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Divergent theories on the mechanism behind, and the nature of, photoinhibition are discussed, especially in relation to observations made in higher plant leaves. Comparisons are made with 'lower' plant groups and results of in vivo and in vitro experiments are considered. Irradiance-induced mechanisms involved in the regulation of PSII function and structure are discussed in connection with turnover of the DI protein. A model is presented in which a structural change in DI protein facilitates the formation of a population of dissipative PSII centres that do not participate in linear electron transport to PSI. We suggest a sophisticated regulatory mechanism whereby this variable PSII function is controlled with respect to both incident light and biochemical demand, a control which relies on feedback from both light and dark reactions.  相似文献   

A chloroplast protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was previously proposed to regulate translation of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast psbA mRNA, encoding the D1 protein, in response to light. Here we show that AtPDI6, one of 13 Arabidopsis thaliana PDI genes, also plays a role in the chloroplast. We found that AtPDI6 is targeted and localized to the chloroplast. Interestingly, AtPDI6 knockdown plants displayed higher resistance to photoinhibition than wild‐type plants when exposed to a tenfold increase in light intensity. The AtPDI6 knockdown plants also displayed a higher rate of D1 synthesis under a similar light intensity. The increased resistance to photoinhibition may not be rationalized by changes in antenna or non‐photochemical quenching. Thus, the increased D1 synthesis rate, which may result in a larger proportion of active D1 under light stress, may led to the decrease in photoinhibition. These results suggest that, although the D1 synthesis rates observed in wild‐type plants under high light intensities are elevated, repair can potentially occur faster. The findings implicate AtPDI6 as an attenuator of D1 synthesis, modulating photoinhibition in a light‐regulated manner.  相似文献   

Photosystem II in green plant chloroplasts displays heterogeneity both in the composition of its light-harvesting antenna and in the ability to reduce the plastoquinone pool. These two features are discussed in terms of chloroplast development and in view of a proposed photosystem II repair cycle.  相似文献   

Stoichiometry of membrane components associated with Photosystem II was determined in a highly active O2-evolving Photosystem II preparation isolated from spinach chloroplasts by the treatment with digitonin and Triton X-100. From the analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Triton X-114 phase partitioning, the preparation was shown to contain the reaction center protein (43 kDa), the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex (the main band, 27 kDa), the herbicide-binding protein (32 kDa) and cytochrome b-559 (10 kDa) as hydrophobic proteins, and three proteins (33, 24 and 18 kDa) which probably constitute the O2-evolution enzyme complex as hydrophilic proteins. These proteins were associated stoichiometrically with the Photosystem II reaction center: one Photosystem II reaction center, approx. 200 chlorophyll, one high-potential form of cytochrome b-559, one low-potential form of cytochrome b-559, one 33 kDa protein, one (to two) 24 kDa protein and one (to two) 18 kDa protein. Measurement of fluorescence induction showed the presence of three electron equivalents in the electron acceptor pool on the reducing side of Photosystem II in our preparation. Three molecules of plastoquinone A were detected per 200 chlorophyll molecules with high-performance liquid chromatography. The Photosystem II preparation contained four managanese atoms per 200 chlorophyll molecules.  相似文献   

Changes in the protein secondary structure and electron transport activity of the Triton X-100-treated photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) complexes after strong illumination treatment were studied using Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and an oxygen electrode. Short periods of photoinhibitory treatment led to obvious decreases in the rates of PSI-mediated electron transport activity and PSII-mediated oxygen evolution in the native or Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes. In the native PSI and PSII complexes, the protein secondary structures had little changes after the photoinhibitory treatment. However, in both Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes, short photoinhibition times caused significant loss of -helical content and increase of -sheet structure, similar to the conformational changes in samples of Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes after long periods of dark incubation. Our results demonstrate that strong-light treatment to the Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes accelerates destruction of the transmembrane structure of proteins in the two photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

