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This study was initiated to characterize a small Xylella fastidiosa (X. fastidiosa) plasmid and attempt to create a X. fastidosa/Escherichia coli shuttle vector that was stable in planta. Restriction enzyme analysis of a 1.3kb plasmid DNA from a grape-infecting strain of X. fastidiosa (UCLA) revealed the presence of three similar, but genetically distinct, plasmids, pUCLAs. Evidence that suggests the pUCLA plasmids replicate via a rolling-circle (RC) mechanism include: (i) the presence of ssDNA in X. fastidiosa cells; (ii) the presence of conserved motifs in the predicted ORF1 that are typical of initiator (Rep) proteins associated with RC replication; (iii) high amino acid identity between the putative Rep proteins of pUCLAs and Pf3, a filamentous bacteriophage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that replicates by a RC mechanism; and (iv) the presence of a putative origin of replication upstream of ORF1 that has the potential to form secondary hairpin structures. One DNA motif present in pUCLA shared sequence similarity to known nicking sites in the origins of replication of other RC plasmids and phages. The shuttle vector, pXF001, successfully transformed grape X. fastidiosa strains and was found to be present as autonomous, structurally unchanged DNA molecules in X. fastidiosa. However, pXF001 was not stably maintained in X. fastidiosa without antibiotic selection.  相似文献   

Use of transmissible plasmids as cloning vectors in Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cloning vectors for studies of Caulobacter crescentus genes should be transferable between Escherichia coli and C. crescentus since a transformation system has not been developed for C. crescentus. We have tested a large number of vectors containing IncP or IncQ replicons and found that many of the vectors containing IncQ replicons, and all but one of the vectors containing IncP replicons, are readily transferred by conjugation into C. crescentus. All of the plasmids tested were maintained in C. crescentus at 1 to 5 copies per cell, but plasmids containing IncP replicons were more stable than plasmids containing IncQ replicons. Further studies with a derivative of the IncQ plasmid R300B showed that when a promoterless kanamycin (Km)-resistance gene (npt2) was inserted into the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC (SuR-SmR) operon, Km resistance was expressed only when the npt2 gene was inserted such that it would be transcribed from the sul promoter. These data indicate that R300B does not contain sequences which would provide promoter function in C. crescentus in the orientation opposite to that of the sul operon and that any genes cloned in this orientation would require native promoters for expression. To provide greater versatility for cloning into R300B, additional vectors were constructed by the addition of multiple cloning sites in the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC operon. In addition, chromosomal DNA libraries were constructed in R300B and in the cosmid vector pLAFR1-7. Specific clones from these libraries containing genes of interest were identified by complementation of the appropriate C. crescentus mutants.  相似文献   

A pair of small plasmid vectors have been constructed, which complement chlorate-resistant chlB mutants of Escherichia coli to chlorate reduction under anaerobic conditions. This potentially lethal function can be inactivated by the insertion of DNA fragments into a multiple cloning site. After transformation of competent mutant cells with a ligation mixture, simultaneous selection for the plasmid-coded drug resistance and for the inactivation of the complementing gene directly yields colonies, which harbor recombinant plasmids. It is demonstrated that this cloning system can be used with an efficiency beyond 90%. Vector sequences are provided.  相似文献   

Karsi A  Lawrence ML 《Plasmid》2007,57(3):286-295
Tagging of bacteria with living colors and living light allows increasingly valuable new imaging and detection technologies to be accessible to researchers. In this study, we aimed to create stable broad host range expression vectors for tagging Gram-negative bacteria with fluorescence and bioluminescence. To accomplish this, a mutated form of promoterless green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene, gfpmut3a, from Aequorea victoria and promoterless bacterial luciferase genes, luxCDABE, from Photorhabdus luminescens were inserted into broad host range plasmid pBBR1MCS4. Expression of gfp and luxCDABE genes was driven by lacZ promoter. In addition, dual versions with both gfpmut3a and luxCDABE genes and inducible versions carrying lacI(q) gene were also constructed. These new broad host range vectors containing a stable broad host range origin of replication and mobility genes can be transferred to Gram-negative bacteria by either electroporation or conjugal mating and maintained stably. Availability of these expression vectors should be useful in developing new approaches to study a broad variety of Gram-negative bacteria, particularly for applications investigating host-pathogen interactions in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

One of a number of large nocardioform plasmids previously obtained by a primarily genetic approach was reduced in size to about ˜ 11 kb. This smaller plasmid possessed determinants for resistance to sodium arsenate and sodium arsenite, as well as immunity to nocardiophage Q4. It was joined to an Escherichia coli-positive selection vector constructed by M. Zabeau and colleagues, which had the EcoR1 endonuclease gene placed under the control of the PR promoter of λ as well as a bla determinant. The resulting shuttle vector of about 14.6 kb was maintained in E. coli and in several strains of Rhodococcus. The vector was efficient in cloning DNA without prior alkaline phosphatase treatment, as a result of the presence of the positive selection function. This function was not significantly expressed in Rhodococcus, and the presence of the nocardioform resistance determinants led to no increase in arsenate or arsenite resistance in E. coli. The presence of the bla gene resulted in an increase of about threefold in ampicillin resistance in Rhodococcus strains.  相似文献   

