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采用微卫星标记分析13个中外牛品种的遗传变异和品种间的遗传关系 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本研究应用联合国粮农组织(FAO)和国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)推荐的10对微卫星引物,结合荧光–多重PCR技术,检测了10个中国地方黄牛品种和3个外来牛品种的基因型。通过计算基因频率、多态信息含量和遗传杂合度,以Nei’s遗传距离和Nei’s标准遗传距离为基础,采用非加权组对算术平均聚类法构建了聚类图,分析了13个牛品种的群体内遗传变异和群体间遗传关系。并以聚类分析和群体结构分析为基础,将13个中外黄牛品种分为三类:Ⅰ类属于普通黄牛品种,包括延边牛、沿江牛、长白地方牛、蒙古牛、阿勒泰白头牛、哈萨克牛、复州牛和西藏牛;Ⅱ类属于含有瘤牛血统的黄牛品种,包括日喀则驼峰牛和阿沛甲咂牛;Ⅲ类属于外来牛品种,包括德国黄牛、西门塔尔牛和夏洛来牛。研究结果为加强我国地方黄牛品种种质特性研究以及地方牛品种资源的保护与利用提供了科学的依据。 相似文献
微卫星标记分析罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
利用25个微卫星标记,对奥利亚罗非鱼2个群体["夏奥1号"(ZA)、广西群体(GA)]和尼罗罗非鱼4个群体[埃及品系(ZN)、88品系(XN)、广西群体(GN)、美国品系(MN)]进行检测。共检测到7 775个扩增片段,长度在100~400 bp;等位基因数3~8个不等,共计143个等位基因;平均每个基因座扩增得到5.72个等位基因。各群体平均观测杂合度(H o)在0.7253~0.8160之间,平均期望杂合度(He)在0.5146~0.6834之间,平均多态信息含量(PIC)在0.4212~0.6105之间,平均有效等位基因数(A e)在2.20~3.23之间。ZA与GA遗传相似系数最高(0.9130),ZA与ZN遗传相似系数最低(0.4352)。总的说来,4个尼罗罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力较高,2个奥利亚罗非鱼群体的遗传潜力适中。 相似文献
为了解我国境内白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius)野生群体的遗传多样性现状,利用8对微卫星引物对额尔齐斯河流域185河段、635河段、乌伦古湖及吉力湖4个地理群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果显示,8个微卫星位点的平均等位基因数为6.625 0,多态信息含量为0.603 6~0.656 5,可有效用于白斑狗鱼遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。4个群体的平均期望杂合度为0.712 6~0.660 0,表明我国境内野生白斑狗鱼群体有较高的遗传多样性水平。整个群体的总近交系数为0.266 6,少数个体存在近交现象,白斑狗鱼群体有近交倾向。平均分化系数为0.062 2,群体间的遗传变异占总群体变异的6.22%,白斑狗鱼各群体间的分化程度不大。群体间的基因流值变化范围为10.077 5~3.360 6,说明白斑狗鱼不同群体间存在较为广泛的基因交流。 相似文献
三个虹鳟养殖群体遗传结构的微卫星分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用20个微卫星标记对3个虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)养殖群体进行遗传结构分析。结果表明,(1)3个群体检测的平均等位基因数为3·6~4·1,平均观测杂合度为0·5224~0·6328,平均期望杂合度为0·4736~0·5522,平均多态信息含量为0·4354~0·5084,说明这几个群体多态性属于偏高水平,遗传多样性高。通过d值,确定了Hard-Weinberg平衡的偏离情况,发现AY039638、AY039646在3个群体中都表现为不平衡。对3个群体的遗传距离进行了估算,并进行聚类分析,本溪的两个群体先聚为一支,再与渤海群体相聚,显示出明显的地理特征。(2)本溪虹鳟群体在位点AF352770出现部分等位基因消失的现象;AF352754在本溪群体中表现为位点消失,可作为区分本溪群体和渤海群体的分子标记。(3)综合评价3个群体,渤海站虹鳟群体的遗传多样性最高,与前人研究结果一致。 相似文献
为了保护和合理利用我国地方山羊品种遗传资源提供理论基础,本研究利用国际农粮组织和国际家畜研究所推荐的10对微卫星引物,结合荧光标记PCR,检测了中国9个地方山羊品种和1个引进山羊品种的遗传多样性。所研究的10个品种中7个呈现出高度多态,3个呈现出中度多态。并共检测到119个等位基因,有效等位基因数在1.4641~9.2911之间,座位平均杂合度在0.2618~0.7672之间,品种平均杂合度在0.5196~0.7024之间,其中SRCRSP23位点和河西绒山羊(HXR)平均杂合度最高。聚类关系(NJ和UPGMA)和主成分分析结果与其起源、育成历史及地理分布基本一致。 相似文献
哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen)是我国珍稀的土著冷水性鱼类,目前已处于濒危状态.为了解哲罗鱼的种群遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用20对微卫星标记对9个野生哲罗鱼群体进行了分析.结果表明:9个哲罗鱼群体的观测杂合度在0.0994~0.8882,期望杂合度在0.2005~0.8759,PIC指数在0.3432~0.5261,其中呼玛河群体的遗传多样性较低.群体间的Fst在0.0246~0.2333 (P<0.0001),Nm在0.8216~9.9292,群体间遗传分化较明显,基因交流少;群体的同胞系比例在27.78%~90.91%,说明近交压力较大,可能经历过遗传瓶颈或存在这样的风险.AMOVA分析表明,群体间各基因座遗传分化系数的均值为0.1081;聚类分析结果显示北极江段群体独立为一支,呼玛河群体与乌苏里江各群体聚为一支,黑龙江中上游各群体聚为一支.这些结果表明,哲罗鱼资源量的减少已经影响了群体间的基因交流.应杜绝对哲罗鱼资源破坏性捕捞,同时加强群体间基因交流,以期达到全面保护哲罗鱼种质资源的目的. 相似文献
