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Wolbachia bacteria manipulate host reproduction by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and sex ratio distortion. Wolbachia
are transmitted from mother to offspring through the cytoplasm of the egg. Therefore, reproduction of Wolbachia is tightly
coupled to reproduction of its host. Mathematical analysis predicts that in the course of evolution, traits that reduce the
physiological costs of the infection will be selectively favored. For a Wolbachia-host system to evolve, traits under selection
must have some genetic component and variation must be present in the population. We have previously established that highly
inbred isofemale lines of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae may differ regarding the effects of infection by Wolbachia, and that at least some of the traits affected had a genetic component.
However, the effects measured could have been affected by the fact that the lines were severely inbred prior to the experiments.
In this paper we attempt to distinguish between the effects of Wolbachia, isofemale line, and inbreeding. We show that Wolbachia
did not affect longevity but infected females produced smaller clutch sizes, more daughter-biased sex ratios and had decreased
F1 mortality; between-line variation was found for clutch size, F1 mortality and sex ratio; finally, inbreeding resulted in
an overall reduction of clutch sizes, and a change in survival curves and mean longevity.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
How global warming will affect insect parasitoids and their role as natural enemies of insect pests is difficult to assess within a short period of time. Considering that elevation gradients can be used as analogues for global warming, we carried out meta-analyses of 27 correlations between parasitoid richness and elevation and 140 correlations between parasitism rate and elevation in natural and semi-natural environments. We also explored various covariates that may explain the observed responses. Both parasitism rates and parasitoid species richness significantly decreased with increasing elevation. The decrease was greater for ectoparasitoids and parasitoids of ectophagous insects than for endoparasitoids and parasitoids of endophagous hosts, possibly because these latter are better protected from adverse and extreme climatic conditions occurring at higher elevations. Although our results suggest an increase of parasitism with increasing temperature, other factors regulating herbivorous insects have to be considered before concluding that climate warming will lead to a decrease in pest density. 相似文献
To test the influence of storage conditions on recovery and life-history traits of dormant animals we subjected cohorts of a bdelloid rotifer (Macrotrachela quadricornifera) and a nematode (Panagrolaimus rigidus) to three different conditions during a 26-d anhydrobiosis period. These conditions were (1) standard conditions in our laboratory (AC), (2) a flight to the U.S.A. and storage there (KSC), and (3) a flight to the U.S.A. followed by a flight on a Shuttle-to-Mir mission (Shuttle). Another cohort (HC) was maintained under hydrated conditions and served as reference for life-history traits of the desiccated samples. The recovery after dormancy and the residual life-history traits of the different cohorts were compared. Results indicate that (a) during dormancy the animals were indifferent to the test conditions, as evidenced from both recovery capacity and life history performances, (b) the anhydrobiotic period affected the experimental species differently. At recovery both animals resumed their life cycle, but while the rotifer appeared indifferent to the time spent in desiccation, the nematode modified its life history according to the duration of anhydrobiosis. Third, (c) induction of anhydrobiosis can act as a switching mechanism for animals capable of desiccation. Anhydrobiosis probably represents a suitable method to preserve organisms during stressful conditions allowing them to return to a normal life when convenient. 相似文献
Placental reproduction is widespread across vertebrate taxa, but little is known about its life-history correlates and putative adaptive value. We studied variation in life-history traits in two populations of the placental poeciliid fish Poeciliopsis prolifica to determine whether differences in post-fertilization maternal provisioning to embryos have a genetic basis and how food availability affects reproduction. Life histories were characterized for wild-caught females and for second-generation lab-born females raised under two levels of food availability. We found that the two populations did not differ significantly in the wild for any life-history traits except for the lipid dry weight in females and in embryos at an advanced stage of development. When environmental effects were experimentally controlled, however, populations exhibited significant differences in several traits, including the degree of maternal provisioning to embryos. Food availability significantly affected female size at first parturition, brood size and offspring dry weight at birth. Altogether, these results demonstrate that population differences in maternal provisioning and other life-history traits have a genetic basis and show a plastic response to food availability. We infer that phenotypic plasticity may mask population differences in the field. In addition, when comparing life-history patterns in these two populations with known patterns in placental and non-placental poeciliids, our results support the hypotheses that placentation is an adaptive reproductive strategy under high-resource conditions but that it may represent a cost under low-food conditions. Finally, our results highlight that age at maturity and reproductive allotment may be key life-history traits accompanying placental evolution. 相似文献
