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长期不同施肥方式对麦田杂草群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋敏  沈明星  沈新平  戴其根 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1746-1756
以太湖地区农业科学研究所31a的长期肥料定位试验田为材料,分别于2011—2012年小麦苗期、拔节期和收获期进行了杂草群落调查,研究杂草类型与密度的分布、杂草多样性指数的变化,并对杂草种群分布与土壤养分因子进行冗余分析。结果表明:小飞蓬、看麦娘、大巢菜、稻槎菜、通泉草是本地区小麦生长期的主要杂草类型;随着小麦的生长以及氮肥、有机肥的施入,杂草密度呈下降趋势;施入有机肥降低了麦季杂草的群落多样性指数,在小麦生长的不同时期均衡施肥的CNPK处理以及不施肥的C0处理的群落各项多样性指数能维持在一个较高的水平。RDA分析显示土壤氮含量以及有机质含量与第一排序轴相关性大,是对杂草分布影响最大的两个土壤养分因子。太湖地区稻麦两熟制条件下,长期有机无机肥料单一或配合投入可显著影响麦田杂草的群落组成,其中氮肥和有机肥的施入能显著降低杂草密度;土壤养分的差异影响田面杂草密度和优势种群,均衡施肥能降低优势杂草种群的优势地位,抑制其发生危害程度,提高农田生态系统的生产力及稳定性。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥方式对稻田杂草群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用太湖地区农业科学研究所31年的长期肥料定位试验田,分别于2011—2012年水稻抽穗期、结实期和收获期进行了杂草群落调查,并对杂草种群分布与土壤养分因子进行冗余分析。结果表明:随着水稻的生育进程,田间杂草密度增大,而氮磷肥的配施也能有效减少试验区田间杂草的密度;牛毛毡、鸭舌草、耳叶水苋和水蕨是水稻生长期的主要杂草类型;在施入磷肥的处理中,莎草科杂草密度减少甚至消失,鸭舌草密度则增加,耳叶水苋和水蕨则是在没有施肥的处理生长最好;氮磷配施减少群落丰富度的同时能增加群落的均匀度,人为干预相对最少的处理方式有利于群落结构的稳定发展。抽穗期RDA结果显示,第1、第2排序轴特征值分别为0.901和0.080,土壤全P、有效磷、全氮、碱解氮与第1排序轴相关系数分别为-0.887、-0.816、-0.810和-0.794。太湖地区稻麦两熟制条件下,长期不同施肥方式显著影响稻田杂草的群落组成,土壤养分库的差异性影响田面杂草密度和优势种群分布,影响稻田中杂草分布的土壤养分因子主要为氮、磷和有机质,土壤钾含量对杂草的总体分布影响相对较小。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥方式对稻油轮作制水稻田杂草群落的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为揭示长期不同施肥方式下农田生态系统中杂草群落的变化规律,于2006年10月在太湖地区一个长期肥料试验定位监测田,运用群落生态学方法研究了7种长期不同施肥处理持续20a后对水稻-油菜轮作制水稻田杂草群落的影响.试验区共记录到杂草11种,隶属于6个科.其中,节节菜(Rotala indica)、陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)、鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、异型莎草(Cyperus difformis)等4种杂草在所有施肥处理区发生密度较大.莎草科杂草牛毛毡(Eleocharis yokoscensis)只在不施肥区和纯氮肥区出现,而球穗扁莎(Pycreus globosus)和萤蔺(Scirpus juncoides)仅在不施肥区出现.长期不同施肥措施下,田间杂草群落的物种多样性有明显差异:全年秸秆区的物种丰富度(7.3种)最小,不施肥区(10.7种)最大;不施肥区、常规区、秋季秸秆区Shannon-Wiener指数显著大于其他处理区;不施肥区和常规区Simpson指数显著小于其他处理区;不施肥区和纯氮肥区Pielou均匀度指数显著小于其他处理区.田间杂草群落的优势种组成也发生了一定变化, Whittaker指数表明,与不施肥处理相比,单施化肥、化肥配施猪粪对杂草群落结构及物种组成的影响最显著,化肥配施油菜秸秆和化肥配施油菜水稻秸秆次之,而纯施氮肥和化肥配施水稻秸秆的影响较小.Srensen群落相似性指数及聚类分析结果也得到相似的结论.结果表明,单施化肥(平衡施用N、P、K肥)、化肥配施猪粪、化肥配施夏季、秋季和全年秸秆处理均能显著改变田间杂草群落的组成,改变某些杂草在群落中的优势地位,从而抑制其发生危害程度.  相似文献   

