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Wood structure and function of juvenile wood from 18 conifer species from four conifer families (Araucariaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinaceae and Podocarpaceae) were examined for a trade-off between wood reinforcement and hydraulic efficiency. Wood density and tracheid 'thickness-to-span' ratio were used as anatomical proxies for mechanical properties. The thickness:span represented the ratio of tracheid double wall thickness to lumen diameter. Hydraulic resistivity (R) of tracheids on a cross-sectional area basis (RCA) increased over 50-fold with increasing density and thickness:span, implying a strength versus efficiency conflict. The conflict arose because density and thickness:span were increased by narrowing tracheid diameter rather than by thickening walls, which may be developmentally difficult. In the Pinaceae and Cupressaceae species, density and thickness:span correlated strongly with protection from drought-induced embolism, suggesting that mechanical strength was required in part to withstand tracheid collapse by negative sap pressure. These species showed a corresponding trade-off between increasing RCA and embolism protection. In contrast, species of Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae were overbuilt for their embolism protection and were hydraulically inefficient, having greater density, thickness:span and RCA, none of which were correlated with vulnerability to embolism.  相似文献   

In order to understand the impact of drought and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) on tree growth, we evaluated the relative importance of direct and indirect effects of water availability on secondary growth and xylem anatomy of Juniperus thurifera, a Mediterranean anisohydric conifer. Dendrochronological techniques, quantitative xylem anatomy, and 13C/12C isotopic ratio were combined to develop standardized chronologies for iWUE, BAI (basal area increment), and anatomical variables on a 40-year-long annually resolved series for 20 trees. We tested the relationship between iWUE and secondary growth at short-term (annual) and long-term (decadal) temporal scales to evaluate whether gains in iWUE may lead to increases in secondary growth. We obtained a positive long-term correlation between iWUE and BAI, simultaneously with a negative short-term correlation between them. Furthermore, BAI and iWUE were correlated with anatomical traits related to carbon sink or storage (tracheid wall thickness and ray parenchyma amount), but no significant correlation with conductive traits (tracheid lumen) was found. Water availability during the growing season significantly modulated tree growth at the xylem level, where growth rates and wood anatomical traits were affected by June precipitation. Our results are consistent with a drought-induced limitation of tree growth response to rising CO2, despite the trend of rising iWUE being maintained. We also remark the usefulness of exploring this relationship at different temporal scales to fully understand the actual links between iWUE and secondary growth dynamics.  相似文献   

? Vulnerability to cavitation and conductive efficiency depend on xylem anatomy. We tested a large range of structure-function hypotheses, some for the first time, within a single genus to minimize phylogenetic 'noise' and maximize detection of functionally relevant variation. ? This integrative study combined in-depth anatomical observations using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy of seven Acer taxa, and compared these observations with empirical measures of xylem hydraulics. ? Our results reveal a 2 MPa range in species' mean cavitation pressure (MCP). MCP was strongly correlated with intervessel pit structure (membrane thickness and porosity, chamber depth), weakly correlated with pit number per vessel, and not related to pit area per vessel. At the tissue level, there was a strong correlation between MCP and mechanical strength parameters, and some of the first evidence is provided for the functional significance of vessel grouping and thickenings on inner vessel walls. In addition, a strong trade-off was observed between xylem-specific conductivity and MCP. Vessel length and intervessel wall characteristics were implicated in this safety-efficiency trade-off. ? Cavitation resistance and hydraulic conductivity in Acer appear to be controlled by a very complex interaction between tissue, vessel network and pit characteristics.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that greater safety from cavitation by air-seeding through inter-vessel pits comes at the cost of less porous pit membranes with greater flow resistance was tested . Sixteen vessel-bearing species were compared: 11 from the Rosaceae, four from other angiosperm families, and one fern. Unexpectedly, there was no relationship between pit resistance (and hence the prevailing membrane porosity) and cavitation pressure. There was, however, an inverse relationship between pit area per vessel and vulnerability to cavitation (r2 = 0.75). This suggests that cavitation is caused by the rare largest membrane pore per vessel, the average size of which increases with total pit area per vessel. If safety from cavitation constrains pit membrane surface area, it also limits vessel surface area and the minimum vessel resistivity. This trade-off was consistent with an approximately three-fold increase in vessel resistivity with cavitation pressure dropping from −0.8 to −6.6 MPa. The trade-off was compensated for by a reduction in the percentage of vessel wall pitted: from 10–16% in vulnerable species to 2–4% in resistant species. Across species, end-wall pitting accounted for 53 ± 3% of the total xylem resistivity. This corresponded to vessels achieving on average 94 ± 2% of their maximum possible conductivity if vessel surface area is constrained.  相似文献   

