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Papio hamadryas was surveyed throughout its range in Saudi Arabia and was observed at altitudes ranging from 0 to 2300 m. Wild populations occur along the whole range of altitude, while commensal populations are only found above 850 m altitude. No variation in group size was found with altitude. Comparison of wild and commensal populations showed the following. (1) Their composition in terms of age and sex classes, overall adult sex ratios, and group size does not significantly differ. (2) Groups of both populations include, in similar proportions, three types of parties: one-male units (>70%), two-male units (>13%), and a few other units of variable composition. (3) The mean size of commensal parties is significantly larger than in the wild population; specifically one-male units are larger in the commensal population due to a larger number of females per male. Thus, female distribution in commensal groups is more inequitable than that in wild groups. (4) Finally, the number of females included in two-male units increases with altitude. These differences are discussed in terms of food availability and predator pressure and are compared with results obtained on other Arabian and Ethiopian populations.  相似文献   

Three levels of hamadryas social structure—the one male unit (OMU), the band, and the troop—have been observed at all sites studied, but a fourth—the clan—has been observed at only one site, Erer-Gota, Ethiopia, during a longitudinal check of the dispersion of identified individuals. The clan is important since it appears to provide the basis for male philopatry, although comparative data is needed from other sites to confirm this. We studied a huge commensal group of hamadryas baboons (over 600 animals) in Saudi Arabia. We put ear tags on baboons between 1998 and 2004 and analyzed social structure, relying on the interactions of these tagged animals by focusing especially on their dispersal patterns from OMUs. OMU membership tended to be looser than that of the Ethiopian hamadryas. Females tended to shift between OMUs on an individual basis in our study group, whereas the collapse of an OMU was a major occasion of adult female transfer in Ethiopia. We found neither stable bands (a “band” in our study group was defined as a regional assemblage of OMUs) nor clans that lasted for several years. Some OMUs moved and transferred into neighboring areas over both the short and long term. Further, some post-adolescent males appeared to move out of the study area. The ratio of adult females in an OMU in our study group was larger than for any other documented study site, and this may be the reason for enhanced female transfer between OMUs. A large proportion of the adolescent females showed no clear membership to OMUs, and no “initial units” (commonly observed in Ethiopia) were discernible. The ease with which young males acquired adult females at the study site must have disrupted the formation of a clan, a “male-bonded society.”  相似文献   

We used a cross-sectional sample to compare ontogenetic trajectories in the concentrations of monoamine neurotransmitter metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid of wild anubis (Papio anubis, n = 49) and hamadryas (P. hamadryas, n = 54) baboons to test the prediction that they would differ, especially in males, in association with their distinct behavioral ontogenies. Values of all 3 metabolites [3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), the norepinephrine metabolite; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the serotonin metabolite; and homovanillic acid (HVA), the dopamine metabolite] declined consistently with dentally-calibrated maturation, and few taxon-related differences were apparent among juveniles. Adult females were too few for adequate comparison, but a discriminant function suggested that they might differ by taxon. Adult males of the 2 species differed strikingly from juveniles and from each other. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, adult male anubis had significantly lower HVA and MHPG, and higher 5-HIAA levels, than predicted from the overall, age-related trend, and MHPG continued to decline with age among adults. As young adults, male hamadryas had low 5-HIAA and a high HVA/5-HIAA ratio, while older males [normatively one-male unit (OMU) leaders] showed a reversal in the trend, with 5-HIAA rising and the HVA/5-HIAA ratio tending to fall. We speculate that the results are related to the dispersing and philopatric ontogenies of anubis and hamadryas males, respectively. Adult male anubis, whose fitness depends on building social networks with nonkin, have high relative serotonin activity, commonly associated with greater social circumspection and skill. Young adult male hamadryas, living among agnatic kin and mating opportunistically, exhibit low 5-HIAA levels, generally associated with impulsivity and social irresponsibility. This reverses as a male approaches the age at which he is normatively the leader of a one-male unit (OMU), and his fitness depends on his maintaining stable relationships with other leaders and with females. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The 1982 observation of the immigration of an adult male olive baboon, Papio anubis,into a group of yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus,in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, constitutes the first confirmed report of interbreeding between the two species within the Amboseli baboon population. We document the social aspects of the immigration and describe subsequent sightings of anubisbaboons in Amboseli that confirm the existence of a previously unrecognized hybrid zone in Kenya.  相似文献   

