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根据实验观察到的DNA成环和弯折机制,以140bp为分界点,探讨高频转录基因上游区与内含子之间可能存在的短程和长程转录协同增效作用(synergy)。用与随机序列做对比的方法,抽提出最近距离在140bp以下的寡核苷酸对,以及最近距离在140bp以上的寡核苷酸对。仔细分析两种距离下的可能的协同寡核苷酸对的位置特征和碱基组分,发现短程协同作用的寡核苷酸对的平均最近距离都在110bp以下,位于上游区的CCAA是一个很明显的特征;而长程协同作用的寡核苷酸对的平均最近距离集中在250-400bp,并且在多数寡核苷酸对中,位于上游区的寡核苷酸是GC丰富的正调控元件。  相似文献   

Hybrid 5' regulatory regions were constructed in which the upstream activator sequence (UAS) and promoter of various nif genes were exchanged with the upstream regulatory sequence (URS) of the fdhF gene from Escherichia coli. They were analysed for their regulatory response under different growth conditions with the aid of fdhF'-'lacZ or nif'-'lacZ fusions. Placement of the UAS from the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nifH gene in front of the spacer (DNA region between URS and promoter) plus promoter from fdhF renders fdhF expression activatable by the Klebsiella pneumoniae NIFA protein, both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. This excludes the possibility that the spacer of the fdhF5' flanking region contains a site recognized by a putative oxygen- or nitrate-responsive repressor. There was also considerable activation by NIFA of fdhF expression in a construct lacking the nifH UAS but containing the fdhF spacer plus promoter. Further experimental evidence suggests that this reflects a direct interaction between NIFA and RNA polymerase at the ntrA-dependent promoter. A second set of hybrid constructs in which the URS from fdhF (E. coli) was placed in front of the nifD spacer plus promoter from B. japonicum or in front of the K. pneumoniae nifH, nifU, nifB spacers and promoters, delivered inactive constructs in the case of the nifD, nifU and nifB genes. However, a nifH'-'lacZ fusion preceded by its own spacer and promoter plus the foreign fdhF URS displayed all the regulatory characteristics of fdhF expression, i.e. anaerobic induction with formate and repression by oxygen and nitrate. Although it is not known why only one out of the four nif promoters could be activated by the fdhF URS, this result nevertheless demonstrates that the various regulatory stimuli affecting expression of fdhF in E. coli have their target at the upstream regulatory sequence.  相似文献   

Sequence signals in eukaryotic upstream regions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The X-chromosomal locality of the red-green-sensitive opsin genes has been the norm for all mammals and is essential for color vision of higher primates. Owl monkeys (Aotus), a genus of New World monkeys, are the only nocturnal higher primates and are severely color-blind. We demonstrate that the owl monkeys possess extra red-green opsin genes on the Y-chromosome. The Y-linked opsin genes were found to be extremely varied, in one male appearing to be a functional gene and in other males to be multicopy pseudogenes. These Y-linked opsin genes should offer a rare opportunity to study the evolutionary fate of genes translocated to the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

The yeast genome contains a dispersed family of invertase structural genes (SUC1-SUC5, SUC7). Five of these genes are located very close to telomeres and are flanked by large regions of homologous sequence; recombination between telomeres could account for the dispersal of these SUC genes to different chromosomes. The SUC2 locus, in contrast, is not near a telomere and does not share large regions of flanking homology with the other loci. We examine here the relationship between SUC2 and one of the telomeric genes, SUC7. Sequence comparison revealed homology extending from about position -624 to +1791, which is close to the end of the mRNA. The 5' noncoding sequence includes two highly conserved regions: the region between -140 and +1, which contains the TATA box and presumably other promoter elements, and a second region extending from -508 to -400, which corresponds to the upstream regulatory region.  相似文献   

Myostatin is a paracrine/autocrine factor that inhibits muscle growth, and mutations that affect myostatin activity or expression produce dramatic increases in muscle mass in several species. However, at present it is less clear whether differences in myostatin expression or activity exist between species with differing body sizes. Here we demonstrate that mouse muscle expresses far greater levels of myostatin mRNA than cow. In addition, activity of a 1200 bp mouse myostatin promoter construct was significantly greater than that of a 1200 bp cow myostatin promoter construct in C2C12 myotubes. In contrast, activity of reporter constructs flanked by one or both untranslated regions (UTRs) was not significantly different between the two species. Sequence analysis identified a number of promoter regions which differed between larger species (cow, pig, goat, sheep, human) and smaller (mouse, rat), including a TATA-box sequence, a CACCC box, two AT-rich regions (AT1 and AT2), and a palindromic sequence (PAL). We therefore used mutagenesis to alter the mouse sequence for each of these elements to that of the cow. Mutagenesis of the TATA, CACC, and AT1 sequences of the mouse to those of the cow significantly decreased activity of the mouse myostatin promoter compared to the wild type mouse promoter, while mutation of the AT2 and PAL sequences tended to increase promoter activity. Finally, the cow myostatin promoter was less responsive to FoxO signaling than the mouse myostatin promoter. Together these data support the hypothesis that differences in promoter activity between mouse and cow may contribute to differences in expression of the myostatin gene between these species.  相似文献   

The Y-chromosomal gene TSPY (testis-specific protein Y-encoded) is probably involved in early spermatogenesis and has a variable copy number in different mammalian species. Analysis of bovine BAC clones leads to an estimate of 90 TSPY loci on the bovine Y chromosome. Half of these loci (TSPY-M1 and TSPY-M2) contain a single copy, while the other loci (TSPY-C) contain a cluster of three, possibly four, truncated pseudogenes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that the TSPY loci are located mainly on the short arm (Yp). The TSPY genes appear to account for about 2.5% of the Y chromosome and contain several published bovine Y-chromosomal microsatellites. The homology of TSPY and the major Y-chromosomal repetitive elements BRY.2 from cattle and OY.1 from sheep (80-85% similarity) further illustrates how the Y chromosome is shaped by rearrangements and horizontal spreading of the most abundant sequences. A comparison of TSPY-M1 sequences from different BAC clones and from related bovine species suggests concerted evolution as one of the mechanisms of the rapid evolution of the mammalian Y chromosome.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among recently diverged species is complicated by three general problems: segregation of polymorphisms that pre-date species divergence, gene flow during and after speciation, and intra-locus recombination. In light of these difficulties, the Y chromosome offers several important advantages over other genomic regions as a source of phylogenetic information. These advantages include the absence of recombination, rapid coalescence, and reduced opportunity for interspecific introgression due to hybrid male sterility. In this report, we test the phylogenetic utility of Y-chromosomal sequences in two groups of closely related and partially inter-fertile Drosophila species. In the D. bipectinata species complex, Y-chromosomal loci unambiguously recover the phylogeny most consistent with previous multi-locus analysis and with reproductive relationships, and show no evidence of either post-speciation gene flow or persisting ancestral polymorphisms. In the D. simulans species complex, the situation is complicated by the duplication of at least one Y-linked gene region, followed by intrachromosomal recombination between the duplicate genes that scrambles their genealogy. We suggest that Y-chromosomal sequences are a useful tool for resolving phylogenetic relationships among recently diverged species, especially in male-heterogametic organisms that conform to Haldane's rule. However, duplication of Y-linked genes may not be uncommon, and special care should be taken to distinguish between orthologous and paralogous sequences.  相似文献   

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