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A study of the platyrrhine prehensile tail provides an opportunity to better understand how ecological and biomechanical factors affect the ability of primates to distribute mass across many different kinds of arboreal supports. Young individuals experience ontogenetic changes in body mass, limb proportions, and motor skills that are likely to exert a strong influence on foraging strategies, social behaviors, support use, and associated prehensile‐tail use. In this research, I examine ontogenetic patterns of prehensile‐tail use in Cebus capucinus and Alouatta palliata. I collected behavioral data on activity, positional context, support size, and prehensile‐tail use in five age categories of white‐faced capuchins and mantled howlers during a 12‐month period at Estación Biológica La Suerte in northeastern Costa Rica. Infant and juvenile howlers and capuchins were found to use their prehensile tails significantly more often than adults during feeding, foraging, and social behavior. Prehensile‐tail use did not show predictable increases during growth. In both species, adults used their prehensile tails in mass‐bearing modes significantly less often than juveniles. Despite differences in tail anatomy in Cebus and Alouatta, prehensile‐tail use was observed to follow an increasing trajectory from infancy, peaking during juvenescence, and then decreasing in older juveniles and adults. In both species, it appeared that adult patterns of prehensile‐tail use reflected the demands placed on young juveniles. Am. J. Primatol. 74:770‐782, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Physical anthropologists have devoted considerable attention to the structure and function of the primate prehensile tail. Nevertheless, previous morphological studies have concentrated solely on adults, despite behavioral evidence that among many primate taxa, including capuchin monkeys, infants and juveniles use their prehensile tails during a greater number and greater variety of positional behaviors than do adults. In this study, we track caudal vertebral growth in a mixed longitudinal sample of white-fronted and brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and Cebus apella). We hypothesized that young capuchins would have relatively robust caudal vertebrae, affording them greater tail strength for more frequent tail-suspension behaviors. Our results supported this hypothesis. Caudal vertebral bending strength (measured as polar section modulus at midshaft) scaled to body mass with negative allometry, while craniocaudal length scaled to body mass with positive allometry, indicating that infant and juvenile capuchin monkeys are characterized by particularly strong caudal vertebrae for their body size. These findings complement previous results showing that long bone strength similarly scales with negative ontogenetic allometry in capuchin monkeys and add to a growing body of literature documenting the synergy between postcranial growth and the changing locomotor demands of maturing animals. Although expanded morphometric data on tail growth and behavioral data on locomotor development are required, the results of this study suggest that the adult capuchin prehensile-tail phenotype may be attributable, at least in part, to selection on juvenile performance, a possibility that deserves further attention.  相似文献   

We examined substrate use by a group of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) during the dry season in the seasonally dry forest at Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica. The group's most common terrestrial activities were foraging and traveling. Subjuveniles were most terrestrial, traveling terrestrially 55% of the time and foraging terrestrially 42% of the time. Juveniles were least terrestrial (36% travel, 24% forage). Rest and social activity were highly arboreal for all age classes. Terrestrial foraging was most common in the middle of the day. Terrestrial traveling became increasingly common over the course of the day.  相似文献   

Tale of tails: parallelism and prehensility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of prehensile tails among only five platyrrhine genera--Cebus, Alouatta, Lagothrix, Ateles, and Brachyteles--might be interpreted as evidence that these are a closely related, possibly monophyletic group. In the absence of behavioral data, it is impossible to test whether all possess equivalent biological roles; such would lend credence to the idea that their tails evolved from an homologous, derived character complex. Contrariwise, the tendency for species of Cebus to have "averagely" proportioned or relatively short tails, in contrast to the relatively elongate tails of howlers and other atelines; osteological differences in caudal and sacral morphology; and a lack of ateline-like tail/neocortex correlates in Cebus, all imply that prehensility has evolved twice in parallel: once (homologously) in atelines and again in capuchins.  相似文献   

