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黄粉虫蛹的营养成分分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用现代分析技术手段对黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor(L.)蛹的营养成分进行分析,结果表明:其蛋白质、粗脂肪、碳水化合物及灰分含量分别为鲜重的16.8%、7.6%、1.2%、1.4%,其氨基酸和胆固醇含量分别为18.7mg/g和0.4mg/g;含有7种人体必需氨基酸,其必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的44.40%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸含量的比值为79.8%,第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸,即蛋氨酸和胱氨酸;同时,其不饱和脂肪酸与必需脂肪酸分别占总脂肪的73.9%和24.1%,特别是油酸和亚油酸含量较高,分别达49.8%和23.4%:另外,该昆虫还含有K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn等多种矿物质和微量元素。  相似文献   

Mealworm beetles have been used in numerous experiments as bioindicators. The aim of our experiment was to study the elemental composition in three larvae, pupae and first and second generation adult stages during their life cycle. We selected 180 larvae from a genetically similar population and put them in three groups, in two boxes (60 larvae in each box). Larvae were fed with mashed potato made of the same quality and quantity of potato powder. Then, we selected 10 individuals from each stage to the elemental analysis, using the ICP-OES method. The following elements were analysed in the studied stages: Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Sr and Zn. The results of principal component analysis demonstrated that based on elemental composition, different stages were separated with each other, but in the cases of the three larvae stages, high overlap was found. The results of the GLM ANOVA showed significant differences between the different stages of metamorphosis-based elemental composition. Our results show that the calcium and magnesium were found in a relatively high concentration, while the iron and zinc may be essential elements during the metamorphosis. Our results also show that in insect, the concentration of sodium was higher than in the pupa which may cause by hemolymph. We also demonstrated that the metamorphosis has an effect on the concentration of elements. Our study shows that in the different stages of insects, there are significant changes in the elemental composition of different stages of insects during their metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The spermatheca of the female mealworm beetle is an inflorescence of branching cuticular ducts which is connected to the bursa copulatrix via a cuticular neck surrounded by a muscular coat. The infolded bursal cuticle consists of a distinct outer epicuticle, inner epicuticle, procuticle, and a subcuticular zone; the latter is rich in mucopolysaccharides. The cuticle of the neck lacks a distinct procuticle. The cuticle of the spermatheca itself is mostly inner epicuticle with two thin underlying lamellae of procuticle. The cells of the bursa are loosely coupled to the procuticle, whereas cuticular projections bind the epithelia of the "neck" and the spermatheca proper to the underlying epithelia. The apical plasma membranes of the spermathecal epithelium are sinuous and much infolded; we believe that this epithelium controls the micro-environment within the cuticular ducts.  相似文献   

Pulsations in mechanical pressure of the pupal haemocoele were investigated by means of simultaneous recording from multiple sensors. It has been determined that cardiac and extracardiac haemocoelic pulsations are each regulated by substantially different and quite independent physiological mechanisms. At the beginning and in the middle of the pupal interecdysial period the anterograde heartbeat and extracardiac pulsations occur in similar, but not identical periods. During the advanced pharate adult stage, there appear almost uninterrupted pulsations from different sources: cardiac, extracardiac, intestinal, and the ventral diaphragm.Extracardiac pulsations are associated with pressure peaks of 200-500 Pa, occurring at frequencies of 0.3-0.5 Hz. The effect of heartbeat on haemocoelic pressure is very small, 100- to 500-fold smaller, comprising only some 1 or 2 Pa during the vigorous anterograde systolic contractions. Accordingly, extracardiac pulsations are associated with relatively large abdominal movements from 30-90 μm whereas heartbeat produces movements of only 100-500 nm. This shows that extracardiac pulsations can be easily confused with the anterograde heartbeat. It does not seem realistic to assume that the relatively weak insect heart, and not the 100- to 500-fold more powerful extracardiac system of abdominal pump, could be at all responsible for selective accumulation of haemolymph in anterior parts of the body, for inflation of wings or enhancement of tracheal ventilation.It has been established that thermography from the pericardial region is not specific for the heartbeat. It records subepidermal movement of haemolymph resulting from the actions of both dorsal vessel and extracardiac pressure pulses as well. Shortly before adult eclosion the cardiac and extracardiac pulsations occasionally strike in concert, which profoundly increases the flow of haemolymph through pericardial and perineural sinuses. The relatively strong extracardiac pulsations cause passive movements of various visceral organs, tissue membranes, or tissue folds, giving thus a false impression of an authentic pulsation of tissues. In addition, extracardiac pulsations cause rhythmical movements of haemolymph between various organs, thus preventing haemolymph occlusion at the sites where the heart does not reach. It has been emphasized, finally, that the function of the autonomic nervous system (coelopulse), which integrates extracardiac pulsations, depends on homeostatic moderation of excessive or deficient conditions in insect respiration and haemolymph circulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The incidence of diapause in Ephestia kuehniella Zeller from an unhealed granary in Scotland was influenced by both photoperiod and temperature. At 25°C, nearly 50% of larvae entered diapause when reared in continuous darkness (DD) and up to 30% did so in short photoperiods. Little diapause was detected around LD 14:10 but a second, smaller peak of about 20% occurred at LD 16:8 and LD 18:6, falling away again to nearly zero in continuous light. More larvae entered diapause when reared continuously at 15 or 20°C than at 25 and 30°C. However, when larvae reared from hatch at 25°C in LD 16:8 were transferred after 1 week to 15°C in LD 9:15, almost twice as many entered diapause as did those reared at 15°C throughout. The sensitive phase for diapause induction occurred near the start of the final instar. The mean duration of diapause was between 2 and 3 months in most photoperiods at 20 and 25°C, and was shorter at 15°C. However, in DD at 25°C, it lasted about 7 months. Termination of diapause was hastened in larvae reared at 25°C in DD by transferring them to LD 14:10, and also by chilling them at 7.5°C for 6 weeks before returning to 25°C in DD. In an unhealed store in southern England, viable adults emerged from May to July and originated from larvae which terminated diapause relatively late. It would appear from the results of transferring larvae back to the laboratory at various times during the winter that some phases of diapause development were completed quite early after exposure to low temperatures, although no further development took place in the store until temperatures rose again in April.  相似文献   

