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We determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genomes for the three currently recognized species of ocean sunfish: Mola mola, Masturus lanceolatus, and Ranzania laevis (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Each genome contained the 37 genes as found in teleosts, with the typical gene order in teleosts. Bayesian, maximum-likelihood, and maximum-parsimony analyses were conducted with the data set comprising concatenated nucleotide sequences from 36 genes (excluding the ND6 gene) of three molids and four outgroups (three tetraodontiforms plus a caproid). The resultant trees supported monophyly of the Molidae and its intrarelationships ((Mola, Masturus), Ranzania), which were congruent with previous morphology-based hypotheses.  相似文献   

We describe the ontogeny of the occipital skull and anterior vertebrae of the molids Ranzania laevis and Masturus lanceolatus and compare it with that of the ostraciid Lactophrys sp. The first vertebra fuses to the basioccipital in early ontogeny in the two molids and previous authors thus confused that vertebra with the back of the basioccipital, so that all previous counts of their vertebral numbers are incorrect by one vertebra. As evidenced by Lactophrys sp., ostraciids are the only other tetraodontiforms with similar occipito-vertebral fusion. In contrast to the molids, additional anterior vertebrae fuse with this complex in ostraciids. We conclude that the shared occipito-vertebral fusion in molids and ostraciids and its otherwise extremely rare occurrence among teleosts provide support for a sister-group relationship of the two families.  相似文献   

Viviparous sea snakes (Elapidae: Hydrophiinae) are fully marine reptiles distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their known maximum diving depth ranges between 50 and 100 m and this is thought to limit their ecological ranges to shallow habitats. We report two observations, from industry‐owned remotely operated vehicles, of hydrophiine sea snakes swimming and foraging at depths of approximately 250 m in the Browse Basin on Australia's North West Shelf, in 2014 and 2017. These observations show that sea snakes are capable of diving to the dim‐lit, cold‐water mesopelagic zone, also known as the ‘twilight’ zone. These record‐setting dives raise new questions about the thermal tolerances, diving behaviour and ecological requirements of sea snakes. In addition to significantly extending previous diving records for sea snakes, these observations highlight the importance of university‐industry collaboration in surveying understudied deep‐sea habitats.  相似文献   

Comprehension of ecological processes in marine animals requires information regarding dynamic vertical habitat use. While many pelagic predators primarily associate with epipelagic waters, some species routinely dive beyond the deep scattering layer. Actuation for exploiting these aphotic habitats remains largely unknown. Recent telemetry data from oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the Atlantic show a strong association with warm waters (>20°C) less than 200 m. Yet, individuals regularly exhibit excursions into the meso‐ and bathypelagic zone. In order to examine deep‐diving behavior in oceanic whitetip sharks, we physically recovered 16 pop‐up satellite archival tags and analyzed the high‐resolution depth and temperature data. Diving behavior was evaluated in the context of plausible functional behavior hypotheses including interactive behaviors, energy conservation, thermoregulation, navigation, and foraging. Mesopelagic excursions (= 610) occurred throughout the entire migratory circuit in all individuals, with no indication of site specificity. Six depth‐versus‐time descent and ascent profiles were identified. Descent profile shapes showed little association with examined environmental variables. Contrastingly, ascent profile shapes were related to environmental factors and appear to represent unique behavioral responses to abiotic conditions present at the dive apex. However, environmental conditions may not be the sole factors influencing ascents, as ascent mode may be linked to intentional behaviors. While dive functionality remains unconfirmed, our study suggests that mesopelagic excursions relate to active foraging behavior or navigation. Dive timing, prey constituents, and dive shape support foraging as the most viable hypothesis for mesopelagic excursions, indicating that the oceanic whitetip shark may regularly survey extreme environments (deep depths, low temperatures) as a foraging strategy. At the apex of these deep‐water excursions, sharks exhibit a variable behavioral response, perhaps, indicating the presence or absence of prey.  相似文献   

