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Phage-resistant mutants, isolated from cultures of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis C2 infected with phage c2, did not form plaques but bound phage normally. The mutants were sensitive to another phage, sk1, although the number of plaques was reduced approximately 56% and the plaques were four times smaller. Binding to phage sk1 was reduced about 10%. Another group of phage-resistant mutants, isolated from cultures infected with phage sk1, bound normally to both phages c2 and sk1 but did not form plaques with either phage. Carbohydrate analyses by gas chromatography of the cell walls showed no significant differences in saccharide compositions between the wild-type and phage-resistant cells. However, a difference was observed in the interactions of the phage with the cytoplasmic membranes. Membranes from the wild-type cells, but not mutant cells, inactivated phage c2. Phage sk1 was not inactivated by membrane from either strain. Treatment of wild-type membranes with proteinase K eliminated the ability of the membrane to inactivate the phage, whereas treatment with mutanolysin had no effect. On the basis of this ability to inactivate the phage, a membrane protein was partially purified by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Under nondenaturing conditions, the phage-inactivating protein has an apparent Mr of approximately 350,000. The protein has an apparent subunit size of 32 kDa, which suggests that it normally exists as a multimer with 10 to 12 subunits or in association with other membrane components. It is proposed that this protein is required for phage c2 infection.  相似文献   

In matings between Lactococcus lactis strains, the conjugative transposons Tn916 and Tn919 are found in the chromosome of the transconjugants in the same place as in the chromosome of the donor, indicating that no transposition has occurred. In agreement with this, the frequency of L. lactis transconjugants from intraspecies matings is the same whether the donor contains the wild-type form of the transposon or the mutant Tn916-int1, which has an insertion in the transposon's integrase gene. However, in intergeneric crosses with Bacillus subtilis or Enterococcus faecalis donors, Tn916 and Tn919 transpose to different locations on the chromosome of the L. lactis transconjugants. Moreover, Tn916 and Tn919 could not be transferred by conjugation from L. lactis and B. subtilis, E. faecalis or Streptococcus pyogenes. This suggests that excision of these elements does not occur in L. lactis. When cloned into E. coli with adjacent chromosomal DNA from L. lactis, the conjugative transposons were able to excise, transpose and promote conjugation. Therefore, the inability of these elements to excise in L. lactis is not caused by a permanent structural alteration in the transposon. We conclude that L. lactis lacks a factor required for excision of conjugative transposons.  相似文献   

Each phage infects a limited number of bacterial strains through highly specific interactions of the receptor‐binding protein (RBP) at the tip of phage tail and the receptor at the bacterial surface. Lactococcus lactis is covered with a thin polysaccharide pellicle (hexasaccharide repeating units), which is used by a subgroup of phages as a receptor. Using L. lactis and phage 1358 as a model, we investigated the interaction between the phage RBP and the pellicle hexasaccharide of the host strain. A core trisaccharide (TriS), derived from the pellicle hexasaccharide repeating unit, was chemically synthesised, and the crystal structure of the RBP/TriS complex was determined. This provided unprecedented structural details of RBP/receptor site‐specific binding. The complete hexasaccharide repeating unit was modelled and found to aptly fit the extended binding site. The specificity observed in in vivo phage adhesion assays could be interpreted in view of the reported structure. Therefore, by combining synthetic carbohydrate chemistry, X‐ray crystallography and phage plaquing assays, we suggest that phage adsorption results from distinct recognition of the RBP towards the core TriS or the remaining residues of the hexasacchride receptor. This study provides a novel insight into the adsorption process of phages targeting saccharides as their receptors.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify genes in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 important for adsorption of the 936-species phages bIL170 and phi 645, respectively. Random insertional mutagenesis of the two L. lactis strains was carried out with the vector pGh9:ISS1, and integrants that were resistant to phage infection and showed reduced phage adsorption were selected. In L. lactis IL1403 integration was obtained in the ycaG and rgpE genes, whereas in L. lactis Wg2 integration was obtained in two genes homologous to ycbC and ycbB of L. lactis IL1403. rgpE and ycbB encode putative glycosyltransferases, whereas ycaG and ycbC encode putative membrane-spanning proteins with unknown functions. Interestingly, ycaG, rgpE, ycbC, and ycbB are all part of the same operon in L. lactis IL1403. This operon is probably involved in biosynthesis and transport of cell wall polysaccharides (WPS). Binding and infection studies showed that phi645 binds to and infects L. lactis Wg2, L. lactis IL1403, and L. lactis IL1403 strains with pGh9:ISS1 integration in ycaG and rgpE, whereas bIL170 binds to and infects only L. lactis IL1403 and cannot infect Wg2. These results indicate that phi 645 binds to a WPS structure present in both L. lactis IL1403 and L. lactis Wg2, whereas bIL170 binds to another WPS structure not present in L. lactis Wg2. Binding of bIL170 and phi 645 to different WPS structures was supported by alignment of the receptor-binding proteins of bIL170 and phi 645 that showed no homology in the C-terminal part.  相似文献   

