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ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of two new pleurostomatid ciliates, Epiphyllum shenzhenense n. sp. and Loxophyllum spirellum n. sp., isolated from a mangrove wetland near Shenzhen, South China, were investigated. Epiphyllum shenzhenense n. sp. is morphologically characterized by leaf‐shaped cell about 150 × 35 μm in vivo, usually with four contractile vacuoles, 20–29 right kineties and 10–26 left kineties, ca. four macronuclear nodules, and two types of extrusomes (i.e. short spindle‐shaped and long bar‐shaped). As a new species, L. spirellum n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by its posterior dorsal margin twisted onto the left side, the distribution of extrusomes (evenly arranged along the oral slit, the posterior end, and clustered to 7–13 warts on dorsal margin), the subterminally positioned contractile vacuole, the number of kineties (8–10 on right side, 4–5 on left side), and its genetic distance from congeners. Phylogenetic trees based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence for both organisms were constructed, which indicate that Epiphyllum is a distinct genus and occupies a basal position in the Pleurostomatida clade; L. spirellum n. sp. falls well into the Loxophyllum clade, which has a close relationship with Litonotus and Spiroloxophyllum.  相似文献   

The morphologies of two novel ciliates, Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. gen., n. sp. and Naxella paralucida n. sp., collected from Shanghai, China, have been investigated using live observation and silver staining methods. Arcanisutura n. gen. can be easily distinguished from related genera by its inconspicuous, oblique anterior suture. Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. sp. is mainly recognized by its elongated body with a tail‐like posterior end, 25–33 somatic kineties, and 4–11 excretory pores. Naxella paralucida n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners based on its two short nassulid organelles, fusiform trichocysts, 37–49 somatic kineties, and 16 nematodesmal rods. The small‐subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of these two species are presented, revealing the phylogenetic positions of Arcanisutura and Naxella. Phylogenetic analyses show that Arcanisutura forms a sister clade to other synhymeniid genera, namely, Chilodontopsis, Orthodonella, and Zosterodasys; Naxella is most closely related to Nassula spp. and is located within the monophyletic clade of the family Nassulidae.  相似文献   

Two new and one problematic species of pleurostomatids, Amphileptus dragescoi sp. n., A. wilberti sp. n., and A. marinus from coastal areas of the South China Sea, are described based on observations of live and protargol‐impregnated specimens. Amphileptus dragescoi is different from its congeners by the presence of an apical group of extrusomes and the possession of 12–15 right and five left somatic kineties, two macronuclear nodules, and a single terminally positioned contractile vacuole. Amphileptus wilberti is diagnosed by oval or pyriform body, 15–19 right and seven or eight left somatic kineties, extrusomes arranged only in anterior portion of oral slit, usually three ventrally located contractile vacuoles, and two macronuclear nodules. Amphileptus marinus (Kahl, 1931) Song et al., 2004 is redescribed and its diagnosis is improved. One isolate which was misidentified as A. marinus by Song et al. (2004) is believed to represent an unknown form, named here as Amphileptus songi sp. n. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rDNA sequences indicate that the genus Amphileptus is paraphyletic, but its monophyly is not rejected by statistical tree topology tests.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphology and molecular characteristics of three new cyrtophorid ciliates isolated from China seas: Chlamydodon salinus n. sp., Chlamydodon caudatus n. sp., and Chlamydodon paramnemosyne n. sp. Of these, C. salinus n. sp. differs from its congeners through a combination of body size, a cross‐striated band that is not continuous, the presence of 30–34 somatic kineties, 11–15 nematodesmal rods, and 13 contractile vacuoles. Chlamydodon caudatus n. sp., meanwhile, is characterized by having a conspicuous tail, a continuous cross‐striated band, 34–40 somatic kineties, about 15 contractile vacuoles, and 20–24 nematodesmal rods. Compared with other Chlamydodon species, the third new one, C. paramnemosyne n. sp., could be identified by its continuous cross‐striated band, 16–18 somatic kineties, 5 contractile vacuoles, and 9–12 nematodesmal rods. Based on the sequence of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, the phylogeny of these three new species was analyzed, indicating that they all clustered with other congeners to form a monophyletic assemblage. Based on previous studies and the present work, a brief revision of the genus Chlamydodon is supplied, and a key to aid the identification of Chlamydodon species is given.  相似文献   

