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Twenty-five 42-days old New Zealand white rabbits were weaned and accustomed to a control ration in the 1st week and randomly allotted to five groups of five rabbits each. They were offered the control ration (G-1), and in other groups a portion of the control ration was replaced by Leucaena leaf meal (LLM) treated with 1.2% FeCl3 or untreated i.e. 25% LLM (G-2), 50% LLM (G-3), 25% treated LLM (G-4), and 50% treated LLM (G-5) ration in pelleted form in a 8 weeks feeding cum metabolism trial. Average intake of mimosine and 3,4 DHP (dihydroxypyridone) was 304.6 and 129.5; 680.2 and 212.3; 279.6 and 147.6; and 643.1 and 239.9 mg day−1 in G-2–G-5, respectively. Mimosine and 2,3 DHP were not detected in faeces. The faecal excretion of 3,4 DHP (as % intake of mimosine plus 3,4 DHP) in the rabbits of groups G-4 (43.5) and G-5 (40.6) was significantly (P<0.05) higher due to FeCl3 treatment as compared to excretion in groups G-2 (30.1) and G-3 (21.4) fed untreated LLM. GOT (Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase), GPT (Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase), T3 (tri-iodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) levels in blood were within normal physiological range. Mimosine 3,4 DHP and 2,3 DHP, all were excreted through urine. The urinary excretion of 3,4 DHP was significantly lower (P<0.05) in G-4 and G-5. The overall excretion of DHP (2,3 and 3,4 DHP) was similar in all the groups. Severe hepatic and kidney damage occured in G-2 and G-3, while, in G-4 and G-5 very mild or no damage to liver and kidney was recorded. All tissues were devoid of mimosine, but DHP was present in liver, kidney and lungs. The maximum DHP in liver indicated as the primary site of DHP metabolism. In vitro incubation of LLM with caecal contents revealed 72.68–100% microbial degradation of mimosine. The overall DHP degradation ranged from 7.10% to 37.81% being the highest in G-3. The results indicated that, FeCl3 treated leucaena could be used in commercial meat rabbit rations.  相似文献   

Mice fed a diet containing 1% (w/w) 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone (DHP) developed goitre even with a diet high in iodine whereas mimosine (0.5% w/w) did not produce goitre even with a low-iodine diet. Thyroid enlargement was apparent (measured morphometrically) by the 7th week and was advanced by the 11th week. Histologically the goitre was hyperplastic in type. No marked histological changes were found in other organs of mice fed DHP or any organs of mice fed mimosine, except for some atrophy of hair follicles. A single intragastric dose of DHP inhibited the uptake of 125I by the thyroid in the rat but an equivalent dose of mimosine did not. Evidence is presented that the inhibition occurs at the iodine binding step, as with methyl thiouracil, rather than at the iodide trapping step, as with thiocyanate. Chronic treatment of mice with DHP, as with 6-methyl thiouracil, increased the avidity of the thyroid in taking up 125I. The major conjugated form of DHP in mammals, DHP-3-O-glucuronide, was almost as effective a goitrogen as the unconjugated compound when given by mouth but considerably less active than the free form in the blood stream. It was concluded that DHP is a potent antithyroid compound of the thiouracil type with low general toxicity, since mammals can tolerate a level of intake sufficient to produce goitre in spite of iodine supplementation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Leucaena leucocephalaMorus albaTectona grandis (2:1:1) based leaf meal mixture as a protein supplement to partially (50%) replace conventional supplements on the performance of female goats. Local female goats (12) were divided into three groups in a completely randomized design to receive either a leaf meal mixture (LMTM) based supplement, or groundnut cake (GNC) or soybean meal (SBM) incorporated concentrate, and wheat straw as basal diet for a period of about 4 months. Blood enzymes and immunological profile were monitored in all goats at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of feeding. While dry matter intake (DMI) (g kg−0.75 BW) of goats given LMTM was higher (P<0.05) than SBM, it was comparable to their counterparts fed GNC. Digestibility of nutrients, except for depressed crude protein digestibility (P<0.05) in SBM group, was comparable among dietary treatments. Nitrogen intake and fecal excretions were similar irrespective of supplements, the urinary excretion of N in goats given GNC was significantly higher than comparable excretion in goats on LMTM and SBM. Balance of N (g per day) remained positive in all goats, however it was significantly higher in animals on LMTM as compared to GNC. The DCP, TDN and ME values of the composite diets were comparable among dietary treatments. Intake of DCP, TDN and ME was close to stipulated NRC requirements. Blood enzymes (alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)) and serum protein electrophoresis pattern (albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin and γ-globulin) did not differ significantly due to the replacement of 50% dietary protein by LMTM throughout the experiment. It may be concluded that leaf meal mixture could be used inexpensively as a vegetable protein supplement to wheat straw based diets for goats without any adverse effect on voluntary intake, nutrient utilization, serum enzymes and immune status.  相似文献   

