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开花式样对传粉者行为及花粉散布的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
唐璐璐  韩冰 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):680-686
理解植物花的特征可以从单花特征和群体特征两个层次入手。开花式样是植物的花在群体上的特征体现, 通过在开花数目、开花类型以及花的排列上的变化, 不同的开花式样对传粉者具有不同的吸引力, 影响昆虫在植株上的活动, 使花粉运动的方向发生相应变化, 从而影响着植物最终的交配结果。此外开花式样随环境改变也会发生一些变化。本文介绍了开花式样研究的进展, 对开花数目、开花类型以及花的排列等3个方面的已有研究进行了分别阐述, 并提出开花式样研究应更多地考虑影响传粉的各种因素。  相似文献   

对迁地保护的珍稀濒危植物猬实的开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、访花昆虫种类、访花频率、花粉与胚珠比(P/O)、异交指数(OCI)进行观测.结果表明:猬实的单花期约为7 d,种群花期约为14 d,花冠展开后2~3 h,花粉活力达到最高,约为90%,3 d后花粉基本不具活力.在整个单花期,柱头一直具可授性,花冠展开后第2天可授性最强.花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为(398.1±63.7),异交指数(OCI)为3,表明猬实是以异交为主,自交亲和的繁育系统,有时需要传粉者完成传粉过程.猬实的访花昆虫有10余种,以膜翅目蜜蜂科和隧蜂科昆虫为主,另外还有少量双翅目食蚜蝇科昆虫,偶见鳞翅目的柑橘凤蝶和长喙天蛾,其中以蜜蜂科蜜蜂属昆虫传粉效率最高.迁地保护的猬实未见结籽,其原因还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

青藏高原晚期开花植物线叶龙胆的传粉生态学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
线叶龙胆(Gentiana lawrencei var. farreri)主要分布在青藏高原, 在晚秋和早冬开花。为了探明线叶龙胆繁育系统特点, 探讨其对环境的繁殖适应特征, 对其传粉生态学过程进行了连续3年的观察。线叶龙胆自然状态下的结籽率很低, 存在严重的花粉限制。雌雄异位和不完全雌雄异熟的花特征表明其结实必须依赖昆虫传粉。繁育系统实验表明, 部分套袋花也能结实, 这可能主要是由蓟马(Thripidae spp.)和蚂蚁(Formica spp.)等小昆虫协助自交所致。克什米尔熊蜂(Bombus kashmirensis)和苏氏熊蜂(B. sushikini)是线叶龙胆的有效传粉昆虫, 但其访花频率非常低, 分别为0.006和0.005 time·flower-1·h-1。线叶龙胆花持续期和柱头可授能力都长于其他已报道的龙胆类植物, 从而在温度低、传粉昆虫少的情况下提供了更多传粉机会。线叶龙胆同时具有协助自交和杂交的繁殖现象, 以及较长的花持续期和柱头持续能力, 这可能是其在青藏高原地区赖以存活和延续的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

孙颖  崔兰明  李梦雨  王蕾  王欢  何淼 《广西植物》2018,38(5):608-616
该文对绵枣儿的开花物候与传粉特性进行了研究,分析了绵枣儿的开花进程、开花物候指数、开花物候指数对其生殖成功的影响,重点探讨了绵枣儿对传粉昆虫的种类及其活动规律。结果表明:(1)绵枣儿始花日期为7月中下旬,单株持续时间15 d左右,种群持续时间30~35 d。呈现出"M"型开花物候曲线,其两年的开花同步指数分别为0.862、0.885,表明开花的年际间差异较小。并且分析出植株的相对开花强度分布在30%~60%之间。(2)相关分析表明:绵枣儿的开花数目与坐果数和持续时间呈现出极显著正相关(P0.01),绵枣儿的持续时间与坐果数之间呈现出显著相关(P0.05),而其始花日期与开花数目、坐果数和持续时间并没有显现出相关性,即绵枣儿植株开花的数目越多,其坐果率越高,持续时间也就越长。(3)绵枣儿的访花昆虫总共有14种,可分属为5目10科。其中传粉昆虫有5科10种。该研究结果表明各传粉昆虫在单花停留的时间和其访花频率上呈现出显著的差异,在日访花频率上也差异明显。  相似文献   

