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Certain cases of familial Alzheimer's disease are caused by mutants of amyloid-beta precursor protein (AbetaPP), including V642I-AbetaPP, K595N/M596L-AbetaPP (NL-AbetaPP), A617G-AbetaPP, and L648P-AbetaPP. By using an unbiased functional screening with transfection and expression of a human brain cDNA library, we searched for genes that protect neuronal cells from toxicity by V642I-AbetaPP. One protective clone was identical to the human GTX, a neuronal homeobox gene. Human Gtx (hGtx) inhibited caspase inhibitor-sensitive neuronal cell death not only by V642I-AbetaPP but also by L648P-, NL-, A617G-AbetaPP, apolipoprotein E4, and Abeta. The region of hGtx responsible for this rescue function was specified to be its homeodomain (Lys148-His207). The rescue function was shared by DLX4, a distal-less family gene with a homeodomain only 38.3% homologous to that of hGtx, suggesting that this function would be generally shared by homeodomains. The neuroprotective function of hGtx was attributable to hGtx-stimulated production and secretion of insulin-like growth factor-I. This study provides molecular clues to understand how neuronal cells developmentally regulate themselves against cell death as well as to develop reagents effective in curative therapeutics of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the main component of the intermediate filaments in cells of astroglial lineage, including astrocytes in the CNS, nonmyelin forming Schwann cells and enteric glia. To address the function of GFAP in vivo, we have disrupted the GFAP gene in mice via targeted mutation in embryonic stem cells. Mice lacking GFAP developed normally, reached adulthood and reproduced. We did not find any abnormalities in the histological architecture of the CNS, in their behavior, motility, memory, blood-brain barrier function, myenteric plexi histology or intestinal peristaltic movement. Comparisons between GFAP and S-100 immunohistochemical staining patterns in the hippocampus of wild-type and mutant mice suggested a normal abundance of astrocytes in GFAP-negative mice, however, in contrast to wild-types, GFAP-negative astrocytes of the hippocampus and in the white matter of the spinal cord were completely lacking intermediate filaments. This shows that the loss of GFAP intermediate filaments is not compensated for by the up-regulation of other intermediate filament proteins, such as vimentin. The GFAP-negative mice displayed post-traumatic reactive gliosis, which suggests that GFAP up-regulation, a hallmark of reactive gliosis, is not an obligatory requirement for this process.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications play important roles in regulating protein structure and function. Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is a mostly cytoplasmic class II HDAC, which has a unique structure with two catalytic domains and a domain binding ubiquitin with high affinity. This enzyme was recently identified as a multisubstrate protein deacetylase that can act on acetylated histone tails, alpha-tubulin and Hsp90. To investigate the in vivo functions of HDAC6 and the relevance of tubulin acetylation/deacetylation, we targeted the HDAC6 gene by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells and generated knockout mice. HDAC6-deficient mice are viable and fertile and show hyperacetylated tubulin in most tissues. The highest level of expression of HDAC6 is seen in the testis, yet development and function of this organ are normal in the absence of HDAC6. Likewise, lymphoid development is normal, but the immune response is moderately affected. Furthermore, the lack of HDAC6 results in a small increase in cancellous bone mineral density, indicating that this deacetylase plays a minor role in bone biology. HDAC6-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts show apparently normal microtubule organization and stability and also show increased Hsp90 acetylation correlating with impaired Hsp90 function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that mice survive well without HDAC6 and that tubulin hyperacetylation is not detrimental to normal mammalian development.  相似文献   

Catalase plays a major role in cellular antioxidant defense by decomposing hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing the generation of hydroxyl radical by the Fenton reaction. The degree of catalase deficiency in acatalasemic and hypocatalasemic mice varies from tissue to tissue. They therefore may not be suitable for studying the function of this enzyme in certain models of oxidant-mediated tissue injury. We sought to generate a new line of catalase null mice by the gene targeting technique. The mouse catalase (Cat or Cas1) gene was disrupted by replacing parts of intron 4 and exon 5 with a neomycin resistance cassette. Homozygous Cat knockout mice, which are completely deficient in catalase expression, develop normally and show no gross abnormalities. Slices of liver and lung and lenses from the knockout mice exhibited a retarded rate in decomposing extracellular hydrogen peroxide compared with those of wild-type mice. However, mice deficient in catalase were not more vulnerable to hyperoxia-induced lung injury; nor did their lenses show any increased susceptibility to oxidative stress generated by photochemical reaction, suggesting that the antioxidant function of catalase in these two models of oxidant injury is negligible. Further studies showed that cortical injury from physical impact caused a significant decrease in NAD-linked electron transfer activities and energy coupling capacities in brain mitochondria of Cat knockout mice but not wild-type mice. The observed decrease in efficiency of mitochondrial respiration may be a direct result of an increase in mitochondrion-associated calcium, which is secondary to the increased oxidative stress. These studies suggest that the role of catalase in antioxidant defense is dependent on the type of tissue and the model of oxidant-mediated tissue injury.  相似文献   

