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Comparison of WNK4 and WNK1 kinase and inhibiting activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WNK kinases are novel serine/threonine protein kinases. Mutations in two members of the WNK family, WNK1 and WNK4, cause familial hyperkalemic hypertension. These kinases regulate ion transport across diverse epithelia; WNK4 reduces activity of the Na-Cl cotransporter activity and the potassium channel, ROMK, by reducing their appearance at the plasma membrane. We examined the kinase activity of WNK1 and WNK4 in vitro. A glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein of the WNK1 kinse domain phosphorylated itself and a substrate protein, as reported previously. A longer construct, containing the autoinhibitory domain, did not. A GST WNK4 kinase domain construct demonstrated no kinase activity, in vitro or in HEK 293 cells. WNK4 constructs that included a region homologous to the autoinhibitory domain of WNK1 inhibited WNK1 kinase activity. Inhibition by a short WNK4 segment, WNK4 (444-518), was greater than inhibition by WNK4 (444-563). Together, these results suggest that WNK4 must be activated by currently unknown factors to exhibit kinase activity and that WNK4 contains an inhibitory domain that can inhibit the kinase activity of WNK1.  相似文献   

With-no-lysine kinase 4 (WNK4) inhibits electroneutral sodium chloride reabsorption by attenuating the cell surface expression of the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC). The underlying mechanism for this effect remains poorly understood. Here, we explore how WNK4 affects the trafficking of NCC through its interactions with intracellular sorting machinery. An analysis of NCC cell surface lifetime showed that WNK4 did not alter the net rate of cotransporter internalization. In contrast, direct measurements of forward trafficking revealed that WNK4 attenuated the rate of NCC surface delivery, inhibiting the anterograde movement of cotransporters traveling to the plasma membrane from the trans-Golgi network. The response was paralleled by a dramatic reduction in NCC protein abundance, an effect that was sensitive to the lysosomal protease inhibitor leupeptin, insensitive to proteasome inhibition, and attenuated by endogenous WNK4 knockdown. Subcellular localization studies performed in the presence of leupeptin revealed that WNK4 enhanced the accumulation of NCC in lysosomes. Moreover, NCC immunoprecipitated with endogenous AP-3 complexes, and WNK4 increased the fraction of cotransporters that associate with this adaptor, which facilitates cargo transport to lysosomes. WNK4 expression also increased LAMP-2-positive lysosomal content, indicating that the kinase may act by a general AP-3-dependent mechanism to promote cargo delivery into the lysosomal pathway. Taken together, these findings indicate that WNK4 inhibits NCC activity by diverting the cotransporter to the lysosome for degradation by way of an AP-3 transport carrier.The with-no-Lysine (WNK)2 kinases are a unique family of serine-threonine protein kinases that regulate ion transport in diverse epithelia (1). In the kidney the gene products of several members of the WNK family, including WNK1, WNK3, and WNK4, converge in a signaling network that coordinates distal nephron sodium chloride and potassium handling. WNK4 participates in this network by suppressing NaCl reabsorption via the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC, SLC12A3), and potassium secretion via the potassium channel Kir 1.1 (ROMK) (2, 3). The importance of this signaling pathway is underscored by a link to human disease; WNK4 mutations cause familial hyperkalemic hypertension (pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, Gordon''s syndrome), an autosomal dominant disorder featuring chloride-dependent thiazide-sensitive hypertension and hyperkalemia (4). These mutations release NCC from inhibition, leading to an increase in renal sodium chloride reabsorption and blood pressure (2, 5).Ample evidence demonstrates that WNK4 suppresses NCC activity, at least in part by modulating its cell surface expression. This effect has been observed at steady state in multiple heterologous overexpression systems, including Xenopus oocytes (2, 5, 6), COS-7 cells (7), and polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells epithelia (8). More recently, the inhibitory effect of wild type WNK4 on NCC has been verified in vivo. Mice overexpressing wild type WNK4 exhibit a reduced total amount of NCC expressed at the apical surface of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), coincident with a reduction in DCT cell mass (9). Conversely, knock-in mice bearing a familial hyperkalemic hypertension-causing WNK4 mutation overexpress NCC at the apical surface, leading to chloride-dependent hypertension and hyperkalemia (10).Although the underlying mechanism by which WNK4 regulates NCC trafficking remains unresolved, some clues are available. Two groups have shown that, unlike the effect of WNK4 on ROMK channel activity (3), WNK4-mediated NCC inhibition is not attenuated by a dominant-negative dynamin mutant (6, 7). These observations strongly suggest that the kinase acts via independent mechanisms to modulate the cell surface expression of NCC and ROMK. Cai et al. (7) found that the suppressive effect of WNK4 on NCC was sensitive to vacuolar H+ ATPase inhibition, suggesting that the kinase might promote the trafficking of NCC to a low pH endosomal compartment. However, the precise identity of this compartment and the mechanism by which the cotransporter arrives there remains undefined.In this study we elucidated the mechanism by which WNK4 suppresses NCC surface expression by directly measuring the effect of WNK4 on NCC cell surface lifetime, forward trafficking, subcellular localization, and interactions with intracellular trafficking machinery. Our results show that WNK4 does not affect the net internalization rate of NCC expressed at the cell surface. Instead, WNK4 influences the biosynthetic trafficking of NCC, diverting itinerant cotransporters exiting the trans-Golgi network (TGN) away from the plasma membrane and to the lysosome for degradation. Consistent with this observation, WNK4 enhances the physical association between NCC and the AP-3 adaptor complex, which marks cargo for sorting to lysosomes. Thus, these findings reveal a novel mechanism by which cotransporters destined for the cell surface are instead bypassed directly into the endolysosomal pathway for degradation.  相似文献   

