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Electrical penetration graphs of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding behaviour on four resistant and two susceptible genotypes of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) and related species showed that resistance was mainly linked to (i) reduced duration of phloem sap uptake, (ii) reduced percentage of pattern E1 (salivary secretion into sieve elements) followed by pattern E2 (sap ingestion) and (iii) increased number of shifts from E1 to E2 and back. These results suggest the unsuitability of phloem sap, and thus repetitive failures to initiate sustained ingestion. Extensive comparisons of the EPGs also revealed more specific trends. Aphids on the most susceptible cultivar GF305 produced significantly longer potential drops than on other peach genotypes. On the resistant Rubira, aphids generated more penetrations before the first E occurred, indicating the possible presence of a resistance factor before the phloem was reached. The clone P1908 of the wild species Prunus davidiana displayed traits of both susceptibility (less but longer probes) and resistance. In particular, aphids produced more E1, suggesting difficulties in preparing sieve elements before feeding. The aphid probing process could be correlated with aphid settling behaviour and bionomics, as previously reported, and gave evidence for the existence of different mechanisms underlying resistance in the tested genotypes against M. persicae.  相似文献   

Discovery in the late seventies of resistance to the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Prunus species was based on screening in the field or in greenhouses with natural aphid populations. Here, we assess the impact of these wild and domesticated peach trees on the behaviour, development, reproductive performance and demography of cloned aphids under controlled light and temperature. Four peach varieties, i.e., Rubira, Weeping Flower Peach, Summergrand and Malo konare and the clone P1908 of the related species Prunus davidiana were tested against the highly susceptible cultivar GF305. Besides a variability in the performance of aphids among experiments, our results showed that (i) distinct mechanisms were involved in the sources of resistance studied and (ii) the ranking of the genotypes on their resistance/susceptibility status remained roughly stable throughout the experiments. Observations on the settling behaviour of first instar nymphs demonstrated antixenosis components in the resistance conferred by Rubira and Weeping Flower Peach. Nymphs began to leave the plants after a short exposure (19–21 h) and no aphid was left after 4 days. Nymphal mortality remained rather low (16%) compared to the repellent effect on aphids of both genotypes. Nymphs disappeared from Weeping Flower Peach significantly earlier than from Rubira. Summergrand, Malo konare and P. davidiana clone P1908 were accepted as host plants by aphids. On P. davidiana, decreased fecundity and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.20, averaged on all experiments) were clear expression of antibiosis. In addition, the mean length of the mature embryos within the gonads of the females on the day of adult moult was negatively correlated with the total number of embryos, providing evidence that aphids on this genotype lacked sufficient ressources to be directed both towards production and growth of embryos. Compared to the most susceptible cultivar GF305 (rm=0.36), Summergrand (rm=0.26) and Malo konare (rm=0.28) had, to a lesser extent, a negative impact on nymph production and rate of increase.  相似文献   

Resistance to cyclodiene insecticides is associated with replacements of a single amino acid (alanine 302) in a γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subunit encoded by the single-copy gene Resistance to dieldrin (Rdl). Alanine 302 is predicted to reside within the second membrane-spanning region of the Rdl receptor, a region that is thought to line the integral chloride ion channel pore. In all cyclodiene-resistant insects studied to date, this same alanine residue is replaced either by a serine, or, in some resistant strains of Drosophila simulans, a glycine residue. Therefore, individuals can carry only two different Rdl alleles. In contrast, here we report the presence of up to four different Rdl-like alleles in individual clones of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. In addition to the wild-type copy of Rdl gene (encoding A302 or allele A), M. persicae carries three other alleles with the following amino acid replacements: A302?→?Glycine (allele G), A302?→ SerineTCG (allele S) and A302?→?SerineAGT (allele S′). Evidence from direct nucleotide sequencing and Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis shows that at least three of these different Rdl alleles (i.e. A, G and S) are commonly present in individual aphids or aphid clones. Southern analysis using allele-specific probes and analysis of sequences downstream of the exon containing the resistance-associated mutation confirm the presence of two independent Rdl-like loci in M. persicae. One locus carries the susceptible alanine (A) and/or resistant glycine (G) allele while the other carries the two serine alleles (S or S′). Whereas resistance levels are correlated with the glycine replacement, the S allele was present in all aphid clones, regardless of their resistance status. These results suggest that target site insensitivity is associated with replacements at the first (A/G) but not the second (S/S′) locus. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences indicates that both putative aphid Rdl loci are monophyletic with respect to other insect Rdl genes and may have arisen through a recent gene duplication event. The implications of this duplication with respect to insecticide resistance and insect GABA receptor subunit diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