The peptidyl prolil cis/trans isomerase Ess1/Pin1 is essential for mitosis progression in yeast cells and is hypothesized to perform the same role in mammalian cells. To investigate the function of Pin1 in mammalian cells, we created mice lacking Pin1. These mice underwent normal development. Although the embryonic Pin1-/- fibroblasts grew normally, they proved significantly deficient in their ability to restart proliferation in response to serum stimulation after G(0) arrest. These results suggest that Pin1 is required for cell cycle progression from G(0) arrest as well as mitosis progression in normal mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Wilms' tumor 1 gene, WT1, cause pediatric nephroblastoma and the severe genitourinary disorders of Frasier and Denys-Drash syndromes. High levels of WT1 expression are found in the developing kidney, uterus, and testis--consistent with this finding, the WT1 knockout mouse demonstrates that WT1 is essential for normal genitourinary development. The WT1 gene encodes multiple isoforms of a zinc finger-containing protein by a combination of alternative splicing and alternative translation initiation. The use of an upstream, alternative CUG translation initiation codon specific to mammals results in the production of WT1 protein isoforms with a 68-amino-acid N-terminal extension. To determine the function in vivo of mammal-specific WT1 isoforms containing this extension, gene targeting was employed to introduce a subtle mutation into the WT1 gene. Homozygous mutant mice show a specific absence of the CUG-initiated WT1 isoforms yet develop normally to adulthood and are fertile. Detailed histological analysis revealed normal development of the genitourinary system.  相似文献   

Synaptophysin is one of the major integral membrane proteins of the small (30–50 nm diameter) electron-translucent transmitter-containing vesicles in neurons and of similar vesicles in neuroendocrine cells. Since its expression is tightly linked to the occurrence of these vesicle types, we mutated the X-chromosomally located synaptophysin gene in embryonic stem cells for the generation of synaptophysin-deficient mice in order to study the consequence of synaptophysin ablation for the formation and function of such vesicles in vivo. the behavior and appearance of mice lacking synaptophysin was indistinguishable from that of their litter mates and reproductive capacity was comparable to normal mice. Furthermore, no drastic compensatory changes were noted in the expression of several other neuronal polypeptides or in the mRNA levels of synaptophysin isoforms, the closely related neuronal synaptoporin/synaptophysinII, and the ubiquitous pantophysin. Immunofluorescence microscopy of several neuronal and neuroendocrine tissues showed that overall tissue architecture was maintained in the absence of synaptophysin, and that the distribution of other synaptic vesicle components was not visibly affected. In electron-microscopic preparations, large numbers of vesicles with a diameter of 39.9 nm and an electron-translucent interior were seen in synaptic regions of synaptophysin-deficient mice; these vesicles could be labeled by antibodies against synaptic vesicle proteins, such as synaptobrevin 2.This research was supported by the DFG-SFB 317  相似文献   

During early neural development, the Nkx6.1 homeodomain neural progenitor gene is specifically expressed in the ventral neural tube, and its activity is required for motoneuron generation in the spinal cord. We report that Nkx6.1 also controls oligodendrocyte development in the developing spinal cord, possibly by regulating Olig gene expression in the ventral neuroepithelium. In Nkx6.1 mutant spinal cords, expression of Olig2 in the motoneuron progenitor domain is diminished, and the generation and differentiation of oligodendrocytes are significantly delayed and reduced. The regulation of Olig gene expression by Nkx6.1 is stage dependent, as ectopic expression of Nkx6.1 in embryonic chicken spinal cord results in an induction of Olig2 expression at early stages, but an inhibition at later stages. Moreover, the regulation of Olig gene expression and oligodendrogenesis by Nkx6.1 also appears to be region specific. In the hindbrain, unlike in the spinal cord, Olig1 and Olig2 can be expressed both inside and outside the Nkx6.1-expressing domains and oligodendrogenesis in this region is not dependent on Nkx6.1 activity.  相似文献   

Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) is a transmembrane zinc metallopeptidase found mainly in the nervous system, prostate and small intestine. In the nervous system, glia‐bound GCPII mediates the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter N‐acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) into glutamate and N‐acetylaspartate. Inhibition of GCPII has been shown to attenuate excitotoxicity associated with enhanced glutamate transmission under pathological conditions. However, different strains of mice lacking the GCPII gene are reported to exhibit striking phenotypic differences. In this study, a GCPII gene knockout (KO) strategy involved removing exons 3–5 of GCPII. This generated a new GCPII KO mice line with no overt differences in standard neurological behavior compared to their wild‐type (WT) littermates. However, GCPII KO mice were significantly less susceptible to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). GCPII gene KO significantly lessened neuronal degeneration and astrocyte damage in the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus 24 h after moderate TBI. In addition, GCPII gene KO reduced TBI‐induced deficits in long‐term spatial learning/memory tested in the Morris water maze and motor balance tested via beam walking. Knockout of the GCPII gene is not embryonic lethal and affords histopathological protection with improved long‐term behavioral outcomes after TBI, a result that further validates GCPII as a target for drug development consistent with results from studies using GCPII peptidase inhibitors.


The cardiac-specific Nkx2.5 homeodomain has been expressed as a 79-residue protein with the oxidizable Cys(56) replaced with Ser. The Nkx2.5 or Nkx2.5(C56S) homeodomain is 73% identical in sequence to and has the same NMR structure as the vnd (ventral nervous system defective)/NK-2 homeodomain of Drosophila when bound to the same specific DNA. The thermal unfolding of Nkx2.5(C56S) at pH 6.0 or 7.4 is a reversible, two-state process with unit cooperativity, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and far-UV circular dichroism. Adding 100 mM NaCl to Nkx2.5(C56S) at pH 7.4 increases T(m) from 44 to 54 +/- 0.2 degrees C and DeltaH from 34 to 45 +/- 2 kcal/mol (giving a DeltaC(p) of approximately 1.2 kcal K(-)(1) mol(-)(1) for homeodomain unfolding). DSC profiles of Nkx2.5 indicate fluctuating nativelike structures at <37 degrees C. Titrations of specific 18 bp DNA with Nkx2.5(C56S) in buffer at pH 7.4 with 100 mM NaCl yield binding constants of 2-6 x 10(8) M(-)(1) from 10 to 37 degrees C and a stoichiometry of 1:1 for homeodomain binding DNA, using isothermal titration calorimetry. The DNA binding reaction of Nkx2.5 is enthalpically controlled, and the temperature dependence of DeltaH gives a DeltaC(p) of -0.18 +/- 0.01 kcal K(-)(1) mol(-)(1). This corresponds to 648 +/- 36 A(2) of buried apolar surface upon Nkx2.5(C56S) binding duplex B-DNA. Thermodynamic parameters differ for Nkx2.5 and vnd/NK-2 homeodomains binding specific DNA. Unbound NK-2 is more flexible than Nkx2.5.  相似文献   

NF-kappaB has been implicated in the development, activation, and function of B and T lymphocytes. We have evaluated the in vivo effects of deletion of IkappaB-alpha, a major inhibitor of NF-kappaB, on lymphocyte development, proliferation, and function. To elucidate the long term role of IkappaB-alpha in lymphocytes, fetal liver cells of 14.5-day-old IkappaB-alpha(-/-) or wild-type embryos were transplanted into irradiated recombinase-activating gene-2-deficient mice. Within 4 wk, the IkappaB-alpha(-/-) fetal liver cells reconstitute mature B and T cell populations in the recipients comparable to those produced by wild-type fetal liver cells. However, the proliferative responses of IkappaB-alpha(-/-) B cells are enhanced, whereas those of IkappaB-alpha(-/-) T cells are reduced. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgA, and IgE produced by IkappaB-alpha(-/-) B cells are elevated relative to those produced by IkappaB-alpha(+/+) or IkappaB-alpha(+/-). Moreover, the specific immune responses to OVA and the generation of germinal centers are impaired in recipients of IkappaB-alpha(-/-) fetal liver cells. These results indicate that IkappaB-alpha plays a vital role in signal transduction pathways regulating lymphocyte proliferation and also in the production of specific Ig isotypes.  相似文献   

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