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We examined the effect of selective logging and corresponding forest canopy loss on arboreal ant diversity in a tropical rainforest. Arboreal ants were collected from an unlogged forest plot and from forest plots selectively logged 14 years and 24 years earlier in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, using a canopy fogging method. Selective logging was associated with a significant decrease in canopy cover and an increase in understory vegetation density relative to unlogged forest. Our study showed that selective logging in primary forest might not dramatically decrease total species number and overall abundance of arboreal ants; however, it may influence the species composition and dominance structure of the ant community, accompanied by an increase in abundance of shrub‐layer species and trophobiotic species. In view of the results of this study, management techniques that minimize logging impact on understory vegetation structure are likely to help maintain the conservation value of logged forests for arboreal ants. Our results also suggest that accurate assessment of the impacts on biodiversity should not be based only on measurement of species number and overall abundance, but also on analysis of species composition and community structure.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of published data for 19 marine reserves reveal that marine protected areas enhance species richness consistently, but their effect on fish abundance is more variable. Overall, there was a slight (11%) but significant increase in fish species number inside marine reserves, with all reserves sharing a common effect. There was a substantial but non-significant increase in overall fish abundance inside marine reserves compared to adjacent, non-reserve areas. When only species that are the target of fisheries were considered, fish abundance was significantly higher (by 28%) within reserve boundaries. Marine reserves vary significantly in the extent and direction of their response. This variability in relative abundance was not attributable to differences in survey methodology among studies, nor correlated with reserve characteristics such as reserve area, years since protection, latitude nor species diversity. The effectiveness of marine reserves in enhancing fish abundance may be largely related to the intensity of exploitation outside reserve boundaries and to the composition of the fish community within boundaries. It is recommended that studies of marine reserve effectiveness should routinely report fishing intensity, effectiveness of enforcement and habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

白水江国家级自然保护区野生资源植物的垂直分异研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于先期建成的种子植物数据库,分析了白水江国家级自然保护区野生资源植物的物种丰富度、资源结构及性状特点沿海拔梯度的分异规律.结果表明:(1)根据资源植物物种数量和种数增减速率,全区可划分为4段:速增较丰富带、稳定丰富带、速减较丰富带和速减贫乏带;(2)根据各100 m海拔段之间植物资源结构的相似性进行聚类分析,结果显示药用植物种数的变化是形成一级分聚的主导因子;(3)随着海拔梯度的上升,资源植物的区系成分、性状特征表现出相对应的垂直分异规律.  相似文献   

Patterns of zonal changes in the species composition, diversity, and community structure of Orthoptera were studied along the latitudinal series of steppe types from meadow to desert steppe in European Russia. The maximum abundance of Orthoptera was recorded in the typical steppe, while the maximum species richness shifted to the southern dry steppe. Changes in the ecological preferences of orthopterans due to aridization are shown by the example of zonal communities. A gradual decline of the forest-steppe orthopteran complex and an increase in the number of semidesert and desert species are demonstrated. The changes in the species composition are accompanied by the intra-landscape shifts of areas with high species diversity. Most species in the meadow steppe occupy mesophytic habitats in depressions. In the typical and dry steppe, the species richness and abundance are restricted to habitats with zonal and xerophytic vegetation. In the desert steppe, the species diversity is the highest in dry habitats, including halophytic ones, where xerophilic and desert species predominate. The diversity and evenness indices increase in the northern and southern ecotones of the steppe zone.  相似文献   

Long-term data reflecting the abundance and species composition of large colonies of gulls (more than five nests, distance between the nests less than 50 m) on Aiopechan Island, West Chukotka, were compared. A comparative analysis of the data published in 1970–1984 and our data for 1989, 2000–2013 revealed significant changes in the composition and abundance of colonies over the 40-year period with simultaneous shift in the spring phonological characteristics to earlier dates. Growth in the number of the Vega gull (Larus vegae) and decrease in the number of Sabine’s gull (Xema sabini) were revealed. The number of glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) was stable. A change of the dominant species in the colonies and disappearance of some colonies of the Sabine’s gull under the influence of the expansion of the Vega gull were registered. It was found that the increase in the abundance of the Vega gull occurs not owing to the increase of long-term colonies but due to the appearance of new ones.  相似文献   

