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Levine  M.A.  Whalen  S.C. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):189-201
We used 54 enrichment bioassays to assess nutrient limitation (N, P) of 14C uptake by natural phytoplankton assemblages in 39 lakes and ponds in the Arctic Foothills region of Alaska. Our purpose was to categorize phytoplankton nutrient status in this under-represented region of North America and to improve our ability to predict the response of primary production to anticipated anthropogenically mediated increases in nutrient loading. Experiments were performed across several watersheds and included assays on terminal lakes and lakes occupying various positions in chains (lakes in series within a watershed and connected by streams). In total, 89% (48 of 54) of the bioassays showed significant stimulation of 14C primary production by some form of nutrient addition relative to unamended controls. A significant response was observed following enrichment with N and P, N alone and P alone in 83, 35 and 22% of the bioassays, respectively. In experiments where N and P proved stimulatory, the influence of N alone was significantly greater than the influence of P alone. Overall, the data point to a greater importance for N than P in regulating phytoplankton production in this region. The degree of response to N and P enrichment declined as the summer progressed and showed no relationship to irradiance or water temperature, suggesting secondary limitation by some micronutrient such as iron as the summer advanced. Phytoplankton nutrient status was often consistent across lakes within a watershed, suggesting that watershed characteristics influence nutrient availability. Lakes in this region will clearly show increased phytoplankton production in response to anthropogenic activities and anticipated changes in climate that will increase nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton and periphyton growth in upland lakes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SUMMARY 1. Thirty small upland lakes in Cumbria, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were visited three times between April and August 2000. On each occasion water chemistry was measured and phytoplankton bioassays were performed in the laboratory to assess growth‐rate and yield limitation by phosphorus and nitrogen. In addition, yield limitation of periphyton growth was investigated twice, in situ, using nutrient‐diffusing substrata. 2. Over the whole season the percentage frequency of P, N and co‐limitation was 24, 13 and 63%, respectively, for phytoplankton rate limitation and 20, 22 and 58%, respectively, for phytoplankton yield limitation. 3. A clear response of periphyton yield to nutrient additions was found in 75% of all cases and of these, co‐limitation was most common (54%). Average percentage frequency for P and N limitation was 26 and 20%, respectively. 4. Phytoplankton and periphyton showed seasonal changes in nutrient limitation within sites. In particular, co‐limitation became progressively more common as the season progressed. 5. The response of phytoplankton growth rate to ammonium and nitrate addition was identical, but ammonium was a slightly better source of nitrogen than nitrate for phytoplankton yield on 7% and for periphyton yield on 10% of the occasions. However, the magnitude of the effect was small. 6. The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and the molar ratio of DIN to total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), appeared to be the main environmental factors controlling the extent of nitrogen or phosphorus limitation at a given site. Nitrogen limitation was more likely than phosphorus limitation where the DIN was <6.5 mmol m?3 and the ratio of DIN : TDP was <53. Co‐limitation was the most likely outcome at a DIN concentration <13 mmol m?3 and at a DIN : TDP molar ratio <250. Above these values phosphorus limitation was most likely. 7. The relatively high frequency of nitrogen limitation and co‐limitation at higher N : P ratios than previously reported, may result from the inability of nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria to thrive in these upland lakes where pH and the concentration of phosphorus tended to be low and where flushing rates tended to be high.  相似文献   

