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In this study, we show that an HLA-loss variant, EBV-LCL .180, which lacks HLA-DR, DP, DQ and B determinants but expresses HLA-A and C molecules, can activate autologous proliferative T cells which recognize EBV-LCL antigens (or LYDMA). T-cell clones isolated from bulk culture (A.180) of T cell primed with autologous variant .180 when tested for their proliferative reactivity to .180 and three autologous class I-loss variants, each lacking specific class I determinants, showed requirement for class I HLA molecules. Clones A.180.Cl and A.180.F3D respond to the A2+, B-null, C+ mutant .53, but not to the A-null, B5+, C+ mutant .144, or the A-null, B-null, C+ mutant .184, indicating that these clones are restricted by an HLA-A2 determinant. These proliferative T-cell clones express the CD4 marker and are noncytotoxic, even in the presence of concanavalin A (Con A) lectin. In coculture experiments, A.180.Cl was further shown to provide lymphokine "help" for EBV-LCL-specific, autologous cytotoxic T-cell clones. These results suggest the repertoire of HLA determinants employed by EBV-LCL-specific proliferative T cells, in addition to the previously shown HLA-DR, DP, and DQ determinants, also includes class I molecules.  相似文献   

The signals that trigger IL-4-independent IL-4 synthesis by conventional CD4(+) T cells are not yet defined. In this study, we show that coactivation with anti-CD4 mAb can stimulate single naive CD4(+) T cells to form IL-4-producing clones in the absence of APC and exogenous IL-4, independently of effects on proliferation. When single CD4(+) lymph node cells from C57BL/6 mice were cultured with immobilized anti-CD3epsilon mAb and IL-2, 65-85% formed clones over 12-14 days. Coimmobilization of mAb to CD4, CD11a, and/or CD28 increased the size of these clones but each exerted different effects on their cytokine profiles. Most clones produced IFN-gamma and/or IL-3 regardless of the coactivating mAb. However, whereas 0-6% of clones obtained with mAb to CD11a or CD28 produced IL-4, 10-40% of those coactivated with anti-CD4 mAb were IL-4 producers. A similar response was observed among CD4(+) cells from BALB/c mice. Most IL-4-producing clones were derived from CD4(+) cells of naive (CD44(low) or CD62L(high)) phenotype and the great majority coproduced IFN-gamma and IL-3. The effect of anti-CD4 mAb on IL-4 synthesis could be dissociated from effects on clone size since anti-CD4 and anti-CD11a mAb stimulated formation of clones of similar size which differed markedly in IL-4 production. Engagement of CD3 and CD4 in the presence of IL-2 is therefore sufficient to induce a substantial proportion of naive CD4(+) T cells to form IL-4-producing clones in the absence of other exogenous signals, including IL-4 itself.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a betaherpesvirus, is a pathogen which escapes immune recognition through various mechanisms. In this paper, we show that HCMV down regulates gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-induced HLA-DR expression in U373 MG astrocytoma cells due to a defect downstream of STAT1 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. Repression of class II transactivator (CIITA) mRNA expression is detected within the first hours of IFN-gamma-HCMV coincubation and results in the absence of HLA-DR synthesis. This defect leads to the absence of presentation of the major immediate-early protein IE1 to specific CD4(+) T-cell clones when U373 MG cells, used as antigen-presenting cells, are treated with IFN-gamma plus HCMV. However, presentation of endogenously synthesized IE1 can be restored when U373 MG cells are transfected with CIITA prior to infection with HCMV. Altogether, the data indicate that the defect induced by HCMV resides in the activation of the IFN-gamma-responsive promoter of CIITA. This is the first demonstration of a viral inhibition of CIITA expression.  相似文献   

To understand how memory CD4 T cells are generated we have re-examined the requirements for continuing antigen stimulation in the generation and persistence of this population. We find that specific antigen is only required for a short period during the activation of naive CD4 T cells and is not required for memory generation from activated CD4 T cells or for persistence of resting memory cells generated by transfer of activated CD4 to adoptive hosts. Moreover, transfer of activated CD4 T cells to class-II-deficient hosts, indicates that TcR-class II major histocompatibility interaction is also unnecessary for either the transition from activated CD4 T cell to resting memory cells or for persistence over an eight-week period. Thus the signals regulating generation and maintenance of memory are fundamentally different from those which regulate the expansion of effector CD4 T-cell populations which include antigen itself and the CD4 T-cell autocrine cytokines induced by antigen.  相似文献   

