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Primiparous crossbred sows (n = 43), lactating for an average of 21.1 +/- 0.1 d and weaning 8.7 +/- 0.1 pigs, were used to evaluate the influence of insulin on ovulation rate and embryo survival. The sows were maintained on 2.3 kg/head/d of a 14% protein gestation diet during pregnancy, fed ad libitum during lactation, given 2.7 kg/head/d from weaning until re-breeding and fed 2.3 kg/head/d after mating. Beginning the day after weaning (Day 0) sows were treated with 0.4 IU/kg body weight (BW) insulin (n = 21) or were administered an equivalent volume of saline (n = 22) for 4 d. Beginning on Day 3 and continuing until Day 14 after weaning, the sows were checked for estrus twice daily and were artificially inseminated using pooled semen from 2 fertile boars. At slaughter (days 30 to 40 of gestation), ovaries and uteri were collected, and the ovulation rate, embryo number and viability, and uterine weight and length were evaluated and recorded. Use of insulin decreased the average interval from weaning to estrus compared with saline by increasing percentage in estrus by Day 14 after weaning (5.0 +/- 0.57 vs 6.9 +/- 0.56 d, respectively; P < 0.03). Ovulation rate, number of embryos, embryo survival, and average uterine length and weight were not influenced by insulin treatment. Overall, insulin affected reproductive efficiency in primiparous sows by increasing the percentage of sows in estrus.  相似文献   

The response to superovulatory (SOV) and estrus synchronization (ES) treatments and the fertility of donor (n=68) and recipient (n=118) Saloia ewes was evaluated in the fall and spring breeding seasons. The proportion of acyclic ewes at treatment time was significantly higher in the spring than in the fall (42.6% versus 4.0%, P<0.00001). Donors treated with eCG had a significantly higher mean number of follicles over 5mm in diameter in the ovaries at embryo recovery and a significantly lower mean efficiency of recovery than FSH-treated ewes. These negative effects were more pronounced in the fall than in the spring, which resulted in a significantly lower mean number of total and fertilized ova recovered from eCG-treated ewes, compared to FSH donors in the fall, but not in the spring. Season had no significant effect on the ovulation rate and plasma P4 concentrations of recipients treated with a progestagen plus eCG combination. Although the recipient lambing and embryo survival rates were higher in the fall than in the spring the differences were not significant. No significant differences were observed in the ovulation rate or P4 concentrations of recipients that lambed compared to those that did not lamb. These preliminary results show that, in Portugal, response of Saloia ewes to SOV or ES treatments and donor fertility following the SOV treatment were similar in the spring and the fall, which suggests that in the spring acyclic ewes are in moderate anestrus. The effect of season on fertility following embryo transfer should be confirmed in further studies involving a larger number of animals. The semilaparoscopic transfer method reported here allowed lambing and embryo survival rates higher (although not significantly) than a standard surgical approach.  相似文献   

The hypotheses that short lactation lengths increase embryo mortality by altering endogenous post-weaning steroid concentrations, and that an exogenous steroid regimen during embryo attachment might increase embryo survival were tested using 36 s parity sows assigned randomly to a 2 x 2 factorial. Sows were subjected to either a short lactation (SL, 13.0 days, n = 25) or a long lactation (LL, 31.5 days, n = 11), artificially inseminated at first estrus and treated daily with 2 ml i.m. of either 25 mg progesterone (P4) and 1.25 pg estradiol-17beta (E2) (steroid treatment, ST, n = 17) or the vehicle alone (control treatment, CT, n = 17) on Days 14-20 post-insemination. Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture from weaning to 24 days post-insemination on alternate days. Sows subjected to the SL compared to the LL tended to have a longer weaning-to-estrus interval (WEI) (5.3 versus 4.6 days; P < 0. 10), but did not have a significantly reduced conception rate (CR) (71 versus 90%; P > 0.10). The SL and LL sows had a similar ovulation rate (19.9 versus 21.3 corpora lutea, CL; P > 0.05), but SL sows had fewer viable embryos than LL sows (11.5 versus 15.3; P < 0.05) when reproductive tracts were recovered 28-32 days post-insemination. In addition, even after correction for the difference in number of embryos between groups, viable embryos from the SL versus the LL group weighed less (1.63 versus 1.79 g; P < 0.05), had a decreased amnion volume (1.02 versus 1.22 ml; P < 0.05) and apparently produced less estrogens since estrone sulfate concentration was decreased at 24 days post-insemination in SL versus LL sows (4.3 versus 6.3 ng/ml; P < 0.05). Embryo survival (percentage of CL represented by a viable embryo) however, was not different between SL and LL sows (60 versus 74%; P > 0.05) and no differences in post-weaning P4 or E2 concentrations were apparent. Sows that received the ST only tended to have increased P4 concentrations at 16 days post-insemination compared to CT sows and neither the number of viable embryos, nor embryo survival, was increased in ST versus CT sows (14.7 versus 12.2; P > 0.05 and 66 versus 68%; P > 0.05, respectively). These data suggest that short lactations do not increase embryo mortality by inducing aberrant endogenous post-weaning P4 or E2 concentrations. It is unclear whether or not small, repeated doses of exogenous P4 and E2 during attachment can increase embryo survival.  相似文献   

