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Toxicity in amyloidogenic protein misfolding disorders is thought to involve intermediate states of aggregation associated with the formation of amyloid fibrils. Despite their relevance, the heterogeneity and transience of these oligomers have placed great barriers in our understanding of their structural properties. Among amyloid intermediates, annular oligomers or annular protofibrils have raised considerable interest because they may contribute to a mechanism of cellular toxicity via membrane permeation. Here we investigated, by using AFM force spectroscopy, the structural detail of amyloid annular oligomers from transthyretin (TTR), a protein involved in systemic and neurodegenerative amyloidogenic disorders. Manipulation was performed in situ , in the absence of molecular handles and using persistence length‐fit values to select relevant curves. Force curves reveal the presence of dimers in TTR annular oligomers that unfold via a series of structural intermediates. This is in contrast with the manipulation of native TTR that was more often manipulated over length scales compatible with a TTR monomer and without unfolding intermediates. Imaging and force spectroscopy data suggest that dimers are formed by the assembly of monomers in a head‐to‐head orientation with a nonnative interface along their β‐strands. Furthermore, these dimers stack through nonnative contacts that may enhance the stability of the misfolded structure.  相似文献   

Wang MC  Dolphin A  Kitmitto A 《FEBS letters》2004,564(3):245-250
L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are multisubunit membrane proteins that regulate calcium influx into excitable cells. Within the last two years there have been four separate reports describing the structure of the skeletal muscle VGCC determined by electron microscopy and single particle analysis methods. There are some discrepancies between the structures, as well as reports for both monomeric and dimeric forms of the channel. This article considers each of the VGCC structures in terms of similarities and differences with an emphasis upon translation of data into a biological context.  相似文献   

The influx of calcium through the L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (LTCCs) is the trigger for the process of calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, an essential step for cardiac contraction. There are two feedback mechanisms that regulate LTCC activity: calcium-dependent inactivation (CDI) and calcium-dependent facilitation (CDF), both of which are mediated by calmodulin (CaM) binding. The IQ domain (aa 1645-1668) housed within the cytoplasmic domain of the LTCC Cav1.2 subunit has been shown to bind both calcium-loaded (Ca2+CaM ) and calcium-free CaM (apoCaM). Here, we provide new data for the structural basis for the interaction of apoCaM with the IQ peptide using NMR, revealing that the apoCaM C-lobe residues are most significantly perturbed upon complex formation. In addition, we have employed transmission electron microscopy of purified LTCC complexes which shows that both apoCaM and Ca2+CaM can bind to the intact channel.  相似文献   

Extracellular accumulation of transthyretin (TTR) variants in the form of fibrillar amyloid deposits is the pathological hallmark of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). The TTR Leu55Pro variant occurs in the most aggressive forms of this disease. Inhibition of TTR wild-type (WT) and particularly TTR Leu55Pro fibril formation is of interest as a potential therapeutic strategy and requires a thorough understanding of the fibril assembly mechanism. To this end, we report on the in vitro assembly properties as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) for both TTR WT fibrils produced by acidification, and TTR Leu55Pro fibrils assembled at physiological pH. The morphological features and dimensions of TTR WT and TTR Leu55Pro fibrils were similar, with up to 300 nm long, 8 nm wide fibrils being the most prominent species in both cases. Other species were evident; 4-5 nm wide fibrils, 9-10 nm wide fibrils and oligomers of various sizes. STEM mass-per-length (MPL) measurements revealed discrete fibril types with masses of 9.5 and 14.0(+/-1.4) KDa/nm for TTR WT fibrils and 13.7, 18.5 and 23.2(+/-1.5) kDa/nm for TTR Leu55Pro fibrils. These MPL values are consistent with a model in which fibrillar TTR structures are composed of two, three, four or five elementary protofilaments, with each protofilament being a vertical stack of structurally modified TTR monomers assembled with the 2.9 nm axial monomer-monomer spacing indicated by X-ray fibre diffraction data. Ex vivo TTR amyloid fibrils were examined. From their morphological appearance compared to these, the in vitro assembled TTR WT and Leu55Pro fibrils examined may represent immature fibrillar species. The in vitro system operating at physiological pH for TTR Leu55Pro and the model presented for the molecular arrangement of TTR monomers within fibrils may, therefore, describe early fibril assembly events in vivo.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors are non-spiking neurons, and their synapses mediate the continuous release of neurotransmitters under the control of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Photoreceptors express endogenous circadian oscillators that play important roles in regulating photoreceptor physiology and function. Here, we report that the L-type VGCCs in chick cone photoreceptors are under circadian control. The L-type VGCC currents are greater when measured during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Using antibodies against the VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D subunits, we found that the immunofluorescence intensities of both VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D in photoreceptors are higher during the subjective night. However, the mRNA levels of VGCCalpha1D, but not VGCCalpha1C, are rhythmic. Nocturnal increases in L-type VGCCs are blocked by manumycin A, PD98059, and KN93, which suggest that the circadian output pathway includes Ras, Erk, and calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase II. In summary, four independent lines of evidence show that the L-VGCCs in cone photoreceptors are under circadian control.  相似文献   

