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植被过滤带的定量计算方法   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
植被过滤带(VFS)因其能有效地滞缓径流、沉降泥沙、控制非点源污染,在美国已作为重要的最佳管理措施(BMP)得到应用.本文在简述国外植被过滤带设计方面的有关研究和应用的基础上,重点介绍了3种典型的过滤带带宽的计算方法,并对其进行了比较与讨论.最后,指出了今后需进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

杭州西湖水生植被恢复的途径与水质净化问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国著名的风景湖泊——杭州西湖、南京玄武湖、北京昆明湖、武汉东湖和昆明滇池等,由于人类经济活动的影响,特别是由于生活污水的大量排入和渔业生产的影响,致使湖泊富营养化问题越来越严重,不仅降低了旅游价值,而且有害于沿湖居民的生活和健康,因此引起人们的极大关注。  相似文献   

也论我国东部植被带的划分   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
《Acta Botanica Sinica》2001,43(5):522-533

文章构建一种以双向横流过滤单元为核心的人工湿地系统,以实际污水处理厂尾水为进水,研究了尾水湿地系统净化效果,发现采用该湿地模式的出水能稳定提升1个等级。为了进一步探究湿地系统除污机理,以污水处理厂实际低浓度尾水为进水,研究了该湿地系统不同植物单元污染物去除功效,讨论了植物、基质与微生物的协同作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)在不同植物的去污效果对比实验中,花叶芦竹植物单元对COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP的平均去除率最高,分别为20.11%、17.17%、28.08%和18.12%;(2)不同运行阶段时基质进出水端主要微生物群落差异较小;(3)系统反向进水时,湿地系统TN去除率可提升50.00%。研究结果对于尾水湿地建设具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

简要回顾了中国东部森林植被带划分研究的历史及当前存在的争论。提出了中国东部植被带划分应以植被本身的特征,特别是地带性的生物群落集为主要依据,同时参照它们的区系组成和气候指标。根据上述原则将中国东部划分为6个植被带∶北方针叶林带、凉温带针阔混交林带、温带落叶阔叶林带、暖温带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带、亚热带常绿阔叶林带和热带雨林、季雨林带,并对各植被带的特征作了简要的描述。阐述了对一些植被带名称、界线改动的原因,特别讨论了我国常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及常绿阔叶林生物气候带的归属问题,认为前者归属于暖温带植被,后者归属于亚热带植被为宜。  相似文献   

中国东部森林植被带划分之我见   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
简要回顾了中国东部森林植被带划分研究的历史及当前存在的争论。提出了中国东部植被带划分应以植被本身的特征,特别是地带性的生物群落集为主要依据,同时参照它们的区系组成和气候指标。根据上述原则将中国东部划分为6个植被带∶北方针叶林带、凉温带针阔混交林带、温带落叶阔叶林带、暖温带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带、亚热带常绿阔叶林带和热带雨林、季雨林带,并对各植被带的特征作了简要的描述。阐述了对一些植被带名称、界线改动的原因,特别讨论了我国常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及常绿阔叶林生物气候带的归属问题,认为前者归属于暖温带植被,后者归属于亚热带植被为宜。  相似文献   

 应用KAPPA一致性检验方法,比较研究了4个常用的气候植被分类模型:Penman模型、Holdridge生命地带系统、Kira模型和Thornthwaite模型对中国植被分布模拟的一致性和适用性。结果表明:这4个常用的气候 植被分类模型对中国植被区划一级分类的植被地理分布模拟效果较好。其中,Holdridge生命地带系统的KAPPA值达到0.57,模拟效果优于其它三者。但对特定地区,如青藏高原的植被地理分布,所有模型均需改进或引入新的影响因子才能较好地模拟二级植被区划的植被地理分布。1)Penman模型对温带草原和青藏高原的植被地理分布模拟的KAPPA值超过0.50,是4个模型中对青藏高原植被地理分布模拟效果最好的。2)Thornthwaite模型对热带雨林、季雨林植被地理分布模拟的KAPPA值达到0.40,可以弥补Holdridge生命地带系统对热带植被地理分布模拟精度的不足。3) Holdridge生命地带系统对中国植被地理分布模拟的效果最佳,但对西部季雨林、雨林区域(52)、西部草原亚区域(63)、青藏高原温性荒漠地带(86)和温性草原地带(84)的模拟程度不理想。4)Kira模型对亚热带常绿阔叶林植被地理分布的模拟效果可与Holdridge生命地带系统相媲美;对低海拔和湿润、湿润地区植被地理分布的模拟效果尚可,但在温带荒漠区与青藏高原区植被地理分布的模拟效果与实际相差较远。  相似文献   