We studied ecological correlates of body size (abundance and niche breadth) in gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in 28 regions of the Palearctic. We predicted that smaller species would be characterized by higher abundance than larger species, all else (e.g. host species) being equal. We also predicted that host specificity of mites would decrease (that is, number of host species they use would increase) with an increase in their body size. We focused on mites collected from host bodies that include a) species that feed solely on host’s blood (obligate exclusive haematophages), b) species that feed on both host’s blood and small arthropods (obligate non‐exclusive haematophages), and c) facultative haematophages. We expected that the relationship between body size and abundance and/or host specificity would be more pronounced in obligate exclusively haematophagous mites than for obligate non‐exclusively and facultative haematophagous mites. Across all mite species across regions, mean abundance correlated negatively with body size. The same was true for obligate haematophagous species, but not for facultative haematophages. When mite communities on the same host in a location were considered, the negative body mass–abundance relationship was found in only 3 of 44 communities. Nevertheless, a meta‐analytic (across host species) estimate of the slope of this relationship appeared to be significantly negative. No significant relationship between mite body size and host specificity was found in the analyses across all mite species as well as in obligate exclusive or obligate non‐exclusive haematophages. However, the number of hosts used by facultative haematophagous mites decreased significantly with an increase in their body size. We explain the relationships between morphological (body size) and ecological (abundance and niche breadth) properties of ectoparasites by their interactions with hosts or physical environment.  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the pelagic eggs of southern North Sea spring-spawning fish were analysed between 1984 and 2000. Species number varied between six (1986) and 14 (1999) and was positively correlated with sea surface temperature. With one exception, dab eggs were always the most abundant and usually highly dominant. Ranking of species depended on temperature, but no significant differences in ranking between years was discernible. Although with the increase in temperature in the 1990s a change in species assemblage was evident [species belonging to the boreal-Mediterranean (Lusitanian) group became more apparent in the species assemblage] this did not lead to an increased species diversity (Shannon Index) or a change in other community parameters. It appears that the recent developments regarding spawning stock biomass of commercial North Sea fish is reflected in the declining egg abundance of the respective commercial and larger species (i.e. cod, flounder, plaice) and an increase in abundance of the eggs of small species (i.e. long rough dab, rockling) over the years. Received in revised form: 5 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Habitat complexity in reforested stands has been acknowledged as a key factor that influences habitat use by birds, being especially critical for habitat disturbance-sensitive species such as tropical understory insectivorous birds. Most studies regarding the relationship between forest structure and species diversity were conducted at the landscape scale, but different diversity patterns may emerge at a finer scale (i.e., within a habitat patch). We examined a tropical reforested area (State of Caldas, Colombia), hypothesizing that insectivorous bird richness, abundance, and foraging guild abundance would increase as intra-habitat complexity increases. We established 40 monitoring plots within a reforested area, measured their structural features, and determined their relationships with species richness, total abundance, and foraging guild abundance, using Generalized Additive Models. We found that the increasing variation in basal area, stem diameter, and number of stems was positively correlated with species richness, total abundance, and foraging guild abundance. Relationships between richness or abundance and structural features were not lineal, but showing curvilinear responses and thresholds. Our results show that heterogeneity on basal area, stem diameter, and the number of stems was more correlated to insectivorous bird richness and abundance than the average of those structural features. Promoting structural variation on reforested areas by planting species with different growth rates may contribute to increase the richness and abundance of a tropical vulnerable group of species such as the understory insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

