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  • 1 The dung colonization and dung burial behaviour of twelve crepuscular/nocturnal tunnelling (paracoprid) species of beetles were examined in order to identify mechanisms which might facilitate resource (dung) partitioning. The species were selected from a diverse assemblage of dung beetles, the members of which coexist in the sandy-soil regions of Natal, South Africa.
  • 2 The pattern of dung colonization in relation to dung age was examined in the field using baited pitfall traps. Some species, e.g. Onitis deceptor Peringuey, Catharsius tricornutus De Geer and Copris elphenor Klug, showed a marked preference for fresh dung (1–2 days old) whereas other species, e.g. O. viridulus Boheman and Copris fallaciosus Gillet, preferred older dung (3–7 days old).
  • 3 Two distinct patterns of dung burial were recognized. In the Coprini, dung burial was complete within 24–48h of pad colonization, and the level of dung burial was similar in the laboratory and in the field. In the Onitini, dung burial occurred progressively over a 12-day period, although the timing of initiation of dung burial varied between species: in O. deceptor nearly all individuals had begun burial within 2 days of pad colonization, whereas only 20% of O. viridulus had commenced dung burial by that time. However, nearly all O. viridulus had buried substantial quantities of dung by day 12.
  • 4 The mass of dung buried per pair by the larger coprine beetles (100–300 g) and onitine beetles (400–1000 g) suggests that there is potential for inter- and intraspecific competition, even in pads colonized by relatively few beetles. The colonization and use of dung of different ages are discussed as means of resource partitioning in relation to the relative abilities of species to compete for dung.

Between-group α- and β-diversity differences were derived from species-area relationships fitted to field data. The accuracy of spatial richness variation predictions based on area size was also checked. The log-log model (log S = c + z log A) was found to be the best-fit linear model, with slopes (z) ranging from 0.089 to 0.142. Between-group comparisons of z (slope) and q (intercept) parameters, using the S = q + cAz curvilinear regression model, corroborated early results, indicating a lower β-diversity (slope) for Scarabaeinae than for Geotrupinae and Aphodiinae. The latter group, probably more sensitive to environmental heterogeneity, should contribute more to species richness in large areas. α-Diversity is greater for Aphodiinae, more relevant to local diversity (1 km2), than for Scarabaeinae and considerably greater for these two groups than for Geotrupinae. As earlier results show that the richness of a single dung pat is rather more a function of the Scarabaeinae species pool, richness on dung pat scales is probably due more to the between-dropping mobile Scarabaeinae, while Aphodiinae contribute mainly to local and regional pool richness. Nearly 88 % of the total richness variance is explained by area size. This percentage decreases to 37 % when the spatial structure of area size and species number are extracted. The corresponding figures for Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae and Geotrupinae are 44, 22 and 31 %, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Oniticellus egregius Klug constructs brood ovoids of dung in the soil immediately under the edge of animal droppings. Each successive brood ovoid is enveloped within a soil shell. After completion of brood construction, loose earth is cleared from around the broods to produce a brood chamber. The immatures are then abandoned as eggs or first instar larvae.
2. O.planatus Castelnau and O.formosus Chevrolat usually construct brood balls of dung within animal droppings. Each brood is progressively enlarged by the addition of further dung after egg-laying. This enlargement is slight in O.planatus and marked in O.formosus. Parental females of both species remain in the brood chambers during development of the immatures which are abandoned principally as pupae.
3. Under very moist experimental conditions, O.planatus buries dung and constructs broods shallowly in the soil. Such nests are frequently connected to the pad by a short tunnel.
4. From a consideration of behavioural patterns it is suggested that the specialized nesting habits of these species have been derived from those of dung-burying ancestors similar to the modern genus, Euoniticellus, through reduction and loss of tunnelling in the soil.  相似文献   

  • 1 Single males, single females or pairs of dung beetles, Onthophagus vacca, were released on artificial small (100 g) or large (1000 g) dung pats in the laboratory. Emigrating beetles were trapped at 12 h intervals, and the number and size of the brood chambers were recorded after each replicate.
  • 2 Emigration of males was delayed if females were present in the same dung pats, whereas emigration times of females were independent of the presence or absence of males.
  • 3 A residency of 60 h proved to be a threshold value. Females emigrating before this time did not breed, whereas those emigrating later had built at least two brood chambers.
  • 4 Females paired with males built more brood chambers than single females.
  • 5 The reproductive success of pairs was not influenced by the size of the dung pats.