消落带土壤生态环境对水库水质及坡岸稳定性具有较大影响,土壤酶活性具有驱动土壤物质循环进而影响生态系统的功能。本文以三峡库区梨香溪消落带土壤为研究对象,研究了四个海拔梯度和五种植被样地的土壤蔗糖转化酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蛋白酶的活性及相关环境因子。结果表明,在不同海拔样地中,表层土壤的有机质、总氮、总磷和有效磷的含量均高于土壤下层,并且有效磷和总磷含量随海拔高度的增加而增大。四种土壤酶活性随高程的增加均总体呈现出增大的趋势。除脲酶外,167~180 m样地的下层土壤的土壤酶活性均高于165 m样地。在不同植被样地中,苔藓结皮样地的表层土壤中,蔗糖转化酶、碱性磷酸酶和蛋白酶的活性均为最大。有植被覆盖的样地土壤酶活性和土壤有机质、总氮、总磷和有效磷含量均高于裸地,其中虎杖和藻结皮植被对土壤的养分和土壤酶活性影响作用高于狗压根和苔藓结皮。四种土壤酶的酶活性与土壤总氮、总磷、有效磷和有机质含量大体都呈现正相关关系。以上结果表明,消落带土壤酶活性和土壤肥力供给能力受水淹影响,藻类结皮和苔藓结皮对消落带土壤肥力具有促进作用。  相似文献   

消涨带及三峡水库消涨带植被重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重建三峡水库消涨带植被对于恢复消涨带功能、维持三峡工程安全和修复长江流域退化生态系统具有十分重要的意义。消涨带可分为自然消涨带和人工消涨带,自然消涨带及其植被是流域生态系统的组成部分,具有重要的生态、社会和经济价值。人为控制水位涨落而形成的人工消涨带很少有植被覆盖,属于退化的生态系统。三峡消涨带包括三峡自然消涨带和三峡水库消涨带,三峡工程的建设将淹没三峡自然消涨带及其植被并产生没有植被覆盖的三峡水库消涨带。作者认为开发利用三峡水库消涨带土地资源,发展库区经济将导致库区生态环境恶化、危及三峡工程安全且不利于长江流域生态系统的健康。解决三峡水库消涨带问题的关键是重建消涨带植被,并恢复其功能。该文从水利建设与环境保护的关系、三峡水库管理与库区景观建设的需要、消涨带功能恢复与流域生态系统康复和促进水库消涨带研究的深入阐述了开展三峡水库消涨带植被重建的必要性。  相似文献   

植被过滤带的研究和应用进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
水资源的人为污染日趋严重.植被过滤带被认为是降低水体污染、特别是非点源污染的最佳措施之一.植被过滤带是位于污染源和水体之间的带状植被区域,其可以使地表径流中的污染物被沉降、过滤、稀释、下渗和吸收.本文综述了植被过滤带的发展历史、结构、污染控制机理和在实际应用当中的设计、经营管理及效益等方面的研究进展.我国对植被过滤带的研究还处于初始阶段,试验或应用结果都很少,因此,需要扩展和加深这方面的研究,取得相关的试验数据,以使这一生态技术更有效地在我国推广和应用.  相似文献   

Nakata  Kisaburo 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):431-438
A vertical plane 2D model has been applied to the Yoshii River estuary, Japan, as a means of simulating the process of sedimentation. The current velocity and isohaline distributions were well reproduced in the estuary and the model simulated the concentration distribution of suspended solids for 8 particle size classes by using a transport equation based only on physical processes. The changes of the particle size distribution in surface water were well reproduced by the model. The vertical velocity component plays an important role in the behaviour of suspended solids.  相似文献   

不同入流条件下植被过滤带对坡面径流氮、磷的拦截效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植被过滤带能有效拦截坡面径流泥沙,在防治水土流失和农业面源污染等方面具有重大潜力.为探讨不同入流条件下植被过滤带对坡面径流氮、磷的拦截效果及其水动力学机理,本研究通过模拟上方来水冲刷试验,定量分析了上方来水流量、氮磷含量浓度等因素影响下植被过滤带对径流氮、磷的拦截规律及其与径流水动力学参数之间的关系.结果表明: 植被过滤带能有效拦截上方来水中氮、磷等污染物,入流流量分别为200、400、600 L·h-1时,模拟植被过滤带对总氮的拦截率分别为74.9%、62.0%、58.3%,对总磷拦截率分别为85.0%、75.6%、72.0%,在上方来水流量较低时拦截效果最优;上方来水入流氮、磷浓度变化对植被过滤带拦截效率的影响不显著.不同入流条件处理下,植被过滤带对氮、磷的拦截率随弗洛德数增大而增大,呈显著线性正相关关系;与阻力系数、水流剪切力、水流功率呈线性负相关关系;其中,氮、磷拦截率与水流剪切力的相关关系最优,可以用含水流剪切力的公式表征植被过滤带对氮、磷的拦截效率.  相似文献   