Increased genetic selection over the past 40 years has resulted in a dairy cow with an improved biological efficiency for producing milk but with an associated reduced fertility. Embryo loss is the greatest factor contributing to the failure of a cow to conceive. The extent and timing of embryo loss indicates that 70% to 80% of this loss occurs in the first 2 weeks after artificial insemination (AI). This is the period when a number of critical phases in embryo development occur and where protein accretion, substrate utilization and embryo metabolism increase dramatically. During this time the early embryo is completely dependent on the oviduct and uterine environment for its survival and it is likely that the embryo requires an optimal uterine environment to ensure normal growth and viability. There is increasing evidence of an association between the concentration of systemic progesterone and early embryo loss and that progesterone supplementation of cows, particularly those with low progesterone, can reduce this loss. While progesterone is known to affect uterine function and embryo growth, little is known about the uterus during the period of early embryo loss and how this is affected by changes in the concentration of systemic progesterone. The expression of uterine genes encoding the transport protein retinol binding protein (RBP) and the gene for folate binding protein (FBP) appear to be sensitive to changes in systemic progesterone, particularly during the early luteal phase of the cycle. Uterine concentrations of proteins also seem to be regulated by stage of cycle; however, their relationship with the systemic concentration of progesterone is unclear. There is an urgent need to characterize the uterine environment from a functional perspective during the early part of the luteal phase of the cycle, particularly in the high-producing cow, in order to understand the factors contributing to early embryo loss and in order to devise strategies to minimize or reduce this loss.  相似文献   

