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Scaffold/matrix-associated region-1-binding protein (SMAR1) specifically interacts with the MARbeta sequence, which is located 400-bp upstream of the murine TCRbeta enhancer and is highly expressed during the DP stage of thymocyte development. To further analyze the functions of SMAR1, transgenic mice were generated that express SMAR1 in a tissue-independent manner. SMAR1-overexpressing mice exhibit severely altered frequency of the T cells expressing commonly used Vbetas (Vbeta5.1/5.2 and Vbeta8.1/8.2/8.3). The rearrangements of Vbeta5.1/5.2, Vbeta8.1/8.2/8.3 loci are also reduced in SMAR1 transgenic mice. The T cells in SMAR1 transgenic mice exhibit a mild perturbation at the early DN stage. SMAR1 transgenic mice exhibit hypercellular lymph nodes and spleen accompanied with prominent architectural defects in these organs. These results indicate that SMAR1 plays an important role in the regulation of T cell development as well as V(D)J recombination besides maintaining the architecture of the lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

To assess the role of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta gene enhancer (Ebeta) in regulating the processing of VDJ recombinase-generated coding ends, we assayed TCRbeta rearrangement of Ebeta-deleted (DeltaEbeta) thymocytes in which cell death is inhibited via expression of a Bcl-2 transgene. Compared with DeltaEbeta, DeltaEbeta Bcl-2 thymocytes show a small accumulation of TCRbeta standard recombination products, including coding ends, that involves the proximal Dbeta-Jbeta and Vbeta14 loci but not the distal 5' Vbeta genes. These effects are detectable in double negative pro-T cells, predominate in double positive pre-T cells, and correlate with regional changes in chromosomal structure during double negative-to-double positive differentiation. We propose that Ebeta, by driving long range nucleoprotein interactions and the control of locus expression and chromatin structure, indirectly contributes to the stabilization of coding ends within the recombination processing complexes. The results also illustrate Ebeta-dependent and -independent changes in chromosomal structure, suggesting distinct modes of regulation of TCRbeta allelic exclusion depending on the position within the locus.  相似文献   

The products of the RAG-1 and RAG-2 genes cooperate to allow V(D)J recombination in lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells. As one step toward understanding the role of RAG-2, we have constructed mutated RAG-2 genes and examined their ability to support recombination of plasmid substrates in a fibroblast cell line. The mutations define essential and dispensable parts of the RAG-2 gene. Mutations in the N-terminal part eliminate almost all activity. In the central region of the protein, some but not all local alterations still allow recombination. On the other hand, proteins with large deletions from the C-terminal end, including one truncated by 25%, still retain activity, even though this part of the protein is highly conserved between species. Similar results were obtained with substrates that retain either a signal joint or a coding joint, or perform an inversion. Thus all basic features of V(D)J joining are retained in a RAG-2 protein with only the first 75% of the sequence.  相似文献   

The existence of somatic, site-specific recombination in the central nervous system (CNS) has long been hypothesized but has been difficult to investigate experimentally. The finding that RAG-1, which is thought to encode a component of the site-specific recombination machinery of the immune system, is transcribed in the central nervous system (J.J.M. Chun et al., 1991, Cell 64:189-200), has renewed interest in this issue. Two groups (M. Kawaichi et al., 1991, J Biol Chem 266:18,376-18,394; M. Matsuoka et al., 1991, Science 254:81-86) have now reported the results of transgenic mouse experiments designed to determine whether cells of the CNS can perform a site-specific recombination reaction similar to that of lymphocytes. Despite extensive similarities in the design of the two experiments, they yielded discordant results and contradictory conclusions. An analysis of the two studies suggests some explanations for the discrepancies and leads us to two conclusions: first, that the CNS does not carry out the same somatic, site-specific recombination reaction as is found in the immune system and, second, that the question of whether other site-specific recombination processes occur in the brain remains open and largely unaddressed.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination plays a prominent role in the generation of the antigen receptor repertoires of B and T lymphocytes. It is also likely to be involved in the formation of chromosomal translocations, some of which may result from interchromosomal recombination. We have investigated the potential of the V(D)J recombination machinery to perform intermolecular recombination between two plasmids, either unlinked or linked by catenation. In either case, recombination occurs in trans to yield signal and coding joints, and the results do not support the existence of a mechanistic block to the formation of coding joints in trans. Instead, we observe that linearization of the substrate, which does not alter the cis or trans status of the recombination signals, causes a specific and dramatic reduction in coding joint formation. This unexpected result leads us to propose a "release and recapture" model for V(D)J recombination in which coding ends are frequently released from the postcleavage complex and the efficiency of coding joint formation is influenced by the efficiency with which such ends are recaptured by the complex. This implies the existence of mechanisms, operative during recombination of chromosomal substrates, that act to prevent coding end release or to facilitate coding end recapture.  相似文献   