To study the effects of limitations in the Calvin-cycle on Photosystem (PS) II function and on its repair by D1-protein turnover, glycerinaldehyde (DLGA) was applied to 1 h dark-adapted pea leaves via the petiole. The application resulted in a 90% inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution after 90 min illumination at either 120 or 500 µmol m–2 s–1. In the control leaves an increase of light-dependent oxygen production to 147 and 171% was observed after 90 min illumination. According to chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport by DLGA led to a substantial increase in the reduction state of the primary quinone acceptor of PS II, QA, and to a rise in membrane energetisation. However, PS II functionality was hardly affected by DLGA at the low light intensity as indicated by the constant high yield of variable fluorescence, Fv/Fm. Only at 500 µmol m–2 s–1 a 15% loss of Fv/Fm was observed in the presence of DLGA indicating that inactivated PS II centres had accumulated. The control leaves also showed a slight loss of Fv/Fm which did not affect photosynthetic electron transport due to a faster reoxidation of QA. The relative stability of PS II function in the presence of DLGA could not be ascribed to an increased repair by the rapid turnover of the D1-protein. Radioactive pulse-labelling studies with [14C] leucine in combination with immunological determination of the protein content revealed that both synthesis and degradation of the protein were inhibited in DLGA-treated leaves whereas in the control leaves a stimulation of D1-protein turnover was observed. The changes of D1-protein turnover could be explained by differences in the occupancy state of the QB-binding niche. A relation between the phosphorylation status of the PS II polypeptides and the turnover of the D1-protein could not be established. As shown by radioactive labelling with [32P]i, addition of DLGA led to an increase in the phosphorylation level of the PS II polypeptides D1 and D2 at the low light intensity when compared to the non-treated control. At the higher light intensity the phosphorylation level of the PS II polypeptides in control and DLGA-treated leaves were identical in spite of the substantial differences in D1-protein turnover.  相似文献   

Mechanistic aspects of the Photosystem II (PS II) damage and repair cycle in Dunaliella salina were investigated. The work addressed the role of chloroplast-encoded protein biosynthesis on the rate of the D1 protein (chloroplast psbA gene product) degradation, following photoinhibition of PS II under in vivo conditions. Cells were grown under different light-intensities and the rate of D1 photodamage and degradation was measured via pulse-chase measurements with (35S)sulfate. It is shown that no detectable difference exists in the rate of D1 degradation in D. salina, measured in the presence or absence of lincomycin, a chloroplast protein biosynthesis inhibitor. The results suggest that de novo D1 biosynthesis does not play a role in the regulation of D1 degradation. In low-light (100 mol photons m–2 s–1) grown cells, the rate of photodamage to D1 did not exceed the rate of its degradation and replacement. In high-light (2200 mol photons m–1 s–1) grown cells, the rate of D1 photodamage was faster than the rate of its degradation, resulting in a significant accumulation of photoinactivated PS II centers in the chloroplast thylakoids (chronic photoinhibition). The latter was coincident with the appearance of a 160 kD complex that contained photodamaged D1. Electron micrographs of D. salina thylakoids revealed extensive grana stacks in the thylakoid membrane of low-light grown cells. Only rudimentary appressions consisting of simple membrane pairings were found in the high-light grown cells. The results are discussed in terms of the regulation of D1 degradation in chloroplasts under in vivo conditions.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - D1 the 32 kD reaction center protein of PS II, encoded by the chloroplast psbA gene - D2 the 34 kD reaction center protein of PS II, encoded by the chloroplast psbD gene - HL high light - LL low light - Linc lincomycin  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of the D1 reaction centre protein of photosystem II (PSII) occurs in thylakoid membranes of higher plants. The significance of D1 protein phosphorylation in the function of PSII is not yet clear. This paper summarizes the data implying that phosphorylation of D1 protein in higher plants is involved in the regulation of the repair cycle of photoinhibited PSII centres. Photoinhibition of PSII, D1 protein phosphorylation and degradation have been studied in vivo in higher plant leaves acclimated to different growth irradiances. It is shown that photoinhibitory illumination induces maximal phosphorylation of the D1 protein. Under these conditions D1 turnover is also saturated. We postulate that phosphorylation retards the degradation of damaged D1 protein under conditions where rapid replacement by a new D1 copy is not possible. This would protect PSII from total disassembly and degradation of all PSII subunits. We conclude that the phosphorylation of D1 protein and the regulation of D1 protein degradation may have evolved together. Furthermore, these characteristics seem to be related to the highly organized structure of higher-plant type thylakoid membranes, since the capability to phosphorylate D1 protein is restricted to seed plants.  相似文献   