Data were collected from 318 pregnant sows (Large White, Landrace or crossbred), which had been weaned from their first litter, to determine the relationship between ovulation rate (OR) and subsequent litter size (total born alive - TBA). Laparoscopy was performed on sows 7 to 14 days after mating to determine OR, and subsequent litter size (TBA) was recorded. Mean (+/-SE) ovulation rate, litter size (TBA) and foetal survival (FS) was 14.56+/-0.19, 9.00 +/- 0.16 and 63.5+/-1.1%, respectively. Regressions of TBA against OR and FS against OR were best fitted by a linear function which indicated that litter size of first-litter sows was limited by ovulation rate up to at least 23 ova. The respective linear regressions were:  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work was to investigate the relationship between plasma progesterone concentration and the number of ovulations and/or the number of embryos collected from Chios ewes induced to superovulate with various doses of PMSG.The oestrous cycles of the animals were synchronized by means of MAP intravaginal sponges for 14 days and PMSG was injected i.m. (1500 IU, Group 1; 1000 IU, Group 2; 750 IU, Group 3; 500 IU, Group 4; 0 IU, Group 5) at the time of sponge withdrawal. Seven days after sponge removal and 5 days after mating, mid-ventral laparotomy was performed and the uterine horns and/or oviducts were flushed. The number and diameter of corpora lutea (CL), the number of large (diameter > 0.5 cm) anovulated follicles and the total ovarian response (TOR = CL + large anovulated follicles) were recorded. The embryos were examined under a dissecting microscope and evaluated according to morphological criteria. Blood samples were collected once daily for 4 days starting on the day of sponge withdrawal. One more sample was taken on the day of embryo collection. Progesterone concentration was determined using a conventional ELISA.A significant positive correlation was found between plasma progesterone concentration and number of corpora lutea (r = 0.61, P < 0.001), total diameter of corpora lutea (r = 0.63, P < 0.001), total ovarian response (r = 0.63, P < 0.001), number of eggs (r = 0.51, P < 0.001), number of embryos (r = 0.43, P < 0.001) and number of transferable embryos (r = 0.36, P < 0.01) collected per ewe treated. A negative relation between progesterone concentration (≥ 2 ng ml−1) at the beginning of oestrus and number of corpora lutea (CL) was observed. The investigation of the relationship between ovulation rate and plasma progesterone concentration on the day of embryo collection resulted in the calculation of a formula for the prediction of the response of Chios sheep after superovulation with the specific hormonal regimen.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of location of the preovulatory dominant follicle and stage of ovarian follicle development on ovulation rate and embryo survival in alpacas. In Experiment 1, mature lactating alpacas were randomly assigned to one of two groups according to the location of the dominant follicle detected by ultrasonography: (a) Right ovary (RO, n=96) or (b) Left ovary (LO, n=108). All females were mated once by an intact adult male. Ovulation rate, CL diameter and embryo survival rate (heartbeat) were assessed by ultrasonography on Days 2 (Day 0=mating), 8 and 30, respectively. Ovulation rate (96.5 and 96.3% for RO and LO group, respectively), corpus luteum (CL) diameter (10.2 and 10.6 mm for RO and LO group, respectively) and pregnancy rate (60.2 and 56.7% for RO and LO group, respectively) did not differ among groups. In Experiment 2, lactating alpacas (n=116) were submitted to ultrasonic-guided follicle ablation to synchronize follicular wave emergence. Afterwards, daily ultrasonography examinations were performed and females were randomly assigned to the following groups according to the growth phase and diameter of the dominant follicle: (a) early growing (5-6 mm, n=27), (b) growing (7-12 mm, n=30); (c) static (7-12 mm, n=30), or (d) regressing phase (12-7 mm, n=29). All alpacas were mated with a proven intact male, except five alpacas from early growing group that rejected the male. Females were examined by ultrasonography on Day 2 (ovulation rate), Day 8 (CL diameter), and Days 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 (embryo survival by the presence of embryo proper and heartbeat). No differences were detected in ovulation rate among groups (96%, 97%, 100%, and 97%) or in CL size (10.3, 11.7, 11.1, and 11.1 mm, for early growing, growing, early static and regressing, respectively). Although, embryo survival rate at Day 35 after mating was numerically greatest in growing (65.5%), intermediate in early growing (52.4%) and static (53.3%), and least in regressing phase (42.9%), there were no differences among groups. Results suggest that neither location nor stage of development of the dominant follicle has an influence on ovulation and embryo survival rate in alpacas.  相似文献   

Two hundred nonsuckling beef cows were treated with either 1) a progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) for 12 days; 2) PRID plus an IM injection of 200 mg progesterone (PRID-P); 3) PRID plus 5-mg IM injection of estradiol valerate (PRID-EV); or 4) PRID-EV-P. Cows were started on treatment on one of the first eight days of the estrous cycle. The number of cows which had P levels above 1 ng/ml one day after PRID removal was 12 to 50% lower in PRID-EV and PRID-EV-P groups than in PRID and PRID-P groups (P < 0.05). The proportion of cows showing estrus by 96 hours after PRID removal was 38, 36, 77, and 88% (P < 0.05) for the PRID, PRID-P, PRID-EV and PRID-EV-P groups, respectively. Thirty-one percent fewer cows treated with PRID on days 5 through 8 of the estrous cycle showed estrus by four days after PRID removal than those treated on days 1 through 4. In addition, 18 to 22% more cows had P levels above 1 ng/ml among cows treated with PRID or PRID-P on days 5 through 8 than among cows treated similarly on days 1 through 4. It was concluded that effective synchronization of estrus is achieved only when estrogen is used in conjunction with PRID in cows treated for twelve days during the first eight days of an estrous cycle.  相似文献   