An allergological study to evaluate allergenicity to Cladosporium, Burkard 7-Day Volumetric Spore Trap and Personal Volumetric air sampler (viable mode) were employed to conduct air sampling for 12 months in three regions of Saudi Arabia. The study was extended for a continuous 3rd year at one site. Skin prick testing (SPT) was also conducted on 605 allergic individuals using commercial extracts of C. herbarum. Cladosporium emerged to be the most prevalent genus in the outdoor environment constituting up to 25% of all fungal spores in the dry region and 37.1 and 41.2% in two coastal cities respectively. Amongst the species C. sphaerospermum, C. macrocarpum, C. cladosporioides and C. herbarum were noted. Maximum hourly concentrations up to 14 x 10(3) m(-3) were recorded in coastal region during winter months. Morning concentrations were higher at both city sites compared to afternoon concentration. SPT result revealed an overall 19.67% positive reactions with majority showing mild reactions.  相似文献   

We conducted an extensive survey in search of hybrid baboons betweenPapio hamadryas andP. anubis along the Wabi-Shebeli river at the border of the Arusi and Bale Regions, Ethiopia. We made inquiries of villagers on the roadsides concerning the existence of baboon species. We also conducted direct observations at several sites. There are three routes which lead to the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region), and we found hybrid baboons on the bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river in two routes among the three. We found hamadryas baboons in all of the three routes at the cliff areas. There are two routes which lead to the south bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Bale Region). We conducted a survey on one of the two. We found hamadryas baboons at the cliff areas of the route. We observed a population of gelada baboons along the cliff extending over 20 km along the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region). This area is far to the south of the known distribution range of gelada baboons (Yalden et al., 1977). The gelada baboons of this area appeared to represent a different form (subspecies?) from those at Debre Sina (Showa Region) based on our observations in both areas. We reached the conclusion that the distributions of baboon species along the Wabi-Shebeli river may have been strongly affected by the intensive cultivation on the plateau of the highland. The distribution patterns of the three baboon species,P. anubis, P. hamadryas, andTheropithecus gelada, appeared to be influenced by their individual adaptabilities to the cliff environment. Hamadryas baboons were distributed continuously along the cliff and the narrow lowland of the Wabi-Shebeli river. Anubis baboons were distributed discontinuously on the cliffs, and their populations tended to be small and isolated. These anubis baboons were strongly hybridized with hamadryas baboons.  相似文献   

A new genus ofCruciferae, Dolichorhynchus Hedge & Kit Tan (D. arabicus Hedge & Kit Tan) and a new speciesArabidopsis erysimoides Hedge & Kit Tan, both from northern Saudi Arabia, are described and illustrated. An addendum lists new Crucifer generic or species records for the Arabian peninsula.  相似文献   

Summary Antisera against oLH1, oLH and hFSH were used to localize gonadotropic cells in the pars distalis of Cercopithecus aethiops and Papio hamadryas. Three separate cell types were observed for FSH and LH: 85% of immunohistochemically identified gonadotropic cells reacted to all the various antisera; 10% reacted with the anti-LH antibody only; and 5% with the anti-hFSH antibody only. Comparisons between adjacent serial sections treated with various antisera, other than anti-gonadotropic hormones, demonstrated that the gonadotropic cells of these monkeys did not respond to these antisera.
Résumé Des anticorps anti-LH ovine, anti-LH ovine et anti-FSH humaine ont été utilisés pour localiser les cellules gonadotropes dans la pars distalis de l'hypophyse des Singes Cercopithecus aethiops et Papio hamadryas. Trois catégories cellulaires distinctes, réagissant avec des anticorps anti-hormones gonadotropes, ont été observées. 85% des cellules immunoréactives identifiées en tant que cellules gonadotropes réagissent simultanément avec les différents anticorps mentionnés; 10% des cellules gonadotropes réagissent seulement avec l'anticorps anti-oLH et 5% de ces cellules seulement avec l'anticorps anti-hFSH. La comparaison avec des coupes adjacentes traitées par divers anticorps autres que les anticorps anti-gonadotropines prouve que les cellules gonadotropes de ces Singes ne réagissent jamais simultanément avec l'un ou l'autre de ces anticorps.

