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近年来植物基因组测序物种数量的指数增长, 为我们对植物环境适应性状的遗传和变异的全面理解提供了保障。磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白(phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein, PEBP)在植物的开花转变和株型建立中起着重要作用, 一直是植物生物学研究关注的热点领域之一。然而对该家族并没有利用新近测序的基因组数据进行比较基因组分析, 制约了对其在分子水平上的进化研究。为了确定PEBP基因家族的分子进化机制, 本研究利用生物信息学方法开展了7种十字花科植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、琴叶拟南芥(A. lyrata)、小鼠耳芥(A. pumila)、亚麻荠(Camelina sativa)、甘蓝(Brassica oleracea)、白菜(B. rapa)和油菜(B. napus)的PEBP基因家族成员的全基因组鉴定、结构特征和比较进化分析。从7个物种中共鉴定出91个PEBP基因, 系统进化分析表明它们分属5个亚家族: MFTFT/TSF、TFL1、CENBFT。基因结构分析发现甘蓝、白菜和油菜的CEN基因内含子明显比其余4个物种的内含子长。蛋白结构域分析表明MFT比其他4个亚家族成员少了一个motif 2, TFL1比其他亚家族多了motif 8。选择压力分析发现7个物种PEBP同源基因均受到较强的纯化选择, 其中TFL1亚家族受到的纯化选择最弱。共线性分析表明十字花科植物PEBP基因家族随古代多倍体事件发生不同程度的扩张, TSF在甘蓝、白菜和油菜中丢失。非生物胁迫下, 在拟南芥中过量表达小鼠耳芥的一个MFT基因, 转基因拟南芥种子的萌发率明显低于野生型, 暗示MFT基因在调控种子萌发上的功能保守。本研究为深入研究十字花科植物PEBP基因的进化特征和生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Globin gene family evolution and functional diversification in annelids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globins are the most common type of oxygen-binding protein in annelids. In this paper, we show that circulating intracellular globin (Alvinella pompejana and Glycera dibranchiata), noncirculating intracellular globin (Arenicola marina myoglobin) and extracellular globin from various annelids share a similar gene structure, with two conserved introns at canonical positions B12.2 and G7.0. Despite sequence divergence between intracellular and extracellular globins, these data strongly suggest that these three globin types are derived from a common ancestral globin-like gene and evolved by duplication events leading to diversification of globin types and derived functions. A phylogenetic analysis shows a distinct evolutionary history of annelid extracellular hemoglobins with respect to intracellular annelid hemoglobins and mollusc and arthropod extracellular hemoglobins. In addition, dehaloperoxidase (DHP) from the annelid, Amphitrite ornata, surprisingly exhibits close phylogenetic relationships to some annelid intracellular globins. We have characterized the gene structure of A. ornata DHP to confirm assumptions about its homology with globins. It appears that it has the same intron position as in globin genes, suggesting a common ancestry with globins. In A. ornata, DHP may be a derived globin with an unusual enzymatic function.  相似文献   

Cyclins are key regulators of cell cycle progression. Previous studies have shown that cyclin genes in plants can be divided into 10 groups. However, because those studies only focused on genes from two well-known model plants (i.e., Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and Oryza sativa L.), it remains unclear whether the 10 groups are reasonably defined. In this study, by analyzing the genomes of 10 representative plants (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang, Physcomitrella patens(Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron., Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., Amborella trichopoda Baill., A. thaliana, Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray ex Hook., Vitis vinifera L., O. sativa, and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), we estimated the phylogenetic relationships of plant cyclins and investigated their evolutionary patterns. We confirmed that plant cyclins can be classified into 10 groups, although only eight ancestral genes may have existed in the most recent common ancestor of extant green plants. We also found that, due to the frequent occurrences of gene duplication events, several groups have expanded extensively in seed plants and, particularly, flowering plants, so that multiple genes belonging to different subgroups are present in a species. Reconciliation of the evolutionary histories of these groups and subgroups further led to the identification of evolutionarily highly conserved and rapidly duplicating gene lineages. These results will guide the classification and nomenclature of plant cyclins and help understand the conservativeness and variation in their functions.  相似文献   