马先蒿属花冠形态的多样性与传粉式样的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马先蒿属(Pediculais)是有花植物中花冠形态多样化最为集中的属。该属主要的传粉者是熊蜂属(Bormbus)昆虫;在北美,熊蜂和蜂鸟是马先蒿植物一些种类有效的传粉者;也发现壁蜂(Osmia)为其传粉。不同的传粉机制要求某一特定的取食式样储藏和释放花粉。本文讨论了花冠类型的进化趋势与传粉式样和花粉形态的关系。传粉者的选择压力是决定花冠多样化的重要因素之一;花冠类型与传粉者和传粉行为紧密相关。马先蒿植物和传粉者的相互依赖与其花冠类型、功能和物候互相适应,但花冠类型与花粉形态两者之间似乎没有明显的一一对应关系。通过北美、日本和喜马拉雅不同地理分布马先蒿种类的比较研究表明,具有相同花冠类型的种类有着相同的传粉方式,花冠形态与传粉式样存在紧密的协同进化关系。  相似文献   

通过对光果甘草和乌拉尔甘草花期物候和访花昆虫行为的观察及人工授粉实验,探讨开花模式及传粉方式对生殖成功及种间关系的影响。结果表明:(1)两种甘草的种群水平花期重叠时间长达21d,均表现出"集中大量开花"模式,但乌拉尔甘草呈现分批渐次开花趋势,这对提高生殖成功率,避免近交衰退,维持物种的稳定具有重要意义。(2)两种甘草的访花昆虫在种类和数量上有所不同,但具有共同传粉者——宽板尖腹蜂、意大利蜂和紫木蜂。(3)以乌拉尔甘草为母本、光果甘草为父本的种间杂交结实率为48.3%;以光果甘草为母本、乌拉尔甘草为父本的种间杂交结实率为39.4%,说明种间杂交亲和,不存在生殖障碍。研究认为,花期重叠、共有传粉昆虫及种间杂交亲和使光果甘草与乌拉尔甘草自然种群杂交种的形成成为可能。  相似文献   

夏婧  郭友好 《生物多样性》2012,20(3):330-336
开花物候是物种间相互作用的重要生活史特征和适合度因子,在全球气候变化的背景下而备受关注.为探讨开花时间如何存种内和种间水平上影响植物的传粉和生殖成功,我们连续3年(2003-2005)对不同花期和伴生种存在情况下的鹤首马先蒿(Pedicularis gruina)的传粉者访花忠实度、受粉率、坐果率、单果种子产量和果实被啃食频率进行了比较研究.结果表明鹤首马先蒿的坐果率主要受其传粉环境的影响:在没有伴生种时,不同时期鹤首马先蒿的坐果率没有显著差异,34-38%的花可以坐果;在有伴生种存在时既可以显著提高其坐果率,也可显著降低其坐果率,这取决于传粉者类型以及伴生种密穗马先蒿(P.densispica)花期的差异.密穗马先蒿具有花蜜和花粉双重报酬,在群落中可以作为主体物种吸引传粉者并间接促进与其伴生的鹤首马先蒿的传粉和生殖成功.同样无蜜的管花马先蒿(P.siphonantha)和鹤首马先蒿伴生,则是通过提高群落水平对传粉者的吸引力进而直接促进鹤首马先蒿的传粉和生殖成功.此外,研究结果也表明开花时间对坐果率没有显著影响,但是显著影响单果种子产量和果实被啃食的频率.在相同的传粉条件下早花期植株单果种子产量显著高于晚花期的种子产量,同时早花期的果实被啃食的频率显著增加.  相似文献   

杨柳  周天华  王勇  牛鑫 《西北植物学报》2023,43(7):1218-1226
陕西羽叶报春为中国珍稀濒危植物,研究其开花物候、传粉者及访花行为、花粉活力、柱头可授性、繁育系统,以明确陕西羽叶报春的传粉特性及制濒机制。以勉县陕西羽叶报春野生居群为研究对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验首次对陕西羽叶报春的传粉生物学进行研究。结果表明:(1)陕西羽叶报春种群花期为2-4月中旬,单花花期一般为14~17 d;单花开花进程中花部形态有6个明显发育变化:全部被萼片包裹、花苞伸出并为深粉色、花朵打开为淡粉色、花冠为白色、花朵枯萎、花冠脱落花萼宿存。(2)陕西羽叶报春为异花授粉植物,蜜蜂属为其主要传粉者。(3)柱头在花粉未开裂前就具有可授性,可授性逐渐增强;花药在花瓣打开后的第3天才开始开裂、散粉,在第4天活力最高,为98.18%,此后逐渐减弱。(4)繁育系统检测显示,长、短柱型花的花粉/胚珠比分别为902.26和831.48,杂交指数为4;套袋实验显示,陕西羽叶报春异型交配可育,同型交配不可育。由此表明,陕西羽叶报春的繁育系统为异交型,自交不亲和,需要传粉者。综上所述,陕西羽叶报春传粉者种类少、自交不亲和、胚珠败育现象可能是导致陕西羽叶报春濒危的重要原因。  相似文献   

