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The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is unable to incorporate exogenous nucleosides into DNA. We have made a number of improvements to existing strategies to reconstitute an efficient thymidine salvage pathway in yeast. We have constructed strains that express both a nucleoside kinase as well as an equilibrative nucleoside transporter. By also deleting the gene encoding thymidylate synthase (CDC21) we have constructed strains that are entirely dependent upon exogenous thymidine for viability and that can grow with normal kinetics at low thymidine concentrations. Using this novel approach, we show that depletion of a single deoxyribonucleoside causes reversible arrest of cells in S phase with concomitant phosphorylation and activation of the S phase checkpoint kinase, Rad53. We show that this strain also efficiently incorporates the thymidine analogue, BrdU, into DNA and can be used for pulse–chase labelling.  相似文献   

The partially synchronized cell system of the hamster cheek pouch epithelium shows a characteristic diurnal rhythm of cell proliferation. Bolus injections of methotrexate (Mtx) in both lethal (10 g/m2) and non-lethal (2 g/m2) doses were found to inhibit cell-cycle progression primarily by impairing the G1/S transition. The results were obtained by flow cytometric DNA analysis. The inhibitory effect of Mtx manifested itself as a relative decrease of the S fraction (drug-effector phase), and was found to be dependent both on the dose and on the time of the day it was given. A bolus injection of Mtx was given either at 1200 hr (when a minimal number of cells are in S phase) or at 0200 hr (when a maximum number of cells are in S phase). The greatest cumulative decrease in S fraction was seen when the injection was given at 1200 hr. The time between injection and the effect (seen as a decrease in S fraction) was independent of the time of the Mtx injection, but seemed instead to be related to the natural diurnal period of increasing flux from G1 to S phase (at the onset of the dark period). The main effect (the relative decrease in S fraction) was repeated during the following 24-hr period, pointing to a protracted effect of Mtx on G1 cells. G1 cells affected by the initial high Mtx plasma concentration seem to be responsible for the reduced influx into S phase in both the first and second 24-hr period. In earlier toxicological studies, the survival rate of hamsters was dependent on the time of injection and was highest after injection at 1200 hr. Thus maximum cytokinetic effect on epithelial cells was found at the time of the day when there was a minimum lethal effect on the animal.  相似文献   

The proportion of Langerhans' cells in DNA synthesis in normal mouse skin was assessed by combining tritiated thymidine [3H]TdR autoradiography with enzyme histochemistry. After injection of [3H]TdR, ear skin was treated in two ways. Epithelial sheet preparations were stained for the presence of non-specific esterase and cytospin preparations of epithelial cell suspensions were stained for beta-glucuronidase activity. The labelling index (+/- SE mean) for cytospins, 40 min after injecting [3H]TdR, was 1.6 +/- 0.15%, doubling to 3-4% from 7-17 days after injection. The sheet preparations showed the proportion of label attributable to paired Langerhans' cells rising from 18% at 40 min after injection, to approximately 45%, on days 1-4 after injection. These results suggest that the proliferation of Langerhans' cells in normal mouse skin might be higher than was previously thought to be the case.  相似文献   

In the normal hamster cheek pouch epithelium, cell proliferation takes place with a pronounced circadian rhythm. We tested our previous hypothesis that all cells having S phase DNA content are actively synthesizing DNA and thus participating in the daily cohort of proliferating cells. We found no evidence of resting S phase cells in the normal epithelium. Using labelling with tritiated thymidine followed by fluorescence activated cell sorting according to DNA content and by autoradiography of the sorted nuclei, it was demonstrated that during the 24 h period almost all cells with mid S phase DNA content were active in DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on early-passage HL-60 cells was studied. A transient phase of increased [3H]thymidine (TdR) incorporation was noted at 20-24 hr of exposure to TNF. This increase was disproportionate to the much slighter stimulation of the percentage of S-phase cells, which was measured by flow cytometry. Evidence for increased metabolic trapping of [3H]TdR following TNF treatment was apparent from whole cell uptake experiments. The salvage pathway enzyme TdR kinase was therefore measured and was found to be elevated comparably to [3H]TdR uptake. The mechanism of TNF regulation of TdR kinase was further investigated by a series of combination treatment experiments using other biologic factors and pharmacologic inhibitors of various intracellular steps. The response to TNF was not potentiated or reproduced by IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, G-CSF, M-CSF, GM-CSF or alpha- or gamma-interferon. Blockers of early signal transduction steps, including H7, W7, sphingosine, and pertussis toxin, failed to inhibit TNF stimulation of [3H]TdR incorporation. mRNA synthesis inhibition with alpha-amanitin blocked this TNF effect, as did cAMP but not cGMP analogues. A sensitizing effect was noted with amiloride or cytochalasin B, characterized by greater relative increases of [3H]TdR incorporation and TdR kinase activity in response to TNF. In the presence of cytochalasin B, TNF treatment resulted in no change or slight decreases in the percentage of S-phase cells. Regulation of TdR kinase could thereby be dissociated from the usual cell cycle control. This study thus documents a unique example of stimulation of thymidine salvage pathway metabolism by a biologic factor, dissociable from overall cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

