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SUMMARY 1. Radio transmitters were implanted in large perch (27–37 cm) in a shallow lake in Denmark. Between 6 and 13 perch were tracked every 3 h for 24‐h periods twice (summer) or once a month (winter) from August 1997 to July 1998. Activity levels were recorded as minimum distance moved per hour. 2. No significant differences in activity levels of individual fish were observed. 3. Highest activities were observed at daytime with peaks at dawn and dusk or midday. This diel pattern was most pronounced from October to April, whereas diel variations were less in the summer months, with no peaks occurring in midsummer. The general lack of activity at night supports the idea that perch is a visually oriented forager. 4. There was no significant relationship between daytime activity during the year and temperature or day length, but nighttime activity was correlated with temperature. In contrast with previous findings, activity levels varied little seasonally, except for high activity levels that occurred concomitantly with high temperatures in August. Instead, we found a significant relationship between the total distances moved per day and temperature, indicating that perch moved at the same average speed in the wintertime, but did so for shorter periods than in summer because of shorter day lengths. 5. Diet of the tagged perch shifted from fish dominance between August and January to invertebrates from February to June. There was no correlation between the diet shift and activity levels, indicating that feeding on invertebrate requires similar activity levels as predation on fish. 6. The results of this telemetry study throughout a year suggest that perch are more active during the winter than previously inferred from gill‐net catches. This observation underscores the importance of perch as a predator of 0+ planktivorous fish in lakes and has potential implications for pelagic food web structure and lake management by biomanipulation.  相似文献   

The activity patterns and habitat selection of tench in a shallow eutrophic lake were determined by radio telemetry. Environmental variables, including prey availability, depth and vegetational composition were quantified in order to explain observed patterns of distribution. Tench were generally only active at night, foraging on benthic animal prey, particularly chironomid larvae. Feeding fish clearly selected for particular locations although only weak associations with depth and densities of preferred prey were found. In addition, it appears that fish spent a considerable time searching for prey and travelling relatively large distances in the process, with the result that only relatively few prey were ingested during the course of a night. During daylight, fish were almost completely inactive, resting together in favoured locations and displaying a strong association for the littoral emergent vascular plant, Typha angustifolia . This may be because Typha usually grows in relatively deep water and forms stands of relatively widely spaced stems, thus allowing such large fish to penetrate deeply into cover. Management of eutrophic waters to encourage tench should take this habitat preference into account.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of the diurnal pattern of oxygen consumption were conducted in fasting juvenile perch at 15 and at 20° C. In addition, dry body mass, protein and glycogen concentrations and the activity of two key enzymes of energy metabolism, phosphofructokinase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase, were monitored during the period of food deprivation. The average rate of oxygen consumption decreased during the starvation period, but the regular diurnal pattern of low rates in the dark and high rates in the light was upset by a break around days 7 to 8 at both temperatures. This break coincided with the exhaustion of the glycogen reserves in the muscles and in the liver, indicating that switching to a new energetic fuel was accompanied by a change in the pattern of swimming activity. Choice of the major energy source after exhaustion of the carbohydrate store was substantially influenced by water temperature. A negative correlation was found between the scope for spontaneous activity and the specific rate of oxygen consumption in the dark phase suggesting that the resting rate of metabolism responded more strongly to food deprivation than the rate of spontaneous activity in the light phase.  相似文献   

In this study, the combined influence of vegetation density and water turbidity on habitat utilization of a prey fish, 0+ year perch Perca fluviatilis , under predation risk (pike, Esox lucius ) was investigated. The vegetated habitat was overall preferred over the open habitat in the presence of a predator. The level of turbidity, and to a lesser extent vegetation density, however, influenced the response of 0+ year perch. The use of the vegetated habitat was lower in very turbid than in clear and turbid conditions, suggesting reduced antipredator behaviour in very turbid water. The effect of vegetation density on antipredator behaviour was only present in clear water, where the use of a structural refuge decreased with increasing vegetation density. No such effect was observed in turbid and very turbid water. The results showed that the structuring role of vegetation or habitat complexity may diminish with increased turbidity. The observed masking effect of turbidity suggests that predator‐prey interactions in vegetated habitats are more complex than what has generally been thought.  相似文献   

Three stochastic versions of the Gompertz growth model were used to parameterize total length (L(T) )-at-age data for perch Perca fluviatilis, an important target species for commercial and recreational fishers and a food species for predatory fishes and aquatic birds. Each model addresses growth heterogeneity by incorporating random parameters from a specific positive distribution: Weibull, gamma or log-normal. The modelling outputs for each version of the model provide L(T) distributions for selected ages and percentiles of L(T) at age for both males and females. The results highlight the importance of using a stochastic approach and the logistic-like growth pattern for analysing growth data for P. fluviatilis in Curonian Lagoon (Lithuania). Outputs from this modelling can be extended to a stochastic analysis of fish cohort dynamics, incorporating all length-based biological relationships, and the selectivity-related interactions between fish cohorts and fishing gear.  相似文献   

