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Expression of DNA topoisomerase IIα protein varies through the cell cycle with its peak in G2/M. This cell-cycle-dependent expression depends on changes in topoisomerase IIα mRNA stability as well as promoter activity. We isolated the 3′ genomic region of the mouse topoisomerase IIα gene and investigated whether or not the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of the topoisomerase IIα mRNA participates in the cell-cycle-dependent mRNA stability. Interestingly, genomic- and RT-PCR analyses revealed that the topoisomerase IIα 3′ UTR is formed via splicing in mouse, but not in human and hamster. Comparison of the mouse 3′ region with the human and hamster regions suggests that this mouse-specific splicing has resulted from an accidental acquisition of the consensus 5′ splice site. The minority of the non-spliced topoisomerase IIα 3′ UTR in mouse was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. We performed transient expression assays using luciferase constructs with the mouse topoisomerase IIα 3′ genomic region, or the major spliced form of the 3′ UTR. However, neither construct affected the cell-cycle-dependent expression of the reporter gene driven by the topoisomerase IIα promoter. Our results strongly suggest that the mouse topoisomerase IIα 3′ UTR by itself is not involved in the cell-cycle-dependent mRNA stability.  相似文献   

While cancer is a serious health issue, there are very few genetic biomarkers that predict predisposition, prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment response. Recently, sequence variations that disrupt microRNA (miRNA)-mediated regulation of genes have been shown to be associated with many human diseases, including cancer. In an early example, a variant at one particular single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in a let-7 miRNA complementary site in the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) of the KRAS gene was associated with risk and outcome of various cancers. The KRAS oncogene is an important regulator of cellular proliferation, and is frequently mutated in cancers. To discover additional sequence variants in the 3′ UTR of KRAS with the potential as genetic biomarkers, we resequenced the complete region of the 3′ UTR of KRAS in multiple non-small cell lung cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer cases either by Sanger sequencing or capture enrichment followed by high-throughput sequencing. Here we report a comprehensive list of sequence variations identified in cases, with some potentially dysregulating expression of KRAS by altering putative miRNA complementary sites. Notably, rs712, rs9266, and one novel variant may have a functional role in regulation of KRAS by disrupting complementary sites of various miRNAs, including let-7 and miR-181.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the expression of human cellular glutathione peroxidase (GPx), we mutated the gene encoding GPx by deleting either the 5 or 3 untranslated region (utr), subcloned the deleted fragments into plasmid pSVL followed by transfection into COS-7 cells and measured the amount of GPx expressed. When the 5 utr of the gene was deleted, GPx was not expressed. However, the deletion of the 3 utr resulted in some expression of GPx. Deletion of the poly A region of the GPx gene resulted in the expression of GPx but the level was lower than that of the full-length cGPx. The complete deletion of the 3 utr resulted in a half of the expression of the poly A deletion mutant. Thus, the expression of GPx increased according to the length of the 3 utr. These results suggest that the GPx gene carrying one SECIS on 5 utr (FEBS Lett. 312(1992)10-14) is essential for GPx expression. SECIS on 3 utr might not play a key role of GPx expression. Expression of GPx by COS-7 cells was not observed when a plasmid harboring an antisense gene was transfected.  相似文献   

The HLA-DQA1 gene exhibits haplotype-specific restriction fragment polymorphisms due to DNA rearrangements. We found that some of these polymorphisms extend into the 5 flanking region of the gene and are distinct from other HLA-DQA1 related DNA polymorphisms so far reported. Sequencing of genomic DNA subclones derived from the 5 flanking region of HLA-DQA1 showed the presence, in a DR4 haplotype, of two repetitive elements of the Alu family, oriented in opposite directions and bracketing an approximately 3 kilobase region immediately adjacent to the promoter of the gene. When DNAs extracted from several cell lines were analyzed by genomic hybridization using single-copy probes relative to these intervening sequences, polymorphisms were observed. No structural alterations of the gene immediately outside the DNA portion delimited by the two Alu elements were observed, thus suggesting that polymorphisms of the 5 end of HLA-DQA1 may be limited to the intervening region between the two Alu repeats. The latter includes upstream regulatory elements controlling the expression of the genes. The possibility that the structure of the DNA in this region may influence the regulation of HLA-DQA1 gene expression in different haplotypes is discussed.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M72411. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: J. Guardiola.  相似文献   

A polymorphism was identified in 3 untranslated region of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene using the newly described mutation detection method, enzyme mismatch cleavage. This polymorphism, 1546 G A, was linked to three mutations on several haplotype backgrounds. A group of haplotypes was identified as evolving from the one ancestral haplotype on which this base substitution occurred. The possible Celtic or Viking origin of this polymorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, EC catalyzes the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and is an essential factor for neurons to be cholinergic. We have analyzed regulation of the Drosophila ChAT gene during development by examining the -galactosidase expression pattern in transformed lines carrying different lengths of 5 flanking DNA fused to a lacZ reporter gene. The largest fragment tested, 7.4 kb, resulted in the most extensive expression pattern in embryonic and larval nervous system and likely reflects all the cis-regulatory elements necessary for ChAT expression. We also found that 5 flanking DNA located between 3.3 kb and 1.2 kb is essential for the reporter gene expression in most of the segmentally arranged embryonic sensory neurons as well as other distinct cells in the CNS. The existence of negative regulatory elements was suggested by the observation that differentiating photoreceptor cells in eye imaginal discs showed the reporter gene expression in several 1.2 kb and 3.3 kb transformants but not in 7.4 kb transformants. Furthermore, we have fused the 5 flanking DNA fragments to a wild type ChAT cDNA and used these constructs to transform Drosophila with a Cha mutant background. Surprisingly, even though different amounts of 5 flanking DNA resulted in different spatial expression patterns, all of the positively expressing cDNA transformed lines were rescued from lethality. Our results suggest that developmental expression of the ChAT gene is regulated both positively and negatively by the combined action of several elements located in the 7.4 kb upstream region, and that the more distal 5 flanking DNA is not necessary for embryonic survival and development to adult flies. Correspondence to: P.M. Salvaterra  相似文献   

