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Osmotic swelling of fish erythrocytes activates a broad-specificity permeation pathway that mediates the volume-regulatory efflux of taurine and other intracellular osmolytes. This pathway is blocked by inhibitors of the erythrocyte band 3 anion exchanger, raising the possibility that band 3 is involved in the volume-regulatory response. In this study of eel erythrocytes, a quantitative comparison of the pharmacology of swelling-activated taurine transport with that of band 3-mediated SO2− 4 transport showed there to be significant differences between them. N-ethylmaleimide and quinine were effective inhibitors of swelling-activated taurine transport but caused little, if any, inhibition of band 3. Conversely, DIDS was a more potent inhibitor of band 3-mediated SO2− 4 flux than of swelling-activated taurine transport. In cells in isotonic medium, pretreated then co-incubated with 0.1 mm DIDS, the band 3-mediated transport of SO2− 4 and Cl was reduced to a low level. Exposure of these cells to a hypotonic medium containing 0.1 mm DIDS was followed by the activation of a Cl permeation pathway showing the same inhibitor sensitivity as swelling-activated taurine transport. The data are consistent with swelling-activated transport of taurine and Cl being via a common pathway. A comparison of the swelling-activated transport rates for taurine and Cl with those for several other solutes was consistent with the hypothesis that this pathway is an anion-selective channel, similar to those that mediate the volume-regulatory efflux of Cl and organic osmolytes from mammalian cells. Received: 7 July 1995/Revised: 2 September 1995  相似文献   

The unicellular protozoan parasite, Crithidia luciliae, responded to osmotic swelling by undergoing a regulatory volume decrease. This process was accompanied by the efflux of amino acids (predominantly alanine, proline and glycine). The relative loss of the electroneutral amino acids proline, valine, alanine and glycine was greater than that for the anionic amino acid, glutamate; there was negligible loss of the cationic amino acids, lysine, arginine and ornithine. The characteristics of amino acid release were investigated using a radiolabeled form of the nonmetabolized alanine analogue α-aminoisobutyrate. α-Aminoisobutyrate efflux was activated within a few seconds of a reduction of the osmolality, and inactivated rapidly (again within a few seconds) on restoration of isotonicity. The initial rate of efflux of α-aminoisobutyrate from cells in hypotonic medium was unaffected by the extracellular amino acid concentration. Hypotonically activated α-aminoisobutyrate efflux (as well as the associated regulatory volume decrease) was inhibited by the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide but was not inhibited by a range of anion transport blockers. As in the efflux experiments, unidirectional influx rates for α-aminoisobutyrate increased markedly following reduction of the osmolality, consistent with the swelling-activated amino acid release mechanism allowing the flux of solutes in both directions. Hypotonically activated α-aminoisobutyrate influx showed no tendency to saturate up to an extracellular concentration of 50 mm. The functional characteristics of the amino acid release mechanism are those of a channel, with a preference for electroneutral and anionic amino acids over cationic amino acids. However, the pharmacology of the system differs from that of the anion-selective channels that are thought to mediate the volume-regulatory efflux of organic osmolytes from vertebrate cells. Received: 13 May 1996/Revised: 9 July 1996  相似文献   