Abbreviations used in this Article oLH ovine luteinizing hormone - hFSH human follicle stimulating hormone - ACTH corticotropin - GH growth hormone - LPH lipotropin - TSH thyrotropin  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-two fecal samples were collected from two troops of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus),living in montane and subalpine grassland, trespectively. These were examined for the presence of gastrointestinal parasites. Five protozoan, six nematode, and two cestode species were identified. Identifications were based on the morphology of cysts in the case of Protozoaand of eggs in the case of helminths. Strongyle nematodes were tentatively identified on egg size ranges and larval characteristics.  相似文献   

Haasgat is a fossil-bearing cave site that has yielded 83 craniodental fossils of early Papio.All of the Haasgat cave baboon fossil collection may be identified as Papio angusticeps.The Haasgat fossils of P. angusticepsextend the previously known size range of the species as identified at other sites. The concordance of this and other fauna with that of Kromdraai suggest that Haasgat probably dates to the terminal Pliocene. We hypothesize that the Haasgat baboons and associated fauna were accumulated by versatile predators operating in a cave in a montane forest environment with savannah or open woodland nearby.  相似文献   

The hot and arid lowlands of southwestern Saudi Arabia are home to two common lianas, Cocculus pendulus and Leptadenia arborea. This paper attempts to relate the adaptation of these two climbing woody perennials to such a harsh environment to the anatomy and hydraulic characteristics of their wood. The stems of these lianas have wood with wide xylem vessels and high hydraulic conductivity which should enhance water flow to the upper canopy despite their severe twisting. Hydraulic conductivity is further helped by the simple perforation plates of xylem vessels. The circular thickening of xylem walls gives them strength and reduces the risk of their collapse and the ensuing embolism in the advent of high tension created by severe water deficit and high evapo-transpiration demand. Wide vessels, on the other hand, are more susceptible to embolism. This problem may be overcome by reducing the solute potential of xylem sap by hydrolysis of starch grains which were found to be abundant in the vicinity of the vessels. This should help absorb water by the deep roots from the capillary fringes of the typically shallow water table in this particular habitat. Furthermore, the abundance of ray parenchyma cells between xylem groups of both lianas provides great flexibility with minimum damage to water conduits in the stem during climbing and twisted growth. It was concluded that these wood features in both lianas are crucial for survival under the harsh conditions of arid Tihama plains of southwestern Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Teucrium (Lamiaceae) is a large and polymorphic genus distributed mainly in Europe, North Africa and in the temperate parts of Asia. In this study, the anatomical features of the leaf and stem of Teucrium polium are investigated. Teucrium has 19 taxa in Iran, which mainly grow in the Irano-Turanian region between 700 and 2000 m above sea level. T. polium belonging to sect. Polium, is a perennial herb growing on Lorestan province. The leaves clearly exhibit xeromorphy due to features such as thick cuticle layer, thick outer epidermal cell wall, high density of trichomes and thick palisade layer of the mesophyll. Anatomical studies on T. polium revealed that the stem shares the general characteristics of the Labiatae family. The aim of our approach was to study the morphological and taxonomical parameters for T. polium in Saudi Arabia. The results of this study showed that there was no influence of environment on the structure of stomata and trichomes as studying species with T.polium. In conclusion our study shows we have studied the geographical distribution of the species in Saudi Arabia and in the world.  相似文献   

Bukharie HA 《Mycopathologia》2002,153(4):195-198
Demographic information, risk factors, therapy, and outcome for all patients who had candidemia at King Fahad teaching hospital Al-khobar, between January 1995 and January 2000 were retrospectively reviewed. Thirty-two candidemic patients were identified. Candida parapsilosis was the most frequently isolated species (44%), followed by Candida tropicalis (25%), Candida albicans (19%), Candida krusei (6%), Candida glabrat a (3%), and Candida guilliermondi (3%). Risk factors included recent broad-spectrum antibiotics use (100%), ICU residency (71%), central venous catheters (66%), recent surgery (56%), total parenteral nutrition (43%), and immunosuppressive therapy (31%). Fluconazole was used before the onset of candidemia in only two patients. The overall mortality rate was 44%. Eight (25%) episodes of candidemia were not diagnosed and treated before the patient's demise. In view of the high mortality rate associated with hematogenous candidiasis, and lack of sensitive and specific laboratory tests necessary for the premortem diagnosis of infection, empirical antifungal therapy is recommended for high-risk patients. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of Parentage in a Band of Captive Hamadryas Baboons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The male leaders of free-ranging harem groups of hamadryas baboons are believed to mate exclusively with the female members of their harems, which typically contain no more than 2–3 females. Using no-parent parentage exclusion analysis (PEA) we identified the paternity of 25 offspring born in a captive band of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) containing five adult males, each with a stable harem of about five females. Nine of 13 microsatellite (SSR) loci known to be highly polymorphic in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were successful in identifying the sires of all but two offspring without knowledge of the dams' genotypes, and we were able to determine the sires of all offspring when the dams' genotypes were considered. Mating success of the males ranged between 2 and 7 offspring and bore no clear relationship to the males' ages, ranks or the number of females in their harems. The males sired 7 of the 25 offspring with females outside their own harems, with higher-ranking males exhibiting greater success monopolizing access to females in their harem than lower-ranking males did. More surprisingly, the females assigned as the dams of 14 of the 25 offspring could be unequivocally excluded from parentage. The identity of the true dam could be determined for each of these 14 offspring using single-parent PEA and was uncorrelated with the ranks of these offsprings' sires and whether the offspring were born to dams outside the sires' harem groups. The combined effect of this extraharem mating and kidnapping was that only 12 of the 25 offspring were raised within their sires' harem groups. A second group of hamadryas baboons of identical structure exhibited the same high incidences of infant kidnapping and mating outside the harem group. It is unclear whether these behaviors provide an adaptive advantage or represent aberrant behavior resulting from captivity or other circumstances.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of food distribution (clumped vs dispersed) on processes of competition among seven captive male hamadryas-like baboons. Spatial cohesion, cohesive behaviours that males performed and received from their females, and aggressive and feeding behaviours of the males were collected during 35 min after food supply. Median values and variability of these variables were compared in both the feeding situations. Food distribution influenced both asymmetries in access and the form of competition. When food was clumped, those with less access fed by means of compensatory or alternative strategies (away from the main source and/or by feeding supplants), and they were more aggressive towards other males. When food was dispersed, all individuals could feed simultaneously, males that were more aggressive were those with less cohesive OMUs, despite the fact that cohesive behaviours remained constant. Females appeared to contribute to variation in the OMU's cohesion through their responses to both food distribution and males' competitive ability.  相似文献   