This study is a comparison of locomotor behavior and postcranial form in two species of capuchin monkey, the brown capuchin (Cebus apella), and the weeper capuchin (Cebus olivaceus). Behavioral data from groups of wild C. apella and C. olivaceus in Guyana were collected during the period of December 1999 through November 2000. Postcranial variables including 40 measurements and three indices were taken from 43 adult and subadult specimens of C. apella and 14 adult and subadult specimens of C. olivaceus housed in American museums, as well as two wild-caught adult specimens of C. olivaceus from the Georgetown Zoo in Guyana. The results of this study indicate that these two capuchins exhibit similar patterns of locomotor behavior, but that there are important differences in how they move through their homerange, particularly with respect to quadrupedalism. These differences in behavior are reflected in their postcranial morphology and can be related to differences in foraging strategies. This study provides an example of the importance of using more exclusive categories of quadrupedal behaviors when comparing closely related arboreal quadrupeds, as well as an alternative explanation for some of the postcranial features of C. apella that may relate to foraging postures and foraging strategy rather than traditionally categorized patterns of locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

During the wet season, two sympatric species of primates,Alouatta palliata (mantled howlers) andCebus capucinus (white-faced capuchins), were assayed for feeding niche differences through behavioral and habitat use patterns at Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Curu in Costa Rica. Differences in the use of relative diameter and thickness of branches and five different modes of feeding were compared between the species. White-faced capuchins used more manipulative modes of obtaining food, a wider range of arboreal habitat, and had a more diverse diet than mantled howlers. Mantled howlers may be more restricted than white-faced capuchins in arboreal microhabitat use due to their possible need for large support branches during feeding bouts and resting periods. We report that differences in feeding behaviors, diet, and arboreal habitat use seem to play a large role in separating these species niches.  相似文献   

The dynamic role of the prehensile tail of atelines during locomotion is poorly understood. While some have viewed the tail of Ateles simply as a safety mechanism, others have suggested that the prehensile tail plays an active role by adjusting pendulum length or controlling lateral sway during bimanual suspensory locomotion. This study examines the bony and muscular anatomy of the prehensile tail as well as the kinematics of tail use during tail-assisted brachiation in two primates, Ateles and Lagothrix. These two platyrrhines differ in anatomy and in the frequency and kinematics of suspensory locomotion. Lagothrix is stockier, has shorter forelimbs, and spends more time traveling quadrupedally and less time using bimanual suspensory locomotion than does Ateles. In addition, previous studies showed that Ateles exhibits greater hyperextension of the tail, uses its tail to grip only on alternate handholds, and has a larger abductor caudae medialis muscle compared to Lagothrix. In order to investigate the relationship between anatomy and behavior concerning the prehensile tail, osteological data and kinematic data were collected for Ateles fusciceps and Lagothrix lagothricha. The results demonstrate that Ateles has more numerous and smaller caudal elements, particularly in the proximal tail region. In addition, transverse processes are relatively wider, and sacro-caudal articulation is more acute in Ateles compared to Lagothrix. These differences reflect the larger abductor muscle mass and greater hyperextension in Ateles. In addition, Ateles shows fewer side-to-side movements during tail-assisted brachiation than does Lagothrix. These data support the notion that the prehensile tail represents a critical dynamic element in the tail-assisted brachiation of Ateles, and may be useful in developing inferences concerning behavior in fossil primates.  相似文献   

Natural selection for positional behavior (posture and locomotion) has at least partially driven the evolution of anatomical form and function in the order Primates. Examination of bipedal behaviors associated with daily activity patterns, foraging, and terrestrial habitat use in nonhuman primates, particularly those that adopt bipedal postures and use bipedal locomotion, allows us to refine hypotheses concerning the evolution of bipedalism in humans. This study describes the positional behavior of wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus), a species that is known for its use of terrestrial substrates and its habitual use of stones as tools. Here, we test the association of terrestrial substrate use with bipedal posture and locomotion, and the influence of sex (which co‐varies with body mass in adults of this species) on positional behavior and substrate use. Behavior and location of 16 wild adult bearded capuchins from two groups were sampled systematically at 15 s intervals for 2 min periods for 1 year (10,244 samples). Despite their different body masses, adult males (average 3.5 kg) and females (average 2.1 kg) in this study did not differ substantially in their positional behaviors, postures, or use of substrates for particular activities. The monkeys used terrestrial substrates in 27% of samples. Bipedal postures and behaviors, while not a prominent feature of their behavior, occurred in different forms on the two substrates. The monkeys crouched bipedally in trees, but did not use other bipedal postures in trees. While on terrestrial substrates, they also crouched bipedally but occasionally stood upright and moved bipedally with orthograde posture. Bearded capuchin monkeys' behavior supports the suggestion from anatomical analysis that S. libidinosus is morphologically better adapted than its congeners to adopt orthograde postures.  相似文献   