Unraveling V(D)J recombination; insights into gene regulation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Jung D  Alt FW 《Cell》2004,116(2):299-311
V(D)J recombination assembles antigen receptor genes from component gene segments. We review findings that have shaped our current understanding of this remarkable mechanism, with a focus on two major reports--the first detailed comparison of germline and rearranged antigen receptor loci and the discovery of the recombination activating gene-1.  相似文献   

The diversity of immunoglobulins and T cell receptors is largely due to the assembly of functional genes from separate segments. The mechanism by which these gene fragments are joined is starting to be deciphered, with broken DNA molecules that may be intermediates in the reaction providing a new clue.  相似文献   

The V(D)J recombination activating gene, RAG-1   总被引:141,自引:0,他引:141  
D G Schatz  M A Oettinger  D Baltimore 《Cell》1989,59(6):1035-1048
The RAG-1 (recombination activating gene-1) genomic locus, which activates V(D)J recombination when introduced into NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, was isolated by serial genomic transfections of oligonucleotide-tagged DNA. A genomic walk spanning 55 kb yielded a RAG-1 genomic probe that detects a single 6.6-7.0 kb mRNA species in transfectants and pre-B and pre-T cells. RAG-1 genomic and cDNA clones were biologically active when introduced into NIH 3T3 cells. Nucleotide sequencing of human and mouse RAG-1 cDNA clones predicts 119 kd proteins of 1043 and 1040 amino acids, respectively, with 90% sequence identity. RAG-1 has been conserved between species that carry out V(D)J recombination, and its pattern of expression correlates exactly with the pattern of expression of V(D)J recombinase activity. RAG-1 may activate V(D)J recombination indirectly, or it may encode the V(D)J recombinase itself.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination assembles functional immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes from individual gene segments [1]. A common recombination mechanism, initiated by the proteins RAG1 and RAG2 at conserved recombination signal sequences (RSSs), operates at all rearranging loci [2] [3]. It has been proposed that the key regulator of the reaction is 'accessibility' of the RSS within chromatin [4]. Recently, the packaging of RSSs into nucleosomes was shown to inhibit initiation of V(D)J recombination [5] [6]. Nevertheless, the tight tissue specificity of regulation cannot be explained by nucleosome-mediated repression alone because a significant fraction of RSSs would be predicted to lie in linker regions between nucleosomes. Therefore, some aspect of the regulation of the recombination reaction must rely on the disruption of higher-order chromatin structure. Here, we report that histone acetylation directly stimulates the recombination reaction in vivo in the correct cell- and stage-specific manner. Neither expression of RAG genes nor activity of RAG proteins was increased by acetylation. Furthermore, histone acetylation failed to overcome nucleosome-mediated repression of RSS recognition and cleavage in vitro. Our data suggest a role for histone acetylation in stimulating recombination in vivo through disruption of higher-order chromatin structures.  相似文献   

