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Digit ratio (2D:4D) and behavioral differences between inbred mouse strains   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Digit ratio (2D:4D) is a trait, which is sexually differentiated in a variety of species. In humans, males typically have shorter second digits (2Ds) (index fingers) compared to fourth digits (4Ds) (ring fingers) whereas females' fingers are more equal in length. Smaller, more masculine, digit ratios are thought to be associated with higher prenatal testosterone levels, greater sensitivity to prenatal androgens or both. Men with more masculine digit ratios have shown increased ability, achievement and speed in sports and tend to report that they are more physically aggressive. Previous research has shown the same sexually differentiated pattern in the hind paws of laboratory mice as in human hands, males have lower 2D:4D than females. We measured hind paw digit ratio in mice of eight inbred strains. These measurements were made while blind to strain, sex and whether the paw was from the left or right side. We found large differences in digit ratio between the strains and suggest that inbred mice are a promising system for investigating the correlation between digit ratio and behavioral traits.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase activity in mouse liver homogenate-supernatants is 1.7 times greater in the C57BL/10 strain than in the BALB/c strain, regardless of whether activity is expressed in units per gram liver, total liver, or milligram DNA. The K m values for ethanol and NAD+, approximately 0.4 and 0.03mm, respectively, of enzyme purified from both strains are similar. Moreover, the K i for NADH, 1 µm, the pH optimum for ethanol oxidation, 10.5, and the V max for ethanol oxidation, 160 min–1, for ADH from the C57BL/10 and BALB/c strains are similar. Therefore, the difference in ADH activity in the two strains cannot be due to differences in the catalytic properties of the enzyme. The electrophoretic and isoelectric focusing patterns and two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps of the purified enzyme from both strains are identical. Thus the amino acid sequences of enzyme from C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice must also be identical or very similar. The difference in ADH activity in the two strains is most likely the result of genetic differences in the content of ADH protein in liver.Supported by NIAAA Grant AA 04307.  相似文献   

Pancreatic and salivary amylase cDNA probes have been used to search for new DNA fragment length variation among a total of 43 inbred mouse strains. Fragment length differences found with three restriction endonucleases grouped the strains into two major classes. The segregation of these variant fragments has been analyzed among several sets of recombinant inbred strains and is presented here. Previously reported differences for strains YBR and CE have been confirmed. New segregation data for carbonic anhydrase, a locus near the proximal end of mouse chromosome 3, are presented.  相似文献   

The brain neurotransmitter serotonin is involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior. The main factor determining the brain serotonin level is the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter--tryptophan hydroxylase isoform (TPH) 2 encoded by the Tph2 gene. Recently the C1473G single-nucleotide polymorphism in the Tph2 gene was reported. Here we study the C1473G polymorphism in 10 inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6J, AKR/J, DD/He, C3H/HeJ, YT/Y, BALB/cJLac, CC57BR/Mv and A/He) and demonstrate the association of the polymorphism with brain TPH activity and intermale aggressiveness. TPH activity in the midbrain of mice homozygous for the 1473C allele was higher than that in mice carrying 1473G alleles. A close association of the 1473C allele with increased number of attacks towards another male was found. The results support a link between the C1473G polymorphism in Tph2 gene, tryptophan hydroxylase activity and intensity of intermale aggression.  相似文献   

Mouse inbred strain differences in ethanol drinking to intoxication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently, we described a simple procedure, Drinking in the Dark (DID), in which C57BL/6J mice self-administer ethanol to a blood ethanol concentration (BEC) above 1 mg/ml. The test consists of replacing the water with 20% ethanol in the home cage for 4 h early during the dark phase of the light/dark cycle. Three experiments were conducted to explore this high ethanol drinking model further. In experiment 1, a microanalysis of C57BL/6J behavior showed that the pattern of ethanol drinking was different from routine water intake. In experiment 2, drinking impaired performance of C57BL/6J on the accelerating rotarod and balance beam. In experiment 3, 12 inbred strains were screened to estimate genetic influences on DID and correlations with other traits. Large, reliable differences in intake and BEC were detected among the strains, with C57BL/6J showing the highest values. Strain means were positively correlated with intake and BEC in the standard (24 h) and a limited (4 h) two-bottle ethanol vs. water test, but BECs reached higher levels for DID. Strain mean correlations with other traits in the Mouse Phenome Project database supported previously reported genetic relationships of high ethanol drinking with low chronic ethanol withdrawal severity and low ethanol-conditioned taste aversion. We extend these findings by showing that the correlation estimates remain relatively unchanged even after correcting for phylogenetic relatedness among the strains, thus relaxing the assumption that the strain means are statistically independent. We discuss applications of the model for finding genes that predispose pharmacologically significant drinking in mice.  相似文献   

