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Two species of eucalypt (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha and E. rossii) were grown under conditions of high temperatures (45 °C, maximum) and high light (1500 μmol m?2 s?1, maximum) at either ambient (350 μL L?1) or elevated (700 μL L?1) CO2 concentrations for 8 weeks. The growth enhancement, in terms of total dry weight, was 41% and 103% for E. macrorhyncha and E. rossii, respectively, when grown in elevated [CO2]. A reduction in specific leaf area and increased concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates were observed for leaves grown in elevated [CO2]. Plants grown in elevated [CO2] had an overall increase in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate of 27%; however, when measured at the same CO2 concentration a down-regulation of photosynthesis was evident especially for E. macrorhyncha. During the midday period when temperatures and irradiances were maximal, photosynthetic efficiency as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was lower in E. macrorhyncha than in E. rossii. Furthermore, Fv/Fm was lower in leaves of E. macrorhyncha grown under elevated than under ambient [CO2]. These reductions in Fv/Fm were accompanied by increases in both photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching (qN and NPQ), and by increases in the concentrations of xanthophyll cycle pigments with an increased proportion of the total xanthophyll cycle pool comprising of antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin. Thus, increased atmospheric [CO2] may enhance photoinhibition when environmental stresses such as high temperatures limit the capacity of a plant to respond with growth to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on growth of forest tree species are difficult to predict because practical limitations restrict experiments to much shorter than the average life-span of a tree. Long-term, process-based computer models must be used to extrapolate from shorter-term experiments. A key problem is to ensure a strong flow of information between experiments and models. In this study, meta-analysis techniques were used to summarize a suite of photosynthetic model parameters obtained from 15 field-based elevated [CO2] experiments on European forest tree species. The parameters studied are commonly used in modelling photosynthesis, and include observed light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Amax), the potential electron transport rate (Jmax), the maximum Rubisco activity (Vcmax) and leaf nitrogen concentration on mass (Nm) and area (Na) bases. Across all experiments, light-saturated photosynthesis was strongly stimulated by growth in elevated [CO2]. However, significant down-regulation of photosynthesis was also observed; when measured at the same CO2 concentration, photosynthesis was reduced by 10–20%. The underlying biochemistry of photosynthesis was affected, as shown by a down-regulation of the parameters Jmax and Vcmax of the order of 10%. This reduction in Jmax and Vcmax was linked to the effects of elevated [CO2] on leaf nitrogen concentration. It was concluded that the current model is adequate to model photosynthesis in elevated [CO2]. Tables of model parameter values for different European forest species are given.  相似文献   

Monoterpene emissions, monoterpene synthase activities, photosynthesis, fluorescence yield in the dark and drought stress indicators (stomatal conductance and mid‐day water potential) were concurrently measured under similar temperature and illumination in current‐year leaves of Quercus ilex L. of plants grown in open‐top chambers at ambient (350 ppm) and elevated (700 ppm) CO2. The study was undertaken to understand the effect of CO2 on monoterpene biosynthesis, and to predict and parameterize the biogenic emissions at growing CO2 concentrations. The results of the 1998 and 1999 studies show that at elevated CO2, and in the absence of persistent environmental stresses, photosynthesis was stimulated with respect to ambient CO2, but that the emission of the three most abundantly emitted monoterpenes (α‐pinene, sabinene and β‐pinene) was inhibited by approximately 68%. The enzyme activities of the monoterpene synthases catalysing the formation of the three monoterpenes were also inhibited at elevated CO2 and an excellent relationship was found between monoterpene emission and activity of the corresponding enzyme both at ambient and elevated CO2. Interestingly, however, limonene emission was enhanced in conditions of elevated CO2 as it was also the corresponding synthase. The ratio between enzyme activity and emission of the three main monoterpenes was high (above 20) at ambient CO2 but it was below 10 at elevated CO2 and, for limonene, on both treatments. Our results indicate that the overall emission of monoterpenes at elevated CO2 will be inhibited because of a concurrent, strong down‐regulation of monoterpene synthase activities. When the enzyme activity does not change, as for limonene, the high photosynthetic carbon availability at elevated CO2 conditions may even stimulate emission. The results of the 1997 study show that severe and persistent drought, as commonly occurs in the Mediterranean, may inhibit both photosynthesis and monoterpene (α‐pinene) emission, particularly at ambient CO2. Thus, emission is probably limited by photosynthetic carbon availability; the effect of elevated CO2per se is not apparent if drought, and perhaps other environmental stresses, are also present.  相似文献   