In spinach chloroplasts illuminated with far red light, the relative intensity maximum during the decay of delayed light is emitted at 680–690 nm. This finding supports previous models predicting emission from Photosystem II, and contradicts earlier attributions to Photosystem I.Due to self absorption, the emission spectrum of the relative maximum is shifted to longer wavelengths and displays apparent Photosystem I characteristics in chloroplast samples of higher concentration or in leaves. This may have caused earlier investigators to ascribe the emission to Photosystem I.A differences between the spectral width of the emission spectra of delayed fluorescence and the relative maximum indicates that these two phenomena represent emission from different sub-populations of Photosystem II centers.Abbreviations PS I Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

Photoinactivation and photoprotection of photosystem II in nature   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Photosystem II plays a central role not only in energy transduction, but also in monitoring the molecular redox mechanisms involved in signal transduction for acclimation to environmental stresses. Central to the regulation of photosystem II (PSII) function as a light-driven molecular machine in higher plant leaves, is an inevitable photo-inactivation of one PSII after 106–107 photons have been delivered to the leaf, although the act of photoinactivation per se requires only one photon. PSII function in acclimated pea leaves shows a reciprocity between irradiance and the time of illumination, demonstrating that the photoinactivation of PSII is a light dosage effect, depending on the number of photons absorbed rather than the rate of photon absorption. Hence, PSII photoinactivation will occur at low as well as high irradiance. There is a heterogeneity of PSII functional stability, possibly with less stable PSII monomers being located in grana margins and more stable PSII dimers in appressed granal domains. Matching the inevitable photoinactivation of PSII, green plants have an intrinsic capacity for D1 protein synthesis to restore PSII function which is saturated at very low light. Photoinhibition of PSII in vivo is often a photoprotective strategy rather than a damaging process.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is highly susceptible to photoinhibition caused by environmental stimuli such as high light; therefore plants have evolved multifaceted mechanisms to efficiently protect PSII from photodamage. We previously published data suggesting that Maintenance of PSII under High light 1 (MPH1, encoded by AT5G07020), a PSII-associated proline-rich protein found in land plants, participates in the maintenance of normal PSII activity under photoinhibitory stress. Here we provide additional evidence for the role of MPH1 in protecting PSII against photooxidative damage. Two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking a functional MPH1 gene suffer from severe photoinhibition relative to the wild-type plants under high irradiance light. The mph1 mutants exhibit significantly decreased PSII quantum yield and electron transport rate after exposure to photoinhibitory light. The mutants also display drastically elevated photodamage to PSII reaction center proteins after high-light treatment. These data add further evidence that MPH1 is involved in PSII photoprotection in Arabidopsis. MPH1 homologs are found across phylogenetically diverse land plants but are not detected in algae or prokaryotes. Taken together, these results suggest that MPH1 protein began to play a role in protecting PSII against excess light following the transition from aquatic to terrestrial conditions.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition of PSII and turnover of the D1 reaction-centre protein in vivo were studied in pumpkin leaves (Cucurbita pepo L.) acclimated to different growth irradiances and in low-light-grown moss, (Ceratodon purpureus) (Hedw.) Brid. The low-light-acclimated pumpkins were most susceptible to photoinhibition. The production rate of photoinhibited PSII centres (kPI), determined in the presence of a chloroplast-encoded protein-synthesis inhibitor, showed no marked difference between the high- and low-light-grown pumpkin leaves. On the other hand, the rate constant for the repair cycle (kREC) of PSII was nearly three times higher in the high-light-grown pumpkin when compared to low-light-grown pumpkin. The slower degradation rate of the damaged D1 protein in the low-light-acclimated leaves, determined by pulsechase experiments with [35S]methionine suggested that the degradation of the Dl protein retards the repair cycle of PSII under photoinhibitory light. Slow degradation of the D1 protein in low-light-grown pumpkin was accompanied by accumulation of a phosphorylated form of the D1 protein, which we postulate as being involved in the regulation of D1-protein degradation and therefore the whole PSII repair cycle. In spite of low growth irradiance the repair cycle of PSII in the moss Ceratodon was rapid under high irradiance. When compared to the high- or low-light-acclimated pumpkin leaves, Ceratodon had the highest rate of D1-protein degradation at 1000 mol photons m–2 s–1. In contrast to the higher plants, the D1 protein of Ceratodon was not phosphorylated either under high irradiance in vivo or under in-vitro conditions, which readily phosphorylate the D1 protein of higher plants. This is consistent with the rapid degradation of the D1 protein in Ceratodon. Screening experiments indicated that D1 protein can be phosphorylated in the thylakoid membranes of angiosperms and conifers but not in lower plants. The postulated regulation mechanism of D1-protein degradation involving phosphorylation and the role of thylakoid organization in the function of PSII repair cycle are discussed.Abbreviations Chl Chlorophyll - D1* phosphorylated form of D1 protein - Fmax and Fv maximal and variable fluorescence respectively - kPJ and kREC rate constants of photoinhibition and concurrent recovery respectively - LHCII lightharvesting chlorophyll a/bprotein of PSII - PFD photon flux density Dr. R. Barbato (Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita di Padova, Padova, Italy), Prof. P. Böger (Lehrstuhl fur Physiologie und Biochemie der Pflanzen, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany), Prof. A. Melis (Department of Plant Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA), Prof. I. Ohad (Department of Biological Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel) and Mr. A. Soitamo (Department of Biology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland) are gratefully acknowledged for the D1-protein-specific antibodies. The authors thank Ms. Virpi Paakkarinen for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland and the Foundation of the University of Turku.  相似文献   