Analysis of hepatic nonhistone chromosomal protein (NHCP) expression in male mice from progenitor strains (C3H/HeN, C57BL/6N), their F1 hybrid (B6C3), and seven recombinant inbred strains (RIs) (B6N×C3N) by high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) detected 16 NHCPs whose expression in RIs could be correlated to each other and with strain distribution patterns (SDP) of 20 genetic markers differing in the progenitors. Of the 400+ NHCP spots detected in RI 2D-PAGE maps, 172 were common to progenitors and all RIs. There was a characteristic absence of five NHCPs in one RI, Y. Ten C3H-specific and six C57-specific NHCP inherited in B6C3 also appeared in RIs. The SDP of C3H-specific NHCP 2 matched the SDP of beta-glucuronidase on chromosome 5 and carbonic anhydrase on chromosome 3, and C57-specific NHCP 5 SDP corresponded to that for nonagouti trait on chromosome 2. These 16 NHCP genetic marker inheritance differences detected in RIs add to the 23 previously established genetic marker differences between the progenitors.This study was supported in part by funds from NIH Grants CA 33305 and CA 16672 and Exxon Corporation, USA.  相似文献   

Deficits in social interaction are important early markers for autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders with strong genetic components. Standardized behavioral assays that measure the preference of mice for initiating social interactions with novel conspecifics would be of great value for mutant mouse models of autism. We developed a new procedure to assess sociability and the preference for social novelty in mice. To quantitate sociability, each mouse was scored on measures of exploration in a central habituated area, a side chamber containing an unfamiliar conspecific (stranger 1) in a wire cage, or an empty side chamber. In a secondary test, preference for social novelty was quantitated by presenting the test mouse with a choice between the first, now-familiar, conspecific (stranger 1) in one side chamber, and a second unfamiliar mouse (stranger 2) in the other side chamber. Parameters scored included time spent in each chamber and number of entries into the chambers. Five inbred strains of mice were tested, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, A/J and B6129PF2/J hybrids. Four strains showed significant levels of sociability (spend- ing more time in the chamber containing stranger 1 than in the empty chamber) and a preference for social novelty (spending more time in the chamber containing stranger 2 than in the chamber containing the now-familiar stranger 1). These social preferences were observed in both male and female mice, and in juveniles and adults. The exception was A/J, a strain that demonstrated a preference for the central chamber. Results are discussed in terms of potential applications of the new methods, and the proper controls for the interpretation of social behavior data, including assays for health, relevant sensory abilities and motor functions. This new standardized procedure to quantitate sociability and preference for social novelty in mice provides a method to assess tendencies for social avoidance in mouse models of autism.  相似文献   