Different propagation techniques for cultivation of vegetative Gigartina skottsbergii fronds were tested using a system of suspended ropes, to which inoculants were attached. Our results showed that triangular fragments obtained from the circular G. skottsbergii thalli produced harvestable frond of 800 cm2 after 8 months. In contrast, inoculants of intact juvenile fronds of comparable size needed at least 10 months to reach the same size. A control experiment with spores developing on an artificial substrate showed that 20 months were needed to reach a surface of 500 cm2, confirming the superiority of our fragment culture system. A pilot study demonstrated that with a density of six fronds m−1 of farming line, the proposed system can be economically interesting for local fishermen.  相似文献   

This study describes the 1987–1992 time variationof the bulk chemical composition, levels of heavymetals, arsenic, nitrogen and phosporous insuspended and settling solids in Lake Volkerak andLake Zoom (The Netherlands). Suspended and setlingsolids were collected with continuous flowcentrifuges and sediment traps, respectively. Therelations between solids characteristics and metalconcentrations in the particles were investigatedusing correlation and factor-analysis. Heavy metals,except manganese, were associated with clay contentof the particles and with organic carbon which wasmainly determined by phytoplankton growth. Manganesewas correlated with Org-C only. Clay and organicmatter with associated heavy metals showed negativetrends on all locations, and a seasonality due toalgal biomass dilution. It is concluded that thetrophic state significantly affects trace metalcycling. Sediment traps collect different types ofparticles than continuous flow centrifuges. Thetraps collect particles with higher clay content,lower Org-C concentrations and higher Org-C/Nelemental ratios than the centrifuges. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Suspended solids in and turbidity of runoff from green roofs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Green roof technology is used to reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff, but questions remain regarding its impact on quality. This study analyzed the total suspended solids (TSS) in and the turbidity of runoff from green roof growth media mixed with composted pine bark in an indoor pot study. The results showed that there were elevated levels of TSS and turbidity in the runoff that decreased over time for all growth media. Both TSS and turbidity are affected by the type of growth media. Lava and haydite had higher mean TSS and mean turbidity than arkalyte and bottom ash. Vegetation reduced the mean turbidity and mean TSS of the first flush by an average of 53% and 63%, respectively, but generally had no statistically significant effect thereafter. The results indicate that the media, rather than the vegetation, has a greater effect on TSS and turbidity in the runoff In areas with stringent water quality regulations for stormwater runoff from developed sites, media selection may be an important consideration. It may also be necessary in these regions to ensure that the roof is planted prior to receiving rainfall to minimize the first flush effect and that any irrigation does not result in runoff.  相似文献   

植物表面温度模拟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要综述60年代以来国内外有关植物表面温度研究的各种模拟模型,其中包括植物局部表面的一元和多元回归的经验模型;稳定和非稳定状态的单叶面和植被表面的微气象模型。此外,还讨论了模拟模型中存在的问题,并提出了未来植物表面温度模拟研究的主要方面。  相似文献   

采用人工模拟降雨的试验手段,设定6个降雨强度(31.8~114.0 mm·h-1),通过测试径流量、泥沙量、径流中总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度,研究了浙江省2种不同经营方式竹林(用材竹林和笋竹林)坡地(坡度20°)径流的载荷特征及机理.结果表明:用材竹林地的总径流量和径流系数均高于笋竹林地;笋竹林地的径流含沙量和总产沙量远大于用材竹林地;相同雨强下,笋竹林地降雨径流中的TN浓度为用材竹林地的5~6倍,笋竹林坡地径流中TN浓度随雨强增大而减小;用材竹林地降雨径流中TP浓度高于笋竹林地,笋竹林地泥沙中TP流失量是用材竹林地的数百倍;在TN和TP随径流泥沙的流失过程中,产流前期浓度起主要作用,后期径流量和产沙量起决定作用.  相似文献   

A novel sensor was developed, based on light scatter, to estimate the cell concentration in the presence of suspended solids. The light scatter properties of cells in the presence of suspended solids were investigated. Two crucial observations were made: first, that the light scatter from cells is essentially a linear function of cell concentration and, second, that invariant regions are present in the light scatter spectrum of cell/solid substrate mixtures. Invariant regions are wavelength intervals of the light scatter spectrum in which the light scatter reading is independent of solid substrate concentration and only a function of cell concentration. The occurrence of invariant regions is the key behavior which allowed the quantification of cell concentration in the presence of suspended solids.An algorithm was developed for the estimation, from light scatter data, of cell concentration in the presence of solid substrate. The light scatter approach was validated by comparing cell concentrations estimated by this technique to those obtained from DNA and carbon dioxide evolution rate measurements during a series of fermentations. The model system used was Bacillus subtilis var sakainensis ATCC 21394 growing on fishmeal as the sole nitrogen source.A model was developed based on the interactions of scatter and absorbance. This model reflects the hypothesis that invariant regions are caused by changes in the absorbance of the solid substrate as a function of wavelength. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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