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The diet composition of the European seahorses, Hippocampus guttulatus and Hippocampus hippocampus was determined based on the analysis of 279 and 19 specimens, respectively, collected in the Aegean Sea. The diet of both species was mainly based on Crustacea, with Amphipoda, Anomura Decapoda and Mysidacea being the dominant prey categories. ANOSIM analyses, however, indicated statistically significant differences in the diet of the two species as well as differences in the diet composition of non-brooding males, brooding males and females within each species. In H. guttulatus , stomach fullness percentages and vacuity coefficient values indicated that female individuals seem to have a higher feeding activity in relation to males.  相似文献   

Microelectrode oxygen profiles were measured in intertidal sediments from Ria Formosa (S. Portugal), a very productive shallow coastal lagoon. Four intertidal sampling sites were selected according to different sediment characteristics. Individual profiles revealed a high degree of lateral variability on a centimeter spatial scale. Nevertheless, consistent differences were observed between oxygen profiles measured in atmosphere-exposed and inundated intertidal sediments: in organically poor sand oxygen-penetration depth varied from 3 mm in inundated cores to more than 7 mm in exposed ones, while in organically rich muddy sand and mud it remained between 0.5–2.0 mm. The oxygen input from inundated to exposed conditions was estimated for each sampling site. Semi-diurnal tidal fluctuation, leading to periodical atmospheric exposure of sediments plays a major role in the oxygenation process of intertidal zones of Ria Formosa.  相似文献   

A 10-year monitoring program was developed to quantify the population dynamics of the long-snouted seahorse population in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. Based on 985 underwater visual censuses, we estimated the long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829) population size in the Mar Menor lagoon and its reduction in size in the last decades, as well as the effect of eutrophication crises in 2016 and 2019 on the species. The annual recruitment for the 2013–2020 period was estimated by comparing the relative abundance of early seahorse life stages in the ichthyoplankton. The density ranged from 0.0458 specimens/m3 at the beginning of the sampling period to 0.0004 at the end, showing a statistically significant difference between the three analyzed periods (Hgl=2 = 14.0, p = 0.001). The long-snouted seahorse population from the Mar Menor lagoon exemplifies the impact of fishing activities and human pressure, especially euxinic episodes and habitat destruction. As a result of this, the Mar Menor population has decreased from several million specimens to a few thousand, in only three decades. This species showed considerable resilience, the seahorse population began to recover once fishing activity stopped. In contrast, the long-snouted seahorse showed high vulnerability to habitat loss and an episodic flooding event. Adult seahorses showed preferences for highly complex habitats, especially Caulerpa proliferaCymodocea nodosa mixed meadows and habitats of high complexity and anthropogenic origin, such as harbors, jetties, or breakwaters. In contrast, juvenile seahorses preferred monotonous seabeds with low complexity, such as the sandy beds that are characteristic of the Mar Menor lagoon littoral.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic organisms, sediment and water characteristics were analysed in two fish farms in the Ria Formosa at control sites, near the outflows and inside the decantation ponds, in winter and summer 2001. Both farms operate under semi-intensive and intensive regimes. Statistical analysis reveals a very localised effect of fish farms near the outflow of the semi-intensive ponds, with an increase of density of small-sized organisms. The fish farms released high concentrations of nutrients and relatively low quantities of suspended solids. The effects of the effluents on the sediment were significant in the immediate vicinity of discharge point-source. The effects were localized mainly because all farms operate near the sea inlets, where water renewal rates are higher to ensure good fish production, thus permitting a important flushing of waste water. The effects of the effluents were more pronounced in summer because of the farms’ higher productivity at that time of the year. The decantation ponds, obligatory for the intensive regime, were apparently efficient in removing part of the solid waste. However, semi-intensive fish farms represent important sources of dissolved nutrients in the Ria Formosa and the joint effect of several fish farms in a semi-enclosed coastal system may be considerable.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance at a station in the Ria Formosa (SouthernPortugal) was monitored every week or second week over 18 monthsat incoming tide, high tide, ebb tide and low tide. The watersamples were filtered by 32µ mesh and examined under aninverted microscope. The proportion of planktonic larvae washigh all year round. They formed 50–70% of the metazoicplankton organisms during winter and 80 to >90% during summer.An extrapolation implied that this corresponds to 40–80%of the biomass in summer and <20% in winter. On average,roughly three-quarters of the larvae were nauplius larvae; theremaining quarter were meroplanktonic stages, especially ofgastropods, bivalves and polychaetes. Larval abundances variedindependently of tide (high tide-low tide), but showed a significantlynegative correlation with the tidal elevation (spring tide-neaptide) for total larval number and for most larval groups separately.It is outlined that next to a geographical component, theserelatively high larval figures are the result of the mesh sizeused. When treated as a component of the mesozooplankton, larvalnumber and biomass will always be greatly underestimated.  相似文献   