We conducted nutrient enrichment experiments and field sampling to address three questions: (1) is there nutrient limitation of phytoplankton accumulation within an estuary whose waters are exposed to relatively high nitrogen loading rates, (2) where in the salinity gradient from fresh to seawater (0 to 32‰) is there a shift from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton accumulation, and (3) is there a seasonal shift in limiting function of phosphorus and nitrogen anywhere in the estuarine gradient. Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment experiments in the Childs River, an estuary of Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, USA, showed that the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in brackish and saline water was limited by supply of nitrate during warm months. The effects of enrichment were less evident in fresh water, with short-lived responses to phosphate enrichment. There was no specific point along the salinity gradient where there was a shift from phosphorus- to nitrogen-limited phytoplankton accumulation; rather, the relative importance of nitrogen and phosphorus changed along the salinity gradient in the estuary and with season of the year. There was no response to nutrient additions during the colder months, suggesting that some seasonally-varying factor, such as light, temperature or a physiological mechanism, restricted phytoplankton accumulation during months other than May-Aug. There was only slight evidence of a seasonal shift between nitrogen- and phosphorus-limitation of chlorophyll accumulation. Phytoplankton populations in nutrient-rich estuaries with short flushing times grow fast, but at the same time the cells may be advected out of the estuaries while still rapidly dividing, thereby providing an important subsidy to production in nearby deeper waters. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1. Two small humic lakes in northern Sweden with concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between 15 and 20 mg L–1 were fertilized with inorganic phosphorus (P) and inorganic nitrogen (N), respectively. A third lake was unfertilized and served as a control. In addition to this lake fertilization experiment, data from different regional surveys were used to assess the role of different limiting factors.
2. The P fertilization had no effects on bacterioplankton or phytoplankton, while phytoplankton were significantly stimulated by N fertilization. Inorganic nutrient limitation of bacterioplankton was a function of DOC concentration in water of the investigated region and nutrient-limited bacteria were found only in lakes with DOC concentrations less than around 15 mg L–1
3. The fertilization experiments demonstrated that the DOC-rich experimental lakes contained a bioavailable pool of P that was not utilized to its full potential under natural conditions. The overall mobilization of energy (bacterioplankton plus phytoplankton) in the experimental lakes was restricted by lack of inorganic N.  相似文献   

Walker & Syers (1976) proposed a conceptual model that describesthe pattern and regulation of soil nutrient pools and availability during long-term soil and ecosystem development. Their model implies that plantproduction generally should be limited by N on young soils and by P on oldsoils; N and P supply should more or less equilibrate onintermediate-aged soils. We tested the application of this model to nutrientlimitation, using a well characterized substrate age sequence in Hawaiianmontane rain forest. Earlier experiments had evaluated nutrient limitationin forests on a young (300 y) and an old (4,100,000 y) substrate on the samedevelopmental sequence; N alone limited tree growth on the youngsubstrate, while P alone did so on the old one. An additional fertilizerexperiment based on replicated treatments with N, P, and all othernutrients combined, applied in individually and in all factorialcombinations, was established in an intermediate-aged site in theLaupahoehoe Forest Reserve, Hawaii. Here, diameter increments of thedominant tree Metrosideros polymorpha increased slightly with Nadditions, and nearly doubled when N and P were added together.Additions of elements other than N and P had no significant effecton growth. These results show that N and P had equilibrated (relativeto plant requirements) in the intermediate aged site. Together withthe earlier experiments, these results suggest that the Walker and Syersmodel provides a useful starting point for explaining the nature anddistribution of nutrient limitation in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Bukaveckas  Paul A.  Crain  Angela S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,481(1-3):19-31
We characterize seasonal and spatial patterns in phytoplankton abundance, production and nutrient limitation in a mesotrophic river impoundment located in the southeastern United States to assess variation arising from inter-annual differences in watershed inputs. Short-term (48 h) in situ nutrient addition experiments were conducted between May and October at three sites located along the longitudinal axis of the lake. Nutrient limitation was detected in 12 of the 18 experiments conducted over 2 years. Phytoplankton responded to additions of phosphorus alone although highest chlorophyll concentrations were observed in enclosures receiving combined (P and N) additions. Growth responses were greatest at downstream sites and in late summer suggesting that those populations experience more severe nutrient limitation. Interannual variation in nutrient limitation and primary production corresponded to differences in the timing of hydrologic inputs. Above average rainfall and discharge in late-summer (July–October) of 1996 coincided with higher in-lake nutrient concentrations, increased production, and minimal nutrient limitation. During the same period in 1995, discharge was lower, nutrient concentrations were lower, and nutrient limitation of phytoplankton production was more pronounced. Our results suggest that nutrient limitation is common in this river impoundment but that modest inter-annual variability in the timing of hydrologic inputs can substantially influence seasonal and spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Sommer U  Sommer F  Feuchtmayr H  Hansen T 《Protist》2004,155(3):295-304
We used marine phytoplankton from mesocosms seeded with different zooplankton densities to study the impact of mesozooplankton on phytoplankton nutrient limitation. After 7 d of grazing (copepod mesocosms) or 9 d (appendicularian mesocosms) phytoplankton nutrient limitation was studied by enrichment bioassays. After removal of mesozooplankton, bioassay bottles received either no nutrients, phosphorus or nitrogen alone, or a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus and were incubated for 2 d. Phytoplankton reproductive rates in the bottles without nutrient addition were calculated after correction for grazing by ciliates and indicated increasing nitrogen limitation with increasing copepod abundance. No nutrient limitation was found in the appendicularian mesocosms. The increase of nutrient limitation with increasing copepod density seems to be mainly the result of a trophic cascade effect: Copepods released nanoplankton from ciliate grazing pressure, and thereby enhanced nitrogen exhaustion by nanophytoplankton and reduced nitrogen excretion by ciliates. Nitrogen sequestration in copepod biomass, the mechanism predicted by the ecological stoichiometry theory, seems to have been a weaker effect because there was only little copepod growth during the experiment.  相似文献   

