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Shallow, near-shore water habitats on the continental shelf of the Northeast Atlantic have been productive fishing areas in the past. Here, we review the present knowledge about (i) recent trends in the abundance of plaice and cod in these habitats and (ii) hypotheses regarding the factors responsible for any trends. At present, only a few studies exist on the trends of abundance of plaice or cod, namely from the Bay of Biscay, the North Sea and the Skagerrak/Kattegat. They suggest a declining abundance in coastal, shallow areas and – at least for plaice – a latitudinal gradient with an erosion of the southern distribution boundary in the Bay of Biscay and deepening of stocks in the North Sea. In contrast, no trend in shallow water abundance of plaice similar to a decline in deep-water stocks during the 1970s and their slow recovery during the 2000s is apparent in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. Although shallow habitats fundamentally differ from deeper areas by the prevalence of juvenile stages, the declining trends coincide with decreasing abundance/landings and spatial stock relocations in the deeper areas. Whether this indicates a common trend pointing at connectivity between shallow and deep water remains open. Fundamental differences exist in the suggested causes of the trends in different geographical areas. High fishing pressure together with low local recruitment apparently prevents the recovery of overexploited plaice and cod stocks in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. In contrast, the responses of juveniles and adult fish to increasing seawater temperature are the main hypotheses for changes in distribution and abundance of both fish species in the North Sea/Bay of Biscay. However, temperature alone cannot explain the observed decline of fish in coastal areas, and the causes may be more complex, involving nutrient loading, primary productivity or food availability, although at present, knowledge of these factors is insufficient.  相似文献   

By reconstructing a centennial time‐series of stock spatio‐temporal dynamics and commercial landings, the long‐term erosion is shown of the spatial structure of haddock and pollack in the Skagerrak and Kattegat that resulted in their regional depletion in the area. The erosion occurred in parallel with the development of the industrial fisheries and the peak in landings was followed by a decline in adult biomass and individual size. Also found was that pollack adult biomass was significantly lower for elevated water temperatures, while the response for haddock was less clear. However the main decline of both stocks and the disappearance of their adult aggregations occurred several decades before the unprecedented warming trend, which started in the Skagerrak and Kattegat only in the mid‐1980s. These findings also suggest that haddock in the study area is not responding to the scale on which the management of the neighbouring North Sea haddock stock is currently performed. These results illustrate the hazardous consequences of prolonged overfishing on the population structure of commercially exploited stocks and the lack of knowledge which ultimately leads to spurious assumptions on the recovery potential of many fish stocks. Also argued is that the continuation of commercial fishery at ‘sustainable’ levels adjusted to the present stock productivity might hinder the recovery of these depleted stocks for a long period of time.  相似文献   

Herring, Clupea harengus, is one of the ecologically and commercially most important species in European northern seas, where two distinct ecotypes have been described based on spawning time; spring and autumn. To date, it is unknown if these spring and autumn spawning herring constitute genetically distinct units. We assessed levels of genetic divergence between spring and autumn spawning herring in the Baltic Sea using two types of DNA markers, microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, and compared the results with data for autumn spawning North Sea herring. Temporally replicated analyses reveal clear genetic differences between ecotypes and hence support reproductive isolation. Loci showing non-neutral behaviour, so-called outlier loci, show convergence between autumn spawning herring from demographically disjoint populations, potentially reflecting selective processes associated with autumn spawning ecotypes. The abundance and exploitation of the two ecotypes have varied strongly over space and time in the Baltic Sea, where autumn spawners have faced strong depression for decades. The results therefore have practical implications by highlighting the need for specific management of these co-occurring ecotypes to meet requirements for sustainable exploitation and ensure optimal livelihood for coastal communities.  相似文献   

