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The Asmari Formation in Marun oilfield (south-west Iran), is about 440 m-thick marine carbonate succession with subordinate siliciclastic rocks, characterized by abundant benthic foraminifera (perforate and imperforate). Foraminiferal biostratigraphy indicates that this unit is Oligocene–Miocene in age. The distribution of benthic foraminifera and other components have led to the recognition of three siliciclastic and ten carbonate facies that were deposited in inner ramp (shoreline, tidal flat, restricted and open lagoon and shoal), middle and outer ramp sub-environments. Based on vertical facies trends, three third-order sequences in the Oligocene and three third-order sequences in the Miocene sediments have been identified. These depositional sequences are bounded by both type 1 and type 2 sequence boundaries. The transgressive systems tracts (TST) of sequences show deepening-upward facies trend with a gradual upward increase in perforate foraminifera, whereas the highstand systems tracts (HST) have a shallowing-upward facies trend and contain predominantly imperforate foraminifera. Deposition of these depositional sequences (DS) were controlled by both eustasy and tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   

Four gastropod genera are newly recorded from Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Qayen area, Eastern Iran. Based on the paleoecological interpretation of the faunal assemblage and especially on the newly identified gastropods, a shallow temperate marine environment is suggested for the fossil-bearing carbonate rocks. The gastropod assemblage shows a typically Tethyan composition comparable to those already reported from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation was deposited in the foreland basin in southwest Iran (Zagros Basin). The Zagros mountain belt of Iran, a part of the Alpine–Himalayan system, extends from the NW Iranian border through to SW Iran, up to the strait of Hormuz. The various facies of the Jahrum Formation were deposited in four main genetically related depositional environments, including: tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and open marine. These are represented by 14 microfacies. The Jahrum Formation represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp. Tidal flat facies are represented by fenestral fabric, stromatolitic boundstone and thin-bedded planes. Carbonate deposition in a shallow marine lagoon was characterised by wacke–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifer. The shoals are made up of medium- to coarse-grained skeletal and peloidal grainstone. This facies was deposited predominantly in an active high energy wave and current regime, and grades basinward into middle ramps facies are represented by wackestones–packstones with a diverse assemblage of echinoderm and large benthic foraminifers with perforate wall. Outer ramp facies consist of alternating marl and limestones rich in pelagic foraminifera. There is no evidence for resedimentation processes in this facies belt. The sequence stratigraphy study has led to recognition of three third-order depositional sequences.  相似文献   

In northern Shiraz (SW Iran), Lower Cretaceous carbonate was studied in detail. In this study, nine species of dasycladacea algae were classified. There are different species of dasycladacea algae which belong to seven different genera: Actinoporella, Cylindroporella, Dissocladela, Heteroporella, Neomeris, Salpingoporella, Trinocladus; one species of udoteaceae belongs to Bouenia; one species of acetabulariaceae belongs to Clypeina and the microproblematicum Coptocampylodon was also seen. Among the green algae, dasycladaceae and acetabulariceae are the most frequent and udoteaceans are rare in Zagros Mountains. The genus of Trinocladus is a new record for Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) in SW Iran.  相似文献   

The Padeha Formation in the Eastern-Alborz Mountains (northeast Iran) is an Early to Middle Devonian syn-rift succession. Siliciclastic rocks (conglomerates, sandstones, mudstones, and red paleosols) to non-marine carbonates (yellowish calcretes, dolocretes, stromatolites, and sandy bivalve packstone) associated with volcaniclastic rocks (basalts or andesites and tuffs) are present in this succession. Facies analysis led to the recognition of three facies associations that are deposited in three terrestrial environments (alluvial fan, distal fan, and palustrine/lacustrine). Its sedimentary fill pattern and association with mafic volcaniclastic rocks indicate that this formation is related to the initial phase of a rift basin (intracratonic rift). Paleosols of this formation are good indicators for recognition of paleoenvironmental factors (climatic changes from semi-arid to sub-humid with annual fluctuation, small and short gross-like vegetation cover, subaerial exposure, very shallow lake, volcanic source rocks, and early meteoric diagenesis).  相似文献   