Cell size is one of the ecologically most important traits of phytoplankton. The cell size variation is frequently related to temperature and nutrient limitation. In order to disentangle the role of both factors, an experiment was conducted to determine the possible interactions of these factors. Baltic Sea water containing the natural plankton community was used. We performed a factorial combined experiment of temperature, type of nutrient limitation (N vs. P), and strength of nutrient limitation. The type of nutrient limitation was manipulated by altering the N:P ratio of the medium (balanced, N and P limitation) and strength by the dilution rate (0% and 50%) of the semicontinuous cultures. The negative effect of temperature on cell size was strongest under N limitation, intermediate under P limitation, and weakest when N and P were supplied at balanced ratios. However, temperature also influenced the intensity of nutrient imitation, because at higher temperature there was a tendency for dissolved nutrient concentrations to be lower, while the C:N or C:P ratio being higher…higher at identical dilution rates and medium composition. Analyzing the response of cell size to C:N ratios (as index of N limitation) and C:P ratios (as index of P limitation) indicated a clear dominance of the nutrient effect over the direct temperature effect, although the temperature effect was also significant.  相似文献   

2009年8月至9月期间在太平洋西部N1站和中部N2站进行现场营养盐加富培养实验。结果显示:N1站,浮游植物生物量对N或者P添加都有较强的响应,其中N+P+Si组和N+P组浮游植物长势迅速,叶绿素a从初始的0.03μg/L分别达到2.12μg/L和1.83μg/L,同时P先于N和Si之前被耗尽;说明N1站为N、P共同限制,P是首要限制因子。而N2站,浮游植物生物量仅对N、P共同添加有明显响应,N先于P和Si被浮游植物消耗殆尽。利用培养过程中营养盐比值变化推断,N1站浮游植物以低于Redfield ratio(16N∶1P)吸收N和P;而N2站浮游植物以高于Redfield ratio(16N∶1P)吸收N和P。这可能解释了太平洋西部的寡营养盐海域为潜在P限制,而在太平洋中部海域则为潜在N限制。  相似文献   

Lake Baikal, Russian Siberia, was sampled in July 1990 during the period of spring mixing and initiation of thermal stratification. Vertical profiles of temperature, dissolved nutrients (nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus), phytoplankton biomass, and primary productivity were determined in an eleven-station transect encompassing the entire 636 km length of the lake. Pronounced horizontal variability in hydrodynamic conditions was observed, with the southern region of the lake being strongly thermally stratified while the middle and north basins were largely isothermal through July. The extent of depletion of surface water nutrients, and the magnitude of phytoplankton biomass and productivity, were found to be strongly correlated with the degree of thermal stratification. Horizontal differences likely reflected the contribution of two important factors: variation in the timing of ice-out in different parts of the lake (driving large-scale patterns of thermal stratification and other limnological properties) and localized effects of river inflows that may contribute to the preliminary stabilization of the water column in the face of intense turbulent spring mixing (driving meso-scale patterns). Examination of the relationships between surface water inorganic N and P depletion suggested that during the spring and early summer, phytoplankton growth in unstratified portions of the lake was largely unconstrained by nutrient supplies. As summer progressed, the importance of co-limitation by both N and P became more apparent. Uptake and regeneration rates, measured directly using the stable isotope 15N, revealed that phytoplankton in stratified portions of the lake relied primarily on NH4 as their N source. Rates of NH4 regeneration were in approximate equilibrium with uptake; both processes were dominated by organisms <2 µm. This pattern is similar to that observed for oligotrophic marine systems. Our study underscores the importance of hydrodynamic conditions in influencing patterns of biological productivity and nutrient dynamics that occur in Lake Baikal during its brief growing season.  相似文献   