The apical segments of the mandibular condylar cartilage of newborn ICR mice, containing the intact zones of progenitor cells along with a few rows of chondroblasts were initially prelabelled in vitro with [3H]thymidine and were subsequently chased and cultured for as long as eight days. Such explants underwent a process of tissue regeneration, as after three days in culture they reconstituted the original structure of the organ, thus resembling the in vivo appearance of neonatal mandibular condylar cartilage. Cellular proliferation with subsequent differentiation in the regenerating tissue was followed by means of quantitative autoradiography. Immediately after labelling, the autoradiography-positive grains were confined exclusively to progenitor cells. The latter revealed a substantial ability to proliferate in vitro, a fact that was manifested by a progressive increase in the labelling index along the course of the culture. The latter process was followed by cellular differentiation thereby obtaining hypertrophic chondrocytes. The increase in the rate of labelling index and in the total number of [3H]thymidine-labelled cells was significantly correlated with the overall growth of the regenerating explants.  相似文献   

Abstract The proportion of Langerhans'cells in DNA synthesis in normal mouse skin was assessed by combining tritiated thymidine [3H]TdR autoradiography with enzyme histochemistry. After injection of [3H]TdR, ear skin was treated in two ways. Epithelial sheet preparations were stained for the presence of non-specific esterase and cytospin preparations of epithelial cell suspensions were stained for beta-glucuronidase activity. The labelling index (p± SE mean) for cytospins, 40 min after injecting [3H]TdR, was 1.6 ± 0.15%, doubling to 3–4% from 7–17 days after injection. The sheet preparations showed the proportion of label attributable to paired Langerhans'cells rising from 18% at 40 min after injection, to approximately 45%, on days 1–4 after injection. These results suggest that the proliferation of Langerhans'cells in normal mouse skin might be higher than was previously thought to be the case.  相似文献   

Model-free approaches (random mutagenesis, DNA shuffling) in combination with more "rational," three-dimensional information-guided randomization have been used for directed evolution of lysozyme activity in a defective T4 lysozyme mutant. A specialized lysozyme cloning vector phage, derived from phage lambda, depends upon T4 lysozyme function for its ability to form plaques. The substitution W138P in T4 lysozyme totally abolishes its plaque-forming ability. Compensating mutations in W138P T4 lysozyme after sequential random mutagenesis of the whole gene as well as after targeted randomization of residues in the vicinity of Trp138 were selected. In a second stage, these mutations were randomly recombined by the recombinatorial PCR method of DNA shuffling. Shuffled and selected W138P T4 lysozyme variants provide the hybrid lambda phage with sufficient lysozyme activity to produce normal-size plaques, even at elevated temperature (42 degrees C). The individual mutations with the highest compensatory information for W138P repair are the substitutions A146F and A146M, selected after targeted randomization of three residues in the neighborhood of Trp138 by combinatorial mutagenesis. The best evolved W138P T4 lysozymes, however, accumulated mutations originating from both randomly mutagenized as well as target-randomized variants.  相似文献   