为揭示长期不同施肥管理措施下农田生态系统生物多样性的变化规律,作者于2006年4月在太湖地区一个长期肥料试验定位监测田,运用群落生态学方法研究了7种长期不同施肥处理持续20年后对水稻-油菜两熟制油菜田杂草群落多样性的影响。试验区共记录到杂草17种,隶属于11科。不同施肥处理小区中杂草种类以单施化肥区(6种)和施化肥+全年秸秆区(5种)最少,纯氮肥区最高(12种);以看麦娘(Alopecurus aequalis)、日本看麦娘(A.japonicus)、菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)、牛繁缕(Malachium aquaticum)、野老鹳草(Geranium carolinianum)等5种发生密度较大,它们分别在不同施肥小区中占据优势。长期不同施肥措施下,田间杂草群落的物种多样性有明显差异:纯氮肥区Shannon-Wiener指数显著大于其他小区,但Simpson优势度指数最低;不施肥区(对照区)和纯氮肥区Pielou均匀度指数显著高于其他施肥处理区;施化肥+秸秆还田显著提高了田间杂草的优势度。田间杂草群落的优势种组成也发生了一定变化,Whittaker指数表明施化肥+夏季秸秆还田和单施化肥的影响最显著,常规施肥和施化肥+秋季秸秆还田次之,而施化肥+全年秸秆还田和单施氮肥没有显著影响。Sφrenson群落相似性指数及聚类分析结果也得到同样的结论。本文研究结果表明,单施化肥(平衡施用N、P、K肥)、常规施肥和化肥配施秸秆处理均能显著改变田间杂草群落的组成,降低某些优势杂草在群落中的优势地位,从而抑制其发生危害程度。  相似文献   

长期施肥对黄淮海平原农田中小型土壤节肢动物的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在2008年9月和2009年2月,采用改良干漏斗方法(Modified Tullgren)对黄淮海地区长期定位施肥试验下中小型土壤节肢动物进行调查。试验包括氮磷钾(NPK)、氮磷(NP)、氮钾(NK)、磷钾(PK)、有机肥(OM)、1∶1化学氮肥与有机氮肥(OMNPK)和不施肥(CK)7个处理。结果表明:OM和OMNPK处理有利于提高土壤动物丰富度和多样性;NK处理不利于土壤动物的生存和发展,缺磷影响了土壤动物数量的增长;从优势类群弹尾目和蜱螨目来看,OM和OMNPK处理对弹尾目等节跳科、棘跳科和球角跳科的生长有利,而圆跳科在NPK处理下具有更高的数量;OMNPK处理对蜱螨目中气门亚目有显著的正效应,对前气门亚目和甲螨亚目也有一定的正向作用;氮肥对弹尾目没有表现出正相关关系,但在一定程度上增加了蜱螨目的数量。  相似文献   

除草剂对杂草微观进化及多样性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文归纳了除草剂作用下杂草种下分化的机理及影响这一过程的内外因素,指出除草剂作用下农田杂草多样性的特点及杂草遗传和多样性变化研究的理论意义。  相似文献   

