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C. J. Skead 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):155-165
Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus are critically endangered but little is known of their year-round use of nests or whether other species usurp Hooded Vulture nest sites. We investigated visitation rates by Hooded Vultures and other species (including potential nest predators and usurpers) to examine their effect on Hooded Vulture breeding success. We present observations of 33 species recorded by camera traps at 12 Hooded Vulture nests over a total of 93 nest-months (2 095 nest-days). Several pairs of Hooded Vultures visited their nests regularly during the non-breeding season, some adding nesting material, highlighting that pairs visited their nest(s) year round. Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiaca, potential usurpers of raptor nests, were present at occupied and unoccupied Hooded Vulture nests, but we recorded no usurpation of nests by Egyptian Geese and they had no impact on vulture breeding success. Hooded Vulture breeding failure was linked to two species only: camera-trap imagery recorded one case of predation of a vulture egg by a Chacma Baboon Papio ursinus, and one case of a Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus predating a vulture nestling. We recommend expanding the Hooded Vulture nest monitoring programme to include more pairs.  相似文献   

JOHN OGDEN 《Austral ecology》1993,18(4):395-403
Abstract Estimates of the population size of black noddy Anous minutus on Heron Island were made by counting nests in permanently marked plots in Pisonia grandis forest in 1978, 1979 and 1992. The results, and published data, indicate that the population has been increasing at ca 7% per annum since early this century and currently is ca 63 000 ± 7000 pairs. The continued exponential increase in bird numbers poses interesting ecological questions and potential management problems, as more of the island is occupied by the birds and interaction with the vegetation intensifies. Pisonia is by far the most common tree on the island and most nests are in this species. However, there is evidence that Ficus opposita is preferred over Pisonia and the high mortality of this species in the marked plots may be due to excessive use by noddies. Pisonia trees which reach the forest canopy and are in the 40–60 cm stem diameter class have more nests than smaller trees. Larger stems (>60 cm diameter) are also underutilized relative to their size, and it is suggested that this is because they are more liable to windthrow in cyclones.  相似文献   

The Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius is a critically endangered species, probably declining from 5000 pairs to 500 pairs in 11 years. Fieldwork was conducted at two sites in Kazakhstan, May–August 2004, to identify causes of the species’ decline. In total, 58 nests and a minimum of 36 broods in 16 colonies were found: colonies consisted of 1–8 nests that were on average 154 m apart, with 2.1 km between colonies. Although classified as biparental, the total proportion of time both parents spent incubating was low (77 ± 2% se, n = 13 nests). Daily survival rates (Mayfield method) were very low during incubation (0.943 ± 0.009 se) but high during the chick stage (0.986 ± 0.004 se); incubation and chick‐stage durations were found to be 28.5 and 29 days, respectively, so that the overall probability of any breeding attempt fledging chicks was 0.124 (0.055–0.274 95% confidence interval). A breeding attempt that produced fledglings, fledged 2.2 ± 0.2 se chicks (n = 26) on average. Observed productivity predicted the population decline over the last 11 years well (using the maximum number of nesting attempts per pair of 1.4 that could have occurred in this study, and assuming an adult and first‐year survival rate of 0.74 and 0.60, respectively, based on the means for Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus and Golden Plover Pluvialis apricalia). Nest survival during incubation (controlling for colony effects) may have been longer for nests in predominantly Artemisia rather than grass habitat. Mean nest survival for a colony was higher in areas with more bare ground and more nest predators, suggesting that predators were relatively unimportant in nest (egg or chick) mortality, but was lower in areas with high numbers of cattle, suggesting that trampling was important (64% of known‐cause nest failures, n = 11, were trampled). Nests were preferentially sited in areas of Artemisia, where there was greater dung abundance, and probably shorter vegetation, suggesting that highly grazed vegetation is important for nesting. Chicks preferentially selected areas with a lower percentage of bare ground and possibly taller vegetation, suggesting that more vegetated areas are important for chicks. The results suggest that low egg survival due to nesting in areas of high grazer density may be responsible for the Sociable Lapwing's decline. Although grazers may create suitable vegetation for initial nesting, if those grazers remain at high density as in anthropogenic systems then they may reduce nest survival, probably through trampling. Experimentally maintaining grazing early but reducing it later in the breeding season is the logical first step in managing the species to increase egg survival and so to increase productivity.  相似文献   