Cloning vectors for studies of Caulobacter crescentus genes should be transferable between Escherichia coli and C. crescentus since a transformation system has not been developed for C. crescentus. We have tested a large number of vectors containing IncP or IncQ replicons and found that many of the vectors containing IncQ replicons, and all but one of the vectors containing IncP replicons, are readily transferred by conjugation into C. crescentus. All of the plasmids tested were maintained in C. crescentus at 1 to 5 copies per cell, but plasmids containing IncP replicons were more stable than plasmids containing IncQ replicons. Further studies with a derivative of the IncQ plasmid R300B showed that when a promoterless kanamycin (Km)-resistance gene (npt2) was inserted into the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC (SuR-SmR) operon, Km resistance was expressed only when the npt2 gene was inserted such that it would be transcribed from the sul promoter. These data indicate that R300B does not contain sequences which would provide promoter function in C. crescentus in the orientation opposite to that of the sul operon and that any genes cloned in this orientation would require native promoters for expression. To provide greater versatility for cloning into R300B, additional vectors were constructed by the addition of multiple cloning sites in the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC operon. In addition, chromosomal DNA libraries were constructed in R300B and in the cosmid vector pLAFR1-7. Specific clones from these libraries containing genes of interest were identified by complementation of the appropriate C. crescentus mutants.  相似文献   

The genus Amycolatopsis is a member of the phylogenetic group nocardioform actinomycetes. Most of the members of the genus Amycolatopsis are known to produce antibiotics. Additionally, members of this genus have been reported to metabolize aromatic compounds as the sole sources of carbon and energy. Development of genetic manipulation in Amycolatopsis has progressed slowly due to paucity of genetic tools and methods. The occurrence of indigenous plasmids in different species of Amycolatopsis is not very common. Till date, only three indigenous plasmids viz., pMEA100, pMEA300 and pA387 have been reported in Amycolatopsis species. Various vectors based on the indigenous plasmids, pMEA100, pMEA300 and pA387, have been constructed. These vectors have proved useful for molecular genetics studies of actinomycetes. Molecular genetic work with Amycolatopsis strains is not easy, since transformation methods have to be developed, or at least optimized, for each particular strain. Nonetheless, methods for efficient transformation (polyethyleneglycol (PEG) induced protoplast transformation, transformation by electroporation and direct transformation) have been developed and used successfully for the introduction of DNA into several Amycolatopsis species. The construction of plasmid cloning vectors and the development of gene transfer systems has opened up possibilities for studying the molecular genetics of these bacteria.  相似文献   

This review covers data on composition and structure of lipid A, core, and O-polysaccharide of the known lipopolysaccharides from Gram-negative bacteria. The relationship between the structure and biological activity of lipid A is discussed. The data on roles of core and O-polysaccharide in biological activities of lipopolysaccharides are presented. The structural homology of some oligosaccharide sequences of lipopolysaccharides to gangliosides of human cell membranes is considered.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are Gram positive bacteria, widely distributed in nature, and industrially important as they are used in a variety of industrial food fermentations. The use of genetic engineering techniques is an effective means of enhancing the industrial applicability of LAB. However, when using genetic engineering technology, safety becomes an essential factor for the application of improved LAB to the food industry. Cloning and expression systems should be derived preferably from LAB cryptic plasmids that generally encode genes for which functions can be proposed, but no phenotypes can be observed. However, some plasmid-encoded functions have been discovered in cryptic plasmids originating from Lactobacillus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Pediococcus spp. and can be used as selective marker systems in vector construction. This article presents information concerning LAB cryptic plasmids, and their structures, functions, and applications. A total of 134 cryptic plasmids collated are discussed.  相似文献   

A system is described which permits the direct, positive selection of recombinant plasmids in Bacillus subtilis. This system relies on the plasmid pBD214 which confers chloramphenicol (Cm) resistance and carries a thy gene, and on BD393, a highly competent B. subtilis thy A thy B host. Thy strains are resistant to trimethoprim (Tmp), and Thy+ strains are sensitive. Inactivation of the pBD214 thy determinant by insertion of a DNA fragment permits selection of Cmr Tmpr clones, all of which carry recombinant plasmids. This insertional inactivation can be accomplished using the unique EcoRl, Bell, Pvull, or EcoRV sites, all of which are located within the thy gene on pBD214. Some properties of this selective system are described, and its uses for molecular cloning are discussed  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used along with the dut and ung genetic selection method of Kunkel to introduce large site-specific deletions into cDNAs cloned into phagemid vectors. We find that large deletions can be achieved with an efficiency equal to that of single point mutations, with a very low frequency of aberrent clones. To facilitate screening of clones, E. coli strain DH5 alpha was used as the recipient host cell to genetically select for deletion mutants. Comparisons were made to deletion mutagenesis without genetic selection, and to reactions utilizing two oligonucleotide primers simultaneously. The low frequency of deletion mutants observed without genetic selection renders random screening for deletion mutant clones cumbersome. The results provide representative expectations and a useful guide for those contemplating the construction of deletion mutants.  相似文献   