1. The importance of body size and growth rate in ecological interactions is widely recognized, and both are frequently used as surrogates for fitness. However, if there are significant costs associated with rapid growth rates then its fitness benefits may be questioned. 2. In replicated whole-lake experiments, we show that a domestic strain of rainbow trout (artificially selected for maximum intrinsic growth rate) use productive but risky habitats more than wild trout. Consequently, domestic trout grow faster in all situations, experience greater survival in the absence of predators, but have lower survival in the presence of predators. Therefore, rapid growth rates are selected against due to increased foraging effort (or conversely, lower antipredator behaviour) that increases vulnerability to predators. In other words, there is a behaviourally mediated trade-off between growth and mortality rates. 3. Whereas rapid growth is beneficial in many ecological interactions, our results show the mortality costs of achieving it are large in the presence of predators, which can help explain the absence of an average phenotype with maximized growth rates in nature.  相似文献   

Three populations (one from a river and two from lakes) of Salaria fluviatilis , the only exclusively freshwater representative of the Blenniidae, showed significant differences in reproductive behaviour and morphology. Breeding males and females were significantly larger at maturity in the river than the two lake populations. The two lake populations, however, showed the greatest degree of morphological difference, the river population being intermediate. The mating system of each population could be described as resource-based and promiscuous with parasitic 'sneaker' males that released sperm in the nests of other males. During spawning, males from the river population released sperm significantly more often than the lake populations. This was paralleled by a greater investment in sperm as measured by relative testis mass in the river population. This was interpreted as the need to counteract the loss of sperm during fertilization as a result of the strong flow in the river. Thus some of the patterns of trait variance fitted predictions of adaptations. Other traits, however, varied randomly across populations suggesting change through genetic drift.  相似文献   

Decreasing trends in atmospheric emissions and acidic deposition during the 1990s have resulted in chemical recovery from acidification in the sensitive surface water systems of southern Finland. Responses of perch and roach populations to the improved water quality were studied in 30 small lakes with the aid of water chemistry monitoring data gathered in 1987–2002 and the data collected from two consecutive periods of gillnet test fishing, 1985–1988 and 2001–2002. In the most acidified lakes, alkalinity and ANC have increased and sulphate and labile aluminium concentrations decreasæed markedly. The response of perch populations to the improved water quality is seen in improved reproduction success, indicated by a higher CPUE in numbers and a lower mean weight. The growth rate of perch has declined as the population density has increased. Roach populations have not recovered in the same way as perch, there being no major changes in NPUE or mean weight. Lower growth rates were, however, observed in the roach populations of all study lakes. The increased perch population density as an obstacle to the recovery of roach populations is discussed. Despite the chemical and biological recovery of the study lakes, the buffer capacity of many headwater lakes is low and the lakes will be sensitive to any increases in acidic deposition in the future.  相似文献   

Concentrations of various essential and toxic elements (Ba, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn and Al, Ag, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Tl) were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus lucii and in different tissues of its host Perca fluviatilis. Nearly all the elements were found in significantly higher concentrations in the acanthocephalan than in the host tissues. Spearman correlation analysis revealed several strong inter-element associations within the organs of perch and within the parasites. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed different competitive interactions. The concentrations of several essential elements (Ba, Ca, Fe, Mn, Sr and Zn) within the parasites decreased with an increasing number or weight of worms inside the intestine of the host. Additionally, the levels of some elements in the perch liver were negatively correlated with the weight of A. lucii in the intestine. Thus, it emerged that not only is there competition for essential elements between acanthocephalans inside the gut but there is also competition for these elements between the host and its parasites.  相似文献   

The contribution of sediment release to the phosphorus budget of hypereutrophic Onondaga Lake was determined through laboratory measurements made on intact cores. Rates ranged from 9–21 mg P m–2 d–1 with a mean of 13 mg P m–2 d–1, values similar to those observed in other lakes of comparable trophic state. There was no statistically significant trend in rates in time (July versus September) or in space (location along the major N/S axis of the lake). Rates of sediment phosphorus release measured in the laboratory compared favorably with the observed rate of soluble reactive phosphorus accumulation in the lake's hypolimnion. The sediments are the second largest source of phosphorus for Onondaga Lake, contributing 24% of the overall phosphorus load to the system.  相似文献   