Researchers have associated variation in the occurrence of postconflict behaviors with variation in the relationship quality between involved individuals. Apart from those on the great apes, the vast majority of postconflict studies involved female-bonded species and focused on the victim. We examined postconflict affiliation involving the aggressor in a non-female-bonded species, hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas), and investigated the influence of relationship quality on the occurrence of 2 types of postconflict affiliative behaviors. Hamadryas baboons reconciled after a conflict and the highest rate of reconciliation was between one-male unit (OMU) leader males and their females. Via direct measures of relationship characteristics we also found that partners with higher-quality relationship, e.g., highly affiliative dyads and allies, showed higher levels of conciliatory tendency than dyads with lower-quality relationship, e.g., less affiliative dyads and non-allies. We found evidence of postconflict third-party affiliation initiated by aggressors, but not by third parties. Further, aggressor-initiated affiliation was more likely with individuals of the same OMU and individuals with which the aggressor maintained a strongly affiliative relationship. Our findings provide further support for relationship quality as a fundamental underlying factor not only in reconciliation, but also in postconflict affiliations involving third parties.  相似文献   

Middle phalangeal hair was found to be present in 71% if Saudi Arabian males. For those exhibiting this trait, the frequency of combinations of digits with hair was similar to the frequency in other populations.  相似文献   

This study surveyed 205 wetland sites in the Southwestern Saudi Arabia. We found seven species of amphibians (Anura), which belong to four families: Bufonidae; which includes four species, Sclerophrys tihamica; S. Arabica, Duttaphrynus dhufarensis, and Bufotes viridis; Hylidae, represented by only one species, the tree frog Hyla savignyi; Ranidae, which represented by one species, Pelophylax ridibundus and finally the Dicroglossidae, represented by one species, Euphlyctis ehrenbergii. The reasonable amount of rain received in southwest Arabia, and habitat diversity contribute to the relative abundance of amphibians in the region. Five types of wetland habitats were found in the study area. Valley streams, irrigated farms, seasonal ponds, dam reservoir and lagoons of treated sewage water. The current study revealed the wide spread of amphibians in southwestern Saudi Arabia than what had been reported earlier and confirmed the presence of the Bufotes viridis at three new sites in Asir Heights. It also showed the wide spread of S. arabica in all types of habitats in the southwestern region of Saudi Arabia. Habitat degradation was evident in the region, which might lead to species loss.  相似文献   

The genus Moringa was the family of Moringaceae and Moringa oleifera and Moringa peregrina are the most famous species of Moringa. M. peregrina is widely grown in Saudi Arabia, Iran and India. Therefore, based on these reports, this study aimed to investigate the first systematic attempt to regulate the genetic diversity of the species M. peregrina in Saudi Arabian samples collected from several geographic locations using internal transcribed sequences. Genomic DNA was separated by CTAB extraction method and PCR was performed. Later on, DNA sequencing was performed for PCR products with ITS. In conclusion, the present study affords the first report on genetic stability of M. peregrina using ITS analysis in Saudi Arabia. Further studies are suggested in order to study in different regions.  相似文献   

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