An immediate, qualitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for progesterone was evaluated for use in determining the day of ovulation in an equine embryo transfer program. Plasma samples were collected from 27 mares from the third day of estrus to the second day of diestrus for 50 cycles. Ovulation was detected by ultrasound examination per rectum. Plasma progesterone concentrations were estimated using the qualitative assay to detect the time of the rise in progesterone after ovulation. Qualitative scores were compared to progesterone concentrations for the same samples as measured by a quantitative ELISA; the correlation between the two methods, expressed as a contingency coefficient, was 0.56. The accuracy of determining day of ovulation using qualitative progesterone results was compared to that achieved using the quantitative assay or detection of the first day of diestrus by teasing. Accuracy in determining day of ovulation +/- 1 d using the three methods was qualitative, 36/50 (72%); quantitative, 44/50 (88%); and teasing, 43/50 (86%). There was a significant difference in accuracy between the qualitative and quantitative progesterone assays (P<0.05).  相似文献   

Hoving LL  Soede NM  Feitsma H  Kemp B 《Theriogenology》2012,77(8):1557-1569
This study describes reproductive and metabolic responses in sows fed at two different feeding levels from day 3-35 of second gestation. After insemination, 37 sows were assigned to one of two treatments: 1) Control: 2.5 kg/day of a gestation diet; 2) Plus Feed 3.25 kg/day of a gestation diet (+30%). Sow weight, back fat and loin muscle depth were measured at farrowing, weaning, start of treatment, day 14 after start treatment and end of treatment. Frequent blood samples were taken for progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), glucose and insulin, insulin-like-growth-factor-1 (IGF-1), non-esterified-fatty-acids (NEFA) and urea analysis. At day 35 after insemination sows were euthanized and their reproductive tract collected to assess ovarian, embryonic and placental characteristics. Plus Feed sows gained 5.4 kg more weight and 0.9 mm more back fat and tended to be heavier at slaughter compared to Control sows (193 vs. 182 kg, P = 0.06). No difference in loin muscle gain was found. Treatment also did not affect vital embryonic survival, which was 72.1 ± 3.9% for Control and 73.4 ± 3.2% for Plus Feed sows, resulting in, respectively, 15.9 ± 0.9 and 15.7 ± 0.7 vital embryos. No effect of treatment on any of the ovarian, embryonic or placental characteristics was found. Progesterone profiles during the first month of gestation, and LH characteristics at day 14 of gestation were not different between treatments. Progesterone concentration was lower (P < 0.05) 3 h after feeding compared with the prefeeding level on days 7-11 after first progesterone rise for Plus Feed and on days 8-10 after first progesterone rise for Control sows. At day 15, preprandial glucose and insulin concentrations were not different between treatments, insulin peaked later (48 vs. 24 min) and at a higher concentration in Plus Feed than in Control sows. Furthermore, glucose area under the curve (AUC) tended to be lower (−171.7 ± 448.8 vs. 1257.1 ± 578.9 mg/6.2 h, P = 0.06, respectively) for Plus Feed vs. Control sows. IGF-1 concentration was not different between treatments, but NEFA concentrations were lower for Plus Feed vs. Control sows (149.5 ± 9.2 vs. 182.4 ± 11.9 μm/L, respectively, P = 0.04) and urea concentration tended to be higher in Plus Feed than in Control sows (4.3 ± 0.1 vs. 3.9 ± 0.1, respectively, P = 0.13). None of the metabolic parameteres were related to reproductive measures. In conclusion, feeding 30% more feed from day 3 till d 35 of second gestation increased weight gain and resulted in lower NEFA concentrations, but did not affect progesterone, LH or IGF-1 and embryonic and placental characteristics.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Border Leicester x Scottish Blackface ewes that lambed in March were individually penned with their lambs from April 16th and given daily an oral dose of 3 mg melatonin at 1500 h (Group M). A further 32 acted as controls (Group C). Within each group half were used as embryo donors (Group D) following superovulation and half received embryos (Group R) following an induced estrus. Prior to weaning on 21 May ewes received ad libitum a complete diet providing 9 megajoules (MJ) of metabolizable energy and 125 g/kg crude protein. Thereafter each received 1.6 kg of the diet daily. In early June each ewe received an intravaginal device (300 mg progesterone) inserted for 12 d. Donors were superovulated with 4 i.m. injections of porcine FSH 12 h apart, commencing 24 h before progesterone withdrawal. Ovulation in recipients was induced with 800 IU PMSG injected i.m. at progesterone removal. Donor ewes were inseminated 52 h after progesterone withdrawal. Embryos were collected 4 d later and transferred to recipients. Melatonin suppressed plasma prolactin (P < 0.001) and advanced estrus (P < 0.05) and timing of the LH peak (P < 0.05). These events also occurred earlier in donors than in recipients (P < 0.01). Mean (+/- SEM) ovulation rates for melatonin-treated and control donors were 5.5 +/- 0.71 and 4.7 +/- 0.66, respectively (NS). Corresponding recipient values were 3.3 +/- 0.40 and 3.4 +/- 0.39 (NS). Mean (+/- SEM) embryo yields were 2.9 +/- 0.64 and 2.6 +/- 0.73 for melatonin-treated (n = 15) and control (n = 16) donors, respectively, and for the 12 ewes per treatment that supplied embryos, corresponding numbers classified as viable were 2.7 +/- 0.47 and 2.3 +/- 0.61 (NS). Following transfer, 57% of embryos developed to lambs when both donor and recipient received melatonin, 86% when only the donor received melatonin, 91% when only the recipient received melatonin, and 67% when neither received melatonin (NS). Thus, embryo survival following transfer was not improved by treating recipients with melatonin. Gestation length and lamb birthweights were unaffected by melatonin. Unlike nonpregnant control ewes, melatonin-treated recipients that failed to remain pregnant sustained estrous cyclicity following embryo transfer.  相似文献   