梅花鹿3个种群遗传多样性的微卫星标记分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用16个微卫星标记对黑龙江省部分地区(兴凯湖农场、大庆市银浪牧场、五大连池大庆农场鹿苑)的3个梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)群体进行了遗传多样性检测.统计了3个鹿群的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(Ne)、平均遗传杂合度(h)和多态信息含量(PIC).结果表明,除5个位点外,其余11个微卫星位点均表现出不同的多态信息含量,其中高度多态位点5个,中度多态位点4个.这说明本研究所选用的微卫星位点可较准确地评估3个梅花鹿群体的遗传多样性,并为今后相关研究筛选出了有价值的引物.3个梅花鹿群体的平均h在0.454~0.636之间变动,其中兴凯湖梅花鹿群体最高,为0.636,具有较大的遗传潜力. 相似文献
利用30个微卫星标记分析长江中下游鲢群体的遗传多样性 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
摘要: 利用30对微卫星分子标记对长江中下游5个鲢群体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 在30个基因座中, 共检测到144个等位基因, 每个座位检测到的等位基因数为1~10个, 其中有25个座位具有多态性, 多态位点百分率为83.33,5个群体的平均等位基因数A为4.0/4.1, 平均有效等位基因数Ne为2.4445~2.6332, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.3233~0.3511, 平均期望杂合度He为0.4421~0.4704, 平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4068~0.4286。对数据进行F-检验, Fst值表明群体间的遗传分化程度中等, 并对基因型进行了基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验, 所得P值说明5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡。5个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.8466~0.9146,遗传距离为0.0893~0.1665, 并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用UPGMA方法对5个鲢群体进行亲缘关系聚类。 相似文献
研究利用自主开发的12个微卫星标记, 对来自于长江水系4个野生群体(湖北石首、湖南湘江、江苏邗江、浙江嘉兴)和1个养殖群体(江苏吴江)青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)进行遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。遗传多样性分析结果显示这12个位点多态信息含量(PIC)介于0.660—0.923, 表明这12个位点均具有高度多态性(PIC>0.5)。5个群体的平均等位基因数(Na)介于7.917—11.667, 平均有效等位基因数(Ne)介于4.837—6.035; 平均观测杂合度介于0.713—0.861; 平均期望杂合度介于0.749—0.819; 平均多态信息含量介于0.711—0.788, 表明这5个群体均具有较高的遗传多样性。遗传距离分析结果表明4个野生群体之间遗传距离较近, 养殖群体与这4个野生群体遗传距离均较远。UPGMA系统进化树显示, 湘江群体和石首群体首先聚为一支, 然后与邗江群体和嘉兴群体聚为一支, 最后与吴江养殖群体聚为一支。这12个微卫星位点具有较为丰富的遗传多样性特征, 可以用于青鱼不同群体的种质资源的评估和遗传多样性的分析。 相似文献
HAO Chenyang WANG Lanfen ZHANG Xueyong YOU Guangxia DONG Yushen JIA Jizeng LIU Xu SHANG Xunwu LIU Sancai CAO Yongsheng 《中国科学C辑(英文版)》2006,49(3):218-226
Genetic diversity of 1680 modern varieties in Chinese candidate core collections was analyzed at 78 SSR loci by fluorescence
detection system. A total of 1336 alleles were detected, of which 1253 alleles could be annotated into 71 loci. For these
71 loci, the alleles ranged from 4 to 44 with an average of 17.6, and the PIC values changed from 0.19 to 0.89 with an average of 0.69. (1) In the three genomes of wheat, the average genetic richness
was B>A>D, and the genetic diversity indexes were B>D>A. (2) Among the seven homoeologous groups, the average genetic richness was 2=7>3>4>6>5>1, and the genetic diversity indexes
were 7>3>2>4>6>5>1. As a whole, group 7 possessed the highest genetic diversity, while groups 1 and 5 were the lowest. (3)
In the 21 wheat chromosomes, 7A, 3B and 2D possessed much higher genetic diversity, while 2A, 1B, 4D, 5D and 1D were the lowest. (4) The highest average genetic diversity index existed in varieties bred in the 1950s, and then it declined
continually. However, the change tendency of genetic diversity among decades was not greatly sharp. This was further illustrated
by changes of the average genetic distance between varieties. In the 1950s it was the largest (0.731). Since the 1960s, it
has decreased gradually (0.711, 0.706, 0.696, 0.695). The genetic base of modern varieties is becoming narrower and narrower.
