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Using the non‐native sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus as a model, the relationship between ontogeny and ecology was studied with a view to identifying specific morphological and physiological processes involved in influencing ecological niche shifts. Following a predefined saltatory model for the early ontogeny of sunbleak, field studies examined the temporal use of microhabitat, diet and morphological changes throughout early development. Following a dramatic shift in both morphology and ecology between the free embryo phase and the larval period, habitat use and diet showed little change during the larval period, with habitat use confined to marginal, vegetated areas and prey items associated with these habitats well represented in the diet. During the final larval step (L5), transition to the juvenile period resulted in the stabilization of relative growth, acquisition of the adult morphotype and was associated with a clear shift in diet and habitat use. During this period, sunbleak moved for the first time into open, deeper water, away from the banks, and utilized a similar range of food items to the adults. Specific relationships between form and function are further discussed.  相似文献   

To exam whether the temperature experienced by fishes at early developmental stages can influence their phenotype at subsequent stages, the model species used, European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax was subjected to water temperatures of 15 or 20° C during the half-epiboly stage until the metamorphosis. Meristic and morphometric characters at three different stages, well after the end of the thermal treatments, were explored. Body shape and most of the meristic characters were significantly affected by the environmental temperature during their early life stages. Fish body shape at 15° C tended to be more slender than at 20° C. The dorsal spines and soft rays, the pectoral lepidotrichia and caudal dermatotrichia were significantly affected. Phenotypic differences due to the two thermal regimes are discussed in terms of their functional meaning during the transition from the planktonic to the littoral niche.  相似文献   

Lipid class dynamics and the relationship between weight and length were analysed during early life stage (ELS) development in wild populations of shortbelly rockfish Sebastes jordani to investigate their utility in a condition or nutritional status assessment. Analyses from more than 3000 field-captured shortbelly rockfish indicated little variation in weight for a given length and provided limited application in the assessment of condition. The fractionation of total lipids into individual classes revealed trends in lipid metabolism throughout development. These trends were described best using a stage-specific regression model, since Sebastes show defined early life history transitions. Among developmental stages, triacylglycerols (TAG) and polar lipids (PL) were the dominant lipid classes and cholesterol (CHOL), sterol/wax esters, and nonesterified fatty acids were found in lower concentrations. In the preflexion stage, low concentrations and constant levels of TAG along with the combined influence of endogenous and exogenous sources of energy compromised the use of TAG as an index of nutritional status. However, during flexion through juvenile stages, TAG levels increased indicating an accumulation of energy reserves with development, thus providing a valid indicator of nutritional status in later stages. Large fluctuations in PL concentrations during development suggested complex metabolism which may be due to changes in cell volume and cell membrane proliferation with development as well as catabolism. CHOL declined in larval stages, then remained constant with increasing size through the juvenile stage, negating its use as a normalizer for variations of mass in a TAG/CHOL ratio prior to juvenile transformation. This study provides the first documentation of lipid dynamics during early life stages following parturition in a marine viviparous teleost.  相似文献   

The combined effects of future ocean acidification and global warming on the hypoxia thresholds of marine biota are, to date, poorly known. Here, we show that the future warming and acidification scenario led to shorter embryonic periods, lower survival rates and the enhancement of premature hatching in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Routine metabolic rates increased during the embryonic period, but environmental hypercapnia significantly depressed pre-hatchling''s energy expenditures rates (independently of temperature). During embryogenesis, there was also a significant rise in the carbon dioxide partial pressure in the perivitelline fluid (PVF), bicarbonate levels, as well as a drop in pH and oxygen partial pressure (pO2). The critical partial pressure (i.e. hypoxic threshold) of the pre-hatchlings was significantly higher than the PVF oxygen partial pressure at the warmer and hypercapnic condition. Thus, the record of oxygen tensions below critical pO2 in such climate scenario indicates that the already harsh conditions inside the egg capsules are expected to be magnified in the years to come, especially in populations at the border of their thermal envelope. Such a scenario promotes untimely hatching and smaller post-hatching body sizes, thus challenging the survival and fitness of early life stages.  相似文献   

Maternal environment can influence plant offspring performance. Understanding maternal environmental effects will help to bridge a key gap in the knowledge of plant life cycles, and provide important insights for species’ responses under climate change. Here we show that maternal warming significantly affected the early life stages of an invasive thistle, Carduus nutans. Seeds produced by plants grown in warmed conditions had higher germination percentages and shorter mean germination times than those produced by plants under ambient conditions; this difference was most evident at suboptimal germination temperatures. Subsequent seedling emergence was also faster with maternal warming, with no cost to seedling emergence percentage and seedling growth. Our results suggest that maternal warming may accelerate the life cycle of this species via enhanced early life‐history stages. These maternal effects on offspring performance, together with the positive responses of the maternal generation, may exacerbate invasions of this species under climate change.  相似文献   

