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Climate warming predicts changes to the frequency and height of cloud-immersion events in mountain communities. Threatened southern Appalachian spruce–fir forests have been suggested to persist because of frequent periods of cloud immersion. These relic forests exist on only seven mountaintop areas, grow only above ca. 1,500 m elevation (maximum 2,037 m), and harbor the endemic Abies fraseri. To predict future distribution, we examined the ecophysiological effects of cloud immersion on saplings of A. fraseri and Picea rubens at their upper and lower elevational limits. Leaf photosynthesis, conductance, transpiration, xylem water potentials, and general abiotic variables were measured simultaneously on individuals at the top (1,960 m) and bottom (1,510 m) of their elevation limits on numerous clear and cloud-immersed days throughout the growing season. The high elevation sites had 1.5 as many cloud-immersed days (75 % of days) as the low elevation sites (56 % of days). Cloud immersion resulted in higher photosynthesis, leaf conductance, and xylem water potentials, particularly during afternoon measurements. Leaf conductance remained higher throughout the day with corresponding increases in photosynthesis and transpiration, despite low photon flux density levels, leading to an increase in water potentials from morning to afternoon. The endemic A. fraseri had a greater response in carbon gain and water balance in response to cloud immersion. Climate models predict warmer temperatures with a decrease in the frequency of cloud immersion for this region, leading to an environment on these peaks similar to elevations where spruce–fir communities currently do not exist. Because spruce–fir communities may rely on cloud immersion for improved carbon gain and water conservation, an upslope shift is likely if cloud ceilings rise. Their ultimate survival will likely depend on the magnitude of changes in cloud regimes.  相似文献   

Canopy gap area/age distributions and growth mechanisms were examined in a virgin subalpine forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA. The gap area distribution was negative exponential in form. Whithin gap tree ages varied widely in response to stepwise gap expansion caused by windthrow of peripheral trees or death of standing mature Picea rubens at gap edges. As a consequence, the density of small gaps may have been underestimated and the density of large gaps overestimated. The estimates of canopy turnover time, 303 yr, and of patch birth rate on an area basis, 3.3×10-3 ha new patches/ha land area/yr, were not affected by the gap expansion phenomenon. However, any estimate of patch birth rate as numbers of new patches formed per year would have been too low. Because of increasingly widespread Picea death, the patch area/age distribution of this forest may not currently be in steady-state.  相似文献   

Aims Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition in tropical regions may accelerate ecosystem phosphorus (P) limitation. However, it is not explicitly addressed that how changes in soil N and P availability affect foliar nutrients and photosynthesis of plants in tropical forests. In this study, we examined the effects of N and P additions on foliar nutrients and net photosynthesis of two dominant understory species, Randia canthioides (R. canthioides) and Cryptocarya concinna (C. concinna) in an N-saturated old-growth tropical forest (>400-year-old) in southern China.Methods A full factorial NP addition experiment (2×2) was established in 2007 and continued through August 2010. Four treatments, including control, N addition (150kg N ha-1 year-1), P addition (150kg P ha-1 year-1) and NP addition (150kg N ha-1 year-1 plus 150kg P ha-1 year-1) were set up in this experiment. Photosynthetic traits (maximum photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A max), stomatal conductance (g s), leaf transpiration (E), light saturating point, concentrations of chlorophyll a/b and foliar nutrients (N and P) of the two species were measured with standard methods.Important findings Three years of N addition had no significant effects on any measured photosynthetic parameter of either species. However, N addition significantly elevated foliar N and P concentrations of one species (R. canthioides), resulting in lower photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE). N treatments decreased foliar P concentration of the other (C. concinna), resulting in increased photosynthetic phosphorus use efficiency, which was potentially related to N-induced P shortage. In contrast, positive effects of P treatments on g s of R. canthioides, A max and chlorophyll a+b of C. concinna were observed. P treatments also elevated foliar P and PNUE of both species, implying P induced more efficient use of N. Our results suggested a more important role of P than N on influencing photosynthetic traits of these two understory species. Alleviation of P shortage through P addition may enhance photosynthetic performances of some understory species in N-rich tropical forests.  相似文献   