Two Italian CO2 springs allowed us to study the long-term effect of a 350–2600 μ mol mol–1 increase in CO2 concentrations on the surface structures of leaves of Quercus ilex L. Carbon dioxide increased the quantity of cuticular waxes, above an apparent threshold of 750 μ mol mol–1 CO2. Leaf wettability was not modified by CO2 concentrations. Reduction in stomatal frequency was observable up to 750 μ mol mol–1 CO2, the slope being almost the same as that estimated for the increase in CO2 concentration from pre-industrial times to the present. At higher concentrations, CO2 seemed to exert no more impact on stomatal frequency.  相似文献   

Arbutus unedo is a sclerophyllous evergreen, characteristic of Mediterranean coastal scrub vegetation. In Italy, trees of A. unedo have been found close to natural CO2 vents where the mean atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is about 2200 μmol mol?1. Comparisons were made between trees growing in elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations to test for evidence of adaptation to long-term exposure to elevated CO2. Leaves formed at elevated CO2 have a lower stomatal density and stomatal index and higher specific leaf area than those formed at ambient CO2, but there was no change in carbon to nitrogen ratios of the leaf tissue. Stomatal conductance was lower at elevated CO2 during rapid growth in the spring. In mid-summer, under drought stress, stomatal closure of all leaves occurred and in the autumn, when stress was relieved, the conductance of leaves at both elevated and ambient CO2 increased. In the spring, the stomatal conductance of the new flush of leaves at ambient CO2 was higher than the leaves at elevated CO2, increasing instantaneous water use efficiency at elevated CO2. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements suggested that elevated CO2 provided some protection against photoinhibition in mid-summer. Analysis of A/Ci curves showed that there was no evidence of either upward or downward regulation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2. It is therefore anticipated that A. unedo will have higher growth rates as the ambient CO2 concentrations increase.  相似文献   

Adult trees of Quercus petraea were submitted to controlled water shortage in a natural stand near Nancy, France. Diurnal course of net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was measured in situ together with chlorophyll a fluorescence determined on dark adapted leaves. In 1990, trees experienced a strong water stress, with predawn and midday leaf water potentials below –2·0 and –3·0 MPa, respectively. Diurnal course of A of well-watered trees exhibited sometimes important midday decreases in A related to high temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Decreases in initial (Fo) and maximal (Fm) fluorescence and sometimes in photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were observed and probably revealed the onset of mechanisms for thermal de-excitation. These mechanisms were shown to be sensitive to dithiothreitol. All these effects were reversible and vanished almost completely overnight. Therefore, they may be considered as protective mechanisms adjusting activity of photosystem II to the electron requirement for photosynthesis. Water stress amplified these reactions: A was strongly decreased, showing important midday depression; diurnal reductions in Fm and Fv/Fm were enhanced. The same trends were observed during summer 1991, despite a less marked drought. These protective mechanisms seemed very effective, as no photoinhibitory damage to PS II could be detected in either water stressed or control trees.  相似文献   