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) is distributed in coastal and inland habitats all over Europe, but spawns in the Sargasso Sea and is thus affected by both continental and oceanic factors. Since the 1980s a steady decline has been observed in the recruitment of glass eels to freshwater and in total eel landings. The eel is considered as critically endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of species. The Skagerrak beach seine survey from Norway constitutes the longest fishery-independent dataset on yellow/silver eels (starting in 1904). The Skagerrak coastal region receives larvae born in the Sargasso Sea spawning areas that have followed the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift before they penetrate far into the North Sea. The Skagerrak coastal time series is therefore particularly valuable for exploring the impacts of oceanic factors on fluctuations in eel recruitment abundance. Analyses showed that Sargasso Sea surface temperature was negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 12 years revealing a cyclic and detrimental effect of high temperatures on the newly hatched larvae. The North Atlantic Oscillation index and inflow of North Atlantic water into the North Sea were negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 11 years. Increased currents towards the North Atlantic during high North Atlantic Oscillation years may send larvae into the subpolar gyre before they are ready to metamorphose and settle, resulting in low recruitment in the northern part of the distribution area for these years. The Skagerrak time series was compared with glass eel recruitment to freshwater in the Netherlands (Den Oever glass eel time series), and similar patterns were found revealing a cycle linked to changes in oceanic factors affecting glass eel recruitment. The recent decline of eels in the Skagerrak also coincided with previously documented shifts in environmental conditions of the North Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   

Herring (Clupea harengus) migrationstend to remain constant over periods of severalyears or even decades, despite environmentalvariation. When a migration pattern is changed,apparently in response to an environmentalstimulus, the change in migratory behaviorsometimes lasts longer than the environmentalstimulus itself. This paper reviews evidencethat the response of herring to environmentalchange is restrained by conservatism. Herringapparently develop certain migratory habitsduring the early stage of adult life and tendto adhere to these habits for life, even whenthe environment changes. Two elements ofconservatism are distinguished: the formationof habits within one generation, and thetransfer of habits between generations. Anumber of case studies on North Sea herring andNorwegian spring spawning herring are reviewedin order to find evidence for habit formationand tradition in the migrations of thesepopulations. By eliminating the possibilitythat homing to spawning, wintering and feedinggrounds is due to innate behavior orenvironmental constraints, it is shown that thereturn of these fish to the same areas eachyear is most likely a form of learned behavior.In many cases, new year-classes adopt the samemigration pattern as their predecessors, whichis explained by the social transfer of habitsfrom old herring to young ones. A change ofmigration pattern is usually initiated by arecruiting year-class that lacks the ``guidance'of older herring at the time it has to startits first migration. This may be the effect ofa special environmental condition that affectsthe distribution of the recruiting age groupmore than that of the adult stock component, andthereby results in a separation of the twostock components. After the recruitingyear-class has adopted the new migration route,it tends to repeat it in subsequent years. Thenew migration thus becomes habitual. Subsequentgenerations may copy the migration and continuethis behavior even after the originalenvironmental cause has disappeared.  相似文献   

Florin AB  Höglund J 《Heredity》2008,101(1):27-38
We found significant population structure and isolation by distance among samples of flounder (Platichthys flesus) in the Baltic, Kattegat and Skagerrak seas using microsatellite genetic markers. This pattern was almost entirely due to a difference between flounder that have demersal spawning in the northern Baltic, as compared to pelagic spawners in the southern Baltic and on the west coast of Sweden. Among demersal spawners we found neither genetic differentiation nor any isolation by distance among sampling sites. We speculate that demersal flounder are descendants of a population that colonized the Baltic previous to pelagic spawners. The demersal flounder may thus have had longer time to adapt to the low salinity in the Baltic, and accordingly display egg characteristics that make it possible to reproduce at the low salinity levels in the northern Baltic. Among pelagic spawners significant isolation by distance was detected. Pelagic spawners have previously been shown to display clinal variation in egg size, which allows them to float also at the moderate salinity levels up to the region north of the island Bornholm. Management units for harvesting should ideally be based on true biological populations, and for the commercially important flounder up to 15 different management stocks in the Baltic have been suggested. We could not find a population genetic foundation for such a high number of management units, and our data suggest three management units: the northern Baltic (demersal populations), southern Baltic with the Oresund straits and the most northwestern sampling sites (Skagerrak, Kattegat and North Sea).  相似文献   