HLA class I tetramers have revolutionized the study of Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Technical problems and the rarity of Ag-specific CD4+ Th cells have not allowed the potential of HLA class II tetramers to be fully realized. Here, we optimize HLA class II tetramer staining methods through the use of a comprehensive panel of HIV-, influenza-, CMV-, and tetanus toxoid-specific tetramers. We find rapid and efficient staining of DR1- and DR4-restricted CD4+ cell lines and clones and show that TCR internalization is not a requirement for immunological staining. We combine tetramer staining with magnetic bead enrichment to detect rare Ag-specific CD4+ T cells with frequencies as low as 1 in 250,000 (0.0004% of CD4+ cells) in human PBLs analyzed directly ex vivo. This ultrasensitive detection allowed phenotypic analysis of rare CD4+ T lymphocytes that had experienced diverse exposure to Ag during the course of viral infections. These cells would not be detectable with normal flow-cytometric techniques.  相似文献   

We have developed a cellular adhesion assay in which B lymphocytes expressing HLA class II antigens form rosettes with COS cells expressing high levels of cell surface CD4 upon transient transfection with a CDM8-CD4 plasmid construct. The assay is specific, quantitative, and overcomes the difficulties encountered with a previously described system using an SV40 viral vector. Rosette formation was inhibited by a series of CD4- and HLA-DR-specific antibodies, as well as by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gp 120, and a synthetic peptide derived from part of its binding site for CD4 (amino acid residues 414-434), but not by a variety of other effectors, including several soluble CD4 derivatives. The comparison of this pattern of inhibition with those observed in other systems further emphasizes the great similarity, but incomplete identity, in the CD4 binding sites for HLA class II antigens and HIV gp120, and supports a model in which CD4 is considered as an allosteric servomodulator of T-cell adhesion and function which probably is induced to interact with HLA class II antigens when associated with the Tcr/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

T cells must play the major role in controlling acute human Lassa virus infection, because patients recover from acute Lassa fever in the absence of a measurable neutralizing antibody response. T cells alone seem to protect animals from a lethal Lassa virus challenge, because after experimental vaccination no neutralizing antibodies are detectable. In order to study human T-cell reactivity to single Lassa virus proteins, the nucleoprotein (NP) of Lassa virus, strain Josiah, was cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, and affinity purified. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from 8 of 13 healthy, Lassa virus antibody-positive individuals living in the Republic of Guinea, western Africa, were found to proliferate in response to the recombinant protein (proliferation index >/=10). PBMC obtained from one individual with a particularly high proliferative response were used to generate 50 NP-specific T-cell clones (TCC). For six of these the epitopes were mapped with overlapping synthetic peptides derived from the sequence of the NP. These CD4(+) TCC displayed high specific proliferation and produced mainly gamma interferon upon stimulation with NP. Because variation of up to 15% in the amino acid sequences of the structural proteins of naturally occurring Lassa virus variants has been observed, the reactivity of the TCC with peptides derived from the homologous epitopes of the Nigeria strain of Lassa virus and of the eastern Africa arenavirus Mopeia was tested. With the Nigeria strain of Lassa virus the levels of homology were 100% for two of these epitopes and 85% for three of them, whereas homology with the respective Mopeia epitopes ranged from 92 to 69%. Reactivity of the TCC with peptides derived from the variable epitopes of the Nigeria strain and of Mopeia was reduced or completely abolished. This report shows for the first time that seropositive individuals from areas of endemicity have very strong memory CD4(+) T-cell responses against the NP of Lassa virus, which are partly strain specific and partly cross-reactive with other Lassa virus strains. Our findings may have important implications for the strategy of designing recombinant vaccines against this mainly T-cell-controlled human arenavirus infection.  相似文献   