Sandfly prevalence in the Kani tribe settlements of Western Ghats in India was investigated. A total of 1,279 sandflies comprising 17 species was obtained. Sandfly abundance showed a negative correlation (r = -0.97, p = 0.003) with increase in altitudinal ranges from 0-1,000 m. When sandfly samples were grouped according to landscape characteristics of the location, the estimated Shannon-Weiner index (H) and species richness index (S) were high and species evenness index (J) was low in settlements located at 0-300 m altitudinal range. On the contrary, the values of H and J were high, while S was low at 301-600 m altitudinal range. With further increase in altitude, species diversity, S and J were low. Though the relative abundance of sandflies decreased with increase in altitude, the influence of altitudinal variation could not be attributed to determine sandfly diversity, since the number of sampling units were not uniform at all the altitudinal gradients due to nonavailability of suitable resting shelters. Sandfly species showed great aggregation at 0-300 m altitude interval, where not only the number of settlements were maximum (n = 19), but also the environmental conditions favoured sandfly abundance due to the concentration of tribal settlements, human dwellings and his activities.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of planktonic ostracods and copepods has been studied using Longhurst-Hardy plankton recorder tows at a depth of 550 m in the North Atlantic. The majority of the more abundant animals were found to be overdispersed. A three parameter contagious distribution described by Skellam was used to fit the observed spatial patterns. The main conclusions are that the patch size did not vary greatly between species and that denser populations were the result of an increase in centres of aggregations rather than the size of the patch or number of animals per patch. Although some species did show broad changes in abundance correlated with temperature, this could not explain the local abundance changes associated with the patches. Other possible causes of the patchiness are discussed.  相似文献   

系统研究了南方5个亚热带森林生态系统地表植被的动态变化情况.研究方法是:在每个研究区域内,按照地形梯度分别布设50个1m2 的样方,记录样方内所有物种的频度及相关的环境变量,5个研究区域共设250个样方,每个样方分别调查两次.通过单元及多元统计方法分析表明:维管植物物种频度在一个区域明显下降,另二个区域显著增加;苔藓物种频度在一个区域有明显下降,另一个区域明显增加;苔藓物种数量在3个区域显著增加,另二个区域显著下降;维管植物物种数量显著增加在二个区域;物种组成沿着第一个植被梯度轴DCA 1没有显著变化,沿着第二个植被梯度轴DCA 2在二个区域有显著变化.综合分析表明,苔藓对气候变化及其波动反映敏感,是较好的气候变化及气候波动生物指示因子,而管植物数量及频度的变化没有明显证据显示与土壤酸化和大气污染有紧密关系.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is undergoing unprecedented global decline. Efforts to slow this rate have focused foremost on rarer species, which are at most risk of extinction. Less interest has been paid to more common species, despite their greater importance in terms of ecosystem function and service provision. How rates of decline are partitioned between common and less abundant species remains unclear. Using a 30‐year data set of 144 bird species, we examined Europe‐wide trends in avian abundance and biomass. Overall, avian abundance and biomass are both declining with most of this decline being attributed to more common species, while less abundant species showed an overall increase in both abundance and biomass. If overall avian declines are mainly due to reductions in a small number of common species, conservation efforts targeted at rarer species must be better matched with efforts to increase overall bird numbers, if ecological impacts of birds are to be maintained.  相似文献   

For understanding the relationship between floral resources and the abundance of hoverflies, five meadows were selected at different elevations in a forested region. At each site the number of flowering herbaceous plants was assessed along a transect at 10-m intervals. To measure floral density, we counted the number of open flowers per species in each plot. Hoverflies visiting flowering plants were captured in each plot during 10 minutes. Path analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between plant species richness and syrphid abundance. Flower abundance had a strong positive direct effect on syrphid abundance but had indirect effects on the number of syrphid species. Only altitude had a strong positive direct effect on the number of syrphid species and this may be explained by the different climatic conditions. Some plant species attracted more syrphids than others. There were significantly fewer species of hoverfly per plot with increasing numbers of flowers. We interpret this to mean that plant species with a high density of flowers attracted more syrphids of the same species. Analysis of pollen grains extracted from two species of hoverflies showed that flower constancy occurred in three examined sites.  相似文献   

Dynamics of abundance and diversity of epiphytic yeasts in entomophilic flowers of 28 species of meadow, forest, and cultivated plants throughout their blooming period was determined. The number of yeasts in the flowers was shown to increase gradually during the vegetation period, and reached the maximum during summer-autumn. The total abundance and ratio of the yeast species in the flowers depended entirely on the blooming time, rather than on the taxonomic position of the plants. Three stages of development of the entomophilic yeast complexes during the vegetation period may be discerned: predominance of eurybiont nonspecific species (Cryptococcus albidus, Debaryomyces hansenii) in spring, mass development of specific nectar-associated yeasts (Metschnikowia reukaufii) in summer, and their substitution by widespread epiphytic species (Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Cryptococcus magnus) in autumn.  相似文献   