In the present study three species of Miogypsinoides are described from the Oligocene–Miocene Asmari Formation of the Zagros Basin in the southwest of Iran. This is the explanation of the morphological recognition and distribution of Miogypsinoides complanatus, Miogypsinoides formosensis (Upper Oligocene, Chattian) and Miogypsinoides dehaartii (Lower Miocene, Aquitanian). Nepionic acceleration is the most important factor for recognition of Miogypsinoides species. Also it is applied in stratigraphic correlation. Examination of samples indicates a decreasing number of nepionic chambers (Mx) as time passes so M. dehaartii with Mx < 10 belong to the Aquitanian age. The study of microfacies shows that these species lived in an open marine environment with normal salinity and medium hydraulic energy in a middle ramp position.  相似文献   

Assessing the role that physical processes play in restricting microbial mat distribution has been difficult due to the primary control of bioturbation in the modern ocean. To isolate and determine the physical controls on microbial mat distribution and preservation, a time in Earth’s history must be examined when bioturbation was not the primary control. This restricts the window of observation primarily to the Precambrian and Cambrian, which precede the development of typical Phanerozoic and modern levels of bioturbation. Lower Cambrian strata of the southern Great Basin, United States, record the widespread development of seafloor microbial mats in shallow shelf and nearshore settings. These microbial mats are recorded by wrinkle structures, which consist of millimeter-scale ridges and sinuous troughs that represent the former presence of a surface microbial mat. Wrinkle structures within these strata occur exclusively within heterolithic deposits of the offshore transition, i.e., between fair-weather wave base and storm wave base, and within heterolithic tidal-flat deposits. Wrinkle structures are not preserved in siltstone-dominated offshore deposits or amalgamated shoreface sandstones. The preservation of wrinkle structures within these environments is due to: (1) the development of microbial mats atop clean quartz-rich sands for growth and casting of the structures; and (2) the draping of the microbial mat by finer-grained sediment to inhibit erosion. The exclusion from offshore deposits may be due to a lack of sufficient sunlight, whereas the restriction from the shoreface is likely due to the amalgamation of proximal tempestites, resulting in the erosion of any incipient microbial mat development.  相似文献   

Sabrina Amodio 《Facies》2006,52(1):53-67
A high-resolution stratigraphic study, carried out on the carbonate platform strata of the San Lorenzello section (Matese Mountains, southern Italy), Valanginian–Hauterivian in age, has allowed to: recognise lithofacies and their associations; assign the lithofacies associations to specific environments and individuate early meteoric diagenetic modifications, recurring at specific horizons. In this frame the vertical variation of benthic foram diversity has been analysed. On the whole, foraminiferal genera diversity decreases from open to restricted marine environments. Moreover, a climatic control on carbonate sedimentation is suggested by a Milankovitch cyclicity organised in elementary cycles, bundles and superbundles as well as by diagenetic characteristics testifying that humid and arid conditions alternated during the Early Cretaceous times. The orbital cyclicity is also documented by foraminiferal diversity changes, even if some discrepancies between the lithofacies and the diversity locally occur. Therefore, the above diversity changes do not appear to provide sufficient information for the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of shallow-water carbonates.  相似文献   

The Paleocene–Eocene Taleh Zang Formation of the Zagros Basin is a sequence of shallow-water carbonates. We have studied carbonate platform, sedimentary environments and its changes based on the facies analysis with particular emphasis on the biogenic assemblages of the Late Paleocene Sarkan and Early Eocene Maleh kuh sections. In the Late Paleocene, nine microfacies types were distinguished, dominated by algal taxa and corals at the lower part and larger foraminifera at the upper part. The Lower Eocene section is characterised by 10 microfacies types, which are dominated by diverse larger foraminifera such as alveolinids, orbitolitids and nummulitids. The Taleh Zang Formation at the Sarkan and Maleh kuh sections represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp.

The deepening trends show a gradual increase in perforate foraminifera, the deepest environment is marked by the maximum occurrence of perforate foraminifers (Nummulites), while the shallowing trends are composed mainly of imperforate foraminifera and also characterised by lack of fossils in tidal flat facies.

