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The 3' ends of the mRNA coding for the early and late proteins of SV40 DNA overlap. We have analyzed the restriction endonuclease fragment of SV40 DNA complementary to the 3' untranslated ends of the mRNA and the codons for the COOH-terminal amino acids of early and late protein. The sequence of this DNA fragment is presented.  相似文献   

We here report the nucleotide sequence of the SV40 DNA fragment Hind C - Hap 2. The fragment was labeled at the 5'-ends by means of polynucleotide kinase and gamma-(32P) ATP and digested with a suitable restriction enzyme. The separated products were then partially degraded with the base-specific reagents dimethyl-sulphate or hydrazine followed by direct analysis on polyacrylamide gel. The Hind C - Hap 2 sequence is 126 base pairs long and one of the three possible reading frames for translation does not contain any termination codon. So, although no protein is known to be encoded by this region, the possibility cannot yet be completely ruled out. The sequence also contains several AT-rich blocks.  相似文献   

R Dhar  C J Lai  G Khoury 《Cell》1978,13(2):345-358
DNA and RNA sequencing techniques were used to obtain the sequence surrounding the origin of DNA replication for human papovavirus BKV. The structure is characterized by a true palindrome of 17 residues followed by two sets of symmetrical sequences and a stretch of 20 AT residues. Within the two symmetrical sequences is a segment containing a strong purine bias, 23 of 26 nucleotides. These structures are similar, if not identical, to those found in the region of the SV40 replication, origin. Within the homologous DNA segments, 60-80% of the BKV and SV40 nucleotides are the same. The remarkable similarity of BKV and SV40 sequences containing the origins of DNA replication would appear to confirm our previous suggestion of an evolutionary relationship between the two genomes. In addition, topological similarities between these sequences suggest the possibility of certain structural requirements for bidirectional replication origins in these superhelical DNAs.  相似文献   

A J Varshavsky  O Sundin  M Bohn 《Cell》1979,16(2):453-466
Examination of DNA fragments produced from either formaldehyde-fixed or unfixed SV40 minichromosomes by multiple-cut restriction endonucleases has led to the following major results: Exhaustive digestion of unfixed minichromosomes with Hae III generated all ten major limit-digest DNA fragments as well as partial cleavage products. In striking contrast to this result, Hae III acted on formaldehyde-fixed minichromosomes to yield only one of the limit-digest fragments, F, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the origin of replication, spanning nucleotides 5169 and 250 on the DNA sequence map of Reddy et al. (1978). This 300 base pair (bp) fragment was released as naked DNA from formaldehyde-fixed, Hae III-digested minichromosomes following treatment either by pronase-SDS or by SDS alone. In the latter case, the remainder of the minichromosome retained its compact configuration as assayed by both sedimentational and electrophoretic methods. In minichromosomes, the F fragment is therefore not only accessible to Hae III at its ends, but is also neither formaldehyde cross-linked into any SDS-resistant nucleoprotein structure nor topologically "locked" within the compact minichromosomal particle. This same fragment was preferentially produced during the early stages of digestion of unfixed minichromosomes with Hae III, and its final yield in the exhaustive Hae III digest was significantly higher than that of other limit-digest fragments. Similar results were obtained upon digestion of either unfixed or formaldehyde-fixed minichromosomes with Alu I. In particular, of approximately twenty major limit-digest DNA fragments, only two fragments (F and P, encompassing nucleotides 5146 to 190, and 190 to 325, respectively) were produced by Alu I from the formaldehyde-fixed minichromosomes. All other restriction endonucleases tested (Mbo I, Mbo II, Hind III, Hin II+III and Hinf I), for which there are no closely spaced recognition sequences in the above mentioned regions of the SV40 genome, did not produce any significant amount of limit-digest DNA fragments from formaldehyde-fixed minichromosomes. These findings, taken together with our earlier data on the preferential exposure of the origin of replication in SV40 minichromosomes (Varshavsky, Sundin and Bohn, 1978), strongly suggest that a specific region of the "late" SV40 DNA approximately 400 bp long is uniquely exposed in the compact minichromosome. It is of interest that, in addition to the origin of replication, this region contains binding sites for T antigen (Tjian, 1977), specific tandem repeated sequences and apparently also the promoters for synthesis of late SV40 mRNAs (Fiers et al., 1978; Reddy et al., 1978).  相似文献   

T Sekiya  M Kobayashi  T Seki  K Koike 《Gene》1980,11(1-2):53-62
The nucleotide sequence was determined for the 717 bp HapII subfragment (HapEcoA5) of the EcoRI-A fragment of rat mitochondrial DNA, which contains the heavy-strand replication origin. Analysis of the heavy-strand initiation segments released from the D-loop molecules has revealed that some 5'-ends of these initiation segments are linked to ribonucleotide(s) and are heterogeneous. Sequence analysis of the 5'-end portion of the initiation segment indicated that one of the start points of the deoxyribonucleotide polymerization corresponds to the 425th bp on the HapEcoA5. Two-fold rotational symmetry and palindrome structures, and a G-cluster sequence around the start point have been discussed in connection with unidirectional replication.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of bacteriophage T5 tRNAAsp has been determined by conventional methods using thin-layer chromatography on cellulose for oligonucleotide fractionation. It exhibits several unusual features, such as (a) the displacement of the constant residues U-8, A-14 and R-15; (b) the presence of three G X U out of four base pairs in the D-stem. The gene for T5 tRNAAsp has been cloned in pBR 322 and sequenced. The analysis of the flanking regions shows the presence of two open reading frames on both sides of this gene. It has also been shown that the cloned gene is expressed in Escherichia coli, and RNase P is involved in the T5 tRNAAsp processing.  相似文献   