施肥等人为管理下农田生态系统生物多样性的变化规律及其保护是生态系统研究的重要内容之一。我们通过镜检法对太湖地区一个长期肥料定点试验稻油轮作田表层(0–15cm)土壤中杂草种子的种类进行了鉴定,分析了长期不同施肥方式对稻油轮作田土壤杂草种子库群落结构及多样性的影响,讨论了杂草种子库多样性与农田生态系统生产力和稳定性的关系。4种施肥方式分别为不施肥(NF)、单施化肥(CF)、化肥配施猪粪(CMF)以及化肥配施秸秆(CSF)。结果表明:无论水稻种植季还是油菜种植季,与长期不施肥、单施化肥及化肥配施猪粪相比,化肥配施秸秆条件下的田间土壤杂草种子库密度均最低,但其总物种数和多样性较高;同时,这种施肥方式下水稻与油菜的年平均产量也较高,而且年际波动小。可见,施肥方式的不同会影响杂草种子库的多样性,而多样性的高低与农作物产量高低及稳定性有着一定的相关关系:即均衡的施肥方式有利于维持土壤杂草种子库多样性,提高农作物产量,并降低产量年际间的波动性。在本文研究的4种施肥方式中,化肥配施秸秆可以作为提高农田生态系统生产力和稳定性并保持生物多样性的农田施肥管理方式。  相似文献   

施肥和杂草多样性对土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常年使用化肥和除草剂以及农业新技术的高投入,使我国粮食主产区耕地出现了生产力降低、土壤生物多样性失调和污染严重等生态问题。采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法来评估施肥和杂草多样性对冬小麦土壤微生物群落结构的影响。实验采用裂区实验设计,施肥作为主因素,杂草多样性作为次因素。化肥和有机肥两个施肥处理,在两个施肥处理中进行杂草多样性设置,实验盆中心种植作物(冬小麦8株),四周种植杂草(8株),杂草种类选择野燕麦、苜蓿、菊苣、播娘蒿。杂草多样性处理设为0、1、2、4种杂草处理,0种杂草处理仅种植作物,有6盆;1种杂草处理为每盆种1种杂草,有12盆;2种杂草处理为每盆种两种杂草,有12盆;4种杂草处理为每盆种4种杂草,有6盆。结果表明:在两种施肥处理中,增加杂草多样性显著增加了土壤碳氮比和p H值,碳氮比都是在4种杂草处理中最高。施化肥处理中,增加杂草多样性显著影响真菌和细菌比,真菌和细菌比在4种杂草处理中最大,显著高于0、1、2种杂草处理。在施有机肥处理中,增加杂草多样性显著影响阳性菌和阴性菌比,阳性菌和阴性菌比在0种杂草处理中最低,显著低于1、2、4种杂草处理。在两个施肥处理中,土壤碳氮比与各类群微生物量显著相关,杂草多样性通过改变土壤碳氮比改变微生物群落构成,并且微生物群落结构转变方式不同。  相似文献   

红薯对农田杂草群落及其多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解红薯(Ipomoea batas)对农田杂草群落和生物多样性的影响, 作者研究了云南省东南部红河州建水县5种不同覆盖度红薯田的杂草种类、密度、重要值及多样性。结果表明, 5种红薯田共统计到25种杂草, 隶属18科。其中4种入侵植物藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、牛膝菊(Galinsoga parviflora)、牛筋草(Eleusine indica)和2种本地植物马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)的密度较高, 为红薯田杂草群落的优势物种。随红薯覆盖度增加, 杂草优势物种的密度和重要值显著降低(P<0.05), 然而2种本地物种打碗花(Calystegia hederacea)和早熟禾(Poa annua)密度却显著增加, 2种本地物种铁苋菜(Acalypha australis)和稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)重要值与红薯覆盖度成正相关(P<0.05)。红薯覆盖度为1-25%和26-50%时, 杂草群落的物种丰富度(23.5、24.5)、Simpson指数(0.89、0.85)、Shannon-Wiener指数(2.36、2.35)和Pielou均匀度指数(0.75、0.73)较高, 说明中低水平的红薯覆盖度有利于提高群落的物种多样性。可以推断, 红薯种植改变了农田杂草的群落结构, 有利于限制优势杂草和入侵杂草的发生危害, 中低水平的红薯覆盖度可作为一种有效的旱田替代化学除草剂的生态控草措施。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对稻田土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
微生物群落功能多样性对土壤管理具有重要指示作用,施肥措施对土壤微生物群落功能多样性产生重要的影响,从而影响土壤有机质的含量,引起土地碳贮量变化,进而影响到陆地生态系统的碳汇.以位于湖南省桃江县国家级稻田肥力长期定位试验点的土样为研究对象,采用BIOLOG测试板对不同施肥处理下土壤微生物功能多样性进行了研究.研究结果显示,土壤微生物的碳源利用率因长期不同的施肥处理而发生分异.Shannon和Simpson指数的结果显示所有施肥处理均有利于维持微生物群落多样性,但秸秆还田和习惯施肥使群落均匀度(McIntosh指数)降低.主成分分析表明,试验点土壤微生物群落利用的主要碳源为氨基酸类和糖类,但不同施肥处理碳源利用类型有差异.结果可以得出,不同的施肥对土壤微生物功能多样性产生了不同影响,从而影响土壤有机质中碳、氮含量.这些信息可以为深入研究施肥对全球碳氮循环以及全球气候变迁提供依据.  相似文献   