The expression of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) has not been reported previously in melanoma cells in spite of increasing evidence of a role of VGCCs in tumorigenesis and tumour progression. To address this issue we have performed an extensive RT-PCR analysis of VGCC expression in human melanocytes and a range of melanoma cell lines and biopsies. In addition, we have tested the functional expression of these channels using Ca(2+) imaging techniques and examined their relevance for the viability and proliferation of the melanoma cells. Our results show that control melanocytes and melanoma cells express channel isoforms belonging to the Ca(v) 1 and Ca(v) 2 gene families. Importantly, the expression of low voltage-activated Ca(v) 3 (T-type) channels is restricted to melanoma. We have confirmed the function of T-type channels as mediators of constitutive Ca(2+) influx in melanoma cells. Finally, pharmacological and gene silencing approaches demonstrate a role for T-type channels in melanoma viability and proliferation. These results encourage the analysis of T-type VGCCs as targets for therapeutic intervention in melanoma tumorigenesis and/or tumour progression.  相似文献   

L-type calcium channels are present in most electrically excitable cells and are needed for proper brain, muscle, endocrine and sensory function. There is accumulating evidence for their involvement in brain diseases such as Parkinson disease, febrile seizures and neuropsychiatric disorders. Pharmacological inhibition of brain L-type channel isoforms, Cav1.2 and Cav1.3, may therefore be of therapeutic value. Organic calcium channels blockers are clinically used since decades for the treatment of hypertension, cardiac ischemia, and arrhythmias with a well-known and excellent safety profile. This pharmacological benefit is mainly mediated by the inhibition of Cav1.2 channels in the cardiovascular system. Despite their different biophysical properties and physiological functions, both brain channel isoforms are similarly inhibited by existing calcium channel blockers. In this review we will discuss evidence for altered L-type channel activity in human brain pathologies, new therapeutic implications of existing blockers and the rationale and current efforts to develop Cav1.3-selective compounds.  相似文献   

The auxiliary Ca(v)beta subunit is essential for functional expression of high-voltage activated Ca(2+) channels. Here, we describe a lure sequence designed to sequester the Ca(v)beta subunits in transfected bovine chromaffin cells. This sequence is composed of the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the alpha chain of the human CD8, the I-II loop of Ca(v)2.1 subunit, and EGFP. We showed that expressing the CD8-I-II-EGFP sequence in chromaffin cells led to a >50% decrease in overall Ca(2+) current density. Although this decrease involved all the Ca(2+) channel types (L, N, P/Q, R), the proportion of each type supporting the remaining current was altered. A similar effect was observed after transfection when measuring the functional role of Ca(2+) channels in catecholamine release by chromaffin cells: global decrease of release and change of balance between the different channel types supporting it. Possible explanations for this apparent discrepancy are further discussed.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein filaments are the major component of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies characteristic of Parkinson's disease and related disorders. The process of alpha-synuclein filament formation proceeds via intermediate or protofibrillar species, each of which may be cytotoxic. Because high levels of calcium(II) and other metal ions may play a role in disease pathogenesis, we investigated the influence of calcium and other metals on alpha-synuclein speciation. Here we report that calcium(II) and cobalt(II) selectively induce the rapid formation of discrete annular alpha-synuclein oligomeric species. We used atomic force microscopy to monitor the aggregation state of alpha-synuclein after 1 d at 4 degrees C in the presence of a range of metal ions compared with the filament formation pathway in the absence of metal ions. Three classes of effect were observed with different groups of metal ions: (1) Copper(II), iron(III), and nickel(II) yielded 0.8-4 nm spherical particles, similar to alpha-synuclein incubated without metal ions; (2) magnesium(II), cadmium(II), and zinc(II) gave larger, 5-8 nm spherical oligomers; and, (3) cobalt(II) and calcium(II) gave frequent annular oligomers, 70-90 nm in diameter with calcium(II) and 22-30 nm in diameter with cobalt(II). In the absence of metal ions, annular oligomers ranging 45-90 nm in diameter were observed after 10 d incubation, short branched structures appeared after a further 3 wk and extended filaments after 2-3 mo. Previous studies have shown that alpha-synuclein calcium binding is mediated by the acidic C terminus. We found that truncated alpha-synuclein (1-125), lacking the C-terminal 15 amino acids, did not form annular oligomers upon calcium addition, indicating the involvement of the calcium-binding domain.  相似文献   