Telmatochromis temporalis is a biparental substrate breeding cichlid that mates in size-assortative monogamy at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika. In this population, at least a few months before the rainy season, large males (90–110 mm TL) did not pair. However, they maintained large territories that were defended against conspecific large males and that contained several pairing small males (50–80 mm). Large males occasionally visited the nests of the small pairs in their territories, and selectively took over the nests by attacking the owner male. During the takeover, the large males courted the small females in the nests and might have ejaculated sperm. After the large males left the nests, the small owner males conducted paternal care at the nests. These behaviour patterns of large males are similar to piracy mating reported in other polygamous fish species. The piracy mating of large maleT. temporalis seems to be an alternative tactic when large females are not available.  相似文献   

A. A. Kistchinski 《Ibis》1975,117(3):285-301
Studies were made in 1970 in the Chukotski Peninsula, in 1971 in the delta of the Indigirka river and in 1972 in the delta of the Yana river. Grey Phalaropes inhabit polygonal and tussocky moss-sedge tundra rich in swamps, lakes and (in June) temporary ponds. Population density in favourable habitats may reach 1–2 pairs ha-1. Data on breeding chronology are presented, and various aggressive and courtship displays described. Most phalaropes seem to keep within a home range, sometimes large, during courtship time, but no defended territories and no forms of territorial behaviour exist. Many birds, both local nesters and wanderers, can feed on any pond. Sexual dimorphism is described. In 1970, three non-breeding cock-plumaged females were taken. Pairs are formed both before arrival and on the nesting grounds. All courtship displays are wholly or mostly initiated by females. In 1971, in the Indigirka delta, all the Grey Phalaropes were paired by 12 June, and stayed in pairs until the end of egg-laying. In 1970, on the northern Chukotsk, phalaropes seemed to form no (or very few) permanent pairs. Throughout June, most birds occurred in mixed flocks constantly moving between lakes or ponds. Copulation seemed to be promiscuous within the local population; polyandry cannot be excluded in some cases. Pairs appeared to be created only for the time of egglaying; probably, the only biological role of pair-formation is to find a male for incubating. Thus, a definite social system is not a species-specific feature; it can vary depending on local and yearly situations, including probably sex ratio. Nests are usually situated in very wet places, sometimes on the water edge. They can be found as little as 3 m apart, but are usually 40–80 m apart, or further. Incubation begins after the second or third egg. After the end of egg-laying, males drive females away from the nests, and pairs break up. Females and non-breeders gather in flocks and move onto the lakes of maritime tundra, and later on to the sea. The composition of the flocks is not constant: they often join together or part. Brooding males feed near their nests, sometimes in groups; not unfrequently they join flocks of females and non-breeders for some time. The normal average clutch-size is c. 4 eggs; when nesting was delayed (in the central Indigirka delta in 1971) the average was 3–61. The loss of nests was great in 1971; numbers of young on 1–3 August was 10 times lower than adult numbers in June.  相似文献   

The Seychelles Fody, Foudia sechellarum, is a ploceid weaver occurring naturally on three islands in the Seychelles group in the Indian Ocean. The population on Cousine Island was studied between 30 June and 25 August 1997. The size of the population on the island was estimated at 458–614 individuals and densities varied in different habitat types. As Seychelles Fodies in non-breeding plumage are difficult to sex, we provide sexing criteria based on wing length. Breeding pairs form small, probably temporary, territories that are defended by both partners against other fodies, including the introduced Madagascar Fody, Foudia madagascariensis. The Seychelles Fody often breeds semi-colonially and we observed up to five nests close together. The birds are socially monogamous and both sexes share in nest building, nest defense and provisioning of the young. Only females incubate. Many nests were deserted before eggs were laid, including some that had been accepted by the female. Additional males and females were sometimes seen helping provision the young, but this cooperative breeding behaviour appeared to be uncommon. Non-breeding individuals congregate in large flocks, sometimes joined by breeding birds.  相似文献   