Time series measurements of temperature at 15 depths and profiles of temperature-gradient microstructure were obtained during a period with strong wind forcing and subsequent calm in Mono Lake, California. The wind forcing increased the amplitude of basin-scale internal waves and energy at all wave frequencies relative to the calm period. Rates of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, , were high ( > 10–6 m2 s–3) at the top of the pycnocline at both an inshore and an offshore site on a day when winds reached 10 m s–1 and on the following two days at an inshore site ( > 10–7 m2 s–3). The enhanced turbulence occurred at the depth of a subsurface temperature maximum (z TM) and coincidentally with elevated concentrations of NH4, reduced concentrations of chlorophyll a and particulate carbon, and increased abundance of the macrozooplankter Artemia monica. The NH4 at z TM was more dispersed and of lower concentration inshore than offshore and indicated greater turbulent transport inshore. Over the course of 4 days, chlorophyll a concentrations increased in the upper mixed layer, and C:N and C:Chl ratios decreased. Offshore, the change in C:N ratio indicated a relaxation of moderate nutrient deficiency. We hypothesize that excretion by A. monica and turbulent transport of the NH4 from the subsurface temperature maximum led to improved physiological status of phytoplankton in the upper mixed layer.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to examine nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in solar salt ponds of varying salinity at Useless Inlet in Western Australia. These ponds use solar energy to evaporate seawater for the purpose of commercial salt production. A combination of techniques involving water column nutrient ratios, comparisons of nutrient concentrations to concentration of magnesium ions and bioassays were used in the investigation. Comparisons of changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients against changes in concentrations of the conservative cation Mg2+ indicated that phytoplankton biomass was potentially nitrogen limited along the entire pond salinity gradient. Nutrient addition bioassays indicated that in low salinity ponds, phytoplankton was nitrogen limited but in high salinity ponds, phosphorus limited. This may be due to isolation of phytoplankton in bioassay bottles from in situ conditions as well as to changes in phytoplankton species composition between ponds, and the variable availability of inorganic and organic nutrient sources. The differences in limiting nutrient between methods indicate that phytoplankton cells may be proximally limited by nutrients that are not theoretically limiting at the pond scale. Dissolved organic nutrients constituted a large proportion of total nutrients, with concentrations increasing through the pond sequence of increasing salinity. From the change in nutrient concentrations in bioassay bottles, sufficient dissolved organic nitrogen may be available for phytoplankton uptake in low salinity ponds, potentially alleviating the dissolved inorganic nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton biomass. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected Papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Natural phytoplankton of Cabo Frio area was grown in 42 m-deep artificially upwelled seawater enriched with increasing concentrations of nitrogen or phosphorus. Respective values allowing maximum biomass, maximum uptake of initial reserve and maximum yield coefficient are rather conflicting. Notwithstanding, respective values of 75 μg at 1−1 nitrogen and 5 μg at 1−1 phosphorus, and therefore N:P = 15, appeared to be the best compromise for initial nutrient levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine the main limiting nutrient (carbon, nitrogen or phosphorus) to bacterial production in different clear water Amazonian ecosystems during the high water period, when there is influence of the flooded land, mainly as sources of organic matter. Five stations were sampled in three clear water ecosystems: Trombetas River, Lake Batata and Caranã Stream. We estimated in each station the nutrient concentration, bacterial production and bacterial abundance. The experiment was set up with GF/F filtered water from all stations together with additions of glucose (400 M C), KNO3 (15 M N) and KH2PO4 (5 M P) in accordance with each treatment (C, N, P ,CN, CP, NP, CNP and no amends). Bacterial production was estimated after 24 h of incubation. We observed that the values of bacterial production after additions of phosphate alone (P treatment) were 2- to 6-fold greater than the values measured in control flasks. Additions of nitrate (N treatment) and glucose alone (C treatment) had no effect on the bacterial production in four out of five ecosystems studied. However, additions of glucose with phosphate (CP treatment) strongly stimulated bacterial production in all ecosystems studied, including treatments with phosphate addition only. We conclude that phosphorus is the main limiting nutrient to bacterioplankton production in these clear water Amazonian ecosystems during the high water period. In addition, we conclude that, together with phosphorus, additions of glucose stimulated the bacterial production mainly due to the low quality of the carbon pool present in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