One of the most conspicuous characters of the ocean sunfishes, family Molidae, is the punctuation of the body by a deep, abbreviated, caudal fin-like structure extending vertically between the posterior ends of the dorsal and anal fins, termed the clavus by Fraser Brunner. Homology of the clavus has been a matter of debate since the first studies on molid anatomy in the early 1800s. Two hypotheses have been proposed: 1) It is a highly modified caudal fin; 2) It is formed by highly modified elements of the dorsal and anal fins. To resolve this homology issue, we studied the ontogeny of the molid vertebral column and median fins and compared it to that of a less morphologically derived gymnodont (see Part 1 of this study), a member of the family Tetraodontidae. We show that in molids the chorda never flexes during development, that the claval rays form from the posterior ends of the dorsal and anal fins toward the middle, thus closing the gap inward, and that elements of the molid clavus have an identical development and composition as the proximal-middle and distal radials of the regular dorsal and anal fins. We thus conclude that the molid clavus is unequivocally formed by modified elements of the dorsal and anal fin and that the caudal fin is lost in molids.  相似文献   

Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest the existence of at least three species of Mola (Mola spp. A, B and C). Currently, only Mola mola and Mola ramsayi are formally accepted and species A, B or C have not been assigned to these thus far. In this study, a large ocean sunfish in the western Mediterranean Sea was analysed molecularly and morphologically, identified as Mola sp. A and a detailed account of the specimen's parasite load is reported.  相似文献   

Dissection of peripheral nerves in the ocean sunfish Mola mola showed the lateral line system to comprise 6 cephalic and 1 trunk lateral lines, all neuromasts being superficial. The trunk line was restricted to the anterior half of the body, the number of neuromasts (27) being fewer than those previously recorded in other tetraodontiforms. The lateral ramus of the posterior lateral line nerve did not form a “serial collector nerve” along the body. The number of foramina in the neurocranium, serving as passages for the cranial nerves, was fewer than in primitive tetraodontiforms, the reduction being related to modifications in the posterior cranium. Some muscle homologies were reinterpreted based on nerve innervation patterns. The cutaneous branch innervation pattern in the claval fin rays was clearly identical with that in the dorsal and anal fin rays, but differed significantly from that in the caudal fin rays, providing strong support for the hypothesis that the clavus comprises highly modified components of the dorsal and anal fins.  相似文献   

1. Identifying the spatial scales at which top marine predators forage is important for understanding oceanic ecosystems. Several methods quantify how individuals concentrate their search effort along a given path. Among these, First-Passage Time (FPT) analysis is particularly useful to identify transitions in movement patterns (e.g. between searching and feeding). This method has mainly been applied to terrestrial animals or flying seabirds that have little or no vertical component to their foraging, so we examined the differences between classic FPT and a modification of this approach using the time spent at the bottom of a dive for characterizing the foraging activity of a diving predator: the southern elephant seal. 2. Satellite relayed data loggers were deployed on 20 individuals during three successive summers at the Kerguelen Islands, providing a total of 72 978 dives from eight juvenile males and nine adult females. 3. Spatial scales identified using the time spent at the bottom of a dive ( = 68.2 +/- 42.1 km) were smaller than those obtained by the classic FPT analysis ( = 104.7 +/- 67.3 km). Moreover, foraging areas identified using the new approach clearly overlapped areas where individuals increased their body condition, indicating that it accurately reflected the foraging activity of the seals. 4. These results suggest that incorporating the vertical dimension into FPT provides a different result to the surface path alone. Close to the Antarctic continent, within the pack-ice, sinuosity of the path could be explained by a high sea-ice concentration (restricting elephant seal movements), and was not necessarily related to foraging activity. 5. Our approach distinguished between actual foraging activity and changes in behaviour induced by the physical environment like sea ice, and could be applied to other diving predators. Inclusion of diving parameters appears to be essential to identify the spatial scale of foraging areas of diving animals.  相似文献   

The temperature‐dependent predation by Anthocoris nemorum L. (Het.: Anthocoridae) on second instar Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hom.: Aphididae) at constant temperatures of 12, 15 and 20°C increased linearly with temperature with a mean (±SE) consumption of 6.9 (±0.8), 9.28 (±1) and 15.9 (±0.8) respectively. The estimated lower temperature threshold for predation (T0) was 6.4°C.  相似文献   