One of the characteristic manifestations of several neurodegenerative diseases is the progressive decline in cognitive ability. In order to determine the suitability of six mouse strains (129S2/Sv, BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6j, CBA/Ca and DBA/2) as transgenic background strains, we investigated the performance on a variety of tasks designed to identify subtle changes in cognition. In addition, a test of exploratory behaviour was used to probe the level of underlying anxiety in these mouse strains, as anxiety can be a confounding factor on behavioural performance generally. The C3H/He mice exhibited the least anxiogenic behavioural profile spending most time on the open arms of the maze, in contrast to the 129S2/Sv mice which spent the least amount of time in this location and were the quickest to move into a closed arm. The C3H/He mouse strain failed to acquire a visual discrimination task and failed to demonstrate learning on a water maze spatial learning task, in contrast to the CBA/Ca, DBA/2 and C57BL/6j strains which demonstrated a degree of learning in both tasks. No significant strain differences were identified on the object recognition task. These data, taken together, suggest that care must be taken when choosing cognitive tasks to be used with particular mouse strains and that task sensitivity must be considered as a critical element to research protocols with regard to these mouse strains.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in acute behavioral responses to ethanol contribute to the susceptibility to alcohol use disorder and the reduction of anxiety is a commonly reported motive underlying ethanol consumption among alcoholics. Therefore, we studied the genetic variance in anxiolytic‐like responses to ethanol across the BXD recombinant inbred (RI) mouse panel using the light–dark transition model of anxiety. Strain‐mean genetic mapping and a mixed‐model quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis replicated several previously published QTL for locomotor activity and identified several novel anxiety‐related loci. Significant loci included a chromosome 11 saline anxiety‐like QTL (Salanq1) and a chromosome 12 locus (Etanq1) influencing the anxiolytic‐like response to ethanol. Etanq1 was successfully validated by studies with BXD advanced intercross strains and fine‐mapped to a region comprising less than 3.5 Mb. Through integration of genome‐wide mRNA expression profiles of the mesocorticolimbic reward circuit (prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and ventral midbrain) across the BXD RI panel, we identified high priority candidate genes within Etanq1, the strongest of which was Ninein (Nin), a Gsk3β‐interacting protein that is highly expressed in the brain.  相似文献   

The tremendous increase in the use of mouse inbred strains and mutant mice to study the molecular basis of psychiatric disorders urges for a better understanding of attentional performance in mice. To this aim, we investigated possible strain differences in performance and cholinergic modulation of visuospatial attention in three widely used mouse inbred strains (129S2/SvHsd, C57BL/6JOlaHsd and DBA/2OlaHsd) in the five-choice serial reaction time task. Results indicated that after extended training, performance of 129S2/SvHsd mice was superior to that of C57BL/6JOlaHsd and DBA/2OlaHsd mice in terms of attention, omission errors, inhibitory control and latencies to correct choice. Increasing the attentional load resulted in comparable decrements in attention in all strains and inhibitory control impairments that were most pronounced in DBA/2OlaHsd mice. Further pharmacological evaluation indicated that all strains showed attentional impairments after treatment with the muscarinic and nicotinic antagonists scopolamine and mecamylamine, respectively. 129S2/SvHsd mice were less sensitive, whereas DBA/2OlaHsd mice appeared more sensitive to the detrimental effects of mecamylamine. In addition, subchronic, but not acute, nicotine treatment slightly improved attentional performance in all strains to the same extent. In conclusion, our data indicate strain specificity with particularly good performance of 129S2/SvHsd mice and strong cholinergic involvement in visuospatial attention in mice.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops in predisposed individuals following a terrifying event. Studies on isogenic animal populations might explain susceptibility to PTSD by revealing associations between the molecular and behavioural consequences of traumatic stress. Our study employed four inbred mouse strains to search for differences in post‐stress response to a 1.5‐mA electric foot shock. One day to 6 weeks after the foot shock anxiety, depression and addiction‐like phenotypes were assessed. In addition, expression levels of selected stress‐related genes were analysed in hippocampus and amygdala. C57BL/6J mice exhibited up‐regulation in the expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Crhr1 genes in both brain regions. These alterations were associated with an increase of sensitized fear and depressive‐like behaviour over time. Traumatic stress induced expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Fkbp5 genes and developed social withdrawal in DBA/2J mice. In 129P3/J strain, exposure to stress produced the up‐regulation of Tsc22d3 and Nfkbia genes and enhanced sensitivity to the rewarding properties of morphine. Whereas, SWR/J mice displayed increase only in Pdyn expression in the amygdala and had the lowest conditioned fear. Our results reveal a complex genetic background of phenotypic variation in response to stress and indicate the SWR/J strain as a valuable model of stress resistance. We found potential links between the alterations in expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia and Pdyn, and different aspects of susceptibility to stress.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of alcohol dehydrogenase (C2 isozyme), aldehyde dehydrogenase (A2 isozyme) and aldehyde oxidase (A2 isozyme) has been examined among recombinant inbred strains of mice which have been previously studied concerning their differential behavioural responses towards alcohol. The results showed no correlation between biochemical phenotype for these loci and behavioural response.  相似文献   