Summary Leaves were sampled in a successional, southern Appalachian forest to estimate autumn foliar nutrient dynamics. Resorption of N and P in a successional forest equaled, or exceeded, resorption estimates for a more mature control forest. Foliar nutrient leaching was not sufficient to account for changes in autumn leaf N, P, Ca and Mg concentrations. The resorption process conserves nutrients by reducing nutrient losses from leaching and litter-fall, thereby closing the nutrient cycle in successional forests. We hypothesize that rapid recovery of primary productivity early in forest regeneration is the result of maximum nutrient resorption of limiting nutrients. Implications of these results for successional nutrient cycling theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Cherokeea gen. n. is proposed for a rarely collected apameine moth species from the southern Appalachian Mountains, C. attakullakulla sp. n. It is recorded from foothills and lower montane habitats of North Carolina and Georgia where hill cane, Arundinaria appalachiana Triplett, Weakley & L.G. Clark is found. Adults and their genitalia are figured and a mtDNA barcode sequence is given.  相似文献   

* A lack of data on responses of mature tree growth and water use to ambient ozone (O(3)) concentrations has been a major limitation in efforts to understand and model responses of forests to current and future changes in climate. * Here, hourly to seasonal patterns of stem growth and sap flow velocity were examined in mature trees from a mixed deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee (USA) to evaluate the effects of variations in ambient O(3) exposure and climate on patterns of stem growth and water use. * Ambient O(3) caused a periodic slowdown in seasonal growth patterns that was attributable in part to amplification of diurnal patterns of water loss in tree stems. This response was mediated by statistically significant increases in O(3)-induced daily sap flow and led to seasonal losses in stem growth of 30-50% for most species in a high-O(3) year. * Decreased growth and increased water use of mature forest trees under episodically high ambient O(3) concentrations suggest that O(3) will amplify the adverse effects of increasing temperatures on forest growth and forest hydrology.  相似文献   

AimsFire and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition have the potential to influence growth and productivity of forest canopy. However, their impacts on photosynthesis and growth traits of understory plants in forests remain largely unexplored. This study was conducted to examine the effects of burning and N addition on foliar N content, net photosynthesis and growth traits of three dominant shrub species (Vitex negundo,Lindera glaucaandSymplocos chinensis) in a temperate forest in Central China.  相似文献   

We investigated avian nest distribution and success in understoryforest, sun coffee plantations, and pasture in southern Costa Rica. Nestsearching occurred in plantations and forest in 1999 and 2000 and in pastures in2000. Nests were monitored until they failed or fledged young. Antbirds(Thamnophilidae) were the most common understory forest nesters and were notfound nesting in the plantations or pastures. Common nesting species in theplantations included Turdidae, Tyrannidae, Cardinalidae, and Thraupidae, many ofwhich are typical of forest edge/canopy or open, scrubby habitats. Two speciesassociated with forest interior, Henicorhina leucostictaand Buarremon brunneinucha, were found nesting in theplantations. Pastures supported similar types of nesting species as theplantations, with the exception of the forest-interior species. Daily mortalityrates (DMRs) for above-ground cup-nesting species in plantations and pastureswere similar to those for species nesting in forest at our site and a site inPanama. The results indicate that conversion from forest to pastures and suncoffee plantations diminishes nesting habitat for forest-interior species, whilenumerous forest edge/canopy species and open-country species are able to nest inthese agricultural land-cover types. As a group, species nesting in theplantations and pastures do not have unusually high nest mortality rates,although species-specific studies are lacking. Nesting species distributionsacross habitat types and DMRs at our study site may be influenced by the largeamount of forest in the landscape.  相似文献   