Despite worldwide proliferation of the genus Caulerpa and subsequent effects on benthic communities, little is known about the nutritional physiology of the Caulerpales. Here, we investigated the uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate, amino acids, and phosphate through the fronds and rhizoids + stolon, the internal translocation of nitrogen, and developed a nitrogen budget for the rapidly spreading Caulerpa prolifera in Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal. Caulerpa prolifera acquired nutrients by both aboveground and belowground parts at similar rates, except nitrate, for which fronds showed 2-fold higher uptake rates. Ammonium was the preferential nitrogen source (81% of the total nitrogen acquisition), and amino acids, which accounted for a significant fraction of total N acquisition (19%), were taken up at faster rates than nitrate. Basipetal translocation of 15N incorporated as ammonium was nearly 3-fold higher than acropetal translocation, whereas 15N translocation as nitrate and amino acids was smaller but equal in either direction. The estimated total nitrogen acquisition by C. prolifera was 689 μmol · m−2 · h−1, whereas the total nitrogen requirement for growth was 672 μmol · m−2 · h−1. The uptake of ammonium and amino acids by belowground parts accounted for the larger fraction of the total nitrogen acquisition of C. prolifera and is sufficient to satisfy the species nitrogen requirements for growth. This may be one reason explaining the fast spreading of the seaweed in the bare sediments of Ria Formosa where it does not have any macrophyte competitors and the concentration of nutrients is high.  相似文献   

Small-scale, short-term enrichment experiments were conducted in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southern Portugal), to assess the effects of nutrient availability on primary productivity, biomass (as chlorophyll a), and algal composition. Samples were collected from natural communities at three different sites in the western lagoon: Barra, oceanic inlet; Ramalhete, adjacent to a urban waste water treatment plant; and Ponte, an upstream channel used for recreation and bivalve farming. These samples were enriched separately with nitrogen and phosphorous during the extreme neap tides of the summer solstice at both high (HW) and low water (LW). The experiment was repeated during the autumnal equinox to test for seasonality, and during the following summer solstice to test for replication. The addition of nitrogen consistently stimulated the productivity and biomass during summer experiments at the two sites within the lagoon, identifying N as the most likely primary “potentially limiting nutrient” in the western part of the lagoon for this period. No stimulation of biomass and productivity occurred in September at the same two sites indicating the importance of other factors such as light, sedimentation or grazing pressure, as controlling the pelagic community. However, these outcomes were reversed at the oceanic inlet (Barra-HW) where there was no stimulation by nitrogen during the summer months, but there was in September, suggesting that there is a different nutritional requirement for the coastal community in comparison with the lagoon community. In samples where productivity was stimulated, diatoms were the group most sensitive to enrichment.  相似文献   