Recent work has suggested that plants differ in their relative reliance on structural avoidance of embolism versus maintenance of the xylem water column through dynamic traits such as capacitance, but we still know little about how and why species differ along this continuum. It is even less clear how or if different parts of a plant vary along this spectrum. Here we examined how traits such as hydraulic conductivity or conductance, xylem vulnerability curves, and capacitance differ in trunks, large‐ and small‐diameter branches, and foliated shoots of four species of co‐occurring conifers. We found striking similarities among species in most traits, but large differences among plant parts. Vulnerability to embolism was high in shoots, low in small‐ and large‐diameter branches, and high again in the trunks. Safety margins, defined as the pressure causing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity or conductance minus the midday water potential, were large in small‐diameter branches, small in trunks and negative in shoots. Sapwood capacitance increased with stem diameter, and was correlated with stem vulnerability, wood density and latewood proportion. Capacitive release of water is a dynamic aspect of plant hydraulics that is integral to maintenance of long‐distance water transport.  相似文献   

M. P. Denne  J. E. Wilson 《Planta》1977,134(3):223-228
The diameter and wall thickness of tracheids produced after indoleacetic acid treatment were not significantly different from those of the intact controls, for the first few weeks after treatment of disbudded shoots of Picea abies Karst. and Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. However, lateral application of indoleacetic acid (IAA) to intact shoots increased both tracheid diameter and wall thickness; it is suggested that IAA acted synergistically with another endogenous growth regulator, which was also removed by disbudding. Increase in wall thickness after exogenous IAA was associated with increase in duration of the wall thickening phase of tracheid differentiation; this is discussed in relation to the seasonal change from early to latewood. Cambial dormancy was induced by disbudding during active wood production. Since this occurred with or without the presence of current leaves, it is concluded that in Picea continued cambial activity depends upon supply of auxin from the buds, and cannot be supplied from expanded leaves or from the internode itself. Neither indoleacetic acid nor gibberellic acid stimulated renewed cambial activity when applied after the cessation of wood production. With both disbudded and intact shoots, the effectiveness of exogenous IAA declined with time, probably due to decreasing penetration through callus developing at the wounded surface. It is suggested that this apparent change in IAA effectiveness may explain some discrepancies between the results of previous observers.Abbreviations IAA Indoleacetic acid - GA3 Gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Plasticity in metabolic allometry: the role of dietary stoichiometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolism involves multiple elements. While we know much about the allometry in metabolic response of organisms to energy (carbon, C) availability, little is known about how different-sized organisms respond to the relative availability of elements. I experimentally manipulated availability of phosphorus (P) relative to C, to test whether dietary C : P affects metabolism in four species of Daphnia , spanning an order of magnitude in body mass. Results indicated that the slope of the relationship between individual respiration and body mass was M 0.83 under a balanced diet (C : P c. 150), and M 0.67 under an imbalanced diet (C : P c. 800). Increased respiration under dietary imbalance was not due to increased ingestion. The change in the scaling exponent was due to the greater respiratory response of smaller species to altered diets. Diet-induced metabolic plasticity contributes to variation in metabolic allometry, at least at such small scales of body size.  相似文献   

Ice formation in the xylem sap produces air bubbles that under negative xylem pressures may expand and cause embolism in the xylem conduits. We used the centrifuge method to evaluate the relationship between freeze-thaw embolism and conduit diameter across a range of xylem pressures (Px) in the conifers Pinus contorta and Juniperus scopulorum. Vulnerability curves showing loss of conductivity (embolism) with Px down to -8 MPa were generated with versus without superimposing a freeze-thaw treatment. In both species, the freeze-thaw plus water-stress treatment caused more embolism than water stress alone. We estimated the critical conduit diameter (Df) above which a tracheid will embolize due to freezing and thawing and found that it decreased from 35 microm at a Px of -0.5 MPa to 6 microm at -8 MPa. Further analysis showed that the proportionality between diameter of the air bubble nucleating the cavitation and the diameter of the conduit (kL) declined with increasingly negative Px. This suggests that the bubbles causing cavitation are smaller in proportion to tracheid diameter in narrow tracheids than in wider ones. A possible reason for this is that the rate of dissolving increases with bubble pressure, which is inversely proportional to bubble diameter (La Place's law). Hence, smaller bubbles shrink faster than bigger ones. Last, we used the empirical relationship between Px and Df to model the freeze-thaw response in conifer species.  相似文献   