Observed patterns of variability in the food-processing behavior of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) across populations may reflect foraging traditions. However, there has been relatively little attention given to intrapopulation variability in food processing among groups and age/sex classes, making recent cross-population comparisons difficult to interpret. In this paper, we provide data on patterns of object use in foraging that we observed at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, for comparison with published data from a neighboring research site, Palo Verde National Park. We also describe the techniques used to process two food items consumed by Cebus capucinus at Santa Rosa, and discuss the factors that may underlie observed variability. We conducted a 6-month study on two groups of capuchins in 2001, and collected data on general activity and feeding patterns, rates and forms of object use, and distinctive processing techniques employed for two specific foods (Sloanea terniflora and Luehea candida). Rates of object-use behavior at Santa Rosa were considerably higher than those reported for Palo Verde and showed significant variation between groups and age/sex classes, as did patterns of Sloanea and Luehea processing. Observed differences in feeding rates between groups may reflect food availability or relative profitability, whereas variation between age/sex classes seems to reflect differences in the physical capabilities, foraging strategies, and the relative experience of mature and immature animals. Further research is needed to identify how a social context may influence the acquisition of food-processing techniques in juveniles and the development of foraging traditions in social groups.  相似文献   

The frequency of anointing bouts and the materials used for self- and social anointing vary across capuchin species in captivity, but there is little published data on capuchin anointing in the wild. Here we present previously unpublished data on anointing behaviors from capuchin monkey populations at ten different field sites and incorporate these data into a review of the anointing literature for captive and wild capuchins. Using a comparative phylogenetic framework, we test four hypotheses derived primarily from captive literature for variation in anointing between wild untufted capuchins (Cebus) and tufted capuchins (Sapajus), including that (1) the frequency of anointing is higher in Cebus, (2) Cebus uses a higher proportion of plant species to insect species for anointing compared with Sapajus, (3) anointing material diversity is higher in Cebus, and (4) social indices of anointing are higher in Cebus. We found that wild Cebus anoints more with plant parts, including fruits, whereas wild Sapajus anoints more with ants and other arthropods. Cebus capucinus in particular uses more plant species per site for anointing compared with other capuchins and may specialize in anointing as an activity independent from foraging, whereas most other capuchin species tend to eat the substances they use for anointing. In agreement with captive studies, we found evidence that wild Cebus anoints at a significantly higher frequency than Sapajus. However, contrary to the captive literature, we found no difference in the range of sociality for anointing between Cebus and Sapajus in the wild. We review anointing in the context of other Neotropical primate rubbing behaviors and consider the evidence for anointing as self-medication; as a mechanism for enhanced sociality; and as a behavioral response to chemical stimuli.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Ateles) frequently use suspensory locomotion and postures, and their postcranial morphology suggests convergence with extant hominoids in canopy and food utilization. Previous studies of positional behavior in Ateles, have produced variable rates in the use of different positional activities. I investigated the positional behavior of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus) in a wet rain forest in French Guiana, and assessed differences in the rates of use of positional modes across studies. I also discuss the significance of suspensory activities in forest utilization. In French Guiana, Ateles confined travel and feeding locomotion on small and medium-sized moderately inclined supports in the main canopy. Tail-arm brachiation and clamber were their main traveling modes, while clamber was the dominant feeding locomotor mode. Small horizontal supports were predominant during their feeding. Suspensory postures accounted for more than half of feeding bouts, with tail-hang and tail-hind limb(s) hang being the dominant postures. Feeding occurred largely in tree crown peripheries with the prehensile tail anchored frequently above the monkey. They usually collected food items below or at the same level as the body. There is no difference among the postures they used to acquire and eat young leaves and fruit. My results agree with reports on the positional behavior of different species of spider monkeys at other sites. Despite the use of different methods, the same species exhibited more or less similar profiles in similar forests. Interspecific differences could be associated with morphological differences. Moreover, intraspecific differences could be attributed to forest structure. The findings suggest that the major part of biological information is independent of methods used in the several studies. Suspensory behavior facilitates the exploitation of the forest canopy by shortening traveling pathways between and within trees, by enabling faster travel for the better exploitation of patchy food sources and by providing access to food in the flexible terminal twigs.  相似文献   