A total of 166 crossbred gilts weighing approximately 87 +/- 1 kg was limit-fed (2.5 kg/d) a corn-soybean meal gestation diet containing either 0 or 220 ppm of chlortetracycline (CTC) from 157 +/- 1 d of age until 15 d after breeding. These gilts were slaughtered at 31 +/- 1 or 71 d +/- 1 d of gestation for evaluation of reproductive performance. Age (190 +/- 3 d vs 195 +/- 3 d) and body weights (106 +/- 2 kg vs 106 +/- 2 kg) at puberty were similar for control and CTC-fed gilts, respectively. Although not significant (P > 0.05), ovulation rate was higher in CTC-fed than in control gilts as assessed at both 31 d (14.2 +/- 0.7 vs 12.9 +/- 0.9, P = 0.31) and 71 d (13.9 +/- 0.6 vs 12.4 +/- 0.5, P = 0.10) of gestation. There was an increase (P = 0.04) in the number of live embryos for CTC-fed gilts at 31 d (12.1 +/- 0.7 vs 9.7 +/- 0.7) but not at 71 d (10.0 +/- 1.1 vs 9.6 +/- 1.0) of gestation. The mean uterine length, placental length, placental weight, fetal length, fetal weight, and allantoic fluid volumes were similar between the control and CTC-fed gilts. Results indicated that feeding CTC during prebreeding and early gestation did not influence the proportion or age of gilts at puberty. However, CTC feeding may have influenced a trend to-ward an increased ovulation rate and increased number of live embryos in gilts.  相似文献   

The possibility that changes in sex steroid levels associated with stress could alter the rate of oviductal embryo transport was investigated in the rat. To this end, the effect of cold-swimming and cold-restraint upon estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) serum levels and embryo transport were assessed. Swimming in water at 16 degrees C for 10 min two or four times between 16:00 and 22:00 h on day 3 of pregnancy caused a modest acceleration of embryo transport that was not associated with decreased fertility. Restraint at 10 degrees C for 2 h between 13:00 and 15:00 h on the first 4 days of pregnancy did not affect embryo transport. Both stimuli increased corticosterone serum levels. Cold-swimming produced a severe hypothermia as compared to cold-restraint and increased serum E2, decreasing significantly the ratio P/E2. Cold-restraint increased the P/E2 ratio. When rats swam in cold water for 10 min twice and were rewarmed by immersion in water at 38 degrees C during 20 min, embryo transport was accelerated despite that no changes occurred in the blood levels of sex steroids. It is concluded that oviductal embryo transport is minimally affected by stress in the rat and that the effect of acute immersion may be independent of alterations in circulating sex steroid levels.  相似文献   

Single trait selection of mice for either large body size or large litter size resulted in an increased ovulation rate because of possible enhanced ovarian sensitivity to gonadotrophins. There was no difference in pre-implantation embryonic survival in either of the selected lines when compared to control mice. Selection for body weight did not alter post-implantation embryo survival, but fewer fetuses were lost after implantation in the litter size line compared to the control line. Index selection for large body size and small litter size did not change ovulation rate but increased pre- and post-implantation embryonic mortality. Selection for small body size and large litter size increased ovulation rate and decreased early embryonic death.  相似文献   