Grebes (Podicipedidae) are primarily diurnal although migration occurs at night and some species forage opportunistically at night. We used motion-activated cameras to study nocturnal reproductive activities of the western grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, and Clark’s grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii, at Clear Lake, California, USA, during 2014–2016. During 9283 h of monitoring, 19.4% of rushing displays (n = 75) and 8.4% of copulations (n = 435), plus two weed dancing displays and four instances of egg-laying, occurred at night. Nocturnal copulation and egg-laying often occurred on empty, recently abandoned nests, but some incubating pairs of grebes also copulated at night. Nocturnal reproductive activities occurred more frequently at nests attached to submergent vegetation in open water far from shore when water levels were low than on nests attached to emergent vegetation close to shore when water levels were high, probably due to a reduced risk of predation by nocturnal mammals farther from shore. Nocturnal reproductive activities were not in response to elevated light levels at night, daylight disturbances, diurnal predation, high temperatures on hot days, or sexual interference during daylight. Instead, grebes attempted to increase mating investment and minimize parental investment by exploiting recently abandoned nests at night, and perhaps by undertaking extrapair copulations under the cover of darkness, but some pairs of grebes may simply extended routine reproductive activities into the night. Reproductive activities are probably limited at night by the need to feed during daylight and sleep at night, and by the increased risk of predation by mammals at night. Given the high costs of construction and maintenance of floating nests and the obvious benefit of quickly exploiting abandoned nests, nocturnal reproductive activities may occur more frequently in grebes and other waterbirds using floating nests than in other groups of birds whose reproductive activities occur mostly during daylight.  相似文献   

Barbara K.  Snow 《Ibis》1974,116(3):278-297
Guy's Hermit Phaethornis guy, a large forest hummingbird, was studied for 21/2 years in the Northern Range of Trinidad. Regular observations made at a lek of 16 males showed that leks are occupied from November until the beginning of July, and that individual birds retain their lek territories from year to year and use the same perches. The usual song is a monosyllabic note regularly repeated, but the quality of the note varied between different leks and between different parts of a lek, and a few males had a disyllabic song. Young males join the lek between April and June and learn the song of their immediate neighbours. Their plumage, when they first join, is similar to a female's, with distinct pale super- and subciliary stripes. The acquisition of the dark head of the adult male probably takes four years. Before they land on their lek perches, males perform an elaborate aerial display in which the red gape is flashed open and a loud tock is uttered. When males visit each other they rapidly change places on the lek perch, the airborne bird performing the tock-display over the perched bird. A similar tock-displaying with changing of place occurs when females visit males; twice these were seen to culminate in mounting. Periodically all males at the lek ‘false-mate’ with a leaf or other piece of vegetation near their lek perches, after tock-displaying above it. Young males false-mate much more frequently than older males. The breeding season lasts for eight months, the peak of breeding coinciding closely with the period when the two most important sources of nectar (Heliconia bihai and Pachystachys coccinea) are available. Males occasionally visit nests, and possibly assist in defending them. Undefended nests are quickly dismantled by other birds in search of nest-material. Of 19 nests found before the clutch was complete, five (26%) were successful. The incubation period is 17–18 days, and the fledging period 21–23 days.  相似文献   

Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) are a migratory species that face a variety of threats across their range, but little is known about their breeding ecology. These falcons breed in forest habitats in Eastern and Central Asia using nests constructed by corvids, including Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica). We monitored nests of 21 pairs of Amur Falcons at Hustai National Park in central Mongolia in 2017. Our objectives were to describe their basic nesting ecology, estimate nest survival by modeling the daily survival rate (DSR), examine nest selection by modeling it as a function of nest and site covariates, and use a spatial simulation to test hypotheses concerning intra‐ and interspecific avoidance. Clutch sizes averaged 4.1 eggs (= 21 nests), and incubation and nestling periods averaged 25.7 and 26.1 d, respectively. The daily survival rate was 0.98, with young in 12 nests surviving to fledging. Nest structures were more likely to be selected as percent cover of nest bowls increased, usually in the form of a dome of sticks with multiple side entrances. Closed nests likely provide increased protection from predators. In contrast to congeneric Red‐footed Falcons (F. vespertinus) that nest in large colonies, Amur Falcons nested no farther from or closer to nests of either conspecifics or congeners than expected by chance. One factor likely contributing to this difference is that Red‐footed Falcons often use the nests of colonial‐nesting Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), whereas Amur Falcons typically use the nests of non‐colonial Eurasian Magpies. The ongoing loss of deciduous trees like white birch (Betula platyphylla) across the breeding range of Amur Falcons, probably due to climate change and increased grazing pressure, is likely to reduce the availability of nesting habitat for Eurasian Magpies which, in turn, will likely reduce availability of nests for Amur Falcons and other small falcons.  相似文献   