Survival, biomass and diet of pike, Esox lucius , larvae and juveniles were studied over 3 years by stocking free embryos at a density of six fish m−2 in 12 drainable outdoor ponds. The ponds were sequentially drained at six larval/juvenile developmental stages, up to a total length (T.L.) of 139 mm. The mean rate of survival at harvest decreased irregularly over time and the highest mortality rates were recorded during the early larval period (13 to 27 mm t.l .) and two intervals of the juvenile period (46 to 99 mm T.L. and 121 to 139 mm t.l .). Mean biomass increased dramatically between 46 mm T.L. (19.8 kg ha−1) and 121 mm T.L. (181.8 kg ha−1) and stabilized between 121 and 139 mm t.l . Sharp increases in the mean weight coefficient of variation were recorded during the early larval period (13 to 27 mm t.l .) and between 74 and 121 mm t.l . (development of cannibalism). Diet breadths were relatively narrow in pike larvae and reached maximum levels in 99 mm t.l . juveniles. Average-sized pike exhibited a sequence of size-dependent shifts from a diet composed primarily (in terms of weight) of micro-crustaceans (at 13 mm t.l .), to chironomid larvae (at 74 to 99 mm t.l .), and finally macrocrustaceans (at 121 to 139 mm t.l .). Cannibalism was detected first among the largest fish at the 74 mm t.l . stage. Between-year diet similarity at various developmental stages was consistently high. In 70 mm t.l . fish harvested from different ponds, we found significant among-pond differences in diet composition; however, similar trends of diet changes in relation to fish size were observed from pond to pond. Our results are discussed in light of existing knowledge of young pike trophic ecology and current aquaculture practices.  相似文献   

The sub-chronic (28–56 days) effects of exposure to low concentrations of cadmium (Cd; 0·05, 0·25, 0·50 and 2·50 μg l−1) shortly following fertilization on embryos, larvae and juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were examined. Premature hatching occurred at lower concentrations (0·05 and 0·25 μg l−1 Cd), however, delayed hatching was seen in the 2·50 μg l−1 Cd group, with >90% of hatching occurring on the last day of the hatching period. Larval growth was negatively affected by Cd exposure in a concentration-dependent manner. Larvae exposed to 2·50 μg l−1 Cd were 13·9 ± 0·8% shorter in total length ( L T) and weighed 22·4 ± 3·5% (mean ± s . e .) less than controls at the end of the exposure period. Plasma sex steroid concentrations (oestradiol in juvenile females and 11-ketotestosterone in juvenile males) were elevated (four- to 10-fold over controls) in exposed fish in both males and females, following 28 days of exposure to 0·05, 0·25 and 0·50 μg l−1 Cd, respectively. These results suggest that environmentally realistic concentrations (in the μg l−1 range) of Cd can affect the development of O. mykiss impacting embryos, larvae and juvenile fish.  相似文献   

Schooling was first observed at 25–27 days after hatching (26· 2–33· 8 mm, total length) in the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. At this time, the mode of swimming changed from intermittent sprinting to continuous cruising, and this allowed the fish to adjust to an inertial hydrodynamic environment.  相似文献   

Early life stage (ELS) studies with brown trout(Salmo trutta f. fario L.) andstone loach (Barbatula barbatula L.)were performed between 1995 and 2000 toevaluate embryotoxic potentials in twodifferently polluted streams in southwestGermany. With both species, semistatic exposureexperiments with water samples and sedimenteluates were conducted in the laboratory.Additionally, brown trout ELS tests wereperformed in flow-through systems in thesemi-field and in the field. Thus, differentlevels of complexity of environmentalconditions were addressed which allowed thestudy of effects of xenobiotic contamination,temperature, and sediments on the success ofembryonic development. Additionally, effects ofwater from the polluted stream on fertilizationof brown trout eggs were determined. In themore polluted stream, xenobiotics caused anembryotoxic potential for both brown trout andstone loach, and viability of exposed browntrout eggs was drastically reduced by suspendedsolids in the water which covered the eggs.Additionally, fertilization rates of browntrout eggs were significantly decreased inwater of the more polluted stream. In the lesspolluted stream, low water temperature andinfestations by protozoic ectoparasites causedmortality of embryos. In this stream, pollutionand sediment effects were not observed. Resultsmade evident that in the more polluted streamrecruitment of brown trout was drasticallyimpaired.  相似文献   