Abstract The addition of Leucaena leucocephala herbage did not diet of sheep in Venezuela did not affect the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen, the degradation of rice straw incubated in sacco, or the numbers of rumen fungi or bacteria. However, feeding Leucaena increased the concentration of ammonia in the rumen. In addition, two products of the degradation of the toxic amino acid mimosine were detected in the rumen when Leucaena was fed. One of these products, 2,3-dihydroxy pyridine (2,3-DHP), was detected at concentrations of up to 1.1 μmol/ml. The other, 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone (3,4-DHP) was found at concentrations of up to 0.96 μmol/ml. The examination of bacterial cultures isolated from the rumen of the sheep under investigation showed that feeding Leucaena increased the relative proportions of short Gram-negative rods and decreased the proportion of long roads and coccobacilli present. Although the animals fed Leucaena showed a small loss in weight during the feeding trial, no evidence of Leucaena toxicity was seen. A total of 18 cultures capable of degrading 2,3-DHP or 3,4-DHP were isolated from the rumen of the sheep before Leucaena was fed. These included both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and a Gram-positive sporeformer. It seems that 2,3-DHP and 3,4-DHP may be degraded by a much wider range of bacteria than has been recognised previously. The detection of these bacteria before Leucaena was fed suggests that they were indigenous members of the rumen microflora of sheep in Venezuela.  相似文献   

Structural and histochemical features of the hilar region inthe seed of Leucaena leucocephala Lam. (De Wit) were investigatedby bright-field and fluorescence light microscopy and scanningelectron microscopy. In the dry seeds the lens appeared as anelliptical depression prevailing in size over the hilum andmicropyle. In the imbibed seeds, both naturally softened seedand those requiring softening with boiling water, the lens rosegradually to form a cavity between the palisade layer and themesophyll below. This apoplastic pathway was traced using RutheniumRed dye. In place of the hour-glass cells, the hilar regioncontained abnormal cells, called 'white cells' because theyremained unstained by Toluidine Blue O at pH 4·4. Theapparently opposing characteristics of the lens are discussed.It is hypothesized that the lens acts as a valve. By remainingclosed it hinders the entry of water because of the presenceof a high light-line rich in callose and in lipid-like substancesand to the almost total lack of hydrophilic polysaccharide material.Under favourable conditions for germination, the lens opens,allowing water to enter, through a thin palisade layer and withthe probable intervention of the 'white cells'.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Seed germination, Leucaena leucocephala, hilar region, lens, structure, histochemistry  相似文献   

Leucaena leucocephala var. K-8 is a fast-growing, tropical leguminous tree that has multiple economic uses. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect(s) of varying NaCl concentrations on growth, N(2) fixation, and percentage of total tissue nitrogen in different organs in L. leucocephala. Seeds were germinated and grown for 10 wk with a nitrogen-free fertilizer applied every 2 wk. At 10 wk, plants were treated for either 0, 7, 14, 21, or 28 wk with either deionized water (control), 0.00625 mol/L, 0.0125 mol/L, 0.025 mol/L, 0.05 mol/L, or 0.1 mol/L NaCl in addition to the fertilizer every 2 wk. Growth was measured as plant height, nodule number and mass, and dry tissue mass. N(2) fixation was measured by the acetylene reduction assay. Percentage of tissue nitrogen was determined using Kjeldahl analysis. In younger plants (7-wk treatment), major fluctuations in NaCl tolerance were observed in the different plant organs. As plants matured (14- and 21-wk treatment) NaCl concentrations of 0.025 mol/L and higher caused the greatest reduction in growth and tissue nitrogen. We conclude that NaCl concentrations of 0.025 mol/L and greater caused a major decrease in growth, N(2) fixation, and percentage of tissue nitrogen in L. leucocephala plants that were less than 1 yr old.  相似文献   