The population status of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Baltic area has been a continuous matter of debate. Here we present the by far most comprehensive genetic population structure assessment to date for this region, both with regard to geographic coverage and sample size: 497 porpoise samples from North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Belt Sea, and Inner Baltic Sea were sequenced at the mitochondrial Control Region and 305 of these specimens were typed at 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Samples were stratified according to sample type (stranding vs. by-caught), sex, and season (breeding vs. non-breeding season). Our data provide ample evidence for a population split between the Skagerrak and the Belt Sea, with a transition zone in the Kattegat area. Among other measures, this was particularly visible in significant frequency shifts of the most abundant mitochondrial haplotypes. A particular haplotype almost absent in the North Sea was the most abundant in Belt Sea and Inner Baltic Sea. Microsatellites yielded a similar pattern (i.e., turnover in occurrence of clusters identified by STRUCTURE). Moreover, a highly significant association between microsatellite assignment and unlinked mitochondrial haplotypes further indicates a split between North Sea and Baltic porpoises. For the Inner Baltic Sea, we consistently recovered a small, but significant separation from the Belt Sea population. Despite recent arguments that separation should exceed a predefined threshold before populations shall be managed separately, we argue in favour of precautionary acknowledging the Inner Baltic porpoises as a separate management unit, which should receive particular attention, as it is threatened by various factors, in particular local fishery measures.  相似文献   

The existence of biologically differentiated populations has been credited with a major role in conferring sustainability and in buffering overall productivity of anadromous fish population complexes where evidence for spatial structure is uncontroversial. Here, we describe evidence of correlated genetic and life history (spawning season linked to spawning location) differentiation in an abundant and highly migratory pelagic fish, Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, in the North Sea (NS) and adjacent areas. The existence of genetically and phenotypically diverse stocks in this region despite intense seasonal mixing strongly implicates natal homing in this species. Based on information from genetic markers and otolith morphology, we estimate the proportional contribution by NS, Skagerrak (SKG) and Kattegat and western Baltic (WBS) fish to mixed aggregations targeted by the NS fishery. We use these estimates to identify spatial and temporal differences in life history (migratory behaviour) and habitat use among genetically differentiated migratory populations that mix seasonally. Our study suggests the existence of more complex patterns of intraspecific diversity than was previously recognized. Sustainability may be compromised if such complex patterns are reduced through generalized management (e.g. area closures) that overlooks population differences in spatial use throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   

Stock enhancement is the main source of Acipenser gueldenstaedtii and A. stellatus recruitment in the Sea of Azov, where up to 30 million juveniles have been released in recent years. The hatchery production strategy aimed solely to produce and release the largest possible number of juveniles, utilizing only the most mature broodfish of the spring spawning run. Although monitoring of age, mass and physiological conditions of the broodstock during the period of hatchery breeding did not show significant changes, the spawning run was dramatically shortened from several months to just 15 days, and includes only fish with advanced gonadal maturity. Conservation of the Azov Sea species and their unique spawning ecotypes is currently supported by the Federal Living Gene Bank, which maintains over 9000 adults of eight endangered species. This paper summarizes the results of comparative analysis of biological characteristics such as growth, age of the first sexual maturation, relative fecundity, and morphological and physiological indices in wild and cultured specimens of different species and intraspecific groups of sturgeons. We conclude that there is a need for developing better hatchery technologies to maintain diversity of the stocks, through breeding protocols that maximize the genetic diversity of offspring based on evaluation of parentage and relatedness in farmed stocks by microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