D Dean 《Gene》1981,15(1):99-102
A plasmid cloning vector with ampicillin-resistance and streptomycin-sensitivity markers is suitable for the direct selection of strains carrying recombinant plasmids. The selection for plasmid transformants utilizes their ampicillin resistance whereas selection for recombinant plasmids is based on the inactivation of the rpsL gene contained on the plasmid. When streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli strains are used as recipients in transformation, transformants carrying the parental plasmid are phenotypically sensitive to streptomycin while those carrying hybrid plasmids are resistant to streptomycin.  相似文献   

Abstract A set of vectors containing a mutated gfp gene was constructed for use with Gram-negative bacteria other than Escherichia coli . These constructs were: pTn 3gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions into cloned DNA in E. coli for subsequent introduction into host strains; pUTmini-Tn 5gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions directly into host strains; p519 gfp and p519 ngfp , broad host range mob + plasmids containing gfp from a lac and an npt 2 promoter, respectively.  相似文献   

目的通过双聚类分析了解临床分离的革兰阴性菌的耐药特征。方法采用K-B法对临床分离的113株细菌进行药物敏感试验,用软件WHONET 5.6和MATLAB对药敏试验结果进行统计分析。结果传统耐药分析方法表明113株细菌总体耐药率较低,其中大肠埃希菌、铜绿假单胞菌和鲍曼不动杆菌的耐药率则较高,而肺炎克雷伯菌耐药率较低。通过双聚类分析,所有菌株被聚为三大类,I类菌株占23.0%,耐药率最高,几乎对18种药物都耐药,细菌种类以肺炎克雷伯菌、铜绿假单胞菌、鲍曼不动杆菌为主;Ⅱ类菌株占56.6%,耐药率普遍较低,以肺炎克雷伯菌为主;Ⅲ类菌株占20.4%,菌株的耐药率介于I和Ⅱ类之间,包括肺炎克雷伯菌、铜绿假单胞菌和大肠埃希菌。其中Ⅱ大类,根据所耐抗生素的不同又分为Ⅱ-A、Ⅱ-B、Ⅱ-C三个亚类,每一亚类都具有相似的耐药特点。结论本实验收集的革兰阴性菌株根据耐药特征被聚为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,耐药程度为IⅢⅡ,双聚类分析法有利于快速找到具有相同耐药特征的菌株以及不同菌株之间的耐药差别。  相似文献   

A simple procedure for cloning and stable insertion of foreign genes into the chromosomes of gram-negative eubacteria was developed by combining in two sets of plasmids (i) the transposition features of Tn10 and Tn5; (ii) the resistances to the herbicide bialaphos, to mercuric salts and organomercurial compounds, and to arsenite, and (iii) the suicide delivery properties of the R6K-based plasmid pGP704. The resulting constructions contained unique NotI or SfiI sites internal to either the Tn10 or the Tn5 inverted repeats. These sites were readily used for cloning DNA fragments with the help of two additional specialized cloning plasmids, pUC18Not and pUC18Sfi. The newly derived constructions could be maintained only in donor host strains that produce the R6K-specified pi protein, which is an essential replication protein for R6K and plasmids derived therefrom. Donor plasmids containing hybrid transposons were transformed into a specialized lambda pir lysogenic Escherichia coli strain with a chromosomally integrated RP4 that provided broad-host-range conjugal transfer functions. Delivery of the donor plasmids into selected host bacteria was accomplished through mating with the target strain. Transposition of the hybrid transposon from the delivered suicide plasmid to a replicon in the target cell was mediated by the cognate transposase encoded on the plasmid at a site external to the transposon. Since the transposase function was not maintained in target cells, such cells were not immune to further transposition rounds. Multiple insertions in the same strain are therefore only limited by the availability of distinct selection markers. The utility of the system was demonstrated with a kanamycin resistance gene as a model foreign insert into Pseudomonas putida and a melanin gene from Streptomyces antibioticus into Klebsiella pneumoniae. Because of the modular nature of the functional parts of the cloning vectors, they can be easily modified and further selection markers can be incorporated. The cloning system described here will be particularly useful for the construction of hybrid bacteria that stably maintain inserted genes, perhaps in competitive situations (e.g., in open systems and natural environments), and that do not carry antibiotic resistance markers characteristic of most available cloning vectors (as is currently required of live bacterial vaccines).  相似文献   

A numerical analysis was carried out from a set of 165 telluric Gram-negative bacterial strains. The results allowed to join up 130 of them divided into eight phenons. Two of these phenons represent on their own 70% of the classified strains. The first of these phenons (52 strains) can be assimilated to the genus Pseudomonas in the fluorescent group; the second one (41 strains) offers some analogies with the Acinetobacter. A representative strain type of the latter phenon was retained for later taxonomic comparisons.  相似文献   

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