Foraging in large-scale (navigation between patches), small-scale (choice of within-patch feeding sites), and micro-scale (close inspection of food items) space presents variable cognitive challenges. The reliability and usefulness of spatial memory and perceptual cues during food search in a forest environment vary among these spatial scales. This research applied an experimental field design to test the ability of a free-ranging group composed of eight black-horned capuchin monkeys, Cebus nigritus, inhabiting a forest fragment in Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to use food-associated spatial, visual, olfactory, and quantitative (amount of food) cues during small-scale foraging decisions. The experimental design involved the establishment of a feeding station composed of eight feeding platforms distributed in a circular arrangement. A series of six experiments, each lasting 20 days, was conducted from March to August 2005. Two feeding platforms in each experimental session contained a food reward (real banana), whereas the remaining six platforms contained either a sham banana or an inaccessible real banana. Data on capuchin monkey foraging behavior at the feeding stations were collected by the "all occurrences" sampling method. The performance of the capuchins in the experiments was analyzed based on the first two platforms inspected in each session. The study group inspected feeding platforms in 571 occasions during 113 sessions. Capuchins used visual cues and spatial information (and adopted a win-return strategy) for finding the platforms baited with real bananas and showed weak evidence of the integration of spatial and quantitative cues, but failed to show evidence of using olfactory cues. In addition, individual differences in social rank and foraging behavior affected opportunities for learning and the performance in the cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

Prehensile tails, capable of suspending the entire body weight of an animal, have evolved in parallel in New World monkeys (Platyrrhini): once in the Atelinae (Alouatta, Ateles, Brachyteles, Lagothrix), and once in the Cebinae (Cebus, Sapajus). Structurally, the prehensile tails of atelines and cebines share morphological features that distinguish them from nonprehensile tails, including longer proximal tail regions, well‐developed hemal processes, robust caudal vertebrae resistant to higher torsional and bending stresses, and caudal musculature capable of producing higher contractile forces. The functional significance of shape variation in the articular surfaces of caudal vertebral bodies, however, is relatively less well understood. Given that tail use differs considerably among prehensile and nonprehensile anthropoids, it is reasonable to predict that caudal vertebral body articular surface area and shape will respond to use‐specific patterns of mechanical loading. We examine the potential for intervertebral articular surface contour curvature and relative surface area to discriminate between prehensile‐tailed and nonprehensile‐tailed platyrrhines and cercopithecoids. The proximal and distal intervertebral articular surfaces of the first (Ca1), transitional and longest caudal vertebrae were examined for individuals representing 10 anthropoid taxa with differential patterns of tail‐use. Study results reveal significant morphological differences consistent with the functional demands of unique patterns of tail use for all vertebral elements sampled. Prehensile‐tailed platyrrhines that more frequently use their tails in suspension (atelines) had significantly larger and more convex intervertebral articular surfaces than all nonprehensile‐tailed anthropoids examined here, although the intervertebral articular surface contour curvatures of large, terrestrial cercopithecoids (i.e., Papio sp.) converge on the ateline condition. Prehensile‐tailed platyrrhines that more often use their tails in tripodal bracing postures (cebines) are morphologically intermediate between atelines and nonprehensile tailed anthropoids. J. Morphol. 275:1300–1311, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Some populations of capuchins are reported to use tools to solve foraging problems in the wild. In most cases, this involves the act of pounding and digging. The use of probing tools by wild capuchins is considerably less common. Here we report on the results of an experimental field study conducted in southern Brazil designed to examine the ability of wild black-horned capuchins (Sapajus nigritus) to use a wooden dowel as a lever or a probe to obtain an embedded food reward. A group of eight capuchins was presented with two experimental platforms, each housing a clear Plexiglas box containing two bananas on a shelf and four inserted dowels. Depending on the conditions of the experiment, the capuchins were required either to pull (Condition I) or push (Conditions II and III) the dowels, in order to dislodge the food reward from the shelf so that it could be manually retrieved. In Condition I, four individuals spontaneously solved the foraging problem by pulling the dowels in 25% (72/291) of visits. In Conditions II and III, however, no capuchin successfully pushed the dowels forward to obtain the food reward. During these latter two experimental conditions, the capuchins continued to pull the dowels (41/151 or 27% of visits), even though this behavior did not result in foraging success. The results of these field experiments are consistent with an identical study conducted on wild Cebus capucinus in Costa Rica, and suggest that when using an external object as a probe to solve a foraging problem, individual capuchins were able to rapidly learn an association between the tool and the food reward, but failed to understand exactly how the tool functioned in accomplishing the task. The results also suggest that once a capuchin learned to solve this tool-mediated foraging problem, the individual persisted in using the same solution even in the face of repeated failure (slow rate of learning extinction).  相似文献   