Zhen XG  Xie C  Yamada Y  Zhang Y  Doyle C  Yang J 《FEBS letters》2006,580(24):5733-5738
The activity of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) decreases with time in whole-cell and inside-out patch-clamp recordings. In this study we found that substituting a single amino acid (I1520) at the intracellular end of IIIS6 in the alpha(1) subunit of P/Q-type Ca(2+) channels with histidine or aspartate greatly attenuated channel rundown in inside-out patch-clamp recordings. The homologous mutations also slowed rundown of N- and L-type Ca(2+) channels, albeit to a lesser degree. In P/Q-type channels, the attenuation of rundown is accompanied by an increased apparent affinity for phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate, which has been shown to be critical for maintaining Ca(2+) channel activity [L. Wu, C.S. Bauer, X.-G. Zhen, C. Xie, J. Yang, Dual regulation of voltage-gated calcium channels by PtdIns(4,5)P2. Nature 419 (2002) 947-952]. Furthermore, the histidine mutation significantly stabilized the open state, making the channels easier to open, slower to close, harder to inactivate and faster to recover from inactivation. Our finding that mutation of a single amino acid can greatly attenuate rundown provides an easy and efficient way to slow the rundown of VGCCs, facilitating functional studies that require direct access to the cytoplasmic side of the channel.  相似文献   

Soluble oligomers and protofibrils are widely thought to be the toxic forms of the Abeta42 peptide associated with Alzheimer's disease. We have investigated the structure and formation of these assemblies using a new approach in atomic force microscopy (AFM) that yields high-resolution images of hydrated proteins and allows the structure of the smallest molecular weight (MW) oligomers to be observed and characterized. AFM images of monomers, dimers and other low MW oligomers at early incubation times (< 1h) are consistent with a hairpin structure for the monomeric Abeta42 peptide. The low MW oligomers are relatively compact and have significant order. The most constant dimension of these oligomers is their height (approximately 1-3 nm) above the mica surface; their lateral dimensions (width and length) vary between 5 nm and 10nm. Flat nascent protofibrils with lengths of over 40 nm are observed at short incubation times (< or = 3h); their lateral dimensions of 6-8 nm are consistent with a mass-per-length of 9 kDa/nm previously predicted for the elementary fibril subunit. High MW oligomers with lateral dimensions of 15-25 nm and heights ranging from 2-8 nm are common at high concentrations of Abeta. We show that an inhibitor designed to block the sheet-to-sheet packing in Abeta fibrils is able to cap the heights of these oligomers at approximately 4 nm. The observation of fine structure in the high MW oligomers suggests that they are able to nucleate fibril formation. AFM images obtained as a function of incubation time reveal a sequence of assembly from monomers to soluble oligomers and protofibrils.  相似文献   

《Cell calcium》2016,59(6):617-627
Neurons possess an elaborate system of endolysosomes. Recently, endolysosomes were found to have readily releasable stores of intracellular calcium; however, relatively little is known about how such ‘acidic calcium stores’ affect calcium signaling in neurons. Here we demonstrated in primary cultured neurons that calcium released from acidic calcium stores triggered calcium influx across the plasma membrane, a phenomenon we have termed “acidic store-operated calcium entry (aSOCE)”. aSOCE was functionally distinct from store-operated calcium release and calcium entry involving endoplasmic reticulum. aSOCE appeared to be governed by N-type calcium channels (NTCCs) because aSOCE was attenuated significantly by selectively blocking NTCCs or by siRNA knockdown of NTCCs. Furthermore, we demonstrated that NTCCs co-immunoprecipitated with the lysosome associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1), and that aSOCE is accompanied by increased cell-surface expression levels of NTCC and LAMP1 proteins. Moreover, we demonstrated that siRNA knockdown of LAMP1 or Rab27a, both of which are key proteins involved in lysosome exocytosis, attenuated significantly aSOCE. Taken together our data suggest that aSOCE occurs in neurons, that aSOCE plays an important role in regulating the levels and actions of intraneuronal calcium, and that aSOCE is regulated at least in part by exocytotic insertion of N-type calcium channels into plasma membranes through LAMP1-dependent lysosome exocytosis.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is a critical mechanism used extensively in the mammalian nervous system to increase the level of diversity that can be achieved by a set of genes. This review focuses on recent studies of voltage-gated calcium (Ca) channel Cavα1 subunit splice isoforms in neurons. Voltage-gated Ca channels couple changes in neuronal activity to rapid changes in intracellular Ca levels that in turn regulate an astounding range of cellular processes. Only ten genes have been identified that encode Cavα1 subunits, an insufficient number to account for the level of functional diversity among voltage-gated Ca channels. The consequences of regulated alternative splicing among the genes that comprise voltage-gated Ca channels permits specialization of channel function, optimizing Ca signaling in different regions of the brain and in different cellular compartments. Although the full extent of alternative splicing is not yet known for any of the major subtypes of voltage-gated Ca channels, it is already clear that it adds a rich layer of structural and functional diversity”.  相似文献   

