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L M Belova 《Parazitologiia》1992,26(2):166-168
Blastocysts tentatively assigned to the species Blastocystis galli were found in the turkey Meleagris gallopavo from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Length and width of blastocysts from turkeys vary in a wider range (2.5--55.1 x 2.5--51.3 mkm) than length and width of blastocysts from hens. The shape of blastocysts varies from round and oval to ellipsoid and amoeboid.  相似文献   

A new species, Blastocystis galli, parasitic in blind processes of large intestine was found in domestic hens. Sizes of blastocysts are 7.5-35.0 x 6.25-30.0 (18.67 x 17.05) microns. The parasite form varies from round to ellipsoid. There were found stages with 1 to 4 nuclei and stages containing 8 to 32 small daughter individuals. Outside blastocysts are covered with structured glycocalyx. Under glycocalyx there is a plasmatic membrane. Cytoplasm contains a great number of ribosomes and mitochondria with cristae resembling in their shape oval or round small sacs. Nucleus contains nucleolus. Chromatin mass is concentrated on one of the poles of the nucleus as individual bodies. Semilunar in form chromatin mass was not found. Golgi apparatus is represented by a number of plates grouped in a pile. Most part of the cell is occupied by reproductive organelles divided by cytoplasmatic membranes into compartments. On the basis of its ultrafine organization. B. galli is assigned to the kingdom Protista, type Rhizopoda, class Lobosea, subclass Gymnamoebia, order Blastocystida.  相似文献   

A new species, Blastocystis anseri, was found in domestic goose. Sizes of blastocyst in culture are 7.5-46.2 x 7.5-46.2 m. Method of cultivation of Blastocystis anseri on biphase egg medium was worked out. Liquid phase can be made of Hank's solution or 199 medium with an addition of 30-40% hen or bovine serum. Optimum temperature for cultivation is 39 +/- 0.5 degree, ph 7.0-7.2.  相似文献   

Smirnov A  Thar R 《Protist》2003,154(3-4):359-369
In order to study micro-spatial distribution of amoebae, an intact slice of sandy sediment from the brackish-water Nivå Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound), 40 × 24 mm in size and 2 mm in thickness was gently sectioned into cubes, 2 × 2 × 2 mm in size. Each cube was inoculated into enrichment media to reveal the biodiversity of amoebae. Seventeen species of amoebae were recovered. The 2-D map of amoebae species distribution in the slice, consisting of 240 2 × 2 mm cells was drawn and analyzed. Results show heterogeneous distribution of amoebae at the scale of centimeters and millimeters and confirm the idea of the presence of microhabitats, selectively occupied by amoebae species. Three types of distribution patterns were found: random, aggregated and equally spaced. Microelectrode studies indicated that amoebae distribution was not related to the dissolved oxygen content in the sediment. The studied slice of sediment contained several pronounced “hotspots” of amoebae biodiversity, where up to four species co-occur in the same area. Seven species of amoebae numbered 1–4 specimens in the studied slice (i.e. there was 0.5–2 cell ml–1). Analysis of the amoebae distribution map shows the high probability of undersampling rare amoebae species during faunistic studies.  相似文献   

A rapid RNA sequencing technique was used to partially sequence the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (srRNA) of four species of the amoeboid genus Naegleria. The extent of nucleotide sequence divergence between the two most divergent species was roughly similar to that found between mammals and frogs. However, the pattern of variation among the Naegleria species was quite different from that found for those species of tetrapods characterized to date. A phylogenetic analysis of the consensus Naegleria sequence showed that Naegleria was not monophyletic with either Acanthamoeba castellanii or Dictyostelium discoideum, two other amoebas for which sequences were available. It was shown that the semiconserved regions of the srRNA molecule evolve in a clocklike fashion and that the clock is time dependent rather than generation dependent.  相似文献   

Twenty-four clones ofTracheleuglypha dentata were cultivated under different trophic conditions. Half were cultivated with soil extract which induced low bacterial growth. The other 12 were cultivated in the same medium with the addition of Cerophyl to enhance bacterial growth. The dynamics of each clone was followed for about 3 months by counting both live animals and empty shells. The rate of decomposition of empty shells was negligible. The number of empty shells are a direct measure for mortality. Parameters measured were densities, intrinsic rate of growth, generation time, production, and mortality. The densities increased in most of the clones until about the third week; it then reached a plateau or decreased slowly until the end of the experiment. After this initial period, the live animals closed their pseudostome with a thin membrane and remained quiescent until fresh food was given. The level of the plateau was significantly six times higher in the well-fed than in the starved clones, a difference due to a higher rate of growth induced by a shorter generation time during the first 10 days. This high growth produced giant shells, teratological forms created by the fusion of several shells. Mortality appeared at about the 20th day. Because it was higher in the well-fed clones than in the starved clones, it brought the densities of both clones to the same level after 3 months. The first empty shells were produced by either precocious mortality or abortion, as they did not contain reserve plates necessary for a new shell prior to reproduction. The mortality of adults came later and was probably linked with the age of the culture. The starved cells had an unusual morphology which disappeared when the medium was renewed.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of ducks (Aves: Anatidae) from the Middle Miocene Sharga locality are described. Mioquerquedula minutissima gen. et sp. nov. is a very small duck. Anas velox Milne-Edwards, 1868 from the Middle Miocene of France is transferred to the genus Mioquerquedula. Aix praeclara sp. nov. described here is the oldest record of the modern genus Aix. A revision of the previously described small duck Anas soporata Kurochkin, 1976 shows that only the specimens from the Sharga locality should be referred to this species. The status of other small ducks from the Neogene of Europe and North America is discussed. The diversity of herbivorous and diving ducks in the Sharga locality indicates that Miocene Shargyn Govi Lake was rich in food resources.  相似文献   