Pitfall traps were exposed between February 1993 andSeptember 1994 every 4th to 6th week near the highwater mark in a Ria Formosa salt marsh (Portugal).With only a few exceptions, peracarid crustaceansaccounted for more than 95% of the individualscaught. Three amphipod species (Orchestiagammarellus(Pallas), Orchestia mediterraneaCosta, Talorchestia deshayesii(Audouin)) and3 isopod species (Tylos ponticus(Arcangeli),Halophiloscia couchi(Kinahan) and Porcellio lamellatus(Uljanin) Budde-Lund) wereidentified. In general, these species were most activefrom spring to autumn.Data collected included information on growth rate,life expectancy and timing of reproduction. Theamphipods displayed more opportunistic life-historypatterns with high growth rates, reproductive activityduring most of the year, early sexual maturity andrelatively short life expectancies. The isopods weremore persistent with slower growth rates, morerestricted reproductive periods and longer lifeexpectancies.There is no indication in the literature that most ofthese species are particularly common in salt marshes.In addition, peracarid crustaceans are not mentionedas dominant taxa in most studies of salt marsh fauna.We suggest that the peracarids play an important rolein the degradation of organic matter in salt marshesand hypothesize that the high numbers of peracaridsfound in Ria Formosa is due to the high contributionof leaf shedding plants.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of Fe, Mn, (HS)t, Cu and Cd concentrations in pore water were determined on a seasonal scale in intertidal sediments of Ria Formosa. Concentrations of Cu and Cd were also determined in near-bottom water during the short period that water inundates the sediment. A maximum near the sediment-water interface was observed in depth profiles of Mn and Fe concentrations followed by a decrease with depth. Otherwise, depth profiles of (HS)t were irregular but peak concentrations was observed below Mn and Fe maximum. Although subsurface maximum was observed at deeper layers for Cu and Cd, the profiles shape varied among sites and sampling dates. This suggests site specificity and alterations associated with early diagenetic reactions. In order to assess exchanges of Cu and Cd across the sediment water interface, diffusive fluxes and advective transport were estimated. Both contribute substantially to the daily transfer of Cd from intertidal sediments to the water column of Ria Formosa. In the case of Cu, the flux associated with tidal flooding (advective flux) was the major contributor. Presumably, the exchange of trace elements between the sediment-water interface in intertidal areas of macro- and meso-tidal systems are underestimated since do not take into consideration the pulse contribution associated with tidal flooding.  相似文献   

Long‐term observational studies conducted at large (regional) spatial scales contribute to better understanding of landscape effects on population and evolutionary dynamics, including the conditions that affect long‐term viability of species, but large‐scale studies are expensive and logistically challenging to keep running for a long time. Here, we describe the long‐term metapopulation study of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) that has been conducted since 1991 in a large network of 4000 habitat patches (dry meadows) within a study area of 50 by 70 km in the Åland Islands in Finland. We explain how the landscape structure has been described, including definition, delimitation, and mapping of the habitat patches; methods of field survey, including the logistics, cost, and reliability of the survey; and data management using the EarthCape biodiversity platform. We describe the long‐term metapopulation dynamics of the Glanville fritillary based on the survey. There has been no long‐term change in the overall size of the metapopulation, but the level of spatial synchrony and hence the amplitude of fluctuations in year‐to‐year metapopulation dynamics have increased over the years, possibly due to increasing frequency of exceptional weather conditions. We discuss the added value of large‐scale and long‐term population studies, but also emphasize the need to integrate more targeted experimental studies in the context of long‐term observational studies. For instance, in the case of the Glanville fritillary project, the long‐term study has produced an opportunity to sample individuals for experiments from local populations with a known demographic history. These studies have demonstrated striking differences in dispersal rate and other life‐history traits of individuals from newly established local populations (the offspring of colonizers) versus individuals from old, established local populations. The long‐term observational study has stimulated the development of metapopulation models and provided an opportunity to test model predictions. This combination of empirical studies and modeling has facilitated the study of key phenomena in spatial dynamics, such as extinction threshold and extinction debt.  相似文献   