A range of disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes have been linked to protein misfolding and aggregation. Transthyretin is an amyloidogenic protein which is involved in familial amyloid polyneuropathy, the most common form of systemic amyloid disease. A peptide fragment of this protein, TTR105-115, has been shown to form well-defined amyloid fibrils in vitro. In this study, the stability of amyloid fibrils towards high hydrostatic pressure has been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Information on the morphology of the species exposed to high hydrostatic pressure was obtained by atomic force microscopy. The species formed early in the aggregation process were found to be dissociated by relatively low hydrostatic pressure (220 MPa), whereas mature fibrils are pressure insensitive up to 1.3 GPa. The pressure stability of the mature fibrils is consistent with a fibril structure in which there is an extensive hydrogen bond network in a tightly packed environment from which water is excluded. The fact that early aggregates can be dissociated by low pressure suggests, however, that hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions are the dominant factors stabilizing the species formed in the early stages of fibril formation.  相似文献   

The neuromodulatory effects of cannabinoids in the central nervous system have mainly been associated with G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) mediated inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Numerous studies show, however, that cannabinoids can also modulate VGCCs independent of CB1R activation. Nevertheless, despite the fact that endocannabinoids have a nearly equal efficacy for direct and CB1R-mediated effects on VGCC, the role of the direct cannabinoid–VGCC interaction has been largely underestimated.In this review, we summarize recent studies on the modulation of different types of VGCCs by cannabinoids, highlight the evidence for and implications of the CB1R-independent modulation, and put forward the concept, that direct interaction of cannabinoids and VGCCs is as important in regulation of VGCCs function as the CB1R-mediated effects.  相似文献   

Studying depolarisation induced calcium entry in our recently developed in situ lung slice model for molecular live cell imaging of selectively visualised pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs), exemplified the need for information on the localisation of voltage-gated calcium channels (Ca(v)) in lungs in general, and related to sensory airway receptors more specifically. The present study therefore aimed at identifying the expression pattern of all major classes and subtypes of Ca(v) channels, using multiple immunostaining of rat lung cryosections. Ca(v) channel antibodies were combined with antibodies that selectively label NEBs, nerve fibre populations, smooth muscle, endothelium and Clara cells. Ca(v)2.1 (P/Q-type) was the only Ca(v) channel expressed in NEB cell membranes, and appeared to be restricted to the apical membrane of the slender NEB cell processes that reach the airway lumen. Subpopulations of the vagal but not the spinal sensory nerve fibres that contact NEBs showed immunoreactivity (IR) for Ca(v)1.2 (L-type) and Ca(v)2.1. Ca(v)2.3 (R-type) was selectively expressed by the so-called Clara-like cells that cover NEBs only, and appears to be a unique marker to discriminate this epithelial cell type from the much more extensive group of Clara cells in rat airways. The laminar nerve endings of smooth muscle-associated airway receptors (SMARs) revealed IR for both Ca(v)2.1 and Ca(v)2.2 (N-type). More generally, Ca(v)1.2 was seen to be expressed in vascular smooth muscle, Ca(v)2.3 and Ca(v)3.1 (T-type) in bronchial smooth muscle, Ca(v)3.1 and Ca(v)3.2 (T-type) in endothelial cells, and Ca(v)1.3 (L-type) in a limited number of epithelial cells. In conclusion, the present immunocytochemical study has demonstrated that the various subtypes of Ca(v) channels have distinct expression patterns in rat lungs. Special focus on morphologically/neurochemically characterised sensory airway receptors learned us that both NEBs and SMARs present Ca(v) channels. Knowledge of the identification and localisation of Ca(v) channels in airway receptors and surrounding tissues provides a solid basis for interpretation of the calcium mediated activation studied in our ex vivo lung slice model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine how sustained exposure to two 1,4-benzodiazepines (BZDs) with different action period, diazepam and brotizolam, and a 1,5-BZD, clobazam, affects L-type high voltage-gated calcium channel (HVCC) functions and its mechanisms using primary cultures of mouse cerebral cortical neurons. The sustained exposure to these three BZDs increased [45Ca2+] influx, which was due to the enhanced [45Ca2+] entry through L-type HVCCs but not through of Cav2.1 and Cav2.2. Increase in [3H]diltiazem binding after the exposure to these three BZDs was due to the increase in the binding sites of [3H]diltiazem. Western blot analysis showed increase of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 in association with the increased expression of α2/δ1 subunit. Similar changes in [3H]diltiazem binding and L-type HVCC subunit expression were found in the cerebral cortex from mouse with BZD physical dependence. These results indicate that BZDs examined here have the potential to increase L-type HVCC functions mediated via the enhanced expression of not only Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 but also α2/δ1 subunit after their sustained exposure, which may participate in the development of physical dependence by these BZDs.  相似文献   