Cytopathic proteins are assumed to contribute to the pathogenicity of Acanthamoeba spp. due to their degrading capacity that is required for tissue invasion. In this study, a serine proteinase gene was demonstrated in a highly virulent Acanthamoeba keratitis causing strain with genotype T6. This gene was detected in both, the genomic DNA and the cDNA by PCR and subsequent sequencing. The gene fragment comprises about 500 bp and exhibits high sequence similarity to the serine proteinases of Acanthamoeba strains with genotype T4 and T12. The detection of a serine proteinase in this Acanthamoeba T6 strain is significant, because while T4 is the most common genotype among pathogenic Acanthamoeba strains and also T12 is known to be associated with disease, this is the only virulent Acanthamoeba T6 strain known to date. Obviously, this serine proteinase represents a common tool in pathogenic processes during Acanthamoeba infection.  相似文献   

根足类原生动物半圆表壳虫壳体生物矿化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以有壳阿米巴类原生动物 (肉鞭门 ,叶足纲 )半圆表壳虫 (Arcellahemisphaerica)为研究对象 ,利用光镜和扫描电镜研究了其壳体生物矿化的特征。结果显示 :矿化前期 ,壳体为无色透明且柔软易变形 ;中期 ,为黄色较坚硬 ;后期 ,为褐色坚硬。通过X 射线显微分析术鉴定不同矿化时期壳体的无机元素 ,结果表明 ,与矿化前期相比矿化中期和后期壳体中Si、Mn和Fe的比例增加 ,Cl、K、S和Na的比例减少。由此推测 ,⑴半圆表壳虫矿化过程中壳体坚硬的原因是Si、Mn和Fe的比例增加导致 ,黄色是由微量Mn和Fe引起 ,褐色是高含量Mn与低含量Fe的反映 ;⑵半圆表壳虫壳体矿化以构成壳体的小泡为基本单位进行 ,Si、Mn和Fe矿化体以氧化物形式通过分子间相互作用力 ,与小泡壁上氨基酸或多肽的羟基作用 ,自组装合成。  相似文献   

P. -M. Topf  M. Theis  W. Stockem 《Protoplasma》1996,193(1-4):91-104
Summary The uptake and intracellular transport of 5 different lipid analogues derived from phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, ceramide, and cholesterol have been studied in livingAmoeba proteus using fluorescence microscopy. Phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin are predominantly transported from the external environment to the cell interior in a manner consistent with induced macropinocytosis. On the other hand, phosphatidylethanolamine, ceramide, and cholesterol mainly enter the cellular matrix by carrier-mediated, ATP-dependent transmembrane transport. In general, all lipid analogues are first imported to a large pool of endosomal or lysosomal vacuoles, and then partitioned to numerous tiny cisternal elements; only sphingomyelin remains in the lysosomes and is not exported to other membrane compartments. The ultrastructural localization of ceramide indicates that the cisternal elements result from the decay of the Golgi apparatus into single cisternae during lipid accumulation. As a whole, the transport pathway of lipid analogues inA. proteus from the cell surface to different cell organelles shows many similarities to respective processes in a variety of metazoan cells.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Schnepf on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

Belova LM 《Parazitologiia》1998,32(6):553-559
The ultrastructure stages of Blastocystis galli were studied in chicken's intestine and in laboratory cultures. There were found morphological structures: surface coat (cell from chickens' intestine showed a very thick surface coat); cell membrane--there were some small electron-opaque deepening "pockets" on the membrane; inner membrane; endoplasmic reticulum with attached ribosomes, which present in the cytoplasm; all cells contained numerous of small vacuoles and large glycogen inclusions in cytoplasm; mitochondria with tubular cristae; nucleus with granules condensed chromatin; central vacuole; Golgi complex was represented by number of plates grouped in a pite; the cyst-like forms were surrounded by multilayered wall.  相似文献   

Only one isozyme M2 of pyruvate kinase was found in the liver of hens at all stages of embryonic and postembryonic development. No analogue to isozyme L from the liver of mammals was found. During embryogenesis and postnatal life, isozyme M2 is presented by two forms which differ in pI values. Throughout embryonic and postembryonic development, pyruvate kinase is presented by two forms which differ in their substrate affinity.  相似文献   