Sediments were sampled from 62 sites in the Kattegat and Skagerrak, which are located between the Baltic and the North Sea in the Western Atlantic, during autumn 1989 and spring 1990. From each site 5 to 6 samples were taken wit ha box-corer. After mixing to composite samples on board, transport and storage (at 4 °C for 2 to 4 weeks), the samples were tested for toxicity to Daphnia magna and Nitocra spinipes. Immobility in Daphnia after exposure to 16 percent sediment (wet wt) in reconstituted standardized water (ISO, 1982) ranged from 0 to 88 percent after 24 h and from 3 to 95 percent after 48 h. For Nitocra the toxicity, determined as the 96-h LC50 (% wet wt) at 7 salinity, ranged from > > 32 percent (nontoxic) to 1.8 percent (most toxic). All exposures were made in duplicates and the effects obtained in the duplicates with the same sediment were correlated to each other. However, sediment toxicity to Daphnia and Nitocra was not. The test with Nitocra, which was made at several concentrations of sediment, was considered to give the most reliable picture of sediment toxicity in the Kattegat and Skagerrak. This ambient toxicity assessment identified three areas with toxic sediment, (1) the Göta älv estuary (outside the city of Göteborg) and its surroundings, (2) the Bay of Laholm in southern Kattegat, which is an area with periodic oxygen depletion and where repeated mussel kills have occurred during the last decade, and (3) an area in the open Skagerrak northwest of Skagen (the tip of the Jutland peninsula). Sediments, which had been stored at 4 °C, were tested again after 6 to 13 mos with the Nitocra test. Stored sediment toxicity was poorly correlated with fresh sediment toxicity. The average detoxification during storage was 5 times, but the range was 3 orders of magnitude, from 17 times more toxic to 73 times less toxic. The reasons for the observed areal and storage differences in sediment toxicity are so far not understood.  相似文献   

We investigated the distributional dynamics of piscivorous seabirds in relation to the distribution of young fish outside the breeding season in the Skagerrak and Kattegat, using synoptic bottom trawl and seabird surveys. Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla , Common Guillemot Uria aalge and Razorbill Alca torda were significantly correlated with herring Clupea harengus abundance at coarse spatial scales (>20 km). The association between the three seabird species and other abundant fish species like sprat Sprattus sprattus , whiting Merlangius merlangus and Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki was considerably weaker. In the Skagerrak and Kattegat, the location of aggregations of immature herring during winter is relatively stable and predictable. The correlation with herring and the lack of correlation with the abundant, but less stable occurrence of sprat of similar caloric value suggest that the tendency among piscivorous seabirds to depend on predictable concentrations of prey during the breeding season is a common feature during the non-breeding season as well. The results are discussed in relation to ecological and winter habitat characteristics of wintering piscivorous seabirds in the eastern North Atlantic, and in relation to the management and conservation of nursering herring in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.  相似文献   

Although the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Varunidae) invaded the Baltic Sea about 80 years ago, published information on its present distribution and abundance in this region is lacking. We provide here information on its Baltic-wide distribution and long-term population dynamics. The species has been found all over the coastal Baltic Sea and also in some adjacent rivers and lakes. The Chinese mitten crab appears to have increased in abundance in recent years in the northeastern part of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, northern Baltic Proper). Higher catch rates were observed in spring (April–June) and autumn (September–November). The size variation of crabs in different samples was low (mean carapace width 6.1–6.3 cm). Despite findings of gravid females, the reproduction of the mitten crab in the central, northern and eastern Baltic region is considered unlikely due to low salinity and the individuals caught are assumed to actively migrate into the region from the species’ main European distribution area (southeastern North Sea), certainly over 1500 km migration distance. Thus, the dynamics of the North Sea population is probably regulating, at least in part, the occurrence of the Chinese mitten crab in the Baltic Sea area.  相似文献   