We studied the peculiarities of permeability with respect to the main extracellular cations, Na+ and Ca2+, of cloned low-threshold calcium channels (LTCCs) of three subtypes, Cav3.1 (α1G), Cav3.2 (α 1H), and Cav3.3 (α1I), functionally expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In a calcium-free solution containing 100 mM Na+ and 5 mM calcium-chelating EGTA buffer (to eliminate residual concentrations of Ca2+) we observed considerable integral currents possessing the kinetics of inactivation typical of LTCCs and characterized by reversion potentials of −10 ± 1, −12 ± 1, and −18 ± 2 mV, respectively, for Cav3.1, Cav3.2, and Cav3.3 channels. The presence of Ca2+ in the extracellular solution exerted an ambiguous effect on the examined currents. On the one hand, Ca2+ effectively blocked the current of monovalent cations through cloned LTCCs (K d = 2, 10, and 18 μM for currents through channels Cav3.1, Cav3.2, and Cav3.3, respectively). On the other hand, at the concentration of 1 to 100 mM, Ca2+ itself functioned as a carrier of the inward current. Despite the fact that the calcium current reached the level of saturation in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+ in the external solution, extracellular Na+ influenced the permeability of these channels even in the presence of 10 mM Ca2+. The Cav3.3 channels were more permeable with respect to Na+ (P Ca/P Na ∼ 21) than Cav3.1 and Cav3.2 (P Ca/P Na ∼ 66). As a whole, our data indicate that cloned LTCCs form multi-ion Ca2+-selective pores, as these ions possess a high affinity for certain binding sites. Monovalent cations present together with Ca2+ in the external solution modulate the calcium permeability of these channels. Among the above-mentioned subtypes, Cav3.3 channels show the minimum selectivity with respect to Ca2+ and are most permeable for monovalent cations. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 183–192, May–June, 2006.  相似文献   

The induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) is generally assumed to be triggered by Ca2+ entry into dendritic spines via NMDA receptor-gated channels. A previous computational model proposed that spines serve several functions in this process. First, they compartmentalize and amplify increases in [Ca2+]i. Second, they augment the nonlinear relationship between synaptic strength and the probability or magnitude of LTP induction. Third, they isolate the metabolic machinery responsible for LTP induction from increases in [Ca2+]i produced by voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the dendritic shaft. Here we examine this last prediction of the model using methods that combine confocal microscopy with simultaneous neurophysiological recordings in hippocampal brain slices. Either of two Ca2+-sensitive dyes were injected into CA1 pyramidal neurons. Direct depolarization of the neurons via the somatic electrode produced clear increases in Ca2+ signals within the dendritic spines, a result that was not predicted by the previous spine model. Our new spine model suggests that some of this signal could theoretically result from Ca2+-bound dye diffusing from the dendritic shaft into the spine. Dye diffusion alone cannot, however, explain the numerous cases in which the Ca2+ signal in the spine was considerably larger than that in the adjacent dendritic shaft. The latter observations raise the possiblity of voltage-gated Ca2+ entry directly into the spine or else perhaps via Ca2+-dependent Ca2+release. The new spine model accommodates these observations as well as several other recent experimental results. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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