Eusociality is one of the most complex forms of social organization, characterized by cooperative and reproductive units termed colonies. Altruistic behavior of workers within colonies is explained by inclusive fitness, with indirect fitness benefits accrued by helping kin. Members of a social insect colony are expected to be more closely related to one another than they are to other conspecifics. In many social insects, the colony can extend to multiple socially connected but spatially separate nests (polydomy). Social connections, such as trails between nests, promote cooperation and resource exchange, and we predict that workers from socially connected nests will have higher internest relatedness than those from socially unconnected, and noncooperating, nests. We measure social connections, resource exchange, and internest genetic relatedness in the polydomous wood ant Formica lugubris to test whether (1) socially connected but spatially separate nests cooperate, and (2) high internest relatedness is the underlying driver of this cooperation. Our results show that socially connected nests exhibit movement of workers and resources, which suggests they do cooperate, whereas unconnected nests do not. However, we find no difference in internest genetic relatedness between socially connected and unconnected nest pairs, both show high kinship. Our results suggest that neighboring pairs of connected nests show a social and cooperative distinction, but no genetic distinction. We hypothesize that the loss of a social connection may initiate ecological divergence within colonies. Genetic divergence between neighboring nests may build up only later, as a consequence rather than a cause of colony separation.  相似文献   

C. G. Beer 《Ibis》1966,108(3):394-410
SUMMARY The nesting habitats adopted by most colonies of Black-billed Gulls Larus bulleri are river-beds that are subject to flooding. A number of respects in which the reproductive behaviour of Black-billed Gulls differs from that of at least most other gulls, such as Black-headed Gulls, can be viewed as adaptations, or byproducts of adaptations, to such nesting habitats:—
  • (a) A different breeding site from the year before is often selected
  • (b) The bulk of pair formation is accomplished before the gulls occupy their breeding sites; nesting territories are set up by mated pairs
  • (c) In hostile encounters during the pair formation phase, site attachments are weak or transitory
  • (d) In agonistic situations generally, attack thresholds appear to be relatively high, and fleeing thresholds relatively low
  • (e) High intensity forms of“Choking” appear to be missing from the agonistic display repertoire
  • (f) The growth of nest groups is rapid and orderly; nesting territories are small and the concentration of nests in the groups high
  • (g) The time between occupation of the gullery site and the start of laying is short, and the synchrony of laying is high; this is probably related to the close proximity of the nests
  • (h) The parents and young abandon the nest very soon after the egg hatch, and no “brood” nests are made
  • (i) The young may develop locomotory powers more quickly than is the case in most other species; they can swim at an early age, and take to the water in tightly packed groups during alarms
The question of why these gulls should choose such vulnerable breeding sites is discussed.  相似文献   

Weavers build domed, long-lasting nests that may also be adopted by other species for breeding, probably reducing the energetic costs of nest building to varying degrees. In an extensive literature search, 57 species were found to have at least one record of adopting a weaver nest. There is one known obligate nest user, the Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus. Four species were classed as near obligate nest adopters. Four species were listed as common, 10 as occasional, and 38 species as rare nest adopters. Other than the falcon and lovebirds Agapornis species, these nest adopters are passerines. Of the 57 species of nest adopters, 35 species had confirmed eggs and/or chicks found in the weaver nests. Most nest adopter species were in the Estrildidae family (20 species), with three estrildids classed as near obligates. This was followed by the Muscicapidae family, species that build cup nests. By building their cup nests inside weaver nests, there is likely protection from adverse weather and predators. Overall, there appeared to be a large diversity of nest adopter species for the traditional savanna living weavers (Ploceus, Bubalornis, Anaplectes, Plocepasser and Philetairus).  相似文献   

To account for differences in occurrence of social behavior in different lineages of bees, Michener (1985) hypothesized that ground nests are more easily located by parasites than are twig nests. In the former case parasites search in two dimensions, while in the latter they search in three-dimensional space. One prediction derived from this hypothesis is that ground nests will have higher rates of parasitism than twig nests. A survey of published reports on rates of cell parasitism for 92 species of nesting bees and wasps (Apoidea) shows no significant differences in mean parasitism rates between these two classes of nests. The analyses were repeated at the generic level (N=44), yielding the same pattern. These data may be biased due to phylogenetic effects. Paired comparisons (n=11 pairs) of related taxa that differ in nest site show that ground-nesting taxa more often have higher rates of parasitism than twig-nesters. The use of artificial trap-nests to study twig-nesters significantly enhances the success rate of parasites. This bias, as well as several other limitations, suggests that experimental studies of the host-searching capabilities of parasites and predators may be more efficacious than such comparative tests.  相似文献   