Based on the facies changes and platform evolution, three stages are assumed in platform development: I; algal and coralgal colonies (coralgal platform), II; coralgal reefs giving way to larger foraminifera, III; dominance of diverse and newly developing larger foraminifera lineages in oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the depositional model and paleoenvironmental distribution patterns of orbitolinids-rich microfacies in an Upper Cretaceous carbonate succession in the Kuh-e Mazar anticline in Kerman Province, Central Iran. Twelve microfacies indicating a tidal flat (including intertidal and supratidal) and an inner ramp (consisting of subtidal lagoon and orbitolinid–rudist barrier shoal) belonging to a shallow-water ramp-type carbonate platform were recognised. Generally, the orbitolinid associations in the carbonate ramp are indicative of shallow warm waters with normal salinity. The occurrence and abundance of thick or conical orbitolinids in both shoal and lagoon show that such associations were well adapted to different environmental conditions including different depth, substrate stability and water energy. The slightly discoidal, almost discoidal and discoidal forms were only present in the deeper depths of the environment including the lagoon with muddy and more stable substrates and lower water energy. However, the orbitolinids in the inner part of the carbonate ramp were scarce or almost absent in the deep inner to middle lagoon due to the deep restricted environmental conditions unfavourable for benthic marine life.  相似文献   

Iranella inopinata gen. and sp. nov. was first described in the unpublished thesis of Gollestaneh (1965), as an incertae sedis from the Lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. More recently, the taxon was formally, although provisionally described by Hosseini and Conrad (Geol Croat 61:215–237, 2008), as a dasycladalean alga named Salpingoporella? inopinata. Here, based on the interpretation of quite-abundant although scattered fragments, it is assigned to Iranella, a large-sized, stalked, and capitulum-shaped new genus of Dasycladales. The lower, stalked part of the thallus is cylindrical, strongly calcified, with first-order laterals only, while the large capitulum is only partly calcified, showing one or two orders of laterals. Traces of cysts (reproductive organs) are present in the basal stalk, either in the stipe or the laterals. Iranella inopinata looks to be endemic to the southwestern part of the Tethyan realm, in the Zagros area and also south of the Persian Gulf. In the Zagros Mts., it extends from the Berriasian to the Aptian, with an Acme Zone in the Valanginian. Sequential interpretation proves the presence of this species in the late transgressive and early highstand stages of system tracts, and reveals a low-energy, restricted, lagoonal or back-reef depositional environment, in an inner-platform setting.  相似文献   

Summary The lithologic associations within the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation in Korea define four depositional facies that formed across a continental margin fringing the Sino-Korean block: these facies represent lagoonal/restricted marine, shoal, inner shelf, and outer shelf environments. The stacking pattern of these facies reveals two systems tracts composed of five depositional sequences. The lower highstand systems tract consists of the lagoonal/restricted marine and shoal facies, whereas the upper lowstand systems tract comprises, in ascending order, inner shelf, outer shelf, and inner shelf facies. Three trilobite biofacies are recognized in the Mungok Formation: i.e.,Yosimuraspis, Kainella, andShumardia biofacies in ascending order. TheYosimuraspis Biofacies is dominated byYosimuraspis but also containsJujuyaspis andElkanaspis. The predominance of the endemic eponymous taxon suggests a lagoonal/restricted marine environment. The nearly monotaxicKainella Biofacies, which comprises pandemic genera such asKainella and occasionallyLeiostegium, may represent a less restricted environment than theYosimuraspis Biofacies. TheShumardia Biofacies occurs in the marlstone/shale lithofacies through relatively thick stratigraphic interval and is dominated by cosmopolitan trilobite taxa with some endemic species. The lithofacies and cosmopolitan trilobite assemblage of theShumardia Biofacies indicate that it occupied an outer shelf environment. The vertical succession of lithofacies and trilobite biofacies in the Mungok Formation records in general a shift from a restricted, shallow water environment to deeper-water environment.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation at Baghak section, Kopet-Dagh area northeast Iran, characterized by multiple units of carbonates and evaporates intercalated with siliciclastic deposits, yielded benthic foraminifera, calcareous algae, and crustacean coprolites, including Alveosepta jaccardi, Charentia aff. nana, Deloffrella quercifoliipora, Marinella cf. lugeoni, Favreina, and Solenopora sp. The almost consistent occurrence of Alveosepta jaccardi in the studied section, i.e., the Alveosepta jaccardi Zone, indicates late Oxfordian to the Kimmeridgian in age. Facies analysis of the formation reveals depositional settings of a peritidal zone, a lagoon, and a high-energy shoal of a carbonate ramp. Terrigenous and evaporites are found in eastern parts of Kopet-Dagh, representing a more proximal sedimentary environment. These siliciclastic inputs are associated with tectonic events during Oxfordian to Tithonian in the region.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian shallow-water carbonate platform (Tarbur Formation) is described from outcrop in southwest Iran. It is characterised by eight microfacies types, which are dominated by larger foraminifera, rudist debris and dasycladacean algae. They are grouped into four distinct depositional settings: tidal flat, lagoon, barrier and open marine. The depositional settings include stromatolitic boundstone of tidal flat, peloidal dasycladacean miliolids wackestone and peloid bioclastic imperforate foraminifera wackestone of restricted lagoon, Omphalocyclus miliolids bioclast packstone–grainstone and miliolids intraclast bioclast packstone–grainstone of open lagoon, rudist bioclast grainstone of inner-platform shoals and rudist bioclast floatstone–rudstone and bioclastic wackestone of open-marine environments.