Hydraulic vulnerability of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) branchlets decreases with height, allowing shoots at greater height to maintain hydraulic conductance (K shoot) at more negative leaf water potentials (Psi l). To determine the basis for this trend shoot hydraulic and tracheid anatomical properties of foliage from the tops of Douglas-fir trees were analysed along a height gradient from 5 to 55 m. Values of Psi l at which K shoot was substantially reduced, declined with height by 0.012 Mpa m(-1). Maximum K shoot was reduced by 0.082 mmol m(-2) MPa(-1) s(-1) for every 1 m increase in height. Total tracheid lumen area per needle cross-section, hydraulic mean diameter of leaf tracheid lumens, total number of tracheids per needle cross-section and leaf tracheid length decreased with height by 18.4 microm(2) m(-1), 0.029 microm m(-1), 0.42 m(-1) and 5.3 microm m(-1), respectively. Tracheid thickness-to-span ratio (tw/b)2 increased with height by 1.04 x 10(-3) m(-1) and pit number per tracheid decreased with height by 0.07 m(-1). Leaf anatomical adjustments that enhanced the ability to cope with vertical gradients of increasing xylem tension were attained at the expense of reduced water transport capacity and efficiency, possibly contributing to height-related decline in growth of Douglas fir.  相似文献   

Conifers are an excellent group in which to explore how changing ecological interactions may have influenced the allocation of reproductive tissues in seed plants over long time scales, because of their extensive fossil record and their important role in terrestrial ecosystems since the Palaeozoic. Measurements of individual conifer pollen-producing and seed-producing cones from the Pennsylvanian to the Recent show that the relative amount of tissue invested in pollen cones has remained constant through time, while seed cones show a sharp increase in proportional tissue investment in the Jurassic that has continued to intensify to the present day. Since seed size in conifers has remained similar through time, this increase reflects greater investment in protective cone tissues such as robust, tightly packed scales. This shift in morphology and tissue allocation is broadly concurrent with the appearance of new vertebrate groups capable of browsing in tree canopies, as well as a diversification of insect-feeding strategies, suggesting that an important change in plant-animal interactions occurred over the Mesozoic that favoured an increase in seed cone protective tissues.  相似文献   

Despite collecting copious amounts of data, wood anatomists rarely perform appropriate statistical analyses, especially in the case of categorical variables. Nevertheless, anatomists have succeeded in identifying strong ecological trends. We show that, with only a slightly more sophisticated analysis, the strength and significance of 'well-known' associations can be quantified, and new associations pinpointed. Using logistic regression to reanalyse the classic Carlquist and Hoekman data set for the southern Californian flora, we show strong support for the notion that true tracheid presence lowers vessel grouping; in contrast, vasicentric tracheids are associated with a diversity of vessel grouping strategies. We show that statistical models can refine anatomical interpretations by identifying unusual species. For example, Fremontodendron californicum and Baccharis salicifolia (=  B. glutinosa ) were identified as unusual in lacking vasicentric tracheids; a consultation of preparations revealed that they are indeed present. For purposes of ecological wood anatomy, anatomical terminology should reflect cell function; we suggest that terminological systems that yield better predictive power in statistical models such as ours are preferable. Finally, we make recommendations ranging from the statistical, e.g. the need to check assumptions and the need for the inclusion of phylogeny, to the biological, e.g. gathering data expressly designed to test functional hypotheses rather than all of the information in standardized lists.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 331–351.  相似文献   

Changes in hydraulic conductivity (K(h)) were measured in stems of Laurus nobilis L. during perfusion with KCl, NaCl or sucrose solutions. Ionic solutes induced marked increase of K(h) with respect to deionized water but sucrose had no effect. The kinetics of KCl-induced K(h) increase was measured together with changes in [K(+)] of the perfused solution. K(h) increases were paralleled by increases in the [K(+)](out)/[K(+)](in) ratio. Samples of different lengths or with increasing percentage loss of conductivity (PLC) due to xylem cavitation were tested, with the aim of increasing radial flow through intervessel pits. KCl solutions enhanced the K(h) of 12-cm-long samples with a concentration-dependent effect up to 100 mm KCl. DeltaK(h) increased from 3 to 30% in 1.5- and 12-cm-long samples, respectively and remained constant for longer samples. Increasing PLC induced an exponential increase in DeltaK(h). PLC measured with KCl solutions was significantly less than that measured with deionized water, suggesting that measurements of PLC can be affected by the composition of the perfused solution. Experiments support the hypothesis that the 'ionic effect' is mediated by physico-chemical changes of pectins of the pit membranes and raise the possibility that plants might alter the ionic composition of the xylem sap to alleviate the hydraulic impact of cavitation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

It is widely accepted that hydraulic failure due to xylem embolism is a key factor contributing to drought-induced mortality in trees. In the present study, an attempt is made to disentangle phenotypic plasticity from genetic variation in hydraulic traits across the entire distribution area of a tree species to detect adaptation to local environments.


A series of traits related to hydraulics (vulnerability to cavitation and hydraulic conductivity in branches), growth performance and leaf mass per area were assessed in eight Pinus canariensis populations growing in two common gardens under contrasting environments. In addition, the neutral genetic variability (FST) and the genetic differentiation of phenotypic variation (QST) were compared in order to identify the evolutionary forces acting on these traits.