Northern red oak in the western Lake States area of the USA exists on the most xeric edge of its distribution range. Future climate-change scenarios for this area predict decreased water availability along with increased atmospheric CO2. We examined recent photosynthate distribution and growth in seedlings as a function of CO2 mole fraction (400, 530 and 700 μmol mol−1 CO2), water regime (well watered and water-stressed), and ontogenic stage. Water stress effects on growth were largely offset by elevated CO2.
Water stress increased root mass ratio without concurrently increasing allocation of recent photosynthate to the roots. However, apparent sink strength of water-stressed seedlings at the completion of the third growth stage tended to be greater than that of well watered seedlings, as shown by continued high export, which may contribute carbon reserves to support preferential root growth under water-stressed conditions.
Elevated CO2 decreased apparent shoot sink strength associated with the rapid expansion of the third flush. Carbon resources for the observed enhanced growth under elevated CO2 could be provided by enhanced photosynthetic rate over an increased leaf area (Anderson & Tomlinson, 1998, this volume).
Increased sink strength of LG seedlings under water-stressed conditions, together with decreased apparent shoot sink strength associated with growth in elevated CO2 provide mechanisms for offsetting water stress effects by growth in elevated CO2.
Careful control of ontogeny was necessary to discern these changes and provides further evidence of the need for such careful control in mechanistic studies.  相似文献   

We present evidence that plant growth at elevated atmospheric CO2 increases the high‐temperature tolerance of photosynthesis in a wide variety of plant species under both greenhouse and field conditions. We grew plants at ambient CO2 (~ 360 μ mol mol ? 1) and elevated CO2 (550–1000 μ mol mol ? 1) in three separate growth facilities, including the Nevada Desert Free‐Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) facility. Excised leaves from both the ambient and elevated CO2 treatments were exposed to temperatures ranging from 28 to 48 °C. In more than half the species examined (4 of 7, 3 of 5, and 3 of 5 species in the three facilities), leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants maintained PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm) to significantly higher temperatures than ambient‐grown leaves. This enhanced PSII thermotolerance was found in both woody and herbaceous species and in both monocots and dicots. Detailed experiments conducted with Cucumis sativus showed that the greater Fv/Fm in elevated versus ambient CO2‐grown leaves following heat stress was due to both a higher Fm and a lower Fo, and that Fv/Fm differences between elevated and ambient CO2‐grown leaves persisted for at least 20 h following heat shock. Cucumis sativus leaves from elevated CO2‐grown plants had a critical temperature for the rapid rise in Fo that averaged 2·9 °C higher than leaves from ambient CO2‐grown plants, and maintained a higher maximal rate of net CO2 assimilation following heat shock. Given that photosynthesis is considered to be the physiological process most sensitive to high‐temperature damage and that rising atmospheric CO2 content will drive temperature increases in many already stressful environments, this CO2‐induced increase in plant high‐temperature tolerance may have a substantial impact on both the productivity and distribution of many plant species in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Abstract: Growth in elevated CO2 led to an increase in biomass production per plant as a result of enhanced carbon uptake and lower rates of respiration, compared to ambient CO2-grown plants. No down-regulation of photosynthesis was found after six months of growth under elevated CO2. Photosynthetic rates at 15°C or 35 °C were also higher in elevated than in ambient CO2-grown plants, when measured at their respective CO2 growth condition. Stomata of elevated CO2-grown plants were less responsive to temperature as compared to ambient CO2 plants. The after effect of a heat-shock treatment (4 h at 45 °C in a chamber with 80% of relative humidity and 800–1000 tmol m-2 s-1 photon flux density) on Amax was less in elevated than in ambient CO2-grown plants. At the photochemical level, the negative effect of the heat-shock treatment was slightly more pronounced in ambient than in elevated CO2-grown plants. A greater tolerance to oxidative stress caused by high temperatures in elevated CO2-grown plants, in comparison to ambient CO2 plants, is suggested by the increase in superoxide dismutase activity, after 1 h at 45 °C, as well as its relatively high activity after 2 and 4 h of the heat shock in the elevated CO2-grown plants in contrast with the decrease to residual levels of superoxide dismutase activity in ambient CO2-grown plants immediately after 1 h at 45 °C. The observed increase in catalase after 1 h at 45 °C in both ambient and elevated CO2-grown plants, can be ascribed to the higher rates of photorespiration and respiration under this high temperature.  相似文献   