This should be given enough attention by breeders and policy makers. 相似文献
Chenyang Hao Lanfen Wang Xueyong Zhang Guangxia You Yushen Dong Jizeng Jia Xu Liu Xunwu Shang Sancai Liu Yongsheng Cao 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2006,49(3):218-226
Genetic diversity of 1680 modern varieties in Chinese candidate core collections was analyzed at 78 SSR loci by fluorescence detection system. A total of 1336 alleles were detected, of which 1253 alleles could be annotated into 71 loci. For these 71 loci, the alleles ranged from 4 to 44 with an average of 17.6, and the PIC values changed from 0.19 to 0.89 with an average of 0.69. (1) In the three genomes of wheat, the average genetic richness was B>A>D, and the genetic diversity indexes were B>D>A. (2) Among the seven homoeologous groups, the average genetic richness was 2=7>3>4>6>5>1, and the genetic diversity indexes were 7>3>2>4>6>5>1. As a whole, group 7 possessed the highest genetic diversity, while groups 1 and 5 were the lowest. (3) In the 21 wheat chromosomes, 7A, 3B and 2D possessed much higher genetic diversity, while 2A, 1B, 4D, 5D and 1D were the lowest. (4) The highest average genetic diversity index existed in varieties bred in the 1950s, and then it declined continually. However, the change tendency of genetic diversity among decades was not greatly sharp. This was further illustrated by changes of the average genetic distance between varieties. In the 1950s it was the largest (0.731). Since the 1960s, it has decreased gradually (0.711, 0.706, 0.696, 0.695). The genetic base of modern varieties is becoming narrower and narrower. This should be given enough attention by breeders and policy makers. 相似文献
中国绒山羊遗传多样性现状和系统发生关系的微卫星分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
为了调查中国绒山羊遗传资源现状, 作者应用联合国粮农组织和国际家畜研究所推荐的19对微卫星引物并结合荧光PCR技术, 对9个中国地方产绒山羊群体和1个西非山羊品种进行了遗传多样性检测。14个微卫星座位在10个山羊群体中显示为高度多态, 可作为山羊遗传多样性分析的有效标记。多态信息含量和遗传杂合度等数据表明: 目前中国地方产绒山羊群体的遗传多样性较为丰富, 并且大部分保种场较好地保存了这些地方资源。采用非加权配对算术平均法构建的聚类图和采用主成分分析法得到的散点图均显示, 中国山羊与西非山羊为不同的2类; 中国产绒山羊中河谷山羊、河西绒山羊与其他山羊的遗传距离较远; 其他山羊又大致分为2类: 一类由辽宁绒山羊、新疆山羊、柴达木山羊、陕北山羊组成, 另一类由内蒙古绒山羊组成。此研究结果为开展我国地方绒山羊种质特性研究及资源保护和利用提供了科学依据。 相似文献
中华结缕草遗传分化的RAPD分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
中华结缕草 (ZoysiasinicaHance.)在我国是分布于东部沿海地区的一个受威胁禾草 ,形态上还有一个分布在海边的变种 ,长花中华结缕草 (Z .sinicavar.nipponicaOhwri)。采用 1 0条随机引物对采自我国不同地区 7个居群的 1 0 5个个体进行了RAPD扩增 ,对结果的AMOVA分析表明 ,中华结缕草组间遗传分化不显著 ,遗传变异只占总变异的 4.84% ,居群间遗传变异占总遗传变异的 2 4.71 % ,出现了显著的遗传分化 ,大部分变异存在于居群内部 ,占总变异的 70 .44%。不同数据处理方法得到了类似的结果 ,都支持哈迪 -温伯格平衡的假设。其中宁国汪溪居群和射阳海边居群变异最大 ,歙县新安江居群遗传变异最小。考虑到中华结缕草遗传结构和变异的这些特性 ,在取样策略、保护和育种方法上 ,都应该以群居为主 ,同时兼顾主要的异地居群 相似文献
Mburu DN Ochieng JW Kuria SG Jianlin H Kaufmann B Rege JE Hanotte O 《Animal genetics》2003,34(1):26-32
The genetic diversity and relationships amongst the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) populations are poorly documented. Four recognized Kenyan dromedary breeds (Somali, Turkana, Rendille, Gabbra) and dromedary from Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) were studied using 14 microsatellite loci. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Kenyan dromedaries are distinct from Arabian and Pakistani populations. Expected heterozygosity and allelic diversity values indicate that Kenyan dromedaries are less diverse than non-Kenyan populations. With the exception of the Somali population, the Kenyan dromedaries are poorly differentiated (average FST=0.009), with only one to two loci separating the Gabbra, Rendille and Turkana populations studied (P < 0.05). Individual assignments were performed using the maximum likelihood method. A correct breed assignment of only 39-48% was observed for the Kenyan dromedaries, using an allocation stringency of a log of the odds ratio >2. Our results do not support the present classification of the indigenous Kenyan dromedary into four distinct breeds based on socio-geographical criteria. Instead, our results point to just two separate genetic entities, the Somali and a group including the Gabbra, Rendille and Turkana populations. 相似文献