The diet, feeding rates and growth rates of three species of isopod and three species of amphipod from a Ria Formosa salt marsh in southern Portugal are compared to test the hypotheses that the relative success of amphipods as macro-decomposers in salt marshes worldwide can be a) attributed to their utilizing a distinctly different range of potentially available food resources and b) attributed to them using similar food resources but at different rates.The first hypothesis was tested using a combination of gut contents analysis, stable isotope analysis and multiple-choice food preference tests. The results of all three analyses showed that there was a very broad overlap in the resource utilization curves for these species for the most abundant potential foods available in the upper salt marsh. The first hypothesis was therefore rejected.The second hypothesis was tested with palatability experiments in which consumption rates of each of the test animals were compared for each potential food offered alone. The amphipods ate all five of the foods significantly faster, consuming from 3-73× more food per unit mass than the isopods.Analyses of their relative growth rates from when released from the marsupium until first breeding, showed that amphipods have a faster growth rate than isopods in the field which is consistent with other traits in their rapid development-high fecundity life-history strategy. We conclude that these data support the second hypothesis and that their morphological adaptations to a shredding, high ingestion-rate rapid gut turnover digestive strategy enable them to have a more efficient resource acquisition rate than the slower growing, lower fecundity and slower ingestion-rate longer gut throughput time strategy of most isopods.  相似文献   

Liang HW  Shen YL  Chen ZX  Xia Q 《生理学报》2002,54(5):431-434
在大鼠海马脑片上使用双电极在CA1区进行细胞外记录 ,观察低频刺激 (LFS)诱发同突触长时程抑制 (LTD)时场兴奋性突触后电位 (fEPSP)的斜率 (S EPSP)和群体锋电位 (PS)的幅值 (A PS)的变化。给予 90 0脉冲 1HzLFS后 ,S EPSP和A PS降低的幅度分别是 35 4± 5 3%和 6 8 0± 7 2 % ;而给予 4 5 0脉冲 1HzLFS后 ,S EPSP和A PS分别降低 14 3± 2 3%和 36 8± 6 7%。上述两组中A PS的变化率均显著大于S EPSP (P <0 0 1) ,而 90 0脉冲数组中两个指标的变化率均大于 4 5 0脉冲数组 (P <0 0 5 )。高Mg2 + (4mmol/L)使突触的传递活动减弱 ,但不影响LTD的诱发 ,在高Mg2 + 介质中 ,LFS引起的A PS变化率仍显著大于S EPSP (P <0 0 1)。结果表明 ,由LFS诱发同突触LTD的水平不仅与LFS的脉冲数有关 ,还与评价指标的选择有关  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 121, 597-606. ABSTRACT: In cultured rat neocortical interneurons, we have studied the effect of long-term application of NMDA or AMPA on the surface density of the NMDA (GluN) receptor subunits GluN1 and GluN2B. Stimulation of Ca(2+) -permeable AMPA (GluA) receptors located on the interneurons decreased the response of GluN receptors. The reduction was caused by a decrease in the surface density of GluN1/GluN2B subunits. In contrast, stimulation of GluN receptors located on the interneurons enhanced the surface density of GluN1/GluN2B subunits. Both effects could be induced by network activation.  相似文献   

1. Measuring functional connectivity, the ability of species to move between resource patches, is essential for conservation in fragmented landscapes. However, current methods are highly time consuming and expensive. 2. Population synchrony‐ the correlation in time series of counts between two long‐term population monitoring sites, has been suggested as a possible proxy measure of functional connectivity. To date, population synchrony has been shown to correlate with proxies for movement frequency such as the coverage of suitable habitat types in intervening landscapes, and also least cost distances around hostile land cover types. 3. This provides tentative evidence that synchrony is directly driven by movements of the focal species, but an alternative explanation is that these land cover types affect the movement of interacting species (e.g. natural enemies of the focal species) which can also drive synchronous population dynamics. Therefore, what is needed is a test directly relating population synchrony to movement frequencies of a focal species. 4. Here we use data from a 21 year mark‐release‐recapture study and show that population synchrony does indeed predict movements of a focal butterfly species Boloria eunomia (Esper). 5. There is growing evidence that population synchrony can be a useful conservation tool to measure functional connectivity.  相似文献   