Early evolution of the MFT-like gene family in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angiosperm genes sharing a conserved phosphatidylethanolamine-binding (PEPB) domain have been shown to be involved in the control of shoot meristem identity and flowering time. The family is divided into three subfamilies, FT-like, TFL1-like and MFT-like. This study is focused on the evolution of the MFT-like clade, suggested to be ancestral to the two other clades. We report that the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens and the lycopod Selaginella moellendorfii contain four and two MFT-like genes respectively. Neither species have any FT or TFL1-like genes. Furthermore, we have identified a new subclade of MFT-like genes in Angiosperms. Quantitative expression analysis of MFT-like genes in Physcomitrella patens reveals that the expression patterns are circadian and reaches maximum in gametangia and sporophytes. Our data suggest that the occurrence FT and TFL1-like genes, is associated with the evolution of seed plants. Expression data for Physcomitrella MFT-like genes implicates an involvement in the development of reproductive tissues in the moss.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristems (SAMs) of land plants are crucial for plant growth and organ formation. In several angiosperms, the HAIRY MERISTEM (HAM) genes function as key regulators that control meristem development and stem cell homeostasis. To date, the origin and evolutionary history of the HAM family in land plants remains unclear. Potentially shared and divergent functions of HAM family members from angiosperms and non-angiosperms are also not known. In constructing a comprehensive phylogeny of the HAM family, we show that HAM proteins are widely present in land plants and that HAM proteins originated prior to the divergence of bryophytes. The HAM family was duplicated in a common ancestor of angiosperms, leading to two distinct groups: type I and type II. Type-II HAM members are widely present in angiosperms, whereas type-I HAM members were independently lost in different orders of monocots. Furthermore, HAM members from angiosperms and non-angiosperms (including bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns and gymnosperms) are able to replace the role of the type-II HAM genes in Arabidopsis, maintaining established SAMs and promoting the initiation of new stem cell niches. Our results uncover the conserved functions of HAM family members and reveal the conserved regulatory mechanisms underlying HAM expression patterning in meristems, providing insight into the evolution of key stem cell regulators in land plants.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the complete mosquito Anopheles gambiae genome has revealed a far higher number of opsin genes than for either the Drosophila melanogaster genome or any other known insect. In particular, the analysis revealed an extraordinary opsin gene content expansion, whereby half are long wavelength-sensitive (LW) opsin gene duplicates. We analyzed this genomic data in relationship to other known insect opsins to estimate the relative timing of the LW opsin gene duplications and to identify "missing" paralogs in extant species. The inferred branching patterns of the LW opsin gene family phylogeny indicate at least one early gene duplication within insects before the emergence of the orders Orthoptera, Mantodea, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera. These data predict the existence of one more LW opsin gene than is currently known from most insects. We tested this prediction by using a degenerate PCR strategy to screen the hymenopteran genome for novel LW opsin genes. We isolated two LW opsin gene sequences from each of five bee species, Bombus impatiens, B. terrestris, Diadasia afflicta, D. rinconis, and Osmia rufa, including 1.1 to 1.2 kb from a known (LW Rh1) and 1 kb from a new opsin gene (LW Rh2). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the novel hymenopteran gene is orthologous to A. gambiae GPRop7, a gene that is apparently missing from D. melanogaster. Relative rate tests show that LW Rh2 is evolving at a slower rate than LW Rh1 and, therefore, may be a useful marker for higher-level hymenopteran systematics. Site-specific rate tests indicate the presence of several amino acid sites between LW Rh1 and LW Rh2 that have undergone shifts in selective constraints after duplication. These sites and others are discussed in relationship to putative structural and functional differences between the two genes.  相似文献   

In the Metazoa, globin proteins display an underlying unity in tertiary structure that belies an extraordinary diversity in primary structures, biochemical properties, and physiological functions. Phylogenetic reconstructions can reveal which of these functions represent novel, lineage-specific innovations, and which represent ancestral functions that are shared with homologous globin proteins in other eukaryotes and even prokaryotes. To date, our understanding of globin diversity in deuterostomes has been hindered by a dearth of genomic sequence data from the Ambulacraria (echinoderms + hemichordates), the sister group of chordates, and the phylum Xenacoelomorpha, which includes xenoturbellids, acoelomorphs, and nemertodermatids. Here, we report the results of a phylogenetic and comparative genomic analysis of the globin gene repertoire of deuterostomes. We first characterized the globin genes of the acorn worm, Saccoglossus kowalevskii, a representative of the phylum Hemichordata. We then integrated genomic sequence data from the acorn worm into a comprehensive analysis of conserved synteny and phylogenetic relationships among globin genes from representatives of the eight lineages that comprise the superphylum Deuterostomia. The primary aims were 1) to unravel the evolutionary history of the globin gene superfamily in deuterostomes and 2) to use the estimated phylogeny to gain insights into the functional evolution of deuterostome globins. Results of our analyses indicate that the deuterostome common ancestor possessed a repertoire of at least four distinct globin paralogs and that different subsets of these ancestral genes have been retained in each of the descendant organismal lineages. In each major deuterostome group, a different subset of ancestral precursor genes underwent lineage-specific expansions of functional diversity through repeated rounds of gene duplication and divergence. By integrating results of the phylogenetic analysis with available functional data, we discovered that circulating oxygen-transport hemoglobins evolved independently in several deuterostome lineages and that intracellular nerve globins evolved independently in chordates and acoelomorph worms.  相似文献   

Barraclough and co-workers (in a paper published in 1996) observed that there was a significant positive correlation between the rate of evolution of the rbcL chloroplast gene within families of flowering plants and the number of species in those families. We tested three additional data sets of our own (based on both plastid and nuclear genes) and used methods designed specifically for the comparison of sister families (based on random speciation and extinction). We show that, over all sister groups, the correlation between the rate of gene evolution and an increased diversity is not always present. Despite tending towards a positive association, the observation of individual probabilities presents a U-shaped distribution of association (i.e. it can be either significantly positive or negative). We discuss the influence of both phylogenetic sampling and applied taxonomies on the results.  相似文献   