The effects of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine and methotrexate on [3H]thymidine and 32P labeling of mtDNA were studied in two lines of mouse L-cells. LMTK- cells, which lack the major cellular thymidine kinase (EC but contain a genetically distinct mitochondrial enzyme, were compared to LA9 cells, which contain both thymidine kinase activities. LMTK- cells were resistant to 5-flurodeoxyuridine by a factor of 200 in comparison to LA9 cells. In both cells lines appropriate drug treatment increased utilization of exogenous thymidine for mtDNA synthesis. The maximum enhancement was 10- to 12-fold for LA9 cells and approximately 20-fold for LMTK- cells when treated with 10 muM methotrexate. The rates of mtDNA and nuclear DNA synthesis during drug treatment were analyzed with 32P labeling and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine density labeling experiments. Synthesis of both mtDNA and nuclear DNA were strongly inhibited by drug treatment of either LA9 or LMTK- cells in the absence of exogenous thymidine. The rate of mtDNA synthesis substantially exceeded that of nuclear DNA in LA9 cells treated with 4 muM 5-fluorodeoxyuridine and less than 5 muM thymidine. Both synthetic rates approached those of untreated LA9 control cultures if 20 muM thymidine was present during 5-fluorodeoxyuridine treatment. In contrast, in LMTK- cells treated with 10 muM methotrexate and 20 muM thymidine, mtDNA synthesis continued at 50 to 60% of the control rate for at least 10 hours while nuclear DNA synthesis was 96% inhibited. Synthesis of mtDNA mass-labeled in both strands with 5-bromouracil occurred when LMTK- cells were incubated for 30 hours with 10 muM methotrexate and 20 muM 5-bromodeoxyuridine. These results indicate that mtDNA synthesis is resistant to a limitation of the thymidine triphosphate supply and is not strictly dependent upon concomitant nuclear DNA synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   

An in vivo study of the hamster cheek pouch epithelium using the stathmokinetic technique (Colcemid) demonstrated a circadian variation in mitotic influx. Based on measurements of all nucleated epithelial cells the diurnal mean was estimated in two separate experiments as 0.34%/h +/- 0.02 (SE) and 0.27%/h +/- 0.02 (SE) respectively. 3HTdR was injected in the latter study (a double labelling experiment). The significant difference between the two experiments is, however, probably due to biological variations. The maximal values for the mitotic rate were found during the light (resting) period, as were the maximal values for the mitotic index. The mean mitotic influx for the 'light period' was estimated as 0.5-0.4%/h, and for the 'dark period' as 0.2%/h. Independent analyses demonstrated the necessity of a circadian-dependent correction of the 1 and 4 h values of accumulated metaphases. The 1 h value was significantly too high during the light as well as the dark period. The 4 h value was found to be too low, but only significantly so during the dark period. Basing the estimation of mitotic rate on the 3 h accumulation value produced only very similar results to those found by using all four accumulation periods. The use of overlapping experiments proved that only cells entering mitosis after Colcemid application were arrested, so that when arrested metaphases were counted the accumulation line was correctly drawn through the origin. In the latter study (the double labelling experiment) both S- (M?ller and Keiding 1982) and mitotic influx were estimated, the estimates being 0.55%/h +/- 0.03 (SE) and 0.27%/h +/- 0.02 (SE) respectively. Even considering possible methodological problems, the discrepancy between the S efflux and the mitotic influx indicates cell death and/or differentiation from G2.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemical detection of the thymidine analogue 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd), which is incorporated by S-phase cells, offers a convenient way of studying the proliferation kinetics of cells in normal skeletal tissues and in bone containing/derived tumours. To assess the validity of using this approach on decalcified, paraffin embedded tissues, the BrdUrd method was compared with tritiated thymidine (3H-TdR) autoradiography, using rat tibiae labelled with both3H-TdR and BrdUrd, fixed in Carnoy's fluid and decalcified in EDTA, prior to routine paraffin embedding. The distribution of BrdUrd-labelled cells correlated with the sites of cell proliferation in the growing rat tibia.Independent studies with each method on paired serial sections of double-labelled tissue, showed a highly significant correlation (r=0.81, p<0.0003) in the numbers of labelled cells seen in autoradiographs and immunostained sections from the proximal tibial growth plate. Combined BrdUrd immunohistochemistry and3H-TdR autoradiography showed that the majority of labelled cells in cartilage, bone marrow, and fibrous perichondrium and periosteum had incorporated both labels. These results show that BrdUrd immunohistochemistry is a valid technique for the study of dividing cells in mineralized tissues after decalcification.  相似文献   

Cultures of BHK2l cells continuously release into serum-free medium, active materials which stimulate the incorporation of thymidine in non-confluent, but not in confluent cultures of homotypic cells. The activity is not removed by centrifugation at 30,000 g for four hours, but is non-dialysable and retained by membranes with a nominal limitation for MW 25,000. Activity is stable at 4° for several weeks, but destroyed in 30 minutes at 56°. BHK2l cells also release active material capable of enhancing the effect of added serum. This is also heat labile and its action is density-dependent.  相似文献   