1. The occurrence and community structure of dung beetle species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in the faecal deposits of man and some domestic vertebrates varied according to dung type, seasonal conditions and soil type. 2. Of the twenty-four species belonging to six genera, Onthophagus was the prevalent genus and O. ramosellus the most abundant species. 3. Cattle dung was the dominant food type.  相似文献   

Aim Namib biogeography in many instances remains reliant on advanced and detailed systematic studies. This study attempts to combine molecular phylogenetic data, geology and palaeo‐climatic data to (i) resolve the relationships of the 13 morphological species of Scarabaeus (Pachysoma) and (ii) relate their evolution to past climatic and geological events. Location South Africa and Namibia. Methods Sequencing of a 1197 bp segment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of the 13 species within Scarabaeus (Pachysoma) was undertaken. Analyses performed included Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood as well as imposing a molecular clock. Results The molecular phylogeny showed strong support for 11 of the 13 morphological species. The remaining two species, S. (P.) glentoni and S. (P.) hippocrates, formed a complex and could not be assigned specific status on the basis of the COI gene phylogeny. Strong support for the three species formerly classified within the genus Neopachysoma was consistently obtained. The subgenus appears to have arisen c. 2.9 Ma. Species within the subgenus arose at different times, with the common ancestor to Neopachysoma and the hippocrates complex having evolved 2.65 and 2.4 Ma, respectively. Scarabaeus (P.) denticollis, S. (P.) rotundigenus, S. (P.) rodriguesi and S. (P.) schinzi are some of the youngest species, having diverged between 2 million and 600,000 years ago. Main conclusions Scarabaeus (Pachysoma) is a derived monophyletic clade within the Scarabaeini. The subgenus appears to be young in comparison with the age of the Namib Desert, which dates back to the Miocene (c. 15 Ma). The psammophilous taxa are shown to disperse with their substratum and habitat, barchan dunes. Clear south/north evolutionary gradients can be seen within the species of this subgenus, which are consistent with the unidirectional wind regime. Species with a suite of mostly plesiomorphic characters have a southerly distribution while their derived psammophilous relatives have central to northern Namib distributions. Major rivers such as the Orange, Buffels and Holgat appear to be gene barriers to certain species as well as areas of origin of speciation events.  相似文献   

Abstract  The potential for dung beetles to reduce populations of the biting midge and arbovirus vector Culicoides brevitarsis in bovine dung was studied in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales (NSW) between 1999 and 2003 using natural populations of insects. Preliminary work to develop experimental procedures showed that: a few C. brevitarsis could survive in buried dung; dung beetles and C. brevitarsis coming to dung were unaffected by a background of shade-cloth used experimentally to prevent dung burial; the most abundant dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella L. and C. brevitarsis oviposition occurred concurrently in the first 2 d after dung deposition, and the potential for interaction between dung beetles and C. brevitarsis was greatest in open pasture adjacent to trees where cattle congregate at night. Laboratory experiments on dung burial showed that C. brevitarsis numbers decreased as numbers of dung beetles increased or as the dry weight of dung decreased due to burial. This was seldom reflected in the field where, although significant burial occurred experimentally in 9 of 20 trials over 3 years, a significant decline in C. brevitarsis numbers attributable to burial only occurred once. C. brevitarsis numbers in the field were lower in unburied dung in 70% of trials. Differences were significant twice and were considered the result of dung disturbance. In the laboratory, decreasing numbers of C. brevitarsis were related to three characteristics of disturbance: the flattening, spreading and reduction in wet weight of the dung. Evidence of C. brevitarsis activity throughout coastal NSW suggests that, while C. brevitarsis numbers may be modified by dung beetles, the interaction is insufficient to prevent their increase, spread and ability to transmit viruses to livestock.  相似文献   

Despite being the focus of an international research effort spanning decades, the spatial distribution of southern African scarab beetles remains poorly documented. As well as reinforcing the magnitude of the challenge facing biodiversity scientists, this raises real concerns about best practice conservation strategies in the absence of detailed distribution information. However, dung beetles appear to be well represented in established conservation areas. This apparent contradiction could be ascribed to anthropogenic transformation, successful conservation efforts, the presence of dung generalists and reserve-biased or mesic-biased dung beetle collection efforts. It is suggested that all of the above contribute to the observed pattern to varying degrees. The implications of selecting areas that are either rich in species, contain rare species or contain taxonomically distinct species from a group whose taxonomy is well known but for which inadequate distribution data exist are explored. Best practice, in the face of inadequate data, appears to revolve around a subtle interplay between advantages and disadvantages associated with data interpolation techniques, reserve selection algorithms that use criteria more robust than database rarity (such as taxonomic distinctiveness) and the long-term economic costs of proceeding with the data at hand versus investing in biological surveys.  相似文献   

