, folding, and dynamics. Using the intrinsically disordered human protein α-synuclein as a proxy for the unfolded state, we show that a hybrid mean-field approach can effectively compute the electrostatic potential at all backbone amide positions along the chain. From the electrochemical potential, a fourfold reduction in hydroxide concentration near the protein backbone is predicted for the C-terminal domain, a prognosis that is in direct agreement with experimentally derived protection factors from NMR spectroscopy. Thus, impeded HX for the C-terminal region of α-synuclein is not the result of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and/or structure formation.  相似文献   

During tRNA translocation on the ribosome, an arc-like connection (ALC) is formed between the G' domain of elongation factor G (EF-G) and the L7/L12-stalk base of the large ribosomal subunit in the GDP state. To delineate the boundary of EF-G within the ALC, we tagged an amino acid residue near the tip of the G' domain of EF-G with undecagold, which was then visualized with three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Two distinct positions for the undecagold, observed in the GTP-state and GDP-state cryo-EM maps of the ribosome bound EF-G, allowed us to determine the movement of the labeled amino acid. Molecular analyses of the cryo-EM maps show: (1) that three structural components, the N-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L11, the C-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L7/L12, and the G' domain of EF-G, participate in formation of the ALC; and (2) that both EF-G and the ribosomal protein L7/L12 undergo large conformational changes to form the ALC.  相似文献   

SecA is an integral component of the prokaryotic Sec preprotein secretory translocase system. We report here the solution NMR structure of a fragment corresponding to the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli SecA. In the presence of Zn2+, the fragment adopts a shortened version of the classic betabetaalpha zinc finger fold. The isolated C-terminal domain shows substantial differences from the X-ray structure of a homologous SecA domain bound to the chaperone-like cofactor SecB. The differences between the structures of the free and bound forms suggest that binding to SecB causes a perturbation of the C-terminal domain's intrinsically favored betabetaalpha fold.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the functional importance of the C-terminus of the essential yeast ribosomal protein L5 (YrpL5). Previous studies have indicated that the C-terminal region of YrpL5 forms an alpha-helix with a positively charged surface that is involved in protein-5S rRNA interaction. Formation of an YrpL5.5S rRNA complex is a prerequisite for nuclear import of YrpL5. Here we have tested the importance of the alpha-helix and the positively charged surface for YrpL5 function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using site directed mutagenesis in combination with functional complementation. Alterations in the sequence forming the putative alpha-helix affected the functional capacity of YrpL5. However, the effect did not correlate with a decreased ability of the protein to bind to 5S rRNA as all rpL5 mutants tested were imported to the nucleus whether or not the alpha-helix or the positively charged surface were intact. The alterations introduced in the C-terminal sequence affected the growth rate of cells expressing mutant but functional forms of YrpL5. The reduced growth rate was correlated with a reduced ribosomal content per cell indicating that the alterations introduced in the C-terminus interfered with ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

A point mutation of a small globular protein, the C-terminal domain of L9 destabilizes the protein and leads to observable cold-denaturation at temperatures above zero. The cold denatured state is in slow exchange with the native state on the NMR time scale, and this allows the hydrodynamic properties of the cold unfolded state and the native state to be measured under identical conditions using pulsed-field gradient NMR diffusion measurements. This provides the first experimental measurement of the hydrodynamic properties of a cold unfolded protein and its folded form under identical conditions. Hydrodynamic radii of the cold-induced unfolded states were measured for a set of temperatures ranging from 2 °C to 25 °C at pD 6.6 in the absence of denaturant. The cold unfolded state is compact compared to the urea or acid unfolded state and a trend of increasing radii of hydration is observed as the temperature is lowered. These observations are confirmed by experiments on the same protein at pD 8.0, where it is more stable, in the presence of a modest concentration of urea. The expansion of the cold-denatured state at lower temperatures is consistent with the temperature dependence of hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Zhou HX 《Biochemistry》2002,41(20):6533-6538
Residual electrostatic interactions in the unfolded state of the N-terminal domain of L9 (NTL9) were found by Kuhlman et al. [(1999) Biochemistry 38, 4896-4903]. These residual interactions are analyzed here by the Gaussian-chain model [Zhou, H.-X. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99, 3569-3574]. The original model is made more realistic by replacing "standard" model-compound pK(a) values for ionizable groups by those measured by Kuhlman et al. in peptide fragments of NTL9. The predicted pH dependence of the unfolding free energy is in agreement with experiment over the pH range of 1-7 at ionic strengths of 100 and 750 mM. This indicates that the residual electrostatic effects in the unfolded state of NTL9 can be attributed to nonspecific nonlocal charge-charge interactions.  相似文献   

The human ribosomal protein SA, known also as a precursor of the cell-surface laminin receptor, LAMR, is a protein of the 40S ribosomal subunit. It is homologous to eubacterial ribosomal protein S2p, but has a eukaryote-specific C-terminal domain (CTD) that is responsible in LAMR for the binding of laminin as well as prions and several viruses. Using serial deletions in the SA CTD, we showed that region between amino acids 236-262 is required for binding of the protein to 40S ribosomal subunits. All SA mutants containing this region protected nucleotides in hairpin 40 (which is not bound to any protein in the eubacterial 30S ribosomal subunit) of the 18S rRNA from hydroxyl radical attack. Comparison of our data with the cryo-EM models of the mammalian 40S ribosomal subunit allowed us to locate the SA CTD in the spatial structure of the 40S subunit.  相似文献   

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