The aedeagal gland of male Tenebrio molitor consists of numerous acini containing several secretory units (organules) of three epithelial cells in series. The distal cortical cell and intermediate cell are secretory cells. Secretory products are passed into microvilli-lined extracellular reservoirs. From these storage areas products flow through minute canaliculi and into the efferent ductule. Canaliculi, cuticular trabeculae, and fibrillar material are characteristic features of the efferent ductules within the extracellular reservoirs of secretory cells. After passing from the secretory cells, the efferent ductule penetrates the basal ductule cell. The thin epicuticle that comprises the wall of the ductule is confluent with the epicuticle of the cuticular sheath forming the wall of the genital pocket. Secretory products flow from the cortical cell ductule into the intermediate cell and eventually empty into the genital pocket. A chemical reaction apparently takes place in the intermediate cell ductule, resulting in a frothy secretion product. When released from the ductule, this frothy product forms a foam-like layer that coats the inner wall of the genital pocket. Ultrastructural and probable functional aspects of this gland are described and discussed.  相似文献   

In yellow mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor), females are sexually receptive throughout their adult lives. We examined how access to mates affected female fecundity by varying the number of matings per female and quantifying cumulative egg production. Also, we dissected females at successive intervals after a single mating to assess the relationship among time since mating, sperm supplies, egg load, and oviposition rate. Females that mated at intervals greater than 2 days did not produce as many eggs as females that mated every 2 days or were allowed to mate ad libitum. Dissections showed that the amount of sperm remaining in a female spermatheca was correlated with the number of eggs she had laid recently, which suggests sperm replenishment as the material benefit gained through multiple mating. However, females mate more frequently than necessary for sperm replenishment, and therefore material benefits alone may not fully explain the continuous receptivity of T. molitor females.  相似文献   

Summary Testis follicles of Lepidoptera contain a large somatic cell termed Verson's cell. The present study focuses on the structure of Verson's cells and neighbouring germ cells in the Mediterranean mealmoth, Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae), using electron microscopy, antitubulin immunofluorescence, and phalloidin incubation for the visualization of microfilaments. Verson's cells of young larvae are connected with the follicle boundary and show large areas containing packages of glycogen particles, whereas Verson's cells of pupae lie freely within the testis follicle and are largely devoid of glycogen. Both developmental stages of Verson's cells have in common the presence of a dense cytoplasmic network of microtubules. A juxtanuclear subset of the cytoplasmic microtubule array is recognized by an antibody against acetylated microtubules. This indicates that more stable microtubules exist in this region. Microfilaments are arranged parallel to the cytoplasmic microtubules. The microtubule-microfilament-complex forms a cytoskeleton that may keep larger organelles, such as mitochondria and lysosomes, in a juxtanuclear position. Chromatin within the nuclei of Verson's cells is largely decondensed and nuclear pores are abundant. This indicates a high synthetic activity within the cells. The development of cells directly attached to Verson's cells, viz. prespermatogonia, may be controlled by the Verson's cells. Prespermatogonia, which differ in cytoplasmic density from spermatogonia further away from Verson's cells, may represent stem cells that give rise to spermatogonia and somatic cyst cells upon detachment from Verson's cells. This suggestion is compatible with the low division rate of prespermatogonia.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis isolates were recovered from numerous sources including soil, grain dust, plant leaves, diseased insect larvae from insectariums and sericulture environments. B. thuringiensis strains were isolated using acetate selection method with 0.025?M. concentration. The morphology of crystals was studied using light microscopy. Bioassay tests were conducted on Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (L.) as well as Pieris brassicae (L.). Based on the results, 35 B. thuringiensis strains were isolated from 140 samples. Majority of strains (%31.42) had bipyramidal crystals. There was a significant difference in toxicity to insects among B. thuringiensis isolates; 28.57 and 14.28% of the isolates were toxic to the larvae of P. brassicae and E. kuehniella, respectively, causing more than 50% mortality. Results indicated that B. thuringiensis isolates with insecticidal activity could be used in integrated pest management to control farm and stored product pests.  相似文献   