Cell swelling activates an outwardly rectifying anion current in numerous mammalian cell types. An extensive body of evidence indicates that the channel responsible for this current is the major pathway for volume regulatory organic osmolyte loss. Cell swelling also activates an outwardly rectifying anion current in Xenopus oocytes. Unlike mammalian cells, oocytes allow the direct study of both swelling-activated anion current and organic osmolyte efflux under nearly identical experimental conditions. We therefore exploited the unique properties of oocytes in order to examine further the relationship between anion channel activity and swelling-activated organic osmolyte transport. Swelling-activated anion current and organic osmolyte efflux were studied in parallel in batches of oocytes obtained from single frogs. The magnitude of swelling-activated anion current and organic osmolyte efflux exhibited a positive linear correlation. In addition, the two processes had similar pharmacological characteristics and activation, rundown and reactivation kinetics. The present study provides further strong support for the concept that the channel responsible for swelling-activated Cl efflux and the outwardly rectifying anion conductance is also the major pathway by which organic osmolytes are lost from vertebrate cells during regulatory volume decrease. Received: 22 April 1996/Revised: 18 December 1996  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of extracellular and intracellular pH on single channel and macroscopic (macropatches) currents through volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC) in endothelial cells. Protonation of extracellular binding sites with an apparent pK of 4.6 increased voltage independent of the single-channel amplitude. Cytosolic acidification had a dual effect on VRAC currents: on the one hand, it increased single channel conductance by ∼20% due to protonation of a group with an apparent pK of 6.5 and a Hill coefficient of 2. On the other hand, it reduced channel activity due to protonation of a group with an apparent pK of 6.3 and a Hill coefficient of 2.1. This dual effect enhances the macroscopic current at a slightly acidic pH but inhibits it at more acidic pH. Cytosolic alkalization also reduced channel activity with a pK of 8.4 and a Hill coefficient of 1.9, but apparently did not affect single-channel conductance. These data show that VRAC channels are maintained in an active state in a narrow pH range around the normal physiological pH and shut down outside this range. They also show that HEPES-buffered pipette solutions do not effectively buffer pH in the vicinity of the VRAC channels. Received: 31 January 2000/Revised: 21 April 2000  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that osmotic cell shrinkage activates a nonselective cation (NSC) channel in M-1 mouse cortical collecting duct cells [54] and in a variety of other cell types [20]. In the present study we further characterized the shrinkage-activated NSC channel in M-1 cells and its mechanism of activation using whole-cell current recordings. Osmotic cell shrinkage induced by addition of 100 mm sucrose to the bath solution caused a 20-fold increase in whole-cell inward currents from −10.8 ± 1.5 pA to −211 ± 10.2 pA (n= 103). A similar response was observed when cell shrinkage was elicited using a hypo-osmotic pipette solution. This indicates that cell shrinkage and not extracellular osmolarity per se is the signal for current activation. Cation substitution experiments revealed that the activated channels discriminate poorly between monovalent cations with a selectivity sequence NH4 (1.2) ≥ Na+ (1) ≈ K+ (0.9) ≈ Li+ (0.9). In contrast there was no measurable permeability for Ca2+ or Ba2+ and the cation-to-anion permeability ratio was about 14. The DPC-derivatives flufenamic acid, 4-methyl-DPC and DCDPC were the most effective blockers followed by LOE 908, while amiloride and bumetanide were ineffective. The putative channel activator maitotoxin had no effect. Current activation was dependent upon the presence of intracellular ATP and Mg2+ and was inhibited by staurosporine (1 μm) and calphostin C (1 μm). Moreover, cytochalasin D (10 μm) and taxol (2 μm) reduced the current response to cell shrinkage. These findings suggest that the activation mechanism of the shrinkage-activated NSC channel involves protein kinase mediated phosphorylation steps and cytoskeletal elements. Received: 3 May 2000/Revised: 6 July 2000  相似文献   

Swelling of cells in hypotonic media activates a volume-sensitive Cl channel with well-known characteristics, but its structure and its regulation are still largely undetermined. It also has many inhibitors and most of them are also blocking other types of Cl channels. The numerous inhibitors of Cl channels have apparently no structural relationship among them. The purpose of this study was to try to determine the most simple molecules that could block these channels and identify some common properties among inhibitors. From the 37 new molecules that were studied, it was found that simple halide phenols like trichloro and triiodophenols could block these channels in the micromolar range. Also alkyl phenols, like butylphenols, are very sensitive blockers, comparable to other well-known blockers. But acidic halide phenols or nitrophenols are poor blockers. Also neutral polyphenols are more sensitive than acidic polyphenols. All these results indicate that the common basis for blocking these Cl channels is a phenol with hydrophobic groups, like short alkyl chains or an additional phenyl ring, attached to some of its sites, preferably sites 3-4-5. These results identify a new family of Cl channel blockers and hopefully improve our understanding of the blocking mechanism. Received: 28 August 1997/Revised: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