Plant Ecology - Fire management at the landscape scale may be detrimental to threatened species restricted to fire refugia, such as riparian zones, if their fire response is assumed based on the... 相似文献
A population of Pseudosuccinea columella was raised under laboratory conditions and its life tables were determined in isolated and paired snails. Isolated snails were significantly larger in shell size than paired snails from five weeks of age onward. Also, statistically significant differences were found for the number of eggs per mass per individual from week 5 to 9, isolated snails exhibiting the highest values. The intrinsic and finite rates of increase were greater in isolated than in paired snails. Either an inhibition of the reproductive output between individuals or the advantage of selfing may be the cause of the differences in this species, acting as a possible mechanism that increase the fitness of isolated snails. 相似文献
Developmental pathways may evolve to optimize alternative phenotypes across environments. However, the maintenance of such adaptive plasticity under relaxed selection has received little study. We compare the expression of life-history traits across two developmental pathways in two populations of the butterfly Pararge aegeria where both populations express a diapause pathway but one never expresses direct development in nature. In the population with ongoing selection on both pathways, the difference between pathways in development time and growth rate was larger, whereas the difference in body size was smaller compared with the population experiencing relaxed selection on one pathway. This indicates that relaxed selection on the direct pathway has allowed life-history traits to drift towards values associated with lower fitness when following this pathway. Relaxed selection on direct development was also associated with a higher degree of genetic variation for protandry expressed as within-family sexual dimorphism in growth rate. Genetic correlations for larval growth rate across sexes and pathways were generally positive, with the notable exception of correlation estimates that involved directly developing males of the population that experienced relaxed selection on this pathway. We conclude that relaxed selection on one developmental pathway appears to have partly disrupted the developmental regulation of life-history trait expression. This in turn suggests that ongoing selection may be responsible for maintaining adaptive developmental regulation along alternative developmental pathways in these populations. 相似文献
Summary Individuals of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae), with and without a capacity for diapause, coexist in central Japan. Diapause appears to be adaptive because females in diapause suffered less mortality than non-diapausing individuals when frozen at –24°C for more than 4 h. However non-diapausing females showed good survival up to 4 h of freezing. Active non-diapausing mites survived on rose leaves in Kyoto (35°N) throughout the winters of 1988–1989 and 1989–1990. Cultures of mites with low (LD) and high (HD) diapause capacities at 18°C and 9L-15D photoperiod were successfully selected from the rose population and from a population on chrysanthemum in Nara (34.4°N). Their life-history traits at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C were characterized. HD and LD mites from both populations were of similar ages at first reproduction at 15–30° C. However, at temperatures 20° C, HD individuals produced more eggs than LD individuals, resulting in higher fecundity and intrinsic rate of natural increase. These traits allow HD individuals, which stop breeding between October and April, to increase faster in summer than LD individuals. This provides a mechanism, together with climatic fluctuations, in maintaining the coexistence of diapausing and non-diapausing T. urticae in Kyoto where winter conditions are rarely lethal to the non-diapausing individuals. 相似文献
We attempted to separate the additive variance of life-history parameters (size at first reproduction (SFR), proportion of total production allocated to reproduction) of Daphnia hyalina in a mesotrophic lake during different seasons into genetic components and phenotypic plasticity. Every month we randomly isolated juveniles of 20 clones from the lake and measured their life-history parameters immediately after isolation, i.e., under the influence of all modifying factors in the lake. The measurements were repeated after the clones had been kept in the laboratory for at least six generations without predator signals (controls) and with the addition of fish and Chaoborus kairomones. SFR increased monotonously from July to December in fresh field isolates. Laboratory controls showed always much larger SFR, but approached field value in December. Most of the size difference was due to maternal effects. Reproductive allocation showed a different pattern than SFR with a minimum in September both in field samples and laboratory controls. Fish kairomone reduced SFR in July and August when fish predation is high, but not later in the year. On the contrary, Chaoborus kairomone increased SFR in September and October when Chaoborus larvae are abundant in the lake, but not in summer. This indicates a seasonal shift in the clonal composition of D. hyalina populations towards clones adapted to the specific predation pressure. Reproductive allocation changed in response to fish kairomone in July and August, but not in response to Chaoborus kairomone. In this mesotrophic lake, fish have a stronger direct and indirect impact on Daphnia life history than Chaoborus larvae. 相似文献