A major uncertainty in automated radio‐telemetry studies of small birds is the detection range of receiving antennas. We compared simultaneous daytime detections (± 30 s) by automated and manual radio‐telemetry to assess detection probability and the proportion of transmissions detected for birds on migratory stopover as a function of distance, foraging guild (Black‐throated Blue Warblers, Setophaga caerulescens, and Yellow‐rumped Warblers, Dendroica coronata coronata, represented mid‐canopy foliage gleaners and White‐throated Sparrows, Zonotrichia albicollis, represented a ground forager), habitat type, meteorological variables, tower antenna number (1–4), and the position of a bird relative to the receiving antenna's bearing (offset angle). Our study was conducted at a migratory stopover site in southern Ontario, Canada. Most detections were in dense to sparse forest, and all individuals were within 1.03 km of the automated receiving station. Daily detection probability was near 100% for both foraging guilds. However, within 30 s before and after a manual radio‐telemetry location was made, detection probability and the proportion of transmissions detected by automated radio‐telemetry declined with distance, was higher for warblers than sparrows, and was lowest for 90° offset angles. Our results suggest that when research goals do not require detections with high temporal frequency, e.g., estimation of departure date or daily departure probability, our study design had an effective detection range of at least 1 km. However, where temporal precision is required, e.g., to investigate movements and changes in activity levels during stopover, detection range was ~300 m for ground‐foraging sparrows and 600 m for mid‐canopy foraging warblers, which is much lower than the presumed detection range of antennas under optimal conditions (15 km). This corresponds to a spatial area of coverage for forest‐dwelling birds of ~0.3–1.1 km2. Our results suggest that to optimally configure an automated radio‐telemetry array at the regional scale, investigators should carefully consider detection range and its underlying covariates, including species type, the habitat matrix, and the orientation of antennas relative to preferred habitat.  相似文献   

1. In this study, we examine how a 7‐year period of expanding submerged stonewort (Chara spp.) vegetation during a shift from turbid to clear water in a shallow lake influenced individual growth and population size structure of perch (Perca fluviatilis). We expected that a shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance and clear water would improve feeding conditions for perch during a critical benthivorous ontogenetic stage, and enhance the recruitment of piscivorous perch. 2. Growth analysis based on opercula showed that growth during the second year of life was significantly higher in years with abundant vegetation than in years with turbid water and sparse vegetation. Growth was not affected during the first, third and fourth year of life. Stable isotope analyses on opercula from 2‐year‐old perch showed that the increase in growth coincided with a change in carbon source in the diet. Stable nitrogen ratio did not change, indicating that the increased growth was not an effect of any change in trophic position. 3. Following the expansion of submerged vegetation, perch size range and abundance of piscivorous perch increased in central, unvegetated areas of the lake. In stands of stoneworts, however, mainly benthivorous perch were caught, and size range did not change with time. 4. Our findings provide empirical support for the notion that establishment of submerged vegetation may lead to increased recruitment of piscivorous perch, because of improved competitive conditions for perch during the benthivorous stage. This is likely to constitute a benthic‐pelagic feedback coupling, in which submerged vegetation and clear water promote the recruitment of piscivorous perch, which, in turn, may increase water clarity through top‐down effects in the pelagic.  相似文献   

A number of parameters were measured in a population of perch whose numbers had declined steeply in a habitat subjected to increasing eutrophication, and these measurements were compared with those taken before the population decline. Contrary to expectation, no adaptive responses were identified. The growth rate of perch up to the age of III had only declined slightly, and there was a marked preponderance of young fish. Relative growth rate was consistent despite the population decline. No dominant year class was apparent. Mean instantaneous mortality rate and annual survival rate were calculated, and the length-weight relationship was analysed. Feeding strategy had not altered since an earlier study. A decline was seen in the percentage of perch maturing at early age. Ripeness coefficients and fecundity estimates were calculated. A previously documented spawning migration was confirmed. The absence of the expected adaptive changes is discussed.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was developed for Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) by revising an existing model for yellow perch and walleye. Data were gathered from field studies and the literature. Besides adjusting the original parameters of the model, effects of season on consumption and metabolic rates were added. The predictive capability of the revised model was high both concerning the levels of growth and its seasonal development in the Baltic coastal waters to which the model was applied. Perch young-of-the-year attained almost maximum consumption and growth except in the highest temperatures experienced. In larger fish, the model estimated consumption to be about 50 per cent of the maximum possible rate.  相似文献   