A new technique allowing single-channel patch-clamp recordings from basolateral membranes of A6 renal epithelial cells in culture was developed. Using this technique we studied the chloride channels activated in these basolateral membranes during hypo-osmotic stress. Four different types of channel were identified and classified according to their current/voltage (I/V) relationships as observed in the on-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Three of these channels had linear I/V relationships with unitary conductances of 12, 30 and 42 pS. The fourth type had an outwardly rectifying I/V curve with inward and outward conductances of 16 and 57 pS respectively. The kinetic properties of each class of channel were studied and kinetic models developed for two of them: the 42 pS channel and the outward rectifier. These models permitted the study of the evolution of the kinetic parameters during hypo-osmotic shock and revealed two different kinetic schemes of channel activation. The results of experiments made on the basolateral membranes were also compared with those of a set of analogous patch-clamp experiments carried out on isolated A6 cells. In these latter, the frequency of successful observations of active channels in a patch was 13%, whereas it was 31% for basolateral membranes. Also, of the four types of channel observed in basolateral membranes, two were never found in isolated cells, only the 12 pS channel and the outward rectifier were present in these isolated cells. Received: 17 April 1996/Revised: 26 June 1996  相似文献   

Two channels, distinguished by using single-channel patch-clamp, carry out potassium transport across the red cell membrane of lamprey erythrocytes. A small-conductance, inwardly rectifying K+-selective channel was observed in both isotonic and hypotonic solutions (osmolarity decreased by 50%). The single-channel conductance was 26 ± 3 pS in isotonic (132 mm K+) solutions and 24 ± 2 pS in hypotonic (63 mm K+) solutions. No outward conductance was found for this channel, and the channel activity was completely inhibited by barium. Cell swelling activated another inwardly rectifying K+ channel with a larger inward conductance of 65 pS and outward conductance of 15 pS in the on-cell configuration. In this channel, rectification was due to the block of outward currents by Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions, since when both ions were removed from the cytosolic side in inside-out patches the conductance of the channel was nearly ohmic. In contrast to the small-conductance channel, the swelling-activated channel was observed also in the presence of barium in the pipette. Neither type of channel was dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions on the cytosolic side for activity. Received: 18 July 1997/Revised: 30 January 1998  相似文献   

Mechanosensitive ion channels from Escherichia coli were studied in giant proteoliposomes reconstituted from an inner membrane fraction, or in giant round cells in which the outer membrane and the cell wall had been disrupted by a lysozyme-EDTA treatment and a mild osmotic shock. Patch-clamp experiments revealed the presence in these two preparations of an array of different conductances (100 to 2,300 pS in 0.1 m KCl) activated by stretch. The electrical activity induced by stretch in the native membrane was complex, due to the activation of several different conductances. In contrast, patches of proteoliposomes generally contained clusters of identical conductances, which differed from patch to patch. These experiments are consistent with the notion that these different conductances correspond to different proteins in the plasma membrane of E. coli, which segregate into clusters of identical channels on dilution involved in reconstitution in proteoliposomes. These conductances could be grouped into three subfamilies of poorly selective channels. In both preparations, the higher the conductance, the higher was the negative pressure needed for activation. We discuss the putative role of these channels as parts of a multicomponent osmoregulatory system. Received: 23 May 1995/Revised: 31 January 1996  相似文献   

Lanthanide ions such as La3+ are frequently used as blockers to test the involvement of calcium channels in plant and animal signal transduction pathways. For example, the large rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration triggered by cold shock in Arabidopsis seedlings is effectively blocked by 10 mm La3+ and we show here that the simultaneous large membrane depolarization is similarly blocked. However, a pharmacological tool is only as useful as it is selective and the specificity of La3+ for calcium channels was brought into question by our finding that it also blocked a blue light (BL)-induced depolarization that results from anion channel activation and believed not to involve calcium channels. This unexpected inhibitory effect of La3+ on the BL-induced depolarization is explained by our finding that 10 mm La3+ directly and completely blocked the BL-activated anion channel when applied to excised patches. We have investigated the ability of La3+ to block noncalcium channels in Arabidopsis. In addition to the BL-activated anion channel, 10 mm La3+ blocked a cation channel and a stretch-activated channel in patches of plasma membrane excised from hypocotyl cells. In root cells, 10 mm La3+ inhibited the activity of an outward-rectifying potassium channel at the whole cell and single-channel level by 47% and 58%, respectively. We conclude that La3+ is a nonspecific blocker of multiple ionic conductances in Arabidopsis and may disrupt signal transduction processes independently of any effect on Ca2+ channels. Received: 28 July 1997/Revised: 13 November 1997  相似文献   