Facultative male incubation and allofeeding are thought to be behavioral adaptations by which male songbirds maximize their fitness by reducing the energetic stress of their mates. However, few data are available for most species that exhibit these behaviors so the extent to which they might enhance male fitness remains unclear. Among North American sparrows, male incubation is known in four species, but the relative contributions of each sex have been estimated for only one species. We quantified biparental incubation and allofeeding in Sagebrush Brewer's Sparrows (Spizella breweri breweri) with 24‐h video surveillance of nests (N = 24) at two locations in northern Nevada. We detected biparental incubation at both sites (17 of 24 nests, 71%), and found that mean constancy (i.e., proportion of 24‐h period eggs were covered) was significantly higher at biparental nests than at uniparental nests, and mean recess duration (i.e., when eggs were uncovered) was significantly shorter. Incubation constancy at biparental nests in our study was the highest yet reported in the genus Spizella (range = 0.87–0.96), and constancy at uniparental nests (mean = 0.76, range = 0.71–0.81) was greater than that of congeners where female‐only incubation is thought to be the norm. Biparental incubation was more likely on colder days, but a comparison of models where incubation strategy and its interaction with ambient temperature were included as independent variables revealed that temperature was not the best predictor of constancy. Allofeeding occurred at very low frequency and only at biparental nests (11 of 20, 55%). Biparental nests with allofeeding had more incubation sessions per hour than biparental nests without allofeeding. The recipient usually left the nest immediately after being fed, and the feeding individual assumed the role of incubator. Our results suggest that some factor other than low ambient temperatures favors biparental incubation by Sagebrush Brewer's Sparrows. One possibility is that male incubation and the resulting increase in incubation constancy may better conceal nests and reduce the likelihood of nest predation. The low frequency of allofeeding at nests with biparental incubation in our study suggests that it serves some function other than improving female nutritional status or reducing activity levels at nests. Rather, allofeeding may serve as an intraspecific signal important for maintaining the social bond between mates.  相似文献   

E. L. Gill 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):175-179
Tomlinson, D. N. S. 1974. Studies of the Purple Heron, Part 1: Heronry structure, nesting habits and reproductive success. Ostrich 45: 175–181.

At Lake McIlwaine, Rhodesia, Ardea purpurea nests in bulrush Typha latifolia stands or on island termite mounds covered with reeds Phragmites mauritianus, which are connected to the mainland by Polygonum senegalense weed. Nest construction was different in thickness, diameter, height and materials used between the two types of nesting habitat. Clumping of nests in pairs and trios was apparent andMayhave some social significance. The Marsh Harrier Circus ranivorus preyed on the eggs and small chicks of the heron, whilst the Clawless Otter Aonyx capensis probably preyed on large chicks destroying the nest completely in the process. Low lake levels appear to be a major limiting factor to nesting success.  相似文献   

Molothrus badius (bay-winged cowbird), an icterine blackbird with cooperative breeding, shares behavioural and ecological characteristics with other communal nesters: it is sedentary, has a high annual survival rate (76.2%) and a strong nest-site tenacity (mean breeding dispersal of 41.9 and 89.4 m for males and females). Behavioural data, including collective agonistic displays, suggest group territoriality. Before egg hatching most breeders occurred as single pairs showing territorial behaviour (82% of nests), and nesting was usually solitary (distances to nearest nests of 25–103 m). Most breeders were apparently monogamous, with a 2.5% incidence of extrapair copulations in the territory during clutch formation. During the nestling stage one to four helpers occurred at 95% of M. badius nests. Most helpers were 1–2 years old, but older breeding adults (mostly males) that failed to rear their own offspring helped at the end of the season. The number of helpers increased (up to 4) with nestling age. Helpers were also recruited during the postfledging period, and group size reached up to 10 adults at this stage. Helpers mobbed predators and brood parasites, and provided 35% of the nestling food. Provisioning rate was positively and significantly correlated with number of helpers, although age of nestlings was the best predictor of overall food delivery rate. The helping system was almost obligate and productivity comparisons between nests with/without helpers are not possible. Data suggest that helpers increased the breeding success per nest. The correlation between the provisioning rates of parents and helpers was negative but non-significant. In 18% of nests 3 to 4 individuals were present before the nestling period, including cases of apparently polyandrous trios and one case of joint nesting by two pairs. Within Brown 's (1987) categories of social organization M. badius is mainly group territorial with plural nesting. Habitat requirements of M. badius are wide and nest sites do not appear to limit breeding. Kinship plays a role in the social system, as 9 of 12 helpers marked as nestlings helped their parents.  相似文献   