Capuchins rub particular plant materials into their pelage, a behavior for which most authors have proposed a medicinal function (Baker in American Journal of Primatology 38:263–270, 1996, Baker, M. (1998). Fur Rubbing as Evidence for Medicinal Plant Use by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capucinus): Ecological, Social, and Cognitive Aspects of the Behavior. Dissertation thesis. University of California Riverside; DeJoseph et al. in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 46:924–925, 2002). Individuals fur-rub solitarily or in groups, but researchers have not conducted studies to understand the differences. We investigated the link between the form of fur-rubbing and other social variables in 2 capuchin species. We supplied 2 captive groups —white-faced capuchins and tufted capuchins— with citrus fruit and onions and explored the behavioral processes and social aspects underlying the activity. We documented the occurrence, number of participants, and effect of recruitment behaviors in fur-rubbing subgroups. We investigated the role of kinship, affiliation, and dominance relationships in accounting for fur-rubbing groups. There is a significant difference in the form of fur-rubbing between white-faced and tufted capuchins. White-faced capuchins fur-rubbed mainly in subgroups and performed a particular behavior to recruit prospective participants, whereas tufted capuchins fur-rubbed mainly alone, and showed no particular motivation to be joined by other group members. White-faced capuchins could fur-rub together frequently, whatever their degree of kinship, affiliation, or dominance interval. In tufted capuchins, fur-rubbing appeared to be significantly affected by kinship and dominance.  相似文献   

Researchers have identified a variety of cross-site differences in the foraging behavior of free-ranging great apes, most notably among chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and more recently orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), that are not due to obvious genetic or ecological differences. These differences are often referred to as "traditions." What is not known is whether this high level of interpopulation variation in behavior is limited to hominoids. In this study, we use long-term data from three Costa Rican field sites that are geographically close and similar ecologically to identify potential foraging traditions in white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus). Foraging traditions are predicted in Cebus because of many behavioral and morphological convergences between this genus and the great apes. The processing techniques used for the same food species were compared across sites, and all differences found were classified as present, habitual, or customary. Proximity data were also analyzed to determine if social learning mechanisms could explain variation in foraging behavior. Of the 61 foods compared, we found that 20 of them are processed differently by capuchins across sites. The differences involve pound, rub, tap, "fulcrum," "leaf-wrap," and "army ant following." For most of the differences with enough data to analyze, the average proximity score of the "matched" dyads (two individuals within a group who shared a "different" processing technique) was statistically higher than the average proximity score of the remaining "unmatched" dyads.  相似文献   