长期施肥对早稻产量和杂草群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982年布置的双季稻红壤稻田长期施肥定位试验,于2011年研究了在无机肥(化肥NPK)与有机肥(M)氮磷钾养分等量条件下,长期施用有机肥、无机化肥和有机无机肥配施模式下早稻生长发育、早稻产量及稻田杂草群落变化。结果表明:施肥能促进早稻生长发育,显著提高早稻产量,增加施肥用量和均衡肥料及养分种类在一定程度上能促进早稻生长发育和稻谷增产;在施用有机肥的基础上,优先考虑施用氮肥,其次是磷肥,才能使红壤稻田早稻增产。施肥处理中,单施有机肥最能提高早稻杂草密度和促进早稻杂草生长,配施处理中,有机无机均衡配施最能促进早稻杂草生长,还能遏制恶性杂草繁殖;与单施有机肥或化肥相比较,有机无机肥配施能普遍降低早稻杂草群落多样性、优势度和均匀度,在施用有机肥的基础上,化肥尤其是化肥氮的施用对早稻杂草群落的多样性、优势杂草和均匀度起着决定性作用;早稻分蘖盛期杂草生物量一定程度上还能表征早稻稻谷产量。  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) essentiality to plants has not been demonstrated although evidence indicates that it plays a significant role as antioxidant in higher plants. Research concerning to the uptake and allocation of Se in plant tissues is reported in numerous works. However, the effect of sulfur (S) on both the distribution and the antioxidant ability of Se in selenite-treated plant remains unclear. In this work the effect of S application (0–100 mg S kg−1 soil) on shoot Se concentration of Lolium perenne cv. Aries was studied. Se distribution into different fractions of plants supplied with selenite (2 mg Se kg−1 soil) and the state of the antioxidative system were determined. Results showed that shoot Se concentration decreased at least 33% by S application. Plants supplied with S registered the lowest GSH-Px activity and the highest lipid peroxidation. Most of Se was incorporated into the organic fraction of the plant tissue irrespective of the S treatment. However, a significant decrease of both the soluble protein and the amino acid fraction occurred, and the residual Se fraction seemed to increase at expense of the organic-Se soluble fraction. Although no essential selenoproteins have been clearly identified in vascular plants, the decrease of the soluble protein fraction and the different pattern of protein synthesized (SDS-PAGE analysis) may explain the observed reduction of the GSH-Px activity.  相似文献   

Fertilization and the response of the soil microbial community to the process significantly affect crop yield and the environment. In this study, the seasonal variation in the bacterial communities in rice field soil subjected to different fertilization treatments for more than 50 years was investigated using 16S rRNA sequencing. The simultaneous application of inorganic fertilizers and rice straw compost (CAPK) maintained the species richness of the bacterial communities at levels higher than that in the case of non-fertilization (NF) and application of inorganic fertilizers only (APK) in the initial period of rice growth. The seasonal variation in the bacterial community structure in the NF and APK plots showed cyclic behavior, suggesting that the effect of season was important; however, no such trend was observed in the CAPK plot. In the CAPK plot, the relative abundances of putative copiotrophs such as Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria were higher and those of putative oligotrophs such as Acidobacteria and Plactomycetes were lower than those in the other plots. The relative abundances of organotrophs with respiratory metabolism, such as Actinobacteria, were lower and those of chemoautotrophs that oxidize reduced iron and sulfur compounds were higher in the CAPK plot, suggesting greater carbon storage in this plot. Increased methane emission and nitrogen deficiency, which were inferred from the higher abundances of Methylocystis and Bradyrhizobium in the CAPK plot, may be a negative effect of rice straw application; thus, a solution for these should be considered to increase the use of renewable resources in agricultural lands.  相似文献   