Immune elimination of tumor cells requires the close cooperation between CD8+ CTL and CD4+ Th cells. We circumvent MHC class II-restriction of CD4+ T cells by expression of a recombinant immunoreceptor with an Ab-derived binding domain redirecting specificity. Human CD4+ T cells grafted with an immunoreceptor specific for carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) are activated to proliferate and secrete cytokines upon binding to CEA+ target cells. Notably, redirected CD4+ T cells mediate cytolysis of CEA+ tumor cells with high efficiencies. Lysis by redirected CD4+ T cells is independent of death receptor signaling via TNF-alpha or Fas, but mediated by perforin and granzyme because cytolysis is inhibited by blocking the release of cytotoxic granules, but not by blocking of Fas ligand or TNF-alpha. CD4+ T cells redirected by Ab-derived immunoreceptors in a MHC class II-independent fashion substantially extend the power of an adoptive, Ag-triggered immunotherapy not only by CD4+ T cell help, but also by cytolytic effector functions. Because cytolysis is predominantly mediated via granzyme/perforin, target cells that are resistant to death receptor signaling become sensitive to a cytolytic attack by engineered CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells play a major role in the host defense against viruses and intracellular microbes. During the natural course of such an infection, specific CD4(+) T cells are exposed to a wide range of antigen concentrations depending on the body compartment and the stage of disease. While epitope variants trigger only subsets of T-cell effector functions, the response of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells to various concentrations of the wild-type antigen has not been systematically studied. We stimulated hepatitis B virus core- and hepatitis C virus NS3-specific CD4(+) T-cell clones which had been isolated from patients with acute hepatitis during viral clearance with a wide range of specific antigen concentrations and determined the phenotypic changes and the induction of T-cell effector functions in relation to T-cell receptor internalization. A low antigen concentration induced the expression of T-cell activation markers and adhesion molecules in CD4(+) T-cell clones in the absence of cytokine secretion and proliferation. The expression of CD25, HLA-DR, CD69, and intercellular cell adhesion molecule 1 increased as soon as T-cell receptor internalization became detectable. A 30- to 100-fold-higher antigen concentration, corresponding to the internalization of 20 to 30% of T-cell receptor molecules, however, was required for the induction of proliferation as well as for gamma interferon and interleukin-4 secretion. These data indicate that virus-specific CD4(+) T cells can respond to specific antigen in a graded manner depending on the antigen concentration, which may have implications for a coordinate regulation of specific CD4(+) T-cell responses.  相似文献   

Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) and B cell lymphomas induced by EBV continue to be a major life-threatening complication in transplant patients. The establishment and enhancement of T cell immunity to EBV before transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy could help diminish these complications, but the lack of an effective vaccine has limited this prophylactic approach. We describe here the identification of a peptide epitope from the EBV EBNA2 Ag that is capable of inducing in vitro CD4(+) T cell responses that inhibit the EBV-mediated B lymphocyte proliferation associated with PTLD. Most significantly, T cell responses to the EBNA2 epitope were found to be restricted by numerous MHC class II alleles (DR1, DR7, DR16, DR52, DQ2, and DQ7), indicating that this peptide is highly promiscuous and would be recognized by a large proportion (>50%) of the general population. These results are relevant for the design of a simple, inexpensive and widely applicable peptide-based vaccine to prevent PTLD in solid organ transplant patients.  相似文献   

We have investigated the functional polymorphism of HLA class II antigens using CD4+ CTL clones. Seven CD4+ CTL clones were isolated from a healthy donor (HLA A2 A24; B8 B27; DRw17 DRw52a) by repeated stimulation with irradiated autologous EBV-transformed B cell lines (EBV-B). According to the HLA restriction specificity we divided CD4+ CTL clones into three subgroups: (i) DRw17-restricted CD4+ CTL clones; (ii) DRw52a-restricted CD4+ CTL clones; and (iii) the CD4+ CTL clones, of which the restriction specificity could not be assigned to products of a single HLA locus. Interestingly, DRw17-restricted CD4+ CTL clones distinguished between DRw17 and DRw18. Similarly, DRw52a-restricted CD4+ CTL clones distinguished between DRw52a, w52b, and w52c. There are four amino acids which differ between DRw17 and DRw18, whereas five differ between DRw52a and the other two alleles (DRw52b and DRw52c). The recent elucidation of the crystal structure of a human class I MHC molecule has identified the probable peptide binding site to be a cleft on the outer surface of the molecule, between two alpha-helices. On the basis of the theoretical model for HLA class II molecules, amino acid positions 26 and 28 (DRw17 vs DRw18) and amino acid positions 26, 28, and 74 (DRw52a vs the other two alleles) lie within the "cleft." We propose that amino acid positions 26 and 28 are very important sites with regard to the recognition of antigen-MHC complex by the TCR.  相似文献   

