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Summary The lateral line organ of the spotted shark is characterized by its semi-cylindrical shape. Each organ (neuromast) is so closely apposed to the next that the individual neuromasts are almost continuous. The neuromast is composed of receptor cells, supporting cells and mantle cells. The receptor cells bear one kinocilium and up to 40 stereocilia. Bi-directional arrangement of the receptor cells as occurs in teleosts was demonstrated. Afferent and efferent nerve endings were found at the base of the receptor cells. The supporting cells extend from the basal lamina to the free surface. Long microvilli and a cilium-like ciliary rod project from the top of each supporting cell. The cell contains relatively few elements of the Golgi apparatus and little rough endoplasmic reticulum, but mitochondria and filaments are abundant. The mantle cell limits the lateral margin of the neuromast. It is distinguished from the supporting cell because of its long crescent-shaped nucleus and scarce, short microvilli. Myelinated nerve fibres are found in the subepithelial connective tissue but not in the epithelium.The fine structure of the shark lateral line organ suggests that this organ is in an intermediated step of evolution between that of lamprey and teleost.  相似文献   

The data presented support the hypothesis that the flow field supplies the stimulus to the lateral line organ (LLO) in blind cave fish (Anoptichthys jordani). Two basic predictions from the theoretical analysis of the flow field were confirmed: (i) individual blind cave fish prefer particular swimming velocities, (ii) the velocity preferred depends on the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the fish, i.e. the smaller the CSA the higher the swimming velocity. This relationship was found also in experimentally blinded fish of other species. Furthermore, when placed in unfamiliar surroundings, blind cave fish swim at higher velocities than in familiar surroundings for a certain habituation period. The boundary layer which surrounds the fish attenuates the amplitude of the hydrodynamic stimulus because of its damping properties. Computations of the current velocity distribution within the boundary layer indicate that the stimulus for freestanding neuromasts is considerable even during swimming in open water.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional potential flow field around a moving fish with an axially symmetric body is investigated mathematically. The case of a moving fish in open water and that of one approaching a plane surface in front of it are considered. For these cases the spatial and temporal distributions of the stimuli to the lateral line system are derived from the flow field analysis. This is done in dependence on the shape and the size of the fish.  相似文献   

We recorded responses of lateral line units in the medial octavolateralis nucleus in the brainstem of goldfish, Carassius auratus, to a 50 Hz vibrating sphere and studied how responses were affected by placing the sphere at various locations alongside the fish and by different directions of vibration. In most units (88%), stimulation with the sphere from one or more spatial locations caused an increase and/or decrease in discharge rate. In few units (10%), discharge rate was increased by stimulation from one location and decreased by stimulation from an adjacent location in space. In a minority of the units (2%), changing sphere location did not affect discharge rates but caused a change in phase coupling. Units sensitive to a distinct sphere vibration direction were not found. The data also show that the responses of most brainstem units differ from those of primary afferent nerve fibers. Whereas primary afferents represent the pressure gradient pattern generated by the sphere and thus encode location and vibration direction of a vibrating sphere, most brainstem units do not. This information may be represented in the brainstem by a population code or in higher centers of the ascending lateral line pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The type B cutaneous receptor represents one of the three kinds of specific organs of the lateral line system of Gymnarchus niloticus (Szabo and Barets, 1963). Electron microscopic observations reveal that the elementary unit (Fig. 18) of the type B organ consists of a well organized assembly of different epithelial elements grouped around each sensory cell. Several such units compose a type B organ innervated by a single myelinated nerve fiber.The cytoplasm of the sensory cell is characterised by a deep invagination lined by long and densely packed microvilli covered by a jelly-like substance. This jelly substance of allongated stylet form is situated in an intraepidermal cavity, overlaid by vacuolised epithelial cells oriented perpendicularly toward the external epidermal surface.Certain morphological characteristics of the organ B allows the conclusion that this organ is one of the possible electroreceptors of the Gymnarchus niloticus.This work was supported by grant No. 659535 of the Direction de Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (D.R.M.E.) to Dr. Szabo.This work was carried out on the electronmicroscope of the Service de Microscopie Electronique du Laboratoire de Médecine Experimentale (RCA) et du Laboratoire d'Histologie Normale et Pathologique du Système Nerveux (Siemens).With the technical assistance of Miss L. Seguin and Mr. C. Pennarun.  相似文献   

The mechanical frequency selectivity of the cupula located in the supraorbital lateral line canal and the frequency selectivity of the hair cells driven by the cupula were measured simultaneously in vivo. Laser interferometry was used to measure cupular mechanics and extracellular receptor potentials were recorded to determine hair cell frequency selectivity. Results were obtained from two teleost fish species, the ruffe (Acerina cernua L.), a European temperate zone freshwater fish, and the tropical African knife fish (Xenomiystus nigri). In both species cupular displacement grows with increasing frequency of canal fluid displacement, reaching a maximum at 115 Hz in the ruffe and at 460 Hz in the African knife fish. Cupular best frequencies were independent of temperature. Cut-off frequencies of hair cell frequency selectivity were found to depend on temperature with a Q10 of 1.75, ranging from 116 Hz (4 degrees C) to 290 Hz (20 degrees C), as established in the ruffe. At normal habitat temperatures of the two fish species (ruffe, 4 degrees C; African knife fish, 28 degrees C), this results in hair cell cut-off frequencies that match the two different cupular best frequencies remarkably well. This match suggests adjusted signal transfer in these two peripheral stages of canal lateral line transduction.  相似文献   