Malolactic fermentation is a secondary fermentation that many lactic acid bacteria can carry out when L-malate is present in the medium. The activation of the malolactic system in Lactococcus lactis is mediated by a locus we call mleR. Induction of the genes necessary to perform malolactic fermentation occurs only in bacteria with a functional copy of mleR. The mleR gene consists of one open reading frame capable of coding for a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 33,813 daltons. The amino acid sequence of the predicted MleR gene product is homologous to that of positive activators in gram-negative bacteria: LysR, IlvY gene products of Escherichia coli, MetR, CysB of Salmonella typhimurium, AmpR of Enterobacter cloacae, NodD of Rhizobium sp., and TrpI of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

While the potential emergence of food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria with resistance to lantibiotics is a concern, the creation of derivatives of starter cultures and adjuncts that can grow in the presence of these antimicrobials may have applications in food fermentations. Here a bank of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 mutants was created and screened, and a number of novel genetic loci involved in lantibiotic resistance were identified.  相似文献   

We identified an exported protease in Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis strain IL1403 belonging to the HtrA/DegP family. Inactivation of the chromosomal gene (htrALl) encoding this protease (HtrALl) results in growth thermo-sensitivity at very high temperatures (above 37 degrees C for L. lactis). The role of htrALl in extracellular proteolysis under normal growth conditions was examined by testing the stability of different exported proteins (i.e. fusions, a heterologous pre-pro-protein or a native protein containing repeats), having different locations. In the wild-type (wt) strain, degradation products, including the C-terminal protein ends, were present in the medium, indicating that proteolysis occurs during or after export to the cell surface; in one case, degradation was nearly total. In contrast, proteolysis was totally abolished in the htrA strain for all five proteins tested, and the yield of full-length products was significantly increased. These results suggest that HtrALl is the sole extracellular protease that degrades abnormal exported proteins. In addition, our results reveal that HtrALl is needed for the pro-peptide processing of a natural pro-protein and for maturation of a native protein. We propose that in lactococci, and possibly in other Gram-positive organisms with small sized-genomes, a single surface protease, HtrA, is totally responsible for the housekeeping of exported proteins.  相似文献   