1. Administration of 10mug. of colchicine/pupa of the beetle Tenebrio molitor L. arrests its differentiation, the pupa remaining alive for 2-3 weeks. 2. The same concentration of colchicine inhibits DNA synthesis and stimulates RNA synthesis (as shown by incorporation into the nucleic acids of labelled adenine, labelled uridine and labelled thymidine). The effects of colchicine on nucleic acid metabolism are first detected 3 days after its administration to first-day pupae. 3. No effects of colchicine are seen on [1-(14)C]glycine incorporation into protein in vivo. 4. Relatively high concentrations of colchicine (e.g. 10mm) suppress incorporation of [8-(14)C]adenine into RNA in dorsal abdominal wall in vitro. Such concentrations have no effect on its incorporation into acid-soluble nucleotides. 5. Colchicine (1mm) suppresses incorporation of [8-(14)C]adenine into DNA to a greater extent than into RNA in various mammalian tissues in vitro (e.g. rat spleen, regenerating rat liver, rat embryo, guinea-pig intestinal mucosa, Ehrlich ascites cells). Colchicine (1mm) has no effect on the rate of respiration of, or on incorporation of radioactivity into acid-soluble nucleotides in, the mammalian tissues tested. 6. Further evidence indicates complex-formation between colchicine and DNA, and it is suggested that the effect of colchicine in suppressing DNA synthesis is due to its combination with the DNA primer (template).  相似文献   

To assess the spatiotemporal distribution of insects in a flat storage containing wheat (Triticumn spp.), probe traps were suspended in the wheat bulk and inspected for captured insects at 15-d intervals, from June 2001 to August 2002. The grain bulk was 1 m in height, and traps were placed at the upper and the lower 0.5 m of the bulk. During the entire trapping period, 17 insect taxa were recorded. The most abundant species were Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and its larval parasitoids Harbobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Venturia canescens (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Most individuals were found in the upper bulk part. The highest E. kuehniella trap catches were found between August and November 2001 and during June and July 2002. Of the two parasitoids, H. hebetor was more abundant than V. canescens, with the exception of winter and early spring, when both species occurred at low numbers, especially H. hebetor. Spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) spatiotemporal analysis showed significant clustering of species, especially during summer and autumn. Early in the season and during spring 2002, at low host numbers, V. canescens occupied the locations where E. kuehniella mainly aggregated, but with the increase of E. kuehniella population, H. hebetor occupied these host groups and replaced V canescens. Although the two parasitoids competed for the same host species, both species coexisted in the storage facility during the entire trapping period.  相似文献   