Plants of Nardus stricta growing near a cold, naturally emitting CO2 spring in Iceland were used to investigate the long-term (> 100 years) effects of elevated [CO2] on photosynthesis, biochemistry, growth and phenology in a northern grassland ecosystem. Comparisons were made between plants growing in an atmosphere naturally enriched with CO2 (≈ 790 μ mol mol–1) near the CO2 spring and plants of the same species growing in adjacent areas exposed to ambient CO2 concentrations (≈360 μ mol mol–1). Nardus stricta growing near the spring exhibited earlier senescence and reductions in photosynthetic capacity (≈25%), Rubisco content (≈26%), Rubisco activity (≈40%), Rubisco activation state (≈23%), chlorophyll content (≈33%) and leaf area index (≈22%) compared with plants growing away from the spring. The potential positive effects of elevated [CO2] on grassland ecosystems in Iceland are likely to be reduced by strong down-regulation in the photosynthetic apparatus of the abundant N. stricta species.  相似文献   

The composition and morphology of leaves exposed to elevated [CO2] usually change so that the leaf nitrogen (N) per unit dry mass decreases and the leaf dry mass per unit area increases. However, at ambient [CO2], leaves with a high leaf dry mass per unit area usually have low leaf N per unit dry mass. Whether the changes in leaf properties induced by elevated [CO2] follow the same overall pattern as that at ambient [CO2] has not previously been addressed. Here we address this issue by using leaf measurements made at ambient [CO2] to develop an empirical model of the composition and morphology of leaves. Predictions from that model are then compared with a global database of leaf measurements made at ambient [CO2]. Those predictions are also compared with measurements showing the impact of elevated [CO2]. In the empirical model both the leaf dry mass and liquid mass per unit area are positively correlated with leaf thickness, whereas the mass of C per unit dry mass and the mass of N per unit liquid mass are constant. Consequently, both the N:C ratio and the surface area:volume ratio of leaves are positively correlated with the liquid content. Predictions from that model were consistent with measurements of leaf properties made at ambient [CO2] from around the world. The changes induced by elevated [CO2] follow the same overall trajectory. It is concluded that elevated [CO2] enhances the rate at which dry matter is accumulated but the overall trajectory of leaf development is conserved.  相似文献   

Seeds of cherry ( Prunus avium ) were germinated and grown for two growing seasons in ambient (∼350 μmol mol−1) or elevated (ambient+∼350 μmol mol−1) CO2 mole fractions in six open-top chambers. The seedlings were fertilized once a week, following Ingestad principles in order to supply mineral nutrients at free-access rates. In the first growing season gradual drought was imposed on rapidly growing cherry seedlings by withholding water for a 6-wk drying cycle. In the second growing season, the rapid onset of drought was imposed at the height of the growing season on the seedlings which had already experienced drought in the first growing season. Elevated [CO2] significantly increased total dry-mass production in both water regimes, but did not ameliorate the growth response to drought of the cherry seedlings subjected to two sequential drying cycles. Water loss did not differ in either well watered or droughted seedlings between elevated and ambient [CO2]; consequently whole-plant water- use efficiency (the ratio of total dry mass produced to total water consumption) was significantly increased. Similar patterns of carbon allocation between shoot and root were found in elevated and ambient [CO2] when the seedlings were the same size. Thus, elevated [CO2] did not improve drought tolerance, but it accelerated ontogenetic development irrespective of water status.  相似文献   