In the kidney, the renal tubule plays a major role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. This balance is achieved by an interplay between various hormones and nerves that signal changes throughout the body and transfer these signals to transport proteins. Increased or reduced activity of these transporters helps to restore homeostasis, but can also contribute to disease (e.g. sodium retention in hypertension). In recent years, it has become clear that the signal transfer to transporters is largely mediated by kinases. Among these, WNK kinases (With No lysine=K) stand out, because they regulate the major sodium and potassium transporters in the distal nephron. Moreover, mutations in genes encoding WNK kinases result in an inherited form of salt-sensitive hypertension with hyperkalemia, illustrating their important role in sodium, potassium, and blood pressure regulation. More recently, WNK kinases were found to play a role in acquired forms of hypertension as well. Together, the evolving insight in the kinase regulation of ion transport is providing new insights in the longstanding question how salt and blood pressure are related. Here, we review the current models of how WNK kinases regulate the various transport proteins and which roles they play in health and disease.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an ATP-gated chloride channel. WNK kinases are widely expressed modulators of ion transport. WNK1 and WNK4, two WNK kinases that are mutated in familial hyperkalemic hypertension (FHHt), are co-expressed with CFTR in several organs, raising the possibility that WNK kinases might alter CFTR activity in vivo or that CFTR could be involved in the pathogenesis of FHHt. Here, we report that WNK1 co-localizes with CFTR protein in pulmonary epithelial cells. Co-expression of WNK1 or WNK4 with CFTR in Xenopus laevis oocytes suppresses chloride channel activity. The effect of WNK4 is dose dependent and occurs, at least in part, by reducing CFTR protein abundance at the plasma membrane. This effect is independent of WNK4 kinase activity. In contrast, the effect of WNK1 on CFTR activity requires intact WNK1 kinase activity. Moreover WNK1 and WNK4 exhibit additive CFTR inhibition. Previous reports suggest that patients with FHHt exhibit mild changes in nasal potential difference that resemble the more severe changes that occur in cystic fibrosis. We report that the FHHt-causing mutant WNK4 Q562E is a more potent inhibitor of CFTR activity than is the wild-type WNK4. Taken together, these results suggest that WNK1 and WNK4 may modulate CFTR activity; they further suggest that WNK kinases may be potential therapeutic targets for cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The with-no-lysine kinase 3 (WNK3) is a serine/threonine kinase that modulates the activity of the electroneutral cation-coupled chloride cotransporters (CCC). Using the Xenopus laevis oocyte heterologous expression system, it has been shown that WNK3 activates the Na(+)-coupled chloride cotransporters NKCC1, NKCC2, and NCC and inhibits the K(+)-coupled chloride cotransporters KCC1 through KCC4. Interestingly, the effect of catalytically inactive WNK3 is opposite to that of wild type WNK3: inactive WNK3 inhibits NKCCs and activates KCCs. In doing so, wild type and catalytically inactive WNK3 bypass the tonicity requirement for activation/inhibition of the cotransporter. Thus, WNK3 modulation of the electroneutral cotransporters promotes Cl(-) influx and prevents Cl(-) efflux, thus fitting the profile for a putative "Cl(-)-sensing kinase". Other kinases that potentially have these properties are the Ste20-type kinases, SPAK/OSR1, which become phosphorylated in response to reductions in intracellular chloride concentration and regulate the activity of NKCC1. It has been demonstrated that WNKs lie upstream of SPAK/OSR1 and that the activity of these kinases is activated by phosphorylation of threonines in the T-loop by WNKs. It is possible that a protein phosphatase is also involved in the WNK3 effects on its associated cotransporters because activation of KCCs and inhibition of NKCCs by inactive WNK3 can be prevented by known inhibitors of protein phosphatases, such as calyculin A and cyclosporine, suggesting that a protein phosphatase is also involved in the protein complex.  相似文献   