In a previous study, barrel-shaped spindles were found in metaphase I oocytes of Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera). Aster microtubules (MTs) were missing (Wolf, 1993: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 24:200-204). This points to an acentriolar organization of the spindle apparatus. The present study was aimed at the question of whether gamma-tubulin, a newly detected member of the tubulin superfamily that has often been identified in microtubule-organizing centers, plays a role in the nucleation of MTs in meiotic spindles of the moth. To this end, the distribution of gamma tubulin was examined in oocytes of E. kuehniella using an antibody against gamma-tubulin in combination with indirect immunofluorescence. The antibody evenly decorated spindle MTs in metaphase I oocytes of the moth. Enhanced staining of the spindle poles was not detectable In subsequent stages of meiosis, gamma-tubulin was gradually lost from spindle MTs and was then found at the surface of the so-called elimination chromatin. Female meiosis in Lepidoptera is achiasmatic. The elimination chromatin, i.e., modified and persisting synaptonemal complexes, is believed to keep homologous chromosomes linked until the onset of anaphase I. In meiosis I of female Lepidoptera, the elimination chromatin persists at the spindle equa or between the segregating chromatin masses. It is plausible to assume that gamma-tubulin is involved in spindle organization in the absence of canonical centrosomes. In MTs of metaphase II spindles of E. kuehniella, gamma-tubulin was no longer detectable with our immunological approach. This points to a far-reaching change in spindle organization during transition from meiosis I to meiosis II. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sasaki T  Kubo T  Ishikawa H 《Genetics》2002,162(3):1313-1319
Wolbachia is known as the causative agent of various reproductive alterations in arthropods. The almond moth Cadra cautella is doubly infected with A- and B-group Wolbachia and expresses complete cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). The Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella carries A-group Wolbachia and expresses partial CI. In the present study, the Wolbachia in C. cautella was transferred to E. kuehniella from which the original Wolbachia had been removed. We obtained transfected lines of three different infection states: single infection with A, single infection with B, and double infection with A and B. The doubly transfected lines and those transfected with only A produced exclusively female progeny. Two lines of evidence suggested that the sex ratio distortion was due to male killing. First, reduced egg hatch rate was observed. Second, removal of the Wolbachia from the transfected lines resulted in the recovery of a normal sex ratio of approximately 1:1. The occurrence of male killing following transfection showed that host factors influence the determination of the reproductive phenotype caused by Wolbachia. The transfected E. kuehniella males carrying exclusively B-group Wolbachia expressed partial incompatibility when crossed with the uninfected females. In addition, the transfected lines were bidirectionally incompatible with the naturally infected strain, which was the first demonstration of bidirectional CI in a lepidopteran.  相似文献   

Summary Connections were found between retinula cells of adjacent retinula cell columns in the eye of Ephestia. The connections occur most frequently at the level of the retinula cell nuclei and may involve two or more retinula columns simultaneously. The absence of specialized structural modifications of the membranes and the presence of pigment granules at the level of the connections or distal to them indicates that these connections are probably not involved in selective chemical or electrical communication nor in light transmission. It is suggested that the connections may serve tactily to coordinate cytoplasmic movement in adjacent retinula columns during light-dark adaptation.Senior U. S. Scientist Awardee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Thanks to Prof. Dr. A. Fischer for his suggestions and assistance.  相似文献   

Using a molecular marker that allows the differentiation of two strains of the solitary endoparasitoid wasp Venturia canescens, the study investigated the influence of host mass and the time interval between ovipositions on the survival and development of larvae from both the first and second laid eggs in superparasitised Ephestia kuehniella. As the time interval between ovipositions increased both overall and superparasitism success decreased, however, time between, and order of, ovipositions had little effect on other developmental parameters. Adult size increased with host mass under both parasitism and superparasitism, while host mortality decreased with host mass under superparasitism. In addition, wasps emerging from superparasitised hosts were larger than wasps from parasitised hosts. The results confirm that for V. canescens on the host E. kuehniella both self- and conspecific-superparasitism will be an adaptive strategy when hosts are the limiting factor.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid plasma kinetics in pregnant baboons and its conversion to long chain polyunsaturates (LCP) in fetal organs is characterized over a 29-day period using stable isotope tracers. Pregnant baboons consumed an LCP-free diet and received [U-13C]linoleic acid (18:2*) in their third trimester of gestation. In maternal plasma, 18:2* dropped to near baseline by 14 days post-dose, while labeled arachidonic acid (20:4*) plateaued at 10 days at about 70% of total labeled fatty acids. After 2;-5 days, total tracer fatty acids decreased in visceral organs, but increased in the fetal brain. Maximal fetal incorporation of 18:2* was 1;-2 days post-dose; thereafter it dropped while 20:4* increased reciprocally. Labeled 20:4 replaced 18:2* in neural tissues by 5 days post-dose. In liver, kidney, and lung, 20:4* became dominant by 12 days, but in heart the crossover was >29 days. Fetal brain 20:4* plateaued by 21 days at 0. 025% of dose, while fetal liver 20:4* was constant from 1 to 29 days at 0.006% of dose. Under these dietary conditions we estimate that the fetus derives about 50% its 20:4 requirement from conversion of dietary 18:2, with the balance from maternal stores, and conclude that 1) fetal organs accumulate 18:2 within a day of a maternal dose and convert much of it to 20:4 within weeks, 2) modest dietary 18:2 levels may support fetal brain requirements for 20:4, and 3) the brain retains n;-6 fatty acids uniquely compared with major visceral organs.  相似文献   

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