南方丘陵人工林林下植物种间关系分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在2×2联列表的基础上,应用X2检验和联结系数,检测南方丘陵人工林林下植物种间关系,以期分析南方丘陵人工林植被恢复程度及其稳定性.结果表明,灌草两层联结程度达到显著的种对很少;灌木层极显著的有12种对,显著的有19种对,其余200种对联结程度不显著;草本层极显著和显著各有11种对,其余83种对联结程度不显著.按组间联系及种间的正负关联性,灌木层植物可分为2个种组:Ⅰ.四川红淡比、三叶赤楠、乌饭树、满树星、长托菝葜、格药柃;Ⅱ.大叶胡枝子、白马骨、牡荆.种组Ⅰ与种组Ⅱ之间许多种群间存在显著负关联.优势种往往在种间关系中起着关键作用.草本层优势种狗脊蕨、暗鳞鳞毛蕨、扇叶铁线蕨之间存在极显著正关联,且与多种群存在极显著或显著正关联;灌木层中2个种组均以优势种为联结核心.灌草层中正负关联的比例反映了灌木层和草本层物种处在动态变化中.灌木层正负关联比例为125/10,草本层42/3.最后分析了种间联结方法的几个缺陷,并对该方法的使用提出建议.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Effects of forest clearcutting on rates of leaf breakdown were studied in Big Hurricane Branch, a second-order stream located at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Breakdown rates of leaves of three tree species were measured in the stream before, during and after the catchment was clearcut. Changes in the stream attributable to logging and associated activities—principally road building—were increased stream flow, increased sediment transport, elevated water temperatures, increased nitrate concentrations and decreased allochthonous organic inputs. Breakdown rates of all three leaf species were slowed during clearcutting and accelerated later. Following logging the breakdown rate of dogwood leaves was equal to the pre-treatment rate, and white oak and rhododendron leaves broke down faster than prior to treatment. We attribute the slow breakdown during treatment to burial of the leaf packs in sediment. Subsequent acceleration may have been due to a lack of alternative food sources for invertebrate detritivores.  相似文献   

任玫玫  杨华 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3089-3097
优势种是植物群落各层次中占优势的植物种,混交林优势树种竞争关系的研究对合理经营混交林具有重要意义.本研究在吉林省汪清县金沟岭林场内,选择立地条件一致的云冷杉天然林,设置大小100 m×100 m样地.首先,用优势度分析法确定群落优势树种;其次,以优势树种为对象木,采用可描述单株林木侧方上方、种内种间竞争强度的林木竞争指数分析优势树种的竞争关系.结果表明: 该云冷杉天然林有3个优势树种:臭冷杉、红皮云杉、红松.样地中,小径级林木较多,群落林木趋于小龄化,3个优势树种的竞争树种主要有臭冷杉、红皮云杉、红松、枫桦、紫椴、青楷槭和白桦.3个优势树种受到的竞争最激烈的是臭冷杉(1412.48),其次是红皮云杉(439.17)、红松(245.28),都主要承受侧方挤占,臭冷杉、红皮云杉、红松的侧方挤占分别占各优势树种竞争强度的64.9%、65.2%、66.0%;3个优势树种侧方上方平均竞争强度大致随个体胸径的增大而减少,小径级林木的侧方上方平均竞争强度几乎相等,对象木径级越大,所承受的侧方挤占比例越大,大径级林木几乎不承受上方遮盖;3个优势树种的侧方上方竞争主要来源于臭冷杉、红皮云杉、红松、紫椴、枫桦、青楷槭和白桦.3个优势树种种间竞争均比种内竞争激烈,臭冷杉、红皮云杉、红松的种间竞争分别占各优势树种竞争强度的58.4%、87.1%、83.7%,且竞争强度大致随个体胸径的增大而减少.  相似文献   

Little ecological information is available on small mammals inhabiting wetlands in the southern Appalachian mountains of the USA. These wetland systems are becoming rare features in southern landscapes due to human activities. We investigated the small mammal fauna and examined the microhabitat associations of the two most abundant species in a southern Appalachian fen. Four species of small mammals were captured: the meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius), short-tailed shrew ( Blarina brevicauda), white-footed mouse ( Peromyscus leucopus), and golden mouse ( Ochrotomys nuttalli). Peromyscus and Ochrotomys, which were caught in the largest numbers, preferred sites characterized by moderate herbaceous cover and substantial canopy closure. Peromyscus, however, selected areas with greater canopy closure and higher tree densities, suggesting that they are greater habitat specialists than Ochrotomys in this wetland community.  相似文献   