新建水库轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物动态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于2000~2003年调查了新建水库飞来峡水库(1999年蓄水)轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物的动态特征。共检到轮虫68种,枝角类18种和桡足类13种。轮虫、枝角类和桡足类的丰度均不高,分别为0.2~88.6,0.1~13和0.4~13.8 ind.L-1,最高丰度均出现在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)。在水库开始蓄水之后,轮虫先以螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)为优势种;然后在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)由于长圆疣毛轮虫(Synchaeta pectinata)种群密度大幅度上涨,长圆疣毛轮虫取缔螺形龟甲轮虫成为优势种;此后,随着长圆疣毛轮虫种群回落,螺形龟甲轮虫又成为优势种。对于枝角类来说,水库蓄水初期,短尾秀体氵蚤(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)和长额象鼻氵蚤(Bosmina longirostris)交替成为枝角类的优势种;在蓄水后的第4年,长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度上涨,成为绝对优势种;此后,长额象鼻氵蚤种群回落,但仍然为绝对优势种。对于桡足类来说,在调查期间均以桡足幼体为主,成体丰度很低。飞来峡水库属河流型水库,在调查期间滞留时间为1.3~14.2 d,高的稀释和平流损失率造成浮游动物丰度很低。滞留时间的变化与轮虫、枝角类和桡足类种群波动密切相关;叶绿素a对它们的种群波动影响则不明显,但与长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤均显著正相关。在相对较长的滞留时间(14.2 d)和较丰富的食物的条件下,长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度大幅度上涨,并使总浮游动物丰度在蓄水后的第4年出现最高值。  相似文献   

In an inbred population, selection may reduce the frequency of deleterious recessive alleles through a process known as purging. Empirical studies suggest, however, that the efficacy of purging in natural populations is highly variable. This variation may be due, in part, to variation in the expression of inbreeding depression available for selection to act on. This experiment investigates the roles of life stage and early‐life environment in determining the expression of inbreeding depression in Agrostemma githago. Four population‐level crosses (‘self’, ‘within’, ‘near’ and ‘far’) were conducted on 20 maternal plants from a focal population. Siblings were planted into one of three early environmental treatments with varying stress levels. Within the focal population, evidence for purging of deleterious recessive alleles, as well as for variation in the expression of inbreeding depression across the life cycle was examined. In addition, the effect of early environment on the expression of inbreeding depression and the interaction with cross‐type was measured. We find that deleterious recessive alleles have not been effectively purged from our focal population, the expression of inbreeding depression decreases over the course of the life cycle, and a stressful early environment reduces the variance in inbreeding depression expressed later in life, but does not consistently influence the relative fitness of inbred versus outcrossed individuals.  相似文献   

The threshold pH for survival of early life stages of pike Esox lucius in post-mining lakes was determined in a laboratory experiment using artificial water characterized by high concentrations of dissolved Ca, Al, Fe, Mn and SO2/4. At pH 3·50–4·00, high mortality was observed before hatching. At pH 4·00 and 4·25, hatching rates were reduced compared with the controls (pH 7·40), and many embryos died in a partly hatched state. Hatching success of embryos exposed to pH levels of 4·50 or higher was not affected. However, at pH 5·00 many newly hatched embryos were deformed. Furthermore, pike exposed to pH 4·00–5·00 did not start feeding. At pH 4·75 and below, mortality increased to 100%, and at pH 5·00, only few eleutheroembryos which were in extremely poor condition survived to the end of the experiment. At pH 5·50, survival was in the same range as in the control group, but growth was reduced. Therefore, early life stages of pike are expected to survive in Lustian post-mining lakes when a pH of 5·50 and above is reached and maintained.  相似文献   

Subtleties and episodes in the early life of fishes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fluctuations in the abundance of fishes may be caused by episodic mortalities or by more subtle variability in the daily growth and mortality rates of eggs and larvae. Survival response surfaces are used to illustrate the relative effects of episodic and subtle mortality during early life. It is the subtle variability associated with small changes in growth or mortality rates that may exert the greater effect on recruitment. Massive advective losses of eggs or larvae, failed egg production, and acute contaminant mortalities are examples of episodic events that may impact recruitment significantly but which need not be catastrophic. Stabilization of recruitments through density-dependent growth rate variability in early life is demonstrated to be potentially important. Whether this mechanism actually is important in the sea remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A whole suite of parameters is likely to influence the behavior and performance of individuals as adults, including correlations between phenotypic traits or an individual's developmental context. Here, we ask the question whether behavior and physical performance traits are correlated and how early life parameters such as birth weight, litter size, and growth can influence these traits as measured during adulthood. We studied 486 captive gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) and measured two behavioral traits and two performance traits potentially involved in two functions: exploration behavior with pull strength and agitation score with bite force. We checked for the existence of behavioral consistency in behaviors and explored correlations between behavior, performance, morphology. We analyzed the effect of birth weight, growth, and litter size, while controlling for age, sex, and body weight. Behavior and performance were not correlated with one another, but were both influenced by age. Growth rate had a positive effect on adult morphology, and birth weight significantly affected emergence latency and bite force. Grip strength was not directly affected by early life traits, but bite performance and exploration behavior were impacted by birth weight. This study shows how early life parameters impact personality and performance.  相似文献   