张文标 《生态学报》2008,28(8):4037-4046
野外定点观测了夏蜡梅在3个群体的开花物候进程,分别计算了结实率和结籽率,并分析了始花日和开花同步性等开花物候指数对其传粉成功的影响,还进一步从个体水平分析了开花时间对传粉成功的影响.结果如下:夏蜡梅的花期在5月上旬到6月下旬,开花物候参数在不同群体间存在较明显的差异,而各群体的开花进程均呈明显的"单峰型",且开花同步性高,为"大量开花模式".群体内各开花物候参数与传粉成功相关性不明显;群体间开花物候参数中的始花日和开花中值日与结实率呈极显著的负相关,终花日与结实率和结籽率分别呈极显著和显著的负相关.个体水平不同开花时间对结实率有着显著影响(F=15.960,df=3,P<0.01),而对结籽率影响不大(F=2.358,df=3,P=0.073).相同海拔高度小生境不同对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响不大,但不同海拔高度对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响显著.作为一种濒危物种,夏蜡梅这种"集中开花模式"可以吸引更多的传粉昆虫,有助于其获得更多的传粉成功,但增加了其花粉在个体内及邻近个体间的传递,不利于花粉在群体间的扩散,而导致了一定程度的自交和近交衰退,这可能是夏蜡梅群体遗传变异性低、遗传分化明显及濒危的一个原因.  相似文献   

耳叶补血草的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1植物名称 耳叶补血草(Limonium otolepis Kuntze)。 2材料类别花茎。  相似文献   

荒漠-绿洲过渡带是绿洲向沙漠系统的过渡地带,荒漠植物是绿洲扩展或荒漠化加速的缓冲器,土壤环境是影响植物演变的重要影响因素,土壤环境因素是整个过渡带演化的重要驱动力。通过对阜康荒漠-绿洲过渡带荒漠植物群落实地调查,利用通用植物数量分析软件CANOCO 5.0中冗余度分析(RDA),探讨过渡带影响荒漠植物群落数量特征指标的土壤驱动因子。结果表明:(1)土壤含水量、全N、全P和有机质是影响荒漠植物群落数量特征的主要驱动力因子,环境解释量累计达到69%,而总盐、p H和全K对荒漠植物群落数量特征影响较弱;(2)4个土壤主要驱动力对荒漠植物群落数量特征重要性大小顺序:土壤含水量有机质全N全P;(3)荒漠植物群落数量特征与土壤含水量、有机质和全P呈正相关,但与全N为负相关关系,揭示了土壤含水量、有机质和全P是利于荒漠植物群落稳定的正驱动力,而全N为抑制荒漠植物生长的负驱动力。综上所述,土壤各因子的驱动力作用不尽相同,存在正、负差异,协同维护荒漠植物群落数量特征的稳定和发展。  相似文献   

  • Triplaris gardneriana (Polygonaceae) is a dioecious pioneer tree reported as insect‐pollinated, despite possessing traits related to anemophily. Here, we analyse the possible roles of insects and wind on the pollination of this species to establish whether the species is ambophilous.
  • We carried out observations of floral biology, as well as on the frequency and behaviour of pollinators visiting flowers in a population of T. gardneriana in the Chaco vegetation of Brazil. We conducted experimental pollinations to determine the maternal fertility of female plants and whether they were pollen‐limited, and we also conducted aerobiological experiments to provide evidence of how environmental factors influence atmospheric pollen dispersal.
  • The population comprised an area of approximately 152.000 m2 and was composed of 603 female and 426 male plants (sex ratio = 0.59:0.41). We observed 48 species of insects visiting flowers of Tgardneriana, of which the bees Scaptotrigona depilis and Apis mellifera scutellata were the most effective pollinators. We recorded pollen grains dispersed by wind on 74% of the glass slides placed on females, located at different distances (1–10 m) from male plants.
  • Airborne pollen concentration was negatively correlated with relative humidity and positively correlated with temperature. Our observations and experimental results provide the first evidence that T. gardneriana is an ambophilous species, with pollen dispersal resulting from both animal and wind pollination. This mixed pollination strategy may be adaptive in T. gardneriana providing reproductive assurance during colonisation of sites with different biotic and abiotic conditions.