Pervasive adaptive evolution in mammalian fertilization proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammalian fertilization exhibits species specificity, and the proteins mediating sperm-egg interactions evolve rapidly between species. In this study, we demonstrate that the evolution of seven genes involved in mammalian fertilization is promoted by positive Darwinian selection by using likelihood ratio tests (LRTs). Several of these proteins are sperm proteins that have been implicated in binding the mammalian egg coat zona pellucida glycoproteins, which were shown previously to be subjected to positive selection. Taken together, these represent the major candidates involved in mammalian fertilization, indicating positive selection is pervasive amongst mammalian reproductive proteins. A new LRT is implemented to determine if the d(N)/d(S) ratio is significantly greater than one. This is a more refined test of positive selection than the previous LRTs which only identified if there was a class of sites with a d(N)/d(S) ratio >1 but did not test if that ratio was significantly greater than one.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in a long-term fertilization field experiment of the Experimental Station of University of Pannonia, Department of Crop Science and Soil Science in 2006. The Long-term fertilization experiment was set up in 1983. In the experiment, the success of the weeds ability to grow under the influence of NPK, NPK + FYM* and NPK + straw treatments was compared, and the effect of increasing Nitrogen dosing on weediness was studied. The bifactorial test was arranged in split plot design with three replications. Treatment A: nutrient: NPK, NPK + 35 t/ha FYM* and NPK + straw manure. Treatment B: N kg/ha(-1) N0-N4 (0, 70, 140, 210, 280), and 100 kg P2O5 ha(-1) & 100 kg K20. The weed survey was made on 2nd of May 2006. There were spraying no herbicide until the survey. For the weed survey the Balázs-Ujvárosi coenological method was applied. Altogether, we have found 23 weed species in the trial. In the NPK treatment there were 20 species, in the treatment NPK+organic manure there were 17 species and in the NPK+ stalk rest treatment there were 16 weed species. The most dominant of the weeds on the NPK and NPK+straw manure treatments was Veronica hederifolia while on the fertilizer + FYM, the A. theophrasti was most dominant. The average weed covering value of the treatment NPK + FYM was 1.36 times higher (10.87%) than that of treatment NPK only (7.97%) and 3.65 times higher than on the NPK + straw manure treatment.  相似文献   

Crop response to magnesium fertilization as affected by nitrogen supply   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Crop yield depends in large part on the availability and accessibility of nitrogen in the soil. For optimal yield, the soil nitrogen must be available at critical periods of crop development, and in a form that is accessible for plant uptake and use. Ancillary crop nutrients can alter the plant’s ability to access and utilize nitrogen. Therefore, crop fertilization with magnesium should focus on its effect on nitrogen management. This conceptual review aims to assess the present state of knowledge regarding the importance of magnesium in fulfilling both objectives.


The response to fertilizer magnesium of high-yielding wheat, maize, sugar beet and potato crops was evaluated using published and unpublished data on yield, yield components and nitrogen uptake. A simple, stepwise regression and path analysis was applied to explain the effect of fertilizer magnesium on yield and yield components.


The effect of soil or foliar applied magnesium on yield of crops was inconsistent due to (i) weather experienced during the growth season, (ii) rates of applied fertilizer nitrogen, and (iii) the (natural background levels of?) magnesium available in the soil. The yield increase due to magnesium application was related to the extra supply of nitrogen. In cereals, magnesium application resulted in a higher number of ears and/or thousand grain weight (TGW), stressing the magnesium-sensitive stages of yield formation. The increase of sugar beet yield was most pronounced in dry years. The main conclusion gleaned from the review underlines a positive effect of magnesium on nitrogen uptake efficiency. The optimal yield forming effect of fertilizer magnesium can generally occur under conditions of relatively low nitrogen supply (soil + fertilizer nitrogen), but high supply of magnesium. This phenomenon can best be described as “magnesium-induced nitrogen uptake”.  相似文献   

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