Interactions between the reactive disulfide fungal metabolite, gliotoxin (GTX), and rabbit skeletal ryanodine receptor (RyR) calcium release channels have been examined. RyRs in terminal cisternae vesicles formed a covalent complex with 100 μm 35S-GTX, which was reversed by 1 mm dithiothreitol (DTT) or 1 mm glutathione. GTX (80–240 μm), added to either cytoplasmic (cis) or luminal (trans) solutions, increased the rate of Ca2+ release from SR vesicles and the frequency of opening of single RyR channels in lipid bilayers. Channel activation was reversed upon addition of 2 mm DTT to the cis solution, showing that the activation was due to an oxidation reaction (2 mm DTT added to the cis solution in the absence of GTX did not affect RyR activity). Furthermore, RyRs were not activated by trans GTX if the cis chamber contained DTT, suggesting that GTX oxidized a site in or near the membrane. In contrast to cis DTT, 2 mm DTT in the trans solution increased RyR activity when added either alone or with 200 μm trans GTX. The results suggest that (i) GTX increases RyR channel activity by oxidizing cysteine residues that are close to the membrane and located on RyR, or associated proteins, and (ii) a disulfide bridge or nitrosothiol, accessible only from the luminal solution, normally suppresses RyR channel activity. Some of the actions of GTX in altering Ca2+ homeostatsis might depend on its modification of RyR calcium channels. Received: 12 November 1999/Revised: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Channel-forming proteins/peptides fall into over 100 currently recognized families, most of which are restricted to prokaryotes or eukaryotes, but a few of which are ubiquitous. These proteins fall into three major currently recognized classes: (i) α-helix-type channels present in bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic cytoplasmic and organellar membranes, (ii) β-barrel-type porins present in the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacterial cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, and (iii) protein/peptide toxins targeted to the cytoplasmic membranes of cells other than those that synthesize the toxins. High-resolution 3-dimensional structural data are available for representative proteins/peptides of all three of these channel-forming types. Each type exhibits distinctive features that distinguish them from the other channel protein types and from carriers. Structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects of transmembrane channel-formers are discussed. Received: 10 September 1999/Revised: 11 February 2000  相似文献   

Two cDNAs, GluClα and GluClβ, encoding glutamate-gated chloride channel subunits that represent targets of the avermectin class of antiparasitic compounds, have recently been cloned from Caenorhabditis elegans (Cully et al., Nature, 371, 707–711, 1994). Expression studies in Xenopus oocytes showed that GluClα and GluClβ have pharmacological profiles distinct from the glutamate-gated cation channels as well as the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and glycine-gated chloride channels. Establishing the evolutionary relationship of related proteins can clarify properties and lead to predictions about their structure and function. We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of the GluClα and GluClβ genes. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary relationship of these channels with the members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, we have performed gene structure comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of their nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences. Gene structure comparisons reveal the presence of several intron positions that are not found in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, outlining their distinct evolutionary position. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that GluClα and GluClβ form a monophyletic subbranch in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily and are related to vertebrate glycine channels/receptors. Glutamate-gated chloride channels, with electrophysiological properties similar to GluClα and GluClβ, have been described in insects and crustaceans, suggesting that the glutamate-gated chloride channel family may be conserved in other invertebrate species. The gene structure and phylogenetic analyses in combination with the distinct pharmacological properties demonstrate that GluClα and GluClβ belong to a discrete ligand-gated ion channel family that may represent genes orthologous to the vertebrate glycine channels. Received: 30 September 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

In vertebrates, cilia on the olfactory receptor neurons have a high density of cyclic-nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. During transduction of odorous stimuli, cyclic AMP is formed. cAMP gates the CNG channels and this initiates the neuronal depolarization. Here it is shown that the ciliary CNG channels also open spontaneously. In the absence of odorants and second messengers, olfactory cilia have a small basal conductance to cations. Part of this conductance is similar to the cAMP-activated conductance in its sensitivity to channel inhibitors and divalent cations. The basal conductance may help to stabilize the neuronal membrane potential while limiting the sensitivity of odorant detection. Received: 30 May 2000/Revised: 8 August 2000  相似文献   

