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The resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to an infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) challenge following a preceding non-lethal infection with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) was investigated through experimental dual infections. Trout initially infected with IPNV were inoculated 14 days later with IHNV. Single infections of trout with 1 of the 2 viruses or with cell culture supernatant were also carried out and constituted control groups. No mortality was noted in fish after a single infection with IPNV. This virus had no influence on the head kidney leucocyte phagocytic activity and plasma haemolytic complement activity. IHNV induced a high mortality (72%) and reduced the macrophage phagocytic activity and complement haemolytic activity. It also induced a late production of anti-IHNV antibodies which occurred after clearance of the virus in the fish. In trout co-infected with both viruses, a mortality rate of 2% occurred and the immune parameters were similar to those observed in the fish infected with IPNV only, demonstrating that in co-infected trout IPNV inhibits the effects of IHNV. The studied parameters did not allow us to define the mechanism of interference occurring between these 2 viruses, but some hypothesis are put forward to explain the interference between the 2 viruses.  相似文献   

Through the regular clinical control of a Croatian rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farm, aberrant fry behaviour was revealed whereby diagnostic protocols of sampled fish evidenced the presence of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Identification of an IPNV type isolated from the source farm was necessary to develop an adequate epizootiological survey at the country level. A previous IPNV outbreak and virus molecular characterization had been reported on only one previous occasion. Amplification of a 359‐bp fragment (GenBank HM036118 ) of the capsid protein VP2 variable region supported the hypothesis of the European origin of the isolate that clusters within genogroup III, belonging to A2 serotype, although showing a distinction from the previously reported strain.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a well-known acute viral disease of salmonid species. We have identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with resistance to this disease in rainbow trout. We searched for linkage among 51 microsatellite markers used to construct a framework linkage map in backcross families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), produced by crossing IPN-resistant (YN-RT201) and -susceptible (YK-RT101) strains. Two putative QTLs affecting disease resistance were detected on chromosomes A (IPN R S-1) and C (IPN R/S-2), respectively, suggesting that this is a polygenic trait in rainbow trout. These markers have great potential for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) for IPN resistance and provide the basis for cloning of IPN resistance genes. Clarification of the genetic bases of complex traits has broad implications for fundamental research, but will also be of practical benefit to fish breeding.  相似文献   

In order to determine if the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus isolate IPNV-Jasper (Ja-ATCC) is homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to inhibition by normal rainbow trout serum (RTS), 50 clones were tested for sensitivity to RTS. The initial isolate was very sensitive to RTS, losing from 10(4) to 10(8) 50 % tissue culture infection dose (TCID50) ml(-1) with a 1:100 dilution of RTS. The sensitivity of the clones ranged from highly sensitive to completely resistant (0 to 10(8) TCID50 ml(-1) reduction). Eight percent of clones (4/50) were very sensitive to RTS (Ja-S) and 84% of clones (42/50) showed a mid-range of sensitivity to RTS. The final 8 % of clones (4/50) were resistant to RTS (Ja-R). Enzyme immunodot assay revealed that Ja-S clones showed a monoclonal reaction identical to the parents, Ja-ATCC; however, Ja-R clones differed by several epitopes from the parental strain. Analysis of Ja-S and Ja-R revealed that there were significant differences in their nucleic acid sequences for the capsid protein VP2. These 2 strains shared 80.7 and 86.5% identity in nucleic acid and in amino acid sequences, respectively. Ja-S had 99.7 and 91.0 % identity in nucleic acid sequences, and 99.5 and 95.9 % in amino acid sequences with Ja-ATCC and Jasper-Dobos (Ja-D), respectively, while Ja-R showed 80.6 and 79.8 % identity in nucleic acid sequences and 86.5 and 87.0 % in amino acid sequences with Ja-ATCC and Ja-D, respectively. In conclusion, the Ja-ATCC population was heterogeneous in terms of RTS sensitivity, serotype and cDNA sequences from the VP2 coding region.  相似文献   

Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) are rhabdoviruses that infect salmonids, producing serious economic losses. Two recombinant IHN viruses were generated by reverse genetics. For one (rIHNV GFP) the IHNV NV gene was replaced with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. In the other (rIHNV-Gvhsv GFP) the G gene was also exchanged for that of VHSV. No mortalities, external signs or histological lesions were observed in experimental infections conducted with the recombinant viruses. Neither the rIHNV GFP nor rIHNV-Gvhsv GFP was detected by RT-PCR in any of the examined tissues from experimentally infected fish. In order to assess their potential as vaccines against the wild type viruses, rainbow trout were vaccinated with the recombinant viruses by intraperitoneal injection and challenged 30 d later with virulent IHNV or VHSV. The GFP viruses provided protection against both wild type viruses. None of the recombinant viruses induced antibody production, and the expression of interferon (IFNalpha4) and interferon induced genes such as Mx protein and ISG-15 was not different to that of controls. The rIHNV-Gvhsv GFP did not inhibit cellular apoptosis as it was observed in an IHNV inoculated fish cell line. These studies suggest that the recombinant rIHNV-Gvhsv GFP is a promising candidate as a live recombinant vaccine and also provides a good model to further study viral pathogenicity and the molecular basis of protection against these viral infections.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infects salmonid fish with high mortality and causes serious economic losses to salmonid aquaculture. Lactobacillus strains have a number of properties that make them attractive candidates as delivery vehicles for the presentation to the mucosa of compounds with pharmaceutical interest, in particular vaccines. Here, Lactobacilli/Escherichia coli shuttle vector pPG1 (surface-displayed) or pPG2 (secretory) with the capsid VP2 gene inserted was transformed into Lactobacillus casei to yield two recombinant strains: Lc:PG1-VP2 and Lc:PG2-VP2, respectively. Rainbow trout immunized respectively with Lc:PG1-VP2, Lc:PG2-VP2, Lc:PG1-VP3 and Lc:PG2-VP3 elicited anti-IPNV immune responses (serum IgM) via oral route. Statistical results of serum IgM titer with neutralizing activity showed that immunogenicity of Lc:PG2-VP2 was more powerful than that of Lc:PG1-VP2 (P < 0.001), Lc:PG1-VP3 (P < 0.001) and Lc:PG2-VP3 (P < 0.001), which was confirmed by viral loads reduction analyzed by real-time RT-PCR in orally immunized rainbow trout after virus challenge. Comparing with negative control, rainbow trout orally dosed with Lc:PG2-VP2 resulted in ∼46-fold reduction in virus load on days 10 post viral challenge as well as Lc:PG1-VP2(∼20-fold), Lc:PG2-VP3(∼6-fold) and Lc:PG1-VP3(∼3-fold). Taken together, Lc:PG2-VP2 exhibited a more appropriate candidate as live bacteria vaccine against IPNV infection in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Aquatic birnaviruses are a group within the family Birnaviridae that comprise isolates from fish and shellfish from both fresh-and seawater(Woo and Bruno,1999).Members of the family Birnaviridae are icosahedral viruses approximately 60 nm in diameter composed of five polypeptides and two segments of double-stranded RNA(Dixon et al.,2008).In this report,an aquatic birnavirus was isolated from rainbow trout fry,Onhorhynchus myki-  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to examine the response of homozygous clones of rainbow trout to vaccination by an attenuated strain (Nan Scott Lake; NSL) of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). Adult rainbow trout of the Hot Creek Strain (YY males maintained in a recirculating system at 12 degrees C) were injected 3 times with 10(5) to 10(7) plaque forming units (pfu) of NSL. Intraperitoneal injections were given at Day 0 and at 2 and 4 mo post-infection. All fish were nonlethally bled at monthly intervals for 18 mo. Serum from each fish was analyzed by the complement-dependent neutralization assay and by western blot against purified NSL virus. The highest virus neutralization titers were detected 4 mo after the first injection, and peaked at 1280. When sera were analyzed by western blot, the predominating responses of the serum from immunized fish on the reduced western blot were against M1, a matrix protein of the virus and to a 90 kDa stress protein. The 90 kDa protein was identified by a monoclonal antibody as a stress protein derived from the CHSE-214 cells in which the purified IHN virus was grown and which associates with the virus during purification.  相似文献   