The D1 protein, a key subunit of photosystem II reaction center, is synthesized as a precursor form with a carboxyl-terminal extension, in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms with some exceptions. This part of the protein is removed by the action of an endopeptidase, and the proteolytic processing is indispensable for the manifestation of oxygen-evolving activity in photosynthesis. The carboxyl-terminus of mature D1 protein, which appears upon the cleavage, has recently been demonstrated to be a ligand for a manganese atom in the Mn4Ca-cluster, which is responsible for the water oxidation chemistry in photosystem II, based on the isotope-edited Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the X-ray crystallography. On the other hand, the structure of a peptidase involved in the cleavage of precursor D1 protein has been resolved at a higher resolution, and the enzyme–substrate interactions have extensively been analyzed both in vivo and in vitro. The present article briefly summarizes the history of research and the present state of our knowledge on the carboxyl-terminal processing of precursor D1 protein in the photosystem II reaction center.  相似文献   

The degradation rate of the D1 polypeptide was measured in threeSynechocystis PCC 6803 mutantsin vivo. Mutations were introduced into a putative cleavage area of the D1 polypeptide (QEEET motif) and into the PEST-like area. PEST sequences are often found in proteins with a high turnover rate. The QEEET-motif mutants are CA1 [(E242-E244);Q241H] and E243K, and the third mutation, E229D, was directed to the PEST-like area. During high-light illumination (1500 mol photons m-2s-1) that induced photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII), the half-life time of the D1 polypeptide in mutant E229D (t 1/2=35 min) was about twice as long as in AR (control strain) cells (t 1/2=19 min). In growth light (40 mol photons m-2s-1), the degradation rate of the D1 polypeptide in E229D and AR strains was the same (t 1/25 h). In growth light the D1 polypeptide was degraded faster in both QEEET-motif mutants than in the AR strain, but in photoinhibitory light the degradation rates were similar. According to these results, the highly conservative QEEET motif as such is not required for the proteolytic cut of the D1 polypeptide, but it does affect the rate of degradation. No simple correlation existed between the degradation rate of the D1 polypeptide and the susceptibility of PSII to photoinhibition in mutant and AR cells under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activities and proteases of plant chloroplasts   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A concise overview on the current knowledge of the proteolytic activities in chloroplasts is presented, with an emphasis on the proteolytic events associated with thylakoid membranes. The Dl reaction centre protein of photosystem II undergoes rapid light-dependent turnover and chlorophyll a/b -binding proteins are effectively degraded upon acclimation of plants to higher irradiances. Insights into the partially characterized proteolytic systems in each case will be presented, but the proteases involved still remain unknown. It can be envisaged, however, that the proteolysis is probably an as highly regulated phenomenon as the various steps during biosynthesis of the photosynthetic multiprotein complexes. From the protease point of view, more progress has recently been made in characterization of processing proteases involved in protein import into chloroplasts and in C-terminal processing of the Dl protein. Moreover, there are an increasing number of proteases in chloroplasts which have been discovered and identified as bacterial homologues. These include a Clp-type protease, a homologue of the bacterial protease FtsH and the cyanobacterial PcrA protease, all of which have a specific location in the chloroplast but their definite physiological substrates are still missing. Attempts are made to bring together the recent progress in the identification of proteases and characterisation of proteolytic events in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Illumination of intact pumpkin leaves with high light led to severe photoinhibition of photosystem II with no net degradation of the D1 protein. Instead, however, a modified form of D1 protein with slightly slower electrophoretic mobility was induced with corresponding loss in the original form of the D1 protein. When the leaves were illuminated in the presence of chloramphenicol the modified form was degraded, which led to a decrease in the total amount of the D1 protein. Subfractionation of the thylakoid membranes further supported the conclusion that the novel form of the D1 protein was not a precursor but a high-light modified form that was subsequently degraded.