Surgical specimens of lung cancers were examined immunopathologically for the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) antigens in the tumor cells and their relationship to the lymphocytic infiltration. A lymphocytic infiltrate was frequently observed in the tumor tissue, though its intensity differed among the various histological types. MHC-II antigens were often demonstrated in tumors with a lymphocytic infiltrate. They were detected predominantly in the cytoplasm of tumor cells and to a lesser extent on the cell membranes. The emergence of the MHC-II-positive tumor cells was closely related to a local infiltration by lymphocytes including interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing T-cells. On the basis of the histological findings, an in vitro experiment was carried out. Four types of lung cancer cells were incubated with recombinant IFN-gamma in order to induce MHC-II antigens. MHC-II antigens (HLA-DR as well as HLA-DQ and HLA-DP antigens) were elicited in three cancer cell lines depending on the concentration of IFN-gamma. Immunoelectron microscopic study revealed that they were expressed on the surface of the cell membrane, though to a lesser extent than in the cytoplasm. It was considered that MHC-II antigens could be induced in some tumor cells in the immunological environment where IFN-gamma was secreted from T-cells and concentrated locally.  相似文献   

CD133 (prominin-1), a 5-transmembrane glycoprotein, has recently been considered to be an important marker that represents the subset population of cancer stem-like cells. Herein we report the isolation of CD133-positive cells (LC-CD133(+)) and CD133-negative cells (LC-CD133(-)) from tissue samples of ten patients with non-small cell lung cancer (LC) and five LC cell lines. LC-CD133(+) displayed higher Oct-4 expressions with the ability to self-renew and may represent a reservoir with proliferative potential for generating lung cancer cells. Furthermore, LC-CD133(+), unlike LC-CD133(-), highly co-expressed the multiple drug-resistant marker ABCG2 and showed significant resistance to chemotherapy agents (i.e., cisplatin, etoposide, doxorubicin, and paclitaxel) and radiotherapy. The treatment of Oct-4 siRNA with lentiviral vector can specifically block the capability of LC-CD133(+) to form spheres and can further facilitate LC-CD133(+) to differentiate into LC-CD133(-). In addition, knock-down of Oct-4 expression in LC-CD133(+) can significantly inhibit the abilities of tumor invasion and colony formation, and increase apoptotic activities of caspase 3 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Finally, in vitro and in vivo studies further confirm that the treatment effect of chemoradiotherapy for LC-CD133(+) can be improved by the treatment of Oct-4 siRNA. In conclusion, we demonstrated that Oct-4 expression plays a crucial role in maintaining the self-renewing, cancer stem-like, and chemoradioresistant properties of LC-CD133(+). Future research is warranted regarding the up-regulated expression of Oct-4 in LC-CD133(+) and malignant lung cancer.  相似文献   

Thirteen dengue virus-specific, cytotoxic CD4+ CD8- T-cell clones were established from a donor who was infected with dengue virus type 3. These clones were examined for virus specificity and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) restriction in cytotoxic assays. Six patterns of virus specificities were determined. Two serotype-specific clones recognized only dengue virus type 3. Two dengue virus subcomplex-specific clones recognized dengue virus types 2, 3, and 4, and one subcomplex-specific clone recognized dengue virus types 1, 2, and 3. Four dengue virus serotype-cross-reactive clones recognized dengue virus types 1, 2, 3, and 4. One flavivirus-cross-reactive clone recognized dengue virus types 1, 2, 3, and 4 and West Nile virus (WNV), but did not recognize yellow fever virus (YFV), whereas three flavivirus-cross-reactive clones recognized dengue virus types 1, 2, 3, and 4, WNV, and YFV. HLA restriction in the lysis by these T-cell clones was also heterogeneous. HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR were used as restriction elements by various T-cell clones. We also examined the recognition of viral nonstructural protein NS3, purified from cells infected with dengue virus type 3 or WNV, by these T-cell clones. One serotype-specific clone, two dengue virus subcomplex-specific clones, and three dengue virus serotype-cross-reactive clones recognized NS3 of dengue virus type 3. One flavivirus-cross-reactive clone recognized NS3 of dengue virus type 3 and WNV. These results indicate that heterogeneous dengue virus-specific CD4+ cytotoxic T cells are stimulated in response to infection with a dengue virus and that a nonstructural protein, NS3, contains multiple dominant T-cell epitopes.  相似文献   