The virulence of 5 European and 1 North American isolate of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) was compared by infecting female sibling rainbow trout ('Isle of Man' strain) of different weights and ages (2, 20 and 50 g). The fish were exposed to 10(4) TCID50 IHNV per ml of water by immersion, and the mortality was recorded for 28 d. Two new IHNV isolates from Germany were included in the investigation. One was isolated from European eels kept at 23 degrees C (+/- 2 degrees C) and the other was not detectable by immunofluorescence with commercially available monoclonal antibodies recognising the viral G protein. The results showed that IHNV isolates of high or low virulence persisted in rainbow trout of all ages/weights for 28 d, with the exception of fish over 15 g in the eel IHNV (DF [diagnostic fish] 13/98)-infected groups from which the virus could not be reisolated on Day 28. The smallest fish were most susceptible to an infection with any of the IHNV isolates. The lowest cumulative mortality (18%) was observed in fingerlings infected with the North American isolate HAG (obtained from Hagerman Valley), and the highest mortality (100%) in DF 04/99 infected fish. The DF 04/99 and O-13/95 viruses caused mortality in fish independent of their weight or age. The isolates FR-32/87 and I-4008 were virulent in fish up to a weight of 20 g and caused no mortality in larger fish. In the IHNV HAG- and DF 13/98 (eel)-infected rainbow trout, no signs of disease were observed in fish weighing between 15 and 50 g. An age/weight related susceptibility of rainbow trout was demonstrated under the defined conditions for all IHNV isolates tested.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a small protein involved in intracellular proteolysis. It is highly conserved throughout eukaryotic phyla and has been detected in such diverse species as yeast, barley, Drosophila and man. A previous study showed that chromatin of rainbow trout testis contains free ubiquitin with a sequence similar to that of other phyla. In the present study, which focused on rainbow trout but included eleven other species, it is shown that fish ubiquitin genetic organisation and expression are similar to those of other phylogenetic groups through the following set of observations: (a) Multiple loci were detected, (b) These loci encode repeats of ubiquitin, (c) Although the DNA sequences are not conserved, the encoded amino acid sequences are fully conserved, (d) The expression of ubiquitin was influenced by cell culture conditions and viral infection.  相似文献   

Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a fish rhabdovirus that causes significant mortality in salmonid species. In North America IHNV has three major genogroups designated U, M, and L. Host-specificity of the M and U genogroups of IHNV has been established both in the field and in experimental challenges, with M isolates being more prevalent and more virulent in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and U isolates being more prevalent and highly virulent in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). In this study, efficacy of DNA vaccines containing either M (pM) or U (pU) virus glycoprotein genes was investigated during intra- and cross-genogroup challenges in rainbow trout. In virus challenges at 7 days post-vaccination (early antiviral response), both pM and pU were highly protective against either M or U IHNV. In challenges at 28 days post-vaccination (specific antiviral response), both pM and pU were protective against M IHNV but the homologous pM vaccine was significantly more protective than pU in one of two experiments. At this stage both pM and pU induced comparably high protection against U IHNV challenge. Correlates of protection were also investigated by assessing the expression of the interferon-stimulated gene Mx-1 and the production of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) following pM or pU DNA vaccination. Mx-1 gene expression, measured at 4 and 7 days post-vaccination as an indicator of the host innate immune response, was found to be significantly higher after pM than pU vaccination in some cases. Neutralizing antibody was produced in response to the two vaccines, but antibody titers did not show consistent correlation with protection. The results show that the rainbow trout innate and adaptive immune responses have some ability to distinguish between the U and M genogroup IHNV, but overall the pM and pU vaccines were protective against both homologous and cross-genogroup challenges.  相似文献   

Virulent and non-virulent strains of Flavobacterium psychrophilum of different serotypes were examined for survival and growth in non-immune and immune rainbow trout serum, in vitro. A majority of the examined strains consumed complement of non-immune serum, but the complement cascade was not able to cause an immediate (after 3 h incubation) notable reduction in viability of the inoculated cells. After 24 h incubation a more pronounced reduction in the number of viable bacteria was observed in untreated serum as well as in serum heated at 45 degrees C. In serum heated at 56 degrees C this reduction in cell number was not observed, but an increase in cell number did not occur either. The serum survival of one of the examined strains was different from the others in showing cell multiplication after 24 h incubation in normal as well as heat-treated (45 and 56 degrees C) serum. In immune serum no immediate reduction in viability of inoculated cells, of all tested strains, was observed. The number of viable cells showed a slow decrease or remained almost unchanged for up to 72 h post-inoculation in untreated serum, at 5 degrees C as well as 15 degrees C. In heat-treated serum (45 degrees C) the number of viable cells decreased slowly at 5 degrees C and 15 degrees C for up to 72 h. The results suggest that the examined strains were unaffected by the alternative complement reaction present in fish serum as well as by antibodies against F. psychrophilum. However, some unknown component(s) in the fish sera, or lack of nutrients or essential growth factors, inhibited the growth of most of the examined strains in the tested fish sera.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The present study was undertaken in order to define the distribution of canthaxanthin between the lipoprotein fractions in serum of immature rainbow trout fed a diet supplemented with synthetic canthaxanthin (80 mg/kg).
  • 2.2. Lipoproteins were separated by density-gradient ultracentrifugation.
  • 3.3. Canthaxanthin was found in all lipoprotein fractions, in different amounts according to the density of the lipoprotein fraction: VLDL, 13.9%; LDL, 15.2% or LDL, 29.1% since the density of the first fraction was 1.006 g/ml; HDL, 60.4% and VHDL, 10.5%.