Roy S 《Bio Systems》2009,95(2):160-165
A small group of phytoplankton species that produce toxic or allelopathic chemicals has a significant effect on plankton dynamics in marine ecosystems. The species of non-toxic phytoplankton, which are large in number, are affected by the toxin-allelopathy of those species. By analysis of the abundance data of marine phytoplankton collected from the North-West coast of the Bay of Bengal, an empirical relationship between the abundance of the potential toxin-producing species and the species diversity of the non-toxic phytoplankton is formulated. A change-point analysis demonstrates that the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton increases with the increase of toxic species up to a certain level. However, for a massive increase of the toxin-producing species the diversity of phytoplankton at species level reduces gradually. Following the results, a deterministic relationship between the abundance of toxic phytoplankton and the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton is developed. The abundance-diversity relationship develops a unimodal pathway through which the abundance of toxic species regulates the diversity of phytoplankton. These results contribute to the current understanding of the coexistence and biodiversity of phytoplankton, the top-down vs. bottom-up debate, and to that of abundance-diversity relationship in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The number of agromyzid species (Diptera: Agromyzidae) attacking British Umbelliferae generally increases with the size of the geographic range of the host, measured as occupied 10 km squares in the Atlas of the British Flora (Lawton & Price, 1979). 2. In the present study we tried to explain the large, residual variation in this species—area relationship using two new variables, namely the local abundance of the host plant, and the number of habitats within which it grows. 3. Local abundance was estimated from eight floras that map plant distributions within English countries by tetrads (2 times 2 km squares). Local abundance was defined as: Total number of occupied tetrads Total number of available tetrads within occupied 10 km squares 4. The number of habitats occupied by each host plant was taken from the only county flora to record plant habitats objectively, that for Warwickshire. 5. We expected to find a correlation between local abundance and the residuals from the national species—area relationship, with locally scarce plants having fewer agromyzids than expected from the sizes of their national ranges, and vice versa. 6. What we found was that size of geographic range and local abundance were highly correlated; hence their relative contributions to agromyzid species richness were difficult to disentangle. Residuals from the national species—area relationship were positively correlated with local abundance, but the relationship marginally failed to achieve statistical significance (P= 0.06). 7. In contrast, the number of habitats occupied by each species of umbellifer in Warwickshire had a marked effect upon agrornyzid species richness, with plants that grow in more habitats supporting more species of insects. Not surprisingly, local abundance and number of habitats occupied were highly correlated. 8. Lawton & Price's observation that aquatic umbellifers are faunally impoverished now emerges as part of the general effect of number of habitats occupied by the host plants on agromyzid species richness. 9. Once the number of habitats occupied by each host plant in Warwickshire was entered into a multiple regression, the effect of size of host geographic range on agromyzid species richness was no longer statistically significant. 10. A combination of the number of habitats occupied, and leaf-form of the host (the latter taken from Lawton & Price, 1979), explains 61% of the variation in agromyzid species richness on British Umbelliferae.  相似文献   

