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Trace organic nutrient and metal requirements for the growth of Methanococcoides methylutens strain TMA-10 were determined in defined medium that contained trimethylamine as the substrate. Biotin was the only organic supplement required in place of yeast extract, Trypticase or a mixture of 8 B-vitamins. Fe an Ni were required for growth and low concentrations of Fe2+ (<5 M) and Ni2+ (<0.25 M) provided limited growth. In the absence of added Co the growth rate was reduced by 94% and growth was limited at concentrations below 0.1 M. Stimulation of growth by Se, Mo, B, Al, Zn, Mn or Cu could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of elevation of liver glycogen synthase (GYS2) activity on glucose and glycogen metabolism, we performed adenoviral overexpression of the mutant GYS2 with six serine-to-alanine substitutions in rat primary hepatocytes. Cell-free assays demonstrated that the serine-to-alanine substitutions caused constitutive activity and electrophoretic mobility shift. In rat primary hepatocytes, overexpression of the mutant GYS2 significantly reduced glucose production by 40% and dramatically induced glycogen synthesis via the indirect pathway rather than the direct pathway. Thus, we conclude that elevation of glycogen synthase activity has an inhibitory effect on glucose production in hepatocytes by shunting gluconeogenic precursors into glycogen. In addition, although intracellular compartmentation of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) remains unclear in hepatocytes, our results imply that there are at least two G6P pools via gluconeogenesis and due to glucose phosphorylation, and that G6P via gluconeogenesis is preferentially used for glycogen synthesis in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The search for antituberculosis drugs active against persistent bacilli has led to our interest in metallodependent class II fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA-tb), a key enzyme of gluconeogenesis absent from mammalian cells. Knock-out experiments at the fba-tb locus indicated that this gene is required for the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on gluconeogenetic substrates and in glucose-containing medium. Surface labeling and enzymatic activity measurements revealed that this enzyme was exported to the cell surface of M. tuberculosis and produced under various axenic growth conditions including oxygen depletion and hence by non-replicating bacilli. Importantly, FBA-tb was also produced in vivo in the lungs of infected guinea pigs and mice. FBA-tb bound human plasmin(ogen) and protected FBA-tb-bound plasmin from regulation by α2-antiplasmin, suggestive of an involvement of this enzyme in host/pathogen interactions. The crystal structures of FBA-tb in the native form and in complex with a hydroxamate substrate analog were determined to 2.35- and 1.9-Å resolution, respectively. Whereas inhibitor attachment had no effect on the plasminogen binding activity of FBA-tb, it competed with the natural substrate of the enzyme, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and substantiated a previously unknown reaction mechanism associated with metallodependent aldolases involving recruitment of the catalytic zinc ion by the substrate upon active site binding. Altogether, our results highlight the potential of FBA-tb as a novel therapeutic target against both replicating and non-replicating bacilli.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii can grow and replicate using either glucose or glutamine as the major carbon source. Here, we have studied the essentiality of glycolysis in the tachyzoite and bradyzoite stages of T. gondii, using transgenic parasites that lack a functional hexokinase gene (Δhk) in RH (Type-1) and Prugniaud (Type-II) strain parasites. Tachyzoite stage Δhk parasites exhibit a fitness defect similar to that reported previously for the major glucose transporter mutant, and remain virulent in mice. However, although Prugniaud strain Δhk tachyzoites were capable of transforming into bradyzoites in vitro, they were severely compromised in their ability to make mature bradyzoite cysts in the brain tissue of mice. Isotopic labelling studies reveal that glucose-deprived tacyzoites utilise glutamine to replenish glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway intermediates via gluconeogenesis. Interestingly, while glutamine-deprived intracellular Δhk tachyzoites continued to replicate, extracellular parasites were unable to efficiently invade host cells. Further, studies on mutant tachyzoites lacking a functional phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Δpepck1) revealed that glutaminolysis is the sole source of gluconeogenic flux in glucose-deprived parasites. In addition, glutaminolysis is essential for sustaining oxidative phosphorylation in Δhk parasites, while wild type (wt) and Δpepck1 parasites can obtain ATP from either glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation. This study provides insights into the role of nutrient metabolism during asexual propagation and development of T. gondii, and validates the versatile nature of central carbon and energy metabolism in this parasite.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities were determined quantitatively in individual rat oocytes to study their energy metabolism during maturation. Low hexokinase activity and high activities of lactate dehydrogenase and enzymes in the phosphate pathway, i.e., glucose 6-P and 6-P gluconate dehydrogenases, were characteristic of immature oocytes. Hexokinase may be a rate-limiting enzyme that enables oocytes to use glucose as an energy source. During maturation, the activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, and malate dehydrogenase increased significantly, suggesting that the glycolytic pathway, as well as the tricarboxylic acid cycle, developed as the first meiotic division proceeded. In contrast, the activities of glucose 6-P and 6-P gluconate dehydrogenases decreased in maturing oocytes. The observation that the enzyme pattern in mature oocytes resembles more closely that in somatic cells appears to be significant, especially in light of previous studies showing this developmental trend in preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-P2) is an important metabolite that controls glycolytic and gluconeogenic pathways in several cell types. Its synthesis and degradation are catalyzed by the bifunctional enzyme 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase (PFK-2). Four genes, designated Pfkfb1-4, codify the different PFK-2 isozymes. The Pfkfb3 gene product, ubiquitous PFK-2 (uPFK-2), has the highest kinase/bisphosphatase activity ratio and is associated with proliferation and tumor metabolism. A transgenic mouse model that overexpresses uPFK-2 under the control of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter was designed to promote sustained and elevated Fru-2,6-P2 levels in the liver. Our results demonstrate that in diet-induced obesity, high Fru-2,6-P2 levels in transgenic livers caused changes in hepatic gene expression profiles for key gluconeogenic and lipogenic enzymes, as well as an accumulation of lipids in periportal cells, and weight gain.  相似文献   