选取西双版纳地区丛林式橡胶林为研究对象,以纯橡胶林为对照,分别在2016年干季(3月)和雨季(5、6、7月)进行取样,测定两个样地内植物叶片δ13C值,比较植物水分利用效率,测定叶片C、N、P含量,计算叶片N/P值,分析植物对养分的利用与竞争关系,并综合分析植物水分利用效率与养分之间的相关性。结果表明,干季橡胶树受到干旱胁迫,其水分利用效率显著高于雨季,此时叶片N、P含量也显著高于雨季;丛林式橡胶林内橡胶树水分利用效率低于纯橡胶林内橡胶树,叶片N、P含量和N/P值均高于纯橡胶林中橡胶树;两个样地内不同植物与不同时间的水分利用效率,叶片C、N、P含量和N/P值均存在显著差异;相关性分析表明,水分利用效率与叶片N、P含量呈正相关,与叶片C含量、N/P值呈负相关。因此,丛林式橡胶林内橡胶树能更好地应对干旱,具有较强的养分获取能力。该研究揭示了丛林式橡胶林内植物水分利用效率以及养分利用特征,表明丛林式橡胶林是一种值得推广的农林复合生态系统。  相似文献   

Global change affects terrestrial loadings of colored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrients to northern lakes. Still, little is known about how phytoplankton respond to changes in light and nutrient availability across gradients in lake DOC. In this study, we used results from whole‐lake studies in northern Sweden to show that annual mean phytoplankton biomass expressed unimodal curved relationships across lake DOC gradients, peaking at threshold DOC levels of around 11 mg/L. Whole‐lake single nutrient enrichment in selected lakes caused elevated biomass, with most pronounced effect at the threshold DOC level. These patterns give support to the suggested dual control by DOC on phytoplankton via nutrient (positively) and light (negatively) availability and imply that the lakes' location along the DOC axis is critical in determining to what extent phytoplankton respond to changes in DOC and/or nutrient loadings. By using data from the large Swedish Lake Monitoring Survey, we further estimated that 80% of northern Swedish lakes are below the DOC threshold, potentially experiencing increased phytoplankton biomass with browning alone, and/or combined with nutrient enrichment. The results support the previous model results on effects of browning and eutrophication on lake phytoplankton, and provide important understanding of how northern lakes may respond to future global changes.  相似文献   

土壤微生物在陆地生态系统的生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用。然而目前尚不清楚氮(N)添加量及其持续时间如何影响土壤微生物群落结构,以及微生物群落结构变化与微生物相对养分限制状况是否存在关联。本研究在亚热带黄山松林开展了N添加试验以模拟N沉降,并设置3个处理:对照(CK, 0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低N(LN, 40 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高N(HN, 80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)。在N添加满1年和3年时测定土壤基本理化性质、磷脂脂肪酸含量和碳(C)、N、磷(P)获取酶活性,并通过生态酶化学计量分析土壤微生物的相对养分限制状况。结果表明: 1年N添加对土壤微生物群落结构无显著影响,3年LN处理显著提高了革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-)、放线菌(ACT)和总磷脂脂肪酸(TPLFA)含量,而3年HN处理对微生物的影响不显著,表明细菌和ACT对N添加可能更为敏感。N添加加剧了微生物C和P限制,而P限制是土壤微生物群落结构变化的最佳解释因子。这表明,N添加诱导的P限制可能更有利于部分贫营养菌(如G+)和参与P循环的微生物(如ACT)的生长,从而改变亚热带黄山松林土壤微生物群落结构。  相似文献   

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