张峰  张钟宁 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):131-136
该文对桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)各型触角感器进行了比较研究。扫描电镜观察结果表明桃蚜具有钟形感器、毛形感器、原生感觉圈和次生感觉圈4种类型的触角感器。桃蚜各型触角感器的最大差异主要表现在次生感觉圈上,雄蚜、雌性母和有翅孤雌蚜具有次生感觉圈,雌性蚜、干母和无翅孤雌蚜无;但雄蚜具有的次生感觉圈数目多于雌性母和有翅孤雌蚜,且不仅仅分布在触角第3节,第4、5节也有分布。本文探讨了桃蚜触角感器在化学生态学上的功能作用,各型触角感器的差异与桃蚜寄主选择、迁移及交配行为的关系,并进一步分析了桃蚜触角感器的性二型现象。  相似文献   

Adult apterousMyzus persicae, which had fed for 26 h on diet containing azadirachtin at concentrations of 25–100 ppm, produced nymphs at less than half the rate of aphids on control diets. After 50 h on azadirachtin-treated diets nymph production had virtually ceased. After this period, any nymphs produced by adults that had fed on azadirachtin-treated diets were born dead with undeveloped appendages. Honeydew production on azadirachtin-treated diets was unaffected during the first 26 h period but was approximately three times less than on control diets during the subsequent 24 h period.  相似文献   

The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), is polyphagous on over 400 plant species in more than 50 families. Phenotypic plasticity of individuals and genetic variability in the population presumably contribute to this polyphagy. The genetic variability in field populations of M. persicae was assessed with respect to their adaptation to sugar beets and potatoes. An analysis of more than 1 000 clones, sampled during 1980, 1981 and 1982 from different host plants in the field, revealed a wide genetic variability in host plant adaptation to sugar beets as well as to potatoes. Both traits seem to be inherited independently from each other and do not correlate with clone-specific host plant preference of apterous adults. The aphid M. persicae can be characterized as a polyphagous insect species with a wide, continuously distributed variability and a broad phenotypic plasticity. A general differentiation of herbivorous species into generalists and specialists tends to ignore the genetic component in the complex of insect-plant relationships.
Zusammenfassung Die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus Myzus persicae (Sulz.) lebt polyphag an über 400 Pflanzenarten in mehr als 50 Pflanzenfamilien. Ein breites Nahrungsspektrum einer Art ergibt sich jedoch aus der phänotypischen Plastizität des Individuums oder einer Klonlinie und der genetischen Variabilität der Population. Felpopulationen der Grünen Pfirsichblattlaus wurden auf ihre genetische Variabilität bezüglich der Wirtspflanzenanpassung an Rübe und Kartoffel untersucht. Eine Analyse von mehr als 1 000 Klonen, die über die Jahre 1980, 1981 und 1982 im Rheinland gesammelt wurden, lassen eine breite Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzenanpassung der Population erkennen. Beide Merkmale scheinen unabhängig voneinander vererbt zu werden und zeigen keine Beziehung zum Wirtswahlverhalten adult apterer Läuse der entsprechenden Klone. Die Art M. persicae kann daher charakterisiert werden als eine polyphage Insektenart mit einer breiten genetischen Variabilität und einer grossen phänotypischen Plastizität. Eine generelle Differenzierung von Herbivoren in Generalisten und Spezialisten vernachlässigt die genetische Komponente in der komplexen Beziehung zwischen Insekten un ihren Wirtspflanzen.

Three isomers of farnesene occur in the siphon excretions of at least four aphid species: the siphon excretions of Myzus persicae contain (E)--farnesene, as well as (Z,E)--farnesene. The significance of (E)--farnesene as an alarm pheromone was evaluated by the investigation of the ratios and quantities of the above-mentioned farnesene isomers in various morphs of Myzus persicae (Sulz.). It is suggested that a relationship exists between the production of farnesene isomers and the occurrence of morphs.
Zusammenfassung Es ist bekannt, dass drei Isomere des Farnesens in der Siphonensekret von wenigstens vier Blattläusmorphen vorkommen. So enthielt zum Beispiel das Siphonensekret bei Myzus persicae (E)--, (Z,E)-- und (E,E)--Farnesen. Um die Bedeutung des (E)--Farnesens zu ermitteln, haben wir die Mengen und Verhältnisse der Farnesenisomere in verschiedenen Morphen von Myzus persicae bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine Beziehung zwischen der Produktion von Farnesenisomeren und der Bildung der Morphe in dieser Blattläus besteht.