The morphology and phylogeny of Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp., P. parawiackowskii n. sp., and P. marinum Dujardin 1841, collected from Hangzhou Bay estuary, China, were investigated using standard methods. Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp. can be identified by possessing about 90–120 × 35–50 μm cell size in vivo, reniform body outline, two macronuclei, six to eight preoral kineties, 32–41 somatic kineties, and posterior end of the anterior fragment of membranelle 2 (M2a) hook‐like. Pleuronema parawiackowskii n. sp. is characterized by the combination of the following characters: body size about 60–90 × 20–40 μm in vivo, elliptical in outline, four to eight preoral kineties, 20–29 somatic kineties, posterior portion of the M2a slightly curved but nonhooked, and single macronucleus sausage‐like. After comparison with other populations of P. marinum, it is suggested that many misidentifications exist in previous studies. And an improved diagnosis of P. marinum was supplied: cell about 95–180 μm long, elliptical in outline; 2–4 preoral kineties and 53–70 somatic kineties; both membranelle 1 and membranelle 3 three‐rowed; posterior end of the M2a straight; single contractile vacuole characteristically positioned near mid‐body. The small subunit rRNA genes of three forms were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the monophyly of the genus Pleuronema is still not supported.  相似文献   

The morphology and phylogeny of Loxodes vorax and L. striatus orientalis subsp. n. were investigated based on infraciliature and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data. Loxodes striatus orientalis subsp. n. was separated from L. striatus striatus stat. n. by having fewer dikinetids in the intrabuccal kinety (35–55 vs. 50–70) and a variable number of macronuclei (2–4 vs. 2). In addition, the SSU rRNA gene sequence of the new subspecies differs in 13 and 11 nucleotides from that of two populations of the nominotypic subspecies. We also summarized the morphological differences between Loxodes and Remanella based on the data available. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the genus Loxodes was monophyletic and nested within Remanella species. This study might, therefore, support the hypothesis that the freshwater genus Loxodes evolved from the marine genus Remanella.  相似文献   

Three trachelocercid ciliates, Trachelocerca orientalis spec. nov., Prototrachelocerca fasciolata (Sauerbrey, 1928) Foissner, 1996 and Tracheloraphis huangi Xu et al., 2011, isolated from marine coastal habitats at Qingdao, China, were taxonomically studied using observation in vivo and silver staining methods. The new species T. orientalis spec. nov. can be recognized by the combination of its size (600–1,200 μm in vivo), 15–21 somatic kineties and about 13 groups of macronuclear nodules forming a strand and the colorless globular cortical granules. Together with the sequence data of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, the information of a new isolate of P. fasciolata and three populations of T. huangi is also documented based on the present work. According to the molecular data, the phylogeny of three species is estimated and the analyses show that they are all found within the trachelocercid assemblage though T. huangi does not cluster with its congeners but with Trachelocerca species. Nonetheless, the monophyly of Trachelocerca is not rejected by the approximately unbiased test (p = 0.345 > 0.05), while that of Tracheloraphis is not confirmed (p = 0.0002 < 0.05).  相似文献   

A new saline hypotrich, Hypotrichidium paraconicum n. sp., found in coastal waters near Hong Kong, China, was investigated with emphasis on its living morphology, infraciliature, ontogenesis, and phylogenetic position. A body that is pyriform, with a posterior end that is twisted helically toward the left, a distinct tail and a dark colour, characterizes H. paraconicum n. sp. The buccal cavity is prominent and the cortical granules, which are scattered or sparsely distributed, are colourless, round, and about 1 μm in diam. The contractile vacuole is near the left middle of the cell and there are one or two frontal cirri, four meridional rows and five or six cirral rows which exhibit a left‐handed spiral and which are distributed in the posterior portion on both sides. Three dorsal kineties are distributed in the anterior portion of the dorsal side. In our molecular phylogenies, based on SSU rRNA gene sequences, the position of H. paraconicum n. sp. is rather poorly resolved, providing some indication of a relationship with Neokeronopsis aurea and Rubrioxytricha ferruginea, which fall into the assemblage of oxytrichids (s.l.).  相似文献   

Three species of Microthoracids, Lopezoterenia paratorpens n. sp., Trochiliopsis australis Foissner et al., 1988 and Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954, collected from Chinese coastal waters, were investigated using live observation and protargol staining methods. Lopezoterenia paratorpens n. sp. was characterized by its squarely shaped cortical papillae and by dorsal kineties which contained loosely distributed basal bodies. Trochiliopsis australis was revealed to have two oral membranelles, which was not recorded in the original report. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data from each of the three species, and on other available data for microthoracids. The results showed that the order Microthoracida is not monophyletic because the family Discotrichidae, which contains L. paratorpens and D. papillifera, forms a clade separated from the “core” Microthoracids clade. The topologies of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference trees, along with the distinct morphological characteristics found previously, suggest that the family Discotrichidae should not be assigned to the order Microthoracida. We propose to designate a new order, Discotrichida n. ord. which diagnosed as: flattened ciliates with conspicuous cortical papillae on both dorsal and ventral faces, rod‐shaped mucocysts, and an asymmetric cytopharyngeal basket. Also, the fact that Leptopharynx clusters with the assemblage including T. australis, and Pseudomicrothorax is located distantly from Leptopharynx indicates that the classification of Pseudomicrothoracidae and Microthoracidae by Foissner (1985) is justified.  相似文献   