The WNK1 and WNK4 genes have been found to be mutated in some patients with hyperkalemia and hypertension caused by pseudohypoaldosteronism type II. The clue to the pathophysiology of pseudohypoaldosteronism type II was its striking therapeutic response to thiazide diuretics, which are known to block the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC). Although this suggests a role for WNK1 in hypertension, the precise molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Here we have shown that WNK1 phosphorylates and regulates the STE20-related kinases, Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase (SPAK) and oxidative stress response 1 (OSR1). WNK1 was observed to phosphorylate the evolutionary conserved serine residue located outside the kinase domains of SPAK and OSR1, and mutation of the OSR1 serine residue caused enhanced OSR1 kinase activity. In addition, hypotonic stress was shown to activate SPAK and OSR1 and induce phosphorylation of the conserved OSR1 serine residue, suggesting that WNK1 may be an activator of the SPAK and OSR1 kinases. Moreover, SPAK and OSR1 were found to directly phosphorylate the N-terminal regulatory regions of cation-chloride-coupled cotransporters including NKCC1, NKCC2, and NCC. Phosphorylation of NCC was induced by hypotonic stress in cells. These results suggested that WNK1 and SPAK/OSR1 mediate the hypotonic stress signaling pathway to the transporters and may provide insights into the mechanisms by which WNK1 regulates ion balance.  相似文献   

WNK4 inhibits NCC protein expression through MAPK ERK1/2 signaling pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WNK [with no lysine (K)] kinase is a subfamily of serine/threonine kinases. Mutations in two members of this family (WNK1 and WNK4) cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type II featuring hypertension, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis. WNK1 and WNK4 were shown to regulate sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) activity through phosphorylating SPAK and OSR1. Previous studies including ours have also shown that WNK4 inhibits NCC function and its protein expression. A recent study reported that a phorbol ester inhibits NCC function via activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 kinase. In the current study, we investigated whether WNK4 affects NCC via the MAPK ERK1/2 signaling pathway. We found that WNK4 increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation in a dose-dependent manner in mouse distal convoluted tubule (mDCT) cells, whereas WNK4 mutants with the PHA II mutations (E562K and R1185C) lost the ability to increase the ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Hypertonicity significantly increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation in mDCT cells. Knock-down of WNK4 expression by siRNA resulted in a decrease of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. We further showed that WNK4 knock-down significantly increases the cell surface and total NCC protein expressions and ERK1/2 knock-down also significantly increases cell surface and total NCC expression. These data suggest that WNK4 inhibits NCC through activating the MAPK ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