A phage-resistant mutant with a defect in a membrane component required for phage infections in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis C2 was transformed with a chromosomal library of the wild-type, phage-sensitive strain. Of the 4,200 transformants screened for phage sensitivity, three were positively identified as phage sensitive. A cause-and-effect relationship between the cloned chromosomal fragments and the phage-sensitive phenotype was established on the basis of the following two criteria: (i) the frequency of loss of the cloned fragments in the absence of antibiotic selection pressure correlated with the frequency of loss of phage sensitivity; and (ii) phage sensitivity was transferred to 100% of recipient, phage-resistant cells transformed with the cloned fragment. The cloned chromosomal DNA from the three independent isolates was physically mapped with restriction endonucleases. The sizes of the cloned fragments were 9.6, 11.8, and 9.5 kb. Each fragment contained an identical stretch of DNA common to all three, which was 9.4 kb. The gene that conferred phage sensitivity was localized by subcloning to a 4.5-kb region. Further subcloning indicated that a single EcoRI site within the 4.5-kb region must lie within the gene or its promoter. The required 4.5-kb region was sequenced and found to code for one partial and two complete open reading frames. The gene required for complementation was functionally mapped by Tn5 mutagenesis and localized to one of the two complete open reading frames, which was designated pip (an acronym for phage infection protein). pip is 2,703 bases in length. Potential promoters start 206 and 212 bases upstream of the open reading frame. A ribosome binding site and a seven-base spacer precede the GTG (Val) translation initiation codon. The amino acid sequence deduced from the gene has 901 residues and an M(r) of 99,426. Hydropathy analysis revealed four to six potential membrane-spanning regions, one near the amino terminus and the others at the extreme carboxyl terminus. The amino terminus has characteristics of a signal sequence. The putative protein would have a 650-residue, central polar domain.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis was grown as batch cultures on a chemically defined medium. No growth was observed when the cultures were sparged with pure nitrogen (1.3 l l-1 min-1) whereas the cultures displayed exponential growth in the presence of minute amounts of carbon dioxide (0.035 mol-% of the inlet gas). However, in the former case, the addition of citrate restored growth. This suggested that oxaloacetate required for aspartate biosynthesis can be formed by the carboxylation of pyruvate or by citrate catabolism. When the cultures were heavily sparged with nitrogen (2.6 l l-1 min-1), no growth was observed even in the presence of citrate. This indicated that growth in these conditions was repressed by the absence of carbon dioxide required in some other biosynthetic reaction than in the carboxylation of pyruvate leading to oxaloacetate/aspartate biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Diacetyl is a by-product of pyruvate metabolism in Lactococcus lactis, where pyruvate is first converted to alpha-acetolactate, which is slowly decarboxylated to diacetyl in the presence of oxygen. L. lactis usually converts alpha-acetolactate to acetoin enzymatically, by alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase encoded by the aldB gene. We took advantage of the fact that this enzyme also has a central role in the regulation of branched-chain amino acids, to select spontaneous aldB mutants in an unbalanced concentration of leucine versus those of valine and isoleucine in the medium. Industrial dairy strains of L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis containing point mutations and deletions of aldB were isolated and characterized. Their growth in milk was not affected, but they rapidly accumulated a large amount of alpha-acetolactate instead of acetoin from citrate in milk. Under aerated condition, strains devoid of AldB produced about 10 times more diacetyl than did the parental strains.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis phage infections are costly for the dairy industry because they can slow down the fermentation process and adversely impact product safety and quality. Although many strategies have been developed to better control phage populations, new virulent phages continue to emerge. Thus, it is beneficial to develop an efficient method for the routine identification of new phages within a dairy plant to rapidly adapt antiphage tactics. Here, we present a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for the characterization of the 936-like phages, the most prevalent phage group infecting L. lactis strains worldwide. The proposed MLST system targets the internal portion of five highly conserved genomic sequences belonging to the packaging, morphogenesis, and lysis modules. Our MLST scheme was used to analyze 100 phages with different restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns isolated from 11 different countries between 1971 and 2010. PCR products were obtained for all the phages analyzed, and sequence analysis highlighted the high discriminatory power of the MLST system, detecting 93 different sequence types. A conserved locus within the lys gene (coding for endolysin) was the most discriminative, with 65 distinct alleles. The locus within the mcp gene (major capsid protein) was the most conserved (54 distinct alleles). Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated sequences exhibited a strong concordance of the clusters with the phage host range, indicating the clonal evolution of these phages. A public database has been set up for the proposed MLST system, and it can be accessed at http://pubmlst.org/bacteriophages/.  相似文献   

Endogenous peptidoglycan (PG)-hydrolyzing enzymes, the autolysins, are needed to relax the rigid PG sacculus to allow bacterial cell growth and separation. PGs of pathogens and commensal bacteria may also be degraded by hydrolases of animal origin (lysozymes), which act as antimicrobials. The genetic mechanisms regulating PG resistance to hydrolytic degradation were dissected in the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis. We found that the ability of L. lactis to counteract PG hydrolysis depends on the degree of acetylation. Overexpression of PG O-acetylase (encoded by oatA) led to bacterial growth arrest, indicating the potential lethality of oatA and a need for its tight regulation. A novel regulatory factor, SpxB (previously denoted as YneH), exerted a positive effect on oatA expression. Our results indicate that SpxB binding to RNA polymerase constitutes a previously missing link in the multistep response to cell envelope stress, provoked by PG hydrolysis with lysozyme. We suggest that the two-component system CesSR responds to this stress by inducing SpxB, thus favoring its interactions with RNA polymerase. Induction of PG O-acetylation by this cascade renders it resistant to hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Quiescent cell proline dipeptidase (QPP) is an intracellular serine protease that is also secreted upon cellular activation. This enzyme cleaves N-terminal Xaa-Pro dipeptides from proteins, an unusual substrate specificity shared with dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26/DPPIV). QPP is a 58-kDa protein that elutes as a 120-130-kDa species from gel filtration, indicating that it forms a homodimer. We analyzed this dimerization with in vivo co-immunoprecipitation assays. The amino acid sequence of QPP revealed a putative leucine zipper motif, and mutational analyses indicated that this leucine zipper is required for homodimerization. The leucine zipper mutants showed a complete lack of enzymatic activity, suggesting that homodimerization is important for QPP function. On the other hand, an enzyme active site mutant retained its ability to homodimerize. These data are the first to demonstrate a role for a leucine zipper motif in a proteolytic enzyme and suggest that leucine zipper motifs play a role in mediating dimerization of a diverse array of proteins.  相似文献   