Two new species of Bakuella, B. (B.) incheonensis n. sp. and B. (Pseudobakuella) litoralis n. sp., were discovered in brackish water near Aamdo Shore Park, Incheon, South Korea. We conducted a morphological study based on live observations and protargol‐impregnated specimens, and a molecular analysis using nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences. Bakuella (B.) incheonensis is diagnosed by: body size 70–105 × 20–40 μm in vivo, 21–25 adoral membranelles, three or four frontoterminal cirri, midventral complex composed of 7–10 midventral pairs with one or two rows and terminating at about 62% of body length, 20–28 left and 25–32 right marginal cirri, 58–87 macronuclear nodules, and yellowish cortical granules. Bakuella (Pseudobakuella) litoralis is diagnosed by: body size 90–125 × 30–40 μm in vivo, 25–33 adoral membranelles, 3–5 buccal cirri, midventral complex composed 10–15 midventral pairs with one or two rows and terminated at 70% of body length, one or two pretransverse cirri, 3–6 transverse cirri, 26–39 left and 29–47 right marginal cirri, 49–84 macronuclear nodules, and two types of cortical granules. Molecular phylogeny using SSU rRNA gene sequences shows a nonmonophyletic relationship among Bakuella species and emphasizes the need for further morphogenetic studies of this genus and other related hypotrichs.  相似文献   

Two new urostylid species, Holostichides heterotypicus n. sp. and Holosticha muuiensis n. sp., were discovered in South Korea. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses were carried out to confirm that these species are new to science. Holostichides heterotypicus is mainly characterized by the following combination of features: 110–205 μm long in vivo; 5–10 frontoterminal cirri; 6–8 midventral pairs with 2–3 midventral cirral rows; cortical granules present; four bipolar dorsal kineties; and 6–9 caudal cirri. Ontogenetic features of H. heterotypicus are similar to those of H. typicus. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Hheterotypicus was distantly separated from bakuellid genera Apobakuella, Bakuella, Metaurostylopsis, and Neobakuella. This result is supported by the following features: transverse cirri (present in the other four bakuellids vs. absent in Holostichides) and caudal cirri (absent in the other four bakuellids vs. present in Holostichides). Holosticha muuiensis n. sp. is mainly distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of features: 100–185 long in vivo; shortened undulating membrane; cortical granules lacking; contractile vacuole absent; 51–66 adoral zone of membranelles; 42–60 macronuclear nodules; and five bipolar dorsal kineties. In the phylogenetic tree, Holosticha muuiensis n. sp. clustered with a Holosticha group (containing Holosticha diademata, Holosticha foissneri, and Holosticha heterofoissneri).  相似文献   

Two new brackish pleurostomatid ciliates, Amphileptus spiculatus sp. n. and A. bellus sp. n. were collected from mangrove wetlands of southern China and their morphology and molecular phylogeny were studied. Amphileptus spiculatus sp. n. can be distinguished from congeners by the presence of 11–14 right and 6–8 left kineties, two macronuclear nodules and a conspicuous beak‐like anterior body end. Amphileptus bellus sp. n. is characterized by the presence of 2–4 macronuclear nodules, 31–35 right and 6 or 7 left kineties and two types of extrusomes. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences data indicate that the family Amphileptidae is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and molecular phylogeny of Pseudodiophrys nigricans n. g., n. sp., and Paradiophrys zhangi n. sp., isolated from a sandy beach near Qingdao, China, were investigated. Pseudodiophrys is characterized by the Diophrys‐like ciliature pattern, but having only a single, reduced undulating membrane. Pseudodiophrys nigricans, the type species by monotypy, is described from live and silver‐impregnated specimens. Paradiophrys zhangi is similar to the type species Paradiophrys irmgard but can be recognized by its border body and the number (7 vs. 8–10) and arrangement (in rows vs. sparsely distributed) of the frontoventral cirri. Small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data support the validity of both species. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence data currently available for uronychiids and other related taxa indicate that P. nigricans is most closely related to Diophrys scutum and Diophrys apoligothrix, while P. zhangi clusters most closely with Apodiophrys ovalis within a clade that also includes two other Paradiophrys species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The urosylid genus Pseudoamphisiella was established by Song (1996) with hitherto only two known congeners. In the present work, the morphology and infraciliature of a new member, Pseudoamphisiella quadrinucleata n. sp., a form with conspicuous alveolar layer and four macronuclear nodules isolated from the coastal waters both near Hong Kong and near Guangzhou, South China were investigated using living observation and protargol silver impregnation methods. Pseudoamphisiella quadrinucleata differs from other two known forms mainly by the number of macronuclear nodules: constantly four vs. two in Pseudoamphisiella alveolata and 24–57 in Pseudoamphisiella lacazei. To support this, the sequence of the small subunit rDNA of P. quadrinucleata n. sp. showed 14 and 74 nucleotides in comparison with that of the two known congeners, respectively, which hence firmly supports the validity of the new species.  相似文献   