A basic stock assessment problem is the mixing and separation of herring populations in their specific areas. Within the transition zone between the North and the Baltic seas (Skagerrak, Kattegat, The Sound) a mixing of two herring populations ( Clupea harengus L.) temporarily takes place. One major component stems from the Baltic Sea (spring spawner), and the other from the North Sea (autumn spawner); each stock exhibits different meristic characteristics. In order to separate the two herring populations, 'pure' learning samples of meristic characters were created in 1995 as differential variables. Mainly gained during two research surveys at two geographically remote areas where a mixing of herring components was relatively unlikely, these learning samples were considered as representative for one or the other herring population. This paper compares the current (ICES) separation approach for herring stock assessment with two alternative methods wherein vertebra counts (vc) are used as meristic characters. The two proposed methods are (a) an inverted variance weighted linear model, and (b) a separation rule based on a quadratic discriminant analysis. The paper summarizes and discusses the results of predicting fractions of the two herring components derived from all three separation models. The underlying example data set stems from a 1991–97 routine Swedish survey in the transition zone. In comparison, the quadratic discriminant analysis separation model was identified as superior to the two other methods. Furthermore, the model suggests a higher degree of mixing of the two herring stocks in the transition area than was previously thought; inter-annual changes in the geographical distribution of the two populations are suggested as being less variable than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Two cod stocks (western Baltic cod, WBC, and eastern Baltic cod, EBC) are managed in the Baltic Sea which is characterized by different main spawning areas and different main spawning periods. In this study we analyse the spatial and temporal occurrence of spawning individuals of both cod stocks in the main spawning grounds of the Baltic Sea based on eight microsatellite loci. Our results suggest that EBC (Gadus morhua callarias) has formed currently temporally stable, substantially homogeneous population not only in the Bornholm Sea (ICES SD: 25) but also in the Arkona Sea (ICES SD: 24). The presented analyses proved that EBC (G. m. callarias) can temporarily also spawn in the Belt Sea.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was examined within and among North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic populations of the benthic red alga Phycodrys rubens using allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. On western and eastern North Atlantic coasts distinct allozyme types were found, with the exception of western Newfoundland where East and West Atlantic types co-occur. Along the European coasts, two genetic groups were distinguished by fixed allelic differences: an outer oceanic group and a North Sea/Baltic group. The two genetic types co-occur in the Skagerrak and Kattegat region. Reproductive isolation between the two types is suggested by the lack of hybrids in the overlap zones, and they may therefore represent sibling species. Unexpectedly, an analysis of RAPD variation was unable to recover the two cryptic species identified using allozymes. Within-population RAPD variation was similar to or greater than between-population variation. The lack of structure in the RAPD data cannot be attributed solely to technical artefacts of the method but appears to reflect real biological variability. Within-population genomic polymorphisms caused by frequent mutational events are discussed, as are high amounts of genetic drift and possible disruptive selection brought about by stressed habitats. Finally, Baltic and extra-Baltic salinity ecotypes are known to exist in P. rubens. However, no correlation between ecotypic variation and allozyme groups was detected.  相似文献   

During spring 1986 and winter 1987, zooplankton samples were collected over the entire North Sea by means of a multi-closing net-system. Before taxonomic treatment, wet weight estimates and carbon content conversions were carried out. From this data set, 4 962 522 tons zooplankton biomass (dry weight) were estimated for the whole North Sea during the spring survey. High biomasses (more than 100 mg C/m3) were located in areas between the Orkneys and the Shetlands, off the mouth of the Firth of Forth, the Channel and the river Rhine. Considerable zooplankton biomass was also found parallel to the Danish west coast. Furthermore, a narrow tongue of high biomass (partly greater than 200 mg C/m3) intruded from the north, between 1 °E and 4 °E, into the northern North Sea, turning to the east at 56°N, and continuing into deeper water layers to form a left turning “helix” of high biomass in the central part of the North Sea. During the winter survey the carbon content of the zooplankton stock was a factor 10 lower than in summer. Altogether, 519340 tons of zooplankton biomass (dry weight) were estimated in winter. Centres of relatively high biomass were located off the mouth of the rivers Rhine, Weser and Elbe and off the British east coast moving in a cyclic way across the Dogger Bank into the central North Sea. A further maximum of zooplankton abundance was found in the Skagerrak region. However, an intrusion of zooplankton from the shelf edge into the North Sea was not observed in winter. A qualitative analysis of species composition showed that small copepods dominated the zooplankton in the southern and eastern North Sea. The “eddy” of high biomass in the northern North Sea observed in spring, however, was mostly shaped by the large copepodCalanus finmarchicus (70–90%). The distribution of zooplankton biomass in the North Sea is discussed in relation to the hydrographic conditions and to the biology of the dominant species.  相似文献   