The calcium indicator fura-2 was used to study the effect of hypotonic solutions on the intracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+] i , in a human osteoblast-like cell line. Decreasing the tonicity of the extracellular solution to 50% leads to an increase in [Ca2+] i from ∼150 nm up to 1.3 μm. This increase in [Ca2+] i was mainly due to an influx of extracellular Ca2+ since removing of extracellular Ca2+ reduced this increase to ∼250 nm. After cell swelling most of the cells were able to regulate their volume to the initial level within 800 sec. The whole-cell recording mode of the patch-clamp technique was also used to study the effect of an increase in [Ca2+] i on membrane currents in these cells. An increase in [Ca2+] i revealed two types of Ca2+-activated K+ channels, K(Ca) channels. Current through both channel types could not be observed below voltage of +80 mV with [Ca2+] i buffered to 100 nm or less. With patch-electrodes filled with solutions buffering [Ca2+] i to 10 μm both channels types could be readily observed. The activation of the first type was apparently voltage-independent since current could be observed over the entire voltage range used from −160 to +100 mV. In addition, the current was also blocked by charybdotoxin (CTX). The second type of K(Ca) channels in these cells could be activated with depolarizations more positive than −40 mV from a holding potential of −80 mV. This type was blocked by CTX and paxilline. Adding paxilline to the extracellular solution inhibited regulatory volume decrease (RVD), but could not abolish RVD. We conclude that two K(Ca) channel types exist in human osteoblasts, an intermediate conductance K(Ca) channel and a MaxiK-like K(Ca) channel. MaxiK channels might get activated either directly or by an increase in [Ca2+] i elicited through hypotonic solutions. In combination with the volume-regulated Cl conductance in the same cells this K+ channel seems to play a vital role in volume regulation in human osteoblasts. Received: 8 February 2000/Revised: 13 July 2000  相似文献   

A large conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel of the BK type was examined in cultured pituitary melanotrophs obtained from adult male rats. In cell-attached recordings the slope conductance for the BK channel was ≈190 pS and the probability (P o ) of finding the channel in the open state at the resting membrane potential was low (<<0.1). Channels in inside-out patches and in symmetrical 150 mm K+ had a conductance of ≈260 pS. The lower conductance in the cell-attached recordings is provisionally attributed to an intracellular K+ concentration of ≈113 mm. The permeability sequence, relative to K+, was K+ > Rb+ (0.87) > NH+ 4 (0.17) > Cs+≥ Na+ (≤0.02). The slope conductance for Rb+ was much less than for K+. Neither Na+ nor Cs+ carried measurable currents and 150 mm internal Cs+ caused a flickery block of the channel. Internal tetraethylammonium ions (TEA+) produced a fast block for which the dissociation constant at 0 mV (K D (0 mV)) was 50 mm. The K D (0 mV) for external TEA+ was much lower, 0.25 mm, and the blocking reaction was slower as evidenced by flickery open channel currents. With both internal and external TEA+ the blocking reaction was bimolecular and weakly voltage dependent. External charybdotoxin (40 nm) caused a large and reversible decrease of P o . The P o was increased by depolarization and/or by increasing the concentration of internal Ca2+. In 0.1 μm Ca2+ the half-maximal P o occurred at ≈100 mV; increasing Ca2+ to 1 μm shifted the voltage for the half-maximal P o to −75 mV. The Ca2+ dependence of the gating was approximated by a fourth power relationship suggesting the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites on the BK channel. Received: 23 October/Revised: 15 December 1995  相似文献   

In liver cells, cation-selective channels are permeable to Ca2+ and have been postulated to represent a pathway for receptor-mediated Ca2+ influx. This study examines the mechanisms involved in the regulation of these channels in a model liver cell line. Using patch-clamp recording techniques, it is shown that channel open probability is a saturable function of cytosolic [Ca2+], with half-maximal opening at 660 nm. By contrast, channel opening is not affected by membrane voltage or cytosolic pH. In intact cells, reduction of cytosolic [Cl], a physiological response to Ca2+-mobilizing hormones and cell swelling, is also associated with an increase in channel opening. Finally, channel opening is inhibited by intracellular ATP through a mechanism that does not involve ATP hydrolysis. These findings suggest that opening of cation-selective channels is coupled to the metabolic state of the cell and provides a positive feedback mechanism for regulation of receptor-mediated Na+ and Ca2+ influx. Received: 8 October 1996  相似文献   

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