Martin Mrva 《Biologia》2006,61(5):627-629
The diversity of species of gymnamoebae in a single sample from a rain-water pool in Bratislava (Slovakia) was investigated. To maximize the recovery of species, six enrichment cultivation media were used. A total of 12 taxa, representing five families and eight genera of Gymnamoebia, were recovered.  相似文献   

瘤棘砂壳虫(肉足亚门:根足总纲)壳体元素组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用X射线能谱仪对采自中国湖北省木兰湖的瘤棘砂壳虫(Diffugia tuberspinifera)壳体元素组成进行分析,结果发现:构成壳体的化学元素主要为Si,其次是Ca和Al,还有微量K、Na、Cl、Fe、Mg、S和P。分析表明瘤棘砂壳虫壳体化学元素的构成介于海洋和土壤有壳肉足虫之间。  相似文献   

Bacterivory by heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates has been widely studied in aquatic environments, but data on the grazing of amoebae, are still scarce. From the water samples of Dianchi Lake (Kunming, Yunnan Province, China), we isolated an amoeba, designated as Naegleria sp. strain W2, which had potent grazing effects on some kind of cyanobacteria. The food selection mechanism and the digestion process of the amoeba were investigated in batch experiments. Predation experiments showed that filamentous cyanobacteria (e.g., Anabaena, Cylindrospermum, Gloeotrichia, and Phormidium) were readily consumed, with clearance rates ranging from 0.332 to 0.513 nL amoeba−1 h−1. The tight threads (Oscilltoria) and aggregates (Aphanizomenon) could not be ingested; however, their sonicated fragments were observed inside food vacuoles, suggesting that their morphologies prevent them from being ingested. Live video microscopy noted that unicellular Chroococcaceae (e.g., Synechococcus, Aphanocapsa, and Microcystis) were excreted after ingestion, indicating that food selection takes place inside food vacuoles. To determine whether the tastes or the toxins prevented them from being digested, heat-killed cells were retested for predation. Digestion rates and ingestion rates of the amoebae for filamentous cyanobacteria were estimated from food vacuole content volume. Through a “cold-chase” method, we found that the food vacuole contents declined exponentially in diluted amoebae cells, and digestion rates were relatively constant, averaging about 1.5% food vacuole content min−1 at 28°C. Ingestion strongly depended on the satiation status of the amoebae, starved amoebae fed at higher rates compared with satiated amoebae. Our results suggest that the food selection and food processing mechanisms of the amoeba are similar to those of interception feeding flagellates; however, filamentous cyanobacteria cannot obtain a refuge under the grazing pressure of phagotrophic amoebae, which may widen our knowledge on the grazing of protists.  相似文献   

The respiration rates of axenically culturedAcanthamoeba castellanii (Gymnamoebia) and of the test organismTetrahymena pyriformis (Ciliophora) were compared using both Warburg and cartesian diver respirometer techniques at 20°C. Furthermore, the latter procedure was employed to measure the oxygen consumption of the amoebae,Polychaos fasciculatum, Saccamoeba limax, andAmoeba sp. The linear relationship between respiration rate and mean cell volume in amoebae was reassessed in view of these additional estimates. The importance of this regression in ecological studies is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The internal structure and activities of Lesquereusia spiralis was observed by the use of nonmotile individuals which had incorporated a cover glass as part of their shell. As many as 14 ectoplasmic strands or epipods connect the main cytoplasmic mass to the inner surface of the shell. Two to 14 contractile vacuoles 2–5 μ in diameter at 22–25 C were present. A few epipods contained contractile vacuoles. The vacuoles emptied every 1–2 min. Both the number of epipods and contractile vacuoles varied with the degree of pseudopod activity; the more active the pseudopods, the more numerous these organelles. Egestion of indigestible food residues from the cytoplasm takes place just beyond the mouth of the shell thru vacuoles about 15 μ in diameter. Frequently, long flattened pseudopods of a tensile or contracting type were formed. In some cases pseudopods of this type were seen to pull themselves in 2 when the distal end remained attached and contraction continued.  相似文献   

Although postcopulatory displays are widespread in animals, little is known about their function or the intended receiver. The postcopulatory displays of dabbling ducks are among the best described for any animal group. We documented the presence of initial and additional postcopulatory displays in nearly all dabbling duck species. We then reconstructed the evolution of postcopulatory displays in dabbling ducks using a phylogeny derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. The display immediately following copulation (the initial display) is highly stereotyped in most species and shows extreme phylogenetic conservation. In contrast, the performance of additional displays is less stereotyped and less phylogenetically conservative. We review the possible functions of postcopulatory displays. Using evidence from display orientation, display form and phylogenetic reconstruction, we suggest that the most likely functions of postcopulatory displays in dabbling ducks are pair bond maintenance, individual identification, or signalling a successful copulation. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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