Changes in the density of NMDA (GluN) receptors in the neuronal membrane are critical for plasticity, whereas malfunction of precisely regulated GluN receptor activity may be involved in neurotoxicity. In cultured rat neocortical interneurons, we have studied the regulation of the surface density of GluN1, GluN2A and GluN2B subunits. Application of 5 μMol NMDA for 24 h followed by a washout period of 24 h decreased the response of GluN receptors for at least 2?days. The reduction was caused by a decrease in the surface density of GluN1/GluN2B subunits, whereas GluN2A subunits remained unaffected. Our data indicate that long but reversible low level activation of GluN receptors can cause long-term changes in their subunit composition in cultured interneurons.  相似文献   

1. Rapid expansion and intensification of anthropogenic activities in the 20th century has caused profound changes in freshwater assemblages. Unfortunately, knowledge of the extent and causes of species loss (SL) is limited due to the lack of reliable historical data. An unusual data set allows us to compare changes in the most sensitive of aquatic insect orders, the Plecoptera, at some 170 locations in the Czech Republic between two time periods, 1955–1960 and 2006–2010. Historical data (1890–1911) on assemblages of six lowland rivers allow us to infer even earlier changes. 2. Regional stonefly diversity decreased in the first half of the 20th century. Streams at lower altitudes lost a substantial number of species, which were never recovered. In the second half of the century, large‐scale anthropogenic pressure caused SL in all habitats, leading to a dissimilarity of contemporary and previous assemblages. The greatest changes were found at sites affected by organic pollution and a mixture of organic pollution and channelisation or impoundment. Colonisation of new habitats was observed in only three of the 80 species evaluated. 3. Species of moderate habitat specialisation and tolerance to organic pollution were most likely to be lost. Those with narrow specialisations in protected habitats were present in both historical and contemporary collections. 4. Contemporary assemblages are the consequence of more than a 100 years of anthropogenic impacts. In particular, streams at lower altitude and draining intensively exploited landscapes host a mere fragment of the original species complement. Most stonefly species are less frequently present than before, although their assemblages remain almost intact in near‐natural mountain streams. Our analyses demonstrate dramatic restriction of species ranges and, in some cases, apparent changes in altitudinal preference throughout the area.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of Sparus aurata L., Diplodus annularis L. and Spondyliosoma cantharus L. in the Ria Formosa (southern Portugal) lagoon system were studied using three simple methods (frequency of occurrence, numeric percentage and percentage weight) and a composite index [index of relative importance (IRI)]. The Ivlev index was used to evaluate diet selectivity, while the Schoener overlap index was used to compare diets, and diet diversity was characterized by the Simpson index. The diets of the three species consist of a wide variety of food organisms, nevertheless S. aurata seems to be the most specialized. No significant dietary overlap was found, with S. aurata preferentially selecting gastropods and bivalves, while S. cantharus preferentially selected a wide variety of crustaceans and D. sargus a wider array, including crustaceans, gastropods and bivalves.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):227-235
Oxygen consumption rates were determined, in parallel with primary production and bacterial biomass production, as an approach to the analysis of carbon cycling in the estuarine community of the Ria de Aveiro. The water column of the marine zone was the major contributor (64–99 %) to the total aerobic carbon remineralisation in which O2 uptake rates averaged from 80 to 127 mg O2.m–2.h–1, respectively at low tide and high tide. The planktonic consumption of O2 varied from 0.010 to 0.041 mg O2.L–1.h–1 with the highest values in the brackish zone. Small water column depths in this zone, however, reduced the integrated average consumption of the plankton, per unit of surface area, to 57 (LT) and 66 % (HT) of that observed in the marine zone. Benthic O2 consumption rates, 5.1 to 22.0 mg O2.m–2.h–1, were two to four times higher in the brackish zone when compared to the rates in the marine zone. It represented 1–31 % of the total surface integrated values in different areas and at different tides. From the ratios of the primary production and bacterial biomass production, on a per surface unit basis, it is concluded that, in late autumn, the Ria de Aveiro was mostly a heterotrophic system with a feeble recovery of primary production at HT in the marine zone and at LT in the brackish water zone.  相似文献   

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