The influence of zooplanktivorous fishes on the plankton community and water quality of Americana Reservoir, Brazil was studied experimentally in 4 floating enclosures during the dry seasons (July–September) of 1982 and 1983. Two enclosures were stocked with adult fish (Astyanax bimaculatus in 1982;A. fasciatus in 1983) at near maximal densities measured in the reservoir upper surface waters (35 m–2) and two were fish-free during each experiment lasting about one month. Marked differences were evident between the fish and fish-free enclosures after a 2–3 week period in each experiment, particularly with respect to water transparency, phytoplankton biomass, and zooplankton abundance as well as species and size composition. By the end of each experiment water transparencies were lower and phytoplankton biomass higher in the fish enclosures compared to those without fish. Also at that time Rotifera were the prominent zooplankters in the fish enclosures and Cladocera in the fish-free ones. Larger or more conspicuous species of Cladocera asDaphnia gessneri, D. ambigua, andMoina micrura were present in the fish-free enclosures but not in the fish enclosures. The interactions between fish predation, zooplankton grazing, phytoplankton biomass and water quality conditions are discussed in relation to eutrophication of a tropical aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Paternal effects on haddock early life history traits   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Paternal effects on haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus early life history traits were examined by crossing eggs and sperm in a nested design and analysing the progeny at 0, 5 and 10 days post‐hatch (dph). The proportion of the variance in early life history traits that was due to paternity was significant for hatching success, larval standard length, myotome height, jaw length and yolk size, but not eye diameter or yolk utilization efficiency. Some morphological traits were influenced more by paternity than maternity. The findings suggest that the importance of males in the early life history success of marine fishes be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The slender loris (Loris tardigradus) is a rare, nocturnal prosimian found only in the tropical rainforest of southern India and Sri Lanka. Little is known about their diet, though it is assumed that insects comprise a majority of their wild diet. Based on this assumption, captive lorises are offered a variety of insects or insect life stages; the species of insect or the life stage is often determined by what is easiest to buy or rear. Captive lorises at the Duke Lemur Center (DLC) were offered the opportunity to choose which life stage of mealworms (Tenebrio molito), superworms (Zophobus morio), or waxworms (Galleria mellonella) they preferred. The DLC captive lorises did not select the largest life stages of any insect offered. They preferred the larvae stage to the adult stage in all three insect species, and males and females had different insect species and life stage preferences. Zoo Biol 30:189–198, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparative organ differentiation during early life stages of marine fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic developmental mechanisms of teleosts are similar, but there are differences with respect to the timing of developmental events. These events are controlled by genetic and environmental factors. Direct comparisons of organogenesis are complicated due to large variations in egg sizes and incubation temperatures between species. But in general, cultivated small marine pelagic fish larvae originating from rather small eggs (like gadoids, flatfishes, sparids) hatch with a relatively large yolk sac, a larval finfold and subdermal space and under-developed organs. Developmental status at hatch differs between species and the duration of the yolk sac period varies. Main organs and organ systems become functional by first feeding and differentiate during the larval stage and metamorphosis. Species developing directly via large yolk-rich eggs and a long incubation period have a juvenile like morphology and organ functionality at first feeding, sometimes immediately after hatch (like wolffishes). Histomorphological and cell- or organ functional studies of developing embryos and larvae of cultivated species constitute basic information for understanding species-specific events, of utmost importance for improving production protocols. Information is still lacking on early functionality of endocrine and immunocompetent tissues and organs, areas that deserve future focus.  相似文献   

Summary Diets of nesting Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) were sampled before and after a decline in the hawks' principal prey species. Diets of pairs that shared their foraging ranges with interspecifics were contrasted with those of pairs whose home ranges did not overlap with interspecifics. Current theory predicts that diets should diverge during prey shortages and that overlap should be especially reduced in ranges shared with interspecifics. Species composition of the two hawks' diets diverged during the prey shortage, but the divergence was most pronounced in hawks that did not share foraging ranges with interspecifics. In contrast to predictions, the two species converged on similar-sized prey during the prey shortage. Available data on differences in habitat composition and prey availability at the sample sites did not explain the deviations from the predicted response. Although our findings on diet shifts differ from those of most other studies, the implications are consistent with observations of others who have studied assemblages of mammal-feeding raptors. We conclude that diet composition of the hawks we studied was not directly affected by interspecific competition and that shifts in diet overlap during prey shortages do not necessarily imply that interspecific competition is occurring.  相似文献   

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