Thick-skinned melon called Hami melon is the most widely cultivated and exported type of melon in China, and mainly grown in Xinjiang province. Here the genetic variation of 64 melon genotypes including 43 Xinjiang Hami melon accessions was analyzed using 36 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers yielding 145 alleles. The polymorphic information content of SSR markers ranged from 0.09 to 0.83 (average 0.45). Based on the SSR markers, the melon accessions were clustered into 2 major groups (thick and thin-skinned melons). In addition, the sub-cluster analysis based on SSR markers partitioned different botanical groups, even separating similar agronomic trait groups (Xinjiang landraces var. ameri and var. inodorus). SSR analysis showed that 4 SSR markers (CMBR150, CMCTT144, CMBR84 and CMBR12) produced polymorphic bands of different sizes between these two botanical groups. Those four molecular markers might be related to melon fruit maturing time. A considerably low level of genetic diversity was detected in Xinjiang melon accessions. Genetic distances indicated the relatively narrower genetic base but specific taxonomic status of Xinjiang landraces compared with foreign reference accessions. 相似文献
In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity of three Egyptian local chicken strains (Fayoumi, Dandarawi and Sinai) and six synthetic breeds derived from Fayoumi and Sinai by intercrossing with Barren Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red or White Cornish. Diversity measures were based on interrogation of 29 microsatellites. We identified three main clusters of chicken populations encompassing selected Fayoumi lines and Doki-4 (cluster-1), native Dandarawi (cluster-2) and Sinai, and all six synthetic breeds (cluster-3). Dandarawi and Fayoumi lines exhibited lower intra-population genetic diversity and allelic privacy than Sinai and synthetic breeds. The global inbreeding (F(IT) ) was 0.11, among-population differentiation (F(ST) ) was 0.07, and within-population differentiation (F(IS) ) was 0.04. The between-population marker-estimated kinship was lower than within-population estimates. The cluster analysis classified the Fayoumi lines, Dandarawi and Gimmizah as clearly separated populations. The other strains were configured in mosaic admixed groups. 相似文献
Six local chicken breeds are registered in Hungary and are regarded as Hungarian national treasures: Hungarian White, Yellow and Speckled, and Transylvanian Naked Neck White, Black and Speckled. Three Hungarian academic institutes have maintained these genetic resources for more than 30 years. The Hungarian Yellow, the Hungarian Speckled and the Transylvanian Naked Neck Speckled breeds were kept as duplicates in two separate subpopulations since time of formation of conservation flocks at different institutes. In this study, we investigated genetic diversity of these nine Hungarian chicken populations using 29 microsatellite markers. We assessed degree of polymorphism and relationships within and between Hungarian breeds on the basis of molecular markers, and compared the Hungarian chicken populations with commercial lines and European local breeds. In total, 168 alleles were observed in the nine Hungarian populations. The F ST estimate indicated that about 22% of the total variation originated from variation between the Hungarian breeds. Clustering using structure software showed clear separation between the Hungarian populations. The most frequent solutions were found at K = 5 and K = 6, respectively, classifying the Transylvanian Naked Neck breeds as a separate group of populations. To identify genetic resources unique to Hungary, marker estimated kinships were estimated and a safe set analysis was performed. We show that the contribution of all Hungarian breeds together to the total diversity of a given set of populations was lower when added to the commercial lines than when added to the European set of breeds. 相似文献