Signaling via the Ras pathway involves sequential activation of Ras, Raf-1, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MKK), and the extracellular signal-regulated (ERK) group of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. Expression from the c-Fos, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), and myosin light chain-2 (MLC-2) promoters during phenylephrine-induced cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy requires activation of this pathway. Furthermore, constitutively active Ras or Raf-1 can mimic the action of phenylephrine in inducing expression from these promoters. In this study, we tested whether constitutively active MKK, the molecule immediately downstream of Raf, was sufficient to induce expression. Expression of constitutively active MKK induce ERK2 kinase activity and caused expression from the c-Fos promoter, but did not significantly activate expression of reporter genes under the control of either the ANF or MLC-2 promoters. Expression of CL100, a phosphatase that inactivates ERKs, prevented expression from all of the promoters. Taken together, these data suggest that ERK activation is required for expression from the Fos, ANF, and MLC-2 promoters but MKK and ERK activation is sufficient for expression only from the Fos promoter. Constitutively active MKK synergized with phenylephrine to increase expression from a c-Fos- or an AP1-driven reporter. However, active MKK inhibited phenylephrine- and Raf-1-induced expression from the ANF and MLC-2 promoters. A DNA sequence in the MLC-2 promoter that is a target for inhibition by active MKK, but not CL100, was mapped to a previously characterized DNA element (HF1) that is responsible for cardiac specificity. Thus, activation of cardiac gene expression during phenylephrine-induced hypertrophy requires ERK activation but constitutive activation by MKK can inhibit expression by targeting a DNA element that controls the cardiac specificity of gene expression.  相似文献   

Extracts of Mycobacterium smegmatis, which was adapted to growth in synthetic medium containing D-arabinose as sole carbon source, catalyzed the NADPH-mediated reduction of D-arabinose to D-arabitol. When arabinose-adapted bacteria were transferred to glycerol medium, resumption of growth was accompanied by a sharp drop in the specific activity of this enzyme. Moreover, extracts of cells grown in D-arabinose medium contained large amounts of an NAD+-linked pentitol dehydrogenase, as compared to bacteria multiplying in glycerol medium. The specific activity of mycobacterial extracts was ten-fold higher for D-arabitol than for its L-isomer, and eight-fold higher than for xylitol (it was more than forty-fold lower in the case of glycerol-grown cells). The product of the pentitol dehydrogenase reaction was identified as D-xylulose by three different procedures. On the basis of these data, it is suggested that utilization of exogenous D-arabinose in mycobacteria involves two dehydrogenases that catalyze the reactions D-arabinose NADPH----D-arabitol NAD+----D-xylulose, by virtue of which an aldopentose is converted into a ketopentose. The alditol: NADP oxidoreductase was isolated from homogenates of D-arabinose-adapted mycobacteria, and purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The enzymatic activity was restricted to a single band which, under denaturing conditions, comigrated with albumin (approximately 46 kDa). It was insensitive to 2-mercaptoethanol, EDTA and NaF, and was inactivated at 70 degrees C.  相似文献   

Genes for two enzymes in the thymidine salvage pathway, thymine-7-hydroxylase (THase; official name thymine dioxygenase) and iso-orotate decarboxylase (IDCase) have been isolated from fungal sources. THase was isolated from a Rhodotorula glutinis cDNA library using a degenerate oligonucleotide based on the published amino acid sequence. The coding sequence was transferred to an Escherichia coli expression system, from which recombinant THase activity was measured using 14C-labeled thymine. The THase sequence shows an almost complete avoidance of codons ending in A or T: 95.8% GC content is present in the third position of codons. A connection between this codon bias and the role of the thymidine salvage pathway in pyrimidine metabolism is proposed. The THase sequence is similar to Group I Fe+2-dependent, alphaKG-dependent dioxygenases. The R. glutinis THase gene was used to locate the probable THase genes in the sequenced genomes of Neurospora crassa and Aspergillus nidulans. The genes neighboring THase in these two genomes are similar to each other, and are similar to the mammalian 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdhyde decarboxylase (ACMSD), leading to their identification as IDCase genes. The N. crassa version was isolated by PCR of genomic DNA, and IDCase activity was measured in recombinant E. coli carrying this gene. A new family of decarboxylases, using similar substrates, is identified by virtue of the protein sequence similarity.  相似文献   

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