Shc proteins play a role in energy metabolism through interaction with the insulin receptor. The aim of this study was to determine whether Shc proteins influence liver glycolysis and gluconeogenesis under both fed and fasted states. Decreased glycolytic and increased gluconeogenic and transamination enzyme activities were observed in ShcKO versus WT mice. Levels of key regulatory metabolites, such as fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, matched the activity of metabolic pathways. Protein levels of glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes were not different. pAMPK protein levels increased with fasting and were higher in ShcKO versus WT mice. Therefore, Shc proteins play a role in shifting the metabolism from glucose oxidation to gluconeogenesis and lipid catabolism and should be considered as regulators of fuel selection. Fuel selection and utilization could play a critical role in healthy aging. Characterization of metabolic events in ShcKO mice would help to elucidate how metabolism is influenced by these proteins.  相似文献   

Activities of glycogen synthase (total) and branching enzyme in slow (soleus) muscle are higher than those in fast (vastus lateralis) muscle, while those of phosphorylase kinase (total), phosphorylase (total) and debranching enzyme are reversed. The active form ratio of glycogen synthase is higher in fast muscle, while those of phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase are higher in slow muscle. Activities of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein phosphatase in slow muscle are higher than those in fast muscle. These results suggest that glycogen metabolizing enzymes in slow muscle, distinct from those in fast muscle, are regulated more strongly by cAMP-dependent protein kinase rather than by protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

The growth of Micromonospora echinospora was studied in high and low C/N ratio medium using both batch and continuous culture. Asparagine was consumed rapidly in batch cultures where it served as both a nitrogen and carbon source. Glucose consumption was low suggesting that asparagine functions as the major carbon source under these conditions. The effect of nutrient limitation on the accumulation of storage carbohydrate in batch culture revealed an intimate association between nitrogen limitation and the accumulation of carbonaceous reserves. This study revealed that glycogen constituted the major carbohydrate reserve associated with the onset of sporulation. Intracellular trehalose levels were found to be relatively low and may have been affected by the availability of carbon. Continuous culture studies revealed a correlation between glycogen accumulation and increasing growth rate. It was also found that elevated cellular ATP levels correlated with the increase in glycogen, and reduced glycolytic activity. At the higher growth rates cellular ATP levels were elevated and coincided with reduced activity of the key glycolytic enzyme, phosphofructokinase, suggesting that glycogen can act as a convenient energy reservoir when excess carbon flux dictates.  相似文献   

The yeast glycogen branching enzyme (EC is shown to be induced in batch culture simultaneously with the onset of intracellular glycogen accumulation. The branching enzyme structural gene (GLC3) has been cloned. Its predicted amino acid sequence is very similar to procaryotic branching enzymes. Northern analysis indicates that GLC3 mRNA abundance increases in late exponential growth phase coincident with glycogen accumulation. Disruption of the branching enzyme structural gene establishes that branching enzyme activity is an absolute requirement for maximal glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Regional cerebral metabolite concentrations, principally of choline-containing compounds (Cho), total creatine (Cr), N-acetylaspartate (Naa), and lactate (Lac), can be quantified by in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In order to estimate a metabolite concentration, it is often necessary to measure the transverse relaxation time (T2). Metabolite T2s depend on cytosolic viscosity: as [adenosine triphosphate] falls leading to Na+/K+ pump failure, cytosolic water increases and T2s lengthen. In central grey-matter in human infants, Naa may be almost exclusively neuronal: Naa T2 may index neuronal edema and energy generation. In this preliminary report, metabolite concentrations and T2s have been measured in central grey matter in human infants suspected of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury. In infants who developed serious cerebral injury or died, [Cho] and [Naa] were low (the latter suggesting neuronal loss), [Lac] and all metabolite T2s were increased: the Naa T2 increase possibly reflected neuronal edema following failure of energy generation in a fraction of remaining neurons. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Herman Bachelard.  相似文献   