Function and evolution of the plant MADS-box gene family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The function of MADS-box genes in flower and fruit development has been uncovered at a rapid pace over the past decade. Evolutionary biologists can now analyse the expression pattern of MADS-box genes during the development of different plant species, and study the homology of body parts and the evolution of body plans. These studies have shown that floral development is conserved among divergent species, and indicate that the basic mechanism of floral patterning might have evolved in an ancient flowering plant.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis class III homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip III) proteins play overlapping, distinct, and antagonistic roles in key aspects of development that have evolved during land plant evolution. To better understand this gene family's role in plant evolution and development as well as to address broader questions of how duplicated genes functionally diversify, we investigated the evolutionary history of this gene family. Phylogenetic analyses including homologs from diverse land plants indicate that a gene duplication event before the angiosperm--gymnosperm split gave rise to two gene lineages that diversified during angiosperm plant radiation. Heterologous expression of an HD-Zip III gene from the nonvascular plant moss within the Arabidopsis HD-zip III revoluta mutant modified but did not complement the phenotype. Comparison of the expression domains of flowering and nonflowering plant homologs indicate an ancestral role in vascular development and organ initiation but not in specifying organ polarity, a prominent role for angiosperm homologs.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the sequences of soybean leghemoglobin genes as an initial step toward understanding their mode of evolution. Alignment of the sequences of plant globin genes with those of animals reveals that (i) based on the proportion of nucleotide substitutions that have occurred at the first, second, and third codon positions, the time of divergence of plant and animal globin gene families appears to be extremely remote (between 900 million and 1.4 billion years ago, if one assumes constancy of evolutionary rate in both the plant and animal lineages) and (ii) in addition to the normal regulatory sequences on the 5 end, an approximately 30-base-pair sequence, specific to globin genes, that surrounds the cap site is conserved between the plant and animal globin genes. Comparison of the leghemoglobin sequences with one another shows that (i) the relative amount of sequence divergence in various coding and noncoding regions is roughly similar to that found for animal globin genes and (ii) as in animal globin genes, the positions of insertions and deletions in the intervening sequences often coincide with the locations of direct repeats. Thus, the mode of evolution of the plant globin genes appears to resemble, in many ways, that of their animal counterparts. We contrast the overall intergenic organization of the plant globin genes with that of animal genes, and discuss the possibility of the concerted evolution of the leghemoglobin genes.  相似文献   



Whenever different data sets arrive at conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses, only testable causal explanations of sources of errors in at least one of the data sets allow us to critically choose among the conflicting hypotheses of relationships. The large (28S) and small (18S) subunit rRNAs are among the most popular markers for studies of deep phylogenies. However, some nodes supported by this data are suspected of being artifacts caused by peculiarities of the evolution of these molecules. Arthropod phylogeny is an especially controversial subject dotted with conflicting hypotheses which are dependent on data set and method of reconstruction. We assume that phylogenetic analyses based on these genes can be improved further i) by enlarging the taxon sample and ii) employing more realistic models of sequence evolution incorporating non-stationary substitution processes and iii) considering covariation and pairing of sites in rRNA-genes.


We analyzed a large set of arthropod sequences, applied new tools for quality control of data prior to tree reconstruction, and increased the biological realism of substitution models. Although the split-decomposition network indicated a high noise content in the data set, our measures were able to both improve the analyses and give causal explanations for some incongruities mentioned from analyses of rRNA sequences. However, misleading effects did not completely disappear.


Analyses of data sets that result in ambiguous phylogenetic hypotheses demand for methods, which do not only filter stochastic noise, but likewise allow to differentiate phylogenetic signal from systematic biases. Such methods can only rely on our findings regarding the evolution of the analyzed data. Analyses on independent data sets then are crucial to test the plausibility of the results. Our approach can easily be extended to genomic data, as well, whereby layers of quality assessment are set up applicable to phylogenetic reconstructions in general.  相似文献   



The 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductases (OPRs) are enzymes that catalyze the reduction of double-bonds in α, β -unsaturated aldehydes or ketones and are part of the octadecanoid pathway that converts linolenic acid to jasmonic acid. In plants, OPRs belong to the old yellow enzyme family and form multigene families. Although discoveries about this family in Arabidopsis and other species have been reported in some studies, the evolution and function of multiple OPRs in plants are not clearly understood.  相似文献   

Most multicellular organisms regulate developmental transitions by microRNAs, which are generated by an enzyme, Dicer. Insects and fungi have two Dicer-like genes, and many animals have only one, yet the plant, Arabidopsis, has four. Examining the poplar and rice genomes revealed that they contain five and six Dicer-like genes, respectively. Analysis of these genes suggests that plants require a basic set of four Dicer types which were present before the divergence of mono- and dicotyledonous plants ( approximately 200 million years ago), but after the divergence of plants from green algae. A fifth type of Dicer seems to have evolved in monocots.  相似文献   

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