The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is economically one of the world's most important marine species--a species presently suffering from heavy overexploitation throughout its range of distribution. Although not fully understood, the Atlantic cod is believed to be structured into populations in a rather complex manner, whereby both highly migratory and more confined ocean-spawning stocks coexist with stationary coastal populations. Owing to the complex population structure, little is presently known about how overexploitation of offshore stocks may affect other segments of the species. Here, we use microsatellite DNA analyses of coastal and offshore cod in combination with oceanographic modelling to investigate the population structure of Atlantic cod in the North Sea-Skagerrak area and evaluate the potential for larval transport into coastal populations. Our results suggest an extensive but temporally variable drift of offshore cod larvae into coastal populations. In a year (2001) with high inflow of North Sea waters into the Skagerrak we find that juvenile cod caught along the Skagerrak coast are predominantly of North Sea origin, whereas in a year (2000) with low inflow juveniles appear to be of local origin. These findings indicate that offshore cod may influence coastal cod populations over large distances.  相似文献   

Data from Norwegian spring‐spawning herring Clupea harengus, were used empirically to assess the performance of a regression method aimed at detecting the time of the onset of maturation from growth trajectories. At the level of the whole dataset, the piecewise linear‐regression method was accurate and showed only a minor bias (?0·17 years) relative to age at maturation visually read from scales. The method, however, was relatively imprecise and provided an estimate of age at maturation equal to the one read from the scale in less than half of the cases (47·6%). Moreover, bias was strongly dependent on age at maturation: the age at maturation of early maturing fish was often overestimated, whereas the opposite was true for late‐maturing fish. Accuracy and precision of the regression method relative to visual readings also depended on the growth type (determined by the nursery area of young C. harengus) and cohort but not on sex. Modifying the original regression method enabled marginally improving the precision of the approach but a strong maturation age‐dependent bias persisted. The results with C. harengus suggested that age‐at‐maturation estimates from the piecewise linear regression method should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Herring Clupea harengus L. viscera were examined for endoparasitic infections as part of a multidisciplinary stock identification project (WESTHER, EU Contract no. Q5RS-2002-01 056) which applied a range of stock discrimination techniques to the same individual fishes to obtain comparable results for multivariate analysis. Spawning and non-spawning adults, and juvenile herring were caught, over 3 years, by commercial and research vessels from numerous locations to the west of the UK and Ireland, along with control samples of spawning fish from the eastern Baltic Sea, and juveniles from sites in the eastern and western North Sea, and the north of Norway. The metacercariae of two renicolid digeneans (Cercaria pythionike and Cercaria doricha), one larval nematode (Anisakis simplex s.s.) and one larval cestode (Lacistorhynchus tenuis) were selected as tag species. Results were compared with those from herring collected between 1973 and 1982, which suggested remarkable stability in the parasite fauna of herring in the study area. These species were used to compare the parasite infracommunities of spawning herring. A significant variation in infracommunity structure was observed between different spawning grounds. These results suggest that the parasite fauna of herring are spatially variable but remain temporally stable in both the short and long term. Significant differences in prevalence and abundance of infections and comparisons of parasite infracommunity enabled the separation of putative herring stocks west of the British Isles. Distinctive patterns of parasite infection in two different spawning groups off the north coast of Scotland suggest that this area is occupied by two spawning populations, one recruiting from the west of Scotland, the other from outside this area, and most likely from the eastern North Sea. The distribution patterns of L. tenuis, C. doricha and C. pythionike suggest the potential for fish that spawn in three distinct International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) management units to be present in mixed aggregations found over the Malin Shelf, with significant implications for management in this area.  相似文献   

The evaluation of habitats used by arctic birds on migration is crucial for their conservation. We explored the importance of the eastern Chukchi Sea (ECS) as a staging area for king eiders (Somateria spectabilis) migrating between breeding areas in Siberia and western North America and wintering areas in the Bering Sea. We tracked 190 king eiders with satellite transmitters between 1997 and 2007. In late summer, 74% of satellite-tracked king eiders migrating south staged in the ECS for 13 ± 13 (SD) days between late June and early November. During spring migration, king eiders staged in the ECS between mid-April and early June for 21 ± 10 days. All instrumented birds migrating to breeding grounds in western North America (= 62), and 6 of 11 males migrating to breeding grounds in Siberia, used this area for at least 1 week during spring migration. The importance of this staging area renders it possible that industrial development could adversely affect king eider populations in both Siberia and North America.  相似文献   

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