Previously, a promoter was identified in Lactococcus lactis that is specifically induced by chloride. Here, we describe the nucleotide sequence and functional analysis of two genes transcribed from this promoter, gadC and gadB . GadC is homologous to putative glutamate-γ-aminobutyrate antiporters of Escherichia coli and Shigella flexneri and contains 12 putative membrane-spanning domains. GadB shows similarity to glutamate decarboxylases. A L . lactis gadB mutant and a strain that is unable to express both gadB and gadC was more sensitive to low pH than the wild type when NaCl and glutamate were present. Expression of gadCB in L . lactis in the presence of chloride was increased when the culture pH was allowed to decrease to low levels by omitting buffer from the medium, while glutamate also stimulated gadCB expression. Apparently, these genes encode a glutamate-dependent acid resistance mechanism of L . lactis that is optimally active under conditions in which it is needed to maintain viability. Immediately upstream of the chloride-dependent gadCB promoter P gad , a third gene encodes a protein (GadR) that is homologous to the activator Rgg from Streptococcus gordonii . gadR expression is chloride and glutamate independent. A gadR mutant did not produce the 3 kb gadCB mRNA that is found in wild-type cells in the presence of NaCl, indicating that GadR is an activator of the gadCB operon.  相似文献   

The acquisition of multidrug resistance in bacteria underlies the failure of antimicrobial therapy, and the emergence of pathogens that are resistant to almost the entire armoury of antibiotics. Among the proteins that can mediate or contribute to the drug-resistance profile in Gram-positive bacteria is a subset of ATP-binding cassette proteins that are comprised of a tandem-repeated nucleotide-binding domain. In this study, we expressed one of these NBD(2) proteins, LmrC, in an antibiotic-sensitive Gram-positive host strain (Lactococcus lactis) and demonstrated the acquisition of resistance to ribosomally active antibiotics. Mutation of key catalytic residues suggested that the resistance profile was the result of a cellular response, rather than being a function of the NBD(2) protein itself. This observation was confirmed by 2D SDS/PAGE, which demonstrated that the expression of the NBD(2) protein induced a stress response in L. lactis. A model combining this stress response induction and the acquisition of antibiotic resistance is proposed.  相似文献   

The cholate-resistant Lactococcus lactis strain C41-2, derived from wild-type L. lactis MG1363 through selection for growth on cholate-containing medium, displayed a reduced accumulation of cholate due to an enhanced active efflux. However, L. lactis C41-2 was not cross resistant to deoxycholate or cationic drugs, such as ethidium and rhodamine 6G, which are typical substrates of the multidrug transporters LmrP and LmrA in L. lactis MG1363. The cholate efflux activity in L. lactis C41-2 was not affected by the presence of valinomycin plus nigericin, which dissipated the proton motive force. In contrast, cholate efflux in L. lactis C41-2 was inhibited by ortho-vanadate, an inhibitor of P-type ATPases and ATP-binding cassette transporters. Besides ATP-dependent drug extrusion by LmrA, two other ATP-dependent efflux activities have previously been detected in L. lactis, one for the artificial pH probe 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) and the other for the artificial pH probe N-(fluorescein thio-ureanyl)-glutamate (FTUG). Surprisingly, the efflux rate of BCECF, but not that of FTUG, was significantly enhanced in L. lactis C41-2. Further experiments with L. lactis C41-2 cells and inside out membrane vesicles revealed that cholate and BCECF inhibit the transport of each other. These data demonstrate the role of an ATP-dependent multispecific organic anion transporter in cholate resistance in L. lactis.  相似文献   

The ability and frequency at which target organisms can develop resistance to bacteriocins is a crucial consideration in designing and implementing bacteriocin-based biocontrol strategies. Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis IL1403 was used as a target strain in an attempt to determine the frequency at which spontaneously resistant mutants are likely to emerge to the lantibiotic lacticin 3147. Following a single exposure to lacticin 3147, resistant mutants only emerged at a low frequency (10(-8)-10(-9)) and were only able to withstand low levels of the bacteriocin (100 AU mL(-1)). However, exposure to increasing concentrations, in a stepwise manner, resulted in the isolation of eight mutants that were resistant to moderately higher levels of lacticin 3147 (up to 600 AU mL(-1)). Interestingly, in a number of cases cross-resistance to other lantibiotics such as nisin and lacticin 481 was observed, as was cross-resistance to environmental stresses such as salt. Finally, reduced adsorption of the bacteriocin in to the cell was documented for all resistant mutants.  相似文献   

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