Osteoclastogenesis and osteolysis are energy-consuming processes supported by high metabolic activities. In human osteoclasts derived from the fusion of monocytic precursors, we found a substantial increase in the number of mitochondria with differentiation. In mature osteoclasts, mitochondria were also increased in size, rich of cristae and arranged in a complex tubular network. When compared with immature cells, fully differentiated osteoclasts showed higher levels of enzymes of the electron transport chain, a higher mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate and a lower glycolytic efficiency, as evaluated by extracellular flux analysis and by the quantification of metabolites in the culture supernatant. Thus, oxidative phosphorylation appeared the main bioenergetic source for osteoclast formation. Conversely, we found that bone resorption mainly relied on glycolysis. In fact, osteoclast fuelling with galactose, forcing cells to depend on Oxidative Phosphorylation by reducing the rate of glycolysis, significantly impaired Type I collagen degradation, whereas non-cytotoxic doses of rotenone, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial complex I, enhanced osteoclast activity. Furthermore, we found that the enzymes associated to the glycolytic pathway are localised close to the actin ring of polarised osteoclasts, where energy-demanding activities associated with bone degradation take place. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the energy required for osteoclast differentiation mainly derives from mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, whereas the peripheral cellular activities associated with bone matrix degradation are supported by glycolysis. A better understanding of human osteoclast energy metabolism holds the potential for future therapeutic interventions aimed to target osteoclast activity in different pathological conditions of bone.  相似文献   

The liver and the mammary gland have complementary metabolic roles during lactation. Glucose synthesized by the liver is released into the circulation and is taken up by the mammary gland where major metabolic products of glucose include milk sugar (lactose) and the glycerol backbone of milk fat (triglycerides). Hepatic synthesis of glucose is often accompanied by β-oxidation in that organ to provide energy for glucose synthesis, while mammary gland synthesizes rather than oxidizes fat during lactation. We have therefore compared enzyme abundances between the liver and mammary gland of lactating Friesian cows where metabolic output is well established. Quantitative differences in protein amount were assessed using two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis. As predicted, the abundances of enzymes catalysing gluconeogenesis and β-oxidation were greatest in the liver, and enzyme abundances in mammary tissue were consistent with fat synthesis rather than β-oxidation.  相似文献   

Metabolite profiles and the risk of developing diabetes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Emerging technologies allow the high-throughput profiling of metabolic status from a blood specimen (metabolomics). We investigated whether metabolite profiles could predict the development of diabetes. Among 2,422 normoglycemic individuals followed for 12 years, 201 developed diabetes. Amino acids, amines and other polar metabolites were profiled in baseline specimens by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Cases and controls were matched for age, body mass index and fasting glucose. Five branched-chain and aromatic amino acids had highly significant associations with future diabetes: isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine and phenylalanine. A combination of three amino acids predicted future diabetes (with a more than fivefold higher risk for individuals in top quartile). The results were replicated in an independent, prospective cohort. These findings underscore the potential key role of amino acid metabolism early in the pathogenesis of diabetes and suggest that amino acid profiles could aid in diabetes risk assessment.  相似文献   

微甘菊次生代谢产物的免疫学活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨微甘菊次生代谢产物的免疫学活性,用微甘菊水溶性和脂溶性提取物喂食小鼠,用流式细胞仪测定小鼠T淋巴细胞亚群的变化规律,分析微甘菊提取物的免疫学活性。结果显示,微甘菊水溶性和脂溶性提取物均能刺激小鼠CD4^ 和CD8^ 细胞的产生,与对照相比,CD4^ /CD8^ 比值均明显增加,水溶性提取物的效果更明显。微甘菊次生代谢产物中可能含有某些刺激动物免疫活性和提高抗癌能力的物质。  相似文献   