A straircase maze has been used to test the modifications induced by a chronic administration of caffeine, amitriptyline, diazepam and hypo or hyperthyroidism in the decay of the rat performance (“forgetting”) caused by the interruption of the daily training. Diazepam 0.35 mg/kg and 0.07 mg/kg, caffeine 21 mg/kg, amitriptyline 1 mg/kg, increased the forgetting. Hyperthyroidism caused no modifications of behaviour; high hypothyroidism increased and low hypothyroidism completely abolished the decay of rat performance consequent to the daily training interruption.  相似文献   

The effect of two different doses (50 and 100 mg/kg body wt/day for 14 days) of 80% ethanolic extract of the leaves of Adhatoda vesica were examined on drug metabolizing phase I and phase II enzymes, antioxidant enzymes, glutathione content, lactate dehydrogenase and lipid peroxidation in the liver of 8 weeks old Swiss albino mice. The modulatory effect of the extract was also examined on extra-hepatic organs viz. lung, kidney and forestomach for the activities of glutathione S-transferase, DT-diaphorase, superoxide dismutase and catalase. Significant increase in the activities of acid soluble sulfhydryl (-SH) content, cytochrome P450, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, cytochrome b5, NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), DT-diaphorase (DTD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) were observed in the liver at both dose levels of treatments. Adhatoda vesica acted as bifunctional inducer since it induced both phase I and phase II enzyme systems. Both the treated groups showed significant decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) formation in liver, suggesting its role in protection against prooxidant induced membrane damage. The cytosolic protein was significantly inhibited at both the dose levels of treatment indicating the possibility of its involvement in the inhibition of protein synthesis. BHA has significantly induced the activities of GR and GSH in the present study. The extract was effective in inducing GST and DTD in lung and forestomach, and SOD and CAT in kidney. Thus, besides liver, other organs viz., lung, kidney and forestomach were also stimulated by Adhatoda, to increase the potential of the machinery associated with the detoxification of xenobiotic compounds. But, liver and lung showed a more consistent induction. Since the study of induction of the phase I and phase II enzymes is considered to be a reliable marker for evaluating the chemopreventive efficacy of a particular compound, these findings are suggestive of the possible chemopreventive role played by Adhatoda leaf extract.  相似文献   