The gamma-aminobutyric acid type C (GABA(C)) receptor is a ligand-gated chloride channel with distinct physiological and pharmacological properties. Although the exact subunit composition of native GABA(C) receptors has yet to be firmly established, there is general agreement that GABA rho subunits participate in their formation. Recent studies on white perch suggest that certain GABA rho subunits can co-assemble with the GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit to form a heteromeric receptor with electrophysiological properties that correspond more closely to the native GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons than any of the homomeric rho receptors. In the present study we examined the interactions among various perch GABA rho and gamma2 subunits. When co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the gamma2 subunit co-immunoprecipitated with Flag-tagged perch rho1A, rho1B, and rho2B subunits, but not with the Flag-tagged perch rho2A subunit. Immunocytochemical studies indicated that the membrane surface expression of the gamma2 subunit was detected only when it was co-expressed with perch rho1A, rho1B, or rho2B subunit, but not with the perch rho2A subunit or when expressed alone. In addition, co-immunoprecipitation of perch rho1B and gamma2 subunits was also detected in protein samples of the teleost retina. Taken together, these findings suggest that a heteromeric rho(gamma2) receptor could represent one form of GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons.  相似文献   

The development of alatae of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, as gynoparae rather than as virginoparae was investigated with regard to the number of exposures to a long-night (LN) regime of 15 h darkness per diem which the aphids experienced before and/or after their birth. The minimum number of exposures to LN that resulted in all of the alatae developing into gynoparae was two prenatal plus one postnatal or one prenatal plus two postnatal, provided the scotophases in these treatments were at least 12 h long. A cumulative effect of several successive exposures to LN was also evident when the presumptive alatae were exposed to LN either from birth or not until several days after birth. Fewer exposures to LN were needed in the former case.
Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung von Alatae der grünen Pfirsichblattlaus, Myzus persicae, hauptsächlich zu Gynoparae, eher als zu Virginoparae, wurde im Hinblick auf den Einfluss der Anzahl an Langnächten (LN: 15 Studen Dunkelheit pro Tag), denen die Aphiden vor und/oder nach der Geburt ausgesetzt waren, untersucht. Zur ausschliesslichen Entwicklung aller Alatae zu Gynoparae waren mindestens 2 prenatale und eine postnatale LN-Exposition oder eine prenatale und 2 postnatale LN-Expositionen notwendig, vorausgesetzt die Dunkelphasen betrugen mindestens 12 Stunden. Ausserdem zeigte sich ein kumulativer Effect durch mehrere, aufeinanderfolgende LN-Expositionen, wenn die Alatae diesen von Geburt an, oder einige Tage nach der Geburt, ausgesetzt waren. Im ersten Fall waren weniger LN-Expositionen notwendig.

几种病原真菌对二点叶螨、桃蚜的侵染能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从兰州市刘家堡乡自然感病的菜豆蚜尸上,经分离、纯化、筛选得到5种病原真菌,即新接霉属、干尸霉属、虫瘴霉属、虫疠霉属、匍柄霉属。以室内盆栽菜豆上饲养供试桃蚜、二点叶螨为供试生物,测定了几种病原真菌的侵染力。结果表明:匍柄霉属、新接霉属、虫瘴霉属、虫疠霉属对桃蚜有较高的侵染力,接种第7 d后校正死亡率分别为74.0%、70.0%、64.0%、62.0%;对二点叶螨雌成螨的侵染力相对较低,干尸霉属、新接霉属、虫瘴霉属、匍柄霉属接种第7 d后校正死亡率分别为48%、45.9%、42.7%和38.8%。几种病原真菌孢子悬浮液处理二点叶螨螨卵后,可延长螨卵的发育历期,降低螨卵孵化率。  相似文献   