WNK [with no lysine (k)] kinase is a serine/threonine kinase subfamily. Mutations in two of the WNK kinases result in pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHA II) characterized by hypertension, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis. Recent studies showed that both WNK1 and WNK4 inhibit ROMK activity. However, little is known about the effect of WNK kinases on Maxi K, a large-conductance Ca(2+) and voltage-activated potassium (K) channel. Here, we report that WNK4 wild-type (WT) significantly inhibits Maxi K channel activity in HEK αBK stable cell lines compared with the control group. However, a WNK4 dead-kinase mutant, D321A, has no inhibitory effect on Maxi K activity. We further found that WNK4 inhibits total and cell surface protein expression of Maxi K equally compared with control groups. A dominant-negative dynamin mutant, K44A, did not alter the WNK4-mediated inhibitory effect on Maxi K surface expression. Treatment with bafilomycin A1 (a proton pump inhibitor) and leupeptin (a lysosomal inhibitor) reversed WNK4 WT-mediated inhibition of Maxi K total protein expression. These findings suggest that WNK4 WT inhibits Maxi K activity by reducing Maxi K protein at the membrane, but that the inhibition is not due to an increase in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of Maxi K, but likely due to enhancing its lysosomal degradation. Also, WNK4's inhibitory effect on Maxi K activity is dependent on its kinase activity.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in the WNK4 gene have been postulated to cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHAII), an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by hyperkalemia and hypertension. Previous reports using Xenopus oocytes showed that wild-type WNK4 expression inhibited surface expression of the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC), while a disease-causing mutant lost the inhibitory effect on NCC surface expression. To determine if these changes observed in oocytes really occur in polarized epithelial cells, we generated stable MDCK II cell lines expressing NCC alone or NCC plus wild-type WNK4 or a disease-causing (D564A) WNK4. In contrast to the apical localization of NCC without co-expression of WNK4, immunofluorescence microscopy and biotin surface labeling revealed that this apical localization was equally decreased by both the wild-type and the mutant WNK4 expression. Apical localizations of two PHAII-unrelated apical transporters, sodium-independent amino acid transporter, BAT1 and bile salt export pump, Bsep, were also found to be decreased by both wild-type and mutant WNK4 expression. These results indicate that the regulation of NCC was not related to the disease-causing mutation and not restricted to the PHAII-related specific transporters. The regulation of intracellular localization of NCC by WNK4 might not be involved in the pathogenesis of PHAII.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in the WNK4 gene lead to the development of familial hyperkalemic hypertension, a rare form of human hypertension. It was shown in vitro that WNK4 regulates the surface expression and activity of a number of ion channels and transporters. The in vivo analysis of wild-type and mutant WNK4 overexpression in transgenic mice models demonstrated that this serine-threonine kinase controls ion handling in the kidney mainly, and probably exclusively, through the regulation of the Na-Cl contransporter NCC activity.  相似文献   