R T Hay  M L DePamphilis 《Cell》1982,28(4):767-779
Initiation sites for DNA synthesis were located at the resolution of single nucleotides in and about the genetically defined origin of replication (ori) in replicating SV40 DNA purified from virus-infected cells. About 50% of the DNA chains contained an oligoribonucleotide of six to nine residues covalently attached to their 5' ends. Although the RNA-DNA linkage varied, the putative RNA primer began predominantly with rA. The data reveal that initiation of DNA synthesis is promoted at a number of DNA sequences that are asymmetrically arranged with respect to ori: 5' ends of nascent DNA are located at several sites within ori, but only on the strand that also serves as the template for early mRNA, while 5' ends of nascent DNA with the opposite orientation are located only outside ori on its early gene side. This clear transition between discontinuous (initiation sites) and continuous (no initiation sites) DNA synthesis defines the origin of bidirectional replication at nucleotides 5210--5211 and demonstrates that discontinuous synthesis occurs predominantly on the retrograde arms of replication forks. Furthermore, it appears that the first nascent DNA chain is initiated within ori by the same mechanism used to initiate nascent DNA ("Okazaki fragments") throughout the genome.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence around the replication origin of polyoma virus DNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E Soeda  K Miura  A Nakaso  G Kimura 《FEBS letters》1977,79(2):383-389

We have determined the nucleotide sequence at or near the origin of replication of simian virus 40 DNA. This 28-nucleotide-long sequence contains two 8-nucleotide-stretches, complementary to each other, located two nucleotides away from each side of the axis of symmetry. Within each of the 8-nucleotide-stretch is a minor axis of symmetry with 4-nucleotides on each side. This highly symmetrical sequence may be of considerable importance for recognition by a biologically important protein molecule.  相似文献   

A 1989-bp PstI DNA fragment from the ColIb plasmid, which contains the abi gene that is necessary for the abortive response to infections by bacteriophage BF23 or T5, was sequenced. A candidate open reading frame for the abi gene has been suggested on the basis of a Shine-Dalgarno sequence appropriately placed ahead of its ATG initiation codon, a promoter upstream from the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, and a location compatible with deletion mapping. The polypeptide that would be coded by this open reading frame is 89 amino acids long and strongly hydrophobic. A promoter that could serve this open reading frame was detected by exonuclease III "footprinting" using RNA polymerase from uninfected Escherichia coli as the DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

The 5' sequence of Sindbis viral RNA is m (7)G(5') pppApUpGp...  相似文献   

The in vitro replication of DNA containing the SV40 origin   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  

Assembly of the replication initiation complex on SV40 origin DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The assembly of the complex that forms over the simian virus 40 origin to initiate DNA replication is not well understood. This complex is composed of the virus-coded T antigen and three cellular proteins, replication protein A (RPA), DNA polymerase α/primase (pol/prim) and topoisomerase I (topo I) in association with the origin. The order in which these various proteins bind to the DNA was investigated by performing binding assays using biotinylated origin DNA. We demonstrate that in the presence of all four proteins, pol/prim was essential to stabilize the initiation complex from the disruptive effects of topo I. At the optimal concentration of pol/prim, topo I and RPA bound efficiently to the complex, although pol/prim itself was not detected in significant amounts. At higher concentrations less topo I was recruited, suggesting that DNA polymerase is an important modulator of the binding of topo I. Topo I, in turn, appeared to be involved in recruiting RPA. RPA, in contrast, seemed to have little or no effect on the recruitment of the other proteins to the origin. These and other data suggested that pol/prim is the first cellular protein to interact with the double-hexameric T antigen bound to the origin. This is likely followed by topo I and then RPA, or perhaps by a complex of topo I and RPA. Stoichiometric analysis of the topo I and T antigen present in the complex suggested that two molecules of topo I are recruited per double hexamer. Finally, we demonstrate that DNA has a role in recruiting topo I to the origin.  相似文献   

Incubation of 32P-5' end-labeled DNA fragments of less than 500 bp with excess amounts of the 3' leads to 5', double strand-dependent nuclease Exonuclease III generally results in single-stranded products of slightly more than half the size of the uncleaved substrate. When such restriction fragments of known size and sequence containing the lac operator were incubated with purified lac repressor, Exonuclease III cleavage was blocked at the 3' borders of the operator on each strand. It was possible to define the DNA sequence between the two boundaries of repressor-mediated exonuclease blockade by electrophoresing the single-stranded, protected products in urea-containing polyacrylamide gels in parallel with a dimethylsulfate modification-cleavage digest of the end-labeled, uncleaved substrate. The same approach was applied to an analysis of sites of large SV40 T antigen protection in the vicinity of the origin of SV40 DNA replication. Three discrete boundaries of apparent protection were observed--one on the "late" side of the origin and two on the "early" side. These sequences may constitute the 3' borders of discrete T antigen-binding sites in the origin region. Alternatively, one or more of these blockade points may signify regions of the genome which undergo conformational changes resulting in Exonuclease III resistance due to vicinal T antigen binding.  相似文献   

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