Succession is a key ecological process that supports our understanding of community assembly and biotic interactions. Dispersal potential and dispersal strategies, such as wind- or animal-dispersal, have been assumed to be highly relevant for the success of plant species during succession. However, research yielded varying results on changes in dispersal modes between successional stages. Here, we test the hypotheses that (a) vascular plant species that use a number of dispersal modes dominate in early stages of succession while species specialized on one/few dispersal modes increase in abundance towards later stages of succession; (b) species well adapted to wind-dispersal (anemochory) will peak in abundance in early successional stages and (c) species well adapted to adhesive dispersal (epizoochory) will increase with proceeding succession. We test these hypotheses in four sites within agriculturally dominated landscapes in Germany. Agricultural use in these sites was abandoned 20–28 years ago, leaving them to secondary succession. Sites have been monitored for plant biodiversity ever since. We analyze changes in plant species richness and abundance, number of dispersal modes and two ranking indices for wind- and adhesive dispersal by applying generalized linear mixed-effect models. We used both abundance-weighted and unweighted dispersal traits in order to gain a comprehensive picture of successional developments. Hypothesis (a) was supported by unweighted but not abundance-weighted data. Anemochory showed no consistent changes across sites. In contrast, epizoochory (especially when not weighted by abundance) turned out to be an indicator of the transition from early to mid-successional stages. It increased for the first 9–16 years of succession but declined afterwards. Species richness showed an opposing pattern, while species abundance increased asymptotically. We suggest that plant-animal interactions play a key role in mediating these processes: By importing seeds of highly competitive plant species, animals are likely to promote the increasing abundance of a few dominant, highly epizoochorous species. These species outcompete weak competitors and species richness decreases. However, animals should as well promote the subsequent increase of species richness by disturbing the sites and creating small open patches. These patches are colonized by weaker competitors that are not necessarily dispersed by animals. The changes in the presence of epizoochorous species indicate the importance of plant traits and related plant–animal interactions in the succession of plant communities.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different land use types and environmental parameters on the number and abundance of native and introduced land snail species in East Java. 2919 specimens were sampled and assigned to 55 species of which 8 are introduced. Whereas species richness was highest in primary forest, the highest number of introduced species was found in agroforest. The snail assemblages in different habitat types differ much clearer in composition than in total species richness. Plantations and agroforest are dominated by introduced pulmonates with regard to number of individuals, while primary forest is dominated by native prosobranchs. The habitat requirements of the introduced pulmonates differ from those of the native species. In the study area, the abundance of native as well as introduced pulmonate species increased with increasing human impact. However, the abundance of introduced pulmonate species decreased with increasing density of the canopy cover, whereas the abundance of native pulmonate species increased with increasing canopy cover. The abundance of native prosobranch land snails also tends to increase with increasing canopy cover and with the availability of deadwood, but decreased with increasing human impact. Improving the canopy cover and retaining deadwood in plantations and agroforests might help to control the populations of introduced species or even prevent their establishment in these habitats. Land snails are good indicators for the long-term stability of natural habitats, because several species are restricted to undisturbed natural habitats and because of their low dispersal abilities. However, complete inventories of land snail species are costly. Therefore we propose two indices that can be scored with much less effort, namely the percentage of prosobranch individuals and the percentage of individuals of introduced species. Both indices are significantly correlated with the number of native species. Dense plantations and agroforests bordering primary forests may protect the latter from introduced species and help to conserve the native fauna by reducing desiccation and buffering the human impact on the primary forests.  相似文献   

Resources and global avian assemblage structure in forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Explaining spatial variation in a number of bird species, particularly from temperate to tropical regions, has been a longstanding challenge. We test at a global scale whether species‐rich forest assemblages are associated with division of a larger resource pool, a finer division of that pool, or some combination of the two. Species richness increases with increasing assemblage abundance, biomass and energy use. As assemblage abundance, biomass and energy use increase with increasing energy availability, and as per species numbers of individuals, biomass and energy use do not decrease with increasing energy availability, we provide direct evidence that the avian species–energy relationship in forests is associated foremost with an increase in the size of the resource pool and not with a finer level of its subdivision.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the changes in the spatial patterns of plant and animal communities with respect to habitat fragmentation.Insular communities tend to exhibit some special patterns in connection with the characteristics of island habitats.In this paper,the relationships between richness,assemblage,and abundance of bird communities with respect to island features were analyzed in 20 urban woodlots in Hangzhou,China.Field investigations of bird communities,using the line transect method,were conducted from January to December,1997.Each woodlot was surveyed 16 times during the year.Results indicated that bird richness was higher,per unit area,in the smaller woodlots than the larger ones,and overall bird density decreased with the increase in the size of woodlot.However,the evenness of species abundance increased with the area,and small woodlots were usually dominated by higher density species and large woodlots by medium density species.Most species occurring in the small woodlots also occurred in larger woodlots.Also,bird communities among urban woodlots showed a nestedness pattern in assemblage.These patterns implied that the main impacts of woodland habitat fragmentation are:(1) species are constricted and thus species number will increase at a given sample size;(2) as surface area decreases,the proportion of forest edge species as to interior species will increase;(3)community abundance will therefore increase per unit area but most individuals will be from a few dominant species;and (4) overall species diversity will decrease at a habitat level as well as at a region level.These patterns of community in response to the island features were therefore summarized as "island effects in community".The underlying processes of such observations were also examined in this paper.Woodlot area,edge ratio,isolation,and habitat nestedness were considered as the important factors forming the island effects in community.High heterogeneity between habitats usually contributed most to the maintenance of regional biodiversity,especially in urban woodlots.  相似文献   

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