The caudal myology of prehensile-tailed monkeys (Cebus apella, Alouatta palliata, Alouatta seniculus, Lagothrix lagotricha, and Ateles paniscus) and nonprehensile-tailed primates (Eulemur fulvus, Aotus trivirgatus, Callithrix jacchus, Pithecia pithecia, Saimiri sciureus, Macaca fascicularis, and Cercopithecus aethiops) was examined and compared in order to identify muscular differences that correlate with osteological features diagnostic of tail prehensility. In addition, electrophysiological stimulation was carried out on different segments of the intertransversarii caudae muscle of an adult spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) to assess their action on the prehensile tail. Several important muscular differences characterize the prehensile tail of New World monkeys compared to the nonprehensile tail of other primates. In atelines and Cebus, the mass of extensor caudae lateralis and flexor caudae longus muscles is more uniform along the tail, and their long tendons cross a small number of vertebrae before insertion. Also, prehensile-tailed monkeys, especially atelines, are characterized by well-developed flexor and intertransversarii caudae muscles compared to nonprehensile-tailed primates. Finally, Ateles possesses a bulkier abductor caudae medialis and a more cranial origin for the first segment of intertransversarii caudae than do other prehensile-tailed platyrrhines. These myological differences between nonprehensile-tailed and prehensile-tailed primates, and among prehensile-tailed monkeys, agree with published osteological and behavioral data. Caudal myological similarities and differences found in Cebus and atelines, combined with tail-use data from the literature, support the hypothesis that prehensile tails evolved in parallel in Cebus and atelines. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The income-capital breeding model was developed to explain birth seasonality and reproductive strategies in female animals in relation to the abundance of food energy in the environment. An income breeder uses currently available energy and acts so as to maximize either maternal survival or weanling survival, depending on the relationship between timing of births and abundance of food energy. A capital breeder stores energy reserves for future reproductive use. Here we examined energetic influences on reproductive seasonality in a population of female white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) living in a seasonal dry forest in Costa Rica. Our objectives were to determine: 1) the degree of fruiting seasonality in capuchin food trees and 2) the temporal relationship between capuchin births/conceptions and fruit abundance. Our sample included 25 yr of birth data (N = 100 births), 4 yr of capuchin fruit tree phenology data, and 18 mo of ovarian hormone data, which we used to calculate gestation lengths and estimate conception dates. Using circular statistics, we found that the mean peak in fruit abundance occurs in June, and that this population of capuchins reproduces seasonally, with 44% of births occurring within a 3-mo period (May to July, mean month = May). We propose that white-faced capuchins can be generally classified as income breeders that maximize maternal survival instead of weanling survival and that they time infant births such that the most energy expensive period of reproduction, mid-to-late lactation, occurs during the mean peak in fruit abundance.  相似文献   

We observed two capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) feeding on hermit crabs (Coenobita compressus) on the coast, and the tactics they used to extract this well-protected prey. The observations took place during the dry season at Playa Escondida beach, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. The capuchins descended from trees at the back edge of the beach to capture passing hermit crabs. Both capuchins extracted the hermit crabs from their protective shells by holding the shell with one hand and pulling the crab out with the other. Even though this was accomplished within seconds, the extraction of hermit crabs from their shells did not appear to be a straightforward task. Once the capuchins succeeded in pulling the crabs out of their shells, they consumed the soft abdomen and discarded the rest of the crab's body. To our knowledge, the consumption of hermit crabs has not been previously reported for any capuchin monkey (Cebus or Sapajus). Our observations provide a new example of extractive foraging by capuchins, and thus an additional natural context for which fine motor skills (which are highly developed in capuchins) are necessary.  相似文献   

We examined thermoregulatory behaviors in a wild population of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) inhabiting a highly seasonal dry forest in Santa Rosa National Park (SRNP), Costa Rica. The dry season in SRNP lasts approximately 5 months and is characterized by high ambient temperatures regularly exceeding 37 degrees C, low relative humidity, and the near absence of precipitation. This study demonstrates that capuchins rest more and travel shorter distances during the hottest and driest hours of the day, and suggests that they extend their tongues to lower body temperature via evaporative cooling. Seasonal weather patterns and group movement data reported here are based on 940 h of observations on three social groups of capuchins (wet season: 370 h, dry season: 570 h). In the dry season, the proportion of time spent resting increased at higher temperatures whereas the proportion of time spent traveling decreased. Distance traveled between location points taken at half-hour intervals decreased significantly as temperature increased, although the correlation was not strong. Capuchins exposed their tongues during hot, dry, windy conditions, and this behavior was much more frequent in the dry season. Temperature was significantly higher and humidity significantly lower for "tongue-out" events than expected for a random event in the dry season. Finally, as surface water became scarce, home-range areas of heavy use became increasingly centered on the remaining permanent water sources. These results suggest that heat stress and water scarcity are significant influences on the behavior of capuchins in hot, dry conditions.  相似文献   

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