Abstract. There have been seven studies of canopy photosynthesis of plants grown in elevated atmospheric CO2: three of seed crops, two of forage crops and two of native plant ecosystems. Growth in elevated CO2 increased canopy photosynthesis in all cases. The relative effect of CO2 was correlated with increasing temperature: the least stimulation occurred in tundra vegetation grown at an average temperature near 10°C and the greatest in rice grown at 43°C. In soybean, effects of CO2 were greater during leaf expansion and pod fill than at other stages of crop maturation. In the longest running experiment with elevated CO2 treatment to date, monospecific stands of a C3 sedge, Scirpus olneyi (Grey), and a C4 grass, Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., have been exposed to twice normal ambient CO2 concentrations for four growing seasons, in open top chambers on a Chesapeake Bay salt marsh. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange per unit green biomass (NCEb) increased by an average of 48% throughout the growing season of 1988, the second year of treatment. Elevated CO2 increased net ecosystem carbon assimilation by 88% in the Scirpus olneyi community and 40% in the Spartina patens community.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), aged 28–30 years old, were grown in open-top chambers and subjected in situ to three ozone (O3) regimes, two concentrations of CO2, and a combination of O3 and CO2 treatments From 15 April to 15 September for two growing seasons (1994 and 1995). The gas exchanges of current-year and 1-year-old shoots were measured, along with the nitrogen content of needles. In order to investigate the factors underlying modifications in photosynthesis, five parameters linked to photosynthetic performance and three to stomatal conductance were determined. Elevated O3 concentrations led to a significant decline in the CO2 compensation point (Г*), maximum RuP2-saturated rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), and sensitivity of stomatal conductance to changes in leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (?gs/?Dv) in both shoot-age classes. However, the effect of elevated O3 concentrations on the respiration rate in light (Rd) was dependent on shoot age. Elevated CO2(700 μmol mol?1) significantly decreased Jmax and gsmax but increased Rd in 1-year-old shoots and the ?gs/?Dv in both shoot-age classes. The interactive effects of O3 and CO2 on some key parameters (e.g. Vcmax and Jmax) were significant. This may be closely related to regulation of the maximum stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity induced by elevated CO2. As a consequence, the injury induced by O3 was reduced through decreased ozone uptake in 1-year-old shoots, but not in the current-year shoots. Compared to ambient O3 concentration, reduced O3 concentrations (charcoal-filtered air) did not lead to significant changes in any of the measured parameters. Compared to the control treatment, calculations showed that elevated O3 concentrations decreased the apparent quantum yield by 15% and by 18%, and the maximum rate of photosynthesis by 21% and by 29% in the current-year and 1-year-old shoots, respectively. Changes in the nitrogen content of needles resulting from the various treatments were associated with modifications in photosynthetic components.  相似文献   

The capacity for photosynthesis is often affected when plants are grown in air with elevated CO2 partial pressure. We grew Phaseolus vulgaris L. in 35 and 65 Pa CO2 and measured photosynthetic parameters. When assayed at the growth CO2 level, photosynthesis was equal in the two CO2 treatments. The maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) consumption was lower in plants grown at 65 Pa, but the CO2 partial pressure at which the maximum occurred was higher in the high-CO2-grown plants, indicating acclimation to high CO2. The acclimation of RuBP consumption to CO2 involved a reduction of the activity of RuBP carboxylase which resulted from reduced carbamylation, not a loss of protein. The rate of RuBP consumption declined with CO2 when the CO2 partial pressure was above 50Pa in plants grown under both CO2 levels. This was caused by feedback inhibition as judged by a lack of response to removing O2 from the air stream. The rate of photosynthesis at high CO2 was lower in the high-CO2-grown plants and this was correlated with reduced activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase. This is only the second report of O2-insensitive photosynthesis under growth conditions for plants grown in high CO2.  相似文献   

The interaction of rising CO2 and temperatures with water use efficiency   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
Abstract. Recent data concerning the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 upon water use efficiency (WUE) and the related measure, instantaneous transpiration efficiency (ITE), are reviewed. It is concluded from both short and long-term studies that, at the scale of the individual leaf or plant, an increase in WUE or ITE is generally observed in response to increased atmospheric CO2 levels. However, the magnitude of this increase may decline with time. The opinion that elevated CO2 may substantially decrease transpiration at the regional scale is discussed. The mechanisms by which elevated CO2 may cause a change in these measures are discussed in terms of stomatal conductance, assimilation and respiration responses to elevated CO2. Finally, recent experimental data and model outputs concerning the impact of the interaction of increased temperature with elevated CO2 on WUE, ITE and yield are reviewed. It is concluded that substantially more data is required before reliable predictions about the regional scale response of WUE and catchment hydrology can be made.  相似文献   

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