The way in which foraging wasps use cues for prey location and choice appears to depend on both the context and on the type of prey. Vespula germanica is an opportunistic, generalist prey forager, and individual wasp foragers often return to hunt at sites of previous hunting success. In this paper, we studied which cues are used by this wasp when relocating a food source. Particularly we analysed the response to a displaced visual cue versus a foraging location at which either honey or cat food had been previously presented. We conclude that location is used over a displaced visual cue for directing wasp hovering, although the landing response is directed differently according to bait type. When wasps are exploiting cat food, location also elicits landing, but if they are exploiting honey, a displaced visual cue elicits landing more frequently than location.  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of the larval parasitoid, Diadegma semiclausum Hellén (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), in controlling Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) by cage exclusion experiments and direct field observation during the winter season in southern Queensland, Australia. The cage exclusion experiment involved uncaged, open cage and closed cage treatments. A higher percentage (54–83%) of P. xylostella larvae on sentinel plants were lost in the uncaged treatment than the closed (4–9%) or open cage treatments (11–29%). Of the larvae that remained in the uncaged treatment, 72–94% were parasitized by D. semiclausum, much higher than that in the open cage treatment (8–37% in first trial, and 38–63% in second trial). Direct observations showed a significant aggregation response of the field D. semiclausum populations to high host density plants in an experimental plot and to high host density plots that were artificially set-up near to the parasitoid source fields. The degree of aggregation varied in response to habitat quality of the parasitoid source field and scales of the manipulated host patches. As a result, density-dependence in the pattern of parasitism may depend on the relative degree of aggregation of the parasitoid population at a particular scale. A high degree of aggregation seems to be necessary to generate density-dependent parasitism by D. semiclausum. Integration of the cage exclusion experiment and direct observation demonstrated the active and dominant role of this parasitoid in controlling P. xylostella in the winter season. A biologically based IPM strategy, which incorporates the use of D. semiclausum with Bt, is suggested for the management of P. xylostella in seasons or regions with a mild temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Caste-specific division of labour can be observed in extranidal activities inMacrotermes bellicosus. Food is acquired through a sequence of tasks shared between the two worker castes. During the exploration phase, a network of subterranean galleries is built outwards from the nest, almost exclusively by minor workers. The frequency of excursions made by major workers during this building period is low, but increases significantly when food is needed by the colony. After a food-source has been discovered, it is hardly exploited by the minor workers and no recruitment occurs. They continue to construct galleries, while individuals which have contact with the food show local fidelity in their building activities within the gallery nearest to the food. After a single sporadic major worker accidentally comes across a food-source, the ratio of major to minor workers continually increases. New major workers aim for the food, bite off pieces and may transfer them to the minor workers. In general, only major workers are recruited after food has been discovered, and they then orientate towards the food-source more distinctly than the minor workers.  相似文献   

Abstract Helicoverpa armigera is a major pest of Australian cotton crops. To assess the impact of ant predation on H. armigera populations, the behaviour of four common ant taxa was observed in cotton crops in northern New South Wales over the 1999−2000 and 2001−02 seasons. Areas of cotton were artificially stocked with H. armigera eggs prior to observation. Pheidole spp. were the most frequently observed ants within the crop canopy in 1999−2000 and took the most H. armigera eggs. Iridomyrmex spp. were more frequently observed than Pheidole spp. in 2001−02 and also took some H. armigera eggs. Neither Paratrechina spp. nor Rhytidoponera metallica (Smith) took any H. armigera eggs, although both were seen in the crop canopy. Irrigation, cultivation and insecticide application disrupted foraging ants and limited their impact on H. armigera populations.  相似文献   

1. Larval net-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae) possess six ventral suckers that enable them to inhabit swift streams. Each sucker consists of a suction disc and a cavity with a piston. Large muscles are inserted within the piston, as well as at the base of the suction disc. This structure infers that both attachment and release of the sucker is achieved by vertical movements of the piston.
2. Live observations of blepharicerid larvae revealed that the sucker is indeed attached by an upward movement of the piston, but that the cavity is flooded when the sucker is released. The piston is lowered only at the end of a sucker 'step', expelling water from the cavity.
3. During foraging, the maxilla and the piston of the first sucker are moved synchronously, indicating that the first sucker functions as a holdfast thus facilitating grazing.
4. The adhesive forces, as well as the relative size of blepharicerid suckers, differ amongst species. They are highest in Hapalothrix lugubris and lowest in Liponeura cordata , which correlates with the hydraulic stress to which the larvae of these species are exposed in their preferred habitat. The balance between the efficiency of their retention structure and the hydraulic conditions of their preferred habitat defines a key dimension of their ecological niche.  相似文献   

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