With-no-lysine kinase 3 (WNK3) is a member of a subfamily of serine/threonine kinases that modulate the activity of the electroneutral cation-coupled chloride cotransporters. WNK3 activates NKCC1/2 and NCC and inhibits the KCCs. Four splice variants are generated from the WNK3 gene. Our previous studies focused on the WNK3-18a variant. However, it has been suggested that other variants could have different effects on the cotransporters. Thus, the present study was designed to define the effects of all WNK3 variants on members of the SLC12 family. By RT-PCR from a fetal brain library, exons 18b and 22 were separately amplified and subcloned into the original WNK3-18a or catalytically inactive WNK3-D294A to obtain all four potential combinations with and without catalytic activity (18a, 18a+22, 18b, and 18b+22). The basal activity of the cotransporters and the effects of WNK3 isoforms were assessed in Xenopus laevis oocytes coinjected with each of the WNK3 variant cRNAs. In isotonic conditions, the basal activity of NCC and NKCC1/2 were increased by coinjection with any of the WNK3. The positive effects occurred even in hypotonic conditions, in which the basal activity of NKCC1 is completely prevented. Consistent with these observations, when expressed in hypotonicity, all KCCs were active, but in the presence of any of the WNK3 variants, KCC activity was completely reduced. That is, NKCC1/2 and NCC were inhibited, even in hypertonicity, while KCCs were activated, even in isotonic conditions. We conclude that the effects of all WNK3 variants toward SLC12 proteins are similar.  相似文献   

WNK4 is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is involved in pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHAII), a Mendelian form disorder featuring hypertension and hyperkalemia. Most of the PHAII-causing mutations are clustered in an acidic motif rich in negatively charged residues. It is unclear, however, whether these mutations affect the kinase activity in any way. In this study, we isolated kinase domain of WNK4 produced by Escherichia coli, and demonstrated its ability to phosphorylate the oxidative stress-responsive kinase-1 (OSR1) and the thiazide-sensitive Na(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) in vitro. Threonine 48 was identified as the WNK4 phosphorylation site at mouse NCC. The phospho-mimicking T48D mutant of mouse NCC increased its protein abundance and Na(+) uptake, and also enhanced the phosphorylation at the N-terminal region of NCC by OSR1. When the acidic motif was included in the WNK4 kinase construct, the kinase activity of WNK4 exhibited sensitivity to Ca(2+) ions with the highest activity at Ca(2+) concentration around 1 μM using kinase-inactive OSR1 as a substrate. All tested PHAII-causing mutations at the acidic motif exhibited impaired Ca(2+) sensitivity. Our results suggest that these PHAII-causing mutations disrupt a Ca(2+)-sensing mechanism around the acidic motif necessary for the regulation of WNK4 kinase activity by Ca(2+) ions.  相似文献   

WNK1 and WNK4 mutations have been reported to cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHAII), an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by hyperkalemia and hypertension. To elucidate the molecular pathophysiology of PHAII, we generated Wnk4(D561A/+) knockin mice presenting the phenotypes of PHAII. The knockin mice showed increased apical expression of phosphorylated Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubules. Increased phosphorylation of the kinases OSR1 and SPAK was also observed in the knockin mice. Apical localization of the ROMK potassium channel and transepithelial Cl(-) permeability in the cortical collecting ducts were not affected in the knockin mice, whereas activity of epithelial Na(+) channels (ENaC) was increased. This increase, however, was not evident after hydrochlorothiazide treatment, suggesting that the regulation of ENaC was not a genetic but a secondary effect. Thus, the pathogenesis of PHAII caused by a missense mutation of WNK4 was identified to be increased function of NCC through activation of the OSR1/SPAK-NCC phosphorylation cascade.  相似文献   

WNK kinases have rapidly emerged as important regulators of Na+ and K+ homoeostasis in the mammalian kidney where they regulate the trafficking of proteins such as the NaCl-cotransporter (NCCT) and K+ channel, ROMK. However, an increasing number of WNK effects are kinase-independent, including their interaction with ROMK, and involve instead protein-protein interactions. Outside of their kinase domain all WNKs contain a unique run of predominantly negatively charged amino acids dubbed the acidic motif, where the WNK4 disease mutations causing Gordon’s syndrome also cluster. To look further at the role of this motif we studied the effects of WNK4 fragments, including one with a deleted acidic motif (ΔAM) and a 10-mer acidic motif peptide on ROMK expression in Xenopus oocytes. We found that an N-terminal fragment of WNK4 (1-620 WNK4) containing the acidic motif retains full activity in inhibiting ROMK currents. However, ΔAM WNK4 is completely inactive and the effect of WNK4 or 1-620 WNK4 can be completely blocked by co-injection of the 10-mer acidic motif peptide. The blocking action of the peptide was sequence specific as a peptide with a randomised sequence was inactive. These results on ROMK currents were paralleled by changes in membrane expression of fluorescent EGFP-ROMK. Finally, we show that 1-620 WNK4 can pull down ROMK and this interaction can be blocked with the acidic motif peptide. These results confirm the important role of the acidic motif of WNK4 in its protein-protein interaction with the ROMK channel.  相似文献   

Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are immunosuppressive drugs that are used widely to prevent rejection of transplanted organs and to treat autoimmune disease. Hypertension and renal tubule dysfunction, including hyperkalemia, hypercalciuria and acidosis, often complicate their use. These side effects resemble familial hyperkalemic hypertension, a genetic disease characterized by overactivity of the renal sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) and caused by mutations in genes encoding WNK kinases. We hypothesized that CNIs induce hypertension by stimulating NCC. In wild-type mice, the CNI tacrolimus caused salt-sensitive hypertension and increased the abundance of phosphorylated NCC and the NCC-regulatory kinases WNK3, WNK4 and SPAK. We demonstrated the functional importance of NCC in this response by showing that tacrolimus did not affect blood pressure in NCC-knockout mice, whereas the hypertensive response to tacrolimus was exaggerated in mice overexpressing NCC. Moreover, hydrochlorothiazide, an NCC-blocking drug, reversed tacrolimus-induced hypertension. These observations were extended to humans by showing that kidney transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus had a greater fractional chloride excretion in response to bendroflumethiazide, another NCC-blocking drug, than individuals not treated with tacrolimus; renal NCC abundance was also greater. Together, these findings indicate that tacrolimus-induced chronic hypertension is mediated largely by NCC activation, and suggest that inexpensive and well-tolerated thiazide diuretics may be especially effective in preventing the complications of CNI treatment.  相似文献   

Cation transport in the distal mammalian nephron relies on the SLC12 family of membrane cotransporters that include the thiazide-sensitive Na(+)-Cl? cotransporter (NCC). NCC is regulated through a scaffold of interacting proteins, including the WNK kinases, WNK 1 and WNK 4, which are mutated in the hypertensive Gordon's syndrome. Dynamic regulation of NCC function by kinases must involve dephosphorylation by phosphatases, as illustrated by the role of PP1 and PP2B in the regulation of KCC members of the SLC12 family. There are 2 phosphorylation-controlled regulatory pathways for NCC: type 1, mediated by WNK4 and affecting trafficking to the surface membrane, and type 2, affecting intrinsic transporter kinetics by phosphorylation of conserved N-terminal S/T amino acids. Using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we show that PP4 inhibits NCC activity - but not trafficking to the surface membrane - by a mechanism that requires phosphatase activity and a conserved N-terminal amino acid of NCC, threonine 58. This action is distinct from WNK4 regulation of membrane trafficking. In the mouse kidney, PP4 is selectively expressed in the distal nephron, including cells of the distal convoluted tubule cells, suggesting that PP4 may have a physiological role in regulating NCC and hence NaCl reabsorption in vivo.  相似文献   