Colonial island‐breeding birds can be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, which can adversely affect their nesting success. We studied Sooty Falcons Falco concolor breeding on 10 ground‐predator‐free islands in the Sea of Oman during 2007–2014 and evaluated spatio‐temporal trends in the number of breeding pairs occurring on the islands and the factors influencing nesting success. The number of breeding pairs on the islands declined during the study, due mostly to the decline on accessible islands; the rate of decline on islands accessible to humans was double that on inaccessible ones. The number of nests with one or more eggs declined during the study period, and the percentage of nests with eggs that produced one or more chicks showed an increasing trend over time. Sooty Falcon nests located farther away from beaches experienced a significantly higher probability of nesting success than those located closer to beaches. Our results suggest that the number of breeding Sooty Falcons on the islands of northern Oman is declining and that human disturbance may be a contributing factor; this probably mirrors the situation in other parts of the breeding range of this species.  相似文献   

Four non-exclusive hypotheses have been proposed to explain the alternative nest-building behaviour of raptors: (1) nests as an advertising signal in territories, (2) frustration nests, (3) competition avoidance by nest-site and (4) reduction of nest ectoparasites. We report here data collected during an observational study of a population of Bonelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus in southeastern Spain. Our data does not support the first two hypotheses based on the closeness of nests within territories, the lack of correlation between the number of nests and the distance to neighbours and the construction of secondary nests at similar frequencies after breeding failures as after successes. In contrast, the construction of alternative nests to avoid competition with other cliff-nesting raptor species breeding nearby was clearly important since 30% of the pairs obtained some direct benefit from the existence of alternative nests within their territories. We also found abundant Coleoptera (Dermestidae) and Diptera (Carnidae, Calliphoridae and Phoridae) as ectoparasites in nests, and the alternative use of nests, synergetically with the presence of greenery as mechanisms for avoiding ectoparasites, was an important factor for the breeding success of the eagle. Our data suggest that competition avoidance and, in particular, the reduction of nest ectoparasite hypotheses are the more plausible explanations for the maintenance of alternative nests in raptors.  相似文献   

Capsule: Barn swallows Hirundo rustica using artificial nest cups had greater reproductive success than those building and using natural nests.

Aims: To quantify reproductive success of Barn Swallows breeding in artificial man-made nests and compare with those using natural nests.

Methods: In 2012–16, the breeding attempts of 231 pairs of Barn Swallows were monitored in artificial and natural nests in an urban habitat in Denmark.

Results: Pairs breeding in old natural nests and artificial nests bred earlier, laid more eggs, and produced more nestlings and fledglings than pairs breeding in new natural nests. Inter-clutch intervals were shorter in Barn Swallow pairs using artificial nests and old natural nests. Nest cup volume and nest volume of newly built nests were significantly larger and more variable than artificial nests excluding an effect of nest size as an explanation for the larger clutches laid in artificial nests. Increased energy and time costs of nest construction may have reduced reproductive success for pairs building natural nests.

Conclusion: Artificial nests were readily accepted by Barn Swallows, they had a similar low predation rate as natural nests, and they proved to be a possible conservation option for this declining passerine breeding in urban habitats as evidenced by their 75% higher reproductive success in artificial nests.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasites lay eggs in nests of other females of the same species. A variety of methods have been developed and used to detect conspecific brood parasitism (CBP). Traditional methods may be inaccurate in detecting CBP and in revealing its true frequency. On the other hand more accurate molecular methods are expensive and time consuming. Eadie developed a method for revealing CBP based on differences in egg morphology. That method is based on Euclidean distances calculated for pairs of eggs within a clutch using standardized egg measurements (length, width and weight). We tested the applicability of this method in the common pochard Aythya ferina using nests that were identified as parasitized (39 nests) or non‐parasitized (16 nests) based on protein fingerprinting of eggs. We also analyzed whether we can distinguish between parasitic and host eggs in the nest. We found that variation in MED can be explained by parasitism but there was a huge overlap in MED between parasitized and non‐parasitized nests. MED also increased with clutch size. Using discriminant function analysis (DFA) we found that only 76.4% of nests were correctly assigned as parasitized or non‐parasitized and only 68.3% of eggs as parasitic or host eggs. Moreover we found that MED in parasitized nests increased with relatedness of the females that laid eggs in the nest. This finding was supported by positive correlation between MED and estimated relatedness in female–female pairs. Although variation in egg morphology is associated with CBP, it does not provide a reliable clue for distinguishing parasitized nests from non‐parasitized nests in common pochard.  相似文献   

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