Bower-building is peculiar to polygynous species in the family Ptilonorhynchidae (Bowerbirds). Here we summarize past and current theories regarding the evolution of bower-building, evaluate the evidence that can be used to differentiate between them and suggest future areas for research. 相似文献
Global climate change is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity; one of the most important effects is the increase in the mean earth surface temperature. However, another but poorly studied main characteristic of global change appears to be an increase in temperature variability. Most of the current analyses of global change have focused on mean values, paying less attention to the role of the fluctuations of environmental variables. We experimentally tested the effects of environmental temperature variability on characteristics associated to the fitness (body mass balance, growth rate, and survival), metabolic rate (VCO(2)) and molecular traits (heat shock protein expression, Hsp70), in an ectotherm, the terrestrial woodlouse Porcellio laevis. Our general hypotheses are that higher values of thermal amplitude may directly affect life-history traits, increasing metabolic cost and stress responses. At first, results supported our hypotheses showing a diversity of responses among characters to the experimental thermal treatments. We emphasize that knowledge about the cellular and physiological mechanisms by which animals cope with environmental changes is essential to understand the impact of mean climatic change and variability. Also, we consider that the studies that only incorporate only mean temperatures to predict the life-history, ecological and evolutionary impact of global temperature changes present important problems to predict the diversity of responses of the organism. This is because the analysis ignores the complexity and details of the molecular and physiological processes by which animals cope with environmental variability, as well as the life-history and demographic consequences of such variability. 相似文献
The present study was conducted to evaluate sublethal effects of B-azolemiteacrylic on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). Female adults of T. urticae were exposed to LC10 and LC30 of the acaricide, and the effects on treated females and their offspring were evaluated. The results showed that the fecundity of F0 female adults treated with LC10 and LC30 of B-azolemiteacrylic was reduced by 30.9 and 39.2%, respectively. Longevity and oviposition period of the females were significantly reduced as well. The developmental duration of egg and deutonymph stage of the F1 generation were not significantly different from that of the control. The protonymph stage after LC30 treatment lasted significantly longer, whereas the larva, deutonymph and female stage were significantly shorter than the control. The oviposition period of the F1 generation was significantly shortened, the fecundity of each female decreased significantly, and the ratio of female-to-male was reduced too. Moreover, the average generation period of T. urticae after LC10 and LC30 treatments was shorter than that of the control, and the net production rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (λ) were all reduced by 33.3, 7.5 and 1.9% (LC10 treatment) and by 51.3, 14.8 and 3.6% (LC30 treatment), respectively. The population doubling time was prolonged by 7.5 and 14.8% after LC10 and LC30 treatments, respectively, compared with the control. These results indicate that B-azolemiteacrylic may effectively inhibit the development rate of the F0 and F1 populations of T. urticae, which will help design integrated strategies for the comprehensive control of T. urticae and rational use of pesticides in the field. 相似文献
Coloniality in birds has been intensively studied under the cost and benefit approach, but no general conclusion can be given concerning its evolutionary function. Here, we report on a comparative analysis carried out on 320 species of birds using the general method of comparative analysis for discrete variables and the contrast method to analyze the evolution of coloniality. Showing a mean of 23 convergences and 10 reversals, coloniality appears to be a rather labile trait. Colonial breeding appears strongly correlated with the absence of feeding territory, the aquatic habitat, and nest exposure to predators but was not correlated with changes in life-history traits (body mass and clutch size). The correlation of coloniality with the aquatic habitat is in fact explained by a strong correlation with the marine habitat. Unexpectedly, we found that the evolution toward a marine habitat in birds was contingent on coloniality and that coloniality evolved before the passage to a marine life. These results-along with the lack of transitions from the nonmarine to marine habitat in solitary species and the precedence of the loss of feeding territoriality on the passage to a marine life-contradict most of the hypotheses classically accepted to explain coloniality and suggest that we use a different framework to study this evolutionary enigma. 相似文献