Enhancer elements potentiate the rearrangement of antigen receptor loci via changes in the accessibility of gene segment clusters to V(D)J recombinase. Here, we show that enhancer activity per se is insufficient to target T-cell receptor beta miniloci for DbetaJbeta recombination. Instead, a promoter situated 5' to Dbeta1 (PDbeta) was required for efficient rearrangement of chromosomal substrates. A critical function for promoters in regulating gene segment accessibility was further supported by the ability of heterologous promoters to direct rearrangement of enhancer-containing substrates. Importantly, activation of a synthetic tetracycline-inducible promoter (Ptet) positioned upstream from the Dbeta gene segment was sufficient to target recombination of miniloci lacking a distal enhancer element. The latter result suggests that DNA loops, generated by interactions between flanking promoter and enhancer elements, are not required for efficient recognition of chromosomal gene segments by V(D)J recombinase. Unexpectedly, the Ptet substrate exhibited normal levels of rearrangement despite its retention of a hypermethylated DNA status within the DbetaJbeta cluster. Together, our findings support a model in which promoter activation, rather than intrinsic properties of enhancers, is the primary determinant for regulating recombinational accessibility within antigen receptor loci.  相似文献   

RAG1 and RAG2 play a central role in V(D)J recombination, a process for antigen receptor gene assembly. The truncated ‘core’ regions of RAGs are sufficient to catalyze the recombination reaction, although with lower joining efficiency than full-length proteins. To investigate the role of the non-core regions of RAGs in the end-joining phase of antigen receptor rearrangement, we analyzed recombination products isolated from core RAG1 and core RAG2 knock-in mice. Here, we report that the truncation of RAGs increases the frequency of aberrant recombination in vivo. Signal joints (SJs) associated with V-to-D recombination of core RAG1 knock-in mice were normal, whereas those of core RAG2 knock-in mice were highly imprecise, containing large deletions and additions, and in some cases coding sequences. In contrast, we found an elevated level of imprecise D-to-J associated SJs for both core RAG1- and RAG2-expressing mice. Likewise, sequences of coding joints (CJs) were also affected by the expression of core RAGs. Finally, sequences found at the junctions of rearranged T-cell receptor loci were highly influenced by differences in rearranging recombination signal sequence pairs. We provide the first evidence that the non-core regions of RAGs have critical functions in the proper assembly and resolution of recombination intermediates in endogenous antigen receptor loci.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of antigen receptor genes through the specialized process of V(D)J recombination. This process is initiated by cleavage at the junction between coding segments (V, D, and J) and the recombination signal sequences that border these segments, resulting in generation of double-strand break intermediates. We have used a two-dimensional gel system to characterize broken molecules arising from V(D)J recombination at the T-cell receptor (TCR) delta locus and have identified linear species excised by Ddelta1-Ddelta2 and V-Ddelta2 rearrangement in thymus DNA. Relatively few (approximately 10) V-Ddelta2-excised linear species were detected in DNA from fetal thymocytes. The sizes of these species corresponded to the estimated distances between Ddelta2 and the V gene segments utilized by gammadelta T cells and indicated that both Ddelta2-proximal and -distal V gene segments are targeted for V-Ddelta2 rearrangement. Similar-sized species were observed in DNA from thymocytes of scid mice in which T-cell development is arrested prior to TCR expression. Since previous studies suggest that the TCR alpha/delta locus encodes more than 100 V gene segments, our results indicate that a few select V gene segments are predominantly targeted for rearrangement to Ddelta2, and this primarily accounts for the restricted Vdelta gene repertoire of gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

In addition to the assembled coding regions of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor (TCR) genes, the V(D)J recombination reaction can in principle generate three types of by-products in normal developing lymphocytes: broken DNA molecules that terminate in a recombination signal sequence or a coding region (termed signal or coding end molecules, respectively) and DNA molecules containing fused recombination signal sequences (termed reciprocal products). Using a quantitative Southern blot analysis of the murine TCR alpha locus, we demonstrate that substantial amounts of signal end molecules and reciprocal products, but not coding end molecules, exist in thymocytes, while peripheral T cells contain substantial amounts of reciprocal products. At the 5' end of the J alpha locus, 20% of thymus DNA exists as signal end molecules. An additional 30 to 40% of the TCR alpha/delta locus exists as remarkably stable reciprocal products throughout T-cell development, with the consequence that the TCR C delta region is substantially retained in alpha beta committed T cells. The disappearance of the broken DNA molecules occurs in the same developmental transition as termination of expression of the recombination activating genes, RAG-1 and RAG-2. These findings raise important questions concerning the mechanism of V(D)J recombination and the maintenance of genome integrity during lymphoid development.  相似文献   