To find out whether an inhibitor of extrathyroidal conversion of iodothyronines is present in sera of starved animals, pig liver and kidney homogenates were incubated with T4, T3 or rT3 and dithiotreitol in the presence of evaporated diethyl ether extracts of sera obtained from fed and starved (1-12 days) rabbits. Sera extracts of short-term (1-4 days) starved rabbits caused a significant inhibition of T4 to T3 conversion (54% on day 3) and T4 to rT3 deiodination (52% on day 2) in liver homogenates. Extracts of sera from long-term (8 and 12 days) starved animals diminished only liver T4 to T3 conversion on day 8 and had no influence on liver T4 to rT3 conversion. 5'-deiodination of rT3 (to 3,3'-T2) in liver was gradually decreased by extracts of sera from animals starved during 2-12 days. Liver rT3-5-deiodination (to 3',5'-T2) was significantly impaired on day 4 and totally depressed by long-term starvation. In vitro T3 to 3,3'-T2 conversion in liver was markedly (59-103%) increased by ether extracts of sera from short-term fasted rabbits and considerably inhibited (62-72%) by long-term fasting. T4 to T3 conversion in kidney was significantly influenced by sera extracts obtained neither from short-term fasted rabbits and considerably inhibited (62-72%) by long-term fasting. T4 to T3 conversion in kidney was significantly influenced by sera extracts obtained neither from short-term nor from long-term fasted rabbits but T4-5-deiodination (to rT3) was reduced by sera extracts of short-term fasted animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway converts arachidonic acid (ArA) into prostaglandins (PGs), which interact with the stress response in mammals and possibly in fish as well. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is a COX inhibitor and was used to characterize the effects of PGs on the release of several hormones and the stress response of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Plasma PGE2 was significantly reduced at 100 mg ASA/kg body wt, and both basal PGE2 and cortisol levels correlated negatively with plasma salicylate. Basal plasma 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) was reduced by ASA treatment, whereas prolactin (PRL)188 increased at 100 mg ASA/kg body wt. ASA depressed the cortisol response to the mild stress of 5 min of net confinement. As expected, glucose and lactate were elevated in the stressed control fish, but the responses were blunted by ASA treatment. Gill Na+-K+-ATPase activity was not affected by ASA. Plasma osmolarity increased after confinement in all treatments, whereas sodium only increased at the high ASA dose. This is the first time ASA has been administered to fish in vivo, and the altered hormone release and the inhibition of the acute stress response indicated the involvement of PGs in these processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate thyroid hormone concentrations, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), in order to determine basal levels in Steller sea lions of different ages and over seasons. Serum concentrations of total T4 were highest in Steller sea lions followed by total T3 concentrations. Concentrations of free T4 and free T3 were three to four orders of magnitude lower. Concentrations for all four thyroid hormone measurements tended to a lower level as animals matured beyond the neonatal stage. When thyroid hormones from captive sea lions were evaluated across seasons, all thyroid hormones were highest in the July to September period. When compared across the geographic range, animals in southeast Alaska tended to have lower thyroid hormone levels, while the Steller sea lions west of Prince William Sound and animals from the Russian Far East had significantly higher concentrations. Significant inter-annual differences in concentrations were also observed across the geographic range. With an understanding of the basic changes in thyroid hormone concentrations, changes in plane of nutrition or life history states (i.e. fasting, pregnancy or lactation) can now be evaluated for their effect on the overall health of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Lactation is the most energetically demanding stage of reproduction in female mammals. Increased energetic allocation toward current reproduction may result in fitness costs, although the mechanisms underlying these trade‐offs are not well understood. Trade‐offs during lactation may include reduced energetic allocation to cellular maintenance, immune response, and survival and may be influenced by resource limitation. As the smallest marine mammal, sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have the highest mass‐specific metabolic rate necessitating substantial energetic requirements for survival. To provide the increased energy needed for lactation, female sea otters significantly increase foraging effort, especially during late‐lactation. Caloric insufficiency during lactation is reflected in the high numbers of maternal deaths due to End‐Lactation Syndrome in the California subpopulation. We investigated the effects of lactation and resource limitation on maternal stress responses, metabolic regulation, immune function, and antioxidant capacity in two subspecies of wild sea otters (northern: E. l. nereis and southern: E. l. kenyoni) within the California, Washington, and Alaska subpopulations. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with reduced glucocorticoid responses to acute capture stress. Corticosterone release was lower in lactating otters. Cortisol release was lower under resource limitation and suppression during lactation was only evident under resource limitation. Lactation and resource limitation were associated with alterations in thyroid hormones. Immune responses and total antioxidant capacity were not reduced by lactation or resource limitation. Southern sea otters exhibited higher concentrations of antioxidants, immunoglobulins, and thyroid hormones than northern sea otters. These data provide evidence for allocation trade‐offs during reproduction and in response to nutrient limitation but suggest self‐maintenance of immune function and antioxidant defenses despite energetic constraints. Income‐breeding strategists may be especially vulnerable to the consequences of stress and modulation of thyroid function when food resources are insufficient to support successful reproduction and may come at a cost to survival, and thereby influence population trends.  相似文献   