Data on parasitism of scarabs were collected by sampling sugarcane in the Bundaberg region of southern Queensland during 1993–1997. The scoliid Campsomeris tasmaniensis (Saussure) parasitised third instars of the melolonthines Antitrogus parvulus Britton, Lepidiota crinita Brenske, Lepidiota negatoria Blackburn and Lepidiota noxia Britton, and of the ruteline Anoplognathus porosus (Dalman). Levels of parasitism were low (< 2%). Third instars of A. porosus were also parasitised by the dexine tachinid Rutilia sp. Puparia of Prosena sp. (Tachinidae: Dexiinae) were found in soil with larvae of L. noxia . Larvae of Prosena sp. are parasites of scarab larvae elsewhere, and are probably parasites of scarabs in southern Queensland. Adults of A. parvulus , L. crinita and L. noxia were parasitised by the tachinine tachinid Palpostoma sp. at levels of 2–18.4%.  相似文献   

The mouthparts of adult dung beetles (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) are adapted for manipulation of soft, pasty food—usually the excrement of vertebrates. Nutrients are derived primarily from micro-organisms contained in the food and these must be broken up before ingestion. The mandibles, particularly the molar lobes, are designed to finely grind these particulates; the molae function as a mortar-pestle system, which mills the organic “grist” contained in the food by a combination of squeezing and grinding actions. The ability of the molae to finely grind food particles resides primarily in the structure of the molar surface, which consists of a series of ridges bearing rows of submicroscopic scrapers (“tritors”). The incisor lobes of the mandibles scrape food from the surfaces of the galeae and lacinae, which bring food into the preoral cavity. The structure of the mouthparts of Canthon pilularius (L.), which is described in detail, is basically the same as that of 10 other species examined. Those of Aphodius and Geotrupes are similar in some respects to those of scarabaeines but are obviously less well specialized for microphagy.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The maximum size of ingested particles was determined in 15 species of adult dung beetle (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) by mixing small latex or glass balls of known diameter into the dung used as food. Twelve species (tribes Coprini, Onitini, Oniticellini, and Onthophagini) were tunnellers (making dung stores for feeding and breeding in the soil below the pat) and three species (tribe Oniticellini) were endocoprids (feeding and breeding in the dung pat itself).
2. The test species, covering a wide range of body size (fresh weights 0.05–7.4 g), ingested minute particles only (maximum diameter 8–50 µm), and there was a statistically significant but numerically small increase in particle size with body weight.
3. When the effect of body size was taken into account, taxon (tribe), ecological group (tunneller/endocoprid), and dung preference (coarse/fine) had no significant effect on the size of ingested particles.
4. Tests using two tunnelling species did not indicate that beetles use their mandibles to grind dung particles prior to ingestion.
5. The results suggest essentially the same feeding mechanism in all adult tunnelling or endocoprid scarabaeines that eat fresh dung. Larger, indigestible plant fragments are avoided by filtration, and ingestion is confined to very small particles of higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

Although discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGC) are known from many insects, the effects of body size and temperature on DGC have not been widely examined. Here, these effects are investigated in five Scarabaeus dung beetle species from mesic and xeric habitats. The investigation tests two hypotheses: that previous estimates of the scaling exponents for the DGC and its characteristics are more broadly applicable to insects, and that, in response to temperature, both DGC frequency and the quantity of CO2 emitted during the open (O) phase (O-phase emission volume) are modulated. Like previous workers, we find that V&d2;co2 scaled as mass0.968 and that O-phase emission volume scaled as mass0.833. However, temperature-associated increases in .Vco2 (Q10's of 2.19-2.65) were modulated mostly by increases in DGC frequency since O-phase volumes remained constant across temperature. Flutter (F)-phase and O-phase durations were closely coupled to DGC duration, although the relationship between closed (C)-phase duration and DGC duration was less pronounced. We show that ventilation phase coefficients, previously considered a measure of the proportional duration of each phase of the DGC, calculated from the slopes of these relationships are a measure of change in phase duration with change in DGC duration and not a measure of the way in which total DGC duration is apportioned among phases. We suggest that proportions be used to estimate the contribution of each of the phases to the total duration of the DGC.  相似文献   

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