WNK4 kinase mutations produce the autosomal dominant disorder familial hyperkalemia and hypertension (FHH), also known as pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, by a molecular mechanism that is not completely understood. In vitro experiments in frog oocytes showed that WNK4 affects ion transport systems such as the Na-Cl cotransporter and the renal outer medullary potassium channel. Some features of FHH suggest that long-term effects are involved in WNK4 signaling. In addition, WNK1 and WNK2, paralogs of WNK4, were shown to be involved in MAP kinase signaling. We therefore investigated possible WNK4 involvement in MAP kinase signaling. We stimulated HEK 293 cells overexpressing WNK4 by hypertonicity or using EGF, and measured phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 and p38. WNK4 augmented the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 in response to both hypertonicity and EGF. The FHH-producing and kinase-deficient mutants behaved similarly to wild-type WNK4. Hypertonicity stimulation was accompanied by cellular relocalization of WNK4 as manifested by its reversible disappearance from the supernatant fraction following extraction with a detergent-containing buffer. Live-cell microscopy showed that the cytoplasmic-soluble WNK4 redistributes rapidly to membrane-bound organelles, which, in the case of WNK1 kinase, were recently shown to represent trans-Golgi network/recycling endosomes. In contrast, EGF stimulation was not accompanied by redistribution of WNK4 as determined by cell fractionation or cell microscopy. The observation that WNK4-induced MAP kinase stimulation caused by hypertonicity, but not that caused by EGF, is associated with WNK4 subcellular redistribution suggests that this redistribution has a role in WNK4 signaling.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine with no lysine kinase 3 (WNK3) modulates the activity of the electroneutral cation-coupled chloride cotransporters (CCC) to promote Cl(-) influx and prevent Cl(-) efflux, thus fitting the profile for a putative "Cl(-)-sensing kinase". The Ste20-type kinases, SPAK/OSR1, become phosphorylated in response to reduction in intracellular chloride concentration and regulate the activity of NKCC1. Several studies have now shown that WNKs function upstream of SPAK/OSR1. This study was designed to analyze the role of WNK3-SPAK interaction in the regulation of CCCs with particular emphasis on NCC. In this study we used the functional expression system of Xenopus laevis oocytes to show that different SPAK binding sites in WNK3 ((241, 872, 1336)RFxV) are required for the kinase to have effects on CCCs. WNK3-F1337A no longer activated NKCC2, but the effects on NCC, NKCC1, and KCC4 were preserved. In contrast, the effects of WNK3 on these cotransporters were prevented in WNK3-F242A. The elimination of F873 had no consequence on WNK3 effects. WNK3 promoted NCC phosphorylation at threonine 58, even in the absence of the unique SPAK binding site of NCC, but this effect was abolished in the mutant WNK3-F242A. Thus, our data support the hypothesis that the effects of WNK3 upon NCC and other CCCs require the interaction and activation of the SPAK kinase. The effect is dependent on one of the three binding sites for SPAK that are present in WNK3, but not on the SPAK binding sites on the CCCs, which suggests that WNK3 is capable of binding both SPAK and CCCs to promote their phosphorylation.  相似文献   

By analysing the pathogenesis of a hereditary hypertensive disease, PHAII (pseudohypoaldosteronism type II), we previously discovered that WNK (with-no-lysine kinase)–OSR1/SPAK (oxidative stress-responsive 1/Ste20-like proline/alanine-rich kinase) cascade regulates NCC (Na–Cl co-transporter) in the DCT (distal convoluted tubules) of the kidney. However, the role of WNK4 in the regulation of NCC remains controversial. To address this, we generated and analysed WNK4−/− mice. Although a moderate decrease in SPAK phosphorylation and a marked increase in WNK1 expression were evident in the kidneys of WNK4−/− mice, the amount of phosphorylated and total NCC decreased to almost undetectable levels, indicating that WNK4 is the major WNK positively regulating NCC, and that WNK1 cannot compensate for WNK4 deficiency in the DCT. Insulin- and low-potassium diet-induced NCC phosphorylation were abolished in WNK4−/− mice, establishing that both signals to NCC were mediated by WNK4. As shown previously, a high-salt diet decreases phosphorylated and total NCC in WNK4+/+ mice via AngII (angiotensin II) and aldosterone suppression. This was not ameliorated by WNK4 knock out, excluding the negative regulation of WNK4 on NCC postulated to be active in the absence of AngII stimulation. Thus, WNK4 is the major positive regulator of NCC in the kidneys.  相似文献   

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