Abstract Pedicularis (Orobranchaceae) is a common high altitude genus of the Himalayas that may be affected by pollination limitation. Using Pedicularis lachnoglossa from Yulong (Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain in Lijiang (Yunnan Province, southwest China), we investigated the effects of high altitude habitats on the process of pollination and seed production. Floral biology, pollinator foraging behavior, breeding system, and pollination efficiency were examined using observation and exclusionary techniques. Pedicularis lachnoglossa was found to be entomophilous and exclusively pollinated by Bombus friseanus and B. yunnanicola. Our results indicated that pollination limitation in P. lachnoglossa was not significant. Under open pollination, approximately 80% of flowers were successfully pollinated and developed to fruits, and about 38% of ovules developed to mature seeds. Bumblebee pollination is highly precise and efficient in P. lachnoglossa, because its flowering phenology and floral characters enhance the foraging of bumblebees on flowers. This study supports that animal pollination plays a crucial role in the outbreeding of the early flowering Pedicularis. The evolution of floral specification in Pedicularis has the advantages of adaptation to bumblebee pollination in adverse high altitude habitats.  相似文献   

The self-sterile Senecio jacobaea (Asteraceae) presents its rayed heads in large, compound inflorescences (corymbs). I examined the role of head and corymb size in pollinator attraction, and whether the positive effect of intact rays (if any) depends on the size of the corymb. Using female fertility as a measure of pollination success, I assessed the performance of stems representing four experimentally produced character combinations: (1) few heads without rays, (2) many heads without rays, (3) few heads with rays, and (4) many heads with rays. The proportion of flowers setting fruit was higher for intact stems (treatments 2, 4) than for stems on which the majority of the heads had been removed (treatments 1, 3), suggesting selection for maximum inflorescence production. By contrast, experimental removal of all rays had a relatively weak negative effect on fruit set, with few-headed stems (treatment 1) experiencing a greater reduction than stems with many heads (treatment 2). These results suggest that clusters of heads produce a synergistic effect on pollinator attraction, allowing plants to maintain high visitation rates even if there are drastic reductions in the basic attraction units. Hence, the number of heads and the attractiveness of the individual heads interacted in their effect on pollination success. Fruit set per flower differed greatly between sites and was positively correlated with plant density.  相似文献   

Pollen presentation theory (PPT) predicts that plant species typically pollinated by frequent and wasteful pollinators ought to be much more parsimonious and only gradually release pollen compared to plant species pollinated by infrequent pollinators that are efficient at delivering the pollen they remove. To test PPT, we compare the pollen presentation schedules and pollination systems in three related Epimedium species, having different pollinators. Results showed that differences in anther dehiscence and flowering traits resulted in different pollen packaging schedules. For Esutchuenense and Efranchetii, a special ‘roll‐up’ movement of the anther wall during anther dehiscence increased pollen removal compared to the dehiscence pattern in Emikinorii, which lacked the ‘roll‐up’ movement. Investigations revealed that honeybees had a higher pollen removal rate and lower stigmatic pollen load compared to bumblebees. In accordance with PPT, Esutchuenense presents pollen sequentially and slowly for the frequent and wasteful honeybees. In comparison to Esutchuenense, Efranchetii had a faster presentation rate and was adapted to the efficient and infrequent bumblebees. However, Emikinorii was pollinated by both bumblebees and honeybees at high frequency and had the fastest pollen presentation. This pattern could reduce pollen wastage by honeybees and might be an adaptation to its short flower longevity (less than 1 day), to increase the chances of pollen deposition on stigmas. The study indicates that pollen presentation schedules can be a consequence of interactions among anther dehiscence, flowering traits and pollination environments for a given species.  相似文献   

Limonium cavanillesii is an extremely endangered plant species endemic to the east Mediterranean region of Spain. Regarded as extinct for several years, the recent discovery of a small population (only 29 individuals) has prompted the adoption of measures for its conservation by official agencies. As part of this effort, we have analysed genetic variation in this population by means of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). The analysis of 29 individuals with 11 different primers produced 131 monomorphic bands. To our knowledge, this is the lowest level of genetic variation detected in plants using RAPD markers. This result could be explained both by the apomictic reproductive system of this species and by the passage through a severe bottleneck in recent times, after which there has been no chance for mutation to restore detectable genetic variation.  相似文献   