The facies and faunal characters are typical of a ramp-like open shelf. The lack of reef-constructing organisms resulted in a gently dipping ramp morphology for the margin and slope. On the basis of facies analysis, three depositional sequences (third order) are defined.  相似文献   

High-resolution biostratigraphy has been established on the basis of fossil ostracodes from cores of the Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling borehole-Songke 1 (south) (SK1(s)) in the Songliao Basin, northeast China. More than 80 species belonging to 13 genera have been identified and 15 ostracode assemblage zones have been recognized. On the basis of ostracode paleoecological analysis, paleoenvironments, for example lake levels and salinity, have been reconstructed. Two inferred deep-water phases occurred during the deposition of the lower Qingshankou and lower Nenjiang formations, whereas shallower water phases probably occurred during deposition of the upper Quantou and uppermost Qingshankou to Yaojia formations. The salinity of paleo-Songliao lake is interpreted as predominantly freshwater to oligohaline. Oligohaline to mesohaline water environments may have occurred during the first and middle third members of the Qingshankou formation and the lower first and lower second members of the Nenjiang formation.  相似文献   

Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two species of decapod crustacean are recorded from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian) of the Neuquén Basin of west‐central Argentina, namely Astacodes falcifer Bell and a new species of Palaeohomarus, P. pacificus. The preservation of the specimens is exceptional, some showing delicate compound eyes and a stridulatory apparatus, features rarely found in fossil forms. Many specimens are preserved articulated inside calcareous nodules, within dark‐grey shales. The lobster‐bearing sediments accumulated in a low‐energy marine environment and diagenetic mineralization occurred very rapidly, prior to significant decay, thus allowing exceptional preservation of specimens. Palaeohomarus was a rare genus in the Cretaceous with a palaeogeographic distribution restricted to the Mediterranean Tethys, the eastern USA and Madagascar, while Astacodes falcifer has been recorded only from Speeton (eastern England) and Neuquén.  相似文献   

Two new dinosaur tracksites are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation in the Sichuan Basin, Qijiang District of Chongqing. These are the Gaoqing-Yongsheng and the Huibu tracksites, which represent the 13th and 14th reports from this formation. The Gaoqing-Yongsheng tracksite reveals the trackway of a large biped (ornithopod) in association with isolated sauropod tracks and large indeterminate undertracks with radial cracks. These features are preserved as natural casts with pebble infillings in a coarse, cross bedded and very thick bedded sandstone sequence. The Huibu tracksite reveals isolated theropod tracks and ornithopod tracks, the latter having a quadripartite, Caririchnium-like morphology, preserved in a thin bedded sandstone sequence with intercalated mudstone.  相似文献   

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