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of a moss,Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., to photoinhibition and subsequent recovery of the photochemical efficiency of PSII was studied in the presence and absence of the chloroplast-encoded protein-synthesis inhibitor lincomycin.Ceratodon had a good capacity for repairing the damage to PSII centers induced by strong light. Tolerance against photoinhibition was associated with rapid turnover of the D1 protein, since blocking of D1 protein synthesis more than doubled the photoinhibition rate measured as the decline in the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fmax). Under exposure to strong light in the absence of lincomycin a net loss of D1 protein occurred, indicating that the degradation of damaged D1 protein inCeratodon was rapid and independent of the resynthesis of the polypeptide. The result suggests that synthesis is the limiting factor in the turnover of D1 protein during photoinhibition of the mossCeratodon. The level of initial fluorescence (Fo) correlated with the production of inactive PSII centers depleted of D1 protein. The higher the Fo level, the more severe was the loss of D1 protein seen in the samples during photoinhibition. Restoration of Fv/Fmax at recovery light consisted of a fast and slow phase. The recovery of fluorescence yield in the presence of lincomycin, which was added at different times in the recovery, indicated that the chloroplast-encoded protein-synthesis-dependent repair of damaged PSII centers took place during the fast phase of recovery. Pulse-labelling experiments with [35S]methionine supported the conclusion drawn from fluorescence measurements, since the rate of D1 protein synthesis after photoinhibition exceeded that of the control plants during the first hours under recovery conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of chromium (Cr) on photosystem II (PSII) electron transport and the change of proteins content within PSII complex were investigated. When Lemna gibba was exposed to Cr during 96 h, growth inhibition was found to be associated with an alteration of the PSII electron transport at both PSII oxidizing and reducing sides. Investigation of fluorescence yields at transients K, J, I, and P suggested for Cr inhibitory effect to be located at the oxygen-evolving complex and QA reduction. Those Cr-inhibitory effects were related to the change of the turnover of PSII D1 protein and the alteration of 24 and 33 kDa proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex. The inhibition of the PSII electron transport and the formation of reactive oxygen species induced by Cr were highly correlated with the decrease in the content of D1 protein and the amount of 24 and 33 kDa proteins. Therefore, functional alteration of PSII activity by Cr was closely related with the structural change within PSII complex.  相似文献   

The electroluminescence induced by external electric fields in blebs prepared from chloroplasts consists of two kinetically different phases, rapid (R) and slow (S), which were shown to be linked to Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem II (PS II) activities, respectively (Symons, M., Korenstein, R. and Malkin, S. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 806, 305–310). In this report we describe conditions involving heat treatment of broken chloroplasts, which make it possible to observe R phase electroluminescence essentially devoid of any contribution by the S phase. This allowed the precise measurement of the emission spectrum of PS I electroluminescence. The emission spectrum of PS II electroluminescence was obtained using regular broken chloroplasts, which show only S-type emission. The latter emission spectrum is identical to the one obtained for ordinary prompt fluorescence, peaking at 685 nm with a bandwidth of about 25 nm. The PS I emission spectrum is symmetric around 705 nm and is much broader, about 60 nm.  相似文献   

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