The between‐laboratory effects on behavioral phenotypes and spatial learning performance of three strains of laboratory mice known for divergent behavioral phenotypes were evaluated in a fully balanced and synchronized study using a completely automated behavioral phenotyping device (IntelliCage). Activity pattern and spatial conditioning performance differed consistently between strains, i.e. exhibited no interaction with the between‐laboratory factor, whereas the gross laboratory effect showed up significantly in the majority of measures. It is argued that overall differences between laboratories may not realistically be preventable, as subtle differences in animal housing and treatment will not be controllable, in practice. However, consistency of strain (or treatment) effects appears to be far more important in behavioral and brain sciences than the absolute overall level of such measures. In this respect, basic behavioral and learning measures proved to be highly consistent in the IntelliCage, therefore providing a valid basis for meaningful research hypothesis testing. Also, potential heterogeneity of behavioral status because of environmental and social enrichment has no detectable negative effect on the consistency of strain effects. We suggest that the absence of human interference during behavioral testing is the most prominent advantage of the IntelliCage and suspect that this is likely responsible for the between‐laboratory consistency of findings, although we are aware that this ultimately needs direct testing.  相似文献   

It is known that four common inbred mouse strains show defects of the forebrain commissures. The BALB/cJ strain has a low frequency of abnormally small corpus callosum, whereas the 129 strains have many animals with deficient corpus callosum. The I/LnJ and BTBR T+ tf/J strains never have a corpus callosum, whereas half of I/LnJ and almost all BTBR show severely reduced size of the hippocampal commissure. Certain F1 hybrid crosses among these strains are known to be less severely abnormal than the inbred parents, suggesting that the parent strains have different genetic causes of commissure defects. In this study, all hybrid crosses among the four strains were investigated. The BTBR × I/Ln hybrid expressed almost no defects of the hippocampal commissure, unlike its inbred parent strains. Numerous three‐way crosses among the four strains yielded many mice with no corpus callosum and severely reduced hippocampal commissure, which shows that the phenotypic defect can result from several different combinations of genetic alleles. The F2 and F3 hybrid crosses of BTBR and I/LnJ had almost 100% absence of the corpus callosum but about 50% frequency of deficient hippocampal commissure. The four‐way hybrid cross among all four abnormal strains involved highly fertile parents and yielded a very wide phenotypic range of defects from almost no hippocampal commissure to totally normal forebrain commissures. The F2 and F3 crosses as well as the four‐way cross provide excellent material for studies of genetic linkage and behavioral consequences of commissure defects.  相似文献   

The frequency of dissociation of the X-Y chromosome bivalent in diakinesis-metaphase I spermatocytes differs significantly between two inbred mouse strains, CBA (29%) and KE (7%), that were used to obtain reciprocal F1 hybrids, and to develop recombinant inbred (R1) strains. The level of X-Y dissociation was significantly higher in (KExCBA)F1 hybrids sired by the CBA males (24%) than in reciprocal F1 hybrids (12%), revealing the inheritance after the father. Among 14 RI strains, nine were concordant with KE, one with CBA, and four had intermediate phenotype, significantly different from both progenitor strains. This shows that at least two genes are involved, and their possible linkage with agouti and Trf loci is suggested. The linkage with agouti was confirmed by testing additional 10 CBXE incipient RI strains. There was no significant difference in the level of X-Y dissociation between EXCB RI strains derived from the original cross sired by the CBA males and CBXE RI strains derived from the reciprocal cross. The involvement of the Y chromosome-linked factors was unlikely because it was found earlier (Krzanowska, 1989: Gamete Res 23:357–365) that two congenic strains, KE and KE.CBA, differing with respect to the source of the Y chromosome, had the same level of X-Y dissociation. Thus, the difference obtained between reciprocal F1 hybrids is interpreted in terms of paternal genome imprinting imposed by CBA males and propagated only in the presence of some alleles derived from this strain. Analysis of six KE ? CBA-T6 chimeras, among them three germ line chimeras, points to the conclusion that the tendency to low or high level of X-Y chromosome dissociation is expressed rather autonomously by KE or CBA-T6 spermatocytes (as recognized by a marker chromosome pair), respectively, and was not modified by the presence of somatic cells of the opposite strain. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty-six inbred strains of the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) were examined for electrophoretic variation at an estimated 97 genetic loci. In addition to previously documented markers, variation was observed for the enzymes aconitase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase. The genetic basis of these markers (Acon-1, Ahd-2, and Akp-1) was confirmed. Linkage analysis between 35 pairwise comparisons revealed that the markers Fh-1 and Pep-3 are linked. The strain profiles of the 25 inbred strains at 11 electrophoretic markers are given.  相似文献   