马生军  谭敦炎 《生态学报》2007,27(2):486-496
甘新念珠芥(Neotorularia korolkovii)和宽翅菘蓝(lsatis violascens)是两种广泛分布于新疆准噶尔荒漠的十字花科早春短命植物。对其物候与性表达特征研究结果表明:(1)二者种子均在3月下旬萌发,5月下旬和6月上旬果实完全成熟,生活周期分别为62d和71d,其中营养生长期约占1/3、生殖生长期约占2/3。(2)花均为两性,四强雄蕊,单花开放时间较短,长雄蕊的花药开裂早于短雄蕊,但短雄蕊花药中的花粉数较长雄蕊的多。(3)长、短雄蕊花药中花粉可育率均达90%以上,花粉活力的变化曲线基本相同,柱头可授期分别为9.Oh和4.5h,花粉寿命及柱头可授期均短于单花花期,花粉活力最高的时期正是其柱头的最佳授粉期。柱头可授期与花粉活力及寿命在时间上的高度吻合,增加了在不可预测环境中授粉的机会与效率,从而保障生殖成功。(4)二者的P/O(花粉/胚珠)值分别为108.07±17.17、992.10±272.16,属于自交繁育系统;对其传粉过程、套袋实验及荧光显微观察的结果也证明它们主要以白花传粉的方式来进行交配。(5)两种植物从物候、花部性表达以及交配式样上均存在与其严酷荒漠环境相适应的特点,是长期适应准噶尔荒漠特殊生态环境的结果,对于保证繁殖成功并扩大种群具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Pertya triloba (Asteraceae) is a perennial herb growing in the understory of deciduous broad-leaved forests in central Japan. Its capitulum consists of a single floret that differs from those of most other Asteraceae species. A bagging experiment clearly showed that breeding of P. triloba required cross-pollination. By using female fertility as a measure of pollination success, the effect of an attractive floral display on the threshold plant size for flowering in P. triloba was surveyed. The number of florets per plant in a P. triloba population was artificially adjusted between one and 30. In both control plants and experimental plants with adjusted floret number, the seed set increased with an increase in the number of florets per plant and became constant (60%) when the floret number per plant was more than 10. Thus, the number of florets per plant has an important role in attracting pollinators, and more than 10 florets per plant must be the effective floral display size. In the P. triloba population, 98.5% of the flowering plants had 10 or more flowers. The effective floral display size might be determined through the mutual relationship between plants and pollinators. The number of florets per plant increased with an increase in the plant leaf area. Therefore, the threshold plant size for flowering might be determined by the productivity needed to support an attractive floral display.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species that exhibit among-population variation in breeding system are particularly suitable to study the importance of the ecological context for the stability and evolution of gender polymorphism. Geographical variation in breeding system and sex ratio of Daphne laureola (Thymelaeaceae) was examined and their association with environmental conditions, plant and floral display sizes, and pollination environment in a broad geographic scale was analysed. METHODS: The proportion of female and hermaphrodite individuals in 38 populations within the Iberian Peninsula was scored. Average local temperature and precipitation from these sites were obtained from interpolation models based on 30 years of data. Pollination success was estimated as stigmatic pollen loads, pollen tubes per ovule and the proportion of unfertilized flowers per individual in a sub-set of hermaphroditic and gynodioecious populations. KEY RESULTS: Daphne laureola is predominantly gynodioecious, but hermaphroditic populations were found in northeastern and southwestern regions, characterized by higher temperatures and lower annual precipitation. In the gynodioecious populations, female plants were larger and bore more flowers than hermaphrodites. However, due to their lower pollination success, females did not consistently produce more seeds than hermaphrodites, which tends to negate a seed production advantage in D. laureola females. In the northeastern hermaphroditic populations, plants were smaller and produced 9-13 times fewer flowers than in the other Iberian regions, and thus presumably had a lower level of geitonogamous self-fertilization. However, in a few southern populations hermaphroditism was not associated with small plant size and low flower production. CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight that different mechanisms, including abiotic conditions and pollinator service, may account for breeding system variation within a species' distribution range and also suggest that geitonogamy may affect plant breeding system evolution.  相似文献   

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