Asellus aquaticus (L.) was the most important benthic food item for perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.), in a small, extremely humic forest lake in southern Finland. The proportion of A. aquaticus in the diet of perch varied according to the former's availability, which, in turn, depended on its life cycle. Perch 11.0–12.9 cm (total length) most frequently fed on A. aquaticus; smaller and larger perch fed more frequently on crustacean zooplankton and aquatic insect larvae, respectively. The high density of the perch population, the importance of A. aquaticus in the benthos of the study lake and the general high activity level of the prey resulted in a high predation (0.1–1.8% per day). The population of A. aquaticus was also limited by the scarcity of macrophytic vegetation and the small area of oxygenated littoral in the lake.  相似文献   

河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究河鲈(Perca fluviatilis)早期生活史和发育生物学,采用体视解剖镜、显微镜仔细观察、测量、描述、绘图的方法,连续观察了6个批次河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育状况,进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)在水温8~13℃时,胚胎期约需265h,有效积温2540~2880℃.h;水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期约需6d,有效积温1750~2120℃.h;(2)辐射状次级卵膜将受精卵连成长带形单层网片状,每个胚胎周围有6个胚胎,排列很有规则。胚胎卵黄囊表面有一个大圆形油球。出膜前期可见眼球色素、胸鳍突起;(3)胚胎出膜的不同步主要是由于出膜前期长短不一和孵化水温较低所致。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how the presence of a predator and an interspecific competitor influence the habitat use of adult perch (Perca fluviatilis; size: 15.1 ± 0.5 cm) when given the choice between two adjacent habitats. By conducting aquarium experiments, the habitat occupancy of P. fluviatilis was documented in the presence and absence of a predator (pike Esox lucius; size: 25.4 ± 2.1 cm) and a potential competitor (ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus; size: 14.1 ± 0.3 cm) fish species. Two P. fluviatilis individuals generally shared the same habitat. In the presence of a conspecific, P. fluviatilis favoured the structurally more-complex, artificial macrophyte habitat over the less-structured rock and sand habitat, which in turn were used equally. In the predator- and competitor treatments, P. fluviatilis seemed to adapt their habitat use to the habitat occupancy of E. lucius and G. cernuus in the Macrophyte vs. Rock and, in the predator treatment, also in the Macrophyte vs. Sand habitat combination, by increasingly occupying a habitat that was used less by the predator or competitor species, respectively. This behaviour suggests that P. fluviatilis tried to avoid the other fish species by choosing a, in some cases less preferred, predator- or competitor-free habitat. This study emphasizes the importance of biological interactions illustrated by the potential of predation risk and competition to structure fish communities by influencing habitat use at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Dörner  Hendrik  Berg  Søren  Jacobsen  Lene  Hülsmann  Stephan  Brojerg  Mads  Wagner  Annekatrin 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):427-434
Hydrobiologia - The aim of the present study was to analyse and compare the feeding behaviour of large perch (>25 cm total length) in two lakes of different state and corresponding...  相似文献   

1. The combined effects of increasing pH (< 9–11) and increasing densities of perch (0, two, four per enclosure) have been investigated in polyethylene enclosures of volume about 1100 1 in a shallow, fertile lake in Cheshire. 2. Increasing pH decreased carbon dioxide concentrations, chlorophyll a concentrations and diatom biomass. It led to increases in the proportions of Cryptophyta (to pH 10) and Chlorophyta (to pH 11). Although ample inocula were present, significant growths of cyanophytes were not recorded, contrary to expectation. 3. Increasing pH led to increases in numbers of Daphnia hyalina particularly at pH 10 but collapse at pH 11. This persistence at pH 10, independent of perch number, is attributed to reduced feeding of the fish, which survived at this pH. Other zooplankters (Ceriodaphnia spp., Bosmina longirostris, Polyphemus pediculus, Cyclops spp.) all declined with increasing pH. 4. Increasing fish density resulted in an increase in chlorophyll a concentration and in the biomass of Chlorophyta but had no effect on cyanophyte or cryptophyte biomass. 5. Increasing fish density led to declines in Daphnia in the untreated lake-water controls (pH < 9) and at pH 9, but had no effect at pH 10 where Daphnia hyalina was very abundant. Numbers of Ceriodaphnia spp. and Bosmina longirostris increased with increasing fish density, whilst numbers of Polyphemus pediculus and Cyclops spp. were independent of it. 6. The results are discussed in the light of contemporary knowledge of the factors resulting in large cyanophyte growths and of the factors controlling the stability of macrophyte-dominated and phytoplankton-dominated states in shallow lakes. The interaction between pH and fish density and consequent non-linear response of Daphnia hyalina is particularly notable because of the significance of zooplankton grazing in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

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