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A modification of the traditional method for lipoplysaccharide isolation from the cells of grammnegative bacteria was elaborated on the basis of extraction by the hot water solution of phenol (the method of Westfahl). To make the method simpler and to raise the yield of the product it was proposed to use the water-phenol extract without its division for plases. The nucleic acids are eliminated by precipitation from dialyzed extract at pH 3,2-3,4 achieved by addition of acetic acid. The comparative isolation of lipopolysaccharides by the classic and modified methods has confirmed the advantages of a new technique.  相似文献   

Bacterial production of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) is a promising biotechnological approach for the mass production of these valuable compounds, but extensive screening is currently needed to select a strain that meets industrial requirements.A method was developed for the rapid screening and isolation of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-producing marine bacteria from mixed cultures using the dye 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). The method was first validated using two bacteria from the Shewanella genus, S. gelidimarina (known to contain EPA) and S. fidelis (known not to contain EPA), and subsequently applied to a range of bacterial samples collected from seven randomly selected New Zealand fish species.By incorporating TTC in both solid and liquid state fermentation treatments, a clear association between the reduction of TTC to the red-coloured triphenyl formazan (TF) and the presence of EPA within Gram-negative bacteria was confirmed. Incubation in 0.1% w/v TTC was optimal for colour response and cell growth in agar plates and liquid cultures. Bacteria that produce EPA reduced TTC to TF, but a number of non-EPA-producing bacteria also showed this capacity. By conducting a subsequent Gram staining, all EPA-producing strains were revealed to be G (−) rod bacteria while the non-producing ones were all G (+) cocci. The fatty acid methyl esters of the isolated bacteria that reduced TTC to TF were analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the content of EPA was confirmed by gas chromatography.From a pool of 2.0 × 108 CFU/ml, this method allowed the rapid isolation of 16 bacteria capable of producing EPA. This new approach significantly reduces the number of samples submitted for GC analysis and therefore the time, effort and cost of screening and isolating strains of EPA-producing marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary A rapid method is described for the isolation of plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida. The effect of heating the cell preparation during plasmid extraction is discussed in relationship to the final plasmid yield.  相似文献   

A filter paper replication system particularly useful for isolation of radiation-sensitive mutants of pigmented bacteria was devised. The fidelity of replication was high. Adhesion between a paper disk and a properly dried master plate provided adequate contact pressure. The replicas arising from this technique constitute a convenient apparatus for general application in isolation of clones sensitive to a discriminating treatment.  相似文献   

We describe a simple plaque color assay for identifying oligonucleotide-directed mutations in cloned DNA fragments. The basis of the method is to: fuse the sequence of interest in-frame to the E.coli lacZ gene to produce a blue plaque phage, mutate the site of interest to a stop codon to generate a white plaque phage, and revert the stop codon and surrounding nucleotides to give a blue plaque phage containing one or more desired amino acid changes. The advantages of this cyclic method are that it produces truncated as well as amino acid substituted protein molecules, it can be repeated to introduce additional mutations, and it eliminates the need for labor intensive screening. Essentially any piece of DNA can be mutated using this method if the fragment has one open reading frame. If there is an open reading frame between the site and the lacZ gene, ATG codons can be inserted at the target site. We have used this method to produce termination and amino acid substitution mutants in the yeast CUP1 gene.  相似文献   

A method for selective isolation of gramnegative nonsporulating bacteria from soil substrates was developed. The method consists of plating out the substrates on a glucose-yeast medium with addition of benzylpenicillin and nalidixic acid. The isolation frequency of gramnegative nonsporulating bacteria increased under such conditions from 9-16 (control) to 80-100 per cent. At the same time the isolation frequency of gram-positive bacteria decreased from 88.5 to 9.6 per cent.  相似文献   

Rapid method for distinction of gram-negative from gram-positive bacteria   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Summary A rapid method for distinction between gram-negative and grampositive bacteria by means of a 3% solution of potassium hydroxide is tested on 71 gram-positive and 55 gram-negative bacterial strains. The method proved reliable with one exception only, a Bacillus macerans strain. That strain was definately gram-negative on staining. Other Bacillus strains were proved gram-positive by the test, even those being gram-negative on staining.  相似文献   