Pattern formation in glycolysis is studied with a classical reaction-diffusion allosteric enzyme model. It is found that, similar to recent experimental reports in the yeast extracts, a small magnitude local perturbation can induce transient target waves in a two dimensional oscillatory medium. An above threshold stimulation generates target waves which eventually evolve into spatiotemporal chaos upon collisions with the boundary or other wave activities. Detailed simulation studies show that the studied simple glycolytic reaction-diffusion model can support three types of spatiotemporal behaviors which are independent of the boundary conditions: (1) a spatially uniform stable steady state, (2) periodic global oscillations and (3) spatiotemporal chaos.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical mechanisms underlying anaerobiosis were assessed in two Mediterranean bivalve species, Scapharca inaequivalvis and Venus gallina, with widely differing tolerances for oxygen lack. These species displayed LT50 values for anoxic survival at 17–18°C of 17 and 4 d, respectively. Succinate and alanine were the major products of 24 h anaerobic metabolism in both species but only S. inaequivalvis further metabolized succinate to propionate. Both species reduced metabolic rate while anoxic but metabolic arrest was more pronounced in S. inaequivalvis. Calculated ATP turnover rate (MATP) during exposure to N2-bubbled seawater was only 4.51% of the aerobic rate in S. inaequivalvis but was 12.68% in V. gallina. To counteract a greater load of acid end products, V. gallina foot showed a significantly greater buffering capacity, 23.38±0.20 slykes, compared to 19.6±0.79 slykes in S. inaequivalvis. The two species also differed distinctly in the enzymatic regulation of anaerobiosis. In V. gallina anoxia exposure caused only a small change in PFK kinetic parameters (a decrease in Ka AMP) and had no effect on glycogen phosphorylase. By contrast, S. inaequivalvis foot showed a strong modification of enzyme properties in anoxia. The percentage of glycogen phosphorylase in the a form dropped significantly only in S. inaequivalvis. Other changes included alterations in the properties of PFK leading to a less active enzyme form in anoxia. Compared to the aerobic enzyme form, PFK from anoxic foot showed a reduced affinity for fructose-6-P (Km increased 2.4-fold), greater inhibition by ATP (I50 decreased 6.8-fold), and an increase in sensitivity to AMP activation (Ka decreased by 50%). These enzyme changes appear to be key to a glycolytic rate depression during anaerobiosis in S. inaequivalvis foot muscle.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(2-aminoethyl)-tetraacetic acid - Fructose-2,6-P 2 fructose-2,6-bisphosphate - Fructose-6-P fructose-6-phosphate - K a AMP Activation constant (concentration of AMP required to increase the reaction to twice the rate it shows in the absence of AMP) - MATP ATP turnover rate - P i inorganic phosphate - PCA Perchloric acid - PFK 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase - TCA Trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

植物体内含有多种次级代谢产物,是重要的药物或工业原料。但是有些次级产物提取出来后理化性质不够稳定,或是本身具有一定的毒性,限制其广泛的应用。本文在总结相关文献和自身工作的基础上介绍:利用多种包合主体对人们关注的植物药用物质提取后进行包合等物理修饰,或是通过化学方法对它们进行结构上的改造或化学基团的修饰,旨在使产物的理化性质趋于更加稳定,生理活性得到保护和提高。  相似文献   

The impact of Lactobacillus paracasei IMC502 co-fermented with traditional starters on metabolites in yogurt was evaluated using metabolomic analysis. Forty-four volatile metabolites were determined using headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, including alcohols, esters, organic acids, carbonyl and sulfur compounds. Acetaldehyde, diacetyl, acetoin, acetone, butanoic and acetic acid were present in yogurts in higher intensity, which are the major volatile metabolites related to yogurt flavor. L. paracasei IMC502 did not affect the amounts of acetaldehyde, diacetyl and acetoin while promoted the formation of acetone and butanoic acid. A total of 196 non-volatile metabolites including nucleosides, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids were analyzed using UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Non-volatile metabolite profiles of these two types of yogurts were distinguished and 94 differential metabolites were screened using multivariate statistical analysis, which were mainly associated with the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, amino acid metabolism and nucleotide metabolism. The impact of storage on metabolites was also investigated. The amounts of the majority of carbonyl compounds, organic acids and free amino acids increased, while those of acetaldehyde, diacetyl and lactose decreased during storage. This study provides insights into the metabolic mechanism of L. paracasei and represents a real advance in the study of the metabolites in yogurt.  相似文献   

The skin epithelium and its organelles use glycogen as well as glucose as source of energy. Therefore the characterisation of glycogen metabolism and the enzymes involved is important in the study of mechanisms regulating the normal or abnormal differentiation of skin organelles such as sebaceous glands and hair follicles.The present paper describes fluorimetric methods for the determination of glycogen and for the measurements of phosphorylase and phosphorylase kinase activity in one and the same lysate of minute tissue samples. The methods were tested for their suitability on freshly isolated human hair follicles and cultured hair follicle cells. The possible use of these techniques for studies on the pathophysiology of acne and hirsutism is discussed.  相似文献   

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