The morphology and partial morphogenesis of two freshwater hypotrichous ciliates, Deviata brasiliensis Siqueira‐Castro et al., 2009 and Deviata rositae Küppers et al., 2007, isolated from southern China, were investigated using live observation and protargol staining. Our populations resemble the original ones in terms of their live characters and ciliary patterns. The main determinable morphogenetic features of Dbrasiliensis basically correspond with those of the type population. However, the origin of anlage V for either proter or opisthe is ambiguous: whether anlage V for the proter originates from parental frontoventral row 2 (the same as in the original population) or parental frontoventral row 3 (the same as in Deviata abbrevescens) or even de novo is not clear; the anlage V for the opisthe is possibly derived from frontoventral row 3 and further migrates to frontoventral row 2, like that in D. abbrevescens. In addition, the SSU rRNA gene was first sequenced for both species. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that the genus Deviata is non‐monophyletic and has a close relationship with Perisincirra paucicirrata.  相似文献   

The morphology and molecular phylogeny of a soil hypotrich ciliate, Pseudourostyla guizhouensis sp. nov., collected from southern China, were investigated. Pseudourostyla guizhouensis sp. nov. has an elongate elliptical body measuring 180–310 × 65–85 μm in vivo; invariably two right and three or four left marginal rows; six or seven dorsal kineties; adoral zone consisting of 57–70 membranelles; 12–16 frontal cirri, one buccal cirrus, 13–20 midventral pairs, two frontoterminal cirri, two pretransverse cirri, and five to seven transverse cirri. Morphogenesis during physiological regeneration indicates that the marginal rows of each side originate from a common anlage that differentiates into several rows. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rDNA sequence data reveals that Pguizhouensis sp. nov. clusters with the type species P. cristata (Jerka‐Dziadosz, 1964) Borror, 1972 and that the genus Pseudourostyla is monophyletic. The morphological characters of another soil hypotrich ciliate, Hemicycliostyla franzi (Foissner, 1987) Paiva et al., 2012, are also described based on a Chinese (Guizhou) population.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and phylogeny of an undescribed oligotrich sensu lato (s. lat.) ciliate, Lynnella semiglobulosa n. g., n. sp., found in Daya Bay, southern China, were investigated. This species shares some features with both oligotrichs sensu stricto and choreotrichs, but most morphological and morphogenetic characters as well as the phylogenetic analysis suggest that it should be assigned into subclass Choreotrichia temporarily. Lynnella semiglobulosa is distinguished from members of all known genera and families of the subclass Choreotrichia by a unique combination of characteristics of the buccal and somatic ciliatures. Thus, a new family Lynnellidae n. fam. and a new genus Lynnella n. g. are proposed for it. The new family is distinguished by an open adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) in which, however, there are no ventral membranelles; the distal and proximal portions of the new adoral zone lie close to each other forming an open circle in stomatogenesis. The new genus Lynnella is characterized by possessing two longitudinally oriented somatic kineties, one dorsal and one ventral, several proximal membranelles progressively lengthened toward the proximal end of adoral zone, and two macronuclear nodules. In phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences, L. semiglobulosa clustered basally to all choreotrichs, but with relatively weak support; nevertheless, the possibility of a relationship with the subclass Oligotrichia was not rejected by the approximately unbiased nor Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. Based on morphological, morphogenetic, and molecular evidence of L. semiglobulosa, it is confirmed that the open AZM should be a plesiomorphic character of oligotrichs s. lat. as suggested previously.  相似文献   

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