The lateral line system is simple (comprising six cell types), its sense organs form according to a defined and reproducible pattern, and its neurons are easily visualized. In the zebrafish, these advantages can be combined with a wealth of genetic tools, making this system ideally suited to a combined molecular, cellular and genetic analysis. Recent progress has taken advantage of these various qualities to elucidate the mechanism that drives the migration from head to tail of the sense organ precursor cells, and to approach the questions surrounding axonal guidance and target recognition.  相似文献   

Modification of an existing neural structure to support a second function will produce a trade-off between the two functions if they are in some way incompatible. The trade-off between two such sensory functions is modeled here in pyramidal neurons of the gymnotiform electric fish's medullar electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These neurons detect two electric stimulus features produced when a nearby object interferes with the fish's autogenous electric field: (1) amplitude modulation across a cell's entire receptive field and (2) amplitude variation within a cell's receptive field produced by an object's edge. A model of sensory integration shows that detection of amplitude modulation and enhancement of spatial contrast involve an inherent mechanistic trade-off and that the severity of the trade-off depends on the particular algorithm of sensory integration. Electrophysiology data indicate that of the two algorithms for sensory integration modeled here for the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus, the algorithm with the better trade-off function is used. Further, the intrinsic trade-off within single cells has been surmounted by the replication of ELL into multiple electrosensory map segments, each specialized to emphasize different sensory features. Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

A hitherto undescribed type of organ, possibly sensory, is reported. It is in the form of small cylindrical projections primarily concentrated on the surface in the area of the reticular lateral-line complex and around the eye of the scup (Stenotomus chrysops). The projection is composed of a central core cell surrounded by an epithelium. Enveloped within the epithelium and parallel to the core cell are six to eight symmetrically arranged ‘bulbs’ with cytoplasmic stems extending to cell bodies within the epidermis proper. A circle of ‘collar’ cells at the base of the cylinder facilitates the observed bending of the projection. Detection of the direction of water movement is hypothesized.  相似文献   

A T-DNA based promoter trapped mutant has led to the identification of a novel lateral organ junction specific promoter upstream of the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein coding gene LOJ in Arabidopsis thaliana by our laboratory. Various in silico based prediction tools are employed to characterize the upstream sequence of the LOJ gene. Out of numerous cis-elements detected in the LOJ promoter a few are considered important based on the expression pattern of the LOJ gene. These elements would provide a basis for designing experiments for more accurate promoter function annotation. A comparative search for conserved elements in the 5'-upstream region of a few genes involved in lateral organ development and meristem related expression reveals a few common relevant regulatory motifs. The coding region of the LOJ gene is intron-less and contains 19 PPR units. Based on in silico analysis, LOJ protein is predicted to be hydrophobic in nature and targeted to mitochondria. A partial 3D model of LOJ protein has been suggested using a homology-based modeling program.  相似文献   

Mutations in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) have been linked to a subset of familial amytrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive motor neuron death. An increasing amount of evidence supports that mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis activation play a critical role in the fALS etiology, but little is known about the mechanisms by which SOD1 mutants cause the mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. In this study, we use proteomic approaches to identify the mitochondrial proteins that are altered in the presence of a fALS-causing mutant G93A-SOD1. A comprehensive characterization of mitochondrial proteins from NSC34 cells, a motor neuron-like cell line, was achieved by two independent proteomic approaches. Four hundred seventy unique proteins were identified in the mitochondrial fraction collectively, 75 of which are newly discovered proteins that previously had only been reported at the cDNA level. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was subsequently used to analyze the differences between the mitochondrial proteomes of NSC34 cells expressing wild-type and G93A-SOD1. Nine and 36 protein spots displayed elevated and suppressed abundance respectively in G93A-SOD1-expressing cells. The 45 spots were identified by MS, and they include proteins involved in mitochondrial membrane transport, apoptosis, the respiratory chain, and molecular chaperones. In particular, alterations in the post-translational modifications of voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) were found, and its relevance to regulating mitochondrial membrane permeability and activation of apoptotic pathways is discussed. The potential role of other proteins in the mutant SOD1-mediated fALS is also discussed. This study has produced a short list of mitochondrial proteins that may hold the key to the mechanisms by which SOD1 mutants cause mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death. It has laid the foundation for further detailed functional studies to elucidate the role of particular mitochondrial proteins, such as VDAC2, in the pathogenesis of familial ALS.  相似文献   

The lateral line of the zebrafish has many of the advantages that made the sensory organs of Drosophila a very productive model system: 1) it comprises a set of discrete sense organs (neuromasts) arranged in a defined, species-specific pattern, such that each organ can be individually recognized; 2) the neuromasts are superficial and easy to visualize, and the innervating neurons are easy to label; 3) the sensory projection is simple yet reproducibly organized. Here we describe some of the tools that can be used to investigate the development of this system, and we illustrate their usefulness with specific examples. We conclude that the lateral line is uniquely suited among vertebrate sensory systems for a molecular, cellular and genetic analysis of pattern formation and of neural development.  相似文献   

Batrachocottus baicalensis , endemic to Lake Baikal, Russia, has wider lateral line canals than Paracottus kneri , which also inhabits Siberian streams. In quiet water B. baicalensis responded to amphipods at a greater distance than did P. kneri. Batrachocottus baicalensis also moves less often from search positions than does P. kneri . Fish responded to faster moving prey at a greater distance than slower prey. They also responded to a greater distance to prey moving more parallel to the fish's body surface. In an artificial stream B. baicalensis responded only to prey that touched them whilst P. kneri responded to both swimming prey and prey that contacted them. It is argued that B. baicalensis is primarily an ambush predator that is a habitat specialist and P. kneri is a cruising predator that visits many habitats.  相似文献   

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