Trials to investigate the effects of limited suckling on sow reproduction and piglet growth were conducted using 41 first parity and 32 second parity Yorkshire sows. Separation of sows from their litters (22 hrs/day, days 21-35 postpartum) induced estrus in 60% of primiparous and 72% of second parity sows during lactation. Compared to control group animals, primiparous sows had higher weaning weights and second parity sows higher rates of embryo survival on day 30 of gestation. Piglets subjected to suckling restriction had weights, at 2 weeks after weaning, equal to those weaned after 5 weeks of unrestricted suckling. We conclude that suckling restriction can provide the dual benefits of an extended piglet nursing period and a decreased breeding to breeding interval in sows.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to investigate the effects of the stage of the estrous cycle at the start of an estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) based treatment protocol on new follicular wave emergence, subsequent estrus and ovulation. The experiment was conducted using a crossover design with each cow (five cross-bred cows) being assigned to one of three groups at 3-month intervals within a 1-year period. Estrous cycle stage in individual cows was initially synchronized with prostaglandin F(2)alpha. After detection of estrus, each cow was injected intramuscularly (i.m.) with 2 mg EB and 200 mg P (EB/P) on day 5, 12 or 17 of the estrous cycle (estrus=day 0), followed by 1 mg EB i.m. 12 days after the EB/P treatment. Ovarian ultrasonographic examinations showed that the emergence of a new follicular wave occurred after EB/P treatment in all groups and the mean interval from EB/P treatment to wave emergence did not differ among the groups (3.2-3.8 days). All cows in each group exhibited behavioral estrus and ovulated the newly formed dominant follicle. However, cows in the day-17 group exhibited estrus 1-3 days before the second EB injection. The concentrations of progesterone showed faster reduction, during the treatment period, in the day-12 and -17 groups compared to the day-5 group. These results indicate that the EB/P treatment induces an emergence of a new follicular wave, irrespective of the estrous cycle stage at the start of treatment, but the effect of EB/P protocol on estrous/ovulation synchronization is influenced by the stage of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between post-insemination milk progesterone concentration and embryo survival, and between milk yield and milk progesterone concentration. Milk samples were collected on Days 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (insemination=Day 0) following 871 inseminations in spring-calving dairy cows. Milk progesterone concentrations were measured by enzyme-immunoassay and pregnancy diagnosis was conducted with transrectal ultrasonography at approximately Day 30. There was a negative linear relationship (P<0.01) between milk progesterone concentration on Day 4 and embryo survival while, in contrast, there was a positive linear and quadratic relationship between milk progesterone concentration on Days 5, 6 and 7 (P<0.05) and also between the rate of change in progesterone concentrations between Days 4 and 7 inclusive and embryo survival (P<0.05). There was a weak negative linear relationship between average daily milk yield at the time of insemination and milk progesterone concentrations (P<0.001). There was no association between many production parameters, including liveweight and body condition score measured at various stages between calving and insemination, and milk progesterone concentration between Days 4 and 7 inclusive (P>0.05). In conclusion, low progesterone during Days 5-7 (after insemination) was associated with low fertility in dairy cows and there were indications of a range of progesterone concentrations within which embryo survival was maximal.  相似文献   

Sixty-five Large White sows were used to examine relationships between ovarian morphology and embryo survival at 30 days gestation and plasma progesterone concentration before and after service.The total mass of luteal tissue was positively correlated with the number of corpora lutea on the ovaries (r = 0.68), and formed a fairly constant proportion of ovarian mass at 30 days gestation. The mean number of embryos per sow was 11.2 ± 0.76, and embryo survival rate was estimated to be 76.5%. There was a positive correlation between ovulation rate and number of embryos at 30 days of pregnancy (r = 0.39). The survival rate of embryos was inversely related (r = ?0.66) to the mean distance between embryos in the uterus. The means of plasma progesterone levels on days 11, 12 and 13 after service were positively correlated with the means of progesterone levels on days 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the cycle before service, the number of corpora lutea, the total mass of luteal tissue and the total mass of the ovaries, but not to numbers of embryos.  相似文献   

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