A key component in the regulation of V(D)J recombination is control of the accessibility of RAG proteins to recombination signal sequences (RSS). Nucleosomes are known to inhibit this accessibility. We show here that the signal sequence itself represses accessibility by causing nucleosome positioning over the RSS. This positioning is mediated, in vitro and in vivo, by the conserved nonamer of the RSS. Consistent with this strong positioning, nucleosomes at RSSs are resistant to remodelling by nucleosome sliding. In vivo we find that consensus RSSs are preferentially protected, whereas those that lack a consensus nonamer, including some cryptic RSSs, fail to position nucleosomes. Decreased protection of these non-consensus RSSs correlates with their increased use in recombination assays. We therefore suggest that nucleosome positioning by RSSs provides a previously unanticipated level of protection and regulation of V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

Although individual TCRVBV gene segments exhibit limited polymorphism, human T-cell receptor beta (TCRB) haplotypes are characterized by multiple different combinations of allelic markers. This observation suggests that genetic recombination may have played a role in the generation of these haplotypes. Meiotic recombination in a region spanning 250 kilobases (kb) at the 3 end of the TCRB gene complex was investigated by extended family studies and by analysis of single sperm. Segregation patterns of polymorphic TCRB markers in families allowed the assignment of TCRB alleles to parental haplotypes and detection of recombinants among the offspring. Among the 178 informative paternal meioses, four (2%) were recombinant, whereas no recombinants were found in the 199 maternal meioses. In addition, segregation of two allelic markers was examined in a total of 1101 individual sperm from two heterozygous donors to detect exchange events in this region. The results revealed a similar rate of recombination, 1.3%, which, along with the family data, suggests that at, least in males, meiotic recombination in this 250 kb region may be six times higher than the average rate of 1% per 106 bases that has been estimated for the human genome.  相似文献   

M Capone  F Watrin  C Fernex  B Horvat  B Krippl  L Wu  R Scollay    P Ferrier 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(11):4335-4346
We describe transgenic mice carrying germline variable gene segments associated with either the T cell receptor (TCR) beta or alpha gene enhancers (E beta or E alpha). Transgenic constructs underwent high rates of site-specific rearrangements predominantly in T cells from independent mice. Rearrangements of the E beta-containing transgenes began at different stages of T cell differentiation in embryonic and adult thymus than did the E alpha-containing ones, with a pattern superimposable upon the patterns of TCR beta or TCR alpha gene expression, respectively. We demonstrate that sequences within the TCR beta and TCR alpha gene enhancers confer tissue- and stage-specificity upon the V(D)J recombination events affecting adjacent gene segments. The patterns of transgene expression also gave information on developmental events and lineage relationships (gamma delta versus alpha beta) during T cell development.  相似文献   

We have previously described a line of transgenic mice with multiple head-to-tail copies of an artificial V-J recombination substrate and have shown that the methylation of this transgene is under the control of a dominant strain-specific modifier gene, Ssm-1. When the transgene array is highly methylated, no recombination is detectable, but when it is unmethylated, V-J joining is seen in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and Peyer's patches but not in the thymus or nonlymphoid tissues, including brain tissue. Strikingly, in mice with partially methylated transgene arrays, rearrangement preferentially occurs in hypomethylated copies. Therefore, V-J recombination is negatively correlated with methylated DNA sequences. In addition, it appears that recombination occurs randomly between any two recombination signal sequences within the transgene array. This lack of target preference in an unselectable array of identical targets rules out simple mechanisms of one-dimensional tracking of a V(D)J recombinase complex.  相似文献   

Novel strand exchanges in V(D)J recombination   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
S M Lewis  J E Hesse  K Mizuuchi  M Gellert 《Cell》1988,55(6):1099-1107
We describe novel products of V(D)J recombination in which signal sequences become joined to coding elements, in contrast to the standard reaction whose products are junctions of two signal sequences or two coding elements. In this variant reaction, the recombination machinery evidently recognizes signal sequences and introduces strand breaks at the normal positions, but then connects the elements in unusual combinations. The lack of fixed directionality indicates that recombination sites are not uniquely aligned when strand exchange occurs. The discovery of these variant junctions suggests a model for the evolution of the antigen receptor loci.  相似文献   

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