GK1.5, a rat anti-mouse CD4 mAb, is effective in the treatment of several autoimmune syndromes, induces tolerance to co-administered Ag, and prolongs allograft survival. We have constructed a family of molecules with GK1.5 V regions and mouse gamma 1, gamma 2a, gamma 2b, or gamma 3 constant regions to investigate the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of GK1.5. The rat-mouse chimeric antibodies are specific for murine CD4 and have identical binding curves as rat GK1.5 on CD4+ T cells. The chimeric GK1.5 gamma 2a, GK1.5 gamma 2b, and GK1.5 gamma 3 antibodies are more efficient than rat GK1.5 at C-mediated cytotoxicity. This is attributed to the enhanced capacity of the chimeric antibodies, compared to rat GK1.5, to lyse CD4+ cells with a low cell surface Ag density. This observation may have important implications for therapy.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 (HPV 16) and HPV type 18 (HPV 18) are implicated in the induction and progression of the majority of cervical cancers. Since the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of these viruses are expressed in these lesions, such proteins might be potential tumor-specific targets for immunotherapy. In this report, we demonstrate that recombinant, full-length E7-pulsed autologous dendritic cells (DC) can elicit a specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against autologous tumor target cells in three patients with HPV 16- or HPV 18-positive cervical cancer. E7-specific CTL populations expressed strong cytolytic activity against autologous tumor cells, did not lyse autologous concanavalin A-treated lymphoblasts or autologous Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), and showed low levels of cytotoxicity against natural killer cell-sensitive K562 cells. Cytotoxicity against autologous tumor cells could be significantly blocked by anti-HLA class I (W6/32) and anti-CD11a/LFA-1 antibodies. Phenotypically, all CTL populations were CD3(+)/CD8(+), with variable levels of CD56 expression. CTL induced by E7-pulsed DC were also highly cytotoxic against an allogeneic HLA-A2(+) HPV 16-positive matched cell line (CaSki). In addition, we show that specific lymphoproliferative responses by autologous CD4(+) T cells can also be induced by E7-pulsed autologus DC. E7-specific CD4(+) T cells proliferated in response to E7-pulsed LCL but not unpulsed LCL, and this response could be blocked by anti-HLA class II antibody. Finally, with two-color flow cytometric analysis of intracellular cytokine expression at the single-cell level, a marked Th1-like bias (as determined by the frequency of gamma interferon- and interleukin 4-expressing cells) was observable for both CD8(+) and CD4(+) E7-specific lymphocyte populations. Taken together, these data demonstrate that full-length E7-pulsed DC can induce both E7-specific CD4(+) T-cell proliferative responses and strong CD8(+) CTL responses capable of lysing autologous naturally HPV-infected cancer cells in patients with cervical cancer. These results may have important implications for the treatment of cervical cancer patients with active or adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the protective immune responses against a newly identified herpesvirus, human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), we established HHV-6-specific human T-cell clones and examined their functional properties. Five CD3+CD4+CD8- T-cell clones, which proliferated in response to stimulation with two different strains of HHV-6 in the presence of autologous antigen-presenting cells but not with herpes simplex virus type 1 or human cytomegalovirus, were established from peripheral blood lymphocytes of a healthy individual. The proliferative response of all T-cell clones to HHV-6 antigen was inhibited by addition of anti-HLA-DR monoclonal antibody, indicating that these clones were human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II DR restricted. Of the five clones, two lysed HHV-6-infected autologous lymphoblasts, but not HHV-6-infected allogeneic cells or natural killer-sensitive K562 cells (group 1); one showed cytotoxicity against HHV-6-infected autologous lymphoblasts as well as HHV-6-infected allogeneic cells and K562 cells (group 2); and the remaining two showed no cytotoxic activity (group 3). The cytotoxic activity of group 1 was inhibited by addition of anti-HLA-DR monoclonal antibody to the culture, whereas this monoclonal antibody had no effect on the cytotoxicity of group 2 and did not induce the cytotoxicity of group 3. Perforin, which is one of the mediators of cytotoxicity, was abundantly expressed in group 1 and 2 clones. Moreover, all groups of clones produced gamma interferon after culture with antigen-presenting cells followed by HHV-6 antigen stimulation. These results suggest that HHV-6-specific CD4+ T cells have heterogeneous functions.  相似文献   

T-cell responses to X4 strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are considered important in controlling progression of HIV-1 infection. We investigated the ability of dendritic cells (DC) and various forms of HIV-1 X4 antigen to induce anti-HIV-1 T-cell responses in autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-1-infected persons. Immature DC loaded with HIV-1 IIIB-infected, autologous, apoptotic CD8(-) cells and matured with CD40 ligand induced gamma interferon production in autologous CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. In contrast, mature DC loaded with HIV-1 IIIB-infected, necrotic cells or directly infected with cell-free HIV-1 IIIB were poorly immunogenic. Thus, HIV-1-infected cells undergoing apoptosis serve as a rich source of X4 antigen for CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells by DC. This may be an important mechanism of HIV-1 immunogenicity and provides a strategy for immunotherapy of HIV-1-infected patients on combination antiretroviral therapy.  相似文献   

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