A filter paper replication system particularly useful for isolation of radiation-sensitive mutants of pigmented bacteria was devised. The fidelity of replication was high. Adhesion between a paper disk and a properly dried master plate provided adequate contact pressure. The replicas arising from this technique constitute a convenient apparatus for general application in isolation of clones sensitive to a discriminating treatment.  相似文献   

A new screening method for bacteria capable of producing penicillin acylase is described. The method is based on the use of Serratia marcescens sensitive to 6-aminopenicillanic acid but comparatively resistant to benzylpenicillin. It is simple, quite specific, and requires no special equipment. It can also be used to screen for phenoxymethylpenicillin acylase activity. We also suggest an acidimetric method for rapid detection of cloned genes in genetic engineering studies of penicillin acylase.  相似文献   

The INSTA-MINI-PREP method, a rapid protocol for plasmid DNA extraction, was originally developed to prepare plasmid DNA from 1 to 3 ml miniprep Escherichia coli cultures. Direct extraction of plasmid DNA is achieved by a two-phase solution which is separated by centrifugation in the presence of the INSTA-PREP gel barrier material. This method has been successfully tested on various environmental Salmonella strains, although it was not suitable for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and enterococci strains. The INSTA-MINI-PREP method is a new alternative procedure to screen plasmid contents of Salmonella and E. coli strains rapidly and easily.  相似文献   

Asporogenic and oligosporogenic mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis can be isolated by streaking the bacteria onto a solid medium, incubating at 42 degrees C, and picking small, raised areas of growth which appear on the streaks after 48 h.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite to mutational analysis of functional sites on the RecA protein of Escherichia coli, a method was developed for rapid isolation of recA mutants with altered RecA protease function. The method involves plating mutagenized lambda recA+ cI ind on strains deleted for recA and containing, as indicators of RecA protease activity, Mu d(Ap lac) fusions in RecA-inducible genes. The lambda recA phages were recognized by their altered plaque colors, and the RecA protease activity of the lambda recA mutant lysogens was measured by expression of beta-galactosidase from dinD::lac. One class of recA mutants had constitutive protease activity and was designated Prtc; in these cells the RecA protein was always in the protease form without the usual need for DNA damage to activate it. Some Prtc mutants were recombinase negative and were designated Prtc Rec-. Another class of 65 recA mutants isolated as being protease defective were all also recombinase defective. Unlike the original temperature-dependent Prtc Rec+ mutant (recA441), the new Prtc Rec+ mutants showed constitutive protease activity at any growth temperature, with some having considerably greater activity than the recA441 strain. Study of these strong Prtc Rec+ mutants revealed a new SOS phenomenon, increased permeability to drugs. Use of this new SOS phenomenon as an index of protease strength clearly distinguished 5 Prtc mutants as the strongest among 150. These five strongest Prtc mutants showed the greatest increase in spontaneous mutation frequency and were not inhibited by cytidine plus guanosine, which inhibited the constitutive protease activity of the recA441 strain and of all the other new Prtc mutants. Strong Prtc Rec+ mutants were more UV resistant than recA+ strains and showed indications of having RecA proteins whose specific activity of recombinase function was higher than that of wild-type RecA. A Prt+ Rec- mutant with an anomalous response to effectors is described.  相似文献   

Summary An agar plate isolation technique was developed for screening the mutants of Aspergillus niger. Fungal growth in solid media containing carboxymethylcellulose(CMC) was selected within 2–3 days. The mutants selected by the new technique showed a remarkable enhancement of CMCase, FPase, -glucosidase, xylanase, and -xylosidase activities. These results clearly show that the new isolation technique is a practical method for the selection of better strains.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method for preparing chromosomal DNA from gram-negative bacilli is presented. It is based on the alkaline (NaOH 0.03 m) lysis of cell walls. The resulting emulsion is purified by proteinase K (0.625 mg/g of wet wt), SDS, and the deproteinizing agent (chloroform isoamyl alcohol). The purity, molecular nature, and yield of DNA obtained by the present method are compared with those of DNA extracted by Marmur's procedure and a Marmur's modified procedure. We have developed and standardized this original method to isolate double-stranded DNA, free of proteins and RNA contamination and with a significantly higher yield of DNA than the two other methods. This procedure is particularly useful for strains with low growth and can be applied in every field concerned with DNA analysis.  相似文献   

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