Key Results

The variability for hydraulic traits was largely due to phenotypic plasticity. Nevertheless, the vulnerability to cavitation displayed a significant genetic variability (approx. 5 % of the explained variation), and a significant genetic × environment interaction (between 5 and 19 % of the explained variation). The strong correlation between vulnerability to cavitation and survival in the xeric common garden (r = –0·81; P < 0·05) suggests a role for the former in the adaptation to xeric environments. Populations from drier sites and higher temperature seasonality were less vulnerable to cavitation than those growing at mesic sites. No trade-off between xylem safety and efficiency was detected. QST of parameters of the vulnerability curve (0·365 for P50 and the slope of the vulnerability curve and 0·452 for P88) differed substantially from FST (0·091), indicating divergent selection. In contrast, genetic drift alone was found to be sufficient to explain patterns of differentiation for xylem efficiency and growth.


The ability of P. canariensis to inhabit a wide range of ecosystems seemed to be associated with high phenotypic plasticity and some degree of local adaptations of xylem and leaf traits. Resistance to cavitation conferred adaptive potential for this species to adapt successfully to xeric conditions.  相似文献   

缑旭东  冯卓 《古生物学报》2021,60(2):299-313
树木生长轮记录了植物生长期的气候环境信息及其生理响应过程,而这些信息可以通过定量分析生长轮的解剖学特征获得,因此生长轮的定量分析被广泛应用于林学、地理学、古气候学和古生物学等研究领域.我国虽然保存了丰富的木化石,但前人多从系统分类学角度研究木化石,而较少利用木化石生长轮定量分析方法开展古气候环境的研究.本文主要结合松柏...  相似文献   

The pit membrane in bordered pits of conifer tracheids is characterized by a porous margo and central thickening (torus), which is traditionally considered to function as an impermeable safety valve against air-seeding. However, electron microscopy based on 33 conifer species, including five families and 19 genera, reveals that pores occur in the torus of 13 of the species studied. The pores have a plasmodesmatal origin with an average diameter of 51 nm and grouped arrangement. Evidence for embolism spreading via pores in tori is supported by the pore sizes, which correspond relatively well with the pressure inducing cavitation. Predictions based on earlier correlations between pit structure and cavitation resistance were only weakly supported for species with punctured tori. Moreover, species with punctured tori are significantly less resistant to cavitation than species with non-punctured tori. Nevertheless, absolute pore diameters must be treated with caution and correlations between theoretical and measured air-seeding pressures are weak. Because most pores appear not to traverse the torus but are limited to one torus pad, only complete pores would trigger air-seeding. Embolism spreading through a leaky torus is not universal across gymnosperms and unlikely to represent the only air-seeding mechanism.  相似文献   

Current information on the type and amount of biopolymers present in the epidermis of conifer species is still insufficient. This work presents the detailed morphology and chemical composition of Araucaria bidwillii cuticle after selective treatments to remove the different types of biopolymers. After removal of the waxes, cutin and polar hydrolyzable components, a lignin-like fraction, which makes up 25% of the initial cuticle weight, was identified by GC-MS and infrared spectroscopy. The isolated lignin is of G type, mainly formed by guaiacyl units. This composition indicates that the conifer cuticle investigated here has similar composition to other conifer-isolated cuticles. Water sorption and desorption by the isolated cuticle and the different cuticle fractions, including lignin, were studied. The analysis of the isotherms, following distinct physicochemical models, gave useful information on the structural and physiological role of the different biopolymers present in the cuticle. Lignin fraction showed both a high water sorption and capability of retaining it in comparision to other cuticle components. Hysteresis effect on water sorption–desorption cycle and water cluster formations has also been studied, and their physiological role discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Wood ants ( Formica paralugubris ) incorporate large amounts of solidified conifer resin into their nest, which reduces the density of many bacteria and fungi and protects the ants against some detrimental micro-organisms. By inducing an environment unfavourable to pathogens, the presence of resin may allow workers to reduce the use of their immune system.
2. The present study tested the hypothesis that the presence of resin decreases the immune activity of wood ants. Specifically, three components of the humoral immune defences of workers kept in resin-rich and resin-free experimental nests (antibacterial, lytic, and prophenoloxidase activities) were compared.
3. The presence of resin was associated with reduced bacterial and fungal densities in nest material and with a small decrease in worker antibacterial and lytic activities. The prophenoloxidase activity was very low in all workers and was not affected by the presence of resin.
4. These results suggest that collective medication with resin reduces pathogen pressure, which in turn decreases the use of the inducible part of the immune system. More generally, the use of plant secondary compounds might be an efficient and economical way to fight pathogens.  相似文献   

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