Preimaginal development, mortality, aphid consumption rate, and size and weight upon reaching the adult stage of the aphidophagous coccinellids Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville and Coccinella septempunctata L. collected from Karditsa, central Greece, were examined at four constant temperatures (14, 17, 20 and 23 °C) and L16:D8. The coccinellids fed on the tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae nicotianae Blackman. Egg, larval and pupal mortality was highest at 14 °C reaching 85.0, 73.8 and 29.4% in H. convergens and 49.3, 75.4 and 58.8% in C. septempunctata, respectively. Total preimaginal development ranged from 57.2 to 70.4 days at 14 °C, and to 16.9 and 22.1 days at 23 °C in H. convergens and C. septempunctata, respectively. Heavier and larger adults of H. convergens were obtained at 17 and 20 ° C. In C. septempunctata temperature did not affect adult weight while the lowest size was observed at 14 and 17 °C. Day-degrees requirements for preimaginal development in H. corvengens were 212.9 above a developmental threshold of 11.0 °C. The corresponding values for C. septempunctata were 281.5 and 10.7 °C. In H. convergens total and daily aphid consumption ranged from 46.8 aphids at 14 °C to 85.0 aphids at 23 °C and from 1.5 aphids at 14 °C to 9.2 aphids at 23 °C, respectively. The corresponding values for C. septempunctata were 112.0 and 2.7 at 14 °C and 157.7 and 12.4 at 23 °C. The results show the high potential of both predators as biological control agents against the tobacco aphid. The knowledge obtained could be essential for their appropriate use and for the improvement of mass rearing systems.  相似文献   

春季烟蚜有翅蚜空间分布及迁入量估计的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对春季烟田烟蚜有翅蚜的抽样调查,研究有翅蚜的空间分布并进行迁人量估计。采用频次分布方法进行有翅蚜空间分布型测定,拟合结果既符合泊松分布又符合负二项分布;通过计算有翅蚜在不同叶位上的概率分布,结果表明,有翅蚓适入后大部分集中于烟株上部;通过定期调查烟株有翅蚜数量,并采用定积分中的抛物线法近似计算有翅蚜迁入总量,结果表明,有翅蚜迁入量约为479头/百株。  相似文献   

Previously we have demonstrated that social isolation of rats reduces both the cerebrocortical and plasma concentrations of 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG), and potentiates the positive effects of acute ethanol administration on the concentrations of this neurosteroid. We now show that the ethanol-induced increase in 3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG is more pronounced in the brain than in the plasma of isolated rats. The ability of ethanol to inhibit isoniazid-induced convulsions is greater in isolated rats than in group-housed animals and this effect is prevented by treatment with finasteride. Social isolation modified the effects of ethanol on the amounts of steroidogenic regulatory protein mRNA and protein in the brain. Moreover, ethanol increased the amplitude of GABA(A) receptor-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurones with greater potency in hippocampal slices prepared from socially isolated rats than in those from group-housed rats, an effect inhibited by finasteride. The amounts of the alpha(4) and delta subunits of the GABA(A) receptor in the hippocampus were increased in isolated rats as were GABA(A) receptor-mediated tonic inhibitory currents in granule cells of the dentate gyrus. These results suggest that social isolation results in changes in GABA(A) receptor expression in the brain, and in an enhancement of the stimulatory effect of ethanol on brain steroidogenesis, GABA(A) receptor function and associated behaviour.  相似文献   

Apterous viviparae of a holocyclic strain of Myzus persicae were given various numbers of prenatal and postnatal exposures to male-inducing, long-night scotophases (15 hr darkness per diem). The sex of the embryos in various positions within their ovarioles was determined from chromosome preparations and correlated with the sequence with which female and male larvae were deposited. An abnormal follicle was found frequently between the female and male embryos in the ovarioles of aphids raised under long nights.Apterous viviparae exposed to long nights from birth or earlier usually produced several females and then switched over to exclusive male production. The more prenatal exposures to long nights given to the aphids, the fewer females were deposited by them and the earlier they started to produce males. When apterae were continuously exposed to long nights from 2 days or more before their birth, some, and occasionally all, their ovarioles were solely androparous. In general, male-producing apterae deposited considerably fewer larvae (female as well as male) than apterae that produced females exclusively. The 1–2 day pause in larviposition that typically occurs between the deposition of the female and male larvae was attributed to a slower rate of development of the male embryos. The results are discussed in relation to the hormonal changes that may be induced by the photoperiodic treatments.  相似文献   

cDNAs encoding two acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) were isolated from the peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae. MpAChE1 was orthologous and MpAChE2 was paralogous with the ace of Drosophila melanogaster. The deduced amino acid sequence of MpAChE1 cDNA was identical between the pirimicarb susceptible and resistant strains. However, a single amino acid substitution of Ser431Phe on MpAchE2 was found in the pirimicarb resistant strains. This substitution was located in the acyl pocket of the enzyme and was thought to alter the ligand specificity.  相似文献   

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