* Documentation of the degree and direction of effects of ozone on transpiration of canopies of mature forest trees is critically needed to model ozone effects on forest water use and growth in a warmer future climate. * Patterns of sap flow in stems and soil moisture in the rooting zones of mature trees, coupled with late-season streamflow in three forested watersheds in east Tennessee, USA, were analyzed to determine relative influences of ozone and other climatic variables on canopy physiology and streamflow patterns. * Statistically significant increases in whole-tree canopy conductance, depletion of soil moisture in the rooting zone, and reduced late-season streamflow in forested watersheds were detected in response to increasing ambient ozone levels. * Short-term changes in canopy water use and empirically modeled streamflow patterns over a 23-yr observation period suggest that current ambient ozone exposures may exacerbate the frequency and level of negative effects of drought on forest growth and stream health.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of a forest disturbance were investigated by comparing production of leaf-shredding aquatic insects in three streams draining a mature hardwood forest and three streams draining an 11-year-old, cable-logged clearcut.
  • 2 Reference streams contained significantly greater mean annual standing crop of leaf material and significantly more slow-processing leaf material than disturbed streams. Disturbed streams had a significantly higher mean annual standing crop of fast-processing leaf material than the reference streams.
  • 3 Leaf-shredding cranefly (Tipula abdominalis), caddisfly (Pycnopsyche gentilis), and stonefly (Tallaperla maria) larvae comprised over 95% of shredder biomass in all streams. Total shredder production was significantly greater (P<0.05) in disturbed versus reference streams, but individual production rates were not significantly different between stream types.
  • 4 Pycnopsyche gentilis larvae were present at higher densities and achieved significantly greater annual biomass in disturbed versus references streams, Biomass of P. gentilis was significantly correlated with the standing crop of fast-processing, early successional leaf material in samples, whereas biomass of other shredders was correlated significantly with medium or slow-processing leaf species characteristic of later stages of forest succession.

Larval production of ten species of Hydropsychidae and Philipotamidae was studied at six stations along 6.4 km of a southern Appalachian stream, encompassing stream orders 1–4 and a 600 m elevation change. Species-specific production estimates ranged from 23–983 mg AFDM m?2 yr?1 These low values are attributed to the paucity of nutrients in these undisturbed headwater streams which reduces detrital food quality, algal growth, and production of smaller invertebrates eaten by hydropsychids. Animal food supported the majority of hydropsychid production (72%); philopotamids relied primarily on fine detritus (80%) and diatoms (15%). The contribution of animal food to caddisfly production decreased downstream, while the relative importance of filamentous algae and diatoms increased. These changes reflect the downstream decline of more carnivorous species, as well as increased primary production which accompanies the shift in lotic community metabolism from heterotrophy towards autotrophy with increasing stream order. Net-spinning caddisflies had a minor impact on seston quantity, consuming only 0.0003%-0.005% of the total seston (including invertebrate drift) passing over a m2 of substrate annually. In contrast, the percentage of invertebrate drift consumed was, on the average, > 400 × higher than total seston consumption. These insects influence seston quality rather than quantity. The percentage of total seston and animal drift consumed declined downstream, indicating that turnover lengths of these materials increase with stream order. Longer turnover lengths or “spirals” result from changes in the physical characteristics of the stream, i.e., increasing discharge and stream power and decreasing numbers of retention devices (i.e., organic debris dams), which increase the downstream transport velocity of seston. Higher transport velocities reduce the rates at which these filter feeding caddisflies can process the organic inputs to a given reach of stream. Small streams (orders 1–3) appear to be most responsible for efficient processing of a stream's energy inputs.  相似文献   

We made intensive samplings to study the seasonal response of spiders across different forest strata (ground and understory) in a tropical mountain cloud forest from Mexico. We sampled spiders from ten plots in six sampling events during the dry and rainy season, to analyze their abundance, structure (distribution of abundance among species), diversity and the response of the five dominant species at each stratum. Results demonstrated that seasonal patterns of spider communities differed among strata, revealing a complex spatiotemporal dynamic. Abundance, structure, diversity of ground spiders, as well as the responses of four dominant species at this stratum, showed low seasonal variations. In contrast, a strong seasonal variation was observed for the understory assemblage, with lowest abundance and highest diversity in the rainy season, and different assemblage structures for each season. Seasonal patterns of each assemblage seem linked to the responses of their dominant species. We found high co‐occurrence among most of the ground dominant species with similar habitat use and with multivoltine patterns, contrasting with low co‐occurrence among most of the understory dominant species with similar habitat use and univoltine patterns. Our results showed that the spiders’ assemblages of tropical mountain cloud forest (opposed to what is found in temperate and boreal forests) increase their species richness with the height, and that their responses to seasonal change differ between strata. Management programs of these habitats should consider the spatial and temporal variations found here, as a better understanding of their ecological dynamics is required to support their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated changes in the composition and abundance of understory species after fire in the southern boreal forest around Lake Duparquet, Québec. Ten plots of 100 m2 were sampled in each of eight sites varying in post-fire age from 26 to 230 yr, with 20 1-m2 quadrats in each of these 80 plots. Variation in the understory was described by DCA ordination and interpreted as a regeneration succession series. Thickness of the organic layers, stand age and canopy composition were all correlated with vegetational change. This change was not constant throughout succession; some old sites showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of certain pioneer species. This was partly related to openings in the canopy resulting from a major outbreak of spruce budworm, which affected sites dominated by Abies balsamea. The ordinations were performed on both the 100-m2 plots and the 1-m2 quadrats. Heterogeneity within sites was larger at the 1-m2 scale and there was a great deal of overlap in the position of the quadrats in ordination space. At the smaller scale of analysis, stand age and thickness of the organic layers were not correlated with the changes observed in the understory.  相似文献   