The two bottle choice paradigm provides a convenient method for the rapid screening of preferences of nicotine and a variety of other substances in rodents. A non-expensive, home-made bottle system with low fluid loss due to leakage or evaporation is introduced. Using this system, we tested nicotine preference of the mouse strains NMRI, C3H/J, DBA/2, ST/bJ, C57BL/6 and a cross between male A/J and female NMRI. Our results show different nicotine preference of tested mice with high nicotine preference of C57BL/6, a lower preference of C3H/J, A/J×NMRI, DBA/2 and NMRI and the lowest of ST/bJ.  相似文献   

The inbred mouse strain BALB has been proposed to be an animal model for pathological anxiety. BALB exhibits a stronger acoustic startle response (ASR) than the 'less emotional' inbred strain DBA. Four experiments were conducted to determine whether this strong ASR is due to a higher anxiety level and/or to greater sensitization in BALB than in DBA, with the following results: (1) The ASR to the very first startle stimulus was found to be much stronger in BALB than in DBA, and freezing behavior evoked by startle stimuli was more pronounced in BALB than in DBA. These findings indicate a higher level of anxiety in this strain. (2) ASR amplitudes of BALB initially rose much higher during consecutive startle stimuli and remained at a high level much longer than in DBA. Thereafter, ASR amplitude dropped more slowly and to a lesser degree than in DBA. Startle amplitudes decreased similarly in both strains (strong exponential decrease) only when a low sound pressure level (SPL) was used which elicited approximately the same low ASR in both strains. These results can only be explained by increased sensitization in BALB. (3) The slope of the i/o-function, which represents the relation between sensory input and motor output, was steeper in BALB than in DBA. As it has been shown recently, sensitization increases the slope of the startle i/o-function indicating increased sensitization in BALB. It is discussed, however, whether anxiety also contributes to this effect. (4) Footshocks increased the ASR much less in BALB than in DBA, again showing increased sensitization in BALB. Both a higher level of anxiety and greater sensitization therefore determined the greater strength of the ASR in BALB than in DBA.  相似文献   

With the advent of recombinant DNA methodology, it has become possible to dissect the molecular mechanisms of complex traits, including brain function and behaviour. The increasing amount of available information on the genomes of mammalian organisms, including our own, has facilitated this research. The present review focuses on a somewhat neglected area of genetics, one that involves the study of inbred mouse strains. It is argued that the use of inbred mice is complementary to transgenic approaches in the analysis of molecular mechanisms of complex traits. Whereas transgenic technology allows one to manipulate a single gene and investigate the in vivo effects of highly specific, artificially induced mutations, the study of inbred mouse strains should shed light on the roles of naturally occurring allelic variants in brain function and behaviour. Systematic characterization of the behavioural, electrophysiological, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical properties of a large number of inbred strains is required to elucidate mechanisms of mammalian brain function and behaviour. In essence, a 'mouse phenome' project is needed, entailing the construction of databases to investigate possible causal relationships amongst the phenotypical characteristics. This review focuses on electrophysiological and behavioural characterization of mouse strains. Nevertheless, it is emphasized that the full potential of the analysis of inbred mouse strains may be attained if techniques of numerous disciplines, including gene expression profiling, biochemical analysis, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, to name but a few, are also included.  相似文献   

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