Testis transplantation in male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the present study was to establish a procedure for the transplantation of an intact testis from one male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to another individual and evaluate the reproductive function of the transplanted testis at sexual maturity. Isogenic (cloned) male rainbow trout were produced by crossing a completely homozygous male (YY) with a homozygous female (XX) to eliminate any problem of tissue rejection. Transplantation was performed on four pairs of sexually immature animals (n = 8); each served both as a donor and recipient. The left testis was removed by making a ventral midline incision to expose the body cavity and gonads. The left testis was disconnected at the anterior and posterior points of attachment and transferred to the recipient fish where it was placed in position adjacent to the pyloric cecae. The right testis was left intact. After 4 wk, the fish were injected (i.p.) twice weekly for 8 or 9 wk with salmon pituitary extract (1.5 mg/kg) to induce precocious sexual maturation. A similar number of untreated fish were maintained as controls. Following this treatment, all the fish were killed, and the right (intact) and left (transplanted) testes were removed, weighed, and sampled for sperm. Although the mean weights of the left, transplanted testes were significantly (P: < 0.05) smaller than the intact testes (transplants = 1.2 g; intact = 3.9 g), transplanted testes were present in all animals, had increased in mass, and were sexually mature containing sperm. The mean fertility, as measured by the proportion of eggs completing first cleavage, of sperm derived from transplanted testes (92%) was no different from the sperm obtained from intact testes (84%). Similarly, there was no difference in the number of embryos attaining the eyed stage of development, after 18 days of incubation, that were derived from transplanted (84%) or intact testes (85%).  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to lymphocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to lymphocytes of rainbow trout have been developed by immunisation with synthetic peptides, prepared from selected parts of the alpha- and beta-gene sequences of the T-cell receptor (TCR). Mab 1C2 (TCR beta immunisation) identified lymphocytes in blood (11%), spleen (18%) and in thymus (9%) in flow cytometry analysis (FCM). Immune complexes of lymphocytes coupled to Mab 1C2 was used for further immunisations resulting in numerous supernatants reactive with lymphocytes in FCM, of which Mabs 7A5 and 8H4 were selected for further characterisation. Mab 7A5 identified 31% of lymphocytes in blood and 9% in the spleen. Mab 8H4 labelled 61% and 85% of lymphocytes in the same organs. Mab 8H4 reacted with the majority of the lymphocytes in the thymus (98%). Mabs 1C2, 7A5 and 8H4 recognised surface markers on both Ig(-) and Ig(+) lymphocytes in peripheral blood and in spleen in double staining experiments. An increased proportion of Ig(-) lymphocytes were identified when Ig(+) lymphocytes were eliminated by immunomagnetic separation. No cross-reactivity of Mabs 1C2, 7A5 or 8H4 to anti-thrombocyte Mabs was detected. Mab 1C2 captured molecules of about 40 and also of 55-60kDa, in an immunoprecipitation assay. Mab 7A5 recognised an antigen of approximately 75-80kDa and Mab 8H4 identified proteins of about 70, 100 and 150kDa. Immunohistochemical staining by Mab 8H4 of fixed thymus, revealed a strong labelling of lymphoid cells in the outer zones of thymus. The 8H4 positive lymphoid cells surrounds circular structures, which were not labelled by Mab 8H4. These distinctly appearing structures have a similar shape as nurse cells described in mammals.  相似文献   

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