5′ untranslated regions (UTRs) are important sequence elements that modulate the expression of genes. Using the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene driven by the GluC promoter for the rice-seed storage-protein glutelin, we evaluated the potential of the 5′-UTRs of six seed storage-protein genes in enhancing the expression levels of the foreign gene in stable transgenic rice lines. All of the 5′-UTRs significantly enhanced the expression level of the GluC promoter without altering its expression pattern. The 5′-UTRs of Glb-1 and GluA-1 increased the expression of GUS by about 3.36- and 3.11-fold, respectively. The two 5′-UTRs downstream of the Glb-1, OsAct2 and CMV35S promoters also increased GUS expression level in stable transgenic rice lines or in transient expression protoplasts. Therefore, the enhancements were independent of the promoter sequence. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the increase in protein production was not accompanied by alteration in mRNA levels, which suggests that the enhancements were due to increasing the translational efficiencies of the mRNA. The 5′-UTRs of Glb-1 and GluA-1, when combined with strong promoters, might be ideal candidates for high production of recombinant proteins in rice seeds.  相似文献   

The H1° gene has a long 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of 1,125 nucleotides in the rat and 1,310 in humans. Analysis of the sequences shows that they have features of simple DNA that suggest involvement of replication slippage in their evolution. These features include the length imbalance between the rat and human sequences; the abundance of single-base repeats, two-base runs and other simple motifs clustered along the sequence; and the presence of single-base repeat length polymorphisms in the rat and mouse sequences. Pairwise comparisons show numerous short insertions/deletions, often flanked by direct repeats. In addition, a proportion of short insertions/deletions results from length differences in conserved single-base repeats. Quantification of the sequence simplicity shows that simple sequences have been more actively incorporated in the human lineage than in the rodent lineage. The combination of insertions/deletions and nucleotide substitutions along the sequence gives rise to three main regions of homology: a highly variable central region flanked by more conserved regions nearest the coding region and the polyA addition site. Correspondence to: P. Suau  相似文献   

We used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) to detect DNA polymorphisms in the 3 untranslated (3UT) region of the gene for cystathionine -synthase (CBS). A polymorphism due to a T-to-C substitution at nucleotide 549 of the 3UT region with heterozygosity of 46% has been identified. Genotypes for this polymorphism have been obtained in all of the informative CEPH families, and CBS has been placed in the linkage map of human chromosome 21.  相似文献   

pHrMA4a-Z is a recombinant plasmid in which about 1.4 kb of the 5 flanking region of a gene for muscle actin HrMA4a from the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi is fused with the coding sequence of a bacterial gene for -galactosidase (lac-Z). In this study, we examined the expression of the fusion gene construct when it was introduced into eggs of another ascidian, namely Ciona savignyi. When a moderate amount of linearized pHrMA4a-Z was introduced into fertilized Ciona eggs, the expression of the reporter gene was evident in muscle cells of the larvae, suggesting that both species share a common machinery for the expression of muscle actin genes. The 5 upstream region of HrMA4a contains several consensus sequences, including a TATA box at -30, a CArG box at -116 and four E-boxes within a region of 200 bp. A deletion construct, in which only the 216-bp 5 flanking region of HrMA4a was fused with lac-Z, was expressed primarily in larval muscle cells. However, another deletion construct consisting of only the 61-bp upstream region of HrMA4a fused with lac-Z was not expressed at all. When pHrMA4a-Z or pHrMA4a-Z (–216) was injected into each of the muscle-precursor blastomeres of the 8-cell embryo, expression of the reporter gene was observed in larval muscle cells in a lineage-specific fashion. However, expression of the reporter gene was not observed when the plasmid was injected into non-muscle lineage. Therefore, the expression of the reporter gene may depend on some difference in cytoplasmic constituents between blastomeres of muscle and non-muscle lineage in the 8-cell embyo.  相似文献   

In this study, the nucleotide sequences of the 3 untranslated regions (UTR) of the mouse and human c-fos genes, and the rat and human -actin genes were examined. It is shown (i) that the 3 UTR of c-fos is highly conserved between mouse and man, (ii) that multiple copies of a 12 bp element occur, in clusters, in the 3 UTR both of c-fos and of -actin. This conserved 12 bp element is analogous to the putative repressor binding site previously identified (Renan,Bioscience Reports,5 (1985), 739–753). These findings provide additional support for the proposal that regulatory signals are located in the 3 UTR's of certain genes.  相似文献   

A novel NcoI polymorphism has been detected in the 3untranslated region of the creatine kinase (CKM) gene. The additional NcoI restriction site creates a fifth haplotype for the NcoI and TaqI restriction fragments length polymorphisms at this locus, and segregates with the myotonic dystrophy gene in 3 generations of an affected family.  相似文献   

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