This study investigates patterns of genetic connectivity among 11 co-distributed tropical rainforest tree species from the genus Elaeocarpus across a biogeographic barrier, the Black Mountain Corridor (BMC) in the Australian Wet Tropics (AWT). We analysed a combination of allelic and flanking region sequence data from microsatellite markers, and evaluated the relative influence of environmental preferences and functional traits on genetic diversity and gene flow. The results indicate that only in three species geographic structuring of haplotype distribution reflects a north vs. south of the BMC pattern. Environmental factors linked with altitude were recognized as affecting genetic trends, but the selective processes operating on upland species appear to be associated with competitiveness and regeneration opportunities on poor soil types rather than climate variables alone. In contrast to previous observations within southeastern Australian rainforests, genetic differentiation in the AWT appears to be associated with small-fruited rather than large-fruited species, highlighting how external factors can influence the dispersal dimension. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of considering functional and environmental factors when attempting generalizations on landscape-level patterns of genetic variation. Understanding how plant functional groups respond to environmental and climatic heterogeneity can help us predict responses to future change. 相似文献
The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors in determining variation in life-history traits is of central interest to evolutionary biologists, but the physiological mechanisms underlying these traits are still poorly understood. Here we experimentally demonstrate opposing effects of nutritional stress on immune function, endocrine physiology, parental care, and reproduction between red and black head-color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Although the body condition of black morphs was largely unaffected by diet manipulation, red birds were highly sensitive to dietary changes, exhibiting considerable within-individual changes in condition and immune function. Consequently, nutritionally stressed red birds delayed breeding, produced smaller broods, and reared fewer and lower-quality foster offspring than black morphs. Differences in offspring quality were largely due to morph-specific differences in parental effort: red morphs reduced parental provisioning, whereas black morphs adaptively elevated their provisioning effort to meet the increased nutritional demands of their foster brood. Nutritionally stressed genetic morphs also exhibited divergent glucocorticoid responses. Black morphs showed reduced corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) concentrations and increased levels of free corticosterone, whereas red morphs exhibited reduced free corticosterone levels and elevated CBG concentrations. These opposing glucocorticoid responses highlight intrinsic differences in endocrine sensitivities and plasticity between genetic morphs, which may underlie the morph-specific differences in condition, behavior, and reproduction and thus ultimately contribute to the evolution and maintenance of color polymorphism. 相似文献
1. Population density often has strong effects on the population dynamics and reproductive processes of territorial animals. However, most estimates of density-dependent effects use the number of breeding pairs per unit area in a given season and look for correlations across seasons, a technique that assigns the same density score to each breeding pair, irrespective of local spatial variation. 2. In this study, we employed GIS techniques to estimate individual breeding densities for great tits breeding in Wytham Woods UK, between 1965 and 1996. We then used linear mixed modelling to analyse the effect of density on reproductive processes. 3. The areas of Thiessen polygons formed around occupied nestboxes were used to approximate territory size (necessarily inverse of breeding density). There were significant, independent and positive relationships between clutch size, fledging mass and the number of offspring recruited to the population, and territory size (all P < 0.001), but no effect of territory size on lay-date or egg mass. 4. Thiessen polygons are contiguous and cover all of the available area. Therefore, at low nest densities territory polygons were excessively oversized. Using a novel procedure to address this limitation, territory sizes were systematically capped through a range of maxima, with the greatest effect in the models when territories were capped at 0.9-2.3 ha. This figure approximates to the maximum effective territory size in our population and is in close agreement with several field-based studies. This capping refinement also revealed a significant negative relationship between lay-date and territory size capped at 0.9 ha (P < 0.001). 5. These density-dependent effects were also detected when analyses were restricted to changes within individual females, suggesting that density effects do not merely result from either increased proportions of low-quality individuals, or increased occupation of poor sites, when population density is high. 6. Overall, these results suggest that, in the current population, great tits with territories smaller than c. 2 ha independently lay smaller and later clutches, have lighter fledglings, and recruit fewer offspring to the breeding population. These analyses thus suggest a pervasive and causal role of local population density in explaining individual reproductive processes. 相似文献