Relationships between microhabitat variables; understory light conditions in summer and winter, altitude, slope inclination and topographic categories (valley, ridge, and slope) and the distribution of Aucuba japonica Thunb. (Cornaceae), a common understory shrub species in Japan were examined using non-contagious 66, 20 × 20 m2 quadrats. The Morishita’s I δ suggested that A. japonica distributions were strongly heterogeneous among the quadrats. Therefore positive spatial autocorrelation of A. japonica at a within-quadrat level (≤20 m) was obvious. Moran’s I statistics showed a significant positive spatial autocorrelation in A. japonica abundance within the distance shorter than 60 m. But the partial Mantel tests suggested that the mass effect from neighboring quadrats would little explain A. japonica abundance in a quadrat. The partial Mantel tests also clearly showed that A. japonica distributions were strongly structured by topography and understory light conditions. Using Monte Carlo randomization tests, we found that A. japonica was aggregately distributed in quadrats in valley which were covered by deciduous canopies. Better understory light conditions in winter together with valley edaphic conditions may increase the abundance of A. japonica there. It is concluded that habitat niche specialization is important in structuring distribution of A. japonica in this forest community.  相似文献   

Although species delimitation can be highly contentious, the development of reliable methods to accurately ascertain species boundaries is an imperative step in cataloguing and describing Earth's quickly disappearing biodiversity. Spider species delimitation remains largely based on morphological characters; however, many mygalomorph spider populations are morphologically indistinguishable from each other yet have considerable molecular divergence. The focus of our study, the Antrodiaetus unicolor species complex containing two sympatric species, exhibits this pattern of relative morphological stasis with considerable genetic divergence across its distribution. A past study using two molecular markers, COI and 28S, revealed that A. unicolor is paraphyletic with respect to A. microunicolor. To better investigate species boundaries in the complex, we implement the cohesion species concept and use multiple lines of evidence for testing genetic exchangeability and ecological interchangeability. Our integrative approach includes extensively sampling homologous loci across the genome using a RADseq approach (3RAD), assessing population structure across their geographic range using multiple genetic clustering analyses that include structure , principal components analysis and a recently developed unsupervised machine learning approach (Variational Autoencoder). We evaluate ecological similarity by using large‐scale ecological data for niche‐based distribution modelling. Based on our analyses, we conclude that this complex has at least one additional species as well as confirm species delimitations based on previous less comprehensive approaches. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of genomic‐scale data for recognizing cryptic species, suggesting that species delimitation with one data type, whether one mitochondrial gene or morphology, may underestimate true species diversity in morphologically homogenous taxa with low vagility.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):227-241
Background: Although forest floor forms a large biomass pool in forested peatlands, little is known about its role in ecosystem carbon (C) dynamics.

Aim: We aimed to quantify forest floor photosynthesis (P FF) and respiration (R FF) as a part of overall C dynamics in a drained peatland forest in southern Finland.

Methods: We measured net forest floor CO2 exchange with closed chambers and reconstructed seasonal CO2 exchange in the prevailing plant communities.

Results: The vegetation was a mosaic of plant communities that differed in CO2 exchange dynamics. The reconstructed growing season P FF was highest in the Sphagnum community and lowest in the feather moss communities. On the contrary, R FF was highest in the feather moss communities and lowest in the Sphagnum community. CO2 assimilated by the forest floor was 20–30% of the total CO2 assimilated by the forest. The forest floor was a net CO2 source to the atmosphere, because respiration from ground vegetation, tree roots and decomposition of soil organic matter exceeded the photosynthesis of ground vegetation.

Conclusions: Tree stand dominates C fluxes in drained peatland forests. However, forest floor vegetation can have a noticeable role in the C cycle of peatlands drained for forestry. Similarly to natural mires, Sphagnum moss-dominated communities were the most efficient assimilators of C.  相似文献   

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