A continuous culture system, inoculated with rumen liquor from goats or sheep, was used to study fermentation characteristics of olive leaves (OL). The effects of adding polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000 MW; 0, 2 or 20 g/100 g OL) and/or supplementing with urea (U) or sunflower meal (SM) (1.0 g N/100 g OM) were also studied. Olive leaf fermentation promoted low VFA production (35.2 mmol/d), predominantly of acetic acid, and low efficiency of VFA production (4.91 mol/kg digestible carbohydrates, DCHO). Both values increased with N supplementation, but effects of PEG were variable. No differences ascribed to the rumen inoculum origin were observed. The ammonia N concentration was increased only by supplementation with U. Total and amino acid N output was low and increased with N addition, but it was not affected by PEG treatment. No differences ascribed to the inoculum origin were observed concerning microbial N production rate or efficiency (g N/kg DCHO). There was no clear difference between sources of supplementary N regarding bacterial protein synthesis. On the basis of PEG results, the effect of tannins on OL fermentation was not important.  相似文献   

Tissue distribution of the cytosolic and mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cGPDH and mGPDH) activities in jerboa (Jaculus orientalis), a hibernator, shows the highest level of enzyme activity in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue, respectively. The effect of hibernation on cGPDH indicates an increase of activity in all tissues examined. In contrast, hibernation decreases mGPDH activity in all tissues, except skeletal muscle. The effect of thyroid hormones on GPDH activity was tissue specific: in kidneys, cGPDH activity doubled in euthermic jerboas treated with T4. In contrast, 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil treatment provokes an increase of enzyme activity in brown adipose tissue, liver and brain. T4 treatment leads to a 2.7-fold increase in liver mGPDH activity. 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil treatment decreases mGPDH activity in the skeletal muscle whereas the opposite effect was observed in brain. Dexamethasone stimulates cGPDH in all tissues examined, except skeletal muscle and kidneys. In the case of mGPDH activity, this increase was observed only for brown adipose tissue and brain. Our results suggest that hibernation, thyroid hormones and dexamethasone probably play a role in the regulation of cGPDH and mGPDH activities in jerboa. Our findings confirm that these enzymes are involved in metabolic adaptation to thermal stress in Jaculus orientalis.  相似文献   

Henna leaf (Lawsonia inermis), commonly known as Mehndi is cultivated throughout India and is a very popular natural dye to color hand and hair. It is an integral part of indigenous culture, and is also known for its medicinal value. The effect of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight of 80% ethanolic extract of the fresh leaves of Lawsonia inermis were examined on drug metabolizing phase-I and phase-II enzymes, antioxidant enzymes, glutathione content, lactate dehydrogenase and lipid peroxidation in the liver of 7 weeks old Swiss albino mice. Also anticarcinogenic potential of Henna leaf extract was studied adopting the protocol of benzo(a)pyrene induced forestomach and 7,12 dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-initiated and croton oil-promoted skin papillomagenesis. Our primary findings reveal the duel-acting nature of henna leaf as deduced from its potential to induce only the phase-II enzyme activity, associated mainly with carcinogen detoxification in liver of mice and inhibit the phase I enzyme activities. The hepatic glutathione S-transferase and DT-diaphorase specific activities were elevated above basal (p < 0.005) level by Lawsonia inermis extract treatment. With reference to antioxidant enzymes the investigated doses were effective in increasing the hepatic glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities significantly (from p < 0.05 to p < 0.005) at both the dose levels. Reduced glutathione (GSH) measured as non-protein sulphydryl was found to be significantly elevated in liver (p < 0.005) and in all the extrahepatic organs studied (from p < 0.05 to p < 0.005). Among the extrahepatic organs examined (forestomach, kidney and lung) glutathione S-transferase and DT-diaphorase level were increased in a dose independent manner (from p < 0.05 to p < 0.005). Chemopreventive response was measured by the average number of papillomas per mouse (tumor burden) as well as percentage of tumor bearing animals and tumor multiplicity. There was a significant inhibition of tumor burden in both the tumor model systems studied (from p < 0.01 to p < 